My First Golf Lesson in 15 Years…!!

I’m getting serious in 2024 and so for the first time in over 15 years I’m getting a Golf Lesson!!

Huge thanks to Brent Dale for taking me under his wing and helping me out.

My original plan was to edit the video down to 15 minutes but Brent was providing so many great insights into the Golf Swing that I decided to let it run.

If you want to see more of Brent Dale, check out his:


I’m really keen to get on with my new swing drills and start making progress. If you enjoy this video, make sure you Subscribe to my channel to follow the journey.

Cheers, Jon

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0:00 – First Golf Lesson in 15 Years
1:19 – Swing Analysis
6:27 – Initial Video Review
14:17 – First Change
20:23 – Swing Review
21:22 – Drill 1
23:08 – Drill 2
29:07 – Practice Plan
33:01 – Questions
35:29 – Summary

Music in this video is from Sound Stripe:

I really want to get 2024 off to a good start so for the first time in over 15 years I’m getting a golf lesson so welcome back to the channel as I said walking in from the car I’m coming for my first lesson and it’s my first lesson

In about 15 years I’m looking forward to the challenge you might have your work cut out but everyone this is Brent Dale he’s the head pro here at Liverpool golf club uh he works with some really good players he’s got a thriving Junior program he’s working with some tall

Players and everyone in between but to be honest I actually listen to you most through your podcast I’m a little bit addicted I was doing some building some furniture at the weekend I was listening to uh your podcast with Simon Dyson and Sean Foley uh it was really good so it’s

Been really good to be able to learn from some of the best in the world and figure out what makes them tick and how they get the job done so I’m hoping that knowledge those secret tips that he’s got he’s going to be able to impart into

My game I want to start 2024 well the idea with this video is this is I’m I’m going to be getting my lesson I’m going to try and keep the camera running so you can take a look at how that goes see what we get to see what his advice is if

You know my swing from watching the videos it might be interesting and if you’re new to the channel well maybe it’ll be interesting to see how a golf lesson goes uh and what sort of feedback we get let’s get into it all right so the first thing I’m going to do I see

That you’ve done what most amors do at least you haven’t pulled a driver out but you’ve G the 7 iron which is probably the most used club in the world I want to start you out with wedge okay and I just want to see we’re going to go

To that little red flag there that’s about 30 m away I just want to see what your connection’s like what I just want to basically be able to see what you’re doing with your small shots yeah because if you can’t do it well with a short

Like you know half swing sort of thing we’re going to really struggle doing it as a full swing so I just want to sort of collect some data for my own brain and just see what we’ve got yep and then before we sort of have a look at some

Numbers we’ll just do this perfect so with with your game what would be your strengths in your mind and what would be your weaknesses I think I’m generally quite good at plotting my way around the golf course I kind of know my own um game a

Little bit my short game if I’m playing well is on and I sort of take I think percentage type of shots on sure so I’d say I I’m not going to overpower the golf course I’ve just turned 40 I don’t think I’m an amazing ball Striker or

Anything like that but I sort of have found my own way you know how to man around Make a Score I guess and have you how many years have you been playing that’s a good question just roughly like years over 20 years just over 20 years

All right perfect and then sort of what just while you’re hitting a few of these just so I can get a bit of a background on you did you play any sport as a kid I played a little uh I played football or soccer soccer in Australia and golf like

Most kids started off really casually with the golf and then I got really into it spent a lot of time up at the golf club in holidays and things like that playing a bit as a junior yeah and got to a probably my best level was in my early 20s yeah and

Then yeah gave the game away for a little bit and life happened kids happened you got kids yeah two kids two kids all right cool just um can we go to that black and white flag now so that one about maybe 45 50 m out y we’ll go to that

One great shot all right so how often are you getting one to play a nine holes or 18 holes and then secondly how often are you getting to go to the range and practice cuz that’s that’s going to determine how I out like sort of out

This lesson if I’m lucky I’ll play once a week realistically more like once a fortnite in terms of getting out there for a round and I’ll go through little patches like holidays and things where I can play more but this year I want to try and be more consistent to once a

Week yeah sure for 18 holes and the range has been hit and miss in there I’ll try and do some short game stuff if I have time maybe a couple times a month on the Range but this year a lot part of the reason to get a lesson is that I

Haven’t really known what to do at the range so I’ll just go and so you’re just going there keep things ticking over yeah whereas I’d like to be able to go to the range and actually have something to work on like doesn’t have to be the

World’s greatest but just have a bit of a plan for my game something to be working towards all right would you ever be interested in like there’s a golf specific physio that I do a bit of work with um so generally what I’ll do if I

Lay out this lesson and figure out that I think there’s something not working functionally like there could be a hip issue or a leg issue would you be interested in going down that route of like he’s a golf specific physio yeah I’m I’m completely open wide this your

Year as to how we go about it I’m actually my handicap at the moment is 1.6 yeah I’ve been down to scratch but I’m not really worried about the number I just want to feel like I’m working towards a better game sure and um trying

To do things that are just going to help me be a more solid gol for at the moment I’m sort of winging it yeah I’d rather have a plan all right Cool’s hit two or three more with that then we’ll grab the seven iron and I’ll I’ll record a

Couple are you much of a divot taker when you play no no okay right let’s step into the seven iron I proba a huge divot now it’s always a way right yeah all right so full one I’ve see that tree in the background that we’ve lined the

Flight scope up to yeah I’m going to do some recording just so I can have a bit of a squiz and put it in my program how am I supposed to fix that oh it’s money well those comedy channels is it you’re actually a European Tour player who’s out here on holidays yeah

No definitely not the first thing that I probably noticed from face on so this top angle here was just I would like to just see a little more tilt in your upper body the spine angle so you’re a little bit you set up and you’re a little bit this way

Yeah when I was watching you hit wedges I thought okay he’s just stacking the left side to try to create a better compression but then it it bleeds into your and I’d say it would bleed into your full swing as well um sorry like with your driver and whatnot now if we

Set up a little bit this way what it can cause is you sort of indicated pre lesson about this maybe you get a little bit exactly so I I think a lot of that could be if we’re setting up here and I’ll just show the the Watchers here if

We’re setting up a little bit this way what can tend to happen is the club might go out this way yeah and then we will try to counteract what we’re doing wrong in the setup on the way down and we just lead with that club face open

Whereas if we can get a little more could that get you coming across it as well cuz I mean I 100% we haven’t even got to the down the line sort of stuff yet and that’s where I’m saying well I might make myself look silly here but if

We get into if if we are not in a decent position here so you know say 55% of our weight on our left foot and I always like to say to the young kids that come through our program when we’re setting up here arms are hanging freely and our

Left shoulder I use this aerplane drill where they go bum out the weight goes forward and then the plane turns a little bit to the right obviously that’s too much but you can see just by getting my arms a little more this way it fixes

That spine angle right y so then when I come in to hit I can hit a little more of the inside of the ball and let the club face release and it’s probably going to get rid of that cut that you might have sometimes right let’s have a

Squiz you got any injuries uh no I periodically have a a stiff lower back yep okay the only reason I’m just going to draw a couple of little lines here but um just looked like a little rigid through your um takeaway that was kind of why I asked would you ever consider

Working with like a golf specific physio but yeah um cuz they can just free up some of the stuff yeah I mean I I’m always lower back upper neck those type of things yeah okay so what I look for here and I’m just going to explain the

Things that I look for in the swing right obviously we need a good solid setup to start with so we might not even talk about raising the left shoulder or whatnot it might more or less be something that we change in our sort of we might just pivot our butt cheeks

Around a little more this way right so I’ll explain all that when we put the camera down when we get back here I like to see the belt buckle at impact mhm back on that red line so you’re just a little shy of it you’re a little short

Of it right you can see your belt buckle is more there so we just haven’t got back on to that left side enough and that correlates back to that question do you take divots divots aren’t important but sometimes we if we don’t get back on that left side what happens is the club

Has to try to release a little earlier you can see at impact there your hands are at your right leg Yeah I like them more at your left leg Yeah okay you want to see them a little more forward so that we can get a better compression I

Don’t care if there’s a big fillet of grass coming out or what but we want a more solid compression and listening to a few of your shots earlier the first thing that came into my mind was I’d like to hear more of a a thud it

Sort of s it just sounded a little off that was all right does that make sense what we’ve spoken about so far so belt buckle I want to see a little bit more of a lateral slide into that um line that started on your left leg the line

Here on the right you can just see your belt buckle everything sort of stops your hands that impactor at your right leg I’d like to see them a little more forward okay just to create a better compression now let’s have a look down

Here so what I like to do here is draw a line on the shaft to start with a line sort of from the ears down through the hip and then a line just on the butt cheek cuz the line on that butt cheek that um vertical line there it just

Shows whether we’re getting too far forward you know early extensions the bigar a lot yeah yeah so a lot of that comes from Shaft pitch if people get too steep on the way down they sort of run out of room and they have to sand up and

Away from it to sort of create room and that’s where that you know their hips sort of thrust towards the ball so if I’ll explain again what I like to see so I draw a line on that shaft and what I like to see is the club head and the

Shaft traveling up that red line so you’re doing a really good job with that right and then when we get through here I like to see the hand somewhere around that right shoulder but every person’s a little bit um different obviously then on that way down what do we got going on

There can you just see what I’m talking about here with that club head what I really want to see is the legs so the foot starts the legs start the hip start the chest start like everything goes in that sort of sequence yours kind of looks very armsy from there or even like

See how you’re releasing that club head it’s going up before the the lower body’s hardly done any work if that makes sense right so I think we we’re going to do a little bit of stuff today on firing that lower half a little more and working the hands a little more forward through

Impact we may see a few right ones that’s okay to start with and what I’m thinking is that that position there where that that club head is doing that movement before you’ve even initiated the lower body I think that will disappear by using the lower half better

Okay if that makes sense so you’re getting up here and you’ve got all this wiggle room cuz your lower half hasn’t done anything what should be is as we’re getting to about 70% of our back swing our foot should already be or our feet should already be initiating down into

That downswing and then what happens is that club will almost sort of create a little bit of that lag as the body’s doing this but if we get here and we’re sort of paused this wants to this the club head and the hands want to initiate the down

So something needs to trigger it almost correct yeah but I I I would like it to be more of your feet now you don’t have a a steep shaft on the way down it’s almost like up here you are rerouting I think over over time and because I’m

Sort of selftaught in the most recently you just kind of your hands feel what work yeah correct sort of get that feel yeah just have a look here at impact I’d like to see just a tiny little bit more of that like I said that drive through

The legs maybe a little more open with the hips I think we can work with this that’s positive yeah I think I think a lot of it could just be getting the like you said you played soccer right or football yeah now if I said to you kick

A football yeah you’re not going to stay flat footed and just go like this are you no the first thing you’re going to do is sort of load into your to your right side before you’ve even kicked that ball and before you’ve probably even lifted up your right foot is going

To kick the left foot is getting this way it’s getting planted so all your energy is going into the ground and then this comes through so to put that into the golf swing terms that’s the left leg it’s shifting this way and then all of this can follow

Through versus getting here and routing the club into the perfect position but not really getting an oomph on the Golf Board not compressing it as well as I’d like all right so we are going to start even though we’ve got our 7 ey and we’ve been doing full swings we are going to

Start with some small ones right so before we hit this golf ball what I’d like you to do is take your stance pretend you’re setting up to it but just inside now the first thing we’re going to do is just tackle that uh I’ll come this angle I just want these hip there

We go that’s plenty right so you not every shot but you get a little bit of this that’s an exaggeration so people on camera don’t think that’s what you look like all the time right I just want you to feel that the left side is just slightly taller yeah than the right side

Does that feel awkward down it feels quite a subtle change so I’m trying to just make sure I know I can feel what the change is because if someone’s like this and I get them into the correct position they feel like this you know for the time being until we have a a

Followup session can you get a little bit more weight on your left foot for me good that’s plenty I want you to feel a little bit uncomfortable in your setup because if you’re comfortable you’re reverting back to what yeah what’s bad so it’s a slight feel more on the left

Going feel about 55 on the left and your hips are going to feel maybe a little more this way so we can create that tilt yeah into that spine now what I would like us to do we’re going to swing back to about halfway and then when we’re

Here we’re going to really just try to feel that leg drive right I want you to try to feel that your hands are winning the race so we’ve got the golf ball there as the winning Post Yeah right we’re trying to get your hands to come

And win the race so at the moment when you make impact your Club head gets to the ball and you your grip’s still back here I want you to feel that your grip is winning the race back to the ball does that make sense yeah all right cool

So no ball just yet just off like little just a little half swing back so we’re we’re we’re getting that setup position right just swing halfway back for me John and we’re going to be feeling drive and a bit more you might need to feel a little bit more acceleration of the

Hands I don’t mind if they still release a bit Yeah but I want them to feel like they’re moving a little bit quicker towards our left side that’s it now we’ve got to be mindful with this drill that we don’t just lead with that club face Way open like you’re doing there so

Try try it again right so we’re here yeah so we’re feeling that lower half really engaging yeah and the hands are going to accelerate a little bit more so that when we if we were to video again from side on at impact we’re going to see the hands more in line with your

Left thigh yeah as we’re making contact versus the right we may experience a couple of shots going to the right early on just because to me you’re looking like you’re holding the face open it feels a little bit like that yeah all right good I like that sound it sounded

A little more aggressive and like if we were to have a ball there we might actually be able to get a real solid strike on it yeah all right let’s uh let’s just try a couple maybe about I don’t know 80 M or something like

That all right try it again see how we reverted back to a little bit of those old habits where we we clipped we didn’t clip the grass we basically just clip the golf ball clean and as we’re coming through I want you to feel back more on that left

Side squaring the face right good it’s going to feel a little uncom like you’re going to lose your balance yeah because if you’re at the moment if you’re keeping your balance you’re probably still in that same Zone that you were in before I want you to feel like you’re

Slightly losing your balance forward yeah okay so we’re getting a lot more activity with our legs to start with and we may rain this back in over time that um what you were saying about almost feel like you’re losing your balance I think that gives me the feel like on get

My weight onto the edge of this foot yeah what where I would like it as we’re coming through we shift around into that left heel so you’ll see here my knee gets straighter my left side extends right so this left side extends and my weight’s going to come around into my

Left heel yeah versus yeah we don’t want to just be overs sliding on there it’s all got to get a little bit taller good that’s kind of what I’m after is that feeling of a little more uh speed through impact with your hands right A lot of people try to sort of

Baby it into position and keep it on plane which is good but I I want you to now take that next step and get those hands accelerating a little bit more so a bit more hand speed matched in with that that weight shift and the body turning great and just just move that

Ball position slightly more forward good okay nice try let’s do it again very clean like what you were saying yeah I I would still like to see right now you’re a green keeper best friend yeah but I I’d like to see you just interact with that Turf just a little bit more a

Little bit yeah I’m going to give you a couple of drills in a second here that will help nice try like I said the first initial we’re going to get a little bit of a right bias just because you’re holding everything so open rather than turning and that’s 15 years of I think

Trying to control the club face in my own way yep exactly so a lot of the stuff I’m going to give you to do today you could do it out at home judging by your divot patn you’re not going to grass right but you could do it out home

You could do it um you go to the driving range it’s always hard when I give people these drills to tidy up a bit of pivot stuff right they don’t want to waste golf balls on it because they’re buying a bucket of balls they don’t want

To hit 50 out of the 100 you know 30 or 40 m but you’d be surprised how much better you’ll get by tidying it up and this all links back into why I started with you hitting some wedges I wanted to see how the interaction was right let’s

Try it again that setup looks so much better so to me that setup looks a lot tidier yeah than what it was before I only videoed to check your hands at impact okay so you can see now just as we’re making contact that club is hitting the ball and your hands are

Closer more to your zipper rather than your right leg so we’ve probably moved him an inch and a half or so it’s funny even in the stunts though I I do feel a bit like weight forward and at an angle like that and you look at and it’s like

Okay just looks like a good golf St yeah it looks really it looks nice yeah I like it that’s good so we’ve got to feel that level of uncomfortable add address yeah just to eventually find that as our norm and then what what in a perfect

World you come for a lesson in a month and you’re like this and I’m like hey we’ve overdone this we got to yeah dial it though the person that turns up and they have still got the same setup and the same problems you can tell straight

Away they haven’t done any work on it or I’ve miscommunicated the message yeah right now I I’ll throw in a little drill here right what we’re going to do just to get that brain realizing what the body’s got to do cuz that’s really what telling the

Body what it’s got to do it’s it’s the boss right so we’re going to do some swings I’ll start with a little uh practice swing here and as we’re going back just something as simple as the left foot coming a couple inches off the ground and replanting just with little

Half swings just like this it’s telling us all right as the club’s going back I need to push more weight back this way so and you that will translate into a full swing of as I’m getting here I want to be feeling that left leg so as as I

Said before earlier in the lesson we’re getting to about 70 or 80% of the length of our back swing I want to see always reference it the kids if our body weight had an arrow it would be throwing it down into the ground that’s not what our club’s doing that’s what

Our our weight’s doing it’s shifting into that left foot yeah and as we shift into the ground the ground pushes us back up and that’s how we get that extension through here right so for every action there’s a there’s a reaction right so if I’m throwing weight

Down into the ground the ground pushes it back up and that’s where this finish if you went to a if you went to YouTube and looked at a whole bunch of swings on there and you start to watch these guys you’ll see Adam Scott Tiger Woods they

As they’re swinging they get here and everything starts to shift forward and then as that shift has happened this has to get and they get taller through this left side as they come around into their follow through right yeah so right we are just getting the brain and

The feet trying to sink up a bit of a move to the left side and then there’s another good one that we can do this one’s a little bit trickier I think you’ll be okay with it some people really struggle with the sequence but we take our stance so we’re really

Comfy we bring our left foot back to our right yeah now we got a hit but the the left foot as we swing back the left foot will go back into the position it started so so we here right so I’ve as I’ve gone back the left foot replanted and that is getting

Me into that left side you can see I’m not green Keeper’s best friend right little bit different Turf interaction well yeah I’m focusing on I guess practicing what I preach which is I’m not a huge fan of big chunky divots but I want to get ball first Contact a lot

Of the movement that you can have you’ve hit some good shots today yeah but a lot of the movement that you can have if you wake up a little stiff and sore some mornings your body’s already thinking that it doesn’t have to move then you

Add in our age and we’re tired and stiff and you don’t move you might catch a few heavy contacts just early before the golf ball one of the shots you hit before was beautiful and I said how am I going to fix this the next shot looked

Okay but it probably went 20 M shorter than the one before due to the contact so what I’m trying to get out of today is shaft planes are all okay yeah I want a consistent strike on the ball so that your carry distances yeah that’s probably what lets you down a little bit

On the golf course as far as Greens in RG it could be a little rights and lefts but setting up thinking a 79 goes 150 but 8 out of 10 times it goes 130 which is what happens with a majority of Club golfers I want to get it so that it the

Windows are a lot closer to that 150 all right so let’s try that drill so you’re taking your stance seven aim at that tree still or yeah oh look aim not I’m not really that worried about where the aim is right now but um we’re still getting into that nice solid setup

Position that we’ve worked on yeah now as you swing back left foot goes up and down like a demoe it’s it good you might feel very uncoordinated doing this to start with but that’s just a little bit that’s okay I had a guy last week who was struggling with this really bad

He couldn’t even get his leg off the ground because he was one of these guys in his back he couldn’t he couldn’t lift it yeah I had to refer him to that golf phia all right let’s try and hit one and we can have a giggle if you you miss

It but it’s only a 30 40 m pitch making a nice solid contact with the ground nice work very good so that’s one of those drills can you show me the second one so when you when you set up to the ball bring your left foot back to

Your right so they’re touching so you’re starting in that position now you have to as you swing back you’ve got to get that left foot back into position all right left foot back all right let’s do it wow nice work how’s it feel feels a little bit like there’s a there’s a

Drill that I sometimes I’ve done speed sticks training over time so it’s like Dr two or three out of that protocol I enjoy it I I enjoy that yeah yeah and that’s but I’ve not tried hitting golf balls with it yeah and it’s it’s something that I’ve prescribed this

Drill for 20 years I think it’s a good it’s a good drill to get your hand eye coordination and your body sort of all doing it’s a hard one to do it’s a hard one to sink up it’s all right let’s go again just the the biggest thing that I emphasize

During my coaching and and also with the kids and you would have heard this on the podcast yeah it’s okay to fail if we’re not failing when we we’re practicing we’re probably not making that many changes right now there are people that will come for a lesson and I

Make a tiny little tweak in it’s and it perfects them but a lot of people that come here will have problems with their setup and their grip and their stance and all sorts of things and we need to understand that sometimes not all the time sometimes you’re going to go

Backwards before you go forwards I don’t think you’re going to be one of those people but just explaining to your audience that if you have a lesson yeah trust the pro yeah and just stick with the drill that’s the thing as well isn’t it it’s never going to just be an over

It’s highly unlikely it’s just going to be an overnight thing I’ve got 15 years or 20 years of of doing what I do so bagage or whatever you would call it so so you’ve developed a motor pattern over you know 15 to 20 years of a way that

You think that it needed to be done yeah and we’re just changing we got to relearn that patent of okay when we go back we don’t stay that flat footed we get a little shift on that left side and we try to get the hands a little more forward at

Impact all right let’s go into the grass nice try can we hit a just a full 79 just trying to adopt those same principles what I’m going to show you is the likelihood is I don’t sugar coat much the likelihood is that when we go

Back to our full swing now you are going to look very similar cuz we’ve only sort of hit 20 or 30 drills with it you’re still going to look very similar to what you were at the start okay we need to understand is there might be a couple of

Millimeters of change and 2 months from now that could be the 2 in of hands more forward that we’re after got You wow straight on the tree better contact like we got a little bit of turf let’s have a look here I don’t want to rain on the parade but you know I like that setup position you can just see it’s it’s trying it’s best to do it but we revert back to what’s

Comfortable right so what we need to do with this is I would if you’re going to go to the driving range I would break it down into five swings without a ball where you’re doing both step drills so you do the the foot lifting one then you

Do the other one where the feet together and you step out right so that’s 10 10 swings five five then I would go five balls with each one so we’ve sort of uh We’ve made 20 swings we’ve only hit 10 balls then I might go one full swing so

It’s 21 balls right there’s no method to this this is just what I’m prescribing for you then go back to the start and go five of the step drills or five of the foot lifts five of the step drills then do five balls each with those drills and

Then hit one shot now we’re just rewarding ourself with one shot you did that for months on end I could almost guarantee you that your hands are going to be in a much better position after you’ve done that work it also shows that that shot there was quite nice we hit a

Nice little draw the contact was a little more solid through the ground when we revert back to the camera like I said I don’t want to you know kill the happiness but it still doesn’t look that much different so can you imagine it’s January right can you imagine by March

Or April if you stuck solidly to these drills if we got into those better positions how much better striking would be yeah absolutely it’s a golf’s a hard game to be consistent at Rory mooy can shoot 66 on a Saturday and 80 on a Sunday right so if the average golfer

Can you know they can they can have a much bigger variance right but we can get a consistent strike on the ball golf’s going to become a lot easier for you I just want to show you something right so just go up to the top right now now do the leg

Work yeah good you just sometimes not every time this upper body just got a little funky in that move down I want you to just feel almost not resisting it but you need to just feel that that lower half is just moving a little more into it First nice one so the ball is going slightly right cuz the club face is telling it to go there so it must be just coming in a little open so in time what I would suggest is you keep working on this motion but then that that club

Face just grip the club for me so you’re probably just coming in just marginally open right that watch on your hand has to feel like it’s turning see what we’ve just done to the club face yeah so that watch rather than the watch pointing out to the right there the watch is almost

Going to feel like it turns a little left of the Target and that is squaring the face up we don’t want to be doing this yeah but it’s going to feel a gentle little motion I always show people with this issue if I’ve got my watch here at impact it’s probably

Pointing out to the right and if I can just get it to if I can start to learn that motion right see what I’m doing there with that left hand keeping it in flexion I don’t like to use these big words but there you go see what

That’s doing yeah now if we had the club there it’d be pretty close to square but that’s that’s something you can do some work on but I really think to start with just let’s get the body initiating better then we can start to work on that

Club face a little more all right let’s go right nice try so let’s go full 7 on just trying to adopt those same principles right we’re getting that lower half moving into the the ball so we’ve got our setup position that we’re trying to achieve lower

Half nice try got a little baby drawer on that one did you I mean you’ll be able to check this on the camera later but you kind of looked like you fought your balance a little little bit after yeah good perfect do you have any

Questions on this so far I see my only thing is and it’s always one with lessons it’s like when you go back to the course you just sort of let it happen on the course so this is very much like work pump all these videos that we’ve

Done into skillist it’s a coaching app that I use um I’ll flick a switch that allows you to send me a couple of videos over the next few weeks to make sure you’re doing the right um things now what I would like you to do I used

To be that coach that said when you go play forget about it yeah okay but I don’t think that works for development right I think what we need to do is before every shot there is no reason why your playing Partners over there getting ready to hit their shot it’s not your

Turn yeah why can’t you have four or five practice swings thinking about what you’ve got to do these drills right and then your key over the ball will be something that really correlates with your brain so it could be I know for me if I’m playing average on the course my

Swing key I have to feel the muscles around my left hip stretch more through impact and that means I’ve got my weight back on my left side and I’ve turned more for you it could be something that oh I need to feel like I’m losing my

Balance a little bit on that left side it could be I need to feel like my hands are accelerating more okay so that’s something that I can’t tell you what your is figure it out yeah I was never told to feel a stretch in this left hip it

Was what I identified with me using my body more efficiently yeah and as I get older the stretch is a lot bigger I know that all right hit one more for me I like the sound on that one how did that feel nice it feels like they coming

Out I do like it I like the feel I like the feel actually to it setup and ultimately this kind of feels like what I wanted like and I want something so that if I go to the range I’ve got a couple of things I’m not a super

Technical type of person but I want some stuff that I can actually know I’ve got a feel I can hit 20 balls I can do a certain swing as opposed to just going there and thinking well I’ll go through the clubs I’ll aim for a few different

Targets and it’s like I’ll go and play yeah so I actually I’m I’m fine if it’s there’s a few I don’t mind where they go it’s like I know what I’m trying to do if there’s a plan I’m happy with that yeah perfect so that was great to have a

Lesson and if the video’s gone well I’ll try to edit into sections so that you can watch different parts of the lesson depending on what you’re interested in but big thanks to Brent for his time today like I say he’s a really good coach works with a whole range of

Players and if you’re a golf tragic like me you’ll probably love his podcast as well so make sure to put a link to that below the video like I said I will listen to Simon Dyson sha Foley on the weekend he’s got some great guests on there it’s really interesting stuff I’ve

Also now got some drills to work on hopefully you’ll be able to have seen those in the video give me some things to get better at golf lessons is a process and this year though I want to be working towards some things that are going to help me so Fitness lessons

Everything else you’ve seen on the channel up to now but see where my journey can get now I’m past 40 can I still improve my game that’s the sort of thing that interest you obviously I’d love it if you subscribe to the channel leave a like comment anything like that

And if you want to talk more to Brent other than the podcast he’s also got skillist he uses that app to to to coach his players that are overseas or locally for me though I’m looking forward to working through my drills practicing more getting better and hopefully documenting this journey for you until

Next time


  1. Approach play is key
    I think you have the physical talent to play a wide variety of shots with short irons and wedges
    You'll get to plus handicap quickly if you're sticking wedges close to the hole more consistently

  2. Good lesson, funnily enough my pro made the same change with me at address for both driver and irons. The addition of a bit of spine and hip tilt has massively improved my ball striking. Be good to see how the lessons go

  3. Great video. Am having some lessons myself and funny enough have also been working on that technique to improve strike. Looking forward to you sharing more of your lessons / progress. Keep em coming 😊…!

  4. Great lesson, would very much like to see more of that in the future! Especially liked the old sport in the red shirt around Minute 18:20, just looking curious about what in heavens name is filmed on his golf club 🙂

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