Golf Players

Weight Loss Mistakes || Don’t Be That Guy.



#gregdoucette #weightloss #mistakes

Coach Greg in today’s video we’re going over the top 10 things you need to avoid in order to lose Weight so you already know what you need to do but here are the things you need to not do or the things to avoid and in number one fasting and or skipping meals and so many people are thinking well if I eat fewer meals if I fast that I’m

Going to lose weight people now are going days without eat look at George St Pier or collie muscle go in days without eating people are thinking yeah that’s the secret or I’ll just skip breakfast I’ll skip lunch and I’ll save all my calories for at night that’s a great way

To lose weight no it’s not what happens is your grin goes through the roof and once you start eating the floodgates they don’t turn off you can hardly stop yourself from eating and so in the end it doesn’t work best way to do it is to

Eat three to five meals a day five is perfect but if you don’t want to eat five three is still nearly as good as five and in doing so you’ll not only be able to maintain but possibly even build more muscle which is going to help your

Metabolism so rather than trying to skip meals on your diet please continue to eat number two the fear of artificial sweeteners now more than ever people thinking you can’t have a Diet Coke can’t have diet pop oh my goodness I put Splenda or aspartame into my freaking

Coffee I’m going to gain so much weight nothing could be further from the truth in the end it’s always going to be calories in versus calories out and by consum in artificial sweeteners it’s not I repeat not going to make you more hungry there’s nothing magical in an artificial sweetener that’s going to

Make you want to binge on chocolates candies later on and so what studies actually show in the real world you know real world studies it shows that those who consume non-nutritive sweetened beverages not only are less hungry but over a period of time they in fact lose

More weight and keep more of it off they’re more satiated more satisfied and so if you’re thinking oh I’m on a diet I can’t that Diet Coke drink the fraking pop number three trying to lose weight too fast almost everyone is guilty of this people they want to lose the weight

Faster than last time they’ll go on dramatic calorie deficits dramatic cuts the problem is the faster you lose the weight the more muscle you’re going to lose not only that people who lose weight too quickly are more likely to gain it back and so in essence the

Slower you lose weight the better and so how slow well a 500 calorie daily deficit is going to result in about one pound of fat a week that for most people is a lot 500 calories but you’ve seen guys like Sam sulc he’s eating five or

6,000 calories a day in a bulk he’s cutting on 23 to 2500 we’ve even seen Chris bumps that died on 1,800 calories these are very large muscular men but they’re starving yourselves to get shredded and so my advice lose at the most 1% of your body weight each and

Every week if you’re 200 lb 1% is 2 lb 300 lb 1% is 3 lb and so if you don’t try to lose weight quicker than that you’re going to be losing weight at a slow and effective rate now remember just because it said 1% at the most

Doesn’t mean it has to be 1% half a percent a quarter per all that is good even a 250 calorie daily deficit in a year 26 lounds of fat now you’re thinking yeah but I don’t want to diet all year but the slower you lose weight

The more likely you’re going to keep it off 95% of diets fail 19 out of 20 who try to lose weight are just going to regain the weight and so would you rather not lose the weight slowly and then keep it off rather than lose 2 lb

In a month and then gain Back 40 and so the point I’m making is slowly lose the weight number four avoiding the scale people are going to say oh but some days you’re going to be up and weight and so if you weigh yourself it’s going to be

Unmotivating no it’s not it’s giving you accurate assessment quantitative feedback it’s actually giving you a number that you can compare to problem is you don’t place your self worth on what it says on the scale each and every day what you do is you weigh yourself as

Often as you can in the morning during the week and you take the Medan weight the middle number you get rid of the highs and the lows those are outliers the median weight that is a representation of what you truly do in fact way and every single week after

That you compare your median weight and by comparing it you will know am I losing weight or am I gaining weight or am I main gaining if the number is the same week after week we’ll eat fewer calories or burn more than the off if your weight’s going up clearly you’re

Eating way too much but if the weight is going down too quickly well then you know you should be eating more you’re going to lose muscle eat more calories and so that scale weight that is imperative it is essential if you don’t weigh yourself ever because heaven

Forbid the weight on the scale will go up and you’ll feel fat well too bad this is how it works be like going to the doctor and saying don’t check my blood pressure because what if it’s higher oh my God what if it’s higher well then

We’ll have to do something about it same with your freaking weight number five relying on hit cardio many Fitness influencers have made it look like all you have to do is perhaps 20 minutes to hit cardio you sprint really hard for 30 seconds and you walk and Sprint really

Hard for 30 seconds you’re going to burn calories for days after you’re going to burn thousands of calories well the truth is doing hit cardio that after burn so to speak it only Burns 6 to 15% more calories than you burn and trust me if you’re sprinting for only 30 seconds

And you’re walking you’re doing that for traps 15 or 20 minutes you’re only going to burn a couple hundred calories and so what good is the average 33 extra calories that you’re burning in that afterburn it’s not enough to make a difference and you you know what cardio

Is better steady state cardio actually burns more calories than hit cardio don’t believe me well how many times you watch a marathon runner Sprint for 30 seconds and then walk Sprint for 30 seconds and walk you don’t see it and since calories burn is a measure of the

Weight that you are times the distance that you’re moving it’s not how fast you move for 30 seconds that matters what matters is the total distance travel and so if you’re doing steady state you’re going to be able to go further than freaking last time not only that hit

Cardio requires greater recovery it’s going to tear the muscles down make it harder to lift weights harder to make maintain muscle mass you’re thinking no hit cardio builds muscle perhaps if that’s all you do but if you’re lifting weights and doing hit cardio at the same time in a deficit that could overtrain

Your body and so my recommendation do steady state cardio for longer not only is it easier it’s perhaps more enjoyable and if you don’t like cardio you can always do coach Greg and chill you can do your cardio in a treadmill watch coach Greg scream at you for 30 minutes

And though 30 minutes will be over before you know it now remember I’m not saying not to do hit cardio but I’m saying don’t rely on it as your sole way to lose weight it’s not burning off nearly the calories you think you’re burning and so if you ask me Steady

Stage zone two that is much better number six strict dieting or restrictive eating cutting out food groups or cutting out all the foods that you enjoy this is a recipe for disaster how long can you stick to your diet if you’re not eating the foods that you enjoy if you

Like pizza are you really going to just stop eating pizza for the rest of your life of course not and so my advice is to make low calorie delicious meals that are an alternative to these delicious foods that you enjoy and so obviously you already know this is coming this is

The book that you want it’s going to be full of recipes that are low in calories high in protein going to make you full and of course if you want my cookbook click the link in description code Greg 10% off get my freaking cookbook and so what happens when you’re overly

Restrictive for example klie muscle he’s only eating a watermelon diet do you really think that’s going to work you’re eventually going to Cave you’re going to binge you’re not going to stick to that diet and so what you want to do is be on a diet that you can follow for the rest

Of your life and if you want to learn more of this of course pick up my circle diet book it’s a forever diet the diet you can follow for the rest of your life diet that you follow shouldn’t be just something that you like you should love

This diet if you love what you’re eating very easy to stick to your diet that’s how you can stay lean for the rest of your life number seven empty stomach cardio this is not magic it’s not some secret to Fat Loss you see all these bodybuilders oh I need to do empty

Stomach cardio it’s no better than fed cardio and in fact it can be a detriment to your success if you’re skipping meals and doing cardio and you’re not eating enough protein you could in fact be burning muscle tissue what energy source do you think your body is going to use

If you’re not getting any amino acids it’s going to start using up your muscle tissue and so if you want to have less muscle and reduce your metabolism then empty stomach cardio it’s potentially going to cause that especially in a low calorie diet if you’re trying to get

Shredded too quickly do an empty stomach cardio another factor is this if you don’t have energy because you skip breakfast and you run out of fuel you’re not going to do as much cardio perhaps you plan on doing an hour you get up you’re going for a 1H hour walk 40

Minutes in you’re tired you don’t have the energy CU you skip breakfast you then cut your exercise short had you had your breakfast you would had more energy and you would land further and of course I’m assuming that you’re all taking in go2 Max the main ingredient NN it’s been

Shown in double blind Placebo controlled human studies not Placebo remember it’s controlled they have shown to be highly effective at improving your cardio and it’s not just in Elite level Runners it’s even in couch potatoes they improve how far they can walk they have more energy it’s absolutely amazing please go

And do your research pick up ge2 Max code Greg 10% off click the link in the description number eight neglecting weightlifting or changing your weightlifting routine in order to burn more fat many people are thinking oh I’m trying to get shredded so now I’m going to rest less between sets I’m just going

To go through the motions three IR stop and keep going set after seven yeah you might burn a few extra calories but what you’re not going to do is build extra muscle you need to train the way you build the muscle in order to keep the muscle stop training differently do not

Use the weight room as a way to burn calories and or fat do not think I’m going to the gym to live weights to burn fat that is cardio and a calorie deficit when you’re going to the gym to lift weights think this is the time that I

Build muscle don’t use it as a fat burning tool use it as a muscle building tool number nine not getting enough sleep when you’re sleeping you can’t be eating unless of course you’re a sleep eater or something but for the most part when you’re sleeping you’re not eating

And so the more sleep you get the less time you’re awake that you’re going to eat not only that it’ll decrease your cortisol levels makes it easier to recover from your training makes it much easier to stick to your diet people sometimes think no I’ll just get up and

I I won’t sleep enough I’ll do my cardio early in the morning very bad idea if you start running on fumes you’re going to be more likely to eat more you’re going to have increased cortisol levels you’re not going to recover as well it’s simply not worth it you need to sleep as

Much as you need some people need more than 8 hours sleep if you need 10 you need to get 10 you got to do it you can’t just run on fumes and if you want to increase your quality of sleep you can of course get Delta Sleep remember I

Have narcolepsy if you need special medication from your doctor of course to your doctor but if not please pick up Delta Sleep code Greg 10% off click the link in the description and number 10 adding in fat burners too soon on day one of a diet you don’t add add in a fat

Burner and remember I sell fat burners and I’m telling you don’t buy them save them for when you reach a plateau on day one it’s like having newbie gains when you’re trying to build muscle you have newbie losses it’s so easy to lose weight you’ve been eating like a piece

Of for the last how many months or years and so all you got to do is start to clean up your diet a little bit small changes perhaps switch to drink in a Diet Coke from regular perhaps eat two cheeseburgers instead of three very small changes can allow you to lose

Weight you’re choosing lower calorie condiment you’re making better choices you’re adding more fruits and vegetables you’re eating from my freaking cookbook you’re using smart intelligent decisions you don’t start with a fat burner if you add the fat burner Too Fast Too Soon perhaps you lose even more weight you

Lose too quickly how is that good it’s very easy to lose weight at the start of the diet and hard as the diet moves on so save it for when you need it incorporate only the minimum things that you need to do in order to get you into

The weight loss Zone it’s like when you’re playing cards you don’t play your Ace the space first you save it for when you need it when you need the trump card fat burner save it for later hopefully this made sense hopefully you enjoyed my top 10 remember if you want to lose

Weight keep it off for the rest of your life you can of course pick up my circle diet book and all of my various supplements ge2 Max to act Builder to three test G test SQL bars all this that you see you can get it on my website

Click the link in the description don’t forget about code Greg to save you 10% and if you got no money you head over anyway you join the newsletter also you get my free diet and training program remember it’s freaking free how do you not want to get it subscribe click the

Bell button comment to boost the algorithm don’t forget to like the video if you liked it watch one of those two boops and of course I have coaching Plans by me and my team the harder than last time clothing line and everything you see head over to the website and

Until next time I am out


  1. I just started going to gym in the morning. I only have an hour so I’m doing weights and doing my cardio in the evenings? Not sure if that’s okay? Or do I have to do it back to back for it to be effective?

  2. Thanks Coach Greg, I love you screaming at me when I’m on the bike and lifting weights – I’m going harder than last time – losing weight and building muscle at 53 years old

  3. Many, many studies have shown that people who walk do more miles and burn more calories than people who run (on average). Most "runners" do 9-10mi a week while most "walkers" do 30mi. Walkers are less likely to miss weeks due to injury. Take a walk, your weight will thank you

  4. Actually fasting can be a great way to regulate your appetite provided that you stick at a certain fasting routine for at least 4-5 days. Every time I do ramadan I find my hunger gets less and less throughout the weeks and I've often found by the second week fasting becomes quite easy even if I'm doing 18 hour fasts. The thing is when you spend so long not eating your stomach gets smaller and you simply can't eat as much as your eyes want. However it's true that there are many people that actually gain weight during ramadan due to overeating during the night.

  5. I disagree on the fasting aspect. As long as you don’t overeat on your eating “window” and eat the proper amount of macros, you are good to go. What you need to avoid (which I believe is what coach Greg is saying) is to think that you can eat whatever you want when not fasting.

  6. Autophagy is a real benefit. GSP isn’t trying to lose weight. It’s the health benefits he’s after.

  7. Moderation in all things even tho It's so relieving when you finally lose that unwanted weight. I lost 109 pounds (half the weight of a refrigerator) in less than 4 months and have kept it off since then. Just like every woman struggling with weight loss now, I yoyoed for years – staying on track for a month or 2, losing a few lbs in the process before falling off. And each time I fell off, I just gained the weight back plus more. In July 2021, I was at my heaviest – 255 lbs… See full story on my channel.

  8. I love this channel, but this is the absolute worst video. All of this information has been debunked and as a former 300 pounder, who is currently sitting at 195lbs and about 10% body fat, I can tell you that you cannot lose weight too fast. Fasting is an excellent way to burn fat, artificial sweeteners are garbage, etc etc. Greg knows what he is talking about 99% of the time. But you want to take advice from a former fat boy. Not from a super jacked bodybuilder, on how to lose weight. Ijs.

  9. 1 minute in and not true about ghrelin. Your body adjusts to intermittent fasting and you don't crave food that way. Not saying go a whole day without eating but I do 16:8 and works great.

  10. Also, not true about artificial sweetener's. Your body wasn't made to break them down and too many of them and they screw up your metabolism. And a calorie in is not a calorie out. Do some research on Dr. Robert Lustwig he explains this in detail.

  11. Lack of sleep really made me hungry most of the time so when I adjusted my sleep time everything went well and I’m less hungry. So sleep longer than last time! 💪🏼

  12. I started eating again and ive lost weight i am walking long distance and lifting weights and im not tied to food for all of my dopamine. Being a woman female fitness and health was so confusing because we are told "are you really going to eat that?" "You should eat a salad and run" "youre just built that way" too many mixed messages when it should be simple
    thank you thank you thank you

  13. I've been following the OMAD diet for almost 2 weeks now and I've already lost around 4kg and now my body is used to eating once a day

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