Golf Players

1965 Topps Baseball and 1979 Topps Vending Box – COG Sports Cards Livestream #vintagecards

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Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro Screen
00:13 Livestream Start
20:22 1979 Topps Baseball Cards Vending Box
51:02 Midweek Graded Card Giveaway
54:21 1965 Topps Baseball Cards Set Break Boxes
1:03:37 Superchat Card Giveaways
1:13:20 LIvestream End

#cogsportscards #sportscards #vintagecards #vintagebaseballcards

Holy cow welcome to another CG sports cars live stream video take two boom we’re here we are live guys what do you say about that uh it’s not even it’s taking we had three minutes up on the timer we’re 15 minutes late um it’s cold

And snowy up here but we’re happy to be here for for sure are we going this time we’re I hope I hope so somebody let us know if we’re live or not I mean oh we’ve uh yes so here we go uh welcome to another uh live stream

Everybody um did I say that did I say I’m snake and I’m Rusty yes I don’t know if I said that or not we’re so we’re so running around late this this isut tonight let’s get this thing going you don’t want to admit to what we did no no

Man we had to get set up and we were late battery was dead no uh yeah we started we started a little late here right y we were rolling and then realized that we didn’t push the live button yet so so here we are thank you

Guys for hanging out with us I think we probably lost about half the viewers that were logged in so darn it uh here we go let’s get going what do you say uh so how’s everybody doing out there um man this uh like I said this is uh well

You didn’t hear me say this but this seem like thiss like has a long time to get here but we’re super excited to be here this Sunday evening for sure how’s everybody doing out there hopefully good yes uh we got a cold front coming through it’s getting ready to snow a

Little bit um anything over two or three inches in the south is a big deal so we’re all excited about that I’ll be four-wheeling going home I’d say driller and those guys up there they probably got three feet of snow coming up right yep oh so yes here we are we are uh

Let’s let’s get rolling what do you say yeah uh we got a midweek video I mean a midweek uh card to giveway right yep um let’s see we we’ve got uh let’s see we’ll have uh we got the members voted on what we’re going to be busting open

We’ll show that in just a second and we got some $5 challenges and then at the end of the live stream stick around if you give us a super chat right if you’re new to the channel uh we’ll be giving away some Super Chat cards at the end of

The live stream and you get entered if you give us a super chat during the live stream that’s how you get entered so what do you think yep hopefully we’re going are we live we’ll see I see a live button over there we should be good good

To go okay all right are we ready let’s go to the main screen let’s go over here’s all kind of stuff popping up look at this that’s all kinds of stuff up there holy cow super chats up everything okay let’s get this off of here there we

Go how about that speaking of super chats let’s get started wait uh should we just spread some love or should we go over let’s go over what the members vote on what you think uh let me see Let me refresh this over here and then we’ll

Pull that up there we go we’re good what do he say thank you guys memb for voting on what to open up tonight let’s see if I can’t find the screen capture there it is right there so 79 Tops baseball vending box so there we go members get

To vote on what we opened during the live stream and uh 65% for 79 tops vending box super excited about that let’s see here also we do uh get to have a little uh we ask the the members if they have any questions or comments for us so questions and comments and cards

Uh let’s get into that a little bit real quick we want to yep uh let’s see uh first of all three-wheelers up there asking us do y’all prefer PSA as much as I don’t do y all not prefer PSA as much as I don’t well I’ll agree with that y y

What what do you think y PSA oh I’m we’re SGC all the way but we own PSA stuff but yeah we have some PSA stuff uh PSA is the good for the hobby right y good for the uh uh the card shops and the sellers at at card

Shows they keep the prices high for cards PSA somehow does but um I think for collecting in my opinion SGC is kind of the way to go yeah vintage looks I think vintage looks so much I love the slab I love the tux I like the customer

Service and the turnaround time and the prices for SGC so as you guys obviously know because we do a submit about every week for SGC don’t we uh yes uh let’s see who would you like to see inducted into the Hall of Fame next he says

That’s a good question uh for me uh of course Pete Rose but he won’t get in there till after he passes uh Y and one man I don’t know if hisat he’ll be in though he’ll be in as soon as he as soon as he pass I don’t know if his stats are

Good enough but uh Roger Mayers he you’d like see Maris yeah for sure and he should be right he he like you’ve said before he’s he made an impact on the game yes his his impact on the game for sure I believe he was a good player I

Think he should be in the Hall of Fame for sure I can’t he’s not I mean yeah that’s kind of weird there are there are plenty of players I think that make no sense to me compared to him yeah for me players didn’t vote them in I know y for

Me there are two there two obvious people for me uh the murf so Dell Murphy I think he should be in the Hall of Fame uh one of the greatest players in the early 80s for sure and I think about all of us that grew up at that time watched

Murphy play um and and then Todd hton I think should get in in my opinion so because that might be a little selfish too because I was at school with him in college and so got to watch him play and I actually got to watch him play growing

Up yeah did you hang out with him no never I never met him really never met him in person now I met pton and a bunch of the football players played against the football team in intermal basketball never saw toon on campus so that’s interesting hey hey what let’s see here

So thank you so much three wheer who what else we got ripping and flipping cards can we get a dollar Super Chat player for us chap cheap cheap uh yeah this that’s not a bad idea I’ll try to find some I don’t have a I

Don’t know who would be a one I don’t I don’t know who I’d throw out there but well maybe in the future we might come up with something there uh thanks so much there ripping and flipping cards how about maiden’s world of wax snake other than his rookie card which murf is

Your favorite uh yeah so uh actually he cheated and brought three uh my favorite one is uh probably this one right there the 79 that we’re going to be looking for tonight we said we already said that right yep uh yeah so got a good full

Body shot of him getting ready to launch one I I do like the 80 I like the 80 tops card and I like the 83 also yeah but I think my favorite there his first solo card the 79 that would be mine uh how about you rust I’ll pull that off

The screen I think that’s the last question yeah the 65 Pete Rose I all his cards through the 60s pretty much look like this but I just like the 65 design cool and uh that’s just a cool looking one H like the M Pete Rose has got a lot of nice

Looking cards yeah he Murphy’s the same way most of his cards are great looking yeah you know good poses except for the rookies both of them have true not the not the greatest rookie cards that is true yeah and uh I I like uh I like Pete’s uh 67 because he’s bat and

Left-handed so that don’t count awesome so yes uh like we said Thank You members for voting that’s what we’re going to be busting tonight the 79 vending Buck there it is how about that what do you think cool that’s G to be awesome excited about that yes uh let’s

See we got a midweek card to give away also we’ll do that after we bust this 79 we got some uh uh $5 challenges to do right yep and we got to give some love out and then we yeah let’s let’s spread some love right here um to everybody

What do you think uh who’s first on the list speaking of Pete Rose first on the list right there a man Mark Beto thank you so much Beto for the uh $14 Super Chat thank you Mark and he also gets the popup there he get he’s getting ready to deliver a

Shoulder sandwich so there there they are and there’s the belly flop he says let’s see Mr Rose slide there it is right there and now he’s getting ready to lay his shoulder in boom Oh My Gosh there you go I think he’s out I think I think F’s out

Something and there it is it could have been worse could yeah cuz he said he started to let up and then he was if I ended some guys if you watch it he was starting to let up he’s like n it’s too late and went ahead and went

Into him oh oh man thank you Mark crazy crazy all right awesome Baro thanks so much man appreciate that oh let’s pull that up who’s next here in the car kitchen uh what’s going on Jim mayor pool and Aussie rookie tonight yes thanks for that $2 Super Chat mayor knew what was

Going on didn’t because he’s one of the members he got to see the poll I guess uh yes we sure hope so uh in the card kitchen uh what do you think he’s cooking up uh chicken chicken fajitas oo cuz that’s that’s what I that’s what

You have that’s not going to be good for me maybe no uh JC’s in the house what’s going on JC my money on Rusty nuts let’s rip there you go there you go JC he’s putting his money on you he knows that’s a bad B for the $5 challenge I guess yes

Awesome thanks so much JC appreciate you man uh let’s see how about Irving what’s going on Irving thanks for the dollar Super Chat there buddy uh let’s see here and uh Bob G sports cards Bob G sports cards with that $10 Super Chat that ain’t cheap man thank you Bob thanks so

Much Bob G I get to see the best switch hitter of all time right there chipper happy New Year everyone it’s going to be a great year Bob G is so we were wondering is this Bob G Bob G Bob g g Jer you gon have to let us know if it’s

You Bob is this Bob G or is this uh a new Bob G sports cards either way I think it’s than it’s not so it doesn’t show up as this first or second or third Super chat during the live stream I think our original Bob G so even if it’s not

Go over to Bob G sportscards Channel and give him a sub guys let’s let’s just Let’s Just sh spread the love over there especially thank you so much for that $10 Super Chat there Bob G sports cards uh let’s see Galler’s in the house what’s good Galler hey girls what’s

Going on Galler thanks so much for that fist bump that little love some uh some cheers and cheers and cheers there we go appreciate you Gall Galler uh let’s see wiseman’s in the house also Steve wisman what’s going on Steve thanks for that $2 Super Chat driller in the house happy

Sunday go pack go oh I don’t know about that driller come on kill Dallas oh man it’s over yep it’s over such a promising season once again uh good luck pack that’s what I say go pack now what do you think all the way all the way yeah

Yeah there we go jetl at 50 oh no 52 just jetl at Productions thanks so much jet for the $352 Super Chat awesome to see you again d Murphy rookie tonight oh if we pull a Murphy rookie in here it’s going to be amazing if we pull a Murphy rookie out

Of that that’ll be pretty sweet that’s a good box that have to that’d be loaded somebody would have loaded it yeah somebody searched it and threw one in there that’d be awesome oh yeah that’d be pretty cool thanks Jen appreciate that $352 Super Chat uh you are the man

Man uh let’s see here let’s keep going what’s going on Jim City geek what’s thanks for the dollar Super Chat there Jim City geek appreciate that uh let’s see here how about Jared Harvey what’s going on Jared Harvey thanks for the $2 Super Chat there Jared got your name

Down also it guide the itman happy Sunday excited for some ripping yes yes uh thank you so much we are I’m glad to be back man it was a long week very long week for me Luke has been with us Luke Hadley has happy New Year Rusty and

Snake Luke has been a member of the channel for 22 months can you believe that thank you Luke thank you so much Luke you are the man we truly do appreciate you uh let’s see baseball Lord Collectibles big bammer nut yes boom going to hit something good ah

Let’s see couple of Nolan couple of Aussie rookies then some then what else some some awesome hits and $5 challenges as many cards are in that set if we hit one Aussie in there luy we’re going get we’d be lucky uh Galler’s in the house what’s going on Galler thanks for being

A member of the channel for 14 months yes man that’s awesome uh let’s see there we go Luke there we go Luke adley through the $10 Super Chat one best switch hitter of all time I told you I told you I told you there it is Luke is

I I will not disagree with Luke ever that Luke is right you put a one in front of that one of no he’s the best he is the best uh Luke and I know that for sure thanks so much for that $10 Super Chat that ain’t cheap there Luke

Appreciate it man uh let’s see let’s see uh how about oh uh there’s all Harry Hoffman uh what is that 4543 thanks for that $ five Super Chat Harry first super chat during a live stream how about that thanks so much there appreciate littleit of George going nuts uh sweet yeah there

You go we get to see some uh some George Brett talking about his Bat and thanks for your first Super Chat man Harry hey if you’re new to the channel like that and your first U Super Chat stick around to the end man we’re taking everybody’s

Name down who gave us a super chat during the live stream and for every $50 in super chats we get we’re going to give away a great card at the end of the live stream but you have to be here to claim it if you’re selected as a winner

So stick around we get some Bingo Ball action going right yeah we’re almost up to two cards already so there we go uh let’s see here so appreciate that so much mikol is in the house what’s going on mikol thanks for that uh $3 Super Chat right there uh ready for some

Sunday night Hit Parade yes let’s do it appreciate that $3 Super Chat right there hit it is we got to get some hits man last week we didn’t I don’t think we had very many hits like tell all saying wake me up uh let’s see where I got a I had a

Jump down I can catch back up that’s okay that’s okay where they’re like where are you guys hey guys woohoo right let’s see three wheer is that right three wheer next after my home y all right here we go three Willers in the house what’s going on

Three wheer thanks for the oh we get to see a little bit of Manel thanks for that $7 Super Chat thank goodness it’s Sunday evening for wind time there we go is it Wine Time wind time when early win early win early win time okay I got you

Sweet and that man that man man he hit that almost as far as the murf hit that one H that 57 Chevy out there that awesome and I’d like to see the cars in that parking lot yeah I’d like to have some that’s awesome oh thank you so much

There three-wheeler thanks I really appreciate that $7 Super Chat for sure uh here we go Timmy to touch in the house hi all there we go thanks so much for that $2 Super Chat there Timmy uh Roger Davis in the house thanks for doll Super Chat there and also oh rookie

Muster is in the house thanks for the dollar Super Chat there rookie muster JT land what’s going on JT thanks for the dollar Super Chat and also Brian B you getting all these names down I’m getting them down now all right sweet called up all right let’s go uh let’s see Also

Let’s see there’s Maiden there’s maiden’s world of wax right there the dollar Canadian Super Chat right there Maiden uh and it’s his third Super Chat as maiden’s world of wax on the live stream so there we go thanks Maiden uh be sure to hang out with

Maiden over in the after show after the live stream him and in cardo and always a special guest over there so always fun uh let’s see here how about uh White Socks Tom’s in the house what’s going on white socks Tom did you get are you sure I’m paing all right got

Your name down thanks so much white socks Tom uh let’s see Xavier x-man’s in the house thanks for a dollar Super Chat there X-Man appreciate that uh hey there we go Andrew hey how’s it going man let’s see here yes and Weaver Steelers in the house what’s going on Weaver Steelers

Thanks for the $5 Super Chat there’s Brett talking about that stuff on his Bat that’s not pod talk don’t swell up don’t P leave it alone away what up what up what up says Weaver Steelers appreciate that $5 Super Chat for sure there Weaver you are the man thanks so

Much uh dagger’s in the house what’s going on dagger thanks for the dollar Canadian Super Chat there we go and let’s see here where are we um Squish and friends look at this Squish and friends look man squish how’s it going brother had talked to you in a

Week or so for sure uh Hey heck heck yeah should I say heck yeah yeah thank you for the Sunday entertainment boys proud to call you friends thank you so much squish man I love you man and thanks for being a member of the channel for 22 months go check out Squish and

Friends Channel give him a sub spread the love get him up over 8,000 subscribers as soon as possible how about that thanks so much squish appreciate you man uh let’s see here hamernick’s in the house what’s going on hamernick uh thanks for the $2 Super Chat love the 79 Reggie good luck fellas

Okay let’s find some 79 reggies yes I like the 78 too the 78 Reggie is awesome I like the 77 also yeah the 76 maybe not so much no actually I do like 76 because it’s got the staries allar oh that’s true it’s a pretty cool looking card 7 do you like the

73 anyway thanks so much H appreciate that $2 Super Chat goodie G’s in the house uh what’s going on goody G thanks for the dollar Super Chat right there uh let’s see here let’s go on down to claxon there we go claxon thanks for $2

Super Chat Clon and NFL equals hash R I think it is today with you I agree Clon hey appreciate you man thanks for being here we go here we go here we go what’s this Bob G in the house let’s see the original yeah thanks for that $10 Super

Chat that ain’t cheap I get to see chipper again the original Bob G is in the house Bob G’s both Bob G’s both Bob G’s are the same there we go so the the OG Bob G in the house and then we got Bob G sports cards go over

To Bob G sports cards and give him a sub what do you say thanks so much there Bob G thank you Bob and thanks for clarify and letting us know what’s up with that that’s awesome and thanks for that $10 Super Chat I guess two different Channel

Super chats you get two you get to put two names down don’t you I is that right you want me to do that I guess so yeah it’s a two different channels it’s got to count right okay I don’t know why else why wouldn’t we right thanks for

That $10 Super Chat there Bob G let’s see here how about uh benjos in here what’s going on Banjo thanks for the $2 Super Chat there appreciate that you got banjo down all right sweet where we are we called up we’re ready to do some bu

All right sweet hey thank you guys so much we are over $100 we’re going to give away at least two Super Chat cards tonight at the end of the live stream if you don’t know what we’re talking about or why Rusty’s writing names down every $50 in super chats we’re going to give

Away a Super Chat card at the end of the live stream that you have to be here and uh able at the end of the live stream when we select the winners you have to be here to claim it yep there we go pick a card that you want and claim it all

Right thank you guys so much for those super chats uh let’s see what we say uh maiden maiden in the house Maiden says 939 almost 1,000 guys get over uh go over and just give a sub to Maiden no matter what maiden’s world of w let’s

Get him over that 1K Mark for sure then go hang out with them after in the after show if you get a chance uh sweet okay squish oh squish having a little trouble Nick back is in the house what’s going on Nick uh okay let’s see here thank you so much claxon

Uh yes there go I appreciate it Clon oh man we are are we live I hope somebody let us know if we’re live or not B Bob got with us I think we’re live I think we are okay there we go H thank you so much Clon you’re the man all right sweet

79 uh vending box you guys ready for this let’s find some stuff I always have to open the end up like this because you cannot get into them sorry we were late tonight we’re rolling now let’s go that’s right let’s go all right I’ll get a small one out starting

That’s come on aie take that oh this is the one that’s got the best rookies in it too the best oh gosh black and white I hate those all right we got Chuck Baker oh that first one is rough oh man that’s nice a good side but after that

They’re good a good side right there Dan Ford it was just that first one on that corner red Lyn c not the Brett we were looking for there it is there it is we got Dave Rost yes the worst Woods seon oh that’s a cool card pull that out

Yeah that’s a cool card kassinger checklist pull that Bo hosman oh Ellis oh this is cool Stone base leaders iy another checklist another checklist that was number one there’s maddingly yeah the worst they’re the worst rookie prect cards ever Joe Nolan not the Nolan we’re looking for not the

Braves either Howard there we go another one Rudy law we’re going to get all those man Trio elstein yeah that’s awesome all the Bravos Boi Edwards all right here we go oh I just killed us chaos just had earthquake all right let’s see here I’ll get a little small patch

Too okay oh look start us off with the Sammy Stewart there you go Sammy Stewart man if you don’t love Sam Stewart cards you don’t know what um you just don’t know what the early 80s are all about no Rich hner Daryl Jackson here we go the Royals

Whitey Herzog we are on the team cards we are and the rookies Castro here we go another one this is a good prospects card here because it has the other Bruce Boi on it tedro sadc here we go could you imagine aie was on one of those rookie

Cards yards oh how ter how bad it would be yes let’s find this real one Will Horton not the Padre we were looking for right there Ron gri recordbreaker card uh he has the most strikeouts left-hander in nine inning game interesting Lee May Edson D he’s looking

Young he was George Foster oh that’s pretty cool vavic here we go uh home run Leaders with George Oster Jim Russ boster was still killing it Mickey Rivers Chris naap Tony Scott medic Mitchell pige on the bench David Clyde there’s the Indians Team card we’re getting a lot of Team cards already yeah

Dreon Larry hearen aitt Smitty we’ll take that yeah pull that out that looks pretty D good these are really well Centered for 79 Lort and the Dodgers oh and a py oh man all right so now we’re getting somewhere pull that out take that yes be careful

S I need a good one there you go oh you’re going to let me SLE and tear it up if you want to uh I was looking somebody said something uh something about a u bump Wheels errror bump Wheels error yeah I don’t know what he meant it was

On that through any of us that grew up in the 80s love error cards so we need to find out what that was do you find it just said something about it and that was it but it didn’t say what what it was Jerry white Dave chalk chalk

Grimsley there Kim Brett again oh dang that’s not good no already hey Caron Caron Kevin Bale I did not like those socks you did you wonder if Tom likes those white socks go another team was Azie on the the sheet with all these ho Bergman Newman Randol mik Norris mail Dave Johnson’s still

Playing wat field retti Fairley easterly chills CHS oh I forgot about these oh those are pretty cool yeah those are cool oh we need the uh the ones with the Hank the one with Hank and Mar yeah that’d be cool check this no hat radar Raider Stein oh there we go

There’s a hey sweet my favorite murf Cardone rookie and soron all right did you get a Cerrone uh Robert gam said I think bump has a Rangers and blue jays card oh okay uh let’s see here Sher he Jim Norris Christensen bombo Rivera oh look at this I was getting ready to hit

The I thought that was it I mean Winfield’s good yeah okay we found a padre a good Padre man I thought that was it hilarious ganter uh toril I don’t know that claudell for the white socks interesting Wagner e uh freezin sure catfish pull that out oh here’s the Nolan and Walter

Johnson I’ve never seen that one all time record strikeouts that’s that is cool yeah so Nolan for a season and Johnson for the career cool Doug Des sense Fitz Morris thef floor champ Summers man I thought that was a so funny Randy Lurch oh yes nice yes the Terry Kennedy rookie uh prospects

Beniquez Roger freed Dan Meyer oh here we go alltime erra leaders Dutch Leonard and Walter Johnson again you want that you might get all of them be cool cool little mini set to put together Paul monitor uh that look looks pretty dang good that’s a hit out of the

Step pull that off and then the Billy Smith hole hunched over oh he’s cool man cool okay I thought we had I thought we had it right there withfield still a good card like they said all right Lanson doc Ellis ruthman Ray Knight Brier the terrible prospects

Ever Buddy Bell we got Briggs Hector Cruz oh there it is Ned Yos rookie Kevin bass rookie Kevin bass oh he was actually pretty good was he George Scott bar Walling py Gaston oh man look at all these St house oh baby nicey another checklist in the back do you

Yes honey man how many prospects are there that’s there’s another one the Blue Jays Ernie Wht Hutton Hutton Annie Schultz another one of those you had one of those socks another checklist how how do Deuce how de oh man all right let’s let’s find some more Padres there’s a classic what we’re talking

About Samy Stewart his cards are the best L I got checklist in that little oh sweet hey let’s uh let’s catch up with a little bit of love here how about Brian Carlson thanks so much Carlson for the $2 Super Chat late but I’m here thanks

So much for taking your name down we were late bro and look at this the man the myth the legend oh look Boogie Bentley is in here what’s going on Boogie uh stopping in to say hello I’m sure uh thanks for that when is Rusty nuts gonna come play some Galaga if we

If we but some money on it that was my time about in my days all right there you go Boogie I put some money on it he’ll be over to the lir over there yes did I show you the picture huhuh oh man he’s got an awesome game room uh behind

His studio if you don’t know go over to talk and Ball’s Channel check them out if you’re into tennessy Volunteer football Boogie Bentley theand the myth the legend thanks for the $2 superat and we’ll come over and play some gallaga for sure man when we can uh we would

Love to I think he’s got all kinds of stuff over there he’s even got a golden tea I think dang yeah right oh there you go this is what we were looking for another one of these awful prospects cards purle you got a Jerry purle man

Got and a Jerry Fry sweet all right let’s get us let’s get us an Aussie Smith rookie right here in this handful Obby Cox braavos Card I pull ah look at old Gonzalez he looks kind of like Che or Chong or whichever one it was another one another Prospect here we go how

About that uh Danny Darwin and putam and Sample Jerry Remy Ed Glenn Yankees team card Roy Thomas Jr Kennedy why did they not like his why did they not like his helmet was it a minor league helmet you think probably Jean Richards okay y uh let’s see batting leaders Rod crew and

The that’s a good one Jeff Z poet does is he the one that leaves the light on for you oh that’s bodette isn’t it yeah walking fuss the walking fuss and Juan baringer rookie look at that uh let’s see here uh Billy Campbell Dave Collins Pat carrales with the Rangers

Cubbage Sandy Alamar look at that Jack Morris he a Hall of Famer right y George hendrik Terry Humphrey come on let’s get us a hit here there’s the Penguins Mora Sylvio Martinez Mike Edwards he’s not he don’t care too much about his 78 record breaker he is not to excited Steve

Carlton again did you pull out car and cusk Maid let’s see here uh where did that say snake rust can you set the Ernie WT aside for me he was a Jay’s Le Legend really who got him I think uh it was on a prospect oh you go through yours while while I’m

Looking and then I’ll go through mine all right uh Bruce K I see it right off the bat so it might have been yours Sosa Uncle your left handful Marill we got the Tigers we got the Expos gosh Sterns he’s looking mighty stern uner oh the Big Bob her sweet oh Red’s

Team card is that his I think that’s herner’s rookie isn’t it I think yeah I think so that’s a good one Jack Clark that Don that deserves to be in a tux Ron Reed rookie I can’t remember if it’s rookie there 78 I can’t remember somebody let me know

Don Bor Norwood Holly oh now that’s a cool team card dang the floating heads Rick camp Camp yeah Steve Rogers oh there we go yes oh this is grade worthy one right here a Stan it we’ve been looking for that that is grade worth yes that’s the

Hit of the box right there I’ve got one but it’s not in good shape oh man uh so sweet happy to have that one I’m gonna go ahead and slide these over so we don’t tear them up anymore with yeah I think it was on as your last handful all right it might

Have been my one before who knows ear wh there he is found it we got him all right let’s go Jim Slayton Steve Brawn hor or George orta uh Cochran Corran Ray Bur come on Bob Shirley not the Padres we were looking for Dave Roberts Jamie easterly Wayne gross Enis

Cabell Manny Moda ronce some good names here Jerry Turner oh man I think we’re going to find it I think we’re GNA find it Berg Meer Rick Miller Terry Forster Mark little the cuts are getting random here musu Scher uh Piolo Don Baylor Willie Wilson 11 on a new one ganter Bruce

Star Classic yes that’s a classic card right There marver that’s a classic card too yeah uh Doug alt Kiko Garcia pull that Doug altab about there too probably oh and here’s another Nolan and Walter Johnson that’s pretty sweet sweet and Bob Force okay he we’re on a new sheet here we are did you

Pull the kiko out there no I didn’t pull Kiko out you give some love to Keiko Doug alt is what I was thinking maybe all right that Ma is pretty neat card A’s coming up here we go come on okay lindro Eddie Murphy oh there you go all right

Summers Mason second year iess bur bman do that let’s keep this some cool oh Red’s prospects oh yes Ron oyster oy he was pretty goody Kirkwood mrey oh Sera Sero you should know you’re guy hey there that’s a nice one that out Ferguson Campbell he’s coming oh fisy FY

Hey got P pull that one out it’s a good one gof let’s go oh m oh man I’m pulling all kinds you are let’s go be keep pulling them wolf keep pulling them Rinko Pera let’s get a Nolan monu let’s get a Nolan right off the bat chimp

Charlie Moore Junior Moore junor Mo Dyer crle Duffy borberg nice was that your last one yep oh look at that handful you got you got four good cards out of that one that was good that was a good good run there little grab there Nolan’s coming and

Aussie’s coming both of all right he’s is he after the will Fong Floyd banister look at him slinging the rock look at that back Kyper back arm is ausco Bill Lee now that’s not slinging The Rock he looks like he’s threw a knuckle ball or something speaking of

Knuckle balls John H the grit not the angels we were looking for Gary Carter Candelaria Paul Dade Gary Maddox Cesar sedino Dave Kingman he could hit the ball mile couldn’t murn Roland office oh yeah oh Rolland Rolland Bob Watson M Smith Bobby bonds there is Daddy Al cowens lensic cage Frank tanan

That’s another Angel Hall of Famer Rick rhen gross man come on we’re getting all of the padr there’s all nuie himself and Craig Swan oh last one Bobby Valentine okay we need a perfectly centered noan let’s go let’s go kingman’s a Hall of Famer is Dave Kingman a Hall of Famer I think

So all right we got Garmin I did not know another Angel wrong one Ritz something’s coming here would be good too they thought should have been playing football Bellinger delone John Henry was a man still driving me the other Padre Larry hle oh it’s that’s a good sign there we go indicator

Indicator Ying next year year indicator yeah C FAL Paris let’s see might be an indicator in 79 too L Brock there go L Brock Mitchell Paul Mitchell POA out there didn’t armas dwire Gary Matthews Willis gos Barker come on Comber come on Rodriguez and we got a Tom grieve grieve we’re about to

Grieve let see come on we got to get an Nolan or an Aussie right yep that’s our goal now we found everything else we want we hav’t found a brad we hav’t found a brad okay Reggie Cleveland or Rell or Y we found a Moler Tom H you want that

One bill North Bill Buckner can’t tell where his eyebrows are in and his starts he’s got a mustache on his forehead he does Steve stone look at that that looks like a mechanic shirt or something Gonzalez said Mong Richie zisk Allstar I don’t remember that him made

Allar uh revering Tom house nice that’s a great pose right there I like it kid griffy senior cool verer Bo Diaz Bill Robinson Ron puit Pepe FAS frit Stanley Donnie Moore Taris come on will Dennis Leonard with the ball in his glove there Tom house again oh we’ll

Take that that Cent is nice well it’s not great not great but that’s okay sweet there there we go it’s a Reggie awesome so we got Reggie man we got everything except for Nolan and Mike Phillips and and an Aussie and uhor R yeah yeah no garve or we’re a

Good we’re on a good roll okay hey Rick Monday Allstar hey cool he saved the US flag I think Larry harlo oh Carney Lansford mik Loom Jerry Royster those three right there had dings on them cabel FY oh there’s a Garvey I think somebody there no Garvey Kevin Gary

There’s Garvey yep Bob Welch I think that’s Welch’s yeah that’s Welch’s rookie I remember remember that yeah Bob Bailey Wallace that the only rookie I had hey there’s another Joe Morgan Mendoza oh list you want to see what oh look we got a Pete oh classic yeah Mendoza he was he was well

Above the who is it what there’s Greg not Craig yeah don’t calling Craig Johnson L catcher catcher mangor W hey hey the Hulk h that’s his rookie nope Thompson and milk mate oh cool oh yeah how about old Bret Blair Blair Blair what’s going on Brett thanks for

The $2 Super Chat we’re getting your name down for Super Chat cards uh at the end of the live stream if you gave us a Super Chat stick around to the end we’ll be giving away a a Super Chat card for every $50 we receive in super chats

We’re up to about $110 we got two cards to give away so far not did we forget to read the comics on the B these didn’t have Comics they had uh they have questions right yeah baseball baseball dates we’ve been here forever oh yeah could you imagine reading every single

One let’s see I can’t believe it we’ve got we got uh for me Johnny Bench Pete Rose Joe and of course we got the mayor Hank Aaron all time home run leaders all right here we go Brian get my junk out here yeah Don money that’s Rick’s brother wasn’t

It show me the money sweet Lou Jerry Martin oh uh Smitty I just remember Smitty went we got a Smitt oh did yeah I got one okay and there’s another Padre not the Padre we were looking for Kari Foley nordon Patton Marty Patton Jagger moner getting ready to rip one Louis

Phol I think he’s related every time every time we say I think that’s he’s related to him we can’t remember you idiot carrian Roy Howell davalo davo D he looks old he does does he W molthan uh burnhard good Sal bendo UIA Paul Rell relle relle relle relle he

Looks like a shot teacher at school or something uh healer Bill Russell yes hit on theas go yimy look he’s looking a little old there isn’t he at the end of his career John Denny coming off Ros zimma Grant Jackson okay Expos what are you

Fring oh man what are we are about three quarters of the way through this thing uh let’s see UT Knox fans in the house thanks for the5 super super chat UT KNX fans baseball players must be smarter than football players how often do you see a baseball player a baseball team

Penalized for having too many players on the field oh not very often that would be a good one though thanks so much for that5 there UT KNX fan got you got UT KNX fan down awesome the Nipper there we go oh my man there we go s Randall you’re the you’re the only

Person that gets that excited about Keith herandez Card Herz was a good player Zach re that means Aussie’s coming that does yeah oh Al getting all kinds of Bitner I remember Fred you yep laberg temp remember him Larry wolf man that’s old school hat there we’ve had

That one oh have we asford yeah goodness every other I oh my goodness we have every other Padre’s card in the whole yeah I mean it’s like 60 cards of Padres that we found all right we only got two stacks left guys two stacks come on throw out some luck for us

Somewhere come on rert Jones starting mine off oh my gosh oh another one Jord all right Hall of Famer Gary Alexander babby Chris chamblas when he’s playing for the Yanks will Fong Gary Thomasson and anas I’m gonna start Slow Rolling them Mariners Enrique Romo Tony Romo’s dead yeah CAD

Lon what you think Astros Joe nro we’ve had that one Rangers Jim sunberg ro oh famous amus and tigers Rusty stab oh there’s Yankees white sock blomberg how McCrae mson L Pella mson would be cool when eight Rico Carter Mets skip luckwood Blue Jays Jim Clancy Le

Lacy Tony Perez when he’s with the expose Ron Hodges Coleman Craig Reynolds not looking good Tommy John and oh I got two more one Royal one met Doug Flynn and splittorf oh my goodness oh no come on last batch last last batch magic last batch mag magic that’s hard

To say come on pull something okay we got Tom Johnson Gman Thomas oh there’s a there’s a Padre’s back there Robertson it’s a Padres that’s a short yes yes oh I cannot believe it that was last I saw that yellow and I was like got a chance last batch magic you called it

Yes oh just just sleeve it just stop and sleeve it holy cow awesome all right I cannot believe that easy be easy easy now boom right there sweet that is probably about a what nine and 3/4 oh yes all day it’s at least a six come on let’s go that’s

Awesome okay finally I can’t I did not expect that man look at this Damen calls it too Damen you got to get his name down there Damen D let’s pull and Aussie you will get it and he called it and we got it can you believe that thank you

Damen we’ll give that credit to you man that is awesome right I bet it’s right as he was pushing that button it was going through that’s cool jono amazing kall Flanigan we ain’t done yet now no let’s get a Nolan same batch azman a is that a sign that is Andrews

Madlock swisser S Todd Dan Ford Thurman yes awesome can we pull it out right here at the end what what a great little last batch magic Porter gar rodley Scott Ken Henderson Roy white will Cox sh something ther girl D oh another padr amazing I cannot believe it holy cow

Baby that’s like the last three cards that is crazy and AR how that is awesome uh wow man man he pulled that out that’s crazy it looked like it was going to come down to being a a pretty bad vending box ridiculous it hit big and they’re all they’re all the same

EBay said Ryan is coming I don’t know if he hit that in just just called it Bob just called it yep there you go they all just called it that’s ridiculous oh man look they’re all the they’re all the same cut basically you see that yeah they’re up well they’re

Just all over the same amount basically Nolan’s up a little B the Nolan and Thurman are up a little bit Aussie’s down some holy cow that is cool how did you that’s unbelievable yeah nice looking Pete man that box ended up I I was worried I was a little worried yeah

I was a little worried too that’s awesome card all right uh let’s see you want me show mine yeah I definitely did not pull the cards that you pulled like that that crazy I got a yes uh a Reggie uh Eddie Murray or Murphy Paul Moler the Winfield and the

Schmitty uh Chuck Norris there Chuck Norris did you know he doesn’t do uh he doesn’t do push-ups pushes the Earth away man that that ended up being awesome it was an awesome box awesome awesome marcker awesome marcker box right there dang that’s crazy I I can’t believe that can’t believe we pulled

That off on the very last uh we do know the fell we’re getting these boxes from I hope he’s got some more stuff I’m glad I opened that from this end it made it exciting yeah I don’t care where we pull them no but it did make it exciting man Nolan

Aussie and Thurman right there at the end you got a nice pee to bring it out at the end man look at that stack of awesome cards right there 79 we’re on the verge of defeat cool all right let’s see I mean I got some other stuff too Carlton I did pull

Out the Bobby Cox the strikeout leaders murf and a catfish um what else was over here here the Ed wison and the Bob her so there we go man that’s awesome we will take it all right you know what time it is what time is it it is midweek giveway giveway

Time okay yep giving away that 75 highlight man that is a good midweek giveaway I can’t believe you’re giving that away midweek see how me hope everybody got entered on that one that’s my favorite um 75 Hank card by far I do not like the regular base everybody

Knows that though okay let’s uh let’s get going on that yeah you do have to be here in the live stream to claim this one let’s see let’s fetch it up how many people do we have uh keyword filter you get entered by putting in what sportscards with no spaces there we

Go and let’s see how many entries we had 68 very good thank you guys for getting enter you want to pick it this goes quick ready drum roll please and the winner is Scott sininsky has sininsky been around I I think I saw him in there last week look what he’s

All he did was say nice Perry ashc sports cards sininsky are you here let’s go I think I I saw he was lingering let’s see so shitz if you’re here you got to leave us a super I mean a chat uh right now to claim it let’s

See what and we are on like a 25 or 30 second delay guys so we have to give a little bit of Time uh savitzky is here says Clon so there you go where is here there you go savitzky uh congratulations man sweet uh send this an email with your shipping address if you don’t mind and we’ll get that shipped out to you as soon as we can there next week congratulations man

All right boom uh douch there we go okay sweet all right congratulations everybody throw out those custom emojis hashtag rig uh courtesy of white sock Tom everybody else says congratulations there we go congratulations there savitzky glad you made it and congratulations on the super chat or the

Midweek card we’re up to about $115 we got two cards to giveway if we get over 150 we’ll be giv a third Super Chat card away and these are the cards you get to select from uh 87 Fleer bow rookie and a nine that’s awesome these are hard to get in an

Eight a Ripken rookie 82 top how many have we sent in and that’s a million of them we’ we’ve only gotten like three 67 card clubbers L Brock Kurt flood that is a cool I do like that card there are a lot of 67 cards I kind of

Like another 69 Allstar Lou Brock 6.5 two L Brocks in here 69 Ted with the Grim on his face as always he was yeah he was hard nose by that time speaking of Red Sox Legends nice looking yes a three we got a 62 Yogi nice that’s a cool card I love

It and then last we got a 61 stand the man that’s awesome yes 61 that is a beautiful card right there for sure there we go uh so thank you guys and let’s see um what time is it it’s time for some $5 challenge isn’t it challenge time let’s

Get this show on the road I need some gas money uh let’s see here I need some Dr Pepper money this is a good one this is a good luck $5 one mine’s a good one it’s got a rip got tear in it all right we’re doing some 65 again okay you get

10 or 11 cards 6 please one Hall of Famer and one or more High number cards all right got number five or number 11 and number 53 you usually take the lower one you get the pi pick when they’re both odd okay I’m picking number 11 cuz

I think it’s got the Manel in it uh 65 what’s your favorite 65 card you love your favorite show it earlier it’s your favorite set the Pete Rose um that’s your favorite card in the set I don’t know I like the Manel yep yep I like the Hank it’s one

Of Hank it’s one of Hank’s better cards too lot of good good ones like CL is the nice one in this oh yeah that’d be awesome I of the big hit right yeah I like the copx in this have you got the card covers yeah there’s no graded cards

In these no graded card in the set no so we won’t know right off the bat right so we could we got a chance of getting something good even though we don’t have a grav and go face up I don’t know how these are they’re just thrown in there

Oh yeah they were last time W they there’s not even a they’re not in a sleeve oh they’re upside down and backwards and everything so it includes one Hall of Famer or high number yeah Tug McGraw rookie Tim D is it yeah that’s what uh Brett Blair says who goes first you go

First this time all right here we go right the my first hit is Johnny klipstein that’s clip Stein I don’t know is it I don’t know I did not the twins logo I think it’d go either way he didn’t get any kind of cartoon or anything number 384 so I’m in

The lead so far dang whoever list is they played a while oh it’s the Cubs the Cubs oh JC called Ernie Banks so there it is you’re right yeah there you go oh Carlton rookie oh that’d be cool Carlton rookie would be good all right next hit backwards card Luke Clinton Bill

Clinton’s uh yeah that was his uh Uncle one of his uncles yeah he tried his hand as a pitcher in one minor league game what okay 229 nice looking cards nice looking cards 65 awesome Sunny Sebert so Sebert I think he’s in the 63 Fleer set that I’ve

Got Sunny fan 11 Yankees in a six ining relief job last May okay good job that one game y one game next oh dick Gro dang that’s car he was with the cards I think was black and red like uh dick was named the NL most valuable

Player at 60 he was a good player yeah uh for the buckos I remember 275 I’m in the lead with the dick Gro oh oh the other dick manager sisler for the Reds do he got a bandage on his forehead he got hit with a foul ball sisler Joe Morgan rookie says

Galler that would be awesome oh yeah good night all right next oh oh Bob Schmidt dang that’s a Yankee That’s Mike Schmid’s Hey That’s Mike Schmid’s y definitely for sure what Mike do he batted 284 in his debut season in 51 dang they didn’t put 51 on his card

Did they all right not the Yankee card we were looking for oh Bubba Phillips oh Bubba what Bubba do uh Bubba batted 335 for Williams sport and minor Le 51 in 51 dang that’s two 51s all right here we go been around a while ready next oh one Marell there’s

My hall of fameer that’s a hit my hit’s underneath this bonus card yeah I got a bonus card in there too one pitched a one no hitter versus Houston in 63 I think I’ve got got the lead with the Juan Marell for sure now what what

You got to pull something good oh my there we go nice sweet I think I justy I hate that card I like that card I think it’s fun I like the card but the colors are good uh Carl one car Carolina League batting Crown in 59 May that’s

Before he was well known I guess what that uh 65 I think he was well known what what do his numbers look like he’s I mean his average is really pretty good you know 321 there in what second or third year let’s get this uh oh falling down back here bonus card out

The way next hit for me the George Smith there we go that’s a good hit sweet all right uh George played the Indianapolis clowns a SEMO Club look at that he played for the club The [Laughter] Clowns Let’s see we got oh Claud Austin nice looking flat

Talk H Claud joined the Dodgers last December whates it say via a seven man deal okay okay sweet all right here we go next Felix Mantia that’s the colors of Hank isn’t it well it’s the yky Colors oh it is it yeah he appeared in two World Series with the

Braavos you that play for Milwaukee there I got some old Milwaukee cards of his Jack Hamilton Jack looked like a big old dude Jack pitched a no hitter in the miners in 57 he was six foot it wasn’t that big oh I got a rookie card oh not the rookie

Stars we were looking for Kelo and rer kelo’s D oh for sure all right come on now come on Vic power look F you getting ready to get hit uh Vic stole home twice in one game in 58 wow dang that’s pretty cool all right next oh AR

Shamsky that’s a Art Shamsky rookie card that is cool uh do you know if you are you a uh uh Everybody Loves Raymond fan no oh they named the dog uh for him that’s cool all right what’s next next is a big hit of Jim W not the Astro we were

Looking for I I like the gray and orange Jim was drafted by Houston from the Reds okay all right next Milt papis look at that got his rookie over here 57 Milt was a uh 200 game winner I think uh his kid brother is in the yanies farm chain

Look at him picking on him there that’s awesome all my last card oh Howard okay that’s not bad not too bad all right you going have to pull something big off here to get to beat the yes I don’t know the one versus the yes that’s pretty close no let’s take a

Boat rookies the orol uh nobody would know of B bfy blery I don’t know who that is John Miller John Miller and that card but I got’s no good I got Elon Howard too all right let’s see here who who is the winner I think by far the AR shansky is the winner

What do you think I think Yas and nson Howard all day long you think so I I don’t think so I got the pap I know so the Shamsky I got a the Mana I got a Ernie Banks the Bob Schmid you got the Ernie Banks I

Think I think so I think uh I think I’ll have to give Jay’s Jay’s like push no I’ll give that to you there you go I’ll take it y congratulations I’ll give it to you for that y zsky I think that’s pretty much it was close it was a close

One no it wasn’t and while Marell the Elon Howard maybe put it over the edge yes I had it anyway I think all right well what do you think well let’s get going I don’t think we have time for another one time for some Bingo ball Madness thanks for coming to hang out

With us guys it was a fun night we did have an awesome box of 79 and we got started way too late yeah we got way too late there uh sorry about that uh hopefully you guys are staying warm wherever you’re at incarnito thank you so much we’ll be moving some stuff

Around and watching you guys over at maidens world of wax here are the cards guys we have got over $100 in super chats tonight so we’re going to give away two of these cards good luck to anybody who gave us a super chat on the evening we’re going to give some Bingo

Ball names assigned right now who’s first all right first off Mark mataro Laro gets B9 B9 Jim mayor look at that B10 B10 yeah uh JC JC N35 N35 Irving Irving gets um I29 I 29 Bob G sports cards Bob G b11 B1 Bob G sports cards William Galler

Galler gets n34 n34 Steve wisman wisman gets uh G55 G55 driller driller i27 i27 Jed locket Productions Jed locket gets i23 i23 Jim City geek Jim City geek gets n43 n43 Jared Harvey gets B3 B3 I guy it guy the IT guy gets I24 I 24 baseball Lauren

Collectibles I20 I20 Luke Hadley Luke Hadley gets n32 n32 Harry Hoffman Harry Hoffman I 21 I 21 ripping flipping cards ripping and flipping gets N40 N40 mol mol in the house with 063 063 three-wheeler three-wheeler n37 n37 Timmy two touch Timmy I can’t read that one the G60 G60 Roger Davis Roger Davis

I19 i19 rookie monster rookie monster B5 B5 JT land JT I 25 I 25 Brian B Brian B 061 061 uh maiden maiden I6 I6 white socks T White Sox T g51 g51 Xavier savier B12 B12 gets the vitamin shot uh Weaver Steelers Weaver Steelers gets B1 look at

That B1 yes uh dagger cards uh let’s see dagger gets B5 B15 Jim hamernick hamernick gets I8 I8 goody G goody G in the house with 074 that’s a high number 074 Josh claxon claxon gets B8 the Snowman B8 okay Bob G Bob g g Bob

G i 26 i 26 uh banjo banjo gets g59 g59 Brian Carlson Brian Carlson gets 075 075 Boogie Bentley Boogie Bentley gets B2 B2 Brett Blair Brett Blair gets I 17 I 17 UT Knox fan UT Knox fan gets 070 070 Daman D Damen gets G50 G50 and

Then that’s it we got pistol just gave us a Super Chat pistol thanks so much for the $5 Super Chat there pistol not much to say tonight just here’s glad you made it pistol and put my name in for the Super Chat card giveaway how about

That okay pistol gets um B6 B6 I thought you were going to get B4 there where is B was before before wasn’t in there was it no all right here we go good luck guys if we uh if you gave us a Super Chat and we didn’t give you a number

Please let us know right now make sure we get you in there yes if we ask if I didn’t write your name down yes do you want to run that never help happens never happens got Daman down yeah let’s see got everybody’s name white sock Tom

Got a bingo ball squish got a bingo ball right no squish oh he was a member he didn’t get one you’re right JT Land Two touch everybody remember squish is had problems trying to get oh yeah that’s right he couldn’t get his payment to go through could

He all right here we go let me mix them up really well we got two cars to give away tonight yep all right here we go you have to number your other balls yourself three wheer I think we got it if those saying that I think we’re good

I think so good luck I’m going to mix them up right and the first one is all right here we go first winner and it goes to n43 n43 uh gy City geek gy City geek winner right off the bat there we go gim City geek if you are still here hopefully he

Is Shirley Shirley Bob Shirley let me keep these on the screen I’m moveing around here and then moving back out of the way it’s G to be it is who’s that I’m here he’s here three Willer is but is Jim City geek still here hopefully oh I know he is come on Jeff

City uh which one you think he’s going to choose there he is whoa J C get congratulations man there you go rig but congrats he is here now he gets to pick a card any card pick a card there you go pick a card any

Card I think uh I think I know which one I would pick um I think I’d pick that bear I like that card that’s cool that or the actually R yeah we can’t get those can we those are impossible for us to get yes uh white sock to says rig congrats

For sure still here he says still here still here all right let’s see what is he gonna pick let’s see I think it’s kind of jumping around so we’ll see come on what is he going to pick let’s see here congrats congrats congrats pick your

Card Jim City man I have no Yogi in my collection there you go so got to go with that one got the yogi I I agree man that’s a cool card that’s a good looking Yogi right there that and it it is a three but it presents more like a five

Or six for sure I don’t know why it was a three maybe the print line thing on it the print line is a print yes congratulations City send us an email with your address yes send us an email with your shipping address and we’ll get that sent out to you let’s get the

Second winner what do you think all right let’s go all right good luck everybody and the next one is winner is I 18 I even remember I8 oh hamni hamni jam hamernick hamernick he won last week I believe are you serious two wins in a row for hamernick cuz I just packed him

Up and Shi oh could have saved some money it’s hamernick hopefully he’s still here oh yeah come on oh yes all 62 cards are prized that’s right three awesome HCK congratulations man let’s see here okay thank you guys for being members you can throw out those custom emojis

Like uh Galler did there hash R and everything else out the there let’s see here come on Hammer Nick is he here still I’m sure he is he’s here there oh baby it is rigged oh yeah hash riged congratulations Jim uh gir says it’s rigged rigged rigged that’s awesome there we go take

The stand the man stand the man there it is beautiful card right there congratulations hamernick uh you got his address uh yeah actually do have your hey uh send us a reminder that says Rusty send this out to me again yes I want two times in a row there we go

Congratulations guys thanks for coming to hang out with us fun night again hey that 79 box ended up being really good yes I thought it was going to be kind of a bummer there for a while but a lot of those will be going out to get tux yes

So can’t wait for that uh thank you guys for coming to hang out with us uh head over to Maiden world of wax there for the after show and hopefully we will be on time next week right yes so so we can get into like two $5 challenges we can

Get a couple of $5 challenges in um there we go so appreciate you allall thank you so much for supporting us yeah thanks so much uh fun night man and we can’t wait to get back next Sunday for sure yeah happy Martin Luther King Jr weekend to everybody out there and enjoy

The holiday tomorrow anything else that’s about it okay uh if you enjoyed this video hit that like button for us if you’re enjoying our Channel please go ahead and subscribe and join till next time I’m snake I’m Rusty see y’all later that

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