Which Club Should You Add To Your Golf Bag in 2024?


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During this time of year many golfers start re-evaluating what’s in their golf bag and find that a lot of their long irons tend to go the same distance but when they try to add hybrids to the bag that’s not always the best possible solution for them and here’s some

Reasons why you might be better served with something Else so if you find a lot of your long irons going the same distance one of the easiest places to start is by checking the Loft and line on every single iron because what tends to happen over the course of the season is we hit a lot of

Balls off a very firm surface and because those clubs are forged and tend to be a little soft they can bend a little bit so we want to make sure that we have the proper Loft and line on every single club and that way when we evaluate our distances we know that

We’re checking the right thing what’s best for you is a driving iron going to be the best is a hybrid going to be the best or maybe even a fairway wood so for a person that tends to need to hit the ball a little bit farther I think a fairway wood is always

Going to be the best bet for this person simply because not only do we get the center of mass farther back and down which creates higher launch which we talked about being one of the issues we also get a longer shaft which tends to help us create a little bit more Club

Head speed as well which should help us produce a little bit more carry so if you notice that your long irons are kind of going the same distance but you do have a lot of speed and have been known to be a bomber on the golf course then what we have to

Start looking at is how we’re actually delivering the club to the ball because because if we take someone that has a ton of speed and we give them a hybrid for example what tends to happen is that they they tend to hook that club a little too much tend to that Center of

Mass moving back and down and then it gets even more exasperated with the fairway wood so for my highspeed guys out there I would actually say working more towards a driving iron and or trying to work on creating a better delivery of the golf club to the ball

Via fixing Dynamic Loft via angle of attack is probably going to be your best solution solution so what about my person that has their long irons going the same distance but tends to create pretty good speed but isn’t quite in that bomber category well the world is their oyster

And the reason is is because they kind of get to pick whatever they want because like we said in their profile type they tend to be a pretty decent player but not quite a bomber which means they tend to hit it pretty straight and find a lot of Fairways so

If we know they’re hitting it pretty straight then we know their face to- paath relationship is probably pretty decent and they’re going to be able to get away and take advantage of that hybrid just slightly moving that Center of mass back and down and not over

Rotating the face leading to the hook so they’re definitely going to be a candidate for that hybrid but it’s always going to be best for that player to where they’re a little more skilled to go and into do a fitting and actually evaluate the different options and see

What works best for them so in conclusion if you find a lot of your clubs are going the same distance you’re always going to be best served by finding a certified expert in your area to help guide you on your journey if you find yourself in Southeastern Mich we’d

Love to help you here at measured golf or you can put some of that information that you have about your golf swing in the comments below and we’ll be sure to reach out to you and do our best to give you our recommendation as well so thanks

So much for tuning in make sure to subscribe and until next time keep Grinding

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