Testing out his NEW 2024 Golf Club!! Was it the RIGHT CHOICE!!

Testing out his NEW 2024 Golf Club!! Was it the RIGHT CHOICE!!

So this year guys in 2024 we are going to have a bit of a match an ongoing Series this year which I want you to name I’m going to be taking on our mid- handicap Dave and the prize at the end of the year is Dave can go and play golf

Anywhere he wants in the world and I’ve got to foot the cost so guys we’re going to be playing nine holes every single month going through how I would play not helping Dave to see if he can beat me because we know Dave’s a 13 handicap golfer but let’s get straight into it

Right Dave’s a bit eager ready and RAR shall I Dave’s in first he said there’s a prize on the line so he’s in before we start shall we just address the elephant in the room what’s that what’s Patrick bamford’s goal the best ever FA Cup goal

Oh or is it beaten by Ryan gig’s goal I can’t remember they playing it semi-final well it wasn’t the best goal was it in the FA Cup to be honest but well let you get off that’s all man united played that’s right did how many

Times have you won the FA Cup Dave one I’ll rest my case there that doesn’t matter does it that it’s about trophies in the game of football just like this is about winning day the question was leads don’t know about winning do they who scored the best goal especially for

The last 25 years we want Championship other week other year yeah was that the first thing in how many years well 30 yeah 30 years that would be Dave right so D probably not annoyed now I could top the this is the first shot with Dave’s new driver on the golf

Course that’s very true cuz everywhere’s been closed he B the big guns out it’s down not terrible it wasn’t the Towering shots we saw inside no cuz I caught it off the toe oh dear not a good start but I get a shot so Dave’s trying to change the handicap system last time

I played a match it was three quarts the difference and now it’s four so we’re going to give Dave five shots get lost on this opening nine holes at WF front we’re going to play WF front guys we’re going to play both off the White T’s and

The yellow T’s we will then be taking daon at garford it’s going to be a total over the year so again how many games does Dave win how many games do I win we’re going to try and do as many courses as we can over nine

Holes let’s see can I get it down there there a little bit of a low left one to start with straight away it’s in play Dave you barely made the Fairway it’s going to be a long way for Dave so guys obviously this series is by popular demand’s been

Playing well swinging well hitting obviously a lot of clubs well in the simulator and over the years he has been getting that game a little bit sharper so we’re going to put it to the test this year of playing matches but comment below who is the person that you always

Beat at golf cuz I think that’s going to be potentially the way we’re going to go this year it’s either going to Dave’s going to conviently beat me every single week with this dodgy handicap he’s got Dave’s in here now a little bit of cleaning the ball but guys comment below

Who is the person that you always like to beat again is it a couple of your playing Partners oh god oh it’s a bit of a that shot is quickly being wasted into those trees not so chatty Now Dave sorry not so chatty now more worried about whether

I’m going to find it or not Chris so guys mine is here just avoided this stuff and it’s left me a long way in but Dave’s off trotting to find his the question I’ve got guys do you obviously change your game a little bit when you are playing

Match play do you try and take on your opponent or are you still playing the golf course are you just trying to make the best goes you can or do you get a little bit distracted by your playing partner for me I know Dave’s in the

Trees but he’s got that shot so I’ve still got to hit the green it’s coming back nicely a six9 probably the longest shot I’ve had in here in a long time that looked pretty good let’s go and see if Dave’s found his so Dave looks like he’s

Managed to sneak through these trees I think it’d have been struggling if it was into the uh Evergreens but hopefully this is not a of the series through the honest but you know I I did wonder whether I going to find it when I when I L it just about a

Shot shouldn’t complain too much you know me I don’t that’s a nice shot coming around a little bit just short so pretty much similar place as me I’m just in front of the green by the looks of it you are I’ve had a look when we’re there for the same

Dave so Dave can clean and place his obviously I can do the same but two very similar shots here to get out it could be an early lead for myself all right then Dave be put off by the geese it’s a good chip Dave yeah I thought so o

What’s that five for four yep what you actually given me one five oh we’ll give you that Dave go oh dear it’s left a bit Dave for the sure man of your capability you’ll get that oh we’ll see it in see you’re in yeah that’s well you giv me that yeah

Yeah you can have that one a good chip there day oh thank you at last I just wondered when they come complimented cup easy side door half what a start Dave to keep the honor so par five here Dave probably gets a shot cuz he’s changed the handicap

System I didn’t try I never changed it Chris tried the world golf people or whatever they call they’ve done a shocking thing with the handicap system comment below guys what do you think of the new handicap system I know it’s not that new now where by asking that what

People com below the old system for me was much better why because you actually had to be very consistent to improve fair enough there’s a lot of than just the last 20 years exactly so you have to play very well over a season to get your handicap down

Especially when you got down to 0.1 so if you was a five or below I think it was back in the day category one one day day one day so in with the phg second hit outside it’s another low one you scared those birds Dave certainly did at least you didn’t kill

One so very much an after Christmas swing still that day yeah very low on face I’m not quite sure where to te it up and I’m getting absolutely no help from the pro oh his excuses are out there’s no help when it’s match played Dave unfortunately

Ridiculous not got a new driver yet in the bag that’s not bad not the best strike but it’s down the middle Dave we’ll take it yes so guys comment below where would you like to see Dave if he does win this series obviously it’s going to be a

Year-long series this every single month we’re going to try and play somewhere different we’re going to give Dave the Home Advantage after we’ve played here at Waterfront but where do you think he should choose should he go abroad should he go and play somewhere in Europe

Should we go and play one of the best courses here in the UK comment below where would you go if you could choose right so let’s see what day is going to do from here obviously the last Fairway Wood he was a little bit waywood some bit of a cleaning place right so

What we got today five wood how’ you guess well I think that’s the only one you got in your bag isn’t it so narrowed it down fivewood here for none cuz it’s not warm it’s not warm now I’m really praying for is one bad shot a hole from Dave for his

Handicap could be a long year just wait until we start getting some run that’s a good stri Dave turning a little bit yeah it’s fine is that in it it’s fine I don’t know if he’s going to shot it no need to worri I could tell

You were worried for me it could be behind those trees would like to see that right down the middle not the longest again not past this bunker it’s obviously not summer conditions but bit lucky let’s try and get as close as possible 240 yards Dave has just

Informed me he quickly got onto his uh his app to tell me that but taking that into account cuz Dave could be lost so just play the normal game that’s what you got to do nice little seven wood down there that should leave me 40 or 50

Yards no dear we’re going to try and find Dave’s right here’s the long ominous walk towards where Dave is can’t see anything yet I thought it was towards G Bush seems very dry over here which you wouldn’t expect since it’s the low side of the golf course let’s see have we got a

Casualty can’t see one Dave can you no oh hold on a minute what’s that there Dave oh is that you Dave well I imagine so chis yeah by the process of elimination yeah the fact that there’s only us two on the cars right well where’s your uh where’s your

Fishing tackle well I don’t carry it when I’m carrying you’re not brought it no I was hoping you just jump down for it Dave’s in this is Harrison these waterproof I need another them last night washed them last night just for this filming in at that like a mountain

Goat not a speck on there well done that D it looks like you’ve done that before many times not always on golf courses you usually when I’ve been going um looking at overhead power lines pons shut up oh Towers you find the towers Chris that everybody is a tower

What would you call it comment below I’d say it was a l4m d type there you go suspension Tower there you go fans this is what you’ve come for suspension Tower right Dave what is it saying you’ve got left five would I haven’t even looked Chris

Cuz it would only 205 from where you are so true I’m just going to try and get to as close as possible Right close as possible put the pressure on bit F but it’s working it’s up there it’s still running I’ll do you Dave is informed me 60 yards to the

Middle of the green getting not the best shot there probably only gone 190 with the seven one but it was just really about getting in play which I’ve managed to do now let’s try and get it on the green Dave just in front so Dave you are there for what

For four four so you’re there for three really wow it presses on bit of a pull I mean it’s a safe shot yeah that’ll do that will do have to you got to get one go Chris this is true Dave has got 45 left he did a great

Chip on the first hole to sneak a half can he sneak another one here ah pulled it right distance Dave just similar to me pulled it he can show me the line from there as well right you want a mark on mine Dave or No it should

Be all right Chris should be all right right well this for six for five yeah probably for the half really is it yes I would say so so don’t be short short it’s a great effort oh get in there sorry what did you say it wasn’t short

Was it what did you say should have took the flag out congratulations Dave what a great six well it’s very uh lucky start to the series comment below guys what should this series be called Dave is a con artist maybe this to win it um two for the har two for the

Half oh he’s slow he’s low he can have that well another somehow oh unbelievable hopefully he’s not this chirpy on the next hole right third hole here you will see by the fly over a tight t- shot all square do all square it is all square

But Dave doesn’t get a shot here so short par 4 it’s all about the t- shot which we know is not being D’s 4 as of yet phg is back out I’m just hoping to see one of those ones from inside da never mind you bit better nice shape though I’ll take that

That’s nice draw just onto the Fairway still a bit low still a bit low on the face oh you’re not going driver Chris no percentage golf get it in play wait for you to make a mistake it’s only You’ been waiting a long while it’s only a

Matter of time you made a few so far H that’s a sh that’s quite good that’s a fairway we’re on the Move moist up here at the top I think I got much R Chris oh the third all no I don’t think I got much either so right I think it’s

Everything and a bit more Dave 178 quick clean she’s going to go mad she only cleaned his tow yesterday oh sorry love and garith is open today so you Bo playing Saturday yeah hopefully and um aen ne’s dream flight charity day has been announced oh for anybody out there who’s interested

Friday the 5th of July Friday the 5th of July everyone no members look at day from outting G charity day for a It’s a Good Charity you know me imp p aart it so cracking charity if you want to go to listen to some dross about lead United book near

Dave if you don’t want to hear about lead United book at least an hour either side not the best a bit armsy but it’s down there it is you’ve opened it up for a good chip oh well we’re not bad at them and if G it’s a good chip use the

Manager put so far so good so not much further than Dave I am here tricky pin there but should have a good shot in I’ve got the right angle though it’s like I meant to put it here anyway 172 to back Edge you’re talking about people

Who you you always want to um beat at match play go on Scottish Paul Scottish Paul has to be Scottish Paul although my record against him isn’t great Scottish Paul’s winning fairly even fairly even I’m not that old Chestnut scsh Paul’s not here to defend himself he’s probably

Thrashing you d right little six iron on the green all do oo that’s more what I was hoping for little bit left chipping across the green looked a good distance but left right today’s got plenty of green to work with here so again match playwise all square here

Again DAV is down here two shots he’s there for one no I don’t get a shot here oh no you don’t get a shot do you actually see I’m being honest I could have stole one there I have missed the green I just think with your handicap

That you’ve made up that you seem to get a shot everywhere so per little liberty to have a look at England golf Chris have you got a login for England golf have you just not bothered no no definitely not you don’t say pin High plenty agreeing to work

With but Dave to go firsta we plent agre to work with Chris is you don’t know whether to just like chip it on with a little seven all right iron now to try and fly halfway with a pitching wedge we’ll go for the latter it’s a pretty good ship there again from

Dave looks good distance decent so good chip there da for distance he’s left himself a little bit of work to do but again guys in match play do you change your style you try and play different shots again as you could hear Dave there talking through what shot he was going

To play didn’t whether to play the standard shot he would there was a lot of green to work with obviously he’s then thinking he doesn’t get a shot there but what do you do needs to run on a little bit right I could be showing Dave the

Line Dave’s trying to get a new putter now um you not leaving that’s fine okay trying all the tricks here I just thought it were in your in your line oh don’t how it stopped that’s a shame yeah you can have that for a far mate

Five four I’ll take a four you need this for half then unbelievable well last time you said that I hold it Chris the line line you’ve left me in the Jew it did turn a lot at the end there Dave to go one up adding into next week can he get

It oh come on one up Dave and we’ll see it next week get in


  1. I would love Alright Dave to go play one of the Prestwick courses or a proper links up in Scotland on a baked out day for a test of old fashioned golf 😀

  2. Wow Dave! Congrats mate. Great putting. Love this match and good luck to both of you, but "Go get some Dave!"

  3. Since it's not PC to say that someone has a handicap, the series should be called, Duel of the differently abled.

  4. Handicap system is a joke and a cheaters charter, pals putting in cards all winter, up they go to trophy hunt in summer. Also the slope is too subjective, rather than truly recognising a courses difficulty. Started in the USA as did all poor sports ideas…

  5. Absolutely we should change our game when playing match play or even stableford ….. do I change it? Not at all! 🙄

  6. Dave if it were me and I did win I would be having Chris take me to Pebble Beach or one of the course on the big Island of Hawaii.

  7. Dave, I believe Royal Melbourne is a beautiful course on the sand belt. Best greens in the world, a short game coach can't object can he ! Given how far it is, Mrs H would need to got too. It could cost Chris if you can play out of this world !

  8. Dave the new shot game specialists, do you give lessons 😅. A trip down under would be a nice 🇦🇺 choice 👍.

  9. Prefered the old handicap system, my handicap goes up and down like a yo-yo and some courses have been graded rather strangely?

  10. Dave, don’t worry, my wife is a huge Leeds fan. She was so excited on their last run in the PL. I think it was all the ‘man-buns’ 😂. We believed in Jesse March…but obviously ownership gave up too quick but we’re from the States, so we were a bit biased. You’ll have Chris up against the ropes soon enough! Best of luck on the series

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