Golf Babe

Bringing a Different Woman to a Marriage Counselor 2 Days in a Row

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Ross @CreationsRoss
Kole @kole.clark
Jacob @jacobedwardowens
Rob @robalatorr

0:00 Intro
0:44 Going to a Marriage Counselor, Then Going the Next Day with Another Woman
7:52 Beach with fans
10:50 Following my Instacart Shopper Around the Store to Make Sure They Get What I Want
14:50 Bachelor party at Publix
18:20 Hiring a Mechanic to Cut the Brake Lines on my Ex-Wife’s Car
21:54 New Years fireworks
24:29 Outro

I’m going to a marriage counselor with my wife we just want to strengthen what we have right and then I’m going again the next day with another woman my wife Becca what we have is so special it really is but sh they don’t know about each other let’s see how the counselor

Reacts then we’re burying a treasure chest at the beach with some fans for a prank and then Jacob is following his instacart Shopper around the store just to make sure they get what he wants he has to get a ride home with them and if he can do that pick up hitchhiker then

We’re having my bachelor party at Publix and then Cole is hiring a mechanic to cut the brake lines on his ex-wife’s car and last for lighting off all these fireworks for New Year’s come On in the first session my fake name is Joe flowers and we’re making my wife sabrin look like the overly needing one while I’m just a loyal man that has to be away sometimes to provide for my family I wanted to be able to record our session and post it here without

Blurring their face so we just asked them can we record our our therapy sessions is that a if it helps I’m down yeah you can do that and Steve actually brought it up first go ahead and record our sessions so we kept recording on our secret cameras and began our session two

Dayses a week I feel like that’s not enough usually couples I have to fight with them to do one time a week I just feel like he’s not being emotionally open with me I feel like he could communicate more I really just think he’s tired I’m open to the idea of there

Being a problem but I just don’t necessarily see it okay from what I’m hearing from him there are no issues around his love for you now a man in my position obviously needs my secret kept so I had to make sure they wouldn’t snitch on me is there like a client

Confidentiality keeping it between us everything that you say stays in the room Absolutely I’ll be testing this later but for now we set our goodbyes nice to meet you all right sounds good all right I’ll wait to hear back from you guys then okay yeah great the next day my name is Ross

Summers and I’m getting counseling with my wife Becca we’re sending her in first Becca yes all right Becca cough if you’re in his office we’re going to see how they react when I walk in then we’re going to send Becca out of the room to see if they’ll

Confront me then when she gets back I’m going to leave the room to see if they’ll snitch on me and finally I’ll reveal all right I’m coming in I’m expecting them to recognize me but I’m going to play it like I’ve never seen them in my life go there he is

He so over there hey how you doing Frost Frost good to meet you did I just see you yesterday you can oh put it out grab your hband hi hi hi how you doing good how are you good have bet hey hey hey babe hey hi how you doing how you doing doing

Quite well were you just here yesterday no huh looks stupid from there here yesterday h no some turn brother uh no all right all right I just be up to come outat how often do you guys see each other we go out on dates a couple

Times a week you know seems like that lately okay I mean we have a really great relationship but I feel like we’ve we used to spend so much time together and lately like in the past year it’s like we barely ever see each other I love

Lying so that’s like a huge concern for me is there anything else it means changing your marriage I feel like because he’s gone so much it’s caused me to have a little bit of trust issues and being lied to from my past relationships being lied to the very serious concern

Was is trust issue that’s what was yeah since none of the counselors have snitched on me yet I’m going to give Becca the secret signal to leave the room and see if they’ll confront me could I use the restroom really quick it’s right there on the left thank You what’s going on man so that she’s out there now so weren’t you just here yeah yesterday yeah yeah but she doesn’t know they don’t know about each other no tell I didn’t know you up just now I don’t know I don’t know that it’s actually because of

That what are you trying to what’s your goal you’re in a pickle mhm and then we have Steve confronting me I’m just going to use the restroom really quick I want to change the subject real quickly okay the since she’s gone um pornography mhm how much of the problem is

That all Steve could think about was porn so I lifted up my glasses to see if he’d recognize me unfortunately the other cameras had glitched out but Steve continued his porn passion presentation I encourage you actually not using porn what are you doing trying to work it out

That’s why I’m here I mean I’m hoping you can help me you have to divorce one of these women you think about what she just said about trust issues and she’s concerned it’s so intense it’s not even real the adulter is not even happening feels like it is though I

Don’t think I’m going to be able to see either one of you that puts me in it I can’t honestly work with you do you know what I’m saying what are you trying to do here like have keep both afloat I just want to make sure I can keep them

Both happy you are not going to get away with this if I had to choose though could you help me choose which one can you help me choose which one no are you ever going to tell them um no you’re never going to tell I mean I’m hoping

That you can help me do this I don’t think I could do that man what are you going to do if you get pregnant I’m okay with having kids with both of them and then we had Steve he still wasn’t getting it so I had to spell it

Out thank you for keeping the confidentiality from yesterday and today she has she has no idea I was wondering consideration do you think this will continue much longer if we can resolve it in th then yeah but but that’s what we you’re she just doesn’t know how to make

Friends she has trouble making friends all right making a friend it’s kind of hard to do so I don’t blame her for having trouble find a friend that you can spend two days with and see if you even you know care about me on those days is that a realistic solution to the

Problem Oh and counselor’s on Becca side now I’m going to leave the room as a test of their confidentiality agreement all of it is you know kind of hanging men get invested very heavily into their job and career not a snitch and always always always trust your gut just trust your

Gut yeah not a snitch even if Ross was home all the time building some some kind of activities that you enjoy not a snitch then I came back in and got ready to reveal you’re not crazy I’ll be here if you need me thank you I would recommend that you see

Me then I revealed it’s all a prank this is not my actual wife we’re wearing mics microphones yeah this was fantastic that was awesome we’re at the beach cuz we have to get b-roll for a joke that we did yeah that’s the next website video we used to

Walk up and down the beach forever trying to find like a good person a prank it would take forever so now we got this electric bike and it has been such a lifesaver shut the little moments that if you don’t capture it perfectly in the actual joke you have to put them

In so that like the viewer can understand what’s happening it’s just like fake and a prank you know did you guys yell out the window we’re going to be Theos bro do you recognize him oh yeah seen it all what’s his face peeing oh man yeah you guys didn’t see

It but he ran over my gate recently yeah it’s not unex of you even though I don’t if you watch the videos you do I mean I don’t normally wear bikinis out to the beach no that’s totally dangerous hey we love you yeah hey you want to

Join us we’re just getting b-roll I don’t think we’re just going to walk out there yeah if you guys have any tasks are you guys subscribers on the website or no oh you are nice D there’s a new you just came down here on vac dude just

Moved into 17t camper that’s exciting so times have been tough you guess I had to move out of your house we’re vacationing behind the Publix’s in the dumpster we’ve been vacationing there for 6 months we tell the kids it’s a vacation yay can we go to the dumpster Park oh

Yeah get we need that an additional person metal detective got to get me walking out dropping in the Corin the sun wasn’t down like this was it oh my God he’s probably freezing I appreciate all your advice at the end of the long video sit down and be like hey it’s Ross

Time let’s get some advice from a fan this time yeah you should subscribe to the web you should marry your best friend it makes the hard times a lot easier did I mean you’re basically a parent you’ve got Elliot yeah I see them every now and

Then that’s the kind of dad I want to be too like Thanksgiving and Christmas right let’s just get like a twoot hole ideally I have tiny hands I have a tiny be oh did you guys see the uh concrete couch joke no we haven’t watched that

One yet I saw yeah we were stuck in Texas our camper broke a family man better have died or something you got to laugh dude I laugh when all my family members that’s not a joke I’ll try to remember that stop stealing my dirt that’s deep

Enough adice if people ask you that yeah there’s some advice if people ask you that in the hood they say what size are your shoes say they’re my size I’m a wedding fan right now I hate my life we’re planning a wedding for a intro to

A video so if you guys on if you guys want to help do what you always do I’m so down oh we do need another Brides man yeah we can talk about that I’m going to a marriage counselor with my wife we just want to strengthen what we have

Right yeah good to meet you brks yeah and then we’ll pay you for your time working with us so think we got a little in the hole yeah we’re a little in the hole right now oh perfect be glad to do that oh good you’re in the hole good I’m

Following my instacart shopper around the store to make sure they get what I want so Jacob’s first goal is to get a ride home from the actual instacart driver if he completes that his next goal is to get him to pick up a hitchhiker shopping your order go go go

So the first Shopper’s in the store and Jacob’s closing in on him Louis yeah yeah Jacob you’re uh my instacart shopper right now oh hey Charles yeah yeah I’m Jacob you’re doing my door Dash okay yeah doing my what me might as well do it I don’t like doing it myself and

This is you you’re my customer and you’re here yeah that’s weird you keep going I trust you okay then I’m delivering it yeah you’re delivering it yeah I’m just here to help thank you you’re welcome could you get this one instead I feel like it’s a little more

Fluffy do you know if that has gluten in it he doesn’t say gluten-free so he probably does could you put that back and get the boiled the other one two of those this guy just going along with it right now I don’t see why you’re not

Doing it yourself I don’t like to do it myself but you’re here to that that makes no sense n that one in the back yeah that one can you check and see if that’s expired can you make sure sure it’s not expired uh yeah that one you like that one yeah

Can you get the bigger one I can yeah I have to do a substitute I have to call you yeah yeah just call the number there give me just a second I got to take this that’s me hello hello hey what’s up you want this bigger Red Bull right could you get two

Of them I don’t think I can okay yeah the big one should be fine all right sorry that was my door Dash driver that was me I was just talking to you standing right here this is weird dude I the person on the phone was my

Door Dash right he’s doing yeah yeah me yeah okay all right check out time okay now you did great I think you got everything right I’m going to call you again okay this is me okay you know this is me it’s not a door Dash driver hold

On I got to take this yeah this me hey what’s up this guy standing right next to you some guy just called me and hung up on me dude I’m I’m not doing this this is weird I’m not doing this oh my God this is hilarious I’m out of here

This makes no sense to me I don’t know what you’re doing could you do the shopping no I’m not going to do it I don’t like shopping myself you’re standing right here this is hilarious I don’t I don’t know what to think no this no yeah we’re together this is myom you

Better butter her up for that ride home people are probably going to think you’re my mom or my girlfriend all right all right I call me e okay would you be able to give me a ride over uh I would rather not you’d rather not it’s okay reject

Ed he’s sitting in his car right now texting Jacob you want to come ask him for a ride home just walk up and say hey can you give me a ride at least my door Das driver just canceled could I get a ride that was me what are you doing man

What is wrong with you who are you Jacob yeah I’m the one that canceled on you because it’s weird man it don’t make no sense you’re right here I don’t know how I’m going to get home now I don’t know how I’m going to get home I just walked

So so you walk here you watch your dash your do your shopping that is so weird I really needed a ride home though man no no no no okay could I get a ride with you yeah great thank you what the you said yeah there is no way this is so

Crazy Jacob has made it he’s getting a ride home right now good all right thank you first goal complete now I just have to convince them to pick up a hitchhiker for my next ride oh hitchhiker go hitchhiker in position here we go would I be able to get a ride

Yeah yeah thank you what shut the up yeah it’s right across the street just I’m going to drop this Stu up over there can I come too could could she come too yeah okay yeah she should have been waiting on the street so not exactly a hitchhiker since she met us in the

Parking lot second goal n incomplete you call you should beg for money from the Salvation Army go ask him can you spare any change can you spare any change money y money no I don’t have any you’re a faker fake Lim what’s going on here I don’t

See that’s your favorite drink yeah I can’t buy them online though I’m the one who empties yourselves try it this guy is it good yeah would you guys like to try a sample of the the items here at the store cheers oh that’s also alcoholic you guys are drinking on the

Job so I’m just kidding no it’s not it’s not tell me what you think it’s good yeah it’s good it’s good it’s not bad but you have let’s pay for that one cuz you opened it okay are you okay we’re not going to hand you the

Camera yeah you said grab it and go Vlog I love your Mercedes that you drove oh thank you up man can you help me yeah yeah yeah my bad brother he’s like I’ll just get like 4 lbs of chicken tenders you think you’re kidding hair is the best sandwich Mak

This is why what makes you the best their hair put all my love into it oh you pull you pull one of your hairs out and put it in every sandwich I ate one of your sandwiches last Tuesday day I went like that it was like that long

Yeah that was you you put a filter on me I look beautiful okay I’ll take it off that’s so dop ni yeah good to me yeah I have two sons but no daughters son yeah Hey where’s your nearest uh basket oh here it is you want this thank you oh here it is

I was looking for a basket dude so my dog beans killed one of my chickens the other day she just started eating its butt plucked the chicken filleted it took the meat off and then we killed it ate it but it was really like it like a

A weird chicken it wasn’t a normal chicken no one say he’s a Creator on our website more exclusive content yeah I’m going to be posting bangers on there guys it’s a little pushy pushy edgy edgy oh it’s like when you get really close hey out of here what we

Talking can we can we do that whole thing guys can we just say that whole thing again except so you were talking about I’m trying to get a sub over here guys you’re taking forever hurry I’ll have a sub I’ll have a d is that what you’re joking about for me they only

Have the Doms making subs yeah why do you get married or something what’s this your fifth [Applause] wife third and then he’s your eighth husband what are you guys going we’re a quartet we sing It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas we’re working on it

We’ll get back to you I’m not a you’re a you’re a this is like the the reception we’re having it in public it’s our bachelor party if we came in here with the Bridesmaids too that’d be fun oh this is like what my dad used to do to

Me all right let’s go away ourselves see you guys thank you over 300 holy freak 206 oh you’re wearing a lot of clothes and stuff yeah I usually do this butt naked wait didn’t we do a video like that one time ask ask her again for more money you guys some spare

Change just a dollar look like you give him house a cookie look he’ll ask for a glass of milk we got him these groceries and now he’s begging you for money is this a divorce party not yet C Happily Divorced good for you thank you happy 4th of July that’s probably when we’ll

Put this video out yeah exactly Cole’s hiring a mechanic to cut the brake lines on his ex-wife’s car his goal is to get the mechanic to actually cut the brake lines be really nice when you’re asking him cuz you’re asking him to help commit murder he’s here that’s a mechanic what

He got his wife with him how are you Cole okay he has my wife’s car she ain’t had a world change since she got it I don’t think oh wow yeah it’s my ex-wife now it’s my ex-wife now exwife now i’ I’ve been going through this divorce for

So long she’s getting the house she’s taking the car and she uh pretty much got everything from me she’s on vacation with her new boyfriend she’s on vacation just using my uh money and stuff with her boyfriend okay using my credit card yeah using my credit card though left me

With this does it take Engine line on I’m just here to supervise making sure he don’t cheat on me just look at it this way there’s other fish in the sea I don’t like fishing you know what I mean and I just she’s not the sharpest cookie in the

Drawer no not the sharpest cookie in the drawer not smart as attack smart as attack sounds like my wife’s whining sounds just like my wife when she whines hand of the sniffers when when he’s under there and be like can you reach The Brak line from there are you

Able to reach brake lines from there I am not going to do that I’m just going to drain them are you able to just drain them no one what you said I I really need do that yeah just SN the brake line yeah just a brake line I I can’t do that

Can you can Google it and find out where they are if that’s something you want to do I can’t get involved in that sorry are we able to do it without leaving like evidence she’ll see out of my do you show me where the lines are and I’ll just have you cut

It that was funny Cole loosen the lug nuts or something could you just loosen the lug nuts I can do that for you man that’s all I can do for you thank you you have like glue or something make the gas pedal sticky you got like a canic

Glue or rust or something we can make the gas pedal sticky you really have a lot of engines don’t you nothing is worth life in prison man it does get better it really does she makes it worse I mean the two main lines are right here

Coming off of this thing would you show me here I’m not doing it buddy we reversed the steering you turn left and you go right I wish you could do that but you can’t do that is there a way to run the exhaust uh into the air conditioner you got some good ideas

Don’t get me wrong man but no or just like put like an explos like a bomb under her driver’s seat can we like wire a bomb underneath the passenger Seat okay look dude I’ll be honest I just need your your help killing my wife all right man I I’ll be honest I’m just looking for help to kill my wife wife I’m I’m over it I don’t know who to call what if you put my hands on your

Hands and we cut it together could you put my hands on yours and we’ll cut it together yeah they they never charged me for getting my first wife yeah they didn’t charge me after my first wife when she her breaks went up oh my God how do you typically snip

Him show me how like you would with leverage I can’t get involved I got to run buddy I’m sorry we got another job anyways now Cole look like you’re cutting the brake line when they drive away oh my god oh they’re call oh they’re calling hello he’s not really

All there in the head at the moment yeah I don’t know he’s done this before okays to be institutionalized yeah Co you’re nuts judge what is your verdict fail come here he’s lifting his tail oh how far does they do they shoot I don’t know there’s only one way to find

Out I’ve never seen a skunk I just wanted to look at him I got this for you guys go like this with your hands smell it smell the screen not you ER go ahead smell did you smell I’m not going anywhere till you smell it isn’t that nice we are lighting the

Biggest fireworks ever left oh we’re going to do a firework show without showing you guys a single firework we’re just going to stay on us the whole time cuz we are the entertainment BR I knew I should have brought a jacket oh there’s my jacket hey Rob hit this

Bong yeah bro yeah you ready it hits so hard dude you’ll feel it it’s like it’s like it goes boom like it feels like it’s right in your face face can you do the count down off your PA yeah two one keep it on me come on that

Perfect you would love to be here right now let me just tell you the colors I’m seeing trip five it’s five in a row shot another one shot oh that was a huge one it just exploded and then another one just shot that was not impressive that was impressive oh

Wow oh my bad bro you just got to take my word for it this is the greatest fireworks show ever you hear them all cheering show show now that there’s no fireworks you can point it over there oh no no close one oh oh is that the campground

Cheering yeah just for you how do they know I’m over here I’m so famous now guys I can’t even light out fireworks we’re buying twice as many next time though hey Charles you could do some cool vlogging and stuff and then like and maybe like Drop five grand

Think about how cool it would be to see all these people eat like steak and burgers and things that you pay for too and we’ll buy like chairs for them to sit in dude update the RVs and the whole Campground would it be a good Vlog lay

Out like new concrete and stuff would it be a good Vlog it would be so good all right let’s do it be the best have a headache from like laughing and smiling and making not from not from the fireworks exploding by F feet away from

My head we have the new video on our website and we also want to welcome a new Creator Cole Clark they gave me a they gave me a recorder I can camera whatever I want it’s $12 you can start and stop anytime go subscribe go do it right now go subscribe


  1. GOLD!!! You guys need to all set up at the park. When joggers come by you need to start playing instruments while you run with them. Seen someone else do it and thought of y’all. You all would absolutely nail it. Love you all!

  2. always been great vids for years, but this one seems to have kicked it up a notch on quality, etc.

  3. The female therapist wanted to tell her soooo bad. “Trust your gut” is about as close as you can get to saying he’s cheating without spelling it out.

  4. How far do they shoot?
    12 feet I believe assuming there’s no wind but if you happen to be down wind you might wanna get at least a quarter mile away

  5. Do a student discount and make it $6 and I'm in. I love you Ross but I can't pay more than YouTube Premium for another subscription.

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