Golf Players


TODAY I am bringing you along with me as we play the back 9 at Isleworth Golf & Country Club and try to break Jordan Spieth’s record from the 2014 Hero Cup Challenge! Do you think we can do it??

Watch my LAST video here:




Also at the first Jordan spe seven shot lead coming into the final round and certainly not letting up spe would quickly get to three under par through his first six holes take him to 26 underpar setting a new tournament mark backto back weeks he’s won around

The globe Jordan be your champion of the Hero World Challenge today marks a special day putting my game up against one of the world’s best golfers Jordan spe battling on the back nine at islesworth golfing Country Club trying to break his record at the Hero World Challenge let’s get straight into the

Video all right guys welcome back to another video we are out here at the beautiful Alworth golfing Country Club playing Jordan spe in their Hero World Challenge 2014 he’s 2600 par we’re tied with him we’re going to try to get it done we’re going to try to beat him

Starting at even par on this back nine all I know is that this game is looking good and we’re trying to go low let’s do it all right here we go even par whole 10 we are going to get it started we got a par four here right my buddy just said

We got to go just left of middle of that bunker and uh really just put ourselves in a good spot got to got to make a move on this first hole let’s do it oh Jake that is pounded that is pounded oh boy oh boy hey we pulled that a

Little left of Target but I think we carried everything I think we carried everything this is going to be good oh my gosh dude that was freaking piped I don’t know where right went oh there he is dude I was like I pulled that like a

Hair left and I was like just please be okay almost like we’re like too close to the green that was wild all right here we go game on this honestly might be too close hopefully we got to get some spin on this bad boy looks like I want to be a

Little right of this pin um looks like it falls back or it falls everything runs front to back so we got to be a little ride of it got 65 yds on the first hole which is uh always a good start so hopefully we can put it

Close don’t fall down that false front Stay Stay watch it come down oh my gosh well I did not know that was there nothing like a good little scramble on the first hole woo baby Jordan spe we’re coming for you we are coming for you baby bro honestly one I can’t believe I

Missed the Green from 60 yards and two I can’t believe I missed the Green from 60 yards there’s not much more to say from that I would my beginner days put this but I feel like my short game has dramatically improved so we’re going to chip this thinking about making it I’m

Going to play a little bit like a low Skipper into the hill it all right from almost making it now we got about six what was that 6 feet or so let’s see one two the thing about Alworth is that these greens are fast like they are so fast I’m fast as frck

Boy I mean you just saw that pit shot I landed it just short just past the front Fringe and it ran all the way here so what I love to do is like a lot of you guys can can benefit from this is come over here and like just make some

Strokes on top of your mark and see how far right or left it’s going to miss if you hit it straight so I got this one just outside the right Edge we just got to put a good stroke on it try to start out with the par

There we go let’s go baby all right staying at even staying at even par is always good on the first Mr spe I know you’re in the clubhouse right now you know you’re watching you’re like man I really want this title for the Hero World Challenge but hey we’re coming for

You there’s no safety around here okay I really want this Championship I want this title be my first PJ Tour event ever won so really excited about this one we got 175 on this beautiful Par 3 hey right is everything slope to the right yeah okay

So if I’m a little left of this pin y perfect want okay great little left of this pin L down wind go right on that left corner of the bunker oh o right there all right yes sir down I thought that was in the water all day long oh boy my heart

Was like racing right when I hit that I get one of those where I get stuck and it just leaves it open I’m like but hey we’re good we’re on the green got to putt for Birdie Honestly it’s pretty ideal where I’m at but we

Are so close to the water I think if it was right here like a foot right we would be in the water we we got about 15 or so feet up the hill just thinking with this slope yeah it’s going right feeding it this way almost like a cup out left yeah I

Like that bro I’m going just try to just get the speed a foot past it cup out left slightly uphill just going to give it a good run at it oh dude I’m blow in it I can’t believe I blew that one by that much holy cow all right little knee

Knocker to start um I just hit it too hard I was trying to turn but I think I had too much speed on it oh man yeah downhill a little bit more straight I got it right right center of course we got a knee knocker to

Start here we go f that’s what I’m talking about right there I think that is our only thing like when we have a birdie putt we always like try to force it in and I feel like if I can just let it drip in

Or let it die in I think I’ll make more of them I got to put that in my brain all right he said it’s not a driver hole so we going to dude look at this fresh new head cover I got I got it at the PGA

Store I don’t oh CMC design custom Studio this thing is sick Bro all right here we go hold 12 here um this is not a driver hole this is more of a strategy type hole we are uh going to hit three-wood try to push it down I believe

There’s water just short of the green um we’re going to try to hit a nice little Fade with the three-wood I actually love to try to like draw it cuz I feel like with the three-wood I tend to over fade it gets spinny on me so I’m going to try

To hit more of like a more of like a draw swing it’s going to have that nice you know straightish flight to it so just try to push it out there put us in the Fairway and uh make some money that’s so perfect oh man that one felt good yeah

That is so perfect thank you yes let’s go that come down okay cool let’s go baby that’s just such a good feeling when the people you’re playing with is like that’s just perfect just makes just makes my heart happy that’s why I love this game and I hate this game as same

Time it’s just a beautiful sport honestly all right we got about 108 yards downhill downwind just going to hit like a smooth 60° cuz I think it’s just going to push it and if I can get it a little bit past the pin that’ll be perfect so yeah nice and smooth

One really just this is green light this is go time right here bring it back bring it back come on come on come on ah I didn’t have enough spin on it that was exactly what I was trying to do it just didn’t just didn’t come

Back dude that is so fun when you can like play it on a back slope and like try to rip it back but I just didn’t have enough spin on that one I think because of the down wind but hey we got a good look at birdie so look at the

Even the GPS is telling us we got to look at birdie look at that it’s like hey man you’re going to make birdie hey man all right let’s see it right here you’re going to be on camera on this one oh no oh yeah pull out your game right

Here here we go let’s see what he’s got oh go oh you know what that was pretty good though all right bring on them birdies hey I heard that myth that downhill putts are easier to make than uphill putts did you hear that no so the reasoning behind it is downhill

Putts if you if you leave it short they drip towards the hole okay uphill putts if you leave it short drip away from the hole that’s just what I heard I don’t know could be true we’re about to find out we’re about to find out that is that

Is a great Point Jordan spe is shivering right now this is the take a oneup lead on his Clubhouse lead did I leave it short oh no well it did go left could have pulled it we’ll find out on camera but honestly a foot past the hole tapping for par it’s all right

Still at even through three got some work to do got to make one birdie maybe this par five on the next hole he’s going back to the oh he’s going back he’s going back Jordan you can go uh stop hitting range balls cuz uh we’re coming in hot baby all right

Here we go this where we make our money car five hole number 13 at Alworth right you like just uh over these oak trees there yeah you had a draw fade I’m going to probably go fade maybe just left of them then yeah all

Right we got like a I think the hole is straight that way but I’m going to the Fairway works you know left and then kind of curls back so I’m going to hit that nice fade try to peel it off the off the left side the Fairway I’m going

To give this one a little bit extra ump in it o we drawed it but it should be all right a little bit more of a straighter flight than I wanted all right we’re in the Fairway nothing to complain about that if you m hit it and you’re still in the

Fairway I would say that’s pretty good we are going to go for this green and two we got only 243 yards what was this hole oh 535 so 535 we have 240 and it’s all the way back I would say that was right around 300 and it’s about 60° out here

So that’s a pretty good drive I would say 245 I really you don’t want to be long on this one right no top I mean really in reality short of this one would be perfect what is past the green is it uh just trees I’m thinking like a low for and

Try to get it like to scoot up there yeah yeah all right see if I can do it little draw with the forearm oh stay right there oh that is right at it go go go go ah just on the base right there just short of the slope thank you that

Was good exactly how we drew it up right there I was wanting it to scoot a little bit and like roll but it just landed soft so um can’t ask for much better than that one man we got some Vibes on this back nine let’s go baby dude check

Out this ball marker bro I’m at Alworth with an Alworth marker and got that little 48 from my last year of football on there freaking sick back to the action we’re going to have a little Eagle putt got to get this going it would be nice

To have a little leeway on Jordan spe coming down the left next few holes so if we can roll in solidify a birdie but rolling an eagle we can get him a little bit more nervous so here we go I like honestly I like a foot out left we got a huge hill

Here so I got to get it up there so we can just get this close I will be happy here we Go oh no oh no no no no oh my God no dude if this goes off the green if this goes off the green stay please stay please Stay bro that just happened oh my gosh bro D your W I don’t think I’ve ever had a situation like that where I puted it off the green and had to go get my wedge from the cart this is embarrassing this is embarrassing thank you sir about 25

Yards oh I had about I had about 15 ft now we got about 25 yards dude what is this bro I don’t even like want to think about what I just did have you even seen that happen before me no yeah that’s what I thought only with you yep only

With me all right well that would be sick if I made this though oh honestly not bad not bad if we can get away with with a par right here when we thought we were make it eagle and we come out here with a por that would be

Huge wow I thought about like hitting it a lot the putt a lot harder and I was like just to be safe I just yeah and then I just oh man that was rough yep just just under N9 ft this where that money is made on tour right here watching highlights of uh

Jordan’s round this is where he uh didn’t miss this is where he didn’t miss I think this is exactly where the pin was in 2014 actually final round so I got this with that Florida Grain working to my right I got this straight at it yep

Straight at it see if we can make this par no no a that one hurts that one hurts wow a little recap what just happened you know what Jake I don’t really know what just happened wow dude let me get my frustration out real bit real

Fast dude how can I just give that up gosh darn it dude feeling good I know I I know that Jordan’s feeling really good I’m not I had a beautiful 4 iron in here I don’t even know what happened on that putt I tried to maybe be too delicate

And I cannot believe and ended up right there that was that was really unfortunate we got some serious work to do all right here we go boys after that dramatic up a par five we are at a whole 14 here 385 yards we’re going to go the

Big stick little driver it’s a beautiful hole it’s called thread the needle all I’m going to try to do is exactly that thread the needle right down the middle of the Fairway with this beautiful Lake in the background we are going to try to make a birdie I’m going to stick to that

Fade that I’ve been playing all day oh boy boy kick right kick right get a good kick pulled it oh we got a good kick yeah you should get there we go all right all right there we go a really solid M hit like I think I hit it like uh

There but it’s a great thing this uh Dina power helps me out and keeps it straight I think we’re just left side of the Fairway good angle to the green it’s a bird time it’s a bird time baby it’s a bird time here we go 85 yards ideal situation

We got Choppers in the background it’s only right just just go ahead and hold it out look at the chopper is right over the flag this is actually going to be a sick shot 85 it’s like a 9 :00 9l shot for me just keep the chest turning

All right spin it back off the hill spin it back off the hill oh all right not bad I think I was a little scared of that that Ridge just like I was from the last hole I got PTSD of ridges now oh my gosh I don’t want to even be

Near them so all right we’re on the right level we got a look good look at birdie so we need to get one back from that last last whole catastrophic event because we have such a nice view I think I’m going to make this I think this is coming I think this

Is going in bang let’s go that was huge for the boys that was huge all right back to even Jordan spe we’re coming for you man all tied up 26 under 26 under go go get some range work in man we’re coming after that bogey that was a good bounce

Back birdie now we got a part three to to uh continue the round man let’s go all right here we go after that bird we are soaring right now we got whole 15 it’s about 198 yards little into the wind I got a knock down six try to try

To get this up there what I like to do with long irons is just try to hit in the middle of the green then come away with that par or make a long one oh we pushed it again be right be right oh no oh I think we barely got away with it

And we barely got away with it if that’s on the green that’s one heck of a Miss bro that’s one heck of a Miss walking up here the ball did not make it on the green so I think we um we did not hit it

As well as we wanted to I think we pushed it but you know what that’s why we got that short game died in baby H is this one we could put nah maybe for me I like it you think I like it for me bro

Honestly I think I might do it wait you need to show us how it’s done first though I mean this is a perfect lip this man’s really going to putt it out the bunker the member secret oh my gosh bro that is unreal that is unreal real dude that is like

Short that’s like but that’s just like a great bunker shot though I’ll take it yeah I was about to say so many people would love to have that out of the bunker hey we’re going to try it we are going to try it I’ve never hit a putt out of the

Bunker until now I think I just got to whack it as hard as I can especially with it in a little bit of a rake mark this feels so weird Jesus Christ that’s Jason Bourne dude that’s crazy this man putted it out of the bunker all right we need this one bad

Currently at even par tied in the clubhouse with Mr spe all right here we go six or so feet beautiful little right to left this is a right-hander’s dream of a putt right here here we go just going to lock in commit to the line nice good simpo bang bang bang

Bang oo hey teach y’all something life is all about making the most out of your failures from the iron shot to the bunker shot to the putt yeah we here whole 16 favors the brave m M I would say I would say I’m a brave

Soul um I feel like I have some courage to possibly go for big things and we have a 320 yard par 4 here I am going to try to drive the green what’s that what’s that saying Big Time Players make big time plays and Big Time games here

We go hey it’s all about business baby we’re going to hit we got that flag just over that bunker there there try to straighten the ball out so I can get a little bit more distance on it just a hair right of this flag 315 yards got to hit a good one

Here oh I that is exactly why I don’t try to do that stuff man wow I can’t believe that I just happened it’s all right it’s okay the ball is is play it it favors the brave accordingly so I’m going to hit that we’re going to

Get on the green going to make it birdie all right 142 after that drop kick of a drive you know what I could be really upset about it but I’m going to put it past me and we’re just going to try to stick one close I think I think these

Trees should be should be out of the picture so we got these trees to mess with but I think 133 y cool I’m going to hit a little knock down pitching wedge try to sling one in from right to left just R out of the PIN with this up slope

You want to have the ball a little bit more back in your stance especially when you’re hitting draw here we go oh that is right at it bro holy cow be right good shot hey that was a good recovery right there let’s go man I would say you wouldn’t call me a king

But maybe the recovery King I feel like every time I have to hit like a very athletic or something out of the ordinary shot I feel like I do really good so we’re on for birdie man this is going to be man if we make this let’s go

This is honestly an incredible shot from over there I’m going to be honest so downhill if I hit this it’s going to work left come back right yeah I think that’s right hopefully this staff Model golf ball can work its way in the hole oh that looks good that looks good baby come

On let’s go come on dang that dripped right in there too let’s go baby where’s Jordan at where’s Jordan Mr Speed let’s go man hey what I say on the T box even though that happened we were going to end this hole off the right way I don’t know if I

Said that but I thought it so man all right we got to one under got to stay there to win we’re chasing them man let’s go let’s go we are currently sitting at one underpar minus 27 man that is deep but uh we are playing this par five it’s our best

Holes I love them I dream about par fives we got a little dog leg left I’m going to try to cut the corner going to try to work the ball over these houses and then uh hopefully end up in the middle of Fairway so here we go

Man that is just right over that tree I like it right over that tree our caddy right there told us to uh hit it over the tree and what did we do we hit it over the tree playing 225 is little cold I believe it’s a little down see a

Little downwind yeah a little downwind 225 I’m going to hit five iron five iron with the blades I transferred to them um this year and they take like 10ish yards off my you know normal yardages so five I used to hit like two around 225 230 it is just

Like a perfect stock yardage five I hit about 220 and I want to be just short of this flag so it’s just like a perfect five if I remember this right like it’s a super deep green that’s right y but it it’s you know skinny but it’s super

Deep oh my god oh that is pin seeking be right baby let’s go good thank you bro that one that one might deserve a little fist bump there man that one felt good I had a little like I felt more of a draw on that one I

Feel like when I fade it with the long irons I lose it right so definitely going to try to work on more of a draw action man I’m p bro where’s Jordan at he’s sleeping he is sleeping scared this would be my first tour when ever my

First PJ tour win ever I will be hyped I mean I I don’t know what the purse is I believe it’s 1.9 into my bank account tell them to bring me my money but oh man that would be that would feel good I’m not trying to get

Ahead of myself so we’re going to stay locked in on this and try to make this Eagle yes sir give us some breathing room if I would have made it up on that hill on that other par five I would have rolled back down on this one

So it all evens out I thought I was a lot closer than this but that’s golf though this deception is crazy so dude if I was literally right here it would have rolled all the way back down I had to chip huh 13 bro don’t even bring it

Up that’s got like scars in my head from like these ridges but uh dude we are we got to actually a pretty makeable Eagle putt here little bit out of out of you know that Zone where you think you’re going to make it but if I can just

Snuggle it close anything can happen so H I’m thinking everything works works that way for sure yeah especially with that Ridge man this would be huge three shot Advantage coming down 18 cuz usually 18 I’m super nervous so this would be clutch oh God sit down Sit no

Way bro what the heck it jumped off that Fringe I all right all right all right well yeah I’m not even going to think about that one I just did yep uphill working left just outside that right yep just outside right Edge ball out got to make this one comebackers are

Huge here we go oh oh dang wow that was close that was definitely close but we’ll take it oh dang had all that momentum don’t worry about it yeah that’s true I’m not going to worry about one under still one under with the hardest hole in the

Court with the hardest hole in the of course here we go long way here we go with Tiger Woods and Jordan spe watching on 18 green man I I just got to take the nerves wipe them away think about the driving range and just try to

Try to make par all we got to do is make par and we win ah man all right final hole of the day we got a tough t- shot here I got to I got to work that fade off the bunkers on the right and man I I

Can go aggressive line over those trees but really I’m just going to play it safe um I can work it through the Fairway if I hit it good so I’m going to try to hit that hit that fade just off the bunker so long way home long way

Home let’s get it done dude honestly I’m pretty nervous not going to lie to you I don’t know why it’s just like in my head right now I don’t know how these guys do it oh dude that is perfect that is perfect oh my gosh like it yeah I middle of the

Fairway dude that that was definitely the best t-shot of the day like literally you’re going to see up here like there was like a sliver about 10 yards and I hit it literally like right there so I was pumped let’s go yeah here we go hey here we go ready yeah there we

Go oh dude dude that pin though that’s crazy oh yeah all right dude what the heck 184 that is nuts yeah it’s most ridiculous part four in the State of Florida I promise dude 184 that’s like you cut a lot of the corner I I yeah I

Try to play it safe but also like take the risk on a little bit 184 I feel like that pin’s all the way in the back right so we’re going to try to put it in the middle but here we go we got a 184 going to play it like a knockdown

Seven to the middle of the green just literally put it up there and tup walk out of here with the with the trophy so let’s do it it Jordan you can uh go ahead and pack your bags this Li little downhill lie he going to come out right so I’m aim more

Left here we go oh that is right at it no way oh my God oh my bro that might be like 5T away my favorite shots when you see guys do this I my I wish I could hit a clean iron like this they hit it

They watch it they just walk come on they know it’s good bro they know it’s good that’s perfect divot I the club TL may need some work but man that was good that was good got SL let’s go baby dude I honestly think we might we might win

By Two Shots here we got a we got a close look at birdie let’s go man woo crazy dude what a shot that’s 185 that’s a golf shot that’s a golf shot you know what’s crazy is I was like I felt a little bit of nerves but I was like I’ve

Been in this situation before I was at that Monday qualifier when I was one shot away I was like I just need one more birdie unfortunately I missed it but here we go that was a un unbelievable seven iron we hit about right here got a little bit more roll

Out than I expected but man that was close finishing Daylight’s almost ending this is probably the perfect spot I could be to have a putt to win it is a knee knocker we work on these all the time on the putting green so should be a uh routine putt but with the

Circumstances Jordan spe over there watching they’re already bringing the trophy out you think playing football with 40,000 people watching you would help you out in this situation I don’t know man that line does not look good to me let’s add a little bit more suspense to

It come on can’t even get my now I’m nervous I can’t get my te can’t get my uh ball marker all right here we go let me fix this real fast there we go got to commit to your line here all Right come on routine put let’s go wild let’s go W let’s go baby Yoo thank you bro absolutely appreciate it thanks for the round that was awesome man that was awesome love to do it again oh wow that was exhilarating now introducing your 2024 Hero World

Champion Evan Thom let’s go man let’s go a 28 under what a freaking day finish that two under on the back Back N honestly an incredible day thank you for Alworth and Wright for having us out here at the beautiful windir Florida Alworth golfing Country Club man there’s

So much to be thankful for so much awesome content coming to you for you guys so I’m super excited about that I’m going to have some athletes going playing some qualifiers first up is the waste management fenus open Monday qualifier so that’s going to be awesome

Stay tuned for that but at the end of the day make sure you like comment and subscribe got some awesome stuff coming and I can’t wait to celebrate with all you guys my first ever PJ tour win let’s Go


  1. Your swing is go good!! Could you make a swing video on how to swing through the ball to get the perfect divot?

  2. Zero records were broken, did not play Spieth. This dude is a walking, talking, human clickbait. Cringe level 11/10.

  3. Gotta check that mic a little. No problem hearing you speak, bump it down a little so all the breathing over the ball isnt so loud..

  4. Breaking Jordan Spieth's record from 2014 with the course set up for PGA tour pros in 2024 with the course set up for recreational golfers? I can't wait for the next video: "Watch me win a Gold Medal in the 2012 Summer Olympics!"

  5. This man really tryna act like that bunker putt actually made it out of the bunker 🤦🏽‍♂️😂

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