Did I Make a Huge MISTAKE with the Good Good Golf Tournament?

How am I Going to beat Wesley Bryan a PGA Tour winner and his brother Geroge in the Good Good Golf Tournament?

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Did I just make like the biggest mistake of my Life how in the world are we going to beat a PGA Tour winner in a golf tournament so George and Wesley Bryan are teaming up to playing this thing so how do you beat a PGA Tour winner and his brother who recently made the cut in a Tour event Wesley has played in 113 PGA Tour events he has one Victory and has made over $4 million in prize money his brother George has played in one PGA Tour event made 100% of those cuts and has made over $133,000 in prize money on the PGA Tour my partner Gavin and I have

Combined zero PGA Tour starts and zero money won on any tour but Gavin was named by Golf Digest one of the best young teachers in America in 2021 so take that Brian Brothers So how are we going to compete against these guys I think I figured out a way you see it’s not going to be with the driver it’s not going to be with the long irons you know if I played those guys 10 times I might lose nine but not this

Round this night I got the Answer I’m just going to keep moving that around all Day one of the answers is this right here this short game area and I’m going to tell you specifically why let’s look at Wesley’s stats on the PGA tour because that’s going to give us a good idea of where we need to be to compete against a

Guy like him his average approach from 150 yards is 26 ft great okay we’re playing at grass clippings in Arizona so they have two kind of courses they have a daytime course and a nighttime course the nighttime course is all par 3s they’re going to reconfigure it from

What I hear so that there’s going to be some par fours and maybe even a par five okay we don’t know exactly but we know a lot of par 3s so that 150 number is going to be critical his stats from 125 are 22 ft from 100 Y is 18 ft and here

Scrambling on those short par 4S this is the area we’re going to be from the hole and from 30 yards and more his average scrambling percentage is 22% and his scrambling from 10 to 20 yards is 63% so we’re going to have to like really focus on that area that’s right

Here and then we get into some putting stat we’ll get into that later with a secret formula I have for making every single putt it’s worked for me in the past in these of Events and now you might think Matt there’s no way you can compete with a PGA Tour winner maybe in a fourr round tournament where the whole game is exposed maybe not but in a format like this two man scramble short course this is where we have an

Advantage because I can spend all my time working on those critical areas for this one event whereas a tour player they have to be concerned about their entire game they can’t let that go they got to practice everything I don’t I’m a YouTuber I can practice whatever I want

And all I’m practicing are those critical scoring zones for this particular Golf Course for like a month maybe I’m delusional but you need to be semi illusional to think you’re going to beat a guy who’s won on the against the best players in the

World so if we’re on the green on one of the par fours then we’re puting for Eagle that’s great we’ll get to that in a second if not we’re going to have this chip here little pitch all we have to do is be you know it’s two man two man

Scramble so we need to be like 95% conversion right here cuz you have to get those up and down and I’m thinking well probably chip one of them in for Eagle but at least I know I need I need to be 63% or better to be up there with the

Wesley Bryan of the World little tip if you’re hitting them too strong when you practice these little shots like this move the ball a little more forward in your stance comes out a little higher Softer we never want to stay in one spot too long just want to keep moving around cuz you’re not going to have the same shot exactly twice so keep it moving So I take that back way out here you got to practice that little guy this one way out there cutting right across the ball sends it straight up in the air it’s good if you shorts side yourself that’s a shot I kind of go to as you can tell I shorts side myself

A lot so I’m going to work on those little pit shots then we’re going to work on chipping and all that short stuff then see then it’s the 150s and you have to tee them all up and practice because they’re all going to be teed up There see most people won’t do that they won’t teat up in the practice but I will then after we do that for like 8 hours a day every every single day 8 days a week then it’s going to come down to who can make the putts and

Specifically who can make the putt from a very specific distance and um I’m I have a secret that I’m going to share with you of how we’re going to do that hopefully nobody else watches this video then steal my patented Secrets but I’ll give it to you

Guys so we’re taking our numbers from PJ tour Wesley stats his stats from putting from 15 to 20 ft are 10% he makes those and putting inside 10 ft 86% I mean that includes the taing so we’re really looking at a 20t putt is where we want

To be on average looking at how close we’re going to get to the hole from those t- shots and any of our scrambling is going to need to be be inside 10 ft we need to make 100% of those and I’m thinking the rest of them will be around

20 ft or better and if we can get I mean Wesley’s 15 to 20 is 10% two man it’s going to be much higher but I’m thinking if we can get those to like 80% on the 20 Footers we’re going to Win hold on thank for going grass hings R Hill I’m help you hey I have a question for you um what kind of um grass are your greens oh jeez give me one second yeah yeah in the winter we have poet trivialis and in the summer we have

Bermuda okay so winter is POA trivialis yep okay awesome thank you uh of course okay that’s good news these are bent so it’ll be close it’s not the same but I did grow up on POA there in San Diego so I will know those but we’re good bent

And poet trivialis very close let me give you my secret it’s this you can make 100% of your three- Footers so that’s all I’m thinking about here every putt is a three-footer so let’s say my partner goes first on this 20-footer Gavin he’s a good putter he

Goes first I’m only going to look at where that ball rolls and starts in the 3T range and then I’m going to pay attention of where he missed if he misses it’s a great putter but if he misses did he miss left did he miss

Right or did he miss right in the heart but sure whatever that’s what I’m focused on initially so I put a couple T’s down now wherever that ball rolls over within that range I’m looking at a spot in there piece of grass discoloration the good news is we’re playing POA there’s a

Lot of these discolorations in those greens similar to what we have going on here so I want to know where that ball rolls over that area okay so I put a tea down where my ball rolled over now I’m going to put my ball down I’m going to make a mark where

His ball went over and then I drew a little line where I want my ball to go over so it’s a little left of his ball then I line up to that spot and I’m just all I’m focused on is rolling my ball over that line now and I’ll practice

This like a 100 times from different locations every time so you get two putts every location see it takes some practice cuz you’re trying to hit a discolor ation spot like 3 4 5 6 ft out in front of you with the right Speed what are we Doing


  1. I would be worried about Luke and brad getting hot as a scramble they have more distance, great wedges, and can putt lights out when they need to.

  2. As a fellow Atlanta suburb dweller, are the courses around you open? Everything around me is closed for days on end. Or is that a private vs public kind of thing?

  3. Wesley and George are solid all around players, but their short game is where they will kill it out there. You get a wedge in Wesley's hands and its going to be hard for him to NOT hit it close. If I were you, I would play to your strengths and keep your head clear. I feel like anyone can get a good run going in this tournament, you are a solid all around player. Looking forward to seeing the outcomes.

  4. Sorry to say that you you have played in a tournament or have their tour card they should not be allowed to play. Should be strictly for full time and part YouTube golfers only . Hell if that’s the case why not get Bryson on a team

  5. The scrambling area you're trying to keep up with Wedgely Bryan with is going to be darn near impossible. Good luck!

  6. Lugging a giant crate of balls around the practice green is the wildest move I've seen in a while. Good luck out there.

  7. Alright bro, you're bordering on click bait with these headlines. I'm a big fan, but you don't need gimmickee titles to get people to watch. You're a great golfer, and we're cheering you on!! The only MISTAKE would be to NOT participate. I'm betting most of us are fans of several of the same YT golfers, but we're routing for you because we want you to get the cred you deserve!! Now go get'em!!

  8. Hmmmm… are DELUSIONAL! This is bulletin board material. I AM COMING AFTER YOU. THIS IS PERSONAL. George and I are the best scramble team in the world!

  9. Question, is this correct assumption? Poa grows faster than bent, and because of that you may get inconsistent roll/speed later in round as you play or if later tee time.

  10. Who effin cares where you place dude. You’re playing in a YouTube golf tournament. You’re lucky to be where you are.

  11. Your short game needs to be on point. I played Grass Clippings (Rolling Hills) a few times. I very short course but a fun course. The new owners are doing great things there. Loved that they put up lights for night golf. Can’t wait to all of y’all there.

  12. Now you’ve got Garrett and Grant and if their putters get hot it’d be tough to beat, regardless look forward to the footage!!!

  13. You need to start a disinformation campaign, fake injured, personal problems etc. Also you need to send a spy who can not only observe but sabotage when opportunity presents. Good luck!

  14. I think your big mistake was saying that Grant and Garrett wouldn't play together anytime soon. Having said that, I wish you the best of luck in the tourney. Should be fun.

  15. You gotta look at it this way. Wesley may have a PGA win, but he has played 113 events. He loses over 99% of the time so the odds are in your favor. 😉

  16. That's grey theory because at the end, in a scramble both bryanbros bring the ball nearer to the hole than the rest because the long time shots are dine in average by both better. And then they will have mite short puts than the rest… And he irgendwo is putting well too right now. If all gets the normal way these two are hard to beat. But in a scramble you never know…

  17. Picking apart Wesley's stats and practicing is one way to attack your challenge. I would suggest working on the mental side. Yes, chirping. Reverse psychology, and if that doesn't work remind Wesley he doesn't have tour status, but in a nice way. Good luck

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