Feeling a little stuck during your swing? Join the Academy today!

Solid di draws feeling a little stuck during the swing the reason why you feel stuck is because you don’t have any room because your chest is opening through impact and when that happens you get this sense that you’re stuck that the club is swinging back into you and

There’s nowhere for the club to go well to fix it it’s quite easy set your body Clos in the setup there’s a ton of room here for the club to swing through that’s going to create a ton of power it’ll give you great range of motion and

Freedom of movement well it comes from setting your body closed get your Trail side out of the way do that in the setup position leave it out of the way during the swing and these are the shots you’re going to hit


  1. Jim, where should clubface be aligned during the closed stance setup? Should the face be on the target line?

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