Cobra Dark Speed X Driver review with Andrew Ainsworth.

Take a look at the all new Cobra 2024 Dark Speed Driver. This could be one of the hot drivers this year.

Hey everybody Welcome to the video it’s Andrew Ango here really nice to be along presenting the video today and thanks for spending your time watching my video exciting time of year here in the UK it’s in the middle of January freezing cold but the good news is all the new

Products are starting to arrive and today we’re going to focus on the new Cobra driver which is called Dark speed dark speed sounds like a TV sort of movie doesn’t it or or a series dark speed anyway before we talk about the new driver we just got to go back and

Talk about the driver that it’s replacing which was called the AO jet now this is my own personal experience other golfers out there may have had a wonderful time with the AO jet for me personally as a as a fitter it just didn’t work it was almost like Cobra had done

To good a job on producing a driver that spun really low and with all these drivers you normally get three heads you get a low spin you get um one that sits in the middle which is called the X and the dark speed and then you get the max

And the max one is the one with a bit of a draw bias bit of weight in the heel um High Moi moment of inertia to get the ball launch but the a jet just didn’t work for a lot of golfers it’s almost like you needed to have a lot of Club

Speed to get the driver launched and to get it get going up in the air and get the right Spin and launch numbers so it kind of crashed and burned for me big time the a jet didn’t sell that many of them had to kind of like dump the stock

At the end of the year and and sell it off so it was a bit of a nightmare so I was very hesitant when my Cobra rep came in and said you know I was almost thinking about dropping Cobra for this year because I’d had such a bad

Experience with it in 2023 but my rep assured me that this new dark speed driver was a totally different animal so I trusted him implicitly and it really is it’s such a good driver we’ll just give you a very quick overview on it I’m not going to bore you with all the techy

Spec because it’s all on the website and if you want to find out you know just go and have a looks for yourself but what we’ve got if we just sort of flick back here and just find out a little bit more about it we go into the

Drivers as always we’ve got the three models we’ve got the ls the low spin version generalizing a little bit but tends to work better for golfers with high club speed who are producing a little bit too much Back Spin and the way they design that is they put weight

Sort of forward in the head so that the ball doesn’t launch as high of as much spin we’ve got the one that sits in the middle which is called the dark speed X kind of does a little bit of everything you can see the weight points here are

In the middle so fairly neutral weight bias and then we’ve got the dark Speed Max which is their most forgiving driver and the weight Port here is in the heel so that it has more of a draw by bias ladies version of course and then we’ve got all the Fairway Woods which we’ll

Probably do in hybrids in a different review so without further Ado we’re going to grab ourselves I think I’ll test with the X I think we’ll go with the one that sits in the middle today and we’ll build a driver and we’ll tell you a little bit more about it and we’ll

Hit it and hopefully you’ll see some numbers which um are certainly a big Improvement on what the arrow jet I’ll be right back all right everybody I’ve got the Cobra dark speed driver in my hand I’ve gone with the X model as I said a minute ago which is the one that

Sits in the middle have a little look at the overhead on this this is very un Cobra like what they’ve done normally Cobra like to um make a little bit of a statement should we say with some of their clubs in terms of the colors that

They use in the past they’ve done some very bright colors orange heads blue heads if you remember the cell driver um but this one completely different very very stealthy we’ve got this matte black finish we’ve got really we got a little alignment mark on the top there which is

Just a Black Cobra logo so nothing blingy no sort of loud lipstick around the back of the club the design is obviously a mix of carbon and titanium like they’ve been doing for the last few years but just looks very very stealthy and um yeah attractive you know

Certainly not shouty or blingy lots of shaft shaft options that you can use I’ve just got one of their stock shafts in here in stiff at the moment um 44 sorry 45 a half Ines long in stock but you can have it custom fitted and say loads of shaft options and grip

Options available got this set to 10 and a half um all standard setup no draw bias on it we’re on gc2 here we’re using mauno balls today so uh let’s have a little hit have a look at the overhead from behind the ball it just take a

Little bit of getting used to because there’s actually no alignment Mark really that visible but I quite like it let’s hit a couple okay a little bit high toe Saturday morning folks by 8:00 so uh still half asleep to be honest warming up here we

Go okay not not 100% strike that one but we’ll take it it’s a fairway finder as they say so we’ll have a quick look at some of the stats here uh 101 Club speed giving me a 136 ball speed launching at 15 Spinning at 1,800 revs just over 23

Three carry running out to predicted 261 so not the hugest of hits but very very playable so when I was testing this yesterday when it first came in the biggest difference I noticed between this and the a jet was the Forgiveness you know you could kind of get away with

Some off-center hits with this which you just didn’t get much out of on the a jet slightly better hit but turned it over bring this teg up actually getting much launch on this that was out the toe look at the back spin on that one that was just a

Bad golf swing nothing wrong with the club okay that was better that was a lot better warming up a little bit so Club head speed up to 103 giving me a 140 ball speed which is pretty good 15.2 launch angle spinning at 22 giving me a 240 carry this hole plays

Ever so slightly uphill with a predicted run out of 266 so I am uh I’m 60 years old in a couple of weeks time you know bursty cards will be expected um so you know 60 year old not as young and as fit as I used to be um still can get the

Club speed up round about that 100 105 Mark that’s about the max I would expect out of any driver I think from carry I think if I really really nailed one and I played around with the sort of settings and maybe some different driver shafts I could probably max out my carry

Distance to 250 but that would take a really good swing so 240 through the air for me these days is more than happy with that this folks is a very very good driver it’s ticks all the boxes for me it’s forgiving it’s got lots of adjustability you’ve got the three

Different models to suit all types of golfers but the added bonus is the price so over here in the UK this is going to retail at somewhere around £429 which is still a lot of money but you look at what all the other drivers are coming in this year at you know ping

G430 still my number one driver here and this is the one that this has got to compete with you’re looking at about 4 69 for a g430 and then the new tailor maids and Callaway Drivers I think I don’t retail them you probably up closer to £500 for

Those and there are lots of other drivers on the market over 500 so I think Cobra been very clever on how they’ve pitched this price-wise to sit you know that 40 50 60 70 underneath the really big boys to try and get people to

Try it and if they try it and get fitted for it is a very a chance he might buy it so I think fingers crossed the dark speed is going to be quite a success story uh for Cobra this year I’ve already seen a few um videos from people

Like Rick Shields and people like that and everyone’s kind of saying what a good driver it is you know high ball speed forgiving good value for money looks great so uh yeah it’s the Cobra dark speed driver that was in The X we’ll do some more videos for you looking at the Mac

And I promise I’ll do some videos where I swing the club a little bit slower so I can give you guys and girls who are swinging maybe a driver at 85 miles an hour 80 mil an hour an idea of what numbers you can expect from that really

Enjoyed hitting it thanks for watching the video today I’ll be back soon my name is Andrew answorth all the best bye for now


  1. Happy new year Andrew. I have a brand new driver which you would love. A persimmon Louisville driver, custom made and the most beautiful driver I have ever owned. No frills, just hit it out of the screws

  2. Happy new year Andrew. Driver looks great. Good honest data and you are doing amazing to swing it at 100mph plus approaching 60.

  3. Would love to see these at slower swing speeds. Just had a birthday and you may be 8 years older, but you’ve got me by about 10-15 mph on club head speed. Might have to give this one a look this year. Thinking it’s time to give up sexy for forgiveness and ball speed throughout the bag. Good stuff sir!

  4. Happy new year Andrew. I’ll be 60 in April, coming off my 2nd hip replacement surgery this past November (had my left one done in January 2022) I’m eager to get out this spring here in the U.S. both hips were bone on bone, so these were much needed.
    If I wasn’t custom fit for my TSR3 last September I would go for either the X model or Ping G430 max 10k. I’m also happy with a 240 yard carry, I averaged 242 on my custom fit with TSR3.

  5. Great review .. I dumped the 9 deg Aerojet last year and bought a 10.5 ltd x head just to see me thru season for the very reason of low spin and flight .. even lofted right up it was slightly better but struggled with face angle .
    Looking forward to trying the new ones !

  6. Thanks for the video. I had a Cobra F9 and loved it, but since the F9 I had not had any luck with Cobra drivers. Having seen this video I will give Cobra another try.

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