THE TRUTH About the Costco Kirkland Signature Driver?!

Could the new Kirkland Signature Driver simply be a rebranded Mizuno STX? Some exciting findings!!

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#costco #kirklandsignature #golf

Could this Kirkland Signature $199 driver simply be a clone or a rebranded Mizuno driver on today’s episode we’re going to dive deep we’re going to do the detective work and we’re going to try to find out so all of this came about because I did a review of

This Kirkland Signature driver I also sent one of these drivers to James Robinson on the other side of the pond and on both of those videos there were comments saying that a mauno tip and shaft combination could fit and be inserted into a Kirkland Signature driver now why does that matter well of

Course that matters because this driver comes with an even flow shaft but that’s it there’s a regular and a stiff no other options and people like to have options there is no shaft out there on the market that’s going to fit well for everybody each swing is a little bit

Different your swing speed is going to be different from mine going to be different from James’s and so could we find a budget alternative to be able to Simply swap out the shafts that’s why this matters so luckily I’ve got a couple of the mauno drivers from 20123

Here in my studio I have both the STX as well as the stz from 2023 and to my shock and awe that shaft tip did fit now it’s not the same exact tip there’s much more adjustability on the mauno tip than there is on the Kirkland tip the Kirkland only has four adjustment

Options you can go up or down a degree and then you can give it a drop bias or just have the standard setup the Muno gives you the option to go up at least 2° down 2° and you can also change the lie on that club so much more

Adjustability but it does fit and that is super interesting because if you look at these drivers from the top of all the drivers last year this Kirkland Signature most matches the mauno drivers with this carbon fiber Crown up at the top on this glossy black finish now

Between the STX and the stz to my eye I think this looks a lot like an STX I was super happy about that honestly because last year if you saw my reviews of the mauno drivers I preferred the X over The Z which was surprising because in 2022 I

Definitely preferred the Z but last year I preferred the X so I was prettyy happy that this most match the X turning over both of these drivers they both have a Tungsten weight there at the back no other adjustability which is very interesting although the finishing on

The bottom of the Muno is definitely a notch above the Kirklands and you wouldn’t expect any different because that driver is double the price now looking at the face it looked even more similar and now I’m starting to think gosh this could be the exact same driver

Oh and on the Costco website mauno is actually a driver that Costco sells right now you can go check it out and find out that they sell the STX and stz which adds another twist to this whole Saga so yeah there’s a compelling argument to be made I think that these

Drivers May in fact be the same so the next thing I had to do was was literally take both heads weigh them and measure them so first putting these on the scale as you can see they are not exactly the same they’re a few grams off from each

Other I then took out my calipers and as you can see yes that is just slightly different as well while that face looks basically identical in terms of shape the length and the width measurements are not exactly the same again that doesn’t necessarily rule out that these

Weren’t made by Muno or weren’t at least a clone by Kirkland Signature trying to make a mauno or thirdly made in the same Factory as the mauno which could also be the case but these aren’t exactly exactly the same heads well the nice thing again having the option to put the

Mauno tip shaft into this head is that I get to test it and let’s see head-to-head if the Kirkland Signature can actually hang with the mauno STX from 2023 I’d say it’s got a pretty good chance since I thought it hung pretty well with my tsr3 now before we get

Started two things I got to say first off thank you to playb Who provided the GC quad that we’re going to use here for the stats and the comparisons has the best prices on the internet for the GC quad as well as many of the launch monitors you even

See behind me here they stock it all they got the best prices on the internet and they’ve got the best customer service in the business secondly I want to thank you the subscriber of this Channel and if you’re not already subscribed this is your chance to do it

But it’s because of the let’s playthrough community and the wonderful comments that I see that allows me to take these deep Dives which you don’t see too many other places here on YouTube so thank you let’s get to work all right so what we’re going to do is

Hit a number of shots with both this mauno STX as well as the Kirkland Signature driver here I’m going to hit a few with the mauno switch to the Kirkland go back and forth a couple of times until we’ve got some good data to take a look at let’s do

It got to say the mauno feels very good at impact good sound great feel feeling coming off that mauno head I would say it does sit just a little like toe up at a dress it looks like which is interesting all right there’s five good ones with the Mauna and now we’re going

To fit the Kirkland head to that same spot I am playing these at 11 1/2 today in case you’re wondering because on the last video people said I could get a little bit more distance if I had a little bit more launch a little higher trajectory so that’s what we’re

Trying to do now we are going to see red shot traces here with the Kirkland Signature head shape-wise it looks very similar at a dress maybe just slightly draw biased I would say it doesn’t sit as toe up though as that Muno to my eye at least

Felt just as good when it goes off the center of the club face I’ll tell you that interestingly despite that draw face I seem to be fading the ball more with this club all right well we’re going to switch back now to the Muno hit five more shots and keep going here that

Spin number is pretty nice there though 227 three very healthy spin number for my type of Swing it’s not too low not too high taking a look at that early dispersion map as you can see that best drive there right now is with the Kirkland Signature nothing’s blowing me

Away though here for distance just yet but my club head speed’s down a little bit too I’m at 96 so I’m going to try to get the club head speed up just a bit here on this second batch of swings as I warmed up all right there’s five more switching

Back to the Kirkland I’ll tell you what I think this Kirkland Signature driver sits better into this shaft at least it seats a little easier going in than the mauno so interestingly the tolerance is a little better on the Kirkland Signature with this particular tip

That’s not even made for it I don’t know if that means anything random fact pretty good one yeah you know when you hit him well boy it does feel good coming off that club face with the Kirkland another good one there just the peak height is better it

Looks like with this Kirkland Signature driver probably my worst swing with the Kirkland it was off the toe a little bit but in terms of total stat there that wasn’t too bad and in fact I’d say that was a pretty forgiving result for where I hit that on the club face which was

About there oh we finally got over 260 with the Kirkland second time only I think all right one more and then switching back to the mauno slightly low on the club face which is why that one didn’t go quite as far all right I’m switching back to the mauno I

Think after we hit these next five shots we’ll have some really good data to look at interestingly I don’t know if it’s cuz that toe is up but this one just wants to go left a little bit more on me maybe it’s the aerodynamics too just

Coming through the air I don’t know what it is I feel like I’m taking the the exact same swings though good one there I think the feel may even be better with the Kirkland soundwise really similar if you blindfold me I don’t think I could tell you which is

Which oh that felt good there’s a little bit more of a compressed feeling with the Kirkland and there’s a little bit more of a solid with the mauno it could go either way they both are good I don’t think there’s one better than the other but I’m just telling you

What I’m experiencing here feels more solid with the Mizuno more powerful but the numbers aren’t any different and it’s definitely launching lower absolutely launching lower for some reason that’s a good one there all right one more and we’re going to have some really interesting data to look

Over oh yeah good way to end it okay so I would say all in all of those 15 Swings with each Club I would say 14 with each were pretty darn good okay now on average it seemed like the Muno launched lower I don’t think I’m taking

Any different swings of the Muno so I don’t know if it’s aerodynamics I don’t know if it’s that toe up that I’m seeing I really don’t but I will say I think I’ve got got 14 really good Swings with each to compare to we’re going to knock

Just a couple out here woo actually felt pretty good about that driver swing here today I got to say so I did my best to take the same swings let’s see what the stats say in terms of Club head speed 98.1 to 98.7 so with the mauno I swung

Just a little bit faster or at least it came through faster one way or the other in terms of ball speed leading the club 140 to9 to 141 that’s interesting cuz it’s not a whole lot of difference there .1 mph so at least in terms of ball speed that’s his

Apples apples as it gets but interestingly the Kirkland seems to be just a slightly more efficient Club let’s look at the smash Factor 1.43 on average with the Mauna 1.44 on average with the Kirkland just a little bit more efficient overall okay so in terms of launch angle 11.6 with the

Kirkland 10.4 with the missa and that’s what it looked like to me it looked like these were launch higher in terms of spin 1977 with the mauno 2379 with the Kirkland so what is that almost 400 RPM more spin that’s interesting with the Kirkland definitely launched higher definitely spun more and that’s helping

It reach a little bit we should have a little bit more distance but I’m not there just yet in terms of peak height 20 with the mauno to 25 with the Kirkland so that’s 5 yards 15 ft that’s a considerable height Advantage for the Kirkland now in terms of carry here’s

What I’m really interested in 232 on average with the Kirkland 228 with the mauno so again more spin more height it just reached a little bit more in terms of total 255 to 255 so there’s no difference there that little less spin with the mauno actually made it roll out

Just a little bit more so those are some very very interesting stats and look at that dispersion map there’s not a whole lot of difference there the longest drives there were the Munos interestingly enough as you can see was just a little bit longer but maybe a little bit more consistent there with

The Kirkland just one real big outlier over here as we have a few more of those mauno balls all in all you blindfold me and I don’t know if I could tell you the difference between these two drivers certainly looking down at it they’re very similar that mauno sits just a

Little bit toe up and coming off the club face I think is just a little bit more thuer more powerful feeling but that Kirkland just feels to me I mean I like a compressed feel like I like with my Adele irons I like the feel just a little bit better coming off the

Kirkland personally but again that’s very subjective terms of sound again pretty much the same these drivers are extremely similar now I’m not going to go and say that mauno built this Kirkland driver I’m not going to go that far I do think they’re different drivers but were they built in the same Factory

Possibly or at least Kirkland took a lot of design cues from this mauno with that BR that has the carbon fiber look to it with the tip that actually matches it’s so interesting that it does between these two drivers I would pick the Kirkland Signature at

$199 I don’t see anything in terms of the stats performance-wise that is going to lead me to believe that the Muno driver is any better certainly not enough to Warrant basically double the price and I think us mere mortals are going to see a lot of that as I test the

Drivers here in 2024 we’ve got the qi1 we’ve got the dark speed the Ping 10K especially I’m looking forward to for us average golfers I don’t know I just I’m going to be very curious to find out it’ll be interesting process for sure but here I would say the Kirkland at

Least on price wins out everything else pretty much the same I’m so happy that I went through this process thank you to those who commented on my video as well as James Robinson’s video telling us about this tip that is super interesting I will continue to see if there’s any

Other tips I’ll be testing all the shafts I’ve gotten here to see if any other manufacturers match up as well but the mauno certainly does so if you’ve got an old mauno driver and maybe the head’s not working for you but you love the shaft boom there you go you got an

Easy upgrade here with the Kirkland Signature head you’ve got a brand new head interestingly enough guys I hope you got something out of this video I hope you enjoyed it please do hit subscribe it helps this channel I’ll catch you back real soon on another edition of let’s play through


  1. Interesting. I just, on a lark, ordered a Costco Driver. The shaft may not be exactly what I want and it might be worth it to change the shaft if I otherwise like the driver. If Mizuno was involved in the design of the club (which could be, maybe it was based on an early prototype that never went into production) that would explain it. Who knows, if I like it better than my TM Stealth 2 then I'll play it. I'm no golf snob.

  2. This video may have won me a burrito! Me and my buddies have a bet and my guess for the K-Sig driver manufacturer was Mizuno! 🌯 😋

  3. I wish we could upload a picture…Calloway Optiforce… There is no way you can tell me…. This was not made out of the same mold.

  4. I may have missed it if you mentioned it, but the Kirkland hosel appears to be 3/8" longer, which would mean the total driver length would be 3/8" longer. Am I seeing this correctly?

  5. Given the performance is up there with the top brands for half the price or less, I'm curious to see if the Kirkland driver will have an effect on the price of drivers. The putter and wedges didn't, but the driver just might.

  6. What a super informative video Gabe! Love this channel and I always watch your reviews and comparisons I can’t wait to see you test all the new drivers and especially the Callaway versus the Taylormade. At least you have warmth down there in Canada here the left last few nights the windchill was -50 and in the daytime about -40. So guess what? We ain’t golfing! Lol all the best to you

  7. i heard from a guy, whom was alledgedly a costco employee that it was a srixon dirver.. or maybe it was the V3 k-sig ball that he was talking about. i dont remember lol

  8. Gabe on Bryan bros u wanted to talk to me. I said that my goal for 2024 is to go to single digit handicap. Right now I have 20+ handicap right now.

  9. Because the shaft tip is not identical, instead of believing the legend, I would have liked to see you adjust one or the other or both to see if you can get to a more similar angle and spin on the launch monitor and then compare carry and total. Even if you can't it would be interesting info if you could get one or the other close.

  10. Thank you for this review. You have the cojones to do this. Next one, would be to find the factory the irons are made in. See if the don’t make Taylormade 770 790 series

  11. I think ascetics wise it looks like the Hireko Acer SR1 Driver minus the capability of switching out shafts and the carbon crown. Concerning copy right laws and knock offs or clone clubs you only have to change a couple of things in order not to violate the laws. Test it against the Acer and in my opinion I think it would put out the same performance as the Kirkland. Maybe Hireko is building for Kirkland. I own a Dynacraft Driver with a adjustable hosel adaptor and the hosel adaptor for it looks the Kirkland and the adjustments are about the same.

  12. I bet there would be no significant differences if you ran statistical tests with these numbers. For practical purposes, there needs to be more in the data that would make the Mizuno worth the extra money. What might tip the balance is if one felt better than the other, given that the numbers are nearly identical, as is the dispersion. You also need to factor in the cost of the shaft. What is essential about this test is that if Costco starts to offer shaft options, they could create some critical competition for name brands.

  13. Need someone where finances are not a problem, to take off the crown of the two heads to see the internal structure and tech and see if the same or not.

  14. Great video Gabe, very intriguing. Any chance of you and James getting a round in together during the PGA Show? I rhink you would be a great addition to his "get to know you" series.

  15. A company/factory in Taiwan makes drivers for mizuno, titleist, and pxg. Looks like now also Costco. They’re all the same

  16. Interesting. I own the STX-230 in 10.5*. Similar SS was at 96-102. When fit they actually put me in a regular Ascent 50 gram shaft. I'd been stiff flex for years. Launch improved higher and spin was low. Launches really high to my eye. I was also able to feel the head better and increase SS to go 102-104 average with 30 drives 242 carry, 146 ball speed. Best was 249 carry 149 ball speed. Plus, I love the feel.

  17. Did you use the Mizuno shaft in the test? Would you pick the Kirkland even with the standard shaft or does the shaft quality from the Mizuno add something to the table?

  18. Great video Gabe! I played the Mizuno ST-Z230 this past Summer and loved it. Snagged one of the Kirkland drivers last month and took it out to SoCal to play in the Winter and it performed as good as my Mizuno just like you saw. Love the fact that I can swap shafts out and test some more this Winter. The same shaft tip seems like a smoking gun to me!

  19. Always great content Gabe! Keeping it honest and great to see comparisons from someone who doesn’t swing 115.

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