I DISCOVERED the Short Game Shots Under 100 Yards That Will Get Me to SCRATCH

Today I take another golf lesson from my golf coach to go over short game shots to get me to scratch. We go over chipping, pitching, flop shots, shots around the green, hard pan shots, bump and runs, and all types of shots with the wedge. He gives me golf tips and strategies to score lower on the golf course. Enjoy!

00:00 Introduction
01:12 Short wedge shots on fairway with slope
13:08 Partial Closer Wedge Shots – Controlled
16:17 Partial Closer Wedge Shots – in the rough with slope
21:08 Down hill around the green shot – varying type of shots
31:03 Hard Pan Shots – varying type of shots
35:34 Up hill around the green shot
40:39 Shots within the trees with tricky rough
44:59 Off the tee box short shot with environmental factors

golf chipping,how to golf,short game golf,chipping and pitching tips,golf shots under 100 yards,how to break 90 in golf,how to break 80 in golf,how to score lower in golf,golf lessons,golf lessons for beginners,golf tips,golf tips for,golf tips for beginners,wedges golf,hardpan lie golf,jerome rufin

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#golf #scratchtoscratch #S2

The short game the biggest difference between High handy cappers and scratch golfers is what happens under 100 yards and so on this quest to the Holy Grail of scratch golf we are going to learn how to hit chip shots from different lies distances and terrain downhill shots uphill shots hard pants shots and

Everything in between but you’re also going to see the legend my hall of fame Coach Rick cess House show us his own greatness oh go in and how he made a PGA Pro Callum marawa a two-time major champion and ultimately see ladies and gentlemen if he can train me a young

Padawan to become the next Master let’s go today is we’re going to talk about shot selection in spots yet I know you’re working on your golf swing and so there’s a part of your brain that wants to mechanically work on something yeah and I’m trying to get you into play mode

Creativity mode and commitment mode cool okay perfect so we’re on this uh this short par five here at at Chevy Chase and we’re going to put ourselves as if we had to lay up on a third shot Okay so we’re going to be hitting um a shortish wedge but there’s some interesting

Things going on here so stand over the live for me please and so do we what do we experience it’s definitely an incline over there yeah so that is against what you want right now your weight’s all on your right side you told me you want to

Get into your left side on the follow through yeah so this is going to be we’re going to kind of have two different discussions about this shot one is what is the best shot for us to play Club Choice alignment all those type of things the other one is how do

We to actually swing the club and what I mean by that is that on an up slope lie and you’ve told me when I get to the left side if I get stuck on back here cuz I’m going down the slope I’m going

To have to move a lot more or do I put a little bit more weight on the left side to just kind of anchor me okay right an average player and again you want to be better than average an average player we have you kind of work with the slope a

Little bit yeah but I think better players might might kind of trap it um on this so being on your left side would be fine okay what do you mean by trap it it is be more on on on on top of it oh I

See um and one it’ll help lower the ball flly cuz this is going to be an UPS slope Li tends to go higher because we’re back here and it’s going to go this way U we also have some wind we have some so we want to flight it a

Little bit better we would have your sternum where the mic is make sure it doesn’t get back here too much yeah and make sure we’re covering it or trapping it a little bit more is probably the better play for this okay um so you you just shot the number and what was that

84 let me just double check on the slope and everything yeah it’s 86 so we have 86 but that is that with slope with you cheater and what something I want you to do I’ve talking about before is shoot the regular number guess what you think

The slope is and then put the slope on on the rangefinder so you can start understanding with your own eyes what it is okay cuz we’re going to play in tournaments down the road you’re not allowed to use the slope Climer got so you said it’s 86 with that data correct

We have a lie that it’s an UPS slope yeah tend to hit it higher yeah we have some wind we’ve had some swirling winds today uh it now feels like it’s downwind yeah hour ago when I was out here was the opposite um we’re not seeing the flag

Move much we not we then look at what’s on the green well this green has a false front yeah so we have to get it almost to the distance if you’re a little short it’s going to spin off these greens are super soft right now um so all those

Variables come into play is like what’s the best shot for you to play so what club are you got 56 is it a full swing 3/4 it is going to be a little more than a three4 swing great where are you going to aim I am going to aim

Right of the pin about like five to seven feet why is that I’m tending to draw my shots right now okay and then I’ll just hopefully just land back right at the pin and might go down to the left okay which will give me like up so you’re playing the pattern you’ve been

Having we have an up slope L which would tend to promote that also by the way okay yeah um my thing on let’s not get too far to the right you have a lot of green to the left there sir yeah uh but if you short side yourself on the right

Hand side that may make chipping difficult now I know you’ve got a short wedge in your hand this is a scoring club but uh we definitely want to be able to uh give yourself a little room to work with right we’ve analyzed it we’ve now made a decision and now we

Want to make the decision into probably a field don’t we yeah so the practice swing becomes important I want you in this case to do it near the near the ball because you want to simulate what that slope is a lot of people do their practice things back here and this may

Not match it got right this is going to help you understand where your balance is this is going to help you understand where the low point of That Swing is so you can then get into that ball confidently as you go got it and so here I’m going to put more pressure here

Because I don’t I kind of don’t want to be leaning here he said a little more I think that’s the best way for you especially what you’re working on right now let’s just stay there anchor there so we don’t have to move back and forth

Okay it’s like I anchor it left I stay there um and I think that’ll keep you over the ball in a much better way than than again this would move you off yeah like you talked with Dana he do want you move it off so now I think it makes it

Easier for this particular shot okay cool okay so now we visualized the shot you’ve already told me what you want we’re going to see that that helps us Focus your goal is to commit to the shot okay watch it Okay so we’ve done a lot with mental

Game about post shot routines and this is what’s great about practicing on a golf course where you have these different variables yeah I’m going to give you another opportunity yeah what did we learn is basically yeah the loaded question right it’s not the shot

You wanted yep so we get a do over yeah what are we going to do I like fell back on the shot and so I just need to like make this stabilize it right stabilize that’s what I’m saying you’re you’re slope’s going to pull you yeah so

We can either um so some people would maybe change ball position put it back so if they did move it they’re not affected as much I think what you’re working on though with your swing I think anchoring on their left side is probably a little bit better for this

Particular shot okay yeah the other thing that gets stuck to be honest with you and that’s why that ball kind of went to the right it’s harder to rotate through yeah you were falling back yeah that’s going over to the right okay so that’s why I was a little hesitant with

You kind of aiming a little right there I know you said you’re going to draw the ball but a lot of factors were working against you to be able to rotate through yeah so let’s do another practice swing because I think that’s going to help you with the the balance effect again yeah

I’m wondering sometimes I get into this and this kind of does it uh depends on like how I’m playing on the day but like this is my first shot of the day maybe go more safe side versus like eight and I’m like I’m feeling good totally and

Our decision is going to be very situational specific um it would be much better here I think to aim 15 ft left we have a big part of the green if you push it you’re fine if you pull it you’re fine the other option you you had out

There if you pushed it we’re now in some trouble yeah okay so let’s let’s play a little more conservative yeah especially I mean at your at where you’re at with your skill set um pars are good okay now there’s gonna be a time later on where

You go but Rick this is a reach I mean this is a par five I got a scoring Club in my hand I understand we want to make birdies on par fives but sometimes uh a par is just fine yeah let me try to land on the left side

Okay okay so we’re not sure how that Ball’s going to if it’s going to release or not I think it it grabbed and spun but that’s exactly why we aim left correct yeah the Miss now went towards the hole you’re going to look like a

Hero but that wasn’t the plan was it so notice again that the slope got you a little bit right yeah um better I feel like especially with these actually I had another question with these half swings cuz I’m also not doing the whole uh move and so I feel like you should

Just like stay here and yes and then rotate off of this post like this exactly yeah I think that’s a little better for these paral shots yeah because it’s kind of like the double it doesn’t have weight on it so like kind of like that correct correct I mean contact is always our

First goal honestly yeah I mean I know people are obsessed with Direction but we got to hit it solid just a little so I liked a lot about that I know it it floated right yeah now that I’ve seen you hit it we had an up slope L but would you also

Agree that the ball was below your feet Yes okay so we had a combo this usually makes it go this way that makes it go this way and that looked like that one right down the ball below your feet kind of got you right everyone went to the

Right but that was better contact wasn’t it yep did you feel like you were a little bit more on the left and rotate better yeah exactly I think one of the main things that uh when I was telling to you off camera where I started going more into

Out and kind of drawing is when I could do the whole thing and then comes in but that drops the club yeah but when we’re hitting wedges and we’re going to stay here it’s going to be a little more neutral yeah and and and that’s fine

With a wedge we don’t want a lot of movement on a wedge this is kind of and we want to make it solid we want to as you get more advanced trajectory of the shots going to be very very important uh but you’re exactly right a full swing

With driver where there there’s that load and then is a lot different than a 3/4 wedge gotcha and then here like I mean it’s kind of like cutting meaning I’m coming this way out to in and so kind to avoid that without doing the whole how would I kind of just well I

Wouldn’t say you were necessarily out to in I mean if you looked at the divot um we had you aim left the divots left okay okay I wouldn’t say that that div is like this out to end but and especially the last one right the the depth of the

Divot is is pretty darn good yeah so this I guess my uh Club face was a little open it is but again because of the slope though what I’m getting at is like oh I see it’s not like you you aimed it like this is that as we get

Through we get stuck we can’t rotate as well and with the down this down slope it’s like this way we tend to get locked up here got it and it pushes now if I can get this hip to go this way which is hard against the gravity here of the

Slope yeah it would straighten it out so we we play for the Miss now if you had a four on in your hand that Ball’s probably even moving more to the right yeah for sure so the LIE dictated the shot the balance was our crucial part we

Had both up slope and ball below your feet the ball below your feet got you the most it made the ball go more to the right it was harder for you to rotate and clear out you’ll get stuck here because you’re off balance yeah and then unfortunately the hands I’m not saying

Unfortunately the hands just stayed neutral yeah was open and I don’t want you to flip it as you come through so this again is is is when we look at playing the game you could work on wedges all day long on your um at the

Range 86 yard shot and go I got it rick yeah and come out here this is a completely different animal yeah for sure okay and balance is important quality of contact is important but play work where most of the patterns going to be in this case it was going to go a

Little more to the right we had plenty of green on to the left there cool okay sounds good so let’s do this let’s go um we’re going to go up about 20 yards cuz I want to work on partial shots with you yes still having the the LIE being

Something that we have to be aware of cool okay sounds good all right drum so now we have a partial wedge shot we’re closer obviously to the hole we still this is not a flat lie so any good player is going to look at lie before

Anything else and they stand over it now we have the ball sitting up so that’s great yeah but talk to me about balance right now I feel way more balanced than over there it’s it’s not as dramatic yeah but it’s still but it’s still a

Little bit um on your on the right yep right so balance is our key goal um we what you shoot the number at uh 57 57 we again as a reminder we have a false front that’s probably let’s say three yards in front of that so if you hit it

Short it’s going to spin off the green yeah so there’s again a a minimum number we have to land it yep okay you probably have another 5 yards behind it so you have a maximum number so you’re going to have about an 8 to 10 yard Gap here

Front to back yeah okay now I would prefer you to be left of that hole Yeah it’s a flatter it’s a but it’s a flatter part of green too um on the right hand side there’s there’s more slopes and stuff like that let’s go again to the

Easiest spot possible yeah so now we’re shorter so now we could either go lob wedge we can go little partial chippy 56 there’s a lot of different ways we can now do it yeah I’m going to go 56 but I’m just going to take it less um below

9:00 yeah okay and so we could certainly use the clock analogy 9:00 10 o00 um as you get more proficient at this we start with that as a structure but then it becomes very feel oriented right like I’m hip height to hip height and then

You just kind of blend it a little bit more but it’s a good starting point because I want you to be committed to the swing you’re going to make too uh with wedges um I’m the belief that especially these part partial ones is I

Want the tempo to be more like a 1 one okay uh there’s not because this is short I don’t want it to go right I don’t want a lot of acceleration I want things to to match now as we get further back obviously there’s a separation where the lower body is going faster

Yeah this is control I need you to hit it that distance yeah okay and the best way is to keep everything working together okay cool but it’s back to balance I want you to do the practice swing exactly how you planning on it feel it

I’ll get over it okay so it stayed right on the top of the false front so we’re fine when you hit it did you believe it was um the correct shot it felt good but I knew it was going to be as short that I just a little right and we had a

Little gust of win not to give you excuse but there was a little bit of wind that knocked it down too yeah um Quality contact good pretty was it on the line you wanted this is exactly where I wanted right so a lot of good

Stuff from that yeah so we want to also anchor when we do something well yeah what do you think led to solid contact on that one when you were saying like I kind of just want it even that just allowed me to kind of make it a little

More smooth I think a bad tendency in the past of just kind of rushing my down swing on these but yeah just kind of feeling a little more smooth especially doing it on the second um uh practice swing low me to kind of do that yeah and

I think again it’s this this there’s always this gray area in golf where we teach putting we go okay putting then we go chipping and then chipping to pitching like what’s the difference then pitching to partial wedges and then full wedges and then full Swings with 700 is

Is that yes they’re golf swings but tempos do change a little bit they you know me doing a 50 yard shot is different than a five iron yeah okay uh the sequence needs to be um just right and again quality of contact with the the correct feel because distance

Controls everything here yeah uh driver yeah you hit it 310 one time 290 no big deal 20 yard is not going to hurt you yeah here 10 yards could make a big difference in short or long yeah so gaining having that the quality of contact’s our first goal we’re just

Going to move you back a couple steps here so now we’re going to changed the LIE we’ve now moved just a few feet it’s the same distance yeah but now we’ve changed the LIE okay I’ve said this before is that we never want to come

Into this and say it’s a good lie or a bad lie it’s problem solving how is this lie going to affect the ball well we have it in some light rough while sitting down what do you think may happen with contact with that it’s going to hinder the distance I think we

Mentioned that some rough I don’t think it’s going to this is kind of light could like bring this to the left like hook onto it but um right now I can’t gauge how much that would be no and that’s through experience right we we we call it pattern recognition how quickly

Can I recognize what this shot is yeah you’re very young to the game so you’re going to make some mistakes on it but I would agree with you I think this is not super wiy yeah it’s thick enough to slow it down but I don’t think it’s going to

Grab the hosle and and shut it left okay but now you have decision do I take a bigger swing faster swing to make up the difference even though it’s the same yardage yeah you’ve just told me that this variable could slow the club down yes and

So I my my initial inclination I guess would do farther back but if it’s like slowing down maybe it’s slightly faster but I don’t know I could be and this is part of experimenting right I would probably uh firm up my grip a little bit so um it doesn’t get caught as much

Going through it and probably will feel just a little more acceleration for me personally yeah would you hold it off like like this or would you still kind of like I would most likely hold it off okay yeah it’s going to be kind of staying in front of me type of a thing

Okay sounds good so we’re still doing a practice swing okay oh man so now we had more of a what we call a flyer in a way the the club didn’t get caught but the grass in between the ball and the grooves uh created less Back Spin so the ball comes

Out like a flyer goes a little bit further yeah so we had good contact yeah from my angle it looked like you’re aiming right though okay too there was a little bit of alignment especially because we know the ball’s going to leak right um what was your intended target

My intended target was that ball the ball there was that not you you were right of it sir let’s put another one down okay and again we’ll kind of put it in its little bit of light rough stuff there we are we still know the ball’s below our feet so

We do have to play that it may move to the right like that last one did okay let’s go at least 15t left of the hole okay okay oh yeah what I mean I was way right so again it’s the fundamentals of setup that can affect a ball you hit a

Quality shot unfortunately aimed a little too far right yeah oh man okay so always when we have that kind of shot we always want to do a post shot routine of learn were you committed to the shot ready to go I was yeah great so mental game fantastic right

Physically we didn’t execute the shot so we hit it thin what do you think may have happened physically to cause that because I was like leaning on this to kind of stabilize it when I went like this I just went forward I think you went forward and up a little bit so kind

Of in here just a touch U that’s what we talked about before is that when we’re on Awkward lies uh rotation is challenging yeah because we’re trying to stay balanced and and and if we’re I’m on a slope and I’m trying to turn I’m most likely going to be off balance and

We don’t want that so I think that’s what curred there we didn’t rotate as well as I think you could um there was a little bit of a change of of how the body looked from there now we had two different shots from two different

Angles but if we look back where we came from do you see how this is the one of the flattest areas of of of it yeah and then we have a big hump over here yep right so even if you had a quality shot it’s I don’t know how that Ball’s going

To bounce or spin yeah uh putts a little bit more challenging and what I was more concerned with if you missed it what do we have we have trees we have a down slope that is by balls byebye yeah for sure with those lies I wanted us to

Utilize more room here and if it fades we had a lot more room and if we hit it straight 30-footer yeah okay do you see a different like looking back where we came from of how this was a little tighter in here yeah this is an

Aggressive shot if I was over there I was like I I kind of knew that if I hit this hopefully roll and like end up over here but that’s like me on my game the strategy is with those lies the ball is going to tend to go that way anyways

Yeah um you have a smaller landing area and if I miss it it’s a much worse scenario than if I missed it long that way yes for sure so we’re looking a little risk reward in a way but it’s something we’ll talk about a lot is the

Dispersion if I gave you 10 balls from those spots where would they go well you’re still learning this game you would hit one here one here one here one right and we want to look at what that oval is is and then put it down you’re thinking in the terms

Of hitting a great golf shot yeah and I know that sounds oh yeah of course but how many great shots are you going to hit from there yeah maybe one maybe two yeah the poor golf shot though is the one we have to be careful of and if it

Goes low right and we’re down that hill we have just made a double bogey on a relatively easy part five gotcha okay so we’re getting different perspectives um tournament Players will do a practice round and they’ll kind of Look Backwards a little bit where they come from oh

Okay and what happens if the hole’s here what happens you know and they’re always thinking of scenarios ahead of time most golfers are just thinking flag aim at flag go yeah but but you’re giving yourself a disservice because you had to hit a really good golf shot you did yeah

Um and you didn’t give yourself any wiggle room gotcha all right Jerome so short game when you’re you’re building your short game uh toolbox yes we start Basics right we start with a basic Chip Shot and ball back in stance and we don’t have much hand action ball runs

Out a little bit more yep then we get a little further away then we get into some longer rough so on and so forth this one is completely different though isn’t it um we would not call it a Chip Shot mhm pit shot maybe sometimes we

Call it like a flop shot or a lob shot now okay we want to get height on this correct yes we have a bunker in our way yes everything’s below us not a ton of green to work with and this is where I want you to manage your expectations we

Were talking about hero shots a lot yes it would be wonderful you can get up and down right now yeah if you can get up and two putt we’re fine we’re not really getting it’s not a big damage yes this is where people get a little cute with

The shot and they try a little too much right so the first off is we’re going to we’re going to keep the ball on the LIE sitting up enough okay I’m not going to over complicate the shot this is about short and high shot isn’t it yeah so

What club should you think we use 60 you bet you 60 so now we can even if we said I could do a 60 with a square face yep okay so this this one I’m going to do the most basic of basic okay is I’m

Gripping down on my 60 my feet are a little bit open my balls middle of stance and this is going to be little bit about hip height to hip height and I’m going to let the loft of the club do the work okay now I got fortunate with the bounce okay I wanted

To obviously land it a little bit further yeah so I wouldn’t play it that way but that’s that’s a very conservative way of doing it yes I would have gone 60 opened up the face add more Loft aim more to the left and add a little bit of

Some wrist set okay so what that does is we have a little bit steeper angle of attack the ball will pop up even more yes now it goes high but it goes shorter so we have to I’m going to take a little bit bigger swing on this one to get the

Same amount of distance on it so I was short yeah so now we had maybe too much open face yeah maybe I didn’t take a big enough swing so this is where it gets delicate is because 60 has a lot I’ve opened it up now I’m going to take

A much bigger swing and you can just see how high that’s going to go and how soft that is but I had to add more and more variables didn’t I yeah so I’m starting you off with basic variables first and then we work from there does that make

Sense yeah and so that the I guess going back to your first sentence about um chip pitch versus flop correct is the difference between those three just like the height or what’s a lot of it is so a very basic definition would be chipping would be less air time more ground time

Yep when the ball hits the ground pit shot might be like a 50/50 right more air time less uh 50% ground time and then a flop or lob is 90% air time you know 10% uh ground time so it’s it’s the ratio of distance of how far it’s flying

Versus how much it’s rolling type of a thing there’s other variables that go with that but uh right now we have to hit high right we can’t hit it low yeah a a standard pitch shot may still run out too much so that’s why we’re using a

60 yep I would uh let’s go standard one though first right we’re going to go this pretty more basic hands are going to be pretty quiet on this and it’s going to be kind of hip height to hip height aim a little more left okay take a peek

Pretty good distance control wasn’t it yeah okay now the ball leaked a little to the right yeah but how did that feel overall felt like I opened the clip this a little too much okay but maybe now if we open it this way we have to get our

Body aim more left yeah okay so let’s do this again but aim more left I don’t mind that the club face was open by the way you see how how soft that ball landed yeah that’s good we had more we had a higher trajectory land soft got it

And so when you said um flop is like this we can start getting really goofy with how much open it is how much weuse is the how much we cut across the body um like the last one that I did had a lot of flop to it is up here it’s here

It’s across it’s you know that’s a lot more variables yeah we’re not quite there yet but let’s use the club to help us uh create the shot beautiful quality shot right we go back to we can’t miss it short yeah for sure you got it on the green it has a chance

To make the putt if not probably an easy to putt yeah talk to me about how that felt though for that one I mean it kind of went off the toe slightly the Miss which will happen on pit shots cuz we’re kind of cutting across a little bit more

So don’t be as concerned with that oh okay got it I don’t know it just felt good I don’t no wonderful but we’re going to want to repeat that right so if I put you in a similar lie you have to kind of like oh yeah I felt like I was a

Little more hip height than hip height the tempo seemed very R very rhythmic right I wasn’t trying to hit it hard once we start adding more Loft though yes bigger swing faster swing and it as we joke it’s kind of like trying to hit yourself in the nose with the ball

That’s how open we’re trying we don’t need it for this particular one but there’s going to be times where that flag is completely tucked yeah and we already know you’re a hero we want you and you’re going to probably get greedy on it yeah and I’m going to hit it super

High I’m going that takes a lot of practice y because distance control the more you open it up more variables you have less distance control um consistency that you’re going to have on that would you say in a flop shot it’s still the same way going back or is

There something I mean sorry I mean you kind of hinge it you said yeah if you want to hit it higher higher yeah I mean I did the first one which was kind of more of a baseline hands then I added more reset and then on the third one I

Added even more MH each one of those went higher and higher yeah so the angle of my tack changed a little bit got it as we go through there so it’s something you but I always want you to start with Baseline and then add a more variable more variable more variable and you’ll

Notice that ball go higher distance control is a lot um more challenging yeah on that cool okay sounds good there’s a lot going on here to where it’s almost like a recovery shot and why I I pose it as a recovery shot is we want to minimize our damage okay if we

Can get this on the green t putt get out of here yeah right so this is again being a little if we get too greedy we can make um some mistakes here and then be going all over the place so the biggest difference on this we just did

Some some pitches slash more flop shots is we now have a change of slope yeah now I’m going to be feeling a ton of weight on my left foot I’m working with the slope m in normal conditions when I have this type of a slope it would make

The ball go lower yeah that’s not good for this one okay yeah we want it higher don’t so this is where you’re going to have to experiment but I would again most of my weight 85% 90% is here on this left side it’s going to stick stay

Here my practice swing is going to be important because I want to see where the club drops at the bottom right notice I can’t transfer weight or I’m going to fall on my face yeah your base is super super super important okay now I’m looking at this ball is probably

Going to go to the right so I’m going to aim even more left and again quality of contact is what I want staying in that posture I’m opening the face up a little bit I am and I want to feel like I swing with the slope this is not going to be a

Big divot or anything I’m working with the slope so I’ve stabilized I can see where I want to land it about 6t onto the green and about 15t left of it I have a ton of weight on my left side and I’m going to work with the slope oh go in

Go okay you’re welcome now this is a challenging shot and yes I’ve done it many times wrong to know what was what was crucial crucial was stability with lower body it is the balance here is super important the feeling like I’m working with the slope um was very important and then I threw

That last one in I want to know where I’m aiming what and why so everything was aligned there okay so now are you did you 60 here still I still using 60 because the the LIE is so going against us as far as I need as much loft as

Possible okay okay so you can already feel the massiveness of slope here yeah and so when I’m bringing it back would you say is it also like going along or is it like still going up here I would say it’s more up you’re going to be

Because you can’t turn as well from this you’re going to be working more like this with the club instead of around gotcha good luck turning off that lie because you’re going to be all over the place but your upper body is going to be somewhat stable your lower body is super

Stable yeah it’s going to feel like your Club is going out in front of you up and then down the slope you’re working with the slope there okay look at this guy show off okay that makes way more sense okay yet again if you were on your own and

You gave you 10 balls you may start to figure it out right but notice how important setup was yeah balance was important right and then you had to trust this ball is going to leak right I had you aim way left I mean there’s that’s where practicing on a course or

Practicing in a in a very unique environment is going to help you you’re going to hit some bad shot yeah but man that was really good wasn’t it yeah not I mean not as good yours well of course not come on I mean come on you’re you’re

Just a young Jedi okay we’re trying to get you to that point I’m the the old Yoda here okay so um but that was really good but we want to learn from those great shots too right yeah I think the main thing I mean yeah for sure I didn’t

Even like I feel like I wasn’t even on this at all just like this we’re in a spot where you would say oh it’s normally a chip shot right we’re very close to the green could you put it maybe but we see a lot of stuff in

Between here that ideally you’d want to probably chip it okay yet what do we look at the LIE we have Sandy lie but also a firm firm lie yeah that’s challenging yeah okay now there’s two ways to do this there’s what I’m going to call the very basic way M which for

Now is fine which is going to look very much like a normal Chip Shot so it’s going to be ball back in stance weight forward hands forward the lean here yeah now that Leading Edge is going to kind of catch right and again I’m going to it’s going to go downhill here so

Forward here boom boom okay so that was a good quality shot right but I could tell if I was going to be an inch a half inch behind it that thing’s going to dig yeah and the sand and stuff like that so the other option and we will do option

One with you first because that was a very just keep the handle in front this one is a more advanced um is you have a and I have my 60 here but you have the balance of the club you have this angle here at the bottom here we can use that

To our advantage a lot of people think oh if I hit the balce here it’s going to make me skull the ball but in fact it actually helps you here okay um so I’m going to do very similar I’m going to open it up a little bit and I’m going to

Use my right hand under it a little bit more so it slides instead of digs wait can you show me that with the right hand sorry so the right hand is oh under yeah which the club slides instead of yeah dig okay okay so a little bit more hand

Action timing has to be good again this is either way there’s some preciseness if you do this one it gives you a little bit more room for air because now the balance the other one if I hit behind it and that club digs it’s going to be fat

Okay so two methods to achieve the same thing but this always gets back to lie yeah what’s the LIE well we know it’s firm but it’s also Sandy so it it’s not as Lush it’s not as we can’t get the under the ball the same way got it got

It got it so let’s go traditional method first which is ball back weight forward having the handle stay in front of the club head like a leaning shaft good yeah oh good now what we’ll notice though is we are delofting the club in that case and that Ball’s going

To run out a little bit more but we’re looking at quality of contact first right so that was your basic traditional one yep uh now let’s go which going to require a little bit of practice is allowing the right hand to release under nap under the left so we’re not going to

Get as leaning shaft we’re going to be a little more neutral and then we’re going to have this softness as we come through so the club will hit the ground yeah and I can still like uh go back with my body a little bit yeah a little bit I think this is a

Pretty small shot though okay so there’s actually a good example you hit way behind it you did M the bounce actually kind of helped save it a little bit it didn’t dig yeah I know that going too far but that’s the point of why that might be a down the

Road a better shot to utilize M um once we go leaning shaft and dig with the Leading Edge uh it’s fat yeah and you hit it about 2 feet right yeah and so for that one for the more advanced one would I um What’s this called do I still

Have a lot of all my weight you still have weight on the left for sure we’re just neutralizing instead of like leaning into it we’re keeping this a little more neutral yeah and allowing the right hand to go under so are you you’re feeling it like pushing it with

The right hand did you say that or no I’m not sure I would use the word pushing but if that’s what you feel I’m I’m allowing the the right hand to go past the left hand mhm M allowing it right so there’s a softness about that

If I get too aggressive with that um I’m going to have some issues okay now we’re overdoing the follow through I mean there there’s yeah way too much here there’s just a softness that’s it okay we don’t have to go all the way over here and got you’re

Getting a little little bit too much handsy on it it’s it’s just like I say a softness about it yeah that’s it that’s all all you need there okay okay we’re still in the short game section yet we’ve now changed the LIE yet again yeah we have now an UPS slope

Lie and we have some options on this one UPS slope Li tends to be a little easier reason is I usually can get the ball up in the air no problem yeah the issue becomes distance control is because I can do that and I’m going to exaggerate

This next one yeah but if I we’re going to ask you to be swinging with the slope and this is going to make it go higher really high but not very far yeah that looked pretty it was the wrong shot y so one I wouldn’t be using 60 anymore okay

Because this is already helping us add more Loft okay so let’s go to the mechanics of that now my weight’s on my back foot yeah I’m working with the slope here keeping everything in front of me I’m not going to open the club very much at all because I don’t need more Loft

Yeah right and I’m not going to get real handsy or something like that I want less height yeah yet we’re going into a slope so first off is I would have switched my 60 to 56 and now I would be here a little bit more square and now I

Probably feel 8020 mhm the ball is further back because cuz my weight’s back in here yeah and then I’m swinging again with that slope yeah okay not a lot of hand action but notice it was still short though yeah looked nice but it was still short yep so that’s when we

Have this SL people tend to hit it solid yeah but very high and very short so let’s use the 56 instead of the 60 the LIE is also spongy the ball’s sitting up to where it’s easy to get under it’s like on a te yeah again another thing

That’s going to go that way when you do the practice swings I do want you to preload that back foot yeah and uh feel where the low point is and that’ll that’ll change where the ball position is would you say there’s no transfer or still a transfer wait it’s difficult to

Transfer because I’m going up if I try to go transfer I’m gonna smother it so okay my simple answer is no transfer okay that’s why we’re putting the ball back that’s why we’re kind of pre-loading that back back side there and this is would you say not even not

Open at all or like slightly very slightly um this is actually a lie that’s sitting up fine to where we don’t need to open up the face too much at all um the Leading Edge I don’t think is going to dig much but uh this is really again about balance working with the

Slope the ball’s going to go shorter than you think yeah so taking a bigger swing than what you first thought would be beneficial too much a little too much but good contact right back of the green yeah I knew that was exactly going to go over incident I was like oh okay but

This is again about adjustment right I make a smaller swing I i’ like to still have your hands be a little bit more in control of the club coming through okay yeah you’re a little just a little flippy okay nice very nice so more mid trajectory yeah

One because we used a 56 instead of a 60 you stayed stable um over the ball yeah and you had less hand action right so less hand action makes it go a little bit a little bit lower yeah would you say um when we go back like 40 50

60 you want to see this hold off like does that hold off kind of stay there until like maybe like 100 yards or something yeah every situation is a little bit different but what I was seeing with your your shots today so far is that sometimes you’re like you lose control

Of the of the club yeah and I want us to keep the hands on it now I could unset it I can do all those type of things um as as as we go but it’s hard for me to say when do you allow yourself a full

Follow through all that kind of stuff it depends on a lot of variables there okay I don’t even have a game plan right uh when I’m here all I do is I just track it see how much it is from here and the no is probably going

To come out like Fast um and I’ll just grab a seven iron and I know like if I go here it’s 120 this six just hit it that’s that’s all I do which is good for distance but we’re going to be talking about trajectory right now okay you

Can’t go over this tree yes you’re going to have to go under or you’re going to have to go around yeah well I don’t think you’re bubble Watson yet so I don’t think you’re going to be going anytime soon sure so we have to now change traj trory um so my question

Would be how are you going to make it go lower if you had a standard Sr and it’s going into those tree oh sorry when I go Sr and just like this and then I hold it off and then I just do that I guess it

Kind of punches out that’s fine but I’m I’m going to add another layer of ball position and those type of things make it go okay yeah I don’t do any of that so we want to make sure um that we’re not going to get hurt here so we’re

Going to try to find a place that doesn’t have any Roots yeah so that’s hard pan for sure yes okay and so I’m looking at you certainly can get your yardages that’s fine yeah but the priority by far is the trajectory okay right now you mentioned seven iron well

Somebody could go five iron yeah already know it’s going to go lower somebody go four iron somebody um or we could take a seven iron and turn it into a five iron by putting the ball position back and hands forward so it’s a matter of the combinations okay so like what would you

Would you I’d be hitting five iron for sure because I want to minimize the chance of that ball floating up okay let’s hit the five Ball’s gonna be further back because we’re going to deloft it and part of your punch idea is the hands are going to stay in front of

The club head okay and am I a little bit of lean let’s not overly do that and then I’m just going this and correct and there’s some speed with it I mean we’re going to have a partial shot there still has to be some acceleration going through got it and I’m still rotating

Yeah definitely okay Co definitely oh okay so kind of one of those good news bad news right we got it past our tree but we didn’t get enough on it to really get it close to to the green yeah you got a little hands on that one so let’s really like drive it

On that okay got it so this and then just yeah go for it got it better yeah it’s not and some of that again a little bit of the lie was so firm that the club kind of bounced on you but um that again is getting us

Closer and closer to what we needed to do gotcha should I just take like a m so these punch shots can I go all the the way back and just kind of like hold it off and it’ll you you you certainly can and that’s part of understand what is

The distance right I think we’re roughly in a 140 range um if you hit a stinger five iron and got the most out of it it’s probably going more than 140 or in this case 150 uphill yeah so I like the idea you can go bigger and then and then

Hold it off there I think that helps us keep the trajectory where we want okay and what would you say I mean I’ve never hit a stinger but like is a stinger different from a punch shot it’s very similar um it’s just I mean your body is

Doing everything you got to be strong enough to not let it kind of recoil and it’s it requires strength in the core be able to do but it’s very similar in that we’re trying to control Club face and the trajectory um to make it go a little bit

Lower beautiful oh I see okay that’s just kind of all body there a lot of body hands stay passive keep the club you know that got almost all the way to the green yeah okay but I want to go back to the the first problem solving is

This first tree in front of us yeah we had to get low mhm now some people I’ll just hit a seven I like it could jump on us and catches the branch come down yeah we had to get past that now you did on all three of them but it got

Progressively better why do you think it got better well I kind of just knew how much I needed to go back correct right so it comes with trial and error but um knowing the fire Run’s going to come out lower but you still had to hit it uh was

Was very important good do a lot of people maybe in the pros just do the go around here this one this one work well um to hit it around you don’t have enough space to do it and you may push it to the right now we’re in a lot of

Trouble yeah okay um there will be very talented players that can move it this particular case they’re going to go low just like you did for sure okay got it if there was no uh if there was play playable spot on the right hand side maybe that comes into play I just kind

Of Sling a hook yeah around but that’s not the play here okay sounds good and here just don’t be that handy for punch shots you kind of just want to go there we got to keep the hands in front to make it deloft get the solid contact and

Just kind of drive it as you go there perfect okay sounds good all right Jerome so uh I’ve moved you up on on a par three on on some uptas because in in some of our videos that we’ve talked about is wedge work and the difference

Between a 50 yard shot 80 yard shot and is there’s a gray area do I take full swing do I do 3/4 do I put and and now we’re getting closer to what a full swing would be like right what did you shoot the number at 117 117 right so

It’s not it may be a partial shot if we’re in between gloves yeah but now this is definitely full swing setup right um and we have a a flag that’s in the front but it’s also middle from left to right that’s a pretty much go forward Flag by the way right there’s there’s

Not much out there but now we go 117 we have some wind today yeah um some Breeze and it’s been swirling a little bit here in the canyon um what what do you think it’s playing what’s the shot you’re gonna play um that’s probably like 11 10

110 okay so what is that for you I know like a Max 56 would be like 103 104 then a Max is like 12 so like it’s like right so that’s why was right so in this case if you’re short You’re On The Fringe it’s not the worst thing in the world if

There was bunker there we might have a different discussion yeah you have at least 15 yard to work with past the hole don’t you this is a pretty large green behind it either way works I would say that we have to get pretty clear though on what the wind’s doing right now and

We’ve got a helping and then over to the right yeah um and so you could get away with the shorter club and hit it full I’m fine with that um if there was no wind I would probably definitely have you have the other club if it went long

Big deal you have a 30-footer coming back downhill yeah okay but there’s nothing in front of the screen that is of concern so so I’m okay with either one um but because it’s downwind I’m fine with the shorter club and hitting it gotcha and you wouldn’t do like a an

A the soft a or like a like a 70 like an 80% shot on um when you say 80% I I’m not big into changing speeds right now I’m in like sorry um length of Swing right yeah because some people do both they go I’m going to go shorter and

Softer I go when’s the last time you practice that yeah never yeah so it’s a disaster but if you say no I’m gonna go regular speed but I’m gonna go 3/4 3/4 80% 80% then I’m fine with that but that’s getting very clear no you

Have two options yeah and I we may have mentioned this in one of the other ones like on the golf do you make the decision with your head or with your gut I my gut gut so the feel so maybe you put both clubs out in front of you and

Go it just feels like this yeah that’s one way yeah I’m going to just send the 56 degree send send it well just because like I said I haven’t practiced those 80% shots and this might go short but we’ll see but also it’s about also of I

Asked you to kind of before inventory shots you need to learn yeah now that you play more golf you’re going to go oh I got to talk to to Rick about this because then you have to learn how to mechanically do it yeah um and those become this list of shots not I’m

Working on my swing mechanics yeah I got to learn how to play so this is one of those cases right we we’re in between shots Rick I haven’t done enough of the the partial a wedge that’s fine you want me to te this up or well that that’s a

Good question is that it is a par three um you are allowed to Tee It Up i’ I’d be concerned if we start teeing up too high you catch it high in the face you lose distance control this T box is is in really good shape yeah I believe

You’re just going to keep it on there okay okay just observe it okay quality shot correct yeah so back to the mental side were you committed to the shot yeah for sure because we were in between clubs you’re in between decisions yet you made made a

Decision and you went with it okay we still have to execute it performance-wise but it looked like both happened right good commitment to the shot good swing boom and I think that’s why I went I’m fine with what you decided because more of the downwind conditions kept kept pumping this way so

It helped if there was no wind again I think it’s a more of a decision with the a wedge yeah for sure that was a pretty good shot easy game yeah boom let’s go


  1. Fellow San Diegian here. Love the content. If you haven't already, play Colina Park. It's a short 18-hole par 3 that's also decently challenging, which makes for the perfect place to practice your short game. Only two or three clubs are needed so your dont even need to carry a bag.

  2. I am wondering if your different coaches are watching your lessons with the other coaches. The have different point of views and pedagogy. They could learn a thing or two watching their student in other hands. Anyway, thank you very much for your channel, it's so interesting, I root for you fir achieving your goal.

  3. I think he should caddy or coach u thru a round for u instead of this.. I think there’s more value in that

  4. 25:12 jerome i would love to see you put in some serious hours hitting shots like this around the green. literally just playing around working on your feel not really thinking much about mechanics at all just using your feel and athleticism. at this point it'd go farther than pounding balls off of mats

  5. Dude, your questions often indicate you are over complicating everything. You must be at the range several times a week. If you want to know whether to hold off your follow through on a 25 yard pitch shot, why not just try it on the range. And get an answer.

  6. High quality coaching all the way. It is like a dream come true. And you are living it. And we are enjoying every bit of it. Good Luck.

  7. All these comments here about what you should and shouldn’t be doing….. I just want to say thanks for sharing this lesson very valuable info here. You asked questions to help your game and are valid to anyone of your experience in the game. The dudes try a tell you what you should and shouldn’t be doing should go pay for their own lesson with this coach, and post their own vid on YouTube…but they won’t or cant

  8. Yep, this video shows the true value of golf lessons. Imagine trying to work all this out yourself – you'd have virtually no hope. A huge chunk of your golf budget should go on great coaching like this. Well done Jerome – now for lots and LOTS of practice 🎉

  9. Lot of words, time, teachers, and still can t make a good 80y approach wth 3 or 4 trials? Nothing against the format, but it should be said that you seem to be under the average level of ability for a guy your age with good physical skills, even for just one year of golfing full time…

  10. It’s so true! You can be a champ on the range and get destroyed on the course. All the different lies and variables in the actual game are insane! Plus hitting off a mat vs grass is a huge difference!!
    Keep up the struggle Jerome.

  11. Got this a pro. Count all the shots you take from 100 yards or less in a round of golf. You should aim for 36. I’m a 1 handicapper. I was off 4 first time I tried it I shot 77 off yellow tees. I took 47 shots. I was spending way too much time practicing my long game. I have taken 34 before. Every time I take 36 shots I normally break 70. Give it a try. I’ve watched your videos you hit a decent ball but you need to know how to score. I’ve played with guys who have been as low as 1 or 2 their swings look crap but they can chip and putt brilliantly

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