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AJ Francis’ Debut INTERRUPTED By Joe Hendry’s New Song | TNA Hard To Kill 2024 Highlights

AJ Francis makes his TNA debut but his music video is interrupted by Joe Hendry’s newest masterpiece.
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So stand up and shut your damn mouths and show appreciation for the greatness that is about to be bestowed upon you who can hit the [Applause] Video I don’t even know going to be you know we Thank you God what is happening I know you liked hip hop Tom but you’re a connoisseur of the Art the most inspirational man in all the professional wrestling show hry here to save us from AJ Francis but nobody said his name nobody said it nobody asked for it I am fine with this AJ Francis by the way not telling any lies he had to buy Airtime from TNA Wrestling

To be on this show yeah cuz he makes change like you make mistakes in your life Tom he’s got him red from the ceiling he can make that [Applause] happen that’s gold an entrepreneur meanwhile Joe Hendrick coming in here trying to just tear take this moment away on this epic

Night what a SC here in Las Vegas on the countdown to Hard to [Applause] Kill [Applause] AJ Francis that’s right and who I want to be the first to welcome you right here in TNA [Applause] because here at TNA we’re all about creativity and I love the fact that you were able to come out here and share your music video with Us but if you didn’t know I actually have a passion for for making music videos myself in fact just so happens I made one just for you right here tonight so roll the footage I tried to make it in the NL I tried to die but I just fell Record all I know is falling down but there is that I’ve achieved and it a b of cheese I’ll never win the world title the exision or tag but chion [Applause] bestes Jesus I you to reach when I on TV win the world title the ex division or the tag but I’m the chees Champion the best ever had I’m the chion the best [Applause] Ever [Applause] oh and TJ Hook is smashing the laptop into Joe hendry’s back that’s what you get the disrespect gets paid back in kind as entertaining as clever as Joe Hendry is he dug this grave himself oh now destroy Bo hry you can laugh you can mock you can

Try to destroy all you want with CPS and jokes and songs but when another man lays you flat on your ass that’s when you’re really [Applause] punished Francis and DJ who take out Joe Henry


  1. Sorry, AJ Francis. You can change your name. You can change the company you work for. You can NEVER change the fact that you botched that dive. There's a reason announcers can't even take you seriously in your in ring work. Hahahahahaha.

  2. F'N A what a horrendous debut…Lol there is nothing worse, makes the Shockmaster look like (insert horrible debut here), nope, SOMEHOW WORSE THAN THE OTTMAN… LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLM THE WORST WE'VE (OBVIOUSLY) EVER HAD…DONT CLAP FOR THIS HACK!, WAIT, HACK IS KIND.

  3. Just when Top Dolla thought he’d get a better run it’s gone on the first night. He tried so hard not to break at his photo 😂

    Actually AJ Francis should embrace that Cheese-it championship and have some fun with it plus TNA gets some solid marketing around Cheese it’s

  4. I love with TNA is doing the getting bigger they're getting better their roster is getting better the lighting is better the ring is better everything is better and top dollar is a great pick up a great great pick up

  5. Glad he finally do a Chikeslam, I remember him saying he was an Undertaker fan. Heel Dollar might make it through. I hope all is well Fam. ☝️

  6. This is all on Flop Dolla. Back in Attitude if Rock roasted you you either ran with it like Jericho or it destroyed you like Billy Gunn. So hes gotta sink or swim now.

  7. If Flop Dolla can’t wrestle no one going to care about his story line. The man moves like he has cement boots on.

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