My 1st IN THE BAG As a SPONSORED Disc Golfer!!!


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Let’s talk about my in the bag now that I’ve had time to actually throw some discs and this is actually the end of my trip to Georgia so we’re going to play the back n here at little mury Park you probably seen this in a lot of swimy

Videos we didn’t have time to collaborate this time the J Pack schedule with some guys back there and you guys will see a ton of content that we were able to film coming out pretty soon but we’re going to start here on whole 10 play the back n and talk

Through my in the bag so far this year to be honest for me the bag isn’t that important this is kind of my travel bag it’s the discology OG V2 I don’t have a bag sponsored right now I don’t know if I’ll have one for the year it’s

Not right now in the plans or the cards but this is one I travel with I have some bags Linked In the descriptions of the videos if you want to check them out and use my affiliate codes but we’re going to actually start with the distance drivers and then work our way

Down because most of these discs are infinite right now there’s three discs that are not infinite discs I don’t know if I’m going to be keeping the bag the way that it is I think there’s going to be some things that do need to change just based off of like hand fuel

Throwing maybe a couple slots I don’t think that are still like waiting to be filled but a little bit of overlap and so in the distance drivers right now I bag four discs I did bag five I actually brought an ey blend Pharaoh that I didn’t end up throwing on any holes but

I lost it in the field on a second shot too flippy that one so be in you guys remember literally yesterday’s video I was talking about how I lose this on second shots all the time and we left the park and I realized that I never picked it up if you guys have

Questions about the hair don’t have questions about the hair we have 930t par five kind of down this hill and then sneaking back we’re going to try there’s no win right now to just throw a really big turnover we’re going to be throwing this s blend Pharaoh I think

This and there’s one other disc on the website right now on my infinite page they’re going to be restocking early next week so if you want like a Spinx or Roman hopefully those will come back on but we’re just going to try to throw a big high turnover and then we’ll throw

These other ones as well just to show you the difference no way dude I need to put that a little bit wider I thought I got over those trees the next one that I’m going to be throwing is this island Emperor this is pretty overstable I’ve been surprised at the overstability here

Like I can really trust it on flexes and know we’re going to be throwing that disc not this time cuz I just threw the most Shankle beforehand ever here’s a good example of what that iand Emperor fly is like I’m playing a different course you guys will see that video

Coming soon super sick place and it brings us to the more straight distance driver which is the Finish Line interval this thing kind of had to come in back in the bag and it’s more I would say like 11 and 1 half speed it has a very

Full rim it kind of feels like a 12-speed but it flies so tight on its lines it doesn’t move a lot left to right and so this came back in the bag just for like really woodsy shots and the last one is a really Dependable Emperor I actually brought the Conqueror

But is not in my back right now I don’t think that I need it when I have this in the bag and you’ll see why here in a second the Conqueror that I have the Halo one is not as overstable as I expected it’s very comparable to this

And maybe that’s just cuz this is a very overstable Emperor that’s better good over stability again pretty poor shot but what are you going to do the distance driver selection from infinite I think is really good there’s not a lot of lack there and honestly the interval like

Doesn’t need to be in my back I could absolutely get away with throwing a zar I keep getting like DMS from people who are like this is what I think all of infinite molds are like and so the list them all out so I appreciate people who

Except me that but a lot of people think that it’s either atrex or like a wraith top T-Rex bottom or a mix of those two but the Zars that I’ve thrown have been very straight not a lot of left to right movement cuz it is an 11 speed and so

It’s very similar to what you want out of an interval but the interval just fits so comfortably in my hand and I really like the forth plastic that for now it’s going to stay in it’s like straight down and you need it to turn for a while and then get back there you

Know what we’ll throw this one why not I BL EMP this is like the most pop top disc ever it’s kind of crazy I like hope that this will eventually get beaten cuz right now it’s like not even really popping up for me I really have to force

It over but it holds an it’s kind of Interesting go go go go so that’ll be down there for a potential eagle look I think it just stabled out a little too much it still like has so much late finish we have the interval out here I’ll kind of show you some beef of this

Guy and I don’t think we have any more distance driver holes unfortunately I kind of found that to be the case here in Georgia so far that there’s just not a lot of driver holes but a lot of like mids as you guys will see when we get

Down there it’s the least comfortable part of the lineup right now for me just throw interval kind of flat down there so like look at how tight of a line that’s holding higher flip up the flat super chill it’s a tree dang it that was going

To be Park dude I’d like almost think that this is the Calvin 2021s just show you how this kind of fights out of it like it’s getting down there like I threw that so nose down so far downhill and it got out of it and skipped to a putt pretty sweet pitch

That guy up let see these other drivers got to the interval one of these stupid trees oh yeah it’s right down here the other Emperor is at 35 ft and this is where this right now is like almost too usable to be my overstable distance

Driver so I might want to get like a conqueror that is very very understable or maybe even try to get a flat conqueror no Eagles for me today baby I will also say as we’re walking the whole 11 that this is not going to be the final in the

Bag of the year at all kind of funny the pro tour just announced kind of registration stuff I am planning on making a couple trips as I book that travel I’ll announce some stuff around that I’m going to try to be at five stops this year I should be there no

Matter what it’s just going to depend on what I’m able to get into but the content surrounding it should be worth it no matter what for me let’s talk nine speeds and up for this next hole cuz I actually have a decent bit of them and then we’ll get kind of the slower

Fairways I have these five two of them I think are pretty much the same that I was wanting to mess around with but we have the swirly es blend Roman which has my stamp on it which this has become my favorite disc in the lineup more than

Likely it kind of es and flows day by day which one I like more and more and then a step up in stability from that but down in speed this is like a neutral to overstable 10 speed is the scepter and this Halo team stamped one pretty

Flat pretty glidey on a turn like it wants to hold it but it will always fight out of it and so this is one of the more overstable sceps that I’ve seen so far I’m hoping to find some really if you want but I haven’t seen that yet th

Last blend Dynasty is very good kind of the flip up that you want it’ll flip to turn if I throw it like driven enough instead of like kind of swoopy your nose up and so very nice like kind of woods can work through some stuff or throw on

Some highers when I need to so kind of compliments the Roman and maybe they’ll become like one of the same for me I don’t know which one I’ll end up throwing but we have those and then finally two Sphinx we have a Halo Sphinx and a metal fake sphin the Halo Sphinx

Here is definitely a little more overstable than this metal fck one and I’ve actually been loving this for like some really wooded shapes and then also like really like like power rollers almost o I like this play oh yes Anthony that is so that’s huge dude curl dude I think that curl

They do flip a little bit fast but this Halo one like really wants to hold for a while it’s also a little bit domier than this metal fck glow one both are definitely solid and I think the Sphinx is going to have place in my bag for a

Long time here but we’re going to a basket straight to the left we’re going to start out with the Roman Oh that’s an ugly tree really like that shot I thought was going to skip all the way up there here’s a sphinx a little more flip up in the basket please skip in oh tree what I’ve noticed so far is that infinite seems to excel in their drivers and their Fairway

Categories a little drop at the end there I’m not sure if I’m going to be putting with those for the whole season you guys honestly probably already know what they are those are the alpacas but for now we’ll for sure keep using them just try to train myself a little bit on

Using a little bit better wrist because they do feel my hands almost a little too much cuz I like the overstability I like the Glide but because of how big they are I feel like I can’t generate good enough spin consistently to have the flight that I want all the time that

Being said I am putting well with them for the most part partially because of practice but also because they are really good Putters the this is kind of the thing like if you hold your hand up to a putter this is what my hand looks like it’s likely smaller than most of

Your guys’ hands it fills my hand lengthwise from here to here like a lot and so it means sometimes that I don’t either get a full grip or if I have a looser more typical putter grip instead of really trying to get into it I’ll

Like fall out of my hands a little bit more instead of spitting it I’m not trying to let that be an excuse I’m trying to teach myself to compensate for that instead of just letting it be what it is and so I am still going to continue to practice putting with these

For a decent bit all have to say if I did have a shallower putter that had a lot of these characteristics I would be able to use less of my hands like this putter we’ll get to it in a second it feels much less in my hands and I feel

Like I can have a lazy grip or an important grip and like I’m able to spin it significantly easier then like fiddling with my grip and then like doing more work to spin it so I guess when we were talking about 9 and 10 speeds the guy who is behind me actually

Knows the channel so he’s like yeah it’s okay you can keep all that in but the next two discs that we’re going to talk about are The Exodus the Halo Exodus here and the James Proctor Centurion what I’ve heard from these is that this is the old Eagle Elmo this is very Dy

And honestly pretty stiff but I still like the way this thing flies for sure got some birdies with it but this James Proctor Centurion is what some people have said the leopard bottom and the FD top like the original Inova FD and so this guy is like higher flip up forever

Beautiful shot you might have seen a no you will on Instagram all thr there’s a chicken coupole that we played at a course which we played the whole course really cool course called Lula and I threw this as like a second shot for fun and it just kind of flips up the whole

Way in this chicken coop so weird but these two discs I think compliment one another very well this reminds me of like my bead in strikes it’s slightly flipper to start out with so I don’t trust the late stability I’m going to need to mess around with some more

Centurions cuz I really love the the feel of them and then the Exodus I don’t know if it has a place to stay I really like it right now I’m going to test it out in some other Plastics and if I can find like a swirly esin one like more in

This Roman plastic where it’s O that just feels so good maybe it is the maybe I don’t know let’s know you really want it to kind of push and glide down the hill and so we’re going to throw Centurion first and then I’ll show you

The exus but this one I think if we pop on heer even throwing slow it’s going to it’s going to want to get up I mean it’s very small like for some people this is going to be too small of a disc which you don’t typically have not my problem

Baby this like look at that pop up got through everything I think we’re putting from Circle one and now the Exodus I’m going to try to throw it very similarly but it’s not going to pop up at all okay weirdest thing ever just happened no idea how much you I’m going

To go back and check how much you saw so not even sure if you got the full Exodus flight because it looks like my like battery died I thought it was fully charged so that’s weird but Exodus doesn’t really flip up as much as the Centurion so I hope to find either an

Overstable Centurion or just mess around with the Plastics more of the exitus but the catch well but moving on to the Potter lineup including approach this cuz why not right now I don’t have that much and I’m not quite okay with that I’m missing something absolutely I’m putting with these alpacas I’m throwing

Surprisingly I’m actually throwing this alpaca more than I expected to it is very deep for my hands but I also like that it’s kind of teaching me like kind of a modified fan grip in a way because of how deep it is like I can’t fully power grip this otherwise I’m going to

Grip like it or it feels like I’m going to but subscribe of course and then I have the proxy here and frankly these de this de blend out pack flies almost identical to this just a little slower so I’ve been reaching for it a good bit

I want something that I can really like beat in to be a stupid flippy putter cuz this proxy is like straighter than I expected I really want it to be like higher flip but it’s just really straight finally the last approach this that we have is the Zone I was going to

Bring out the ruin cuz I have I bagg the ruin for a couple videos and a couple rounds and I bagged this for a couple rounds and ESP zone I’m still trying to figure out the approach lot I’m not sure if I love the Zone I think it’s a little

Bit more reliable than the ruin probably just because of the puddle top so it has less Glide cuz the ruin is like the rat top so flat maybe slight dome but I find myself having a little less trust with it maybe that’s just time with the disc

But I also have like rolled it a couple more times where I don’t think my zones would do the same so I’m not sure if it’s going to be Zone not sure if it’s going to be ruined I probably mess around with the Rays as well which is

Kind of ax3 like we’ll have to end up seeing I might mess around with some other P this as well we’ll throw a subscribe first so that if it actually counts everybody who’s watching this video legally has to subscribe if you like throw it on anheiser it’ll really

Hold it if you throw it flat it’ll really hold it if you throw it an Hiser It’ll like push but it won’t flip so I’m having to learn that and I’m also kind of wanting to like throw this into the the ground so it will flip that’s what I think that’s what I

Mean like the release with it is very inconsistent for me I really like how it flies I just similar to my putt I love how it putts I just don’t like how I putt it I love how it flies I just don’t like how I throw it which is a little disappointing disappointing

Physiologically not because of the disc super straight we’ll also throw these putting Putters but the end one I’ll P us drifty that was drifty I like that flight that’s exactly what I mean I thought it higher flip cuz of the way that one drifted and it didn’t so good example I

Guess that can do it What we can’t do it we can’t do it at all I’m definitely going to need to play around with some more companies in their discs but especially there are some companies that are like mainly distributed by infinite but play around with some more Clash actually saw I

Think I have something from Clash on the way which we didn’t talk about so it looks like they’re just hooking it up but there’s some companies like that including Finish Line which is honestly partially the reason I have the inter in my bag as well as obviously I’m friends

With Drew Gibson so okay we’re going to go through the straight Gap where did that miss this next toll is definitely a mid-range hole so let’s chat about the mids that are in my bag and if I’m missing any slots or if I feel like that

Or something is weird maybe is who knows I do you’re about to find out nice Ms are especially needed at a course like this where it is much more woodsy and like a lot of these holes would be mid-range holes but I’ve been holding off and the mids that currently I’m

Bagging are actually only two molds and they’re infinite molds and they cover most slots with the Zone they almost cover everything but the zone is a little too straight like if you throw it really hard I need something that fights a little bit more like an ultra maybe

Like disia md5 that’s one that I really want to mess around with a little bit more we have the Inca which some people have told me is a big bead Rock 3 the flight out of this thing is really good we’ll actually throw it at the first

Disc here just cut I was really wrong about these on the first like overall First Impressions video with all infinite mold these are definitely very overstable but the disc that fits in my hand a little bit better right now from infinite is the Chariot shout out to Joel Freeman because without even

Knowing what he was doing he hooked me up with exactly what I needed for this trip I have this ey blend Chariot that infinite sent me initially which is not quite as over stable as this Inca but is like relatively close and I think I could probably find a Halo Chariot that

Would rival or close to rival this Inca this is 5501 this is 5503 but I call it more 5502 and then we have this metal flake one which is just so straight just like almost like what you think an md1 would be like honestly I put this up to

An old Innova made md3 at my buddy’s house who I’m staying with and it looked almost the exact same like very very very minimal differences of any at all and then this color glow C blend one is like almost like a midnight prow 2 like I had brought midnight prow 2os to

Potentially use in the fieldwork day and I was like this is a midnight PR 2 so I don’t even need that so to be completely honest with you guys this disc I think is really good I don’t know if it’s going to make my bag for the season I’m

Honestly carrying it around and throwing it more so that we can sell out of them on infinite and then if they want to restock they can do what they need just to sell more of their stock of them really good disc one that doesn’t quite fit my hand super well and so very

Similar to these alpacas when I throw it I love the flight out of it I just don’t love my releases of it the K Tiki for super flippy I definitely want to try out haven’t gotten the chance to yet but I’m sure I’ll get one sign out I just

Have to ask I just haven’t asked yet cuz I’ve been too busy with some other stuff but this hole is about 280 it’s kind of up this Gap so we’re going to try to throw through that Center gap on a turnover with this hopefully give us a birdie

Look so it’s not that overstable I really I mean I give that to business this is the Chariot for Reference I’ll show you guys those flights again again just so you can see the difference they’re pretty similar the Inca is definitely more overstable that’s the shot see like you’d think it would start fighting out but it like starts to get on Hiser but still pushes that way which is so unique

Oh God I hit my chest you saw it flipped a lot I’ll play like actual play which I think again I’m going to show you the difference between this proxy and the alpaca but really just want to I mean if you put this thing on turn it like

Pushes straight on the turn where it’s proxy might turn more like that just keeps gliding proxy I think we almost do the exact same turn a little bit better and like turning a little more but also a little more nose not right up the middle and show you how these chariots will fly

Slightly differently okay so you see luckily got through that lucky Gap and like faded out of it and skipped up to the left there it is better a little bit more gentle of a turn but it has the turn so I wonder if you beat it in in

More if it’ll get there I do like the real Turin of the midnight prow 2 luckily there’s still a good amount of time to figure out my bag and I’m not going to be as dogmatic with my bag this year as I was this last year this year

I’m going to let my bag evolve probably going to mean almost no changes but there are some discs that might change my mind so lots of room to continue learning growing figuring things out as I like them I feel like I’ve been able to play pretty solid with just these

Discs if you want to check out all of like that level up series level 1 2 and three playing in Denver definitely go check those out I’ll leave 3 which is my favorite one cuz I designed that course linked right up here but lots and lots of really fun content from this Georgia

Trip with three tring pros I’m going to leave you hopefully with a ace otherwise you might see like two shots and then I go Cry hope you enjoyed the shank jobs see you maybe tomorrow maybe not who knows bye


  1. So I also have the baby hands issue and a Link and a Nomad putt beautifully for me … But , they do have a small bead.

  2. All my local courses. So cool to see them up on your channel. Can you rank these courses from fav to least? Heritage, Sandy, Lula, mulberry for me

  3. Metal Flake Color Glow Drew Gibson Scepter is super beef. Pretty sure it's more beefy than the Halo version. Don't think it has as much glide tho

  4. Have you tried Logics? Probably a little less glide than you're used to, but they are reliably stable and very low profile – can't recommend enough!

  5. Star City Shootout in Lincoln, Nebraska is an A-Tier event in May at one of the best courses in the country (Beal Slough) and for sure the best in state if you need suggestions for events to go to💯😂

  6. Love seeing the different discs you take and add with your infinite stuff, loved the music in the background, great video as usual. Fire haircut👀

  7. Let me guess. 🤔You either lost a bet to Drew😂. Or..your got to the same barber. Or..or..Hes super inspirational to you😄. Nah im playing. Good luck out there this year. Ps. Pharoah,Aztec or Maya and Centurion is definitely nice! 😎🤙

  8. Big bead Roc3… sounds interesting for me xD But also I am loving my eMac Truth (fuzion straight in most weather, fuzion-X with a dome almost overstable) so I think it would be a very unnecessary overlap to have 😛

    Loving that your discs sell pretty good from what I can see. You forgot to talk more about the hair but hey I guess there will be 5 videos within 2 weeks to expand on it 😉

  9. With my smaller hands my putter of choice is between the Reko, or the Popcorn. I haven’t tried the Fudge from clash discs but, I feel like the numbers would work with your putting style.

  10. The MFCG Centurions are a tick more os than the Halo. I found the black centy with white halo to be the beefiest of the halos.

  11. What you said about Georgia courses being more midrange heavy is totally factual. I learned the game of disc golf on Georgia woods courses, so that's the style of play I built my bag around. But then I moved to Florida this year and I'm having to overhaul my bag to fit the more open, longer park style courses here.

  12. Great series hearing your process.
    THis is something I can really realte to with all these reflections and decisions when building a bag.
    Thanks for the content

  13. Obviously a cash paying sponsorship would be king for a bag deal, but if you can't find ANYTHING, then Upper Park's Ambassador program has PayPal kickbacks when people use your code. And you have the pull to probably make that worthwhile.

  14. Wait you were here in GA? Did you happen to play Perkerson ??

    WAIT YOU PLAYED SANDY?? thats my old "home" course from when my wife was getting her PhD!

  15. In Europe it is very hard to get Infinite Discs. It makes it a bit harder to relate to the videos and be interested. I hope you will throw more other brands in the future. I didn't think "open bag" would mean 90% infinite. I respect that you want to thank your sponsor though.

  16. The Kon Tiki might be a good scramble disc for you in situations where you can't get a full swing. It's as understable as the numbers so I kind of doubt you would use it very much especially where you like throwing flex shots with mids. Would be cool to see you try it out though!

  17. So I’m excited you are sponsored, but I would still like to see a variety of company’s molds in your bag. I know it’s your choice, but I figured I’d write an honest review as a viewer and let you know I don’t really have an interest in infinite molds and therefore I check out when you’re on your 5th video talking about emperors.

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