Golf Players

World No1 Long Drive Coach Reveals The Fastest Way To Gain Distance




Ultimate Guide To Rotation In The Downswing

Complete Guide To Shallowing In The Downswing

Ultimate Over The Top Fix Guide

Use the code JCHOWNGOLF at checkout


Use the code jchowngolf at checkout




So the world’s number one long drive Coach Lee Cox who has been my coach for many years has revealed to me the fastest way to increase distance to your driver so these three methods here any one of you can do and you’re going to hit the ball further straight away so

Number one this is one that I’ve done a lot with my own game with Lee over the years and that is feeling like the left knee at the top of your swing is pointing behind the golf ball so what this does this gives you more hip turn that left knee point pointing behind

There gets those hips coiling up cuz what we see so many golfers do they’ll be getting up to the top of the swing and I did this exact same thing too and have that left knee in such a static spot and really almost trying to resist

That knee trying to keep it so it’s either pointing at the ball or in front cuz when we do that the downside is you are not getting any hip rotation and if we’re not getting any hip rotation we’re then at the mercy of how much upper body

Rotation we can get and that is purely down to how flexible you are and I know one thing I’m not very flexible and I know most people out there aren’t so swinging in way with that left knee pointing in front or at the golf ball is

No good for us getting turned cuz if we can get our left knee behind the golf ball looking a little bit more like Jack Nicholas here you’re going to get more hip rotation as we said but more hip rotation gives you more shoulder rotation also that’s why you never

Really have to rotate with your shoulders you can do it all with your hips that left knee going behind the ball that’s going to get that hip turn that’s going to give you more total shoulder rotation and that’s going to give you way more distance from having a

Better coil up the more coil up we get the more speed we’re going to be able to produce so left knee behind the bolt is going to really help ramp up that speed so if you’re a senior golfer and you need that extra little bit of help do again what Jack Nicholas does

And that is lifting up that left heel that will then free up that hip turn more and make it so you can turn just like you used to do years ago un anchors that hip turn and gives you more Freedom more range of motion so number two and

That is utilizing a better sequencing in the down swing so in the more simple terms here having your body being more dominant so where so many golfers run into the mistake of wanting to swing faster to hit the ball further getting really quick with the arms in transition

Which will massively throw you out of sequence cuz if the arms quickly go first from the top that’s going to get the arms in front of the body in the sequencing you’re not going to be able to use your body which is the main thing that produces a ton of force the power

Is Created from those big muscles that Propel themselves through the arms but you have to have the lower body and mid torso turn first it’s so incredibly important you will not see a long hitter not do this you’ll see them all have that lower body mid torso work first and

Then the arms and chest really just go along for the ride and then all that power goes through through the kinetic chain through the arms go going through the shot so you’re not trying to go with the arms you’re trying to do it with the body where the power comes through the

Arms so let’s let those arms be quieter from the top and really get that lower body mid torso working we’ll hit this one and we’ll get into a drill that’s really good to get this into your swing so the drill for this is with either a long towel that I’ve taped up

Here you can use a rope you could use a resistance band for example what we do we get this town we put it on our back just like this and then as we turn up to the top of our back swing just grip it like a golf club we want to keep this

Towel on our back for as long as possible as we move down and we want this towel to then fling off the back as we get through kind of an impact looking a little bit like this so you can see there it’s flinging off my back as I get

Through impact for me to do that my body has to naturally unwind better so this is where we’re all going to have different amounts of separation that we can do of our lower body mid torso especially for the seniors out there you’re not going to be able to do that

Separation move a ton but you can still move in good sequencing doesn’t mean you can only swing with your arms in a down swing even if it’s just a little bit of Separation that can go a long way so you know still the guys out on the senior

Tour can still swing in this way or even good senior golfers can really still swing in this way it doesn’t have to be a ton just a little bit goes a long way so get just flinging off your back going through the golf ball area and that’ll

Be brilliant because if you use too much arms what’s going to happen it’s going to hit the ground straight away so I won’t want to do that too much today cuz it’s very wet on my mat and it’ll get me soaking wet but too much arms on the top it will hit the

Ground so you want it flinging off your back going through the ball area and that’s going to give you that really good sequencing so guys our brand new course is now live on my skillist and that is fixing your early extension master class and in this course absolutely everything you need to know

About how to fix early extension and everything you need to know about early extension and what causes it so we get into the root causes everything that causes that problem and indepth and then we get into exactly what to do to fix each one of those root causes with the

Optimized practice structure and with all my students you see let’s say from my YouTube videos here where I do videos on how they fix their early extension those crazy big gains they make in a short space of time it’s the same practice structure I’ve used with every single one of those students I’ve

Achieved massive success in fixing this problem fast early extension is only a big issue in the go swing if you don’t know how to tackle it when you know how to tackle it it is very straightforward and I give you all the tools to be able

To fix it in no time in this course so there’s a link in the description that takes you straight to my skillist page so the website of skillist and if you scroll down you’ll see online courses it will be right there brand new course absolutely there’s tons of info in there

It’s absolutely going to be the most comprehensive guide to fix your early extension that you’ve ever seen online so number three this works with every single person on the planet and that is overspeed training so overs speed training essentially what it does it increases your cruising speed on the

Golf course let’s say a 75% effort swing on the golf course doing overspeed swing training you will then bump up that distance of that same effort so if you’re 75% swing on the golf course goes 230 y doing a bunch of training with this will make that 75% effort swing go

250 yards for example so that’s where not putting any more effort but gaining more speed because essentially what we’re doing here with over speed training we are Swinging with an over speed device so I’ve got the ripstick here there’s loads of other brands also out there where we’re swinging it oh

We’re staying in Balance but as fast as we can so as fast as we can really still staying in balance and there there’s loads of protocols out there for each different brand so the ripstick is my favorite cuz it gives that audible kind of result here which tells you where

You’re producing your speed so they’re all come in really different weights here with the ripstick you can remove some of the weights that are here in the head and again on the website like all the other overp speed training devices there are routines to do to go through

So once you go through this you are training you are increasing your swing speed from doing it cuz we all have a governor of swing speed so it’s like if you start off with 995 mph with driver you will swing 95 or round about there on every single shot this increases That

Base this go then let’s say after a couple months of training with it this will get you more to around 100 mph like we said at the beginning with the same effort so you’re not trying to swing harder with the golf ball you’re just trying to swing with this as fast as you

Can and do it with a routine you do it three times a week and it is by far the the most effective way for any swing out there to increase your Club head speed all the top tour players have been doing this they’ve been doing this for a good

Few years the one who really gained a lot of distance since doing it and he was an early adopter of it was Phil Mickelson he gained quite a considerable amount of yardage without any real swing change was just via doing swing speed training Matthew Fitzpatrick has also

Done this to grain a lot of distance when he won the US Open that was you saw him beforehand with his own speed stick that he had doing a ton of it before he was going to teing off cuz he’s not the longest of hitter but now he certainly

Is so after doing a lot of that you’ll really start to feel it really adhering to the routine there’s a link description if you want a ripstick as well down in the video description so that’ll be a good discount code on there and then you really apply that same feel to the golf

Ball brilliant I can as well attest that I’ve been doing over speed training for a long long time as said my coach Lex has had access to these training AIDS before they properly came out and I managed to get access to them also so they have helped me a ton to gain Club

Head speed been really awesome I highly recommend anyone who’s serious on gaining speed you have to have one of these absolutely have to and you have to commit to it really have to it’s like a routine you do three days a week you have to continue to do it for months and

Months and months so absolutely guys this is these are the three main ways to let’s say the fastest out there to gain distance quickly these are it you aren’t going to find a way that will get you hitting the ball further by increasing your Club head speed quicker than these

So if you enjoyed the video click that like button if you want more golf instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button hit that Bell button too to be notified every time I put out a video


  1. I'm 74 and interested in the RIP stick. Should I get the senior version or the man's version and just use less weight?

  2. everytime I apply my hips to my golf swing, I always end up slicing it to the jungle. Do u know any reason for this?

  3. If it doesn't come natural to you forget about it ,get the basics correct and than do your own natural swing and work hard on short game !

  4. Your ability to explain things so simply is brilliant…

    Also, the fact you are this good whilst having CP is utterly insane 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  5. Thinking of getting the Rypstick. The website says "Longer drives in 40 days or your money back!" but the returns page says can only return if unused? Can you confirm if the money back applies if you are not happy with it after using? thanks

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