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FULL MATCH — Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus — WWE Title Match: Raw, Jan. 4, 2016

Mr. McMahon serves as ringside official as The Big Dog engages in a frenetic battle against The Celtic Warrior in this brutal main event on Raw: Courtesy of Peacock and WWE Network.
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Introducing first, the challenger, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 267 pounds, he is The Celtic Warrior, Sheamus! [NOISE] >> And his opponent, from Pensacola, Florida, weighing in at 265 pounds, he is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Roman Reigns! [NOISE] >> #WWEtitle. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: That was interesting,

Michael, you spoke to Roman Reigns last week, you asked him about this situation with Mr. McMahon as a referee. >> Speaker 3: Roman Reigns knows this could be for the last time. >> Speaker 3: He said, I’ll do what I always do, overcome. [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: This’s

The symbolic that Roman Reigns will not give away the title that easily. And Sheamus takes advantage from the get go, going right after Roman Reigns. >> Speaker 3: Aah! >> Sheamus, cover, hook to the leg, is it an enough? And a kick out. [NOISE] >> Again, remember,

Sheamus won the championship cashing in Money in the Bank at Survivor Series after Roman Reigns had held the title for 5 minutes, 15 seconds. On Monday Night Raw, a couple of weeks ago, Reigns would beat Sheamus for the championship. >> Speaker 1: [INAUDIBLE] Have anything else?

>> Speaker 3: All those setbacks made Roman Reigns a battle-hardened soldier for situations like this. >> Speaker 1: Yeah, but, look, Roman Reigns’ own hot temper got the best of him, he wants to sit there and fight with the referee over the title, and also- >> Speaker 3: Wow!

>> And Sheamus takes advantage of that. >> More than fighting with the referee, Roman Reigns knows what he’s up against here. >> And now Roman favoring his ribs, stomping away at Sheamus in the corner. >> Here, and Mr. McMahon barking orders, telling him to let him out of the corner again.

Reigns driven into the corner, is it enough for Sheamus to win the title? Mr. McMahon down to count, kick out. Did that count look a bit- >> Speaker 3: Yeah, it did to me. >> Speaker 3: Every referee has a different pace. >> Sure. >> You gotta see black helicopters, good grief.

>> Speaker 3: [CROSSTALK] >> Treasure is buried in Oak island, yeah, right. [NOISE] >> The, lets go Roman, chants from our WWE Universe here in San Antonio. Right hand by Reigns, back against the wall, uphill battle this entire match. [NOISE] >> Reigns, down goes Sheamus. [NOISE] >> And a big right.

>> Speaker 3: You have to understand, also, Roman still has the champion’s advantage. >> Speaker 3: And what John means is Sheamus must pin or get Roman to submit in order to win the championship, count out, disqualifications help no one except for Roman.

And here’s Reigns knocking Sheamus over the top rope, Reigns falls him over. [NOISE] >> And now- >> Fighting like his life depends on it. >> Speaker 3: Well, what the officials should be doing now is beginning to administer the ten count. >> Speaker 1: How about being impartial?

>> Speaker 3: But again, Mr. McMahon realizing the title cannot change hands- >> No. >> On a count out. [NOISE] >> In big matches, referees often give a little bit of leeway, it’s what great referees do. >> Speaker 3: And Roman Reigns driven into the steel steps.

[NOISE] >> Sheamus telling about Mr. McMahon that there’s something that’s bothering him over on the other side of the ring. >> Speaker 1: Yeah, leeway. >> Convenient. >> Leeway, John. >> Speaker 3: Yeah, because remember, Sheamus at least disqualified, he can’t win the championship,

He’s gonna use the steel steps which- >> Man, could be grounds for disqualification. Sheamus taking full advantage of a biased official, championship on the line live on Raw. [NOISE] >> It is our Main Event on Monday Night Raw, we are live tonight in San Antonio.

Roman Reigns, the champion, on your left, Sheamus, the challenger, on your right, the Special Referee is Chairman, Mr. McMahon. And Roman trying to rally, as Sheamus has really dominated this match since the beginning. >> Speaker 1: Yeah, look at Mr. McMahon, celebrating the punishment that Sheamus is inflicting on Roman Reigns.

>> Speaker 3: Well, I’ll show you what happened during the commercial break, a lot of leeway being shown by our official, Mr. McMahon. As this happened outside the ring right here on our announce table, the champion driven, ribs first, into the hood of the table. [NOISE] >> Mr.

McMahon with a big smile on his face, I mean, I think you should point out what Roman Reigns has done to Mr. McMahon. He did Superman Punch him in the face a couple of weeks ago, he took out Mr. McMahon’s brother-in-law, Triple H, I should say his son-in-law, sorry.

And also embarrassed and humiliated Mr. McMahon’s daughter, Stephanie. >> Speaker 1: And through it all, Mr. McMahon has been the gracious executive that he is. >> Rolling Senton, here’s Sheamus with a cover, is it enough? And a kick out again at two by Reigns.

>> Speaker 3: Doing exactly what a great referee should do. >> Speaker 1: What, what, being partial to the challenger? >> You really- >> [CROSSTALK] >> Where he’s gotta fight an uphill battle? >> Speaker 3: You really wanna call your boss partial? [NOISE] >> But the key to this for

Roman Reigns is he’s still in the match, the match continues. Sheamus has not been able to put him away yet. Sheamus must win via a pinfall or a submission to take the championship tonight. And Reigns, and got caught. Now Sheamus trying to lock in a Sleeper Hold, and

Roman Reigns able to thwart the move. Critical moment, both men down, center of the ring. [NOISE] >> You can see Mr. McMahon telling Sheamus roll over, roll over into the pinning combination, roll over, cover him. >> Speaker 3: The referee and a coach. [NOISE] >> Mr.

McMahon wants what’s best for business, he knows that that is a finish to this championship- >> [CROSSTALK] >> Speaker 1: Or in other words, it’s best for business is for Sheamus to be champion. >> Speaker 3: If that were to happen, that’d be great for business, yes. [NOISE] >> Reigns, Sheamus, >> Wow!

>> Exchanging blows. >> Speaker 3: Those are haymakers, and they’re all landing. >> Speaker 3: Here comes Reigns. >> Speaker 1: This is the way it should be, let Sheamus and Roman Reigns battle it out, let’s see who the best man is. >> Aah! >> Here comes Roman!

[NOISE] >> Down goes Sheamus, and Reigns is starting to feel it, guys. >> It’s gonna take a lot to break the spirit of that man. >> Speaker 3: Champion launched out to the apron. Sheamus hung up at the top rope, he does not wanna be there, if you’re Sheamus.

>> That mohawk’s the target. >> Speaker 1: Drive by! >> [NOISE] >> Samoan Drop, cover! >> One, two! >> Speaker 1: No, come on, give me a break. [NOISE] >> I gotta agree with Byron there, John, that was an awfully slow count by the ref.

>> Speaker 1: Yeah, how about some consistency across the board? >> Speaker 3: How about a little rush on Mr. McMahon- >> Speaker 1: [CROSSTALK] >> Speaker 1: He gets this fast count every time Sheamus tries to pin Roman, but all of a sudden it’s slow motion when it’s Roman’s opportunity.

[NOISE] >> Mr. McMahon did say earlier tonight, I am the law. >> Speaker 3: Yeah, the law is not fair, Everybody wants to fight the system. >> Speaker 1: Not in WWE. Sometimes the law isn’t always fair. >> Speaker 1: And here’s Sheamus with a running knee.

Case of point in this match, if you’re a good employee, it is. [NOISE] >> And now Sheamus looking for some white noise. Roman Reigns, though, able to roll through. And there’s the power of Reigns. >> Speaker 2: Can he get him up? >> Speaker 1: Ridiculous strength. >> Speaker 2: And he does.

[NOISE] >> You gotta be kidding me. >> Speaker 2: Need some help over here. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: Did Mr. [INAUDIBLE] Lose the contact? >> He was calling for eyedrops. >> Speaker 1: Lost the contact. >> Speaker 1: Yeah, I’m sure. I’m sure that’s the case. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: Be careful, Roman.

[NOISE] >> Speaker 2: Be careful. Sheamus from behind. Sheamus from behind for the championship and Reigns at two. >> Speaker 1: Once again, a quick count. [NOISE] >> Speaker 2: And here’s Sheamus. >> Superman punch, Roman Reigns. >> Come on, Roman. >> Speaker 2: To retain the title counting.

[NOISE] >> Speaker 1: Ladies and gentlemen, this is our main event. Roman Reigns is defending the WWE World Title against Sheamus. Mr. McMahon is a special guest referee. And as you just got an example of there it has been not well, Mr. McMahon not quite calling. It’s down the middle.

>> Speaker 1: And Reigns’ livelihood is being messed with right before our very eyes. >> Speaker 1: He should have thought about that when he punched the chairman of the WWE. When he beat up the COO of the WWE. [NOISE] >> Roman Reigns just said to Mr. McMahon, watch this. >> Sucker punch.

[NOISE] >> Speaker 2: Got him again. >> To the official, the boss. Went for the broke spear, cover. You don’t have an official. >> Speaker 1: Yeah, cuz [INAUDIBLE] Roman Reigns knocked out the referee. >> Speaker 1: We got thousands- >> He’s done to the COO- >> [CROSSTALK]

>> [INAUDIBLE] His job was being messed with, Roman Reigns I’m not agreeing with him but he did what he had to do when he felt he had to do. >> And look at Roman Reigns guys Roman was just screaming for help, he was screaming for

Another official to come from the locker room area [INAUDIBLE] His opportunity. [NOISE] >> Come out here, knowing that this crazy man Roman Reigns might [INAUDIBLE] >> What’s Roman supposed to do? He’s desperately trying to hold on to his championship.

And everything under the sun’s been thrown his way to take it away from him. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: And another drive by. And Sheamus now. [NOISE] >> Whoa. >> Speaker 2: My God. >> Speaker 1: Another superman punch by Reigns. >> Speaker 2: And here comes Sheamus, sent right over the announce table.

And Roman Reigns has lost it. [NOISE] >> Speaker 2: Roman Reigns has had enough. [NOISE] >> And Reigns has got his sight set once again on Mr. McMahon. By all intents and purposes, Reigns should have won this match. Should have retained his championship. >> Speaker 1: We don’t know that.

[NOISE] >> Speaker 2: What we do know is that the chairman’s probably in trouble. [NOISE] >> Reigns has had enough. [NOISE] >> Roman Reigns is in a different world right now. [NOISE] [MUSIC] >> [INAUDIBLE] Mr. McMahon’s daughter. She’s had enough. Stephanie heading down to the ring here.

>> Speaker 1: Well, she’s seen her husband assaulted by this madman. She’s seen her father assaulted by this madman. [NOISE] >> My goodness. [NOISE] >> I’m pretty sure Roman Reigns isn’t concerned about consequences at this point. [NOISE] >> He stepped over the line, guys.

Roman’s stepped over the line and he’s gonna have to leave. >> Speaker 1: Yeah when you cross the rubicon, you can’t go back and Roman Reigns has crossed it. >> Speaker 1: Roman is gonna have to live with whatever the consequences are at this point. >> Stay away from him.

[NOISE] >> Stay away from him. [NOISE] >> Stay away from my father, stop. >> Speaker 1: God don’t do this. My God. Now, come on, Roman. [NOISE] >> My goodness. >> Speaker 1: Roman does this. [NOISE] >> I think he’s gonna do it. >> Speaker 1: Built this company. That man’s a [INAUDIBLE].

>> Sheamus caught Roman. And he caught him again. >> Speaker 1: No, no, no. >> Speaker 2: For the championship. >> Speaker 2: Come on, come on, come on, come on. >> Speaker 2: And a cover, another official that’s [INAUDIBLE] Armstrong.

>> Speaker 2: He’s been in the puncture of the authority for years now. >> Speaker 2: How much more can you throw at Roman Reigns? >> Speaker 2: Mr. McMahon, he didn’t even know where he was, he didn’t even make a count. Armstrong came down here, that damn clicking referee and

Tried to make the count here [INAUDIBLE] Championship. [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] Referee. [NOISE] >> Roman Reigns [INAUDIBLE] Situation. [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] Did the right thing, he didn’t know where it was. He waved down [INAUDIBLE] >> Is this the right thing? Is this the right thing? The official helping Roman Reigns up?

>> This is ridiculous is what it is. [NOISE] >> Speaker 2: Superman punch. [NOISE] >> Superman punch. >> Speaker 2: Good for you Roman. >> Reigns laying waste to everybody. Now another official. The cover, Reigns wins. Reigns retains the title. >> Here is your winner and

Still the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Roman Reigns. >> Speaker 1: That’s justice. That is justice right there. [MUSIC] Roman Reigns should have won this match a long time ago. [MUSIC]


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