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OU Football Live: Friday news and staff updates/ Alabama has hired a new coach

What is up sooner Nation welcome back to the sooner surge another edition of Double Trouble what’s up Dow pois 83 Ron Brown as always uh do I think U beats Kansas no is it a possibility yes uh highly unlikely likely to happen there Kansas could be 0 and2 right now the Big

12 already so should be 0 and2 Jay so ser what a name that’s a new name I love it Jay you guys are the Serge aholics that’s right that’s what I love that name though for our followers the Ser aholics baby doesn’t doesn’t that have a negative connotation

Why what’s up what’s up Chad how are you tonight man it’s cold bro cold yeah I actually have a space heater in the room I’m at this time hey sooner fan don’t get started on the trivia we already got a trivia but it was not it was

1993 no he’s saying last time for U and Lawrence probably to play oh oh yeah last time they won was 93 and this is it’s not probably it’s I mean unless they schedu him out of conference this is the last time where do we want to start tonight another day no her

Announcement nothing crickets crickets another day crickets on Zack alley here’s the deal the P of regions meets we get updated salaries of all the staffers yet we do not get even a hint or anything of Zach alley hey but it’s another day it’s another day and another Tanya Shipman uh donation super because

T t hi Tanya hey thanks Tanya we can count on Tanya every night the OU situation they released the salaries of the coaches and it’s just crazy that Zach Aly wasn’t there but obviously uh he’s going to be in Norman he’s not he’s no longer on the Jacksonville State

Website uh he’s going to be the coach it sounds like he’s going to make about if you do the math he’s gonna make about 800k a year which isn’t what Ted where do you getting that where are you getting that number from well the thing that was posted Hunter correct me if I’m

Wrong there was a post today on Twitter of course U’s all the salaries added up is 6.7 I want to say and it said they’re only going to spend uh they’re not going to spend over eight 8 million it was at 6.7 you do the math it looked like it’s

Going to come under what they were last year and it’s going to be about 800,000 for Zack allly I don’t know I don’t know what to believe Jay he’s I’m I’m confident he’s gonna be hired I don’t think that’s the issue I just don’t understand the hold up and

Here’s the thing I I was telling you and Hunter this today Jeremy uh I it’s not really the fact that they haven’t hiring it’s just it’s baffling to me because let’s just say for for instance a couple B Defenders decided to enter the portal uh Zach Alli coached in in Alabama state

Of Alabama he’s recruited that area wouldn’t it be nice agree with wouldn’t it be nice to have him on staff already yeah I I agree with you Jay uh and yes other assistants got bumps EMT Jones isn’t leaving right now uh he’s happy uh Chuck uh but I don’t think you

Can I I mean Zack alli’s never been a major coordinator at a major university so therefore I think 800k is probably Fair Seth Latrell 1.1 million for a coordinator is not what lebby was making and he’s been AE coach but yeah leby was at 1.9 so I

Mean yeah I don’t know that’s up to they figured that out themselves hey uh they’re getting paid good money uh those guys so Chuck says do you think we will lose the wide receiver coach because of his pay no I I don’t and now now listen

Chuck next year the year after if they keep performing the way they’ve been re performing on offense and at receiver and he doesn’t keep getting bumped then then maybe you’d have to worry about it but not right now 675 uh 800k Ron said does that keep him in Norman

Uh Hey keep who Zack I don’t know if he’s talking about Zack allly or Emma Jones Zack allly 800 I’m gonna say this right I’m gonna say this right now I don’t know anything about financials of coaches and I shouldn’t be the one talking about it because I know Jack

Squat and if I say something it’s gonna sound like a stupid opinion so I’m gonna leave my opinion at that yeah look I think it’s the opportunity for Zach allly in 800k is a good gig as a 29y old who’s never been a coordinator at a major university what’s taking so long I

Can’t answer the question as far as the herd thing uh I wish I was making uh eight half of 800,000 at 46 years old and I’m not sooner hey we’re gonna move to the let’s move to the herd thing okay the herd thing on three pretty much put

A a prediction that he’s gonna be EV all who who put that out I thought I saw on three no haven’t seen I haven’t seen that Jeremy I don’t know I sent it to you in a group chat Jay yeah and that was not legit okay I saw three or four

Uh of those yeah you need to learn you need to look at it correctly I mean I’m not saying they’re all legit I’m just saying it seems to be it it seems that there is more talk about Tennessee than U well I agree but I haven’t heard anything on Old Miss have

You Old Miss isn’t in the equation Jay I I haven’t heard anything and and I agree Jen Kane that I think he is going to Tennessee probably can I bring something up sure can Jay why why does college football players why do they get bad RS for portal and I’m one

Of them I’m one of them I G on players for leaving the portal but coaches can go wherever they want whenever they want this dor no dor two years ago whatever he said that he was at his destination job now he just went up to Alabama I’m not

Compar no listen to me let me keep talking he’s going to Bama yes that’s the best job in the country bar n but listen I think coaches the narrative for coaches leaving is not as the same for players leaving I don’t think it’s fair it’s bad all the way around players coaches the

Next coach uh grub is gonna get an opportunity to be the guy at I think Grub’s gonna go to Bama I think Grub’s gonna go to Bama too he’s gonna get the chance to be at Washington and I you have to admit Jay it’s not Fair though

Because just even even the okay you go you go you have to admit that dor really needs him in bama and Jamie Chadwell is the guy they’re talking about the Liberty head coach at Washington hey and here’s the thing now will waders real rers already enter the portal hey hey

The Hub that brings up a great point that I was telling Hunter today you want to stop nil and all this portal stuff of guys leaving have buyouts on your guys with big contracts you want Danny stman pay us $5 million University to come get

Him not gonna do that why not what not going to do that it’s a contract you have an nil contract why can’t you buy out on it it’s not gonna happen I’m just saying why not why not it’s not gonna happen they need too much tell me why

Though tell me the difference why I just did they need too much Freedom Jay no but if you have a bu you want to come get our player that we paying for buy them out exactly I agree purple it’s not not through the university I agree and that’s probably the reason why right

There and sports metric is right I mean in five million hey five five million was just a number I’m not saying I’m it’s just a number I’m just I just think it’s I think it’s very unfair that the way coaches are treated they can do whatever they want when they ever want

To get out of a contract they can leave they get bought at whatever and guys go to the portal to better themselves and get more money and maybe go to a better school and they’re bashed it’s not fair well I I I will say uh dor and I’m going

To stick by what I’ve said I think dor is a really good hire for Alabama uh the guy all he’s done is won and now he’s gonna have better players to win with uh Will Rogers probably will go to Bama I don’t know Chadwell if he goes to

Washington then there’s a good chance uh maybe his former quarterback at Liberty goes there I don’t know uh but look as far as what people want to say about I I was ripped last night about saying that this didn’t matter to OU but here’s what I will say yeah hey Jay’s actually I

Like that fire Jay hey Jay I’ll say this you’re right Jay right it wasn’t directed at you so I can do it so yeah Jay you were right Bama saving leaving might affect you in this way the big 10’s only getting three teams next year in what way

Wasington ain’t gonna do it you don’t think Cliff Kingsbury can go there and win I think they’re losing a lot of guys already portal guys already defensive line fourstar recruit gone he me you don’t know who B’s gonna lose no I don’t I don’t think they’re

Gonna lose much okay it’s Bama okay okay uh yeah they got B’s got dudes all over the place uh no one’s talking about Jackson Arnold even what what are you talking about Lori hey does Will Rogers go to Bama I think he does if he’s there quarterback that’s bad Jay where is kingsberry

Everyone he did okay at Texas Tech okay yeah he did okay I I agree I think kingsbery wouldn’t be a great hire but I’m thinking I’m seeing people can win at Washington that’s stupid Lor you just hot me here listen I know that means I just got here but no one’s saying

Jackson Arnold’s leaving uh good evening s in fact nobody’s ever even mentioned Jackson Arnold’s name tonight no hey SN says Bill beaten B is gonna have the o line ready with or without Hearns I think Hearns is just a cherry on the top guys uh I I think Spencer

Brown faet are two guys are gonna come in and probably start you combine that with the class and what they have already there and then Michael Tarin is a guy they don’t have to have Hearns but I’m not going to see and say hey we’re better off without Hearns that’s

Hogwash John I guess Jeremy was right I don’t I don’t remember Jeremy saying they were gonna hire him but he was wrong in this he’s wrong in this aspect don’t start it tonight no I’m gonna say where you’re wrong don’t start it tonight why I was trying to be civilized

Guys oh wow okay never mind viewers I won’t go ahead Jay go ahead bud bring it up I’m not bringing it up say it nope say it nope move on that’s right Zaden go Cowboys move on move on we know Zaden wants the Cowboys to win being a Bears

Fan he can’t stand the Packers Move On We’re not gonna do it sooner blood We’re not gonna do it I’m not gonna do it because you can’t handle it so uh Wild Card Weekend cold weather outside I ain’t leaving my house I’m not leaving I ain’t leaving what movie is that

From W say it everyone else Hub saying start it start it Jay what were you gonna say you might have been right that they hired dbor you are 100% dead wrong if you think dbor was their first choice I there are four guys in their list four guys stop let me talk

He was he was not their first choice he was the first four yeah no what their first choice they were gonna call Lanning s kein and him all four GNA go interview the other three didn’t want to even to attt it scare well Nick say here’s what I’ll say

Here’s what I’ll say don’t interrupt me who is the closest out of those four kein Sark Lanning and dor who is the closest to Nick Sabin in personality Jeremy doesn’t matter stop coaching style it’s the board it’s the board Jeremy you cannot sit on here right now

And say what you’re saying when two days ago you sat on there and you said I it’s GNA be an Alabama guy somebody with Alabama blood Alabama DNA Nick sa’s gonna pick him Nick sa is gonna who comes after Nick s had a sa this did you

Say that Nick Sav had a say in this then it should then dor was not his first choice promise you okay okaye me you can disagree if you want I don’t care I’m just telling you was not offered the job he was offered an opportunity to pursue the job okay he

Would have he would have been selected if had he had he went I think there were four guys on the short list they wanted to talk to four they only talk to one and and and theor went and got the same agent but they all do you’re right

Well I’m gonna say I’m gonna say this right now yes Josh P he wasn’t offered that’s what I’m saying he wasn’t offered guys he wasn’t offered because he turned it down in communication he turned the pursuit of the job down he wasn’t offered a job I’m not getting on this DN

Landing thing again but I’ll say this my opinion I wouldn’t get on it either you were wrong I’m not wrong but here’s the deal uh my my opinion is I do not think this is a great hire for Alabama and I disagree with you okay and that’s fine I

Don’t think it’s a great house I think listen I think it’s a safe hire yes but I don’t think it was a guy they when sa left I don’t think they said well we already know we’re getting it’s it’s de I I don’t think they want I don’t think

They wanted the coach of the year National coach of the year I don’t think they wanted the two-time straight Pack 12 Coach of the Year I don’t think they wanted a guy who’s won he’s only lost 12 games his entire coaching career I don’t think they even wanted that guy well

Most of that career was in division 2 football Alabama got their guy Bobby says uh yeah look at the guy’s record chu chu hey Chuck we actually agree on something Chuck happy Friday he does have a great record who would be better I agree Infidel who

Would be better Jay on what on field coaching who would be better well I tell you who would have been a better higher for Alabama onfield coaching who would be better I’m not talking about I’m talking about coach at the UN un of Alabama who well I think Dan Lanning

Would have been he hasn’t done anything I’m so sick of Dan Ling he had done anything I’m not getting into this tonight I’m not hasn’t done anything we’re not do he lost twice to this guy Jay would kimman have been a good hire he hasn’t won natties would kimman

Have been a good high he didn’t make the national championship game this year division two this year but it’s the same boat dude hey yeah you’re right Hunter 67 and guess right and guess right Hunter he also made the a national title game this

Year hey no no no hey Chuck this is a great point this is a great Point you’re right you’re right I I am I I I love the Zach Ali hire okay when they whenever becomes official I do but listen we’re talking about Alabama the best you wanted a guy you

Wanted a guy who never won is Alabama the best job in college football yes and and you think so you’re saying you wanted them to hire a guy who’s never won Jeremy is the best coach in college football right now dor on the field absolutely no and man

Why do you always have to add you always have to add her prep he’s the best football coach right now this year yes is he the best coach in college football I just said he is yes oh wow wow that’s High Praise okay if that’s what you

Think that’s fine if you believe that then that’s fine I believe he’s the best onfield football coach in America no stop saying onfield I want to know the best coach in college football well Nick saan was the best coach who is now though other than San Kirby Smart

Maybe Kirby Smart is who I’d say yeah I’m alive Fred we’re alive all right J had to bring it up again Jay had to bring it up again I didn’t bring it up again whatever Mark’s questioning his decision to watch now he’s not better than Kirby

Smart he is not better than Kirby Smart I got it okay I don’t know why you had to bring this up again all I said was I like to hire for Bama okay I can say that you can’t that’s fine and I can say what I said that I don’t think he was

Our first choice that’s a good point Kirby maybe end up being better than Sav Kirby maybe an Atlanta Falcon I don’t know we’ll see no he’s not leaving uh I I yeah kimman climon would be a good fit at Washington I think maybe the Chadwell stuff from Liberty could happen you you

Know my biggest concern for dor it has nothing to do with his coaching on the field it’s recruiting it’s it’s two things it’s recruiting and he’s never been in this house at all at all I agree with that so the recruiting is to be determined I’m just saying

Onfield coaching he’s he’s Elite the culture he’s Elite jetfish is not the best hire okay I I’m just gonna end it with this because I don’t want to talk about I don’t want to talk about this uh for another hour but I’ll say this I you can never convince me otherwise Jeremy as

Much as you argue with me about it I will never believe that dbor was their first choice never so okay well we’ll never know I didn’t say first choice I said there were four guys in the list you said it was their first choice no I

Didn’t I said four guys on the list I’m not you said he’s the best coach in college football why wouldn’t he be his first choice well he’s way better than Dan Lanning so all right move on move on move on move on Jay uh the fact that hey the the

Fact that U’s playing uh yeah and someone mentioned that I won’t say it again but the offensive performance at B probably going to be is really good uh he’s great off he’s a great offensive guy that’s scary actually if B’s going to have a lead agree but I’d rather play

Abama with a great offense and a bad defense any day of the week yeah uh so Fred it’s not official about zance herd he is not officially a Tennessee volunteer there there’s still a smidgen of hope that it maybe he commits to U but it does look like in like we’ve said

What would he have waited on wait what what is Richard saying here more chicken what Riley did to owe you or what oh is he asking us yes uh R you USC’s way worse what yeah it’s what Riley did to owe you the way he did

It it’s the way he did it but whatever I mean hey again I’m not gonna look I don’t think the nil Collective is is is cheap I think U probably spent a lot of money on keeping the guys they got it I don’t think it has anything thing to do with

The amount of money they have in N I’ll say that now I think they matched what he wanted but maybe Tennessee went more I don’t think it has anything to do with the amount of money they have on nil I think it has anything to do with how

Much they willing to pay a player that’s look Hunter agrees with Chuck guess why why Chuck said don’t sleep on Oregon yeah that’s a great comment why I agree with that when when Moore is the starter I I’m that they’re gonna be scary I don’t think DG is leading them

Anywhere but they’re getting a lot of guys out of the portal they’re get they’re recruiting class if you want to say Jeremy was right on something he was right on Lane kippen I was wrong on Lane kippen I said I thought I thought they should have went after Lane Jeremy said

They never would because of the relationship and the and just he doesn’t fit so Jeremy you were right on that for sure well and that’s why I think the the deor thing a lot of it is the culture thing uh yeah exactly Joe everyone’s donating look I I don’t again like Hunter says

Here there is a little bit of a of how they’re spreading the money out it’s not like they don’t have a certain amount of money how they’re spreading it uh maybe uh other things but whatever hey Jeremy I don’t think it has to do with the amount of money they have nil

Wise okay I I think it’s all I just don’t think they’re gonna break the bank on certain players they’re just not gonna do it I think it’s more of a culture than it is I think people want me to get fired up tonight probably cause because Hunter’s

Gonna show every DG comment on here because Hunter’s obsessed with DG I agree with you Chuck DG’s gonna do just fine that’s what he is he’s just fine okay okay that’s what he is he’ll do just fine yeah you’re right owenfield hype if they could pull it out I mean it would

Be massive one o’clock tomorrow we’ll see gotta play the zebras well Darth her’s got to be better three-point shooting period uh so gotta hit your shots in the fog Allen dude yeah they’re wanting you to get going tonight look at that comment yeah I see what they’re

Doing here don’t even start it guys don’t take the ciz don’t take the bait I don’t even have a Red Bull I got a doctor pepper don’t take the bait bro yeah Way’s got to be better I just think he’s overrated Jerm said he want to D over

Jackson Arnold okay they’re just trying to get me going listen I’m not gonna fall for the bait uh you guys know my take on Farooq on DG on all of it okay whatever if you’re scared of DG you got problems if you’re scared to go against DG next

Year they’re not playing Oregon next year Oregon’s going to be in the playoff because they’re going to be in the top three do you see where their opening game was supposed to be at Hawaii now it’s not yeah why is it not because they’re playing Oregon State golly guys

Now we’re getting Hallmark movie suck man they’re really they’re pulling on the strings tonight What’s it gonna take for you to blow a gasket you guys know me too well oh Moser is an elite coach Golly Wow hey Sports metric yeah look at the receiver DJ got guess what look at

The receivers he had here the problem is he only throws to one of them that’s what he does he’s got locked in on one guy that’s what he does who’s that guy gonna be this year for who Oregon probably be their slot guy I think it’s the guy that’s coming

Back that was Bo nicks’s like brother Hunter I disagree I do not think his one guy will be Evan Stewart too much he goes down the field too much Chuck said twins are overrated I agree if your Twin’s brother name is Jason overrated it’s not even close

Overrated I’m just going Chuck said wow dude I don’t go personal attack so I’m not doing that no you may you may be Jason anyway you may be Jason if our mom Mix us up when we were younger you’re Jason by the way I’m Jason it doesn’t change anything except

My name hey uh Jay anyone can be a member of the collective am I wrong on that yeah if you give money right you just gotta pay just takes a little money money solves everything I guess don’t knowy talks I will say something I want to say

Something about Dan lenning I want to say something about Dan Lenny okay because I I like Dan lenning but I do think it’s funny that he put that video out earlier this year about fighting for clicks yet he does a video yest today fighting for clicks I mean come on

That’s all he is dude that’s all he did uh were you surprised were you surprised Blake’s just trying to get me going what Blake’s trying to get me going there’s no chance DG wins a Heisman yeah DG won’t win the Heisman because there b he W Bo Knicks had great

Numbers and didn’t win the he yeah he won’t have B Nick’s numbers next year guys sorry DG fans he won’t will not what’s up Johnny welcome tonight yeah I mean he’s going to be in a new system Infidel he’s injury-prone every year uh he can’t perform better next year

Than this year he had like 4600 yards and 40 something touchdowns and like four interceptions he not be better than that you know what we didn’t talk about the other night was we were talking about transfers and that quarterback from UNLV who committed Ohio State I

Think or was it where did commit to he ended up committing to USC now do y’all to see that I did see that yeah he’s a good player Chuck I did see that Georgia than USC that’s right I did see that on the Red Dirt media and look that that’s

The case that’s the case everywhere hey Blake Blake before the bowl game I sat on this and said Jackson Arnold’s going to throw it to nine different receivers and you guys all laughed at me you all no you said 10 I said nine I’ll go back and show it he

Only threw to eight he threw it to eight he threw it to eight I said nine okay and everyone’s like oh whatever whatever G Gabriel threw through about three or four so Blake stop saying just trying to feed Stoops it wasn’t the game plan obviously Stoops is pretty good but he

Started spreading the ball out he calmed down he it was his first game he had played it was a huge game yeah called nerves man he he was I mean he was nervous no doubt about it uh no doubt about it Jackson Arnold I have zero concern about Jackson Arnold

Zero what what what position group next year concerns you the most o line I’m kind of getting high on the o line all of a sudden by who for who numbers wise who they got there they got numbers that doesn’t mean they have they got a lot of

Options and I still think o line you got to you got to protect Jackson Arnold to me that’s the biggest I think the other guy who said that secondary secondary is probably right too until they show it consistently secondary until they show I know they got everyone back

Wow you’re right come here put Joe aring Joe aring get up you are absolutely right and listen I think eepl uh the guy coming in I think Daniel aen koui for sure has talked a lot about B Be and Bone how much he wants to work Eugene Brooks I think

Think some of this class wants to work hard but I think there’s a whole lot of people and I’ll goad and say him Savon bird is one uh I I can name many others who didn’t want to work yeah I mean maybe so I he is an old

School guy as far as that ow says defensive ends have to be more productive absolutely 100% agree that’s a great comment owenfield H if I have as many sacks as Trace Ford and whoever the other end plays then that’s a problem and Jay uh the fact that Seth L tril is the

Coordinator and Bill Bebo the camaraderie they have the philosophy synonymous philosophy that they have I think is going to help o line too I just really but here here’s one thing though you gota here here’s my concern is the o line Marcus Marcus Mark is trying to hey

The o line to me is such a big position next year because not only there a lot of them are going to be new with at OU never played and the other thing is it’s SEC football it’s not Big 12 it’s different man it is it’s soon

Fan after Downs dro the horns down I like them more but I kind of agree with Brian Smith that it maybe PJ and someone else maybe it’s not Mar I think they have to go with Downs early but I think there’s there’s got to be some rotating

In yeah our I don’t I think what DS does and what booy did good last year was The Run game yeah they can slide down a little they’re good in the Run game but they DS was pretty good rush in the passer Botho was not Jay let let me ask

You this about a guy that I’m really curious on I I’m just like I I I don’t even know what to think about it desan Mulla what are they going to do with him don’t know there there’s a few guys on defense I don’t know what they’re gonna

Do with I mean you would think that’s why I want to see Z that’s why I want Zack Alli to be hired I want to hear what the guy has to say what are we waiting on guys hiring I don’t get it fill fill out the contract I mean I

Thought my job was slow on getting people hired I’m gonna say agree with Chuck that r d will be really good next well or I’m gonna change the helping verb how about that Jay Jay could you even change the helping verb in this sentence let me test yourish out you’re asking me what

Helping can you change the helping verb in this sentence to make Chuck correct here our D will be great next year what’s a helping verb oh my gosh Jay our R D should be great next year we can’t say will be until they prove it but they should be great with everyone

They got is that why you have is that why you have a problem with people doing that absolutes yes I do I have a problem with because your English background yes wow uh yeah the board of regions approved raises they’ve got the raises uh someone on here said losing load

Hole yeah I mean I think it hurts a little uh I think that hurts a little we’ll see how much maybe that’s it Mark that could be it yeah you can’t recruit if you’re tied to a staff that’s why they need to get him in here so he can recruit I agree we

Talked at what was it Thomas from uh Jacksonville State say he’s off the website I mean yeah he’s not on the Jacksonville State website OU has not officially hired him yet I would say he’s hired but not hired yet I mean it’s gonna happen and and no I have not heard

Justin Harring can get the medical reter yet nothing’s official you hun is crazy Allan Bowman gets to play a decade in college and we can’t hear if Justin Harrington’s back yeah I I I don’t know heyy who’s Alabama gonna get at DC that’s in whoever dbor

Wants I know they W they weren’t great defensively hey what do you think about sn’s comment selwin is a sooner surge unlimited member so is Chad Gamble so is many others on here uh Hunter will drop that link we’d love to have more sooner Serge unlimited members it’s not much it

Helps us out we appreciate any of it we can get uh someone mentioned what do you think about that Jay they gotta rotate more so they don’t lose guys uh I don’t even know if it’s rotating as much as at least play the guys that are performing better like

Even I thought Sawchuk last year they finally they started playing him more often and you could see results sometimes I think they were there was games I think they played too many personally we should figure out your top two and run the top two that’s what I

Would do we should see more next year naturally because they’re gonna play a little bit to back set you don’t know that that’s an absolute no his offense plays two backs Jim Leonard Ricky says now if Alabama Jim Leonard that’s pretty if they get Jim Leonard I’m a little worried yeah

Bob it does actually I can’t even answer this question let me Been So Silent that let me nothing’s leaked have you ever seen a portal guy this highly recruited So Silent for a week class starts next week Jay I I’ve never seen a guy ENT the portal like herd and visit two schools

And hear nothing from it I I and listen I’ll say this I don’t I’m not on message boards but how come there’s no insiders with any information on this guy is he just is he just chilling playing video games trying to figure out where he’s gonna go look they they do have an

Extra day because U because of the winter weather forecast is not starting now till Wednesday uh we can get on there someone might be able to hop on there and see if he’s enrolled yet I don’t think he is but hey these insiders probably pulling their hair out because

They’re probably figureing out what you what’s this guy gonna do and he’s not doing he’s not telling anybody anything is ridiculous well here’s my problem sometimes with some of these so-called insiders and I can say so-called because I’m not one I wish I was more of an

Insider but well you can’t say socalled because they are insiders that’s okay but hey then ask it’s their job it is their job but like stop I I just don’t understand uh the the whole Zack all like why can’t someone just ask what is going on here what what’s the hold up well

Apparently George sto asked today and Joe C gave him a wink and said things are moving along what’s that even mean I I don’t know hyp says they’re leaning into the Casey Ferguson Bob Ferguson is already committed not to Florida state Florida state Florida State he

Gone and maybe it was legal maybe not but he’s going to Florida State tell me this if you’re a five-star offensive lineman guy that hit the portal and you go visit two schools back to back on the same weekend what you think you would have decided by now

Yeah I don’t and he left OU so maybe he’s back at his home to he may end up going back to LSU J he may be at OU he may be Tennessee I don’t know no one has talked about the fact that he could go back to LSU they

Have some studs coming in on offense so I don’t know yeah I agree sometimes insiders uh two freshman well the one what true freshman are you referring to David Stone I’m assuming is one I think he at o line two true freshman at o line I don’t think’s gonna

Happen Okay Ricky says ru’s contract causing issues I maybe what he means is Zack Alli wants what rof made you can’t at 29 come in to man that if that’s what we’re well rof was overpaid my opinion yeah absolutely Jay rof was a bad hire seon isn’t a freshman but yeah

Seon will start owenfield hype I don’t think ever’s it that’s just me I don’t think two freshman are starting on the o line Bill Bebo usually doesn’t do that let’s let’s go with who you would start right now online with who they got I’ve done this before but I’ll do it again do

It again Center Josh Vates Everett will be the backup center they’ll play Fetti or Eugene Brooks as a third string third string Center if they had to but those guys will play other places Josh Bates at Center left tackle probably right now if they don’t get heard it’s G to be

Seon right tackle Spencer Brown Fetti at one guard and and the other guard is the one that’s kind of up in the air uh can it be uh one of the true freshman or is it going to be a guy like Heath a zida or something like that I don’t know on the

Other guard position but I think those four are pretty much locked what about Clarkin any chance there’s a chance I I would rather go with the Freshman I think those four guys combined with one freshman I would like it Brian we’re not doing this again he’s 315

Pounds ‘s the small one not Josh Bates hey Hunter Hunter I agree with maybe Z or Tarin I just I don’t think ever’s big enough man to play guard I don’t I don’t I just don’t ra playing at guard then Center though what about Jake Taylor Jake Taylor’s got

Size Bob Bob you’re right you’re right th this this uh dline class is it that there can be no excuse if these guys in two years aren’t dominant no excuse yeah I agree if they’re not dominant we either one missed out and we didn’t evaluate talent and neither did

All of America because these guys were highly regarded or Bates and Chavis aren’t developing I hope it’s neither well and you know I’m kind of against the whole when we’re talking about these portal offens linemen that you have to pay to get whatever I’m kind of against it if they’re like Juniors or

Seniors but when guys like this herd guy who’s played one year and you got him for three years I’m going after those portal guys all day long it’s the ones that you borrow for a year I’m not a big fan of that Brian I don’t know I’m not Deon Warwick

I I I’m not inside uh source with Brent venables and Bill beatbo I have no earthly idea why Josh VES didn’t get in that game and the second thing I also have no earthly idea why PJ adabor didn’t play more even when Brent venables throughout the year said we got

To play 34 more I don’t know why I don’t know why a lot of things as far as our quote competitive depth didn’t get utilized this year but I do know that Zack allly according to sources that have talked about what he does he likes to roll guys through he likes to play

Guys competitive dep maybe it’ll be used more I don’t know hey are they going to run the 335 more if they got a dude in the middle that they think they can go with I think they got a good one in the middle I think they got a couple got a

Couple of guys in the middle I agree I agree I think you’ll see Center was Everett did not play well in the bowl game he was bad I I I’m not one saying ever should start most famous brothers ow you Jay and then ask your trivia question Fred’s

Gonna lead into trivia most famous brothers when you think of Brothers at U the miners I mean Ryan and Damon Miner and by the way tomorrow I think is a celebration of Ryan miners life on the same day U plays at Kansas and Lawrence

What a way to win if you could win it tomorrow I mean would be unbelievable uh but famous brothers at U I mean Kendall and Casey Thompson I’m just kidding no I I’m going with the miners did both book outs play you yeah San duh yeah Selman would be the most

Famous both close it’s Selman it’s didn’t both book outs play there’s a baseball and a basketball it’s not close it’s Salman’s well duh and in sports who would it be in all sports in all all sports best Brothers in all of sports wow on top my head the Griffin Brothers

Are good uh when you think I mean what about I know these guys aren’t the best but the Barbers were pretty good Tiki and Ronde they were pretty good t Tiki and Ronde were good uh the Giani in baseball were pretty good who the Gomes Jason and Jeremy good names too I mean

Probably them died Jason easily easily the best names in sports was Jason my gosh Blake says the Groves Brothers Oh Mannings the Mannings dude Mannings that that there it is Mannings Mannings watts is a good one too Sharps oh the sharps are good Shannon and Sterling man

There’s been some good twins Jay hey who are the two the best twin radio Duo ever radio do or twin I don’t know if there was any was there I was just kidding Jay drop the drop it in there right now let’s hit the trivia trivia

For the night boys and girls here we go curage there are three of them here’s the deal tomorrow is OU basketball versus Kansas and Lawrence last time they won there was 1993 okay this is going to be a very tough trivia question we’ll see how good you guys are tonight because here’s what

I want to know who was the starting center for Oklahoma that did not play in that game one of their best players did not play in that game 80 they won 80 to 77 anyway in Lawrence who was the center that did not play he was out because of

You do you remember who it was should we give them their number no let’s see if Johnson Jeff Jeff web is a great guest Brian not it great guest love Jeff web Terry Evans Fred actually made a to lock that game they won 80 to 77

There it is saler Jay Jones Brian s Brian s number 40 nice nice Jay Brandon remember Brandon F he could jump oh yeah dude could jump yep there it is Jones with the point tonight do what Jay there it is Jay Jones with the point tonight n was on that was on that

Team which is wild to me it is wild he must have been a true freshman that he must have been a freshman had it been a true fresh was that Billy’s last year how’ it been because Samson came in either 94 or 95 yeah I think that might

Have been Billy’s or maybe the year after it one of the two year after it may have been 95 when he came but Terry Evans was so good sker Henry number Fred oh absolutely sker Henry sker Henry do you remember the the shooter on that team with sker Henry number 44 Calvin

Curry Dave Seager Dave Seager Baby Dave SE Calvin Curry was 44 as well uh I think Seager was 44 but yeah red okay red shirted that year and then played so yeah sker meter uh that’d be great if you can get a dub tomorrow Jay uh we

Don’t need to talk Wild Card Weekend I guess but uh I’m just you got some get an announ are we gonna get an announcement this weekend at all about Zach Aly I hope so I hey let me talk about something though Hunter I know you’re I

Know you’re an Eagles fan okay what is the deal with is it really true that they may fire Nick serani absolutely they might why he said some things for one uh what did he say I missed that he may he’s just really getting irate with media and stuff he’s having a bad year

Man wait he’s not a bad coach is he hey Fred Jay before we get on that Fred Hunter you cannot say that because last year at the Super Bowl you thought he was God’s gift to four weeks ago Jay Hunter said he was great uh Jay let’s go

To Fred here Fred listen everyone we’re going to drop a basketball video tomorrow about 9:00 am breaking down this game in Lawrence but for o you to win tomorrow I think three things have to happen one they got to have under 10 turnovers two they got to shoot 50% from three ball

Three they have to rebound and four one of the officials or two have gonna have to go down I you stole my thunder because what I was gonna say the only way you’re winning tomorrow is if they’re down a couple officials probably uh uh and listen even Porter Moser said

That in the offseason okay everybody it’s like that’s what’s frustrating everybody knows they get every call in Lawrence but it doesn’t matter they do they just always do the officials are from OKC okay hey as long as it’s not who’s the one dude come on Jay help me

Out he retired he retired hey hey if allly look 8 allly is a guy you got to get here he’s got to have two years of success you got to bump his pay up to 1. five 1.7 million to keep them you got to give him a maybe a coaching waiting type

Of thing eventually what we’re putting the we’re the sooner ahead of the wagon here yeah you’re putting the sooner ahead of the wagon coaching waiting no I I just said that you just said that yeah we’re putting the card ahead of the horse Oh I thought you said

Coach and waiting hey trivia question who was the uh the famous athlete who did kneecap someone come on Jeremy I don’t know if Hunter knows this yes he does everybody knows this they did a documentary on it oh yeah they did come on drop it in or someone get a point right

Now there it is Tanya Harding d 83 D like that question what a weak question maroy that’s a great question Jay post I don’t get it hey so I do think Zack allly has to be announced by this weekend probably don’t you think it’s not gonna carry J

I’m not even GNA say it I’ve been saying it forever I’m just done with it hey what’s the best match up let me go through some of these NFL Wild Card matchups okay let me go through some you got Jaylen Herz versus Baker great matchup two OU players okay you got

Jared gof and Matthew Stafford who have switched teams basically you got Deshawn Watson uh he’s not playing but people are calling it The you know whatever Bowl because he’s going back to Houston Cleveland and Houston uh you got there was another one you got Green Bay in

Dallas Mike McCarthy versus his old team I mean there’s some great matches you got Steelers and bills which I think that game’s gonna be a blowout you got Chiefs you got Chiefs in negative 30 windshield did you see they make I think they’re make you the only way you get in

The game is if your head’s covered too face it’s covered yeah hey Jay Ricky says he’s been living with Brent since he’s been been in Norman maybe hey get him on staff next great defensive lineman obviously the easy answer is uh David Stone but I’m gonna

Throw two names out here that may be just as good if not better in this class and it’s Danny aoer on the edge and jayen Jackson yeah I would agree with all those three you mentioned I think Nigel Smith I think is really good really good yeah

Uh and and jayen Jackson in the middle Halton I don’t know man I don’t know about Halton why I don’t know why he’s not playing I don’t know if he’s gonna get lost in the shuffle are you think they’re just trying to put more weight on him they’ve halted Halton I don’t know

Jay uh hey tomorrow you got the OU game at one uh other than that we’ll see what happens in the portal after some of these coaching changes but think you will get an announcement from herd tomorrow either way I think herd announces tomorrow I’m leaning Tennessee yeah I think he’ll make an

Announcement tomorrow I don’t think he’ll or maybe it’s LSU maybe he just stays think about it think about it say he’s going to Tennessee or U he’s got to get packed he’s got to get to campus he got two days to do it I mean gotta be an

Announcement sooner dude has to be an announcement unless he stand LSU LSU going how about LSU going and get the defensive line coach from Missouri they their defensive coordinator and their defensive line U gets to play them next year and they don’t have either one happy about that I

Love iron sharpens iron I love that scripture and I love uh that phrase listen uh before we get off here I do want to say again thanks thanks Tanya uh yeah he did he did pack in one night thanks Tanya for the uh super and guys seriously it’s hard sometimes every

Night uh to be on here and and Jibber jab for 45 minutes to an hour but it’s a heck of a lot easier with all of you on here running uh through here it’s fun uh appreciate Hunter as always uh dropping in the in the chat uh the comments uh

Give Hunter some props you can help us out with supers those help us as far as our Channel likes likes likes and comments they help us and being part of the sooner surge unlimited $4.99 a month really helped but again we appreciate it so much guys uh thanks so much caling te

Oh let’s talk about sponsorship Jay oh yeah get your calming tea sponsorship you drink sweet tea though think about this if you know anyone that wants a product promoted I’ll yell about it I’ll drink it I’ll eat it I’ll whatever it is you would do whatever it

Is I do it send us an email oorts Roundup we’ll talk about sponsorships but you guys can help us out any way you want but really appreciate you guys being on here hey you know what a good sponsor would be hearing aids oh hearing aids would go

Well wouldn’t they that would go or spray tan I’d like to see you spray tan your face oh I’d do that hey owenfield why why is he saying Monday what are you saying owenfield hey and yeah somebody please if you live in Norman area go byy BB’s house see if

Allie’s out there that’s right all right guys uh oh Fred asked how the dad is uh dad’s still at rehab he’ll be there probably for another week and then uh we’ve got decisions to make uh as a family praying about what the next step is for uh care because they’ll need uh

247 care so we’ve got decisions to make what what that’ll look like so appreciate your prayers trying to discern through that yeah what owenfield hype says no school longer stream on Monday oh guys we’ll go guys we’ll go long on Monday sure or tomorrow night

Too I mean I either one I’m fine was going a little longer one night but especially if news breaks if news breaks thanks Jay thanks Jay I appreciate that and thanks Fred for asking every night you’re you’re all good people we appreciate the care honestly and the

Fact that you guys ask about that so thanks so much it means a lot we’re not just saying that because I don’t just blow smoke out of my mouth maybe sometimes but not on this stuff thanks a lot guys and gals appreciate till next time Boomer Sooner


  1. Not a great show . Oklahoma Sooners fans pumping up Alabama, saying a coach automatically becomes the best coach because he is at Alabama. Looking for a show that will not negatively recruit against Oklahoma. But this show is negative against Oklahoma. You too guys should be called Alabama fans .

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