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Brock Lesnar Accused…WWE Announces Replacement…LA Knight Upset…Jeff Hardy Refused Tag Team…

Intro 0:00
Warner Bros Discovery praises AEW’s success 0:23
Lexis King announces NXT merchandise 1:57
AEW hires former WWE employee 2:18
LA Knight on his relationship with John Cena 3:17
LA Knight took pay cut for WWE comeback 4:05
Eric Bischoff lost respect for Tony Khan 4:39
Dolph Ziggler set for debut match with NJPW 5:45
Cody Rhodes on losing WrestleMania spot to the Rock & CM Punk 6:22
Matt Riddle on WWE dropping his team with Jeff Hardy 6:55
Matt Riddle accuses Brock Lesnar 7:30
Matt Riddle on working with Goldberg 8:00
Matt Riddle on joining AEW 8:45
Mercedes Mone already signed with AEW? 9:30
Who brought so much WWE talent to TNA? 10:44
Adam Copeland defends facing Griff Garrison 11:22
Brain Cage shows off bruises 13:15
Plea for AEW to stop using blood 13:35
RVD reacts to his record being broken 14:30
LA Knight was unhappy under Vince McMahon 15:00
Matt Riddle on WWE’s plan to split up RKBRO 15:33
Matt Riddle on plans to win Money in the Bank 16:33
Matt Riddle on controversial Seth Rollins promo 17:02
WWE announces replacement for Kevin Dunn 17:30
Tony Khan calls out the USA Network 18:30

With a big star seemingly already signed with a eew and more this is wrestling Rambles my name is John and you’re watching the wrestling report before we move on make sure you subscribe to wrestling rambles with notifications on and don’t forget to like the video while the future of vew remaining

With Warner Brothers Discovery remains uncertain wbd has praised the promotion and their success is ringside news wrote aw is happy with wbd at their home but recent possible shakeups in the pro wrestling landscape have pointed Warner Brothers Discovery as a potential landing spot for WWE Raw Eric Bishoff

Recently said that aew can’t measure success by any metric that being said wbd is still using aew’s name to tout their accomplishments the company sent out at a press release touting their success in 2023 Warner Brothers discoveries us networks including TNT investigation discovery and Adult Swim and they achieved notable year-over-year

Rating gains their cable portfolio stood out as the only one to feature 20 out of the 25 highest rated freshman series TNT’s primee rating saw 14% growth among adults 25 to 54 driven by live telecasts of NBA NHL and all elite wrestling events they mentioned aew is one of the

Reasons why they were doing so well with live sports that was the only mention as every other metric focused on other aspects of wb’s operation Adult Swim also experienced an 11% increase in Prime ratings compared to the previous year ID contributed to the success by delivering 10 consecutive months of

Year-over-year growth among women in the 25 to 54 demographic and 7 months of growth among adults in the 25 to 54 demographic taking to X NXT star Lexus King announced new merchandise as he posted a link to ww shop and wrote intellectuals rise up asking you shall receive Long Live Lexus

King with a new employee that used to work for WWE being hired by aew ringside news wrote according to Sean sappin fightful pay kosha Irby is set to join the company with a potential role as Chief Operating Officer Irby brings a wealth of experience having served as

The regional director of live events for WWE Herb’s professional Journey also includes stance as the president of the Memphis Express and the aaf executive senior associate ad and chief marketing officer for the Clemson Tigers his diverse background extends to his work in various institutions including Georgia State the University of South

Florida and St Louis aew recently fac departures in key roles including Raphael morphe Dana Massie and QT Marshall all of whom had been with the company since its early days despite these changes tonyon has expressed openness to working with them in the future and has hinted at upcoming

Announcements for new additions to the aew team speaking about working with John Cena and the relationship outside of the Ring La KN told Chris Van vet on Insight man you know what that is one of the easiest guys to work with everything is simple everything is there’s not any

Over complicated thought process it’s just kind of like hey look when you go out there we’re going to do our thing it’s going to be this this this cool yeah great wonderful but beyond that super easy to talk to super cool super nice my girlfriend was backstage at fast

Lane and he was like it wasn’t like she wanted to meet him hey can I meet he was like can I meet her and I’m like yes absolutely he was like thrilled that he just wanted to meet because he saw her pass by when she was going to the

Bathroom or whatever so stuff like that so he’s just super nice and cool for that same interview La Knight spoke about taking a pay cut when he came back to WWE so finally when I did make the jump over there there was a little bit of not necessarily

Negotiation but it was just kind of like I knew I was going to have to take a pay cut coming in but I was willing to take the pay cut on the bet that I could turn it into much more because I had hit the ceiling basically an impact and had an

Awesome time in NWA for that little bit that we were able to do before the pandemic hit recalling how aew president Tony Khan claimed that his promotion won’t make the same mistakes as WCW did Eric Bishop said this about it on his 83 weeks podcast that comment offended me a

Bit like why would he say that what pissed me off and largely is responsible for me losing respect for Tony that’s why I started being honest with my critiques I kept my mouth shut until I lost respect for him and then I got no reason to keep my mouth shut it’s just

The way my mind works it’s just the way I am but when Tony khon said if Ted Turner knew 1% of what I knew about pro wrestling maybe WCW would still be around that comment was so disrespectful effing stupid because Tony didn’t have any idea what happened to WCW inside

Turner the only thing Tony con knows about WCW is what he red in dirt sheets for that punk ass to come out and take a shot at Turner while his ass as a show on Turner Broadcasting was so disrespectful to Ted that I lost all respect for him once I lose respect for

Somebody I’m not as inhibited about my opinion after making his presence felt at the recent wrestle Kingdom event former WWE star Dolph Ziggler will make his New Japan Pro Wrestling day as true heel heat wrestling noted Brian Danielson versus Zack saber Jr 2 and United Empire versus bullet Club War

Dogs on February 11th Nick nth AKA Dolph Ziggler versus David Finley and roshi tanahashi versus Matt riddle on February 23rd the new beginning tour is starting the njpw on the right foot touching on there being more competition in WWE when it comes to a spot for Wrestlemania Cody rhods told

Sports Illustrated Fan Nation the rock is the great one he’s still electrifying CM Punk is one of the greatest stars in the history of wrestling I know what I’m up against look at the roster it’s loaded with stars but that doesn’t bother me I’m not flinching I’m not

Rooing against anyone else I’m just working to make it happen talk about how WWE decided to scrap the Tag Team with him and Jeff Hardy Matt riddle told signed by Superstars and originally you know who I was supposed to tag with before Randy Orton Jeff Hardy we were going to be the

Hardy Bros and Jeff I love Jeff we’ve talked multiple times since Jeff didn’t feel comfortable with being the Hardy Bros because Hardy Boys and I completely understand too it’s like that’s your team and we’re changing two letters I get it revealing what he was told the plans

Were for him in the 2022 Royal Rumble Matt riddle said during that same interview I believe you know it’s Sports entertainment that I was told at one point yeah I was going to win the Royal Rumble and everything else then what was it Bobby Lashley beat Brock Lesnar

Because somebody came in and hit him with the belt or what have you then Brock came in didn’t want to do business with everybody said he was winning and then he won and then none of the producers nobody stood up to him and they let him do it I didn’t either I

Didn’t either I’m like man I’m just here talking about a potential match between himself and Goldberg Matt riddle told signed by Superstars I personally would love to work with William Goldberg he would be a great match I think I could get something out of him that

People haven’t seen in years and I think it’d be great for business it’d be really good for me but at the end of the day you can’t if he wants to do it he’ll do it if he needs to do it he’ll do it there’s a couple of places we could do

That I would imagine you know maybe an aew TNA or njpw if it was going to happen it would probably be in aew and finally Matt riddle would say this to signed by Superstars about potentially signing with all elite wrestling yeah honestly I feel like a

Lot of the talent when I got released we’re going to try to do that I wanted to think outside the box and maybe not rush right back into doing television matches TV is a lot different than wrestling on PPL or the Indies they’re commercials they cut times they change

Things for me right now New Japan mlw the Indies I can display my art and I’m not under such a crunch of time or requirement I have a lot more freedom TNA isn’t out of the picture either there are certain things I wanted to do

I really wanted to work in Japan and I made that a priority going over the free agent status of Mercedes Monae Shan rosaa fightful said there were some talks and discussions online that Mercedes was in mind for a Julia match in January like right around

This time of year but I was told by njpw sources that this has not been a possibility in like 6 months now we had reported that Mercedes had been in talks with aew and she is expected to join the company now I’m going to have to probably explain what expected means to

People who speak the English language an awful lot in the next couple of months but she is expected to join the company I haven’t seen a contract I haven’t had anyone from the company or Mercedes tell me that she signed a contract that doesn’t mean I can’t suspect it that

Doesn’t mean I can’t take context clues and apply it that doesn’t mean I can’t follow leads on the situation she’s expected to join aew from a personal perspective me right now on January 8th I would be shocked if she did not join all elite wrestling based on the

Information that I have that’s what is happening with Mercedes there is an expectation that she will be all Elite and for me there is a suspicion that she already is recalling his time with TNA Wrestling Eric Bishoff said this about a rumor of him bringing so many X WWE Stars to the

Promotion noting on his 83 weeks podcast I used to tell Dixie Carter all the time when she wanted to bring in big names and I get busted for that look at all the WWE guys you brought in TNA I didn’t bring them in I didn’t even bring me in

I didn’t even want the job that was Dixie Carter who brought in sting MC Foley and Kurt Angle and Christian Cage and so many others before I ever got there responding to complaints online about imp faing off against Griff Garrison on aew collision Adam Copeland said this un busted open radio because

Long after I’m gone Griff Garrison will be there at aew just like bad news Brown showed me or just like Rick Martell showed me or just like Tom Pritchard showed me or Pat Patterson showed me or Michael Hayes showed me or Brett Hart showed me I’m in that stage of my career

So if I can get in there with Griff Garrison what is a 30 second match going to do for Griff Garrison but suddenly now you get a couple whoa he almost took that thing all right well now now you add in the element of story of like okay

Copeland took this kid maybe a little lightly and there’s something to him it’s also an opportunity for him to get on a microphone it’s an opportunity for reps in front of an audience that will have eyes actually watching because there’s a character in there that they

Know that to me is all that needs to be said if he can get in there and we have 5 minutes of time in there I feel like he can learn more in that 5 minutes than he would in probably 200 matches with people of the same experience and I know

That sounds kind of cocky and egotistical but that’s the way it was for me when I was his age and that’s what this is I believe it to be but that’s why that’s why I want to work a guy like Griff Garrison that’s why put

Me in with Dante Martin or Lee Mor arti or Zach zodiac this is a part within the story that Christian Cage and I are telling where we can do this and add another layer in the final book that is this story that’s so fun to me I think

Nowadays people are just so why isn’t it this why isn’t it this why isn’t it right now right now right now right now right now and if you give them right now well they did it too quick this is another chapter while they continue to write more chapters on their end I’m

Going to write it over here on this end and there’s always a plan and sometimes like my favorite story is when I was growing up and I know it’s a different time but Steamboat Savage let him wrestle for a year following a match from a ew Dynamite Brian Cage would show off his

Bruises posting this to Instagram making a plea for aew to do away with blood Road dog said on his own you didn’t no podcast about it not being needed in matches I say don’t go back to doing it we’ve evolved beyond that man it’s so unclean it can’t be any more

Unclean than just blood there’s enough accidents that happen where I just don’t feel like it’s needed if I’m I’m a father of daughters and we’re watching wrestling and that comes on we’re turning the channel and if I’m a father of boys I maybe turning it too there’s a

Reason the other place aew ain’t doing no numbers they show this kind of stuff and they do that kind of stuff and it can’t be popular for the mass population if you want to do big business you want Mass consumption so you sacrifice a few

Things and I feel like that’s one of the things you sacrifice in a video on X Juju mufu can be seen breaking Rob Van Dam’s record for split-legged deadlifting by going up to 180 lbs here’s the clip yeah Rob vanam replied what a vantastic job touching on his time in WWE when Vince

McMahon was in charge of creative Ellie Knight said this about his time as Max Dupri to Chris Van vet Vince McMahon had a vision for this thing that put such a microscope on it and I didn’t know what the hell it was and it just wasn’t going

Well I was very unhappy and I’m sure he probably was and then at some point it was just like all of a sudden I’m not on TV and I’m like well I’m pretty sure I’m fired I’m pretty sure this whole ride is over over giving details on WWE’s idea for

His tag team with Randy Orton Matt riddle told signed by Superstars plan was well we were hoping for it I don’t want to really say how because if I do return and then we do the story yeah I would say eventually all teams eventually turn on each other I don’t

Want to give the spoiler of who was going to turn on who riddle then said this about a reunion with Randy Orton I look at it like this my big thing if I were to come back I’d really like to finish the story with Randy unfortunately he got hurt and the other

Thing too even with Pete Dunn it was unfortunate Co happened I feel like I never got to finish the story with the broser weights seems like I always have unfinished business with my tag team partners I would say unless one of us passes away it’s a guarantee that I’ll

Reunite with Orton one way or another I mean ideally it would probably be in the e but I don’t see how it wouldn’t happen there’s no way I mean I’m going to get to Randy one way or another for that same interview Matt riddle mentioned that there were plans for him

To win the men’s Money in the Bank match in 2022 saying want to hear something else cool I was supposed to win money in the bank but Vince McMahon really likes Austin Theory and literally hours before they changed it and Austin was added in and threw me off the ladder after I took

Two huge ladder bumps off the RKO and everything else and it’s like but I love Austin Theory and I’m happy for him keep killing it bro also Matt riddle said this to signed by Superstars about his previous interview segment in WWE with Seth Rollins where Rollins brought up Riddle’s divorce was

The promo scripted between me and Seth Rollins Not only was it scripted I told Seth to say it I said you know there’s already all this Flack and whatever crap going on I was like yeah sure in a press release WWE revealed who will be replacing Kevin Dunn who recently

Departed the company WWE a subsidiary of TKO group Holdings is pleased to announce the recent edition of seasoned media professional Lee fitting as the head of media and production WWE President Nick Khan expressed his enthusiasm about Lee fittings appointment stating Lee is an exceptional leader and executive

Renowned for his work that Garners both critical Acclaim and Broad audience appeal We Believe Lee will make an outstanding addition to our already Stellar team in media and production and he will play a pivotal role in propelling WWE’s growth Lee fitting brings with him an extensive background in production spanning over two decades

Primarily from his tenure at ESPN at ESPN fitting over saw production for major Flagship properties such as Monday night football college game day the college football playoff and various other assets within the Disney portfolio go following his segment with The Rock from last week Jinder Mahal would come

Face to face with World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins on the most recent episode of Raw speaking about this Raj giri wrote on X these guys do have history Seth Rollins defeated Jer Mahal in the tournament finals to become the first NXT champion the current home of raw USA Network replied what was the

Cage match rating this is seemingly in reference to a eew president Tony Khan using the cage match website ratings to boast about his booking in the company con then replied a moral victory for USA is one win more than their world title Challenger Jinder Mahal has in the past

364 days because it’s been literally a full year since he won a match you really put aw in our place getting Jinder Mahal in a big match on your TV show do it more often Khan also said a double standard hook 28-1 career record on winning Street calls out the champ a

Logical challenge online outrage Ginder has literally lost every single match he’s in for the past year immediately gets title shot where is the rage # aw Dynamite on TBS Jinder Mahal then replied to Khan writing who the f is hook watch Monday Night Raw on USA Network Monday 8:00 p.m. Eastern former

WCW president Eric Bishoff even chimed in on Khan’s comparison with hook replying with a clown Emoji KH replied with a picture that reads get out of my sight you miserable has been Bishop then said groundbreaking miserable has been Jonathan Coachman also said this to Tony khon’s reply to the USA Network we also

Used to get amused at fans who counted wins like wrestlers earned them hell if Vince wanted I could have been world champion but the storyline didn’t support it it’s about the story clearly not wins in a predetermined space thought a boss would understand that a fan then wrote Tony forgets that he

Literally gave abdon a title shot after being off aew TV for over a year the same exact situation is gender Eric Bishoff asked Khan if this was true or a bot Khan replied no Bishoff not true at all abidon returned to aew plus then they won a four-way match on TNT against

Other great wrestlers to earn a title shot which is completely different than someone going a full year losing every match they’re in Plus getting a title shot without a single win Khan then said to Bishop reading would be your friend deric bishof then said oh kid my reading

Comprehension skills are wizard likee by the way that was one of Dave meltzer’s Wicked comebacks whenever he’d get called out on his BS coincidence or are you really that deep and this was was your pro wrestling news update I hope you’re all having a great day thank you so much for watching

And I will see yall later


  1. I'm so tired of the aew hate. It seems like to stay a wrestling fan, you have to saty away from wrestling fans…

  2. honestly aew was the nuts in the beginning, a really good mix of big stars and home grown talent. now its like its its like the wheels are falling off. also tony needs to seriously shut up hes starting to sound like a prime dixie carter

  3. People underestimate TK, and trust me he’ll smart them! Doing this is really good for business marks my words!

  4. I can't wait till THE ROCK IS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!! I will go out and blindly vote for him ASAP because I cheer for him in a wrestling ring I know I can trust him. Yes!!!!!!

  5. It would be nice to see a match with Goldberg and riddle if only riddle is high af and accidentally kicks Greenberg in the head 😂

  6. Bro, EVERYONE knows what happened with WCW…. its no secret for anyone who was a fan of that company, i still miss wcw had many fond memories. and don't get me started on road dogg talking about color, that dude used to crotch chop and tell people to suck it… one could argue with the whole "i'd change the channel" comment, but at the end of the day, ive never been a fan of brian james as a performer i always dug his tag team partners more so.

  7. Why wwe and Riddle split?
    Love this channel. I've been looking for a good spot to answer my wrestling questions for years.
    Since I'm at it, why did Sanity split? I never got an answer on that one.

  8. So in other words "she's expected to join" doesn't mean a damn thing. 😂 Personally, I wish she'd just show up somewhere so we can move on already. 😒

  9. According to Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful Select,

    Mercedes Mone is in talks with AEW and is expected to sign with them.

    Another indicator that the former Sasha Banks will become All Elite,

    A place has already been reserved for her at the "What The #&%@ Was I Thinking Coming Here" Table in Catering! 😁

  10. we are in a different era a different mindset with wrestling n wat angers me is ppl like Eric bitchoff vince russo n jim cornette flapping their gums talking about a product they have since lost touch on…Eric n Vince killed WcW y? Cuz they suck hence why Vince don't n didn't want to work with them shoot even Triple H is smart enough not to bring those losers in….

  11. Road Dogg needs to shut up how is blood a rating tanker if blood is everywhere in MMA in movies yet the ratings for those are high very high so to talk shyt about Aew using blood didn't Becky Lynch bleed vs Nia didn't La knight bleed vs Orton n styles??? Ugh these old folks need to sit down and shut up….

  12. As some one whose worked in training and development (not in wrestling), I think Adam Copeland has the right idea, and the correct approach. Hes got all that experieence and that legend status and he just wants to share that around with all the younger guys. I think thats fantastic. Not just for AEW, but for the industry as a whole. The product in general will only benefit from guys like Edge doing stuff like that.

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