“Unbelievable”. That’s kinda the theme of this video. I’m still in disbelief MVP actually pulled this off. When the talks about signing Eagle McMahon to the team began, I was just shaking my head think “no way this is ever going to happen”. But somehow, I guess, it was meant to be. I am personally going into this next chapter with huge excitement. We’ve all known for ever that Eagle has the potential to be the number 1. He’s been set back by multiple injuries but he’s still only 25 years old and if he can be a top 3 player with a torn labrum, we can only imagine what he will do when he’s back to full strength. Welcome to Team MVP Eagle. UNBELIEVABLE…

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MVPs Channel:

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All right everyone welcome back to the channel it is the most exciting day of recent memory and we have the pleasure and joy of welcoming Eagle McMahon to the team I’m nervous and uh just a couple minutes I’m here at the MVP Warehouse we’re in the media

Room and eagle has no idea that I’m here we somehow pulled it off I have an alibi but E’s going to walk through that door back there in the corner in about 10 minutes I’m going to be sitting here with my back to the room just at the

Desk but I’ll put my hoodie up put on some headphones just sitting at the desktop here kind of acting like I’m just scrolling through some websites doing some you know MVP business and I got a little gift for him let me let me show you so I had this

Stupid idea to give Eagle a little welcoming gift I told basically the MVP crew here that they should tell him that I sent this here for him as a welcoming gift I added a card as well that says Eagle thought you might like this gift as a little welcome to

The team wear it with pride and it’s the shirt that I beat him at deago right here this shirt and that’s a little throwback to Eagle’s Infamous comment that he made about three or four years ago when he won deago he made a comment about Kyle

Klein’s shirt cuz he was wearing a eagle Jersey and they were battling for the win I’ll show you that clip right now the one thing I’ll say is Kyle you need to get your own shirt because you’re not winning when you’re wearing mine I thought it was a fun throwback

For the daglo battle of the past and he’ll get my team shirt that I beat him in and then when he unpacks that I’m slowly going to like turn around and see what he says my heart’s beating I’m nervous let’s Go back back is it a this it’s a Well actually don’t know what should I try to should I try to guess it with eyes closed you could yeah all right do that all rightt a eagle I thought you might like this gift as a little welcome to the

Team wear it with pride Simon oh my gosh I mean you got to you got to pick that picture little salt oh boy first team jersey oh my gosh that is beautiful put on right now game one oh this is this the that’s the one this is the one it’s the

One oh my gosh all right so at deago this year I need to beat s wearing his own Shirt yeah exactly oh go it smells like Simon like Simon does right smells like Axe are you going to wear Simon that’s beautiful what really I thought smells like s in oh my God surprise surprise SMS like wow under your nose oh my goodness you really thought I was a

My your I thought you get your wisdom teeth B oh my God that was the one last surprise that was so funny that was I was I was Shocked this is crazy Perfect all right any morees unbelievable unbelievable fresh boys United plasma hi I have zour James Rana my in the bag pyro Eagle’s dad is here too and then I have the C I can’t show too many things in here probably top secret behind the scenes stuff Team MVP baby

Unbelievable can’t believe this man is here say hi to the Vlog hello vog world comfortable I have a short to tal and it right above my head Jokers unbelievable what did you do Andrew why why I don’t know we had to it’s actually true we’re back the gyro boy the hero

Boy we need a new name wait Crush boys reunited I feel like we need to Rebrand what’s our new couple’s name on the spot the gyro guys gyro guys not the guys why not how do you feel uh yeah how do you feel Eagle welcome to the team I

Feel amazing this trip to Michigan I was excited before but I’m even more excited talking with Brad and Chad and obviously Andrew and the whole team at MVP it’s just it’s absolutely crazy I’m I’m completely mind blown at the whole operation and uh I haven’t even seen the

Production at this point but I hear it’s next level and the discs are so good what you got this is a detour but I want to show you guys this thing this is a prism proton Envy this is my first signature disc with MVP I am absolutely in love with the

Stamp we’re calling it rebirth rebirth we’re calling it rebirth which symbolizes a new rise it’s a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes symbolizes a new chapter that I’m so excited about and I can’t wait to throw it this is going to be the first throw oh is this your first wait wait is

This your first official throw on team MVB yeah it it is cuz my God you only signed the contract like two days ago right I did oh boy unbelievable I’ll buy you a bomb burger if you AC it we got Eagle’s dad Pat are you also throwing

MVP now just because yes I am MVP course way all right Eagle welcome to Brown City eag all about Brown City we’re in brown town here we go he’s going Lefty because he is bom burer he’s going to get it oh my God hit the cage did you hit metal I

Did hit metal Lefty you already know all the like names discs and Plastics and stuff I think I got it all figured out he’s basically an expert Eagle is much more nerdy than me sure the watermelon Jolly Rancher what’s a reverse watermelon those are enves an absolutely gorgeous shot and rattana

Congratulations by the way also just signed yesterday uh I just made it up did you actually sign I did you I signed yesterday wow Team MVP throwing the what what are you throwing the watch absolute classic already no idea this camera is looking like nice right now I wonder why

Probably have weird settings that I don’t even know of oh beautiful flight happened it got through got through all right answer the question everyone wants to know what’s that question you don’t know what the question is does gyro actually work gyro does work I fun fact at usdgc

I was testing out some of uh Simon’s discs I threw a neutron Dimension and I ripped a shot on whole 12 and then I ripped a dimension and it went probably 70t farther so was that the turning point where you I was like I was like oh

My gosh this is this is not baloney I have to try it and uh baloney and uh not balone gyro holy canoli I was just shocked it’s really cold and windy so we got to get moving and throwing I’m going to throw one parachute it probably a lot of

People are going to watch that haven’t watched par video this is the glitch version for streamline so it’s non overmold but it’s it’s uh basically a catch dis which is so cool oh and then we have that was going in it was going in that was two years ago like if someone fill

Us two years ago two years from now your both be on MVP like no no I coming to me when he got got the initial MVP offer I’m like damn you got to do it it’s absolutely incredible and while I was sad I was like fully encouraging that it was like the next

Step of his career but just the way everything progresses the crazy crazy stuff happens we’ve read all the rumors online of course leaky leakers out there there’s so many leaky leakers unbelievable Eagle’s going to be ready to throw righty again in like a month or

So and it’ll be a good year good year for the team good year for the game I’m about to hit a highlight putt here I want closer little floater after hitting the basket of his first ever Team MVP shot Lefty he gets a spit out is that a sign

For things to come Eagle your first hole is a spit out it’s hilarious I got one of the eagle little Tailwind what are you calling this again reer rebirth this is rebirth so I put the fishion octave I’m go for that bath over there probably stable right that’s a really nice stability

It’s not like crazy but you can torque on it I mean I parked it yeah Pat do you approve on your son’s decisions I am in full approval okay all right show me your shot here what you got a crave okay let’s see it got some water to deal with basket is

Like beish I slip but it’s not bad skip up there oh beautiful watch out it’s muddy okay do you feel different it’s actually pretty actually do feel way different and I don’t even know how to really put it in the words because I I’ve been doing the same thing or not the same

Thing but been sponsored by his company for 9 years like that’s basically your whole life basically from age 16 to 25 like my adult years have been with a different company so I feel like I’m starting kind of a new life really spin the spin spin beenin not seen often

Enough but this is super understable super fun I’m going to heer that heer flip must be so frustrating to only be able to throw Lefty right now with a whole new bag he’s very good at it craving to throw he’ll be back he’ll be back that a detour that’s a detour

Wow we like that detour on this channel I’m afraid to throw the I might what is that how pretty that is that’s pretty cool it’s not a hexal or anything but it’s pretty cool maybe all gliding damn it’s actually going to be really funny to see eagle and my bags

Cuz I think a lot of people at disia didn’t realize how different our bags actually were and I think it’s going to be even more extreme here now cuz they’re already crazy different we don’t throw one disc the same like Eagle’s bag will be the opposite of my bag and it’s always kind

Of been that way even though we’re compared a lot oh nice shot we’re compared a lot like similar game styles and stuff but in reality different it couldn’t be any different any more different this guy is showing off his Lefty skills no fear that’s the detour turned

Over what’s your favorite disc so far Eagle prism proton Envy no I would say there’s a lot um keep thr when I was really testing stuff out I got to say the dimension is really incredible I throw that too so I really love the dimension what about pyro I

Really love the Pyro pyro the s is amazing okay okay I’ve messed around with those okay honestly I this is crazy to say but I think I kind of like everything I mean the glitch is amazing like just it’s so unique and to have like a a fun catch style disc to throw

That’s extremely torque resistant I’ve been I’d be lying to say if this wasn’t one of my favorites don’t lie to us he’s not lying he not lying that flip oo I keep Redemption oh that’s good the sound oh do you already know what you’re going to putt with I am

About 95% sure I’m going to putt with a firm Nomad I think uh it fits my hand the best so far and I’m actually welcoming the the bead on it I feel like uh I haven’t really used beaded Putters but I think it feels really good so

Shout out James Conrad think going to be using your disc why don’t you use the pixel it’s too deep in my hand oh maybe I’ll use the pixel I’m between the Nomad pixel and pilot those are my three main prospects right now e found these special runs of fireballs

Which is a 149 147 147 Fireball the crazy thing is it like feels very usable still it doesn’t feel like it’s going to flip I think that has to do with the the fion and the gyro technology say throw it yeah so the basket is right there beautiful he’s expecting of course

It to be overstable so good he just does that Lefty like what is wrong with this man what this should Ace with I want you to Ace with the proxy Brown Town further you got to tighten it up brown City oh my gosh proxy’s kind of straight how does

It fly so straight right side or straight at it gun it gun it wow it is definitely stable feel a little low boom that really thr like 70 mes hour left handed I know I’m jealous what the heck I’ll throw one left shot just so you can see comp supposed to look

Like that’s pretty damn good that was better are you kidding that was the best Lefty throw of my life all right we got the 160 G time lapses and we’re just going to do a quick Lefty distance contest all right alternate how far do you think that

Fence is 330 to the fence that was close it’s a good Benchmark sagely advis from Simon the zot not trying too hard maybe five P the oh my my God going have to walk it off yeah so close smash no that’s no I don’t think he made

It I might need to try harder oh no no don’t try as hard they’re already at it the two are already at it they are oh lost that one not going to lie that was a horrible thr okay good go for a little more little more pop little more juice

Oh yeah that’s the one holy cow I can’t believe you get that jet sound they’re about that’s about 20 ft past that’s almost 400 400’s kind of what I’m trying to aim for now that’s thin whoa that is holy crap that’s like if that’s three 320 that’s about 480 500 I think it’s

Five little upill that was the proton time did you film that well I did freezing proton flippy oh my high are flip Lefty didn’t quite Flip 3 top of the 330 yeah on the dot nice the wave is like the perfect driver I think for people who just 250 300 there’s two

Dogs that tree is 470 and I hit like 50 ft up yeah we just came out here for like an hour just to throw some shots get out a bit get moving get the blood flowing feel it out a bit and just enjoy eag first Warm couple Lefty shots on the new

Team I love it and that wraps it up guys hope you enjoyed I don’t know if we’re going to be filming much more this weekend we have a lot of promo stuff of course to film that’ll be on MVP’s channel on Eagle Channel definitely check those out in the description gyro boys playing

Amazing gyro guys guys let’s do a let’s do a common contest give us the new reinvented crush boy name in the comments below launch man that’s my challenge for you like And subscribe and enjoy the show of the day see you next time Peace come on Oh


  1. I heard someone say Launchmen, that sounded good. Distance Dudes, Rip City Bros, Mega-Crush Bros, Rippin’ Rebirthed, Hurling Heroes, or Far Freaks?

  2. I get that those Envys will sell a lot, I get that it's nice for Eagle to immediately have a signature disc. But I feel like it's a bit rushed. I feel like even the biggest names in the game should have some time to choose their own signature discs. I dunno, just doesn't feel the same as when you've seen s pro already love a mold.

  3. Let’s Go! Bring it in boys! This years going to be amazing. Couldn’t be happier to see you guys back on the same team. Play your game

  4. The Holy Trinity was funny –
    Simon, Eagle, and James
    The sather, the son, and the holy spirit. Hahah

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