Golf Babe

BEST Things to Eat in Disney World in 2024

A new year means coming up with NEW ways to dine around Disney World. So join us today as we show you not only the BEST things to eat across the parks and resorts, but also the BEST EXPERIENCES you can have to go along with each meal.

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A new year means brand new ways to dine around Disney World so join us today as we show you not only the best things to eat across the parks and Resorts but also the best experiences you can have to go along with each Meal hey everybody it’s AJ for Disney food blog and I am so hyped for this video because it’s been a long time coming we’re always talking to you about the best snacks or the best Entre or the best dessert but rarely do we get to talk about taking your Disney dining to

The next level to be the most memorable part of your whole Disney Experience so whether you’re looking for ways to splurge on an incredible night out or ways to save the big bucks but still create Sweet Moments that’ll last a lifetime for you we’ve got the 2024 dining list that you’ve actually been

Looking for but hold on before we start building that itinerary of yours make sure to scan the QR code you see on the screen right now or head on over to disneyfoodblog dcom best snacks for a full list of our top 10 snacks that you should check out in each of the Disney

World parks during your vacation this free digital download comes with full color pictures snack descriptions and even detailed maps to show you where you need to track down each tasty treat okay are you ready for the best things to eat in Disney World in 2024 I am here we go we’re going to

Start with a Freshway to see epcot’s newest fireworks show so epcot’s newest nighttime show luminous Symphony Of Us made its Grand debut on December 5th 2023 and while some folks out there are still mourning the loss of the barge projections that we used to have during harmonious the dfb team is pretty sold

On this new spectacular cuz the music and pyrot Technics give us goosebumps every time but you know Different Strokes for different folks I get it but if you’re going to abcot with the sole intention of having the best fireworks view ever well you really don’t have to stress about that too terribly much

Since pretty much every spot around the world showcase Lagoon is going to give you a good spot to see this show however you can really go all out by making your first ever luminous watching experience a really great and tasty one for more of a Splurge option Epcot now has two brand

New dining package options that you can choose from okay they’re not new new it’s the same two restaurants as the dining packages before Rose and Crown and spice Road table but it is new cuz it’s a brand new show the Ros and Crown fireworks dining package offers a

Prefixed meal including an appetizer an entree a dessert platter and unlimited non-alcoholic beverages along with outdoor patio seating where you’re going to get to kick back and enjoy luminous and be really close to the show and the spice Road table dining package includes your choice of two small plates a shared

Tajine a dessert platter and unlimited beverages not- alcoholic along with a seat in their covered outdoor dining room in the Morocco Pavilion where you again will get to enjoy the show the Ros and Crown dining package is $92 per adult while the spice Road dining

Package is 81 per adult so you know I’m not kidding kidding when I say this option is a Splurge you may also be able to get a great view of the fireworks though from the Epcot restaurants with those giant windows that look out across the Lagoon like shikisai sushi is zakaya

In the Japan Pavilion or laas sienda de San and Hill in the Mexico Pavilion well neither restaurant can guarantee a window seat for you or a fireworks view seat as we like to call them it’s always worth asking the host when you’re checking in for your reservation just in

Case don’t forget to make a reservation at the right time usually 7:45 that’s a solid time to make a reservation and ask for a fireworks view table and don’t just stin inside the abcot box with this one you can take a quick Skylander ride over to Disney’s Riviera Resort and eat

A nice fancy Italian meal at the top of the hotel at Topolino’s Terrace it doesn’t matter where you’re seated there cuz all of Topolino’s Restaurant guests will be able to watch the fireworks from the comfort of this signature restaurant’s comfy cozy outdoor Terrace granted the fireworks won’t be as in

Your face as they will be when you watch them directly inside Epcot but there there’s still no denying that Topolino’s Terrace View okay are we ready multitaskers this one’s for you you want to dine and be entertained at the same time we’ve got options over at Splitsville Luxury Lanes and Disney

Springs you can bowl and eat upscale Pub grub like burgers pizza and Sushi and they’re incredible loaded fries please order those please for me Splitsville also features a drinks to go counter in an outdoor bamboo bar so you can sip away on specialty Bowl drinks too P.S

You don’t have to bowl a Dy here and you don’t have to dine to Bowl here you can choose either activity or both but note that dining and bowling are booked separately if you’re ready to be a Disney star sort of kimono sushi bar over at the Swan and Dolphin has food

And karaoke so you can make your big musical debut and Sample dishes like gaoa tempura Kobe beef duck s and of course Sushi karaoke typically takes place on Wednesday through Sunday starting at 930 p.m. note unlike Splitsville the setting here is more Bar Lounge than restaurant so this might not

Be the best place for younger kids just FYI and then there’s sci-fi dining over in Hollywood Studios which lets you and your fam munch on Diner Classics like Burgers and Shakes and deep fried appetizers all while you sit back in a retro convertible and watch silly midcentury B movies about zombies and

The blob in a drive-in style setting it is truly one of the coolest restaurants in Disney World I absolutely love the atmosphere there and of course there’s hoop-de-doo Musical review if you want to watch a show and eat the food but we are talking about elsewhere in this

Video so not going to spend a whole lot of time on it here all right next section of our best things to eat in Disney World in 2024 video actually good Disney cheeseburgers Disney can do a great job whipping up all sorts of food but when it comes to Burgers well

They’re not their strong suit then again there are a few places on Disney property with more than impressive Burgers you just have to kind of sleuth them out good burger number one the stack burger at steak house 71 in Disney’s contemporary resort this burger is made with a signature blend of beef

American cheese lemonade Oli red onion and housemade pickles all served on a bio bun and topped with a piece of pork belly that’s right the burger is like a diner style burger that you might pick up somewhere along Route 66 in a restaurant with red leather seats in a

Jukebox just a whole lot more cheesy like gobs of ooey gooey cheesy yumminess plus pork belly did we say pork belly cuz we should talk about pork belly the burger itself is a little on the fattier side which we like but some of you may not be so thrilled with however when you

Couple the signature blend with the pork belly you’ve got a real salty Savory work of art right there even if you don’t make reservations for Steakhouse 71 this trip you can still pick up the stack burger from Steakhouse 71s attached Lounge which has first come first serve seating by the way the stack

Burger is not on the menu at Steakhouse 71 for dinner although you can still order it but if you have a problem with doing that go ahead out to the lounge and just just get it there all right great burger number two the Bayou Amber ale Burger in Riverside Mill food court

At Port Orleans Riverside yep we’re telling you to go to a food court to get a great burger the Bayou Amber ale is topped with spicy shredded prime rib and an Amber ale cheese sauce served on a toasted bios bun beer cheese on a burger 1,000% yes that cheese is Rich and nutty

And creamy and compliments that already flavorful and slightly charred prime rib really well the burger itself unfortunately does still taste like one of those standard theme park Burgers but the prime ribbon cheese sauce definitely Spruce it up to make it a whole lot more interesting taste and texture-wise and

Good burger number three the bisen cheeseburger at geyser Point Bar and Grill in Wilderness Lodge this burger comes topped with bacon sweet crispy onion straws Maran Berry sauce lettuce tomato and garlic aoli while usually I steer clear from buffalo meat sometimes cuz it’s kind of lean and gy this burger

Beats that stereotype by being super juicy and hearty now there is a lot of flavors going on with the bis and cheeseburger so if you’d rather your cheeseburger be more straightforward this might not be the Artisan option for you but if you’re looking for an interesting take on a classic American

Entree the contrast of the sweet Mar and Berry and the saltiness of the onion straws bacon and garlic aoli is a really interesting balance of textures alongside a variety of unique flavors okay this next section is for the doubters let’s duke it out y’all there are some rather polar Rising

Snacks around the Disney World scene that people are either going to love to hate or hate to love now if you’ve never been to Disney World before then you probably want to stick with the snacks you’ve been looking forward to the most instead of trying to squeeze yourself

Into some weird snack drama but if you have been to Disney World before and you do want to be thrown into the midst of weird snack drama then I’ve got a list of split the room snacks that you and your group can try during your next

Visit then yall can take a vote American Idol style and figure out which polarizing snacks are actually the best of the bunch now quick side note this can actually become a fun killing time while heading back home discussion to what better way to distract yourself from the end of your vacation and your

Long trip back to normality than by trying to convince your family and friends why your favorite Disney snacks deserve all the love and attention from your group right so the split the room list is the brainchild of our whole dfb team meaning we all had heated yet civil

Discussions about each of these snacks and why they should be praised or banished we’re going to start with that Pongo loomia at p gongu in Animal Kingdom some people don’t love this gooey cream cheese texture or the unique pineapple flavor of the fried spring roll concoction but if you’re an

Adventurous eater looking for a snack under five bucks in Pandora in Animal Kingdom then you’re going to want to give this one a go a lot of us love it next is the blue and green milk at the milk stand in Hollywood Studios so Galaxy’s Ed just home of the very iconic

Yet very controversial blue and green milk beverages while many Star Wars fans like to order them just cuz they’re a Canon drink from the franchise others aren’t a big fan of drinking these colorful floral mushy milk slushies but in Bat you got to try it right right the

Grilled cheese dut at everglazed in Disney Springs yep there’s a lot of ease there caters to the folks who want to enjoy a lot of melty cheese on a griddled glazed donut bun would you change your mind if I told you you could add bacon to it for just a dollar more

Maybe maybe not let us know what you think and the school bride at kringler Bakery aug Cafe I can’t believe this is even on this list y’all because this is such an incredible treat but fine I get that some people don’t like it and I don’t understand but anyway here’s what

It is it’s a cream filled Norwegian treat it’s been a longtime favorite of mine some members of the dfb team are not huge fans of the coconut cream filling saying it reminds them of taking a bite into suntan lotion which is just silly but anyway you let me know what

You think and finally the cheeseburger spring rolls at the Adventure Land spring roll cart in Magic Kingdom somebody just tell me who doesn’t like these cuz I we need to have a conversation but anyway most everyone on the dfb team does love our cheeseburger wrapped up in crispy fried golden

Goodness but some of us like to remind the team that two small spring rolls that taste a whole lot like a Mickey D’s cheeseburger sold for 950 is a lot to pay for a snack that isn’t going to fill you up okay that’s valid I get it so you

Still like them but you just don’t like the cost right is that okay just make okay moving on I’m going to post a few more polarizing snacks on the screen right now that I don’t have time to discuss fully in this video but I want y’all to discuss amongst yourselves you

Know make sure to check out our dfb blog post about each of these snacks before you purchase them just so you’re not completely blindsided by what to expect our next section of the best things to eat in Disney World in 2024 is for a day day out around the Epcot Resorts Disney

Resort days can be some of the best Disney days which should be great news for you cuz that saves you the cost of an extra day is worth of Park tickets so let me illustrate what a day strolling and snacking around the Epcot area resorts like boardwalk in yacht and

Beach Club could look like for you I’m going to be under the assumption right now that you’re not actually staying at one of these Deluxe Resorts but that you’re just going to be paying them a visit but if you are staying at one of these Resorts go ahead and squeeze them

Some pool time in your itinerary too so first start off by ordering a nice Java pickme up over at Carousel coffee in boardwalk in you may also want to snag a breakfast Bakery item from Boardwalk Deli 2o before settling in on one of the outdoor benches that look across the

Crescent Lake see that we’re already off to a solid start aren’t you relaxed now whether you’re staying as a guest at boardwalk in or not many of recreational activities are still going to be available for you to rent or experience for free so go ahead and book a sir bike

For the family to hop aboard for a morning ride around the area after you’re done with that Disney’s Fantasia Gardens and Fairways miniature golf is actually within walking distance from the Epcot area hotels so you can stroll over and compete with your family across 18 holes of Fantasia themed courses and

Then walk back to the Epcot resort area for lunch lunch today is going to be at the Retro themed beaches and cream over at Disney’s beach club resort which serves up comfort food Diner Entre like grilled cheese and tomato soup and reubin and thick cheeseburgers with a

Side of fries and don’t forget to grab a milkshake too either at the table service itself or from its to-go window right outside at this point you’ve probably been eyeballing Crescent Lake for a while now so how’s about actually taking a ride across it Disney’s yacht and Beach Club has their own Marina

Where you can rent a suntrack or pontoon boat that seats up to 10 guests for $49 per half hour these boats are first come first serve so you don’t have to worry about making reservations for them but that being said if you’re worried about that weight list booking up solid before

You get the chance to put your name in you may want to switch around your itinerary and try getting the boat at the start of the day instead of the middle of the day totally your call you can also go on a 2 to 4our guided bass

Fishing Excursion if that’s more up your alley this is a catch and release experience that you can book ahead of your trip by calling 407 939 fish all right all that boating and fishing sure probably made you hungry which is why we’re going to go to cruise cup Lounge

For dinner Lounge favorites are available to order from 5:00 to 9:30 p.m. and include options like truffle fries and lobster bisque or my personal favorite those prime rib sliders now depending on when you’re going to be around the Epcot resort area that may influence how you experience your day

Dining around these hotels cuz in 2024 boardwalk in will be introducing two new dining experiences into the mix the Blue Ribbon corn dog kiosk and the cake bake shop table service so depending on your preferences you may want to sneak in a corn dog snack to try one of blue

Ribbon’s wacky concoctions like the pickle corn dog with a side of peanut butter because why not or you may want to book a meal for a fancy afternoon tea complete with safe Avery sandwiches and decadent cakes over there at cake bake shop how about if you need a break away

From technology I’ve lost count of how many times people tell me how exhausting it is to feel like they’re on their phone all trip long trying to book lightning lanes and get last minute dining reservations and check weight times etc etc instead of just simply enjoying their time in Disney World so

Let’s do that let’s put our phones away and take a trip to Disney’s Great Outdoors instead to disconnect from technology take part in adventurous activities and also find some pretty awesome places to eat Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort is a hub of outdoor activities here you can sing songs with

Chip and Dale around the campfire shoot an arrow during archery class say hello to our fellow equestrian friends at the tricircle D Ranch or hitch a carriage ride from them fish away the afternoon watch the electrical water pageant at night on the beach rent a bike or a

Canoe or a kayak or a golf cart take a segue tour around the resort and and so much more but while you’re filling your day with Wilderness activities you’re going to need to fill your tummy and keep yourself fueled right for lunch you can check out the recently refurbished

Trails and restaurant featuring a market concept with Quick Service items it’s kind of a food court now there instead of a table service location there’s a lot to choose from you got pizza hand scooped ice cream prepackaged stuff baked goods classic barbecue food and those barbecue Entre include full family

Meals that come with fried Chien chicken barbecue ribs or a combo of the two alongside a bunch of different sides and those will feed a family of 2 to four for only 27 to $31 y’all this is the most affordable family meal you’ve been searching for

Take advantage of it run with it savor it cuz it’s not often you’re going to be able to feed your entire family for under 40 bucks in the Disney bubble dinner however might be a different much more expensive story but for good reason Fort Wilderness is also home to Disney

World’s only dinner theater experience hoop dooo Musical review Disney’s hoop too Musical review is an extravaganza of food and entertainment that the whole family can laugh with and sing along to and it’s hard not to have a good time here I’ve been to this show like 12

Times maybe more and it’s always the same but it’s always fantastic so located in Pioneer Hall the setting is a huge Barn complete with stage and musical numbers where you’re going to be served literally buckets of food for the table including all you care to enjoy fried chicken and ribs mashed potatoes

Mac and cheese even select alcoholic beverages if you’re of drinking age is this going to be the best tasting food of your whole trip probably not is having more than one sangria going to make you sick possibly but is your family going to be talking about this

One for ages yes and in a positive way not a negative way just remember that you will have to make an advanced dining reservation here and payments are required in full while locking in those reservations as far as snacks and Specialty drinks are concerned Fort Wilderness can hook you up with those

Throughout the day too if you’re 21 and older you can try a moonshine Margarita over at the meadow snack bar to go along with your Meadows loaded chips topped with pulled pork cheese sauce and jalapenos or you can get a full moonshine cocktail flight from Crockett’s Tavern and accompany those

Drinks with some shakery sliders or other bite-sized bar options and guess what not a phone in sight now how about more affordable dining dupes yes splurging on a tasty Disney meal can be fun and memorable but what if I told you many of the foods you’re looking forward

To trying during your next trip can actually be found cheaper elsewhere like way cheaper okay hold on to your hats and glasses cuz I’m about to Rapid Fire a bunch of Disney dining dupes that’ll help save you money while you’re trying those iconic Disney Foods dupe number

One grab a box of ohana noodles from tamboo Lounge instead of booking a full table service meal at Ohana which is literally only steps away from the lounge so same kitchen same nudes at night you can even ask ask for these noodles to go so you can take them out

To the Polynesian Village beach side and watch the happily ever after fireworks shoot off over Magic Kingdom Beach noodles fireworks how can it get better dupe number two for breakfast order Tonga toast from Captain Cooks at Polynesian Village instead of Kona Cafe also a Polynesian Village Kona Cafe will

Automatically upcharge you 17 bucks for the strawberry compost on top of their Tonga toast but you can get the exact same Tonga toast made with banana stuffed deep fried sourdough bread and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar for about $11 instead down there at Captain cooks and that’s a great deal unless the

Absence of the strawberry compost is a deal breaker for you dupe three try the frozen apple juice at Boardwalk in’s General Store instead of at lefo Brew Inside Magic Kingdom no need to pay for a full Park ticket to try Leo’s Brew when you can just Waltz on over to the

Portwalk and pick one up there Inside Magic Kingdom lefo Brew can be found at Gaston’s Tavern it’s made with frozen apple juice a hint of toasted marshmallow and topped with all natural passion fruit mango foam but you can get the exact same frozen apple juice at Boardwalk screen door General Store and

Possibly at a few other places that sell goofy glaciers the main difference between the two drinks is that the boardwalk version is missing the drizzle of syrup or foam on top but it is a frozen apple juice Glacier straight from the tap which is really what gives lefo

Brew most of its flavor anyways oh and the boardwalk version is also a dollar cheaper so there’s that dupe number four order the pineapple coconut bread pudding from banana Cabana at Caribbean Beach instead of from Ohana sorry Ohana hate to dog on you but you really are an

Expensive restaurant and if we can find our favorite Ohana items without having to pay a prefixed price of 62 bucks per adult to get them then we’re probably going to do that once in a while the pineapple coconut bread pudding from banana Cabana is topped with caramel

Sauce and served to the side of vanilla ice cream sound familiar Ohana but this version will only put you back 10 bucks wondering if this bread pudding is really going to be as good as the one you’ll find at Ohana would it EAS your worries if I told you the same Chef

Created both desserts for both menus great and dupe five grab the fish and chips from Yorkshire County fish shop instead of Rosen Crown dining room now I do love me roseen Crown but if you’re just looking to order some fish and chips Rosen Crown’s attached counter service location Yorkshire County fish

Shop basically serves a very similar option to the restaurant but instead of paying 28 bucks for it you’ll only pay around 14 and you don’t have to worry about budgeting for a tip either all right this is what of my favorite ones that we’ve got for you here this is fast

Food that’s better than table service food so believe it or not the food you pay less for can be way better than the food you might pay top dollar for in Disney World with that being said here are our top five Disney World quick service or fast food restaurants that

You’re going to want to try for yourself just to see if you feel the same way we do first up is eat in Disney Springs now this is Disney Springs newest fast food restaurant that’s won us over the fast food joint serves up traditional Indian dishes with a more modernized twist

Giving us refreshingly new flavor profiles to look forward to with each and every meal now there’s a lot to love here from the non breed service to the tandoori chicken poutine to the non Pizza to the build your own bowls and even the dessert overall the Innovative items here are unlike anything you’re

Going to try at any other Disney World restaurant even the ultra fancy ones now satuli canteen and Animal Kingdom always a go-to for us if you’re looking for an adventurous meal that’s quick and affordable has lots of seating and air conditioning satuli canteen food is perfect and it’s out of this world

Literally it’s you know it’s in Pandora at satuli you can get fun and unique and tasty bowls featuring a variety of options where you’ll pick your base and your meat and your toppings but the main event here is the steamed cheeseburger pods well they’re the main event for us

Anyway and kids and adults both love them Regal Eagle Smokehouse and Epcot is next we can’t stop talking about this restaurant honestly it boggles my mind that when this used to be Liberty in in the American Adventure Pavilion in Epcot it was no good nobody went there it

Wasn’t delicious there was nothing to get here it was blah it was boring Burgers whatever now that it’s barbecue they’re doing such a great job it’s really good food and now it’s one of our top recommended places in abcot that’s why we keep going back to these restaurants that’s why we keep

Re-reviewing these places over and over and over again cuz you never know when the place that you loved 2 years ago you’re suddenly going to hate and the place places that you hated two years ago are going to be the number one locations right things change all the

Time in Disney World anyway Regal Eagle is one of our favorite dining spots in Disney World for a few different reasons right now for starters it’s in the middle of World Showcase which means it’s a great halfway point during your exploration of Epcot the barbecue you’re going to find here is not only

Consistently good but the price you’re going to pay is going to provide you with satisfyingly filling portions in the end and best of all you’re very likely going to find something on the menu that everyone in your group group can enjoy which can be a rarity at some restaurants especially in World Showcase

I mean it can’t really go wrong with ribs Burgers sandwiches salads and thick Rich cups of salty creamy mac and cheese right right Columbia Harbor House and Magic Kingdom is next on our list this is a popular surf and turf quick service located in Liberty Square now before you

Folks tell me you don’t like seafood and that’s why you don’t eat here there’s a lot more on the menu than just seafood and for folks who like surf and turf or like both then this is going to be a good location for them too so platters

Offer stuff like fried fish and shrimp and lobster rolls but whether you’re looking for something fresh and grilled or deep fried and comforting you got plenty of other dishes to choose from here I love the chicken tenders here whenever we swing by this joint we tend

To grab our food and Escape up to the second floor of the dining room for a quieter experience and better people watching windows and parade watching Windows next on this list is the polite Pig and Disney Springs how about we book end things with another Disney Springs

Quick Service this is the second Quick Service barbecue entry on our Quick Service list and I promise you it’s different barbecue than what you’re going to find at Regal Eagle polite Pig features Modern Barbecue and a variety of Woodfired smoked and grilled items not to mention all drinks are served on

Tap and there’s a full bourbon bar for you to explore too for another last minute option to add to your Disney Springs Bar Crawl the owners of this place James and Julie patrus in partnership with Chef Brian Petras are already well known in the Orlando area for their restaurant like the ravenous

Pig and Cas and Larder which focus on using seasonal ingredients plus back in 2022 polite Pig was recognized by the Michelin guide so you know the food’s got to be somewhat impressive right now what if you want to meet every single character let’s say your goal is to meet

As many unique Disney characters as you can without having to wait in line after line for them inside the parks I totally get that respect if that’s the case then make sure you save or plan on purchasing the Disney Dining Plan so you can secure your reservations for these seven

Character dining locations oh my goodness this sounds like a blast and I need to come on your trip with you okay acru Royal Banquet Hall in Epcot this is where you’re going to meet multiple princesses without it being as hard to get reservations as it is to get at

Cinderella’s Royal table in Magic Kingdom and it’s cheaper to dine here too you’ll still get to meet characters like Snow White and Jasmine Belle Tiana princess Aurora Ariel sometimes Cinderella’s even there and you get to dine on Norwegian Specialties and who doesn’t want to do that note that

Characters do rotate out regularly so you may see different gals out and about during your visit next is artist point at Wilderness Lodge it’s called storybook dining at artist point and if you want to guarantee a meet and greet with the OG princess herself as well as meet rare characters like grumpy Dopey

The evil queen then artist Point storybook dining with Snow White is a must do prefixed dinner experience but this is not your typical prefix meal this is a fairy tale themed meal where you can choose an entree and shared appetizer dessert for the whole table all within an enchanted forest setting

And I have to tell you that the Yorkshire puddings here are massive so please get the prime rib if you don’t want to get the prime rib I understand I will not be sad but if you do like prime rib and you like Yorkshire pudding this

Is like the only place I’ve ever seen them in America this huge all right Garden Grill and abcot is next you might be able to meet Mickey and Pluto at other character dining restaurants in Disney World but you’re only going to meet Chip and Dale at Garden Grill and

Along with meeting Farm Mick his trusty Pooch companion and the rap scallion Chipmunks themselves you’re also going to be able to dine on a chip Andale themed Harvest Feast it’s doesn’t mean you’re eating Chipmunks it’s okay but it’s going to be breakfast lunch or dinner and it’s a really really good

Meal no Chipmunks included while breakfast features a typical family style spread of morning grub lunch and dinner include Comfort classic options like cornbread and salad and grilled steak and mashed potatoes and veggies and seasonal pie and slow roasted turkey and mac and cheese and a lot of the

Veggies of course were grown right down in the land green houses so these are super Super Fresh y’all now just want to clarify really quickly here you can meet chip Andale guaranteed at the Fort Wilderness campfire if you’re meeting Mickey and Pluto someplace else and you don’t want to book this table service

You can meet them at that campfire each night so just throwing that in there I know that you all have your spreadsheets out and everything so there we go if you don’t have your spreadsheets out why don’t you you should definitely have spreadsheets for this okay Crystal

Palace in Magic Kingdom this is where you’re going to meet and mingle with the 100 Acre Wood gang Pooh piglet Tigger and Eeyore are going to visit you at your table over at Crystal Palace as you dine on selections from a full buffet for breakfast lunch and dinner now extra

Tip alert while you’re checking into your reservation request a window table to catch glimpses of the Main Street parades and cavalcades or the Magic Kingdom fireworks you won’t always be guaranteed a window seat but asking does improve your chances of getting one next is Ohana bre breakfast at Polynesian

Village Resort in the evening Ohana is a Hawaiian style Churrascaria type service with no character dining but if you make reservations for the best friend’s breakfast instead then you’ll get to meet Lilo Stitch Mickey and Pluto see told you Mickey and Pluto like to pop up

In other places but as for Lilo and Stitch you’re only going to be able to do a character dine with them right here at Ohana morning guests at Ohana will be served in all you can eat American breakfast influenced by the unique taste of Polynesia like Hawaiian pork sausages

Is style potatoes and Hawaiian breads next is the Hollywood and Vine breakfast in Hollywood Studios character dining varies depending on whether you make reservations at Hollywood and Vine for breakfast or for lunch and dinner while the lunch and dinner buffet is held during Minnie’s seasonal dine Where

Minnie is the hostess for various dinner parties throughout the year and is often joined by Mickey Goofy and Pluto breakfast is completely different and gives you and your youngans the chance to party with Disney Junior characters like Fancy Nancy and vampirina Doc McStuffins and Roadster Goofy and

Finally we’ve got Chef Mickey’s at the Contemporary Resort Chef Mickey’s may not be our all-time favorite buffet in the Disney scene but it is the only Buffet where you’ll be able to meet all the Fab Five Mickey Minnie Goofy Donald and Pluto in one place other character dining restaurants with Fab Five members

Usually have one or two missing out of the bunch like tusker house and Kate May Cafe but not Chef Mickey’s this place makes sure everyone in the team is accounted for though Mickey won’t be out and about meeting guests on the dining room floor instead you’ll meet him

Either before or after your meal where he’ll be waiting for you to come and take a picture with him now what if you want a food challenge some Disney foods are huge and massive and they’re so big that you’ll have no choice but to get a team together just to conquer them all

So if you think you’re up for the challenge here are the biggest sharable items at Disney restaurants that you can order to split among your entire group first up of course we have to talk about the kitchen and sink at beaches and cream we are back at beaches and cream

To take on the biggest ice cream challenge across all of Disney World property the one the only kitchen sink the famous kitchen sink Sunday serves four people and features scoops of vanilla chocolate strawberry cookies and cream and mint chocolate chip ice cream yes it ruins everything then it’s

Smothered in basically every topping you can get at the restaurant plus a full can of whipped cream it’s definitely a crowd pleaser with lots of marint and Fanfare included and if you’ve never had mint chocolate chip ice cream with peanut butter sauce now’s your chance oh

And you can get it in a chocolate lovers or a Neapolitan version if your group prefers then you don’t get to have mint chocolate chip ice cream with peanut butter sauce though so I don’t know why you’d do that next is the Nautilus at Trader Sam’s gr Grotto this is the most

Expensive cocktail you’re going to find on the trader Sam’s menu inside Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort but there’s a reason for that this drink is meant to serve two or more guests and is made with rum comere creme and PES dein Lor tropical juices and ferum but here’s

Where things get really wild every time a nautilus is ordered The Grotto starts to dive dive dive into the deep blue sea you’ll hear submarine sound effects the lighting in the bar will turn a deep shade of blue and that squid arm behind the bartenders will begin to move while

The bartenders themselves will start slipping on their snorkel gear it’s truly an event and that’s not the only cocktail that’ll trigger a full experience inside this Grotto go ahead order some something for yourself and see what happens by the way if you are into sharing giant drinks with your

Friends sometimes over at the Edison you can get a whole punch bowl of your favorite drink and share that among a bunch of people too next is the festival food crawls with each new Epcot festival epcot’s free passport tasting booklets will include a new food crawl challenge

For guests to try located on the back of the book and while those are fun we also have a ton of very unique food crawls in our dfb guide to Walt Disney World dining that’s our super popular ebook that you can find over at dfb

We got lots of food crawls in there lots of very interesting ones and ones maybe you wouldn’t expect to do with your friends but it’s a blast so definitely check that out then I want to put before you the sushi boat at Shiki saai Sushi isaka you got 300 bucks burning a hole

In your pocket well then shikisai has an assortment of sushi and sashimi that feeds up to four to six people in all seriousness $300 is nothing to sneeze at that’s quite the money to drop on a whole bunch of sushi even if it is really high quality Sushi however if

You’re in a sushi mood and you got a whole group that wants to take on this challenge with you then this challenge is quite fun and tasty and brand new to the park and this is of course over in Epcot so head on over to World Showcase now consider this to be foodie

Challenge part two now who’s up for a challenge do we have some adventurers out there one of the best ways you can use the free play Disney Parks app is by taking on some or all of the DuckTales world showcase adventure missions seven of the world showcase Pavilions host

These different DuckTales quests giving you and your family a whole new way to explore each represented country in an immersive scavenger hunt like game now don’t worry you have not accidentally switched into another video we are still talking about the best things to eat in Disney World in

2024 so here’s our tip for a unique experience around Epcot try taking on these quick and engaging DuckTales missions to help Huey Dewey Louie Donald and Uncle Scrooge take down the bad guys and make the world safe from villains then once you finish a mission you can

Reward yourself with a little snack or drink in the Pavilion you just saved the day because even heroes deserve a treat now this is a great way to eat around an Epcot festival of which there are many as you know so this is a good way to kind of combine your world showcase

Adventure with a few few nips and bites for everyone in the fam and then the kids won’t get super bored by being like Oh my gosh we just have to keep going to these booths over and over again no they get to do the DuckTales adventure and

Then each country you explore you get a little bite to eat but if you don’t want to do it that way that’s okay we’ve already created a little scavenger hunt for you anyway so here are some quick snack recommendations for each Pavilion with a DuckTales Mission if you don’t

Want to do a little eat around the festival thing in Mexico try the Empanada de barboa at chos margarita and if you’re a drinking age pick up a frozen Marg while you’re at it in Norway well we already mentioned that school bread is a pretty controversial option

At cringle B gag Cafe but the Norwegian kingla topped with your choice of almonds or chocolate may be an easier sell for your group in China you can order two pork egg rolls at the joy of te for under five bucks in Germany just get anything from caramel cusha trust me

The fresh caramel here is a crowd pleaser in Japan find that refreshing khaki Gori shave ice over at Kabuki Cafe in France go all out with a cro glass La Artisan de glass which is an ice cream sandwich made with your choice of ice cream and press right before your eyes

Into a warm Brio bun this is really easy to share with the whole fam and finally in the United Kingdom check out one of the authentic British snacks hiding out at the tea cadd shop like the Guinness luxury fudge or the Jammy Dodgers now all this snacking scavenger hunt

Challenge can be timec consuming if you’re trying to get a lot out of the main Epcot attractions in one day it’s still a great and unique way to explore the park during those Peak vacation Seasons when the lines for rides are just getting a little too intense for

Your liking now our next set of food items on this list is kind of sad so last year we learned that Dino Land USA and animal kingdom is going to be getting the meteor blast treatment too soon or is 225 million years not enough time to make that comment yep in the

Future this section of the park will be closing to make way for an entirely new section themed around the tropical America because probably which is going to feature properties like Encanto and Indiana Jones and well we’re excited to see what new experiences and Foods these new sections will bring it is sad to

Think about our favorite Dino riic Eats and Treats having to leave the scene which is why we’ve created the ultimate dinand USA dining and attractions itinerary for you so you can make sure you experience route 498 to its fullest before it’s swept off the map now at the

Start of the day really kick things off on a high note with a ride on dinosaur While most everyone else will be flocking to flight of passage in Pandora dinosaur is going to be a walk-on first thing in the morning super easy dinand USA doesn’t really have any places to

Grab a quick breakfast but if you step right outside of the area the Asia section of the park has some counter Services drink wallala Trek snacks that’ll serve up those tasty breakfast tatos in the morning and if you’re looking for a coffee or tea to start

Your day a quick jot over to Royal anandapur Tea Company in the Asia section of the park is going to get you set up with that Joffrey’s coffee or tea that you’ve come to love and get addicted to dur during your time in Disney World this is also one of the

Only joffre locations that serves up Frozen chai and it’s a good Frozen Chai at that in the afternoon when the ride lines may be getting a bit too long in other areas let your kids run around the Boneyard playground for a bit while the grown-ups sit back and take a much

Needed breather at tro bites you can pick up the buffalo chicken chips as either a main meal for yourself or just as a snack to split among the group just keep in mind that they aren’t always the most kid-friendly since they’re a little spicy and they’re top with blue cheese

Dressing we love them though and even though it may never have been a priority ride for you before you got to take some time out of your day to appreciate Triceratops spin One Last Time right plus it’s a fun and easygoing ride that anybody in the family can do no matter

How young or old for a midday snack try one of the ice cream cookie sandwiches from Dino Bite snacks we sure are hoping these sweet treats return in some sort of capacity when the tropical Americas take over cuz they’ve been a dfb fan favorite for a long long long long long

Time now and just look at them lots of creamy Ice Cream Sandwich between two huge cook cookies surely this won’t be the end of one of our favorite desserts and now it’s time to step right up and win a dino prize over at the fossil fun games these carnival style games do

Require vouchers in order to play which you can purchase at Chester and Hester’s dinosaur Treasures what makes this experience even more fun are the Dino Land USA prizes which more than likely will become major Collectibles once this part of the park disappears for good to wrap up your time in dinoland USA it’s

Time for one last meal at restaurantosaurus one of my favorite counter Service locations in all of Disney World this is a quick service location that offers a variety of theme park Staples like burgers and salads and chicken nuggets alongside unique and kitchy dining room theming while the

Menu is fairly simple the setting is anything but as this story goes paleontology students turn their home base into a restaurant and now you get to peruse all their cool props and Equipment complete with plenty of sight gags and puny humor seriously take some time to do a little research of your own

Here by exploring all the fun little details before or after your meal and guess what else the restaurantosaurus lounge is also tucked into this counter service location small bites and Cocktails are served in this surprisingly relaxing little corner of an otherwise bustling Spot while the lounge hours can be limited you’ll find

A sign posted outside of the restaurant letting you know when and if it’s going to be open for business the day of your visit now who’s ready for a Disney Springs Bar Crawl if you don’t want to pay for a full Park ticket to try drinking around the world at Epcot you

Can hop around the Disney Springs scene to try several interesting and tasty Tails draft beers Margaritas wines or whatever else might be your poison of choice while I do trust y’all really I do I feel like this is a good time to remind everyone to please drink

Responsibly when and if you decide to attempt any sort of Disney bar crawl drink plenty of water take breaks in between maybe even break up the challenge across multiple days of your trip and make sure you got enough food in your system so you’re not drinking on

An empty stomach also please don’t drive okay got the disclaimer out there now let’s start crafting the bar Bar Crawl of your dreams you’re going to start over at the basket which is wine bar George’s Quick Service window here you can cool down with one of their Frozen wine concoctions like our personal

Favorite the froscot made with DOL whip pineapple Moscato white wine and vodka and after hitting a few quick shops or maybe munching on some of the baskets ever so tasty mac and cheese bites you can swing by homecoming shine bar in Social to order a moonshine cocktail or

Sample one of the ones currently on tap with the Moonshine flight after a couple of rounds of bowling at Splitsville luxury Lanes next you can head over to their drinks to go window for one of their fun frozen drinks like the P colada or coconut Margarita and better

Yet you can even purchase a 20 o refillable squeeze bottle or a 28 o pin sipper which both come with discounted Frozen cocktail refills for life Frozen cocktail refills cost $13 for the squeeze bottle and $16 for the pen sipper now a brand new entry to this Disney Springs Bar Crawl is summerhouse

On the lake which just opened up this past December this might be a good spot for you to make dinner reservations if you want a table service with both unique options like salmon pocon nachos and potato salad doubled eggs as well as more familiar options too like crispy chicken sandwiches and classic cheese

Pizzas but if you’re here just for the drinks summer House’s attached cookie bar serves a wide selection of wine beer handcrafted cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages as well as cookies too duh all of which you can take with you on the go and you really can’t leave out jock

Lindsay’s hanger bar when attempting a Disney Springs Bar Crawl all of Jo Lindy’s cocktails are Indiana Jones themed which matches the Ambiance of the bar itself this place has some pretty unique cocktails like the RAM and tangerine Lor cool-headed monkey the vodon cranberry Fountain of Youth that’ll go perfectly with those Fountain

Of Youth chicken wings served to the side of lime sour cream the whiskey Jin and Paar Scottish professor and the ramen ginger beer bams Barnstormer now remember if you’re going to go to jock Lindsay try to sit in that diving bell that’s my favorite place to sit in the

Whole place and it’s always for first come first served here so don’t be weird about hanging out outside the diving bell till the people in there leave but you know keep an eye on it now bonus tip several places around Disney Springs have happy hour specials throughout the

Week which will give you a nice discount on select appetizers and drinks you can learn more about all the Disney Springs restaurants that feature these happy hour offerings in our brand new 2024 dfb guide to Walt Disney World dining it’s now available on dfb website

Make sure to type in code YouTube to save on your total guide book purchase and you’re going to get all the happy hours listed all over Disney Springs now Disney Springs has so many other great places to drink we’re not mentioning them all here but you know places like

The paddlefish Rooftop Bar great place to watch the sunset the Edison if you’re super into steampunk 1920s 1930s that’s going to be a great place for you to go you’ve got the boat house everybody loves sitting out on the dock there there’s lots of great places to eat and

Drink and Disney Springs oh my gosh I didn’t even mention Ragin Road where of course you’re going to get a pine of Guinness because what else would you get there but there’s lots there’s lots more to get to but plenty of places to go Disney Springs really is a treasure

Trove of amazing food and drinks so if you are a food and drinks person which you are CU you’re here with us definitely research that a little bit I think we’ve got videos on best places to eat in Disney Springs we’ve ranked the restaurants um so we got a bunch of

Information in our videos about Disney Springs to find that playlist as well all right I get that not everyone’s going to want to do a Disney Springs Bar Crawl so how about a cookie crawl instead here’s a full list of all the best places to pick up cookies while

You’re in Disney Springs and again you can totally break this up over the course of your trip just so you don’t wind up with a tummy ache by the end of the day first is Gideon’s bake house we have to talk about Gideon’s this is over-the-top Bakery it’s got giant

Disney cookies that are like a half pound yep you read that right now if we have to name just one one cookie that we Crown the king of cookies here which believe me is a hard thing to do then the coffee cake cookie is a solid choice this is exclusive to this particular

Location it’s a delicious vanilla bean cookie filled with cinnamon strudel then topped with a double baked buttercrumbs you have to get to Disney Springs early if you want to get your hands on this one though it can only be ordered in the mornings and until they sell out and if

You’re looking for something a bit simpler look no further than the original that started it all the chalk chocolate chip cookie which is a half pound of buttery sugary goodness completely covered in giant chocolate chips and sprinkled liberally with sea salt next place for cookies is the

Cookie bar this is its summerhouse on the lake and it opened its own walkup cookie bar in Disney Springs on December 14th 2023 so it’s brand new but unlike the main restaurant you don’t need a reservation to check out this cookie bar we tried a ton of different sweets here

As soon as we had the chance to but the cookies that came out on top for us were the lemon cookie and the crispy rice chocolate chip cookie the lemon cookie may not have been a looker but it was tart fresh and fruity with a strong lemon flavor meanwhile the crispy rice

Chocolate chip cookie is the cookie Bar’s classic chocolate chip topped with brown butter rice krispie treats the rice krispie treats make this one a very very sweet one but there’s a fun textural element thanks to that cereal moving on to sprinkles next in Disney Springs they may be known for their

Gouret cupcakes and a variety of unique flavors but they also make one mean cookie there are actually a few cookies to choose from here but the one we keep coming back to time and again whenever it’s available and you guys know this if you watch the videos a long time is The

Salted oatmeal cornflake cookie so yeah we’re getting another cookie topped with breakfast food so that’s you know a thing you need to know and this treat is chewy and sweet and sprinkled with coarse salt to give it an elevated slightly Savory flavor it is incredible moving on to Aaron McKenna Bakery NYC

Vegans and gluten-free diners should definitely put Aaron McKenna at the top of their list cuz this Bakery makes fresh gluten-free and vegan friendly cookies and other sweet treats daily but one of our favorite cookie options here no matter if you’re vegan or gluten-free or not is the vanilla dipped Cookie

Sandwich the cookie and icing is undetectably vegan and gluten-free and there’s just something about the way the chocolate dip the chocolate chip cookie and the frosting all work together to create a texture that works 10 out of 10 we love it okay what did I tell you food really

Can be theme park we really tried to give you fun experiences with this video instead of just listing the same restaurants over and over again right so I hope you enjoy these little fun experiences scavenger hunts things to do with your family ways to avoid the

Crowds I hope that plused up this video for you a little bit now before you head out don’t forget about our full and totally free 2024 snack guide over at disneyfoodblog grab that completely free right now thanks for listening everyone thanks for watching as always this is AJ for Disney

Food blog and we’ll see you real Soon


  1. D-Luxe Burger in Disney Springs is where I've had some of the best burgers on property (they also have gluten free buns and fries, which was great for my Celiac partner!)

  2. Thanks AJ! Love watching the snack videos. Already getting excited for our August 2025 Disney trip!

    From Ireland🇮🇪❤

  3. I jumped online to look up this bayou ale burger. When I search it, it does bring me to the riverside mill page. With a photo of the burger. But it’s not actually on the menu- is it a specialty rotating menu? This shot to the top of my resort hop quick service meals and now I’m worried that I can’t find it lol

  4. Many snacks, almost all, sounded disgusting!!! The food in Disney is not great and very expensive to add to it your recommendations, and I moved out trip planning by 3 years back…

  5. Going back to disney world next week! Haven’t been since 2019 and it’s my first time going in the winter! Excited to try these snacks

  6. Thanks for the tips, AJ, I'm at Disney World right now, watching this while taking a break in the middle of the day, I enjoy the suggestions

  7. I think of corn dog nuggets whenever I miss Disney World lol. That and cold brew drunk through paper straws 😂

  8. I know it's a classic, but honorable mention for the Caramel Butter Bar at Karamell-Küche. It's my favorite dessert/snack!!!

  9. I no longer trust your opinion since you said that mint chocolate chip ice cream ruins everything…that just so happens to be our favorite! Here I thought you were supposed to be non-biased! All of your favorites look gross so, I basically just watch this to find out what NOT to eat when I go!

  10. Top four snacks at Disneyworld: School Bread, Cheeseburger Spring Rolls,Cheshire Cat Tail and Anything from Gideon's.

  11. Not sure Luminous fireworks diving packages are available right now. Possible they're all just sold out, but I've checked everyday and there has been 0 available at either restaurant in Dec, Jan, Feb or March as far as the calendar allows

  12. Going next month for my yearly trip and am getting hypedddd by watching your videos even more than usual. (Regular viewer, but your channel is on repeat right before a trip.) Each trip is a balance of trying new things while revisiting my faves, and I have sooo many new food experiences on the docket for this visit. ❤

    · first dinner at Monsieur Paul's
    · first time at Jellyrolls
    · first time staying at the Boardwalk, so trying carousel coffee for the first time to kickstart those mornings
    · first time doing character dining EVER at Chef Mickey's (I'm turning 30 this year but I'm so excited for my first character meal & unlimited Mickey waffles)
    · potentially swapping out DAK afternoon drinks from my all time favorite Nomad Lounge to Dawa Bar for something different
    · taking Ohana noodles, Capt Cooks nachos, & a bottle of bubbly to eat on the deck of our poly bungalow (major bucket list item I'll get to check off ❤)

  13. Any thoughts on JellyRolls at Boardwalk Inn area? I think it sounds like fun, but haven't heard alot about it recently. 🤔

  14. Most of these things i can get on board with, but that school bread just doesn't tickle my taste buds lol! x

  15. Why's it called 'yorkshire county' why not just 'yorkshire' 😅 it's obviously referring to Yorkshire the place?

  16. "… but hold the pork belly…literally…"
    "Pongu Lupia? I'll order that just so I can say it! Don't really care how it tastes."

  17. Do you have anyone that has dietary restrictions on the team? I’d love to see a video of vegetarian/gluten free/dairy free options and what’s good vs what to pass on 🙂

  18. I do not like the school bread at the Norway pavilion, and I am Norwegian. I also do not like the spring roles in MK. Dont think they are worth the hype or the price.

  19. It’s me, hi. I’m the one who thinks everything at the spring roll cart is revolting. Not a big fan of the flavors, but it’s the texture that is especially off putting for me. I just don’t like the ground up texture of those fillings. Same goes for the cheeseburger pods at Satu’li. I love their bowls, but I just can’t with that ground up filling.

  20. Yep, the eating issue. The buffets are doing us in financially. We need to cut back. When your one meal costs more than your off/disney hotel room. We really need to look at where we can save. Plus, at Sebastians we have a terrible situation. My daughter literally started choking on a piece of food. It happened so fast. I was trying to help her, and no one working at the restaurant noticed. Fortunately, the lady behind us was by pure chance a nurse and professionally trained in CPR> I thank GOD she just happened to be sitting near us. She performed the heimlich and literally saved my daughter's life. With kids, things happen and it just well, I was a nervous wreck after all this. All the manager said afterwards was if you need anything, come find us. I didn't have time to FIND anyone. I was tending to my daughter. Then all he wanted to do was talk about what other reastaurants were on our list and talk about them. He never asked my daughter is she alright. THey need better training with this particular issue. I've seen other kids have problems like this too over the years, this is just the first time ever with my daughter.

  21. Also I feel like Pecos bills pork carnitas items are severely under rated! My tacos were 100% my favorite quick service our whole trip

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