Essential Golf Tips To Crush Driver – Unlock Your Driving Potential!

Fed up of hitting the golf ball short and want to hit your driver long and straight. In this golf swing tip video Coach Lockey and James Tait, world long driver, give 3 simple golf swing tips to help you hit a golf driver correctly.

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Hi I’m Matt Lockey, welcome to my Coach Lockey YouTube Channel. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, and to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf course vlogs, golf challenges, golf tips, golf lessons, golf club reviews and the odd golf club unboxing. So pretty much everything golf!

I want to help you play better golf by providing coaching videos on all topics about golf. How to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.
As well as helping you produce the best long game you can have, I will help you lower your scores by chipping better, stopping duff and thin chips, pitching the ball closer and creating backspin like the tour pros. Finally, I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts too!

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00:00 Hit Driver 30+ Yards Further in 3 Simple Steps with World Long Driver
01:09 Golf Tip 1 – Comfort Zone
04:22 Golf Tip 2 – Tee Height
06:08 Golf Tip 3 – Towel Drillh

James Tate that’s me world long driver World Long driver that me and you hit it the furest last year in the championship yeah go on say it 452 452 45 you got any footage of that that I can put on here you’re let’s see if he can

Deliver oh he loves it what’s your Club head speed so like that day in that tournament what are you doing 150 that day yeah 150s and 220 I was almost 226 balls my fastest of the tournament so I think it was 2 25.8 or something like that it’s 50 miles hour quicker we’ll

Get we’ll get you there today size you though seriously what did you expect it’s like David Goliath is good jeans my dad my dad’s the same height as you is he oh M or not I think she’s 56 oh what dad’s five he said my dad’s 62 and I

Came out like this what happened well same same same height haven’t grown since Jam’s going to give us three tips to help you hit longer Drive and it’s a perfect time cuz it’s winter at the moment at home not here obviously it’s beautiful but three basic tips to hit

The golf ball further what would you suggest for I think I think when you’re kind of working especially in the offseason when it’s cold and stuff like that it it’s a it’s a great way to go to the range and work a distance let’s be honest so going to the range hitting I

Know we’re all guilty of doing it we get the bucket of balls we’ll wait till this plane passes by he’s all right just someone in a private jet so yeah people get a bucket of balls people get a bucket of balls they’ll work through the bag and they’ll only

Leave about like 10 with the driver at the end we want to kind of get out of that habit and you want to hit more balls with your driver essentially I’m allowing you to hit more balls right because you do see a lot of positional stuff on driving ranges don’t you like

Hitting perfect positions they’ve gone for a lesson and they want to do the perfect swing um I think it’s quite common as well it’s like a lot of people go for lessons and the immediate thing that that everyone wants to work on his driver yeah um it’s like right okay you

Can you can work on that you you’ve got the little bits and pieces that you’re trying to tweak it’s like that’s great it’s like once you get that it’s like what’s next M let’s get comfortable being uncomfortable and cool and try and try and hit the ball as hard as you can

Yeah um you know we we’ve I mean we do in the long drive space we actually have speed sessions kind of throughout the week where we’re literally just focusing on pure allout speed we’re going to miss hit so many shots but we’re looking at numbers Club

Head speed ball speed when we do middle it and get everything connected we’re like oh amazing cuz it’s very difficult to go Full Tilt all the time yeah now when you’re on a golf course it’s different obviously but if you’re working on your speed at the driving

Range let’s say on the golf course you might swing at like 110 right but at the driving give me a bit of credit sorry 11.9 but you might but you might swing at 110 but on the driving range you might swing at 120 it’s then trying to write right

Can I take my stock kind of uh speeds and kind of elevate them even if it’s just a couple miles an hour like that gives you you know 7 10 cuz you basically if you go to the range and practice speed and you’re 120 at your

Fastest and you get to 125 then your mean just all goes up doesn’t it like your Baseline will go up 5 miles an hour and but you’re still doing your core swing but it’s 5 mph quicker and that’s what 10 15 yards further everyone wants that absolutely and I think when you

Start going on to a golf course it’s like you know you’ll be at your local club and he’s like you’ve always got that bunker you’re like ah it’s just like it’s it’s in my wheelhouse and I’m like do I don’t I do I don’t I all of a

Sudden you got 10 extra yards and you’re not thinking about it anymore and you’re like right I can take it a little bit longer put myself close to the flag and as we know when we get close to the pin your chances of making far and birdies

Is is higher so go out your comfort zone don’t be scared to on the driving range in practice Yeah Swing Swing out your socks and don’t be scared to Mis hit cuz people are scared of mish hitting they go back to their comfort after Mish hitting and then can’t do that well keep

Doing it don’t be scared to keep doing it Swing Swing as hard as you can it’s going to feel uncomfortable it’s going to feel a little bit weird you’re going to feel out of control it’s fine because the objective is speed number two te the ball higher te the higher so maybe not

That high this is this is this is an exaggeration but but for me that’s that’s what I would I would like because I would feel more Freer like allowing my arms to kind of pass through instead of it being a little bit lower so if you are someone who let’s for example that

Does to a little bit lower let’s say really low like that so like probably over the top of not even a third a quarter of that Ball’s over the top of that Crown is it exactly so right now we’ll do it this way just so the camera

Can see um so if I’m standing there it’s like that’s probably quite a common height for a lot of people would you say yeah but if I was to go like that yeah someone’s going to look down at like oh God I’m going to roof it yeah but I’m

I’m now got that ball lined up on my left heel like we like we should do with driver but I can now hit up on the ball which is going to take the spinoff so if you’re someone who let’s say we’ll go back to this te height that has has a

Ball slightly lower that does hit that you know that out to in shot and hit that cut yeah well of course you’re going to hit that yeah because you’re coming down on it it’s easier to do that when the when the the balls to down lower and it’s very difficult to pick it

And you’re also going to hit it probably closer to L on the face bottom bottom grooves of the face more spin lower launch exactly yeah taking distance away if you te it a little bit higher it’s going to be easier to launch the ball in

The air yeah and not get kind of steep on it because you’ll be able to sweep off the top and quite a good drill is just to even get get used to doing that is let you just do your little half swings and get used to just literally

Picking it off the top feeling a bit lower this side higher this side correct getting angle attack up nice absolutely number three I’m going to grab that tow oh we’ve got got a little Aid little Aid I say got a towel this is pre-made so

You must take this round with you do you yeah I this is something I’ll use to warm up and for me it it helps with sequencing and basically getting the body used to kind of almost coiling coiling up like a spring to then unload so for me it just works sequencing it’s

Very good to get the high the high hands to be able to work work hard down in vertical and really just get get a lot of downward Force into the ground to then push up you see guys like maroy Min Le like their their left foots like almost off the ground yeah because

They’re using the ground so effectively you know one that surpris people is who used to hazing cuz he looks so smooth and rhythmic but if you were to look at a slowmo his foot is like up off the ground but he’s like finishing all pretty his his his left his left foot is

Pushing so hard through the ground that like this way so his left hip goes back to so the fast so if you think kinematic sequencing yeah hands are high hips go first everything falls pretty much one after the other like an elastic band to then Propel yourself forward nice so

This is exactly what this does so even though it’s a towel trust me so what I like to do is when I warm up now the good thing about having the towel is it adds a little bit of resistance so you can kind of feel your body moving right so the first one

Is making sure that maybe just get a little bit more more weight on that right foot okay ever so slightly it’s not as exaggerated as like if you’re to put a 48 in yeah yeah yeah so you just want to feel like you’re really turning into

This HP now what I like doing is getting those hands high now this is a little bit over exaggerated right now I’ll bring my left foot off the ground just people can do that as well with less um SP if they have less flexibility up if you have less

Mobility and you’re you’re struggling to turn don’t be afraid to reverse pivot some of the great used to do it yeah like and they were one of some of the longest hitters on tour as well yeah and the straightest so and a couple of them one few majes as well so they’re quite

Good so get those hands high get those hands high and pause okay so you want to feel like your that’s that’s the first step and then you want to throw your weight into this left foot and then push out now you see my left foots move backwards yeah he in the ground mhm

And all I’m thinking when I’m getting here is pushing through my left foot and falling through that that’s it so I’m going to get you to do it I don’t reckon I’m going to make that noise but it adds resistance and gets your body feeling all the little sequencing

Bits so hands high flat push hard down there you go oh that wasn’t too bad yeah that was pretty good that surprised myself actually one more that’s one there you go oh yeah I I would say for you I’m going to give you a quick a

Quick one let’s let’s get this out the road so go to the top 180 bu speed there you go mate and then push hard but follow through that way you’re still driving forward okay so yes yes yes there you go oh yeah cuz I’m more pushing this way you’re backwards yeah

So you want to make sure your weight’s still on that left side first and then you’re pushing up yeah yeah and that is a bad tendency of mine cuz I go this way and get the old blockers so I need to be going that way yeah try and stay

Balanced or try and not go through because remember if you go through your weight’s still on this left side but you’re one in that foot to almost Co you can really feel that I’m like already sweating doing it’s a great honestly it’s a great way to warm up it’s so

Simple so you just whack some duct tape around there it’s all nice and round really simple DIY what about if you wet it make it heavier harder I’ve done that before your back gets a little wet with a t-shirt off yeah your back gets a little wet but it’s um yeah it

Just adds a little a little bit resistance training yeah exactly I mean you can take the tape off it you can play around with it there’s ways to do it just some doct tape and a towel homeade training agid three things there you go get uncomfortable resistance training a

Little bit of resistance training be the size of you go to the gym take some steroids don’t be me thanks for watching F your time no worries anytime


  1. If I put the ball off my left heel I am hitting the ball SO FAR left off the planet it isnt funny. My club is closing big time by then …..LOL
    And I guarantee if I tee the ball hat high I will have an idiot mark for sure !!!!!

  2. Love how simple and positive the advice is! Great interview Coach! I’m looking forward to exercising my permission to hit more than a dozen drivers at the range next time.

  3. James is awesome, love watching him "Chipping drivers" as he calls it

    Would love to see you (and perhaps Mark) play some golf with him!

  4. With the yellow frozen driving range balls and a little headwind its hard enough to get it past 180yrds. And then i cycle back home crying.

  5. Congrats on 50k, currently gaming the newer Rogue with Project X Riptide ….sure would like a shot at your old Paradym….Cheers

  6. Thanks Matt. I do the same thing you do – push more back than up and get the weight going back to the trail side. As a consequence, I hit up too much, launch too high and add too much loft. James's clarification of the shift and push, doing the towel drill, was one of those 'ah ha' moments for me. Heading to garage now to try it. Cheers.

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