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Patriots hire Jerod Mayo as new HC, Bills peaking, Are the Eagles deserving favorites over Bucs?

(00:00) Jerod Mayo hired as new Patriots HC
(22:25) Do the Eagles deserve to be favorites against the Buccaneers?
(33:12) Are the Bills peaking at the perfect time?
(38:35) Right move by Patriots to move on from Brady and Belichick?
(44:33) Upset Alert & Nick’s Picks for Super Wild Card Weekend
(58:17) Lions vs. Rams: Who wins on Sunday?
(01:03:36) Nick’s NBA Medals, Monday Morning Headlines

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Live from New York it’s the show that’s going to catch Mr Beast saying that we’re going to no we’re not yes we ate a thousand candy bars that’s not good what happened today the Patriots dynasty part two begins what’s next for America’s team and the future of Bill Bel H Eric

Manini is here meanwhile revenge is a dish best served cold but honestly it might be too cold for a Hill Revenge game I that wasn’t bad that was well done it was 12 GS a little far and finally a segment so hot my grandmother gave it up for dry January it’s upset alert

Alongside Nick Wright on Kevin Wilds Brew we had a little bit of a fight this morning you have to tell everybody we yes because you are so hot on upset aler and I also want to deliver the audience correct picks I said I would just follow

Your lead on upset alert piggy back on your upset alert and be like I and drive it home and you said I was not allowed to do that yeah you’re not and started to like ho your picks I thought right I H my yeah not for me you don’t even know

Now exactly because you’ll switch it you’ll switch it up you know what guys this week and if you count the Warriors Three uh we start with the AFC wild card dolphins are 4 and A2 Point underdogs in Kansas City on Saturday night on peacock don’t forget uh last matchup was in

Germany where the Chiefs won even though the offense was shut out in the second half neither quarterback threw for over 200 yards and it’s going to be polar vortex Chile may end up being one of the coldest games ever and honestly just say a cold number and someone is reporting

That’s what it’s going to beus 15 sure minus 30 yeah now our studio however oh what’s up buddy is room temperature yet you are wearing a famous first things first famous fleece I’ve worn this one other day in my life it also happened to

Be you know one of the best days of my life a great day in the history of the show except for the moment when Wilds got kicked off The Show for Eric Stone Street it was of course the chief’s parade this has been sitting hanging in the closet since then waiting for a

Special day to break it out and what better day then the day the eve of the postseason when I’m going to be asked foolish silly questions like this one can chances to a tongue of ioa outplays Patrick Mahomes in a playoff game in a playoff game and now listen I know brw

Says we don’t wave pom poms for anyone but we do on this show tend to wave pom poms for our own picks and I understand that’s tough for both of you because Brew is of course you know without a Super Bowl pick at this point because he

Abandoned his he abandoned his pick of the Eagles and Wilds claims to be with the Chiefs but when you pick them to lose outright to the Patriots and to Bengals which is why you got kicked off upset alert and when all of The Luminaries of Kansas City all of The Luminaries of Kansas

City have have absolutely what did they say excommunicated you from the kingdom I of course am the only one with a Super Bowl pick left standing and let me tell you this weekend I picked theing the Ravens to at least get there I’m talking about a winner I’m talking

About Super Bowl winner I’m talking about Super Bowl winner and so what we have here is a guy who’s never been in the playoffs but when he’s been in playoff adjacent scenarios has played his worst football and we can show you that and he is going up against a guy

Who not only has been in the playoffs and the reason those are playoff adjacent scenarios I should say week 17 2020 was a win in your in week 17 2021 was a win that week and the next week in you’re in week 17 this year against

Baltimore was for the one seed and last week was of course for the two seed and they’re all losses all poor games so let’s see how Patrick Mahomes Brew does in the postseason always the best ever and so then you ask this question wait has Patrick Mahomes ever been outplayed

In a playoff game by the opposing quarterback and the answer is yes once the Super Bowl against Tom Brady that’s the only game of his career where the opposing quarterback outplayed him and so how has Patrick Mahomes some might argue Josh the game where Patrick Mahomes won had more yards had more

Touchdowns had more rushing yards unless you just I don’t remember what the stats were when Brady beat him in the AFC title game Brady had two picks Mahomes had none momes had more yards momes had 12 rating Brady had like 74 so so since that one moment no the

Argument would be some would argue burrow in the AFC title game Mahomes lost but burrow actually didn’t play that great in that game so the answer is it’s happened once since then since the one time Mahomes was outplayed how’s he done oh he’s been even better the only

Loss is that overtime AFC title game so Brew I apologize for being long-winded here but the answer is of course unequivocally absolutely not and I might just you listen while I won’t be in Kanas City this weekend this would feel quite warm even a negative 20° weather

But maybe we’ll break this out again here in about a month but go ahead I disagree with that but I very well lined feel it’s very well made after this little display of arrogance and bombast what I hate to say this oh he agrees well Nick is right thank you it’s

Slim to none I’m not going none just in in by the chance you know Any Given Sunday who knows but slim to none okay it’s not just we could sit here you already showed us how great Mahomes is in the playoffs but I could just talk

About how bad to has been against good teams this year or at least playoff teams all right look at these numbers one and five but everything passing yards is even close 60 yards per pass where he was one of the best absolutely best in the league one of the best in

The league but terrible not terrible but mediocre uh against good teams Ted interceptions six games you got six picks and only seven touchdowns you see the passer rating so Tua is an entirely different quarterback against these good teams all right but then there’s more oh in his five coldest games of his career

And this is going to be one of the five well this will be this might be number one this right now might be the second NFL history right yeah go he is he is 0 and five with five touchdowns and seven interceptions yeah in the cold heck

Anything below 70 and he’s 6 and 13 70 70 it is what it is I’m just I’m just giving you the facts so look no Tua is not going to outplay uh momes and throw on top of just the quarterbacks throw on top of that the fact that Kansas City’s defense

Is better it’s healthier they get to the quarterback more now barely cuz Miami got to the quarterback too but they’re missing a bunch of their Edge rushers namely Bradley chub and so momes has struggled with pressure this year y but if they I don’t they going to be to get

To him can can I add to that just real quick so yeah so listen you’re right momes uh hiso everybody’s passer rating drops massively when they’re pressured so but momes historically has been one of the best measured against other quarterbacks when pressured you understand what I mean like it this year

He he has not been that at all Tua this year against League average when pressured is actually doing fine but his the potency of of the offense falls off entirely cuz it’s all timing it’s it’s all timing and so he goes from one of the most threatening quarterbacks in the

League to just fine when pressured and I think your Point’s the important one because of the injuries because Miami literally has three active Edge rushers who were not on active NFL rosters a month ago Melvin Ingram former Chief Justin Houston former Chief and Bruce Irvin those three guys are all going to

Be playing this weekend I just don’t think they’re going to be able to get the pressure and the Chiefs for the second straight year have been one of the most effective teams in the league at sacking the opposing quarterbacks and getting PR there’s really no reason to

Believe two is going out playing there’s no fact you’re so confident makes me want to be like well go wild you’ve literally been picking against them all year what did I write what did you write none none none you were slim to none so I’m even more confident there the one

Graphic Josh made was uh ranks this season rushing if we think it’s going to be so cold you can’t even hold the ball or catch the ball are you worried at all uh that the Dolphins are first in yards per rush or do you think that’s just

Without the Deep threat of Tyreek that they’re a less potent uh rushing team so I do think they are going to be less potent under these circumstances and we’ll talk about this more when the when we talk Tyreek but I think one of the reasons they’ve been so dominant running

The ball is because they are facing lighter boxes because teams are so terrified of Tyreek and Wadd in this weather with this wind and these conditions I don’t think you’re going to have to be that concerned with the Deep ball I don’t know in gusting winds if

Tua can throw it 30 yards down the field maybe nobody can right I I’m not saying Ms is like I I listen Mahomes has a stronger arm than Tu aong but it’s a game that’s just like we can’t we’re not throwing and I don’t think I think the

Buffalo game might be like that where the winds are so bad I don’t think the winds are going to be you know that bad in this game but I think they’ll affect it I also think that Miami is has one games this year and I think one of the

Reasons that their run numbers are where they are is when they have gotten big leads throwing the ball they’ve then been able to Salt games away on the ground and they have so much speed I just I don’t I look at them as an odd running team because they are a finesse

Running team they’re a Zone running team they’re not a power running team which is typically what I think you would want Brew in these types of conditions and against this Chief’s defense like Derrick Henry would scare me in these conditions even though the Titans running game was not

As effective no they’re they’re they’re an odd running team as you said but I think the formula for them to win is going to be to have to run the ball yeah and if hopefully that’ll loosen things up a little bit for Tyreek if you’re a

Dolphins fan and then they can do some things but La they did run against them in the first game five and a half yards per carry over 100 yards so they could be effective you don’t think that Miami can sort of power and push and fight they’re break

Dancing and break dancing is a is not a winter sport oh it’s not it’s not unless you’re inside in a gym or at the club or something like that no got it I didn’t know that I he not a win when the last time you saw somebody break dancing in

Snow decades or freezing weather I haven’t seen anyone break dancing anywhere except for this studio in the last 10 years hey they shout out to the break boys last match up Tyreek gave the ball to the Chiefs defense for a strippin score costing the Dolphins the game here’s Tyreek on facing his old

Team I haven’t text mahom since they beat um and uh I text Kelsey he still hasn’t text me back he’s probably still on his Taylor swi thing but um yeah man those guys are too famous for me now I guess okay there you go I told you guys

He’s sad s think so he seems like I think he’s a little wistful I do I I I do because and here’s the thing am I scared of Tyreek Hill of jet sweeps for sure I’m scared of like the ball in his hands he’s the one of the scariest

Players in league history he’s one of the most dynamic players in league history I think these conditions in particular plus Tyreek had already had an ankle injury to a threw him that hospital ball that seemed to result in the quad injury which popped up on the injury report he didn’t fully practice

All week it’s going to be tough conditions so I don’t think the conditions are I would be If You Were Somehow playing Tyreek Hill in the Super Bowl in a dome in perfect weather it’d be the scariest player on the field I think in this game he’s as unscary

That’s not the word I apologize as Tyreek Hill can be which is still somewhat scary but the point that I that I was saying earlier in the week and I think you’re seeing it here it you’re not hearing the same type of comments you’ve heard from Tyreek that’s good

Point you call at any point and Tyreek all you know right when he got there most accurate quarterback ever this season best offense I’ve ever been a part of going into the first game you’re going to get that work heard none of it right now I do think some of the

Confidence has been Stripped Away from this Dolphins offense from even one of the most confident players rightous righteously confident in league history in Tyreek Hill I think he’s confident in himself he’s just realized I mean we are what we are which is a pretty good team

A finesse team and we’re not going to beat the big boys all right I think that’s all it is I don’t think he’s wistful sure everybody would love to keep playing for Super Bowls and all that but individually as I said individually he’s gotten more recognition and shine not that he didn’t

Get any in Kansas City but he’s gotten more in in Miami we weren’t ever talking about him as an MVP candidate in Kansas City we weren’t ever even talking about him as a top five receiver that’s can I ask you a question I didn’t mean to interrupt you I apologize um okay let’s

Just but so now that he’s gotten that do you think if he could orchestrate a trade back there this offseason he would because I do like now that he’s gotten it it’s like hey I’m great even without him and I got my contract that I would and I understand it’s the weather and

All that I I so that’s I would if I were him I wouldn’t do it for $17 million right if it depends on the money contract I’m saying his contract is already signed you rather play for the Chiefs of course absolutely always wanted to play for the Chiefs that’s the

I guess my point is that is we’re all saying that now I don’t think that was the conventional wisdom week five here’s what five it was this is the best offense two of might win MVP Tyreek is going to have 2,000 yards right like I

Mean that was that that’s I mean I I look I don’t think he made a mistake I’m not saying he made a mistake I think he did the right thing go get your money you got your Super Bowl now you’re actually doing better individually so

Far as should they be scared of him no and I look I I’m big on this you guys obviously no this how you do against the best teams all right everybody can go out there and score 30 against the Pistons you even handicap the games against the Pistons right so against the

Great teams Tyreek has two touchdowns in six games against playoff teams no games over 100 yards I’m not saying Tyreek can’t get it done against these good teams I’m saying good teams know how to defend him better and it’s on Tua Tua more so than Tyreek and so no and it’s

Especially under these conditions and we not going to be we shouldn’t move past this conversation without going P without mentioning the name of pro bowl and All Pro snub lerus Sneed who has done better than any player in the league at stopping the opposing team’s number one receivers throughout the year

The only number one receiver that had anything close to their regular performance was God Dogg it I I think it was Devonte Adams in the second game or maybe the first game whatever it was everyone else he has slowed down and so you have you have him on the outside and

An actual allpro Corner Trent McDuffy in the slot so the Chiefs are you know they traded away Tyreek and the first round pick they used was a guy who’s now an allpro in the secondary who might be matched up on Tyreek times with safety help I the Chiefs are just set up better

Than almost any team in the league to deal with him yeah uh Patriots have executed the bill bellich succession plan seamlessly by hiring longtime assistant gerod Mayo craft openly discussed Mayo as bel’s air apparent before the season uh here’s his playing and coaching resume he won a Super Bowl

Uh with the Patriots Super Bowl 49 he’s two-time pro bowler eight seasons as Patriots linebacker he’s been assistant coach linebackers coach you know it’s a little bit odd because belich is not big on titles but he was kind of the the coach in Waiting Brew do you like this

Hire you know I said a few days ago that I think they should just clean house completely of anything related to bich but I’ve changed my mind after looking more into Gerard Mayo the dude is impressive now I know we don’t we’ll see we have no idea whether he’ be a great

Coach but as an individual I mean he was an a leader immediately on that team as a r i mean this is a a team that’s won Super Bowls and he goes in there as a rookie and becomes a locker room leader almost immediately the coaches respected

Him almost immediately he sat in on coaching meetings when he was a player like all he’ll have the players respect and I think looking at the type of individual he is he’s obviously his own man that he will take the best or at least attempt to take the best of belich

But also do his own thing as well I like to see him go get you know like a a Matt lefu Shawn McVey Ben Johnson like a hot young offensive coordinator not those specific like something the next whatever whoever the next guy is like

That and then I I think it it’ll be good and I also throw this out we’re seeing players that played you know not too long ago come in the league now as head coaches and they’re all doing well Dem o Ryan Dan Campbell Antonio Pierce is

Probably not GNA get that job but you know he puted himself well he should get that job yeah yeah I mean maybe after they the dust clears he will but he obviously he showed that he looks like he’s a good coach I don’t count Jeff Saturday just because he had no

Preparation you see been uh somebody somebody tweeted that the best hires these days are either nerds or linebackers and I was like you know what I think you might be right to Ryan Tonio Pierce D mayo and then a bunch of guys who came up kind of you know on the

Analytic side or like the Mike McDaniel typ go Rael lineer a linebacker yeah goad so yeah I think it’s good got fired so it’s an odd one to throw bunch of guys in the playoffs no thinks he’s not a good coach uh so obviously I’m optimistic uh I think it’s

I love the idea of having a guy who’s won a Super Bowl as a player and then you’ve groomed him to take over the team I think it’s very similar to what the Yankees did with Joe Tori where it’s like Joe gerardi won three World Series

Hey can you sit here you know what it’s like as a player now you know what it’s like to manage the team you take over and then you win Another World Series so I think that’s great I also like this the different ways in which the Patriots have handled the departure of a

Legend Bill belich leaves craft says good news we’ve been planning on this for a while in less than 24 hours Gerard Mayo is the leader of the team when Tom Brady left pushed out maybe he wanted to leave his house was for sale whatever it is we

Had no idea what we were doing we said ah Cam Newton we got Cam Newton like shocked wow we got cam new nope that didn’t work let’s draft M Jones that seems like it’s going to go work but we don’t set him up to succeed and he turns

Out to be very fond of throwing the ball to the opponents so that fell down and then belich if he wanted to stay which is rumors he wanted another crack at re jump jump starting the team yeah I so I like the way it’s hard to predict the

Future obviously but I like the way that this has been handled in 20 hours that’s fair all right so if I just may give the Counterpoint a bit quickly here the listen I I have no reason to believe Gerard Mayo is good bad and different

Coach I did think that the way he was talked about as a player reminded me of the way I I was in Houston when Deo Ryan was a player covering the Texans a lifetime ago it feels like and people were like oh he’ll be an NFL head coach

One day and it seems like that’s the way people talked about mayo and so that you you are optimistic in that regard but any first-time head coach there’s questions my concern especially after reading this very well done long form Seth Wickersham uh don van and Wright Thompson peace on

ESPN about the end here is some of this was the crafts most notably Jonathan replacing the most powerful experienced voice in the NFL with the youngest least experienced coach there is so all that other power Falls at the feet of the crafts most notably the younger craft and I’m always skeptical

Of that and so I do there is you you have replaced a guy who was your head coach GM and deao team president for 20 some years with it all those jobs have to be replaced now and instead of hiring someone who at least has held one of

Them for it it’s first time everything so it doesn’t mean he won’t be a good coach but I do think that there are this next era of Patriot football is going to be very interesting to watch how much Robert’s involved how much his son Jonathan crafts involved and how much

Power Gerard Mayo has no matter how good he is or isn’t on game day so that would be my that’s interesting I mean the question is does the coach GM combo work outside of Bill belich probably not but does having the owner’s kid be the deao GM work usually

Not usually not I think we’re going to get GM too maybe uh coming up speaking of Fame Sunday perhaps next on Fox Sports and Fox Sports channel on Ser 6m draftking sports book an official sports betting partner of the NFL playoffs is bringing you an offer that’ll help make

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Head into Dallas as touchdown underdogs Sunday on Fox the Cowboys have won 16 straight games at home and Dak is feeling optimistic take a listen the players around me the coaches the the system that that we’ve we’ve created um the the culture that this team has uh it’s not it’s not just about

How I feel about myself but it’s it’s about these other guys the confidence that they give me I should say um yeah I don’t know if I’ve had this this much confidence or a greater greater feel than I have with this offense with this team um with our approach and and how

We’re going to go and take care of things okay any chance Dallas Falls flat bro any at all Dallas or Dak any let’s go with Dak D since it says it I like to keep on your to he’s the quarterback of the team talking talking about I’m doing that any chance Dak

Falls flat and we did Dallas yesterday I said no they’re not bringing an FG game um I I don’t think Dak Falls flat Dak obviously has been fantastic at home and the only time he’s had a bad playoff game was against San Francisco he’s had mediocre ones but bad is just against

The ners and this Packers defense I think is Taylor Made for him they give up a lot in the middle of the field and that’s where he feasts that’s where CD lamb feasts to yeah I mean I think CD is gonna be big I think coach the if I

Don’t think he’s going to have a bad game but I think the formula for Green Bay is run the ball with Aaron Jones which he’s been doing great lately correct and eat up the clock and limit The Possession for Dak and you got to

Stop him on a few of them and then if it’s close you hope that clock management becomes an ISS or even Dak makes a mistake late in the game but I think Cowboy going to roll in this yeah I’m with you I this is the defense that

Gave Bryce young a career day that gave Baker Mayfield a career day and then watching watching the way that Dallas handled the commanders they they couldn’t be happier with that and and look I was the biggest proponent of this game being a cautionary tale and he goes

In there he only has five incompletions he throws four touchdowns he’s got 125 quarterback rating in a game they had to win win on the road all the things were in place for them to be the same old Cowboys and they weren’t so now he has a

Chance to go back home with they’re really good and he’s playing really well too I watched some of that commander game on the all 22 making good decisions positioning the ball really well all those things are are encouraging and when you look at at Green Bay Jordan

Loves doing some some good things play well he has but he takes a lot of chances and and this is a defense that really capitalizes on quarterbacks that are willing to take chances and usually when they capitalize it’s not just a turnover it’s a turnover and then points

So I could see this game potentially getting out of hand more because love making mistakes than anything and I want to give Jordan love credit because that he hasn’t the last couple months made mistakes got like 18 touchdowns to one pick in his last seven eight games he’s

Been really good lately and I think after a shaky start he now I mean he had a better first year taking over for a legend than Rogers did when he took over for Favre he and he obviously had a the Packers this year had a better year than

The Jets it I know we were going to kind of be measuring them against each other so he deserves credit for that but it’s a clean sweep we all expect the Cowboys and Dak to play really well this weekend which is why if they don’t it’s a

Seismic event so I want I want to show you th this is now the third straight year coach the Cowboys have won a dozen or more games so I want to show you the teams who have done that since the merger and we’ll go from the bottom up

So the dolphins with Marino you know right when he got there won an MVP they made a Super Bowl the Cowboys had a dynasty when they did it the ners never made a Super Bowl when they did it but they had just won the Super Bowl the

Year before and then Steve Young retired due to concussions the Broncos won a couple Super Bowls the Eagles at least went to NFC title game every single year and to a Super Bowl the Colts did it seven times in a row they made two Super Bowls 1-1 the Broncos during Payton’s

Time made two Super Bowls when they did this the Patriots made eight in AOW row they obviously went to in that time let me do the math here five Super Bowls 1 three the Saints didn’t go to one but they already had the Packers didn’t go

To one and then Rogers left the Chiefs are in the midst of it and then the Cowboys so if the Cowboys all those teams either had been to a Super Bowl or you know what I mean or went to it during it if the Cowboys in the midst of

It go first round out second round out first round out then it’s a seismic event that I think will necessitate seismic change and the change is and listen I I think the Cowboys are going to go to the Super Bowl so I’m not here firing Mike McCarthy but if they were to

Lose this game if Dak Falls flat dak’s not going to be the one who pays the price McCarthy’s the one who’s going to pay the price go ahead and say it I just said it McCarthy’s the one who will pay the price no what are they I don’t like

This what are the Cowboys well this would just be second rounder bus bro I thought you were trying to fin what are the Cowboys the bust is Mike mcarthy yeah yeah that’s fine instead of arguing with the thing I just I I the only person in

The world who can make me soften a take is coach when he’s sitting right next to me and I’m talking about coaches because it feels personal but do you do you understand where I’m coming from that if this team under these circumstances loses a home game like this that that is

The type of thing where you see the shocking news this coach got fired yeah I don’t think it would be that shocking I don’t I I don’t think if you lose this game that that for Jerry Jones to turn around say this team’s really good this team has achieved so much during the

Regular season and then we go into the playoffs against a team that squeaked into the playoffs with the youngest roster in the league and a bunch of kids against against what should be a a veteran experienced tested team and you lose I could see that easily being a

Situation where where he makes a change and do you think it’s a bich call I don’t know if it’s a if it’s a bellich call it could be a Dan Quinn call I mean they well that’s the other thing they could promote from where you could look

Falls apart like Dan Quinn that would well if they play really well on defense and and don’t play well on offense you blame promote Quinn if belich wouldn’t want the job you could do that I’d bring belich in right now right now yeah outside consulting or just to add $10

Million consultant just for the playoffs $10 million1 million for bills not getting him off his he’s talking about just for the playoff right now oh for the playoff for the playoff it’s a great idea coach you might get him off the you can win peel another Super Bowl uh Tampa

Eagles are favored by a field goal even though they’ve lost five their last six the roster is riddled with injuries and oh my gosh is this true what I’m sorry we don’t have a breaking news bar up AJ Brown deleted his Twitter and Instagram oh man he didn’t no he didn’t delete his

Instagram he deleted the Eagles from his Instagram and then deleted his Twitter can you check that yeah guys are deleting their Instagrams yeah oh man it’s serious I’m sorry is serious that is a big deal yeah what about his Tik Tok give me a break I think it’s big it’s something it

Is the silliest silliest reaction to when there’s a stress in your professional life I’m going to unfollow Nick on Instagram right now want to see those pictures of your kids out of play you think Kevin that for a lot of people that does have significance I

Guess so it’s just not for people of certain age but for a lot of people young fol do the Eagles deserve to be favorites and watch out coach you’re on the verge bro I’ll mute you um no Bas okay I’m not flat footed okay no but I’m going say

Yes yes I mean Tampa is not that good they they I mean they had a little bit of trouble with Carolina last week the worst team in the league and jaylen’s not the only quarterback hurt he’s playing but he’s banged up Baker’s banged up and Philly is just the better

Team now like I said there’s no base but I think they should be faithful trouble yeah so I I don’t think right right now I do not think and I understand it’s the playoffs so you only can play playoff teams right now I would not favor Philadelphia on the road against any

Team in the league but Carolina I guys we I mean who who else do they need to play for they’re down 24 nothing to the Giants in a game they need where they’re playing their starters like the so yeah no I don’t think they deserve the paper T I want to

Show you one thing coach before you go uh the Jaylen so these these four quarterbacks were blitzed more than any four quarterbacks in the league golf love and Josh Allen handled it relatively well well Jaylen did not and then look at the blitz doesn’t mean you necessarily get home it just means

You’re Blitz and look at the bottle the Blitz the Blitz the Blitz more than anyone in the league but the Vikings and Giants so that’s a recipe for jayen struggling and his fingers hurt I am worried about Baker’s injuries but I think M I think that with Mike uh

Mike Evans carving up the Eagles secondary Bakers needs to Chuck it down there but can he get it down there like I no I mean I think doctor yeah I mean I think have to get to him I just felt like such a bad friend last week because

I got you to put an extra toe in the water and it felt like a shark came in and bit your foot off and I’m like hey sorry BR sorry about that but to watching that game and how they responded in in a game that they were

Trying to win against a team that showed so much more character than they had was beyond disappointing and going into the playoffs on that type of momentum it’s hard to imagine that they’re favorite it’s hard to started December Herz is 1 and5 Baker 5- one you’re coming a bake

Show oh how about that I no one saw no comment the bills hitting their stride next Baker beating Bru Super Bowl pick is going to be one of my favorite moments of my life Steelers headed up to a very windy Buffalo where the bills are favored by 10 points Buffalo has won

Five in a row and they host Pittsburgh who have won three in a row on their own here’s Josh Allen you want to peek at the right time um I think this this football team we we’ve still got our best ball to play but we’re turning in the right direction

Um you know and we’re we’re very fortunate to to be playing another game there’s a lot of a lot of teams that aren’t in the playoffs a lot of guys that are um you know not practicing today um so this is a a very inspired group right now um we just love that

We’re able to come in here and and do what we’d love to do sure uh Allen this season has a 10-point favorite all wins so that’s glass half full if you want to look at glass half empty the New England win was not great uh the Chargers win

Was not great big show was close Giants are not a good the Giants game was a bad game too uh so are the Bills peeking at the perfect time you’re pointing at Brew yeah they’re not they’re not peing now they’ve won five straight but like you

Said I mean the Chargers game the last two wins have not been or two of the last three what have not been impressive but on the bright side they’re winning with Josh Allen not playing his greatest football now I know people raved about some of the things he did last week the

Last five games he’s got five touchdown passes five interceptions now he’s run for six TDS but we’re talking about throwing the ball he’s made some mistakes and they found ways to win and the defense has held down Kansas City Dallas to just 10 points even if it’s on

The road still holding him to 10 points is impressive and so again even if they were playing great I still would be like so like they’re the ultimate coach to me the ultimate I’ll believe it when I see it team so I’m always going to whatever game they

Enter I’m going to be wondering are they going to be the great Buffalo or are they going to be the Trashy Buffalo so I mean trashy yeah that’s the only word I can think what are you wearing when we when we won our first super bow we weren’t the Trashy probably

People thought that when we went on for Super Bowl we were five and five and so after that point we we didn’t lose another game in the regular season end up going on and winning the Super Bowl and during that run there were a lot of

Games that we won in different ways but we figured out a way to win and that’s what Buffalo’s done as well and I think that’s actually a good thing because they don’t have to just rely on Josh Allen and Josh Allen has the potential at any game to be unbelievable but

They’re not only relying on them I think one of the interesting things is during their six losses they lost three three of those games in the final two-minute during the bye they really started focusing on two-minute offense two-minute defense they put a lot of different things in and they tried some

Different things and during this run there were three games they could have lost in the final two minutes that they ended up winning so they addressed a significant problem to me which which is is really encouraging so with Josh Allen having the potential to be Superman at

Any point that’s great but they haven’t had to rely on him being Superman down this run and there’s been a lot of times where he’s been Clark Kent and they’ figured out a way to win yeah so I agree with what Bruce said they peaked in week

14 and 15 beating the Chiefs and then the shutting and shutting down the Cowboys the last three weeks two of those games they played poorly outright the Charger game and the Patriot game and I thought the Dolphins game they played pretty poorly for big stretches

Of it and the punt return flipped it and credited them for finding a way to win I would though would be very nervous if I were them right now for one reason and one reason only the wind so I I know that sounds silly it’s like both teams

Have to play in it but so they’re they’re talking about there being gusts of up to 50 mil an hour and the reason I mentioned that is we have a very odd for this team coach I that’s like Tuesday in Buffalo but no no no it’s not it’s no no

No I promise it’s not that that the the people on the ground that were talking about that this is being even by their sen extreme event but the reason I mention it is this specific team let’s go to the bills couple years ago with this quarterback we saw them play the

Same team three times in a 6- we stretch one time in Wild windy conditions the other two times in just normal snowy cold weather Jones can you can you guess which game well it says wind game so I guess the mystery but the point that I’m making is

That was Josh Allen playing his best football against the exact same team no different injuries no anything and the conditions were the difference between him averaging over 300 100 yards and four touchdowns and a game they lost 14 to 10 so the reason I say that is the

Bills have no reason to lose to Mason Rudolph correct no reason to lose to a little bit though I get that the bills absolutely should win this game I’m going to pick them to win this game but if you’re a huge favorite playing a team that needs something weird to happen having wild

Weather conditions is not is is what the underdog not the favorite one okay but what about two of what do you mean well isn’t that the word like the huge favorite and team that needs something weird to happen to needs something weird to happen I like it wild I like

Where they’re coming up in nine short minutes it’s the hottest segment in all sports brew has gotten 10 upset alerts right this year and Nick Clean Slate he starts another hot streak eight and five in the postseason against the spread uh talking about America’s team the New England Patriots

Bel Che is out Gerard Mayo is in took about 24 hours for the pat rots to execute a seamless succession plan that has been in the works for months if not Years also today Don vadas Seth wiam and Wright Thompson dropped an opus saying in part the beginning of the end of

Belich May have been Brady’s Super Bowl win with the Bucks Bill had told me he couldn’t play anymore craft said privately afterward and then he goes out and wins the silly Super Bowl uh coach we’ve got about six minutes for this segment can you please sum up the last 24 years of Bel

Legacy and the next 10 with this exploitive uh rant about Brady Super Bowl in Tampa ball is yours I completely understand the rant I completely understand the frustration on Mr Craft’s part I think there was the the same thing with Jimmy Garoppolo I don’t think

That he wanted to make a move with with Tom at that point and and he didn’t and they moved on from Jimmy but I think there was some pressure there to move on from Tom uh Tom at that time and so so now you’re in this situation where they

They collectively decide that they’re going to what was that I forget the terminology amicably part ways yeah there how did that actually go in your opinion I thought that was the least emotional press conference I’ve ever seen in my life hey we’ve been together 24 years and it’s there was Zero emotion

And how many you thought was fake cuz Brew you liked it you thought ites for for what I thought could have been ugly I I mean 24 years and six Super Bowls and all that success and and they have that press conference like okay see you

Later so I I mean I I was trying to ask how do you like what do you think went down that bill wanted to stay and Robert said yeah I I would imagine bill would want to stay he’s got two of his kids there he’s got a chance to to break the

All-time record he loves the the area I mean that’s that’s his home and and he’s built something incredibly special and I’m sure he wanted to see it through and it got to the point where they decide to make a change but now what change do he

Make so you go and get Gerard mayo and gerro played there and he coached there so the only thing he knows is the Patriot Way very different than if you go get Mike Rabel who played there and understands the the tradition and the environment and the expectations in the

Patriots way but he’s been to Ohio State he’s been to Houston he’s been to Tennessee he’s been a head coach he brings A New Perspective to the organization in my mind this is a way to keep what they liked what what the crafts liked but also take control of the organization again

And now you going to have a GM in place ownership will have so much more power but you still able to keep elements of it but it’s not it’s not going to be different he doesn’t know anything besides the Patriot Way so how could it be that different outside of a few

Personality related well I was saying he I think he’s got to take the best of Bill and then do some things his own way he seems like his own man okay let me just so I don’t mean to interrupt you but I had two football fathers I had

Bill bich and Bill par ourselves and when I became a head coach my thought process was how why should I do anything different these guys have had incredible success that formula obviously works and and we all are influenced by by our parents and and it took me a while to

Realize I could do those things but I also needed to do them my own way now whether or not Gerard will be comfortable doing that right away I don’t know it’s all he’s known is this environment he seems like he’s a guy that like I read that his rookie year he

Went in there and he would go to bellich and say look the veterans are worn out this week they need a break and sometimes belich would actually soften practice so I mean I I think I hear what you’re saying but I think he’ll he he should be smart enough I mean I’m sure

He is smart enough to look at how the bellich um a lot of the coaches have g g done just doing it belich che’s way and and I also think he’ll look at the new like I I think he’s got got to go get like a Shawn McVey type Ben Johnson type

Uh you know off the question M so that’s my concern is there is that by bringing in a firsttime head coach he doesn’t have like the people he’s worked with or the relationships or the staffs in place before like that’s why I’m not saying there’s a bad hire wilds and I and I

Like the idea of former players getting more opportunities I think that’s a positive step and they you’re right the early returns are pretty promising I just think this is a hell of an ask for a team that I would argue has the least offensive talent in the league and does

And has a pretty Barren offensive coaching staff yeah to now ask the youngest head coach in the league a firsttime head coach who’s on the defensive side of the ball to rebuild the Patriots offense like that part would concern me if I were I mean the

The simple answer is can we get some awesome players not just good players I can we get some awesome players and like let’s go from there yeah but that’s not unique to New England though Kevin that’s if you get awesome players you’re going to be okay like he’s got to get

The quarterback thing figured out we had like just like one awesome player what awesome player a lot of teams like I like all pro came out oh no uh yeah all pro All Pro came out today there’s a lot of teams with like several awesome

Players it would be cool if we had like one guy Jersey like 94 ners like several Chiefs uh he also has a long Runway I think I’m okay winning five games next year live from New York it’s the show that’s interested in Drake May it’s the second hour of first things first today

Why one person here has the Eagles on upset alert what the Super Bowl Runner UPS uh meanwhile how the Lions plan on ruining Stafford’s homecoming game but right now we’re talking about the AFC wild card the Dolphins head into Kansas City where there’s going to be a polar

Vortex uh Saturday night Brew is there anything my Kansas City Chiefs can do to make you believe again make other teams scary or have other teams be scared of them I guess a healthy respect is there or or I should say a respect and a healthy fear like you know momes Reed

That defense like I got the Ravens but you know you you respect what the Chiefs has done and that they’re dangerous but fear them like in the past they would have to go out and really put 30 some 30 to 40 points 40 points in the vortex 30

To four I I would have to see the air game cuz if they win just the defense holds down Miami Pacho and Clyde Edwards hair you know run the ball Mahomes makes a few plays and it’s 24 to 14 or something that that’s not going to make

Me think they’re back I need to kind of see something to make me think oh the receivers are catching the ball M they’re getting downfield some something to make me think the old Kansas City offense is there yeah what would make me think that they were scary again is ends

Of being a shootout and they can match Miami point for point if the receivers can can consistently not only catch the ball but also create some some some offensive excitement and some production that we really haven’t seen throughout the course of the year it can’t just be

A function of where’s Travis Kel throw the ball to Travis Kelce Travis Kelce scores like that it’s been that’s been the formula and and to this point really Patrick’s been okay okay at best at best but to see the the Patrick that we’ve been so used to and anywhere close to

That level of Play Starting here in the playoffs instantly they become one of the most dangerous if not the most dangerous team in the playoffs so they’re going to get that version of momes in round two cuz that’s what they’re going to need round two against Buffalo and buffalo in the first Career

Road playoff game in insane environment is going to be a momes Over My Dead Body game that’s the way they win that game I bet there is something you didn’t say brew that could happen in this game to make them scary because here’s the thing about the Chiefs in a

Shootout the only shootout the Chiefs have played in two years is the Super Bowl the Chiefs have only allowed 30 points in one game The Last 34 times they’ve played the Super Bowl so like the Chiefs getting in shootouts hasn’t happened since tyreq was there last year

They scored a ton but the shootouts weren’t happening because the defense was good this year they’re not scoring a ton and the defense is great but here’s what I think would happen that would make the Chiefs scary because in the conditions and given the state of this

Offense I don’t think they’re going to score 30 plus if they in this game they have zero drops and one a awesome mvs catch that would be good I think that if because drops do feel a little Yips in that they come in bunches they’re mental and because we’re now talking about such

Small samples like the numbers we’re talking about like wow the Chiefs wide receivers lead it’s the most drops in 10 years 28 on the year it’s like so we’re talking about one and a half a game is what the numbers are and so and they’ve been devastating by the way I’m not

Acting like they’re not my point is is that in the big moments all that stuff but that also means it’s just a couple things that need to not happen for you to feel like oh maybe we’re okay now so I think if the Chiefs had a game which

Is okay but we’ve been waiting for those couple things to not happen over and over again and as much as we say oh but the next week next week against Buffalo that’s when it’s going to happen no no no I agree with you which is why I’m

Saying if that happens this week it makes them scary I’m not saying it’s happening this week I’m saying if this week they were to have no drops and MBS makes one big play like he did in the playoffs last year the game-winning touchdown pass in the AFC title game or

Touchdown catch I think it makes SC sorry it interrupts but the sirens means it’s time for Bru segment a segment so hot my grandmother uses it to clean wounds and then takes a little Swig of it herself she’s old what are you going to do you judge her I thought she pass my

Real grandma passed my fictitious show it’s upset a put that on the Emy real uh coach you are up first yeah I think it’s over Brew I think it’s over Philly you were singing their praises wow I was I was singing their praises and and after watching that game and

Watching the the previous month where they’ve lost five out of six Tampa’s won five out of six and I think Baker I think Baker’s going to be the reason why I think he’s going to wake up feeling dangerous he’s got another he’s got another $250,000 another quar million if he quar

Million doll if he wins the game he’s got 10 touchdowns and two picks in the last five games highest completion percentage he’s had the other good news for the bake show he’s got that extra day to get right and he’s got his personal whatever physician massage therapist whatever in town doing that

Work and it’s just it look I watched the Carolina game and it wasn’t like I was like these guys are so impressive but they’re tough huh but after I watched the Philadelphia game it was just so disappointing on so many levels it’s hard for me to see them rallying in a

Meaningful way guys I don’t know what’s going to happen the NFL this weekend but if Monday night Baker beats the Eagles Tuesday will be one of the greatest shows we’ve ever done I’m just letting you know right now that is a great pick coach thank you all right uh you guys

Ready start just for the record I think you should say this with bass because you’ve been on fire I’m say this with as the king of upset alert I’m going say this with well look I I Dusty let me know before the show I said a first things

First record with 10 upset alert picks 10 correct upset alert Pi it might be a sports media record bro I mean you were you were 10 and six this year in upset alerts which is straight up Underdog winners pleas dial it back a little no keep in coming keep it’s genius for

I I’m going let you guys in on my formula my recipe Secret Sauce now of course I do my homework I’m studying the stats all 22 is a must natur sometimes we try to get in the room you’re in there yeah I’m not but outside of that after I do all

That coach you like this he’s old school like me it’s gut it’s feel it’s intuition all right it Syms and all that said this weekend there will be no upsets W there will be none there will be no upsets I’m serious this is your king no

Okay morning no upet there will be no upset call upset alert what are we doing that’s why there’s nothing in the dck I was so hot look Dusty tried to get me don’t pick this pick this I’m going to convince you on Houston hubs tried to get me the good

Something yeah Tampa Bas scares me a tad Houston scares me a tad the Rams a tad but there will not be enough this is all right can I just tell you will not be can I tell you what’s happened here if I may and this is good news for you he’s

Not this is good news for you Wilds for next year yeah because last what last last year Wilds in the first five weeks of the Season not only got three correct they were double digit dogs wow it was unbelievable and then we did that Sizzle reel he started feeling himself and then

You got scared of losing the street and so you got conservative which then allowed Brew to steal the mantle now the brw is doing the exact same thing he’s like oh 10 wins they’re making Clips they’re doing this and now he won’t give a this will be

Win if you before you criticize if you knew the pressure of being right all the time like we you have you have no idea absolutely no idea it’s a lot of pressure okay true story I went to Dusty and I’m like I don’t have any upsets CU I think it’s

Going to be a clean sweep no are you serious he’s like you got to that’s why you got up he’s like gosh darn it make a case make a case for the Texans and Dusty did this whole thing for me so sure I I barely

Believe in in this one we can’t both be just out of here with nothing first of all the Browns defense we just can kill the segment in the future guys we we’re not going to lie we are we are going with what has the mil Garrett was out here

Dominating we’re talking about not only is he a defensive player of the here should he possibly be in the MVP conversation then he gets hurt and weeks 12 through 17 he’s only got one sack only 7 QB hits has that affected the defense as a whole yes now they’re

Giving up 26 points a game they used to give up 18 rank went from uh six to 18th and uh what’s that points for gain or sack percentage is way down to and then finally this this graphic is a poster in my home all of a sudden I was like all

My guys up here High percentage got Sam how MA Jones uh zappy and then sandwich in between two great Patriots is Joe flacko so look I’ve also had uh CJ St no I’m saying I’ve had CJ Stout on the upset alert a few times waiting for sort of the the rookie

Regression and it’s not happening he’s an outlier he is a superstar I’m not really like he’s going to be a super he’s already a superstar can we get get some some you’re doing all this stuff but you said you don’t actually believe it something not only do I believe but I

Put my hard-earned money on Nick’s picks last year in the playoffs we were printing money this regular season didn’t go so great which why the record’s not on there anymore but CLE SL new season 0 and zero the first game I was most uneasy about but now I’m know

I’m going up against the mush over here I feel great Cleveland minus 2 and A2 did you know no player in NFL history has more road playoff victories than Joe flacko that’s a true story also quarterbacks making their first start and this will apply in a lot of these

Games to players who have uh started playoff games before 1735 and one against the spread in the postseason I don’t love going up against CJ but the better defense Jim Schwarz all of that and all those Houston injuries particular on the edge all lay the two and a half with the Browns this

One it’s not the best number you hate not taking the best number it’s open at one and a half all the way up to 4 and 1/2 we’ll take it anyway again that same first quarterback start 1735 And1 applies here also Patrick Mahomes when it’s under 32° 9 and4 into the spread

Tua when it’s under 40° 0 and 10 straight up and momes the greatest statistical playoff quarterback ever next Pittsburg plus 10 guys the the Buffalo Bills are 0 and S against the spread their last seven times they were favored by double digits the total in

This game is 34 so it’s going to be low scoring and I’m getting 10 points Point Buffalo wins but they do not cover Dallas minus 7 again that same stat first playoff start against someone who started before Dallas Dak in his career when he’s favored by a lot blows people

Out 30 12- one Dallas at home perfect conditions blows out the Green Bay Packers next one Rams wrong team favored the Rams have the better Coach the better quarterback the better defense the better everything the Rams beat the Lions listen we’re happy for the lions

That they got here it’s a nice story the Rams are the better team and last but not least coach was right Tampa plus three Baker 2-0 against the spread in his playoff career Phillies falling apart they’re the Tampa the healthier happier team so to recap Cleveland wins

Straight up 23-20 Kansas City wins 27 to1 Buffalo wins 20 to 13 but Pittsburgh covers Dallas blows him out 3824 the Rams win 31-21 and Tampa in a squeaker 2423 the final play of the Nix serani era they go for two on a tush push and

Don’t get it and that’s how it is there it is there’s Tampa so he had six favorites you have four favorites no I don’t buddy yeah Pittsburgh is a dog Rams are a dog is a dog pick Pittsburgh straight off you picked Bill straight I’m what are you what are you trying to

Do here but in general we pick straight up winners yeah Matthew Stafford headed back to Detroit with a red hot Rams team lion however favored by a field goal Sunday night here’s the season comparison of the two quarterbacks who are traded for each other golf has a better completion

Percentage and more yards yards per pass identical touchdowns heads uh is goff’s territory pass rating golf only the games weren’t televised why why do you say that that doesn’t seem very nice to Jared no I mean there’s nobody no nobody that watched football this year thinks Jared

G played better than Matt Stafford he played better week one when he beat the Chiefs got you go sorry go ahead I is dry January over yet you’re losing it pal get coach sorry I I think maybe they disagree I think the Rams have the better Coach it’s not doesn’t mean Dan

Campbell’s not a good coach I think they have the better Coach I think they have the better quarterback doesn’t mean gol’s not a good quarterback I think he’s the I think Stafford’s the better quarterback I think they have the better defense I think that given leaport might

Not play or if he does play he’s going to be severely limited I think the skill position guys are call it a wash so and the conditions are going to be perfect I understand Detroit’s at home it’s going to be a rockus environment but also maybe a little one of those nervous

Crowds because Stafford is coming back for all those reasons I like the Rams a lot in this spot a lot yeah I was going to pick the Rams as as my upset alert over Tampa and and for the a lot of the same reasons when you look at what Ma

Matthew Stafford’s done I know you showed the comparison but do we have the yeah so take a look at this this what he’s done since week 11 so wins first a passard per game TDS third so right on Down the Line he’s played extremely well they’re obviously very hot and then when

You look at the running game with kyn Williams he’s averaging 5 yards a carry on 200 plus carries that’s really impressive and only two or three backs typically do that per season they’ve averaged over 100 yards per game I think for the last seven games so you add all that stuff up

Together and plus for Matthew Stafford he’s used to playing in that environment it’s it’s essentially a home game for him and this will be another time where he gets to disappoint the Detroit fans just be in a different way I think Golf and I know it’s a compliment I mean

As a quarterback it could or any player but especially a quarterback it could help or hurt you to have that chip on your shoulder you know where you want to prove Pro something but obviously when he looks across that field and sees the Rams obviously we know what happened

With the two teams like I think he’s going to come out and play a great game or a very good game at least I think they’re gonna be able to run the ball they obviously got David Montgomery jir Gibbs they good running back so I think they’re going to have success there and

I think the defense has improved like I know it’s not great but I was I you know you guys know I wasn’t that high on Detroit no but against Dallas yeah I thought they they really impressive me and again to hold Dallas to 20 what was

It 21 in Dallas like and I thought they outplayed them most of the game so I think Detroit is popping I agree that McVey is a better Coach but I think Campbell’s a good coach and so I think as long as they I don’t want him to do

Anything crazy now they might but some of the fourth downs but I think he’s got to temper that a little bit sometimes take the field goal take the three that’s not happen I he’s got to do that does that change I think he’s got he’s definitely going they’re definitely

Going for the fourth Downs the question that’s not even crazy in their Lions Playbook my question is are they going to do anything super unconventional you know fake punts fake field goals all that stuff and and this is the weird question coach is it so obvious that they’re going that like

They’re the Maverick we’re going to take chances team that it’s no longer surprising no I it’s he’s still opportunity to surprise us there’s still opportunity to do things that are so unconventional that everybody looks at and goes what could you possibly be thinking and look we’re going to talk

About this game in the future if if Detroit loses because they played everybody last week leapor gets hurt and he’s such a huge part of their offense and such a Difference Maker really hasn’t been a huge storyline but when you lose a piece like that going into a

Game that should be very close it it could be the difference and you did it a little bit for bravado and and a little bit to to maintain M momentum and it’s always that that debate yeah also Jared gof for all his characteristics or qualities has some very obvious

Limitations no one knows them more than Shawn McVey Shawn McVey coached this guy got the best out of him by learning what he does the worst I understand he’s not defensive coach but he he can communicate to his defensive coordinator here’s what this guy hates here’s what

He told me get out of the Playbook don’t do and that is what they’re going to try to force him to do it’s a huge Edge in that spot okay coming up next Monday morning headlines someone honestly refuse to do them best segment of the week

Count check out our podcast if you get a chance it’s excellent and O our YouTube channel we are gaining on Mr Beast check it out because we had to spend 24 hours stop it man we did we’re ending the week 24 hours in a crypt see what happens metal Stein we’re early in

Blazers Thunder Chad gets it to go OKC wins by not joking 62 points a lot of blowouts last lot of blowouts TNT had to pull the plug on coverage bronze medal Giannis in the game they had to pull the plug on coverage on 242 and six and was

Supposed to be a showdown between these two best teams Instead at halftime Celtics pulled their starters silver medal Bradley Beal I and the the unmitigated G of suns fans this morning sending me my Austin Reeves is better third option than Bradley beel take when this might be the first it’s guys it’s

Past Christmas and this is his first relevant moment because he hasn’t been able to stay healthy which was the whole take but good game Bradley goal Kyrie 44 and 10 in a win over the Knicks Nicks you can’t lose that game without Luca without Luca plane just can’t it’s a bad

Loss there’s the podium from last night the association excellent excellent uh time now to lift the ban on cringeworthy puns yeah and allow Brew to flex the headline writing skills he honed while spilling ink for the finest broad sheets in the land it’s Monday morning headlines and you have a special double

Edition well I had listen I had to have a double Edition because Kevin wild like a petulant little kid today couldn’t log into a website so he refused to do this that might sound ridiculous but that’s what happened he was like you know what forget it and we don’t have it so I’ll

Give you mine first one gave it to me hubs s problem Chiefs Cruz pass Dolphins now you might say yeah not my best work though because I had to double dip as I had to do your job and my job so now my other headline for Kevin Wilds access

Toight wild remains excommunicated from Chief’s Kingdom look at Brew by the way brew has not yeah I mean Brew is on the periphery but he hasn’t been ex communicated or denied Brew go righte all right here we go you guys know look I call it like I see it

With the Cowboys FG game aame whatever they bring they are going to bring their aame snare Jordan snare D and McCarthy send Green Bay packing in tough love playoff debut cuz they trapped Jordan they shut him down they packing snare Jordan like I mean that was great I thought it was

Great I thought it was excellent bro you like we only do this segment so you canell snare Jordan yeah


  1. Joe Torre was not groomed to take over the Yankees. His managerial resume with the Braves and the Mets was terrible! Buck Showalter had been groomed from his being a manager in the Yankees minor league system to be the manager of the Yankees, which he was.

  2. Players may not buy into Bill anymore cause to me he doesn't carry the weight he did after Brady left and i want to say his best coaching days are way past him you did not here teams running to hire him or players proclaiming his glory

  3. The full openings are so good! I wish y'all would play the full openings on the video clips. ☺️

  4. How can the eagles be on upset alert when everyone thinks they are the worse team it makes no sense

  5. The amount of cope that Nick has is absurd and the fact that they give him full segments on the Chiefs is probably driving their views down. I'm not even a Chiefs fan or hater but if he's talking about the Chiefs I skip through the whole segment because it's so insanely out of pocket it makes me cringe. They need to cut his time on the Chiefs segments and let the others talk about it more because nobody likes listening to him blindly support the Chiefs with no analysis whatsoever other than he likes the Chiefs. Like this is probably the only thing preventing this show from being top tier.

  6. 3 long AD breaks in first 17 minutes, if you are not at your pc to skip it'll take you 3 hours to listen to this 1 hour show. SMH, weak!

  7. "Snare Jordan" will be the headline. Not because the Boys trap Love, but instead because Love will beat them in a trap game while outplaying Dak.

  8. Dear wildes,
    Love the show !
    I send you this message because I am a little upset (not as much as the Cowboys) because I cannot listen to my favorite podcast. Indeed I live in Belgium and I used to listen to you guys every day but since Friday the podcast is no longer available on Spotify in my country.
    So I wander if you could work your magic to make it back to normal cause you’re the king of upset (not Chris Broussard even though he had a streak).
    I don’t want to put you on my bud list so please make it happen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
    Thank you in advance 🤩🤩

    (not Ryan and Bryan)

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