#5 Golf Swing Accuracy – Insanely Effortless from World Renowned Coach – GOLF SOS 5 #learngolfonline

If your golf balls are going all over the place you must watch this.

In this never-before-seen YouTube series, GOLF SOS, Luke is rapidly turning into a golfing hero. This week, we work on his accuracy, and you are going to love the effortless accuracy.

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๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐ŸšจThe BEST golf advice youโ€™ll ever watch. ๐ŸšจHOW to STABILISE your club to hit STRAIGHTER shots.
๐Ÿ‘‰ Amazing golf CHIPPING technique ( Part 1 )
๐Ÿ‘‰ The SAW GRIP stopped my YIPS after 30 years


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#playmoreconsistentgolf #golftutorialsforbeginners
00:00 Introduction
00:43 Series Recap
01:12 Enjoyable golf swing
01:35 Getting more consistency in hitting the golf ball
02:00 How to practise at home – recreational golfers
02:53 Hitting the golf ball over water
03:15 Reminder of the Set up routine
03:45 Hitting the target more often and consistently
05:04 Working on the half swing
05:15 The importance of goof body movement
06:17 The importance of repetition in practising the golf swing
06:40 Improving the angle of the golf swing
07:20 The importance of keeping a relaxed grip
08:19 What does ‘inside’ or ‘outside’ mean in golf
10:05 84 yards with a half swing
11:30 How to achieve a smooth swing
12:10 Keeping your lead arm relaxed is really bad for your golf
14:30 Effortless on line golf swing
15:00 Practise makes permanent
15:32 How to hit more balls on the green
17:04 Working on the swing path

So the difference from where you were at the very start of these sessions to where you are now is completely Different good to see you again yeah thank you no looking forward to this it’s been uh not that long but want to keep it moving keep it progressing because uh where it started to where it ended in that short space of time was pretty impressive so thank you what do

You feel that you did well listened well yeah you did yeah no listened well but also I was just following what you were telling me to do and that clearly was working quite well and it wasn’t we didn’t spend that long together really so there’s um if that was the speed that

We could move at in that amount of time then I’m that’s why I’m so excited to see what else we can do in even a bit more time so yeah as I say to a lot of people um you’re on the journey I know the destination uh so I know how

Everything’s going to look at the end but I want you to really enjoy the transformation and dare I say Enjoy your golf swing um not that many people I would say they hit nice golf shots but they don’t necessarily enjoy their golf swing so I want you to have both so the

Best of both world so what we’ll do we’ll just do uh I want to watch you hit a couple of shots just as a recap just to make sure that you’ve remembered some of the stuff we spoke about last time uh and then today I think we need to work a

Little bit more on the steering wheel I want to start you I want you to start hitting shots towards our intended target where you know how you’re hitting it there rather than hoping that you hit it to Target so we’ve got the shape uh we’ll do some refining today and just

Get you uh feeling much better cool well the feedback last week was good wasn’t it yeah uh I from friends that I I shared Clips with um I haven’t really practiced um that much since we saw each other Yeah by what I have done is no

Club in the kitchen or bathroom just to keep my kind of setup and shape right uh is that a bad thing that I’ve not practiced I would say that’s absolutely normal so professionals it’s their job they go and do it as much as possible but people what I call recreational

Golfers or or Avid golfers tend not to have the time to go and practice as much as they want to so anything that you’ve done at home is going to help and because you’re relatively new to golf you haven’t got those bad habits so it’s

Not like we’re having to undo a load of things we’re just trying to get it all better so can I watch you hit a couple of shots let’s just see what happens I’ve been hitting a few but um let’s see how yours does I have seen that you’ve

Put a nice little Lake in front of me for the first hope you hav noticed you saying B W off right good stuff so anything we do today is probably going to be slightly better than that which is absolutely standard so let’s hit one more that was uh that

Didn’t feel very good anyway on the okay so as you’re doing the setup what are you remembering um heads hips feet arms hips knees arms hips almost yeah you got it cool soften relax brilliant take the breath okay so body movements not looking too bad we still need to refine it but

What’s interesting now is we’re hitting shots a little bit offline so today I want to really talk about how we can help you hit the ball to your intended target rather than hoping you hit it there okay so always ideal so if you could make your setup I just need my was

The setup okay you’re setting up brilliantly yeah and what a love about that Luke is you’re just following the routine yeah so you’re not kind of guessing to see if you’re the right follow the routine you’re always going you’re always going to be right that’s

What I like about that routine so if you just make your setup for me a little bit worried about what you’re going to do with this don’t worry don’t hurt too much okay so what I’m going to do is just going to put this in line with your

Toes which is towards our intended target line okay now if you could bring the club to about hip height for me okay now what would looking for this line here is where we want the ball to go now what I was seeing when I watched the

Video back of your swing your swing was tending to go a little bit more around here now if I bring the club on that path on the way through I don’t know if you remember last time quite a lot of your shots were going off to the right

Yeah so what we want to do is try and get this what I call the steering wheel a little bit more in line with our Target okay so if we get a half swing right here and then match that up with good good body movement here then we’re

Going to start to hit the ball towards our Target now can we just swap places a second so if you just done this out for me um so it’s all right having the arms right getting the arms right but we also need to match that up with the body once

We’ve hit it so we’re trying to get this shaft parallel to your B to Target line and as we strike the golf ball can you see now how my body’s moving MH so where am I facing yeah forwards facing forward now what’s going to happen with this

Shot we’ll probably we won’t have enough energy to hit it over the water so these are probably going to pop in the water but that doesn’t really matter uh for the purpose of this so we’re just going to go to about hip height and through to

Hip height okay so if we can get the first bit right then we can add the next bits to it but going into what you’ve just said then yep there’s literally no time to actually think about that so um where and how do you make the obviously

We want it to be my default so I’m not thinking about it but I’m now thinking if I pull back the swing and much time is there something there there isn’t much time but and this is why it’s important that we do it through repetition so that the rep if we’re

Repeating the same thing correctly we then start to have to not think about it so much so this is why it’s important to what I call rehearse the movement so we’re we’re trying to get that shaft parallel to your target now on at the

End of the shaft is the club face so I’m going to keep an eye on the club face but I don’t want you to worry about that because then it becomes another thing to start to think about so what we’re trying to do is get the angle of the

Swing right once you’ve hit it so all the way through so if I’m I’m just going to slightly alter this so I’m going to get you to hips to turn that’s it and now can you feel everything’s facing Target and then this will be more here

Okay so let’s start all over again let’s do that again so through repetition is where we’ll get this certainty so we’re only going to go to about here once we’ve made contact with it through to there now when I’m holding the golf club another thing that I can sense is how

Tight you’re starting to hold it yeah and because we’re trying to get the club in the correct place it’s really normal for people to start to hold it tight to achieve that ideally we’re trying to do that in a more relax way okay brilliant that’s it so let’s try a few so you

Might get it right you might get it wrong but my job is to just keep checking it okay brilliant so the width of stance good ball position’s good posture is good okay so if you just make your setup again what we’ll have seen then on camera is your club was all the way

Around here yeah which is totally normal so could you do this at what I would call half speed for you okay so this is just a gentle tap to to about here all the way through to that way so here’s the just nice and gentle okay so it’s starting to go in a

Better Direction but I can still see the clubs going too much so let me explain what inside outside is or online so if I took the club to here your golf club is pointing from out to in yeah of this line on here so that would be incorrect what you’re doing is your

Club’s coming too much from in to outside your target line so that’s that’s where we’re trying to get it because when this bit’s right this bit’s going to be really simple and that’s going to enable us to bring the club back to and the how to do that is just

Repetition we’re just repetition so the best thing to do in practice if you’re if you uh even if you didn’t uh have any golf balls to hit at home if you got a stick yeah you could literally start bringing it to here so now when we’re playing we wouldn’t have the stick on

The floor so what reference point could we use just a line in the um if you got flooring or whatever line the with flooring or your feet oh yeah of course so so your feet are going in the right direction yeah so we could have lines we

Might have things on the floor but that so this is now in a much better place to start hit this straighter yeah feels like a challenge but one that obviously was part just think of think of it this way if if it starts offline it’s probably going to stay offline then

You’re going to have to make compensations and what we’re trying to avoid is compensations we just want it to be right here so let’s do one more this way cuz this is going to be a bit of homework for you so you’re going to have to practice the half swing um but

Then I want to make it feel much nicer okay okay CU this possibly feels a little bit more robotic for you that’s it okay good set up well done okay I’ve made it and that’s with a little half swing you just hit that 84 yards the club was still offline but now

We’re going to change the way that you move your wrist to make it go I really thought about that time yeah rather than just hoping I was trying to think about this boy so although although you haven’t been playing overly long there is a habit that had crept in that we’re

Just going to keep getting rid of okay so if you make your setup again and and then we’re going to make this feel a whole lot nicer okay so once we’ve got to hip height what we’re going to do now is what we call the wrists so your

Left wrist is now cocking now the but of the club is now pointing more maybe just inside the golf ball now if we’ done it from where you were it would be pointing over here can you see how much different that yeah so what we saw on on the last

Vide the swing was getting a little bit too far around here which would make it a bit more difficult to hit it consistently straight so we’re going to go here and then that becomes the next one so roughly your lead arm is now parallel towards your target line if it

Starts going too much in here that’s can cause the shots to go a bit more offline so we and presumably more injury more Twisted I’m afraid so yeah so it feels a bit more that way ready so let’s just we’re going to rehearse this a few more

Times there so as I’m moving the club what feels different when left foot is naturally coming up yeah for one uh and it’s smoother it feels smoother and how does the wrist action feel well I’d probably need to work on that grip which you said last time to do to make sure

That that’s right that’s in the right place that’s it so if you just that just comes easily cool now what we’ll do is is to learn sometimes we have to do it wrong that’s how we’re going to learn from it if I do here what feels

Different now as you move the wrists it hurts it hurts yeah and how’s that right elbow it’s really tucked in really tucked in tight yeah so if I to do it right that’s okay yeah it’s got far away then is that right yep so your arm is

Still relaxed I don’t want it locked up straight because that’s really bad for hitting golf shots everybody tells you to keep it straight but it’s comfortably what I call Long rather than straight but I love the way that this club now is getting up to the right angle then back

To square now do we just start with the back swing or is there a bit more to it there’s got bit more to it okay so I’m going to move the ball out of the way and I want you to just do a couple of swings so try to replicate it roughly

Well done well done oh what was that like very good yeah I like it so we turn and just let it hinge up okay cool okay so let’s just try it let’s give it a b with a ball let’s do one with a ball that’s it and we’re

Going to take the rod away okay okay what’s going through your mind now I’m really thinking okay I’m really um what in what way in what are you thinking going through the steps the process um and yeah just I’m thinking about every component cool because obviously you’re

You’re just giving me that feedback so my setup which will become natural so the nice thing is with the setup once you’ve done it forget about it it’s done yeah yeah yeah tick and that’s what I like about process once you’ve done it forget about it so ideally we could just

Rehearse it and that’s the feeling hopefully that we’re looking for so at the moment this will feel like a lot of conscious thought yes what we what that will blend into is just emotion but what I’m trying to do is get this to feel more and more natural yeah now as you’re

Doing this another thing’s happening with the body that’s not quite right but we’ll fix that but the first thing to do is get this bit right yeah so sometimes as we’re as we’re working on something new some of the old habits might creep back in but my job’s just keep keep that

A bay but just to make you aware that we’ll just improve the body motion as we keep doing it so what we’re really doing here is taking away hope and getting it with certainty yeah which is the basis of a lot of my shots hoping that it goes in the right place not

Anymore okay cool lovely now how did that feel uh the word I’d say is effortless effortless yeah and yet youve just hit it uh 83 yards but more importantly uh you’re 10t offline so already we’re starting to hit the ball where we want it to go rather than where

We hope it goes before uh and that’s happening through good technique okay okay cool now if you can do that once more then I’m going to get the full swing if I get this once more does that mean I’m consistent uh practice makes permanent remember so let’s do it well

Good hold up so compared to last time you’re already hitting it better and we we’ve kind of gone backwards a little bit in terms of the half swing and the three quarter swing but that’s just so that we can start hitting it more toward our in intended target so already we can

See more of these balls are going on the green than they were into the sand or into the left side of the water and that’s just because we’re getting the feedback wise because I’m not seeing it exactly but was that it’s it’s much much closer straighter yeah it’s never going

To be perfect today because this takes a little bit of practice so it might still want to go a little bit in here but already it’s on a better line than it was let can I just um let me just show you this for a second okay so I just

Want to show you something really simple if you can just stand this out for me so what we’ve got here is two two canes the worst shots that we can hit in golf is right going right and left going left so if they’re the worst somewhere

In the middle is better yeah that’s what we want so the two worst angles of golf swing that we can have is perfectly upright or perfectly flat so if they’re the worst what’s the best somewhere in the middle of those so what we what I’ve what we’ve been doing here is by getting

This bit right and starting to set the rist correctly we’re now slotting this into the better place so before yours would have wanted to go a little bit more around this angle just trying to get this going on a much better pth I think as well when I’m on a golf course

In the future and it’s gone off right I’ll know why yes not knowing why before was always going to be difficult I can’t how do I fix that or yeah so we’re we’re now working on what we call the swing path just trying to get this in the

Right angle so shall we make this feel really nice now yes please cool great that’s almost looks like somebody’s put some oil on you it’s just lubricated this s it looks much more yeah yeah brilliant such a different looking off swing there care that one’s carrying you’re laughing in a good way

Now I’m just going for a cheer I’m not going to do a cheer

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