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Most SURPRISING Debuts and Returns in 2023

Relive the most memorable and surprising returns and debuts from 2023.
00:00 – Santino Marella (Hard To Kill 2023)
01:45 – Frankie Kazarian (Hard To Kill 2023)
02:54 – Ernest Miller (IMPACT January 19, 2023)
03:59 – Tara (IMPACT January 26, 2023)
04:45 – Miyu Yamashita (IMPACT March 30, 2023)
06:42 – Nick Aldis (Rebellion 2023)
08:23 – Trinity (IMPACT May 4, 2023)
19:14 – Zachary Wentz (IMPACT June 29, 2023)
20:45 – Jake Something (Slammiversary 2023)
21:46 – Eric Young (Slammiversary 2023)
23:36 – Giulia (Multiverse United 2)
24:58 – The Beautiful People, Awesome Kong and Mickie James (IMPACT 1000)
28:52 – Team 3D (IMPACT 1000)
31:05 – AMW (IMPACT 1000)
32:04 – Oleg Prudius (IMPACT October 12, 2023)
33:40 – Trent Seven (Final Resolution 2023)

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Like it or not moose is your new digital media Champion wait hold up what it is it’s Santino morela Santino morela is here at hard to kill excuse me I’m sorry to re interrupt you doing what you love to do so much dancing around like an idiot but allow

Myself to introduce myself you see my name is Santino marela and I am the brand new director of authority here at impact wrestling in fact Impact Wrestling had a massive production plan there was going to be confetti cannons there was going to be a in band they were even going to

Release several Falcons here in the arena don’t worry they already ate that reminds me hold on cancel the elephants cancel the elephant and I’m watching backstage and I saw what you just did to kick a man in the scus region that’s disgusting I don’t like cheaters and you

My friend are a cheating son of a god so as my official first act as director of authority I’m going to restart this match right now referee the whoa hold on a second it [Applause] is Frankie Kazarian is here at Hard to Kill I didn’t know Frankie was going to be here tonight I don’t think anybody knew Frankie was going to be here tonight we lost we we we last Saw Frankie at at overdrive a few months ago his spectacular match up with Josh

Alexander for the impact World title an impact original Frankie kazaryan is here in Atlanta what a Moment [Applause] what’s up Impact Zone listen I truly hope you guys are as happy to see me as I am to see all of you well wait one minute ah what year is it oh yeah what’s going on did I enter an alternate universe we may have well done that Ernest the cat

Millers in the Impact Zone here in the ATL Ernest the cat Miller what are you doing here brother you know I live in Atlanta baby but but you know I used to be the commissioner at CW Monday Night Nitro wait a second that’s right so you have

Experience in this situation what can I do how can I make a match look the situation I got here listen listen if these chumps can’t get along let’s get it on hold on a second everybody here all together yes yes let’s make this one big

Match he brok oh no way oh my her tag team partner from San Diego California Ter the impact knockout Legend Tera the Black Widow and look at how emotional terara is was so emotional and hard to kill supporting Mickey James in her title versus career match this is amazing no wait wait wait wait wait wait Taylor widows [Applause] P ladies and gentlemen the following

Contest at for one fall introducing first from foka Japan meu y this is the impact debut of Yash from Tokyo Joi pro wrestling she is a three-time princess of Princess Champion she is the Ace of tjpw also known as the pink Striker not only that we’re looking

At someone who was named number 12 on the pwi top 150 women’s wrestlers in the world a world class athlete anywhere and she is right here in the Impact Zone ready for action here in the impact zone is going to have a pretty difficult test ahead of her good counters back and forth

Here through the legs now Killer Kelly oh takes out the footing of Yas oh that brings Yas down killer clutch she’s got it she’s got it is a bad place to be for Miu [Applause] yasa Killer Kelly going to knock on me youster oh wait a minute hold down there

For a moment trying to hold on to Kill [Applause] Kelly the strength of the Ace of Tokyo Joshi Pro a look out oh there it is the skull kick good night Kelly yam wins her impact debut here is your winner Miu Yamashita ladies and gentlemen at this time please welcome our special guest

Commentator for this world title Match oh oh my God [Applause] what I didn’t even know anybody was going to be out here with d but lo and behold Nick Alis here in the Impact Zone the National Treasure the two time NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion the former impact world champion is here at Rebellion

And I mean I I I don’t mean to jump early into speculation but he’s out here joining us as we’re getting set here for our unprecedented historic World Championship matchup I can’t believe my eyes welcome welcome Please Nick welcome tell us all what are you doing here gentlemen thank you very much Hey listen here’s how it goes the conversations have ended the deal is done nickis is back in Impact Wrestling and the first order of business was Scott deore asked me to be here tonight

Because the corporate Big Wigs the movers and shakers are here and I said no no no for this match I got to be where the action is because I got my sight set on the world title from day one so I’m here to see who’s going to

Stand in my way jents let’s do [Applause] this i n i [Applause] t trity is here in Impact Wrestling and immediately the energy in the room is off the chge I am so excited to see Trinity in an impact wrestling ring I have shared locker room I have shared the ring with

This incredible incredible woman this incredible athlete and I am so damn happy to see her in the impact though SL Radiance always shines through the brightest stars are never vir trally dimmed only rediscovered in all their Glory what a moment a milestone in the history of [Applause]

Impact and you could see it on the face of every fan in Chicago you can hear it in their voices you can feel the energy in the room it is [Applause] palpable tonight all eyes are on [Applause] Trinity W CH got wow thank you guys for that [Applause] welcome back back back back [Applause] my god it feels so good to be in this ring and back in a place where I can glow so allow me to reintroduce [Applause] myself I am Trinity and I have arrived and Impact [Applause]

Wrestling I like the sound of that now you better believe there’s a reason why I chose impact this company has the most storied women’s division in [Applause] wrestling I mean from the beginning The Knockouts division has been the place to be for fierce competition and I want a piece of it I mean I’m talking about amazing talented women in this division like the Awesome Kong Gail Kim the legendary Mickey James Diana perzo and The Talented Jordan

Grace and many more now you’ve seen me win championships but I’m here to win [Applause] more so Knockouts get ready girls because the brightest star in this here Galaxy is ready to [Applause] shine I came to impact to make an impact and I’m here for The Knockouts World [Applause] Championship careful what your wish for cuz there she stands The Knockout world champion who we know is slated for 3 weeks from tomorrow in London Ontario Canada had uned the defender championship against

Jordan Grace and if Grace does not win that night Jordan Grace will no longer be able to challenge for The Knockouts World title so long as perzo is champion and when that happens you have to imagine someone like Trinity will have their eyes firmly set on that knockout World

Championship Trinity you invoked my name you invoked my Knockouts World Championship so I figured I would come down and be the first to welcome you here to Impact Wrestling it seems like you’ve done your homework you know if you want opportunities if you You Want To Make History this is the place to

[Applause] be but if you’ve done your homework then you know you’re not just walking into any Impact Wrestling no you are walking into the new age of the virtuosa and look look I’ve been EX L where you are right now I know how you

Feel I know how it feels to come out to a new place it’s [Applause] nerve-wracking look if you get what you want a shot at my Knockouts world championship and truthfully I hope that you do let let me make one thing perfectly clear Trinity when you step in the ring with

The virtuos Diana perazzo that’s not something you can just walk out [Applause] on you going to come to me like that huh all right well allow me to return the favor I’ll have you know that when you step in the ring with me you’re going to wish you got fired

Again look look you know what okay Trinity okay [Applause] [Applause] boy the intensity is rising here in the Impact Zone and here comes the Juggernaut Jordan Grace as if this situation couldn’t get any more explosive Jordan Grace Reser Knockouts World title shot come under siege but Trinity spoke her name as well just moments ago [Applause]

Is it hot in here or is it just the heat between you [Applause] two look there is not a doubt in my mind that everyone probably wants to see you to wrestle right but before we get too carried away di I don’t need to remind you that later

This month at Under Siege we have a rematch and I don’t plan on losing to you for a fourth time so Trinity if you came here to fight Jan by all means be my guest but if you came here for a Knockouts World title shot then come find me because as of

Under siege that title is mine [Applause] [Applause] well it seems you two got business to handle it under siege just know that I’ll be waiting and whichever of you two are Champion Let’s [Applause] Dance Well the best women’s wrestling division on the planet just got turned up to 11 feels like it might be lost without it whoa wow look at this new soon and now Trey Miguel trying to follow up going to the top turnbuckle ction theora wa a minute saving what

Again again right to the stf all right SP a spade what a hell of a counter from Chris Savin and now saving trying to pull this free pull the arm free get better positioning oh up on the shoulders wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute oh my [Applause] God what the hell is this that’s Zachary Wentz Zachary Wentz is back in Impact Trey Miguel’s old running buddy from The Rascals Trey I’m trying to read his reaction but oh boy The Boys Are Back Time a little rascals reunion here in ATL and there now Mallen Wentz hammering away on the

Exh Division champion Chris S and here comes the impact world champion Alex shell to back up his tag team partner oh but the message has been sent I I can’t believe this and even Miguel couldn’t believe it for a moment possession of the X the 49th ultimate x

Match about to begin here at Slim versary in WIS are on wait a second What what no way the final participant Jake something go back Jake something has returned to Impact Wrestling this is one hell of a development to kick off slam adversary oh this is something big all right wait wait hold on a second is take something the sixth man in this match wait a

Second I mean he’s dressed to compete he looks ready to go and if I’m everybody else in this matchup the hair on the back of my neck is standing up you for a long time you can run for a long [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Time his team partner from Florence Ontario Canada y Eric Young is back Tom I am utterly speechless I feel like I’m seeing a ghost I mean Team Canada is reunited and Scott deore his mother Patricia is here at ringside to see this match up to support her son but I’m still Blown Away

By what I’m seeing right now Eric Young is is is back from the dead back from the dead and back in the great white and red grass of the Canadian Homeland here and doing it with pride backing up coach deore I look at Bully Ray the expression on Bully Ray’s face

Coly Ray what about deer and A1 an original member of t Canada he’s saying this is done this is already over to more and Young have the [Applause] Advantage and as par on this International Event seeing Talent from all over nobody represents the international scene more than this woman right Here beta for those that are not familiar here in the United States with Julia what is the New Japan strong Women’s Champion all about Julia is one of the most charismatic dominating forces in all of professional wrestling but she has really just run through the gamut in stardom she’s the leader of DDM

Donna delondo and she is representing them here tonight an artist of stardom Trio’s Champion she’s a former world of starting Champion she also has won the five-star Grand Prix which were actually in the midst of right now Julia taking a little break from that to come here to

The United States to defend her strong Championship here but the festar gr fre is it’s an interesting tournament in stardom because you still are Defending Your Championship as you’re in the tournament J all of this is to say that Julia doesn’t get nights off but she doesn’t

Take them either wow I’ll tell you what gaale but that got me a little bit r in the hearts oh wait a Minute be back andelina love Velvet Sky The Beautiful People you couldn’t celebrate the history of Impact Wrestling a thousand episodes in the course of The Knockout Division went out Beautiful People the greatest entrance in pro wrestling Tom love a six time Knockouts world champion fet Sky a two time Knockouts

World champion one of the most influential women’s tands in the history of professional wrestling and of course they not never exactly played well with others the legends that they are I’m sure they’ve got a big or two to say here on the one th000 episode of Impact Wrestling I’m

Told some Thrones were brought in for backstage I’m told cute unfortunately couldn’t make it there are some makeovers being D out and there might be some paper bags this year I think you deserve one oh what are you kidding me look in the mirror hand better yet just

Look at the monitor you’ll be much happier Angelina Love and Velvet Sky are back in Impact wrestl Angelina Love will be in competition next week as a part of the Colossal 10 knock tag team match up that’s going to be a huge some of the best of the past

Present and future all in one Ring come find me when you’ve had three okay and Diana you can come find me when you’ve had seven oh my God Awesome Kong is in the Impact Zone the entire mood has just shifted accompanied by raisha S as in the days of old IR an impact kale Ken’s greatest

Rival and one of the most destructive women silence how about next week in this Knockouts tag I be the greatest that beat the [Applause] biggest wait a minute wait a minute Mickey James Ro the hits just keep on coming Mickey James has been out of action for six long

Months good God the ceiling is about to collapse the roof is about to explode with the level of talent in this Arena and yes once upon a time steals one or lone Knockouts World title for Mickey James but Mickey is a five time knockout world [Applause]

Champion name a tag team that has done more for this company than Us down oh boy it’s time for reunion here on the 1,000 episode of Impact Wrestling D I say from R Tom that’s the most excited I’ve heard you for buing but that might be the reason Why ladies and gentlemen from New York City Brother Ray and Brother Devon team 3D 32 Tag Team titles across Impact Wrestling W WCW the NWA we often use the phrase arguably the greatest well in the case of Team 3D there’s hardly an argument to be made and how special is this for divon

Tonight his wife his family at ringside in New York if there’s anyone that is grateful for every day he has on this Earth it is Devon and it’s wonderful to see him back as a part of the impact family for tonight back into the [Applause] ring look out it’s Time 3D cover

Cover team 3D wins but sometimes you got to pay the price for incredible moments for incredible memories and team 3D is about to make a few somewhere Dixie Carter is having a heart attack watching this look out throw the table there’s a couple guys back there

Ready for a fight there’s a couple guys back there that paved the way for all the tag teams here in Impact hit their music we the def the boys are back Oh baby ladies and gentlemen Wildcat Chris Harris the cowboy James storm America’s Most Wanted the six time Tag Team Champions two guys who Define the tag team division Are Back In Action this eight man’s head team match up it’s going to get started in moments we’ll stay with this in picture and

Picture oh and sing attacking Young from behind seeing again seeing the opportunity to eliminate some competition wait who is this the hell wait is that wait a minute I know who that is that’s oh my God that’s that’s always cruus tell you you remember Vladimir klov this guy riged Havoc everywhere what the

Hell prudius just took out champagne sing and Eric Young there’s no disqualifications in this match what is O Lake prudius doing here in the Impact Zone and what does this mean that now getting up on the apron what Prest eye to eye with Jake something oh my God and a straight

Headbutt there by prudius and right to the arms of Dango here is that it oh wait a minute wait a minute Dango the cover on something Dango is the number 20 spot and the call your shot Gauntlet here is your winner turn Tango but you know what this means Ray wol by

Virtue being the man who was pinned shakes something will start the call your shot gaet at number one and look at this prudius oh like prud is here Aline with Daniel that’s what this world was about who’s Ba’s partner that’s my [Applause] question and his tag team partner oh yeah are you

Kidding we are no longer in Toronto welcome to mustache Mountain from must s [Applause] England I’m so happy to see TR com once again I can’t believe it look Trent s an international star a journeyman what one of the best to do it and an incredible tag team competitor to but come on what a curveball to throw at The Rascals who

Are already facing a curveball by they putting this match in the first place what is going on listen Santina Morell is firing at all cylinders tonight do not mess with Santino what a moment the final L event under the St wrestling banner and TR7 is here at final resolution to

Go look I I I am a huge fan of the work of Trent 7 you and I had OPP to call his matches in the past he’s an incredible incredible professional wrestler but this this is not fair TNA TNA TNA guys it’s right around the corner and I can’t wait but I’ll

Tell you what a little rundown history it was 24 years ago for that man Don colof I wrestled on a show and met a young man it was the day that this industry lost one of its greatests in Owen Hart and we all mourned together

But that night was the start of a career career of a man that would go out of great things a career of a man that 9 years ago I would walk into this place cuz he had sent me a Facebook message some guy Anthony Carelli now folks I honestly didn’t know

Who it was cuz somebody else owned the name at the time uh we took care of that uh but anyway I came here I met him in this building’s been so instrumental to me it’s been so instrumental to this company 5 years ago I stood in this ring

And made one of the biggest decisions in this company’s history and signed the walking [Applause] weapon and then 3 years later after signing the face that runs the place I saw this guy go toe to- Toe with The Walking weapon and said damn it this guy needs to be an impact [Applause] [Applause] wrestling and I’m glad that I did you know and so many other memories here I remember walking to this building and seeing a tag team with a couple of great mustaches and that’s when I saw this guy Trent 7 tear this house down and besides just being a good

Wrestler the thing I loved about him is he wasn’t just great at the in ring stuff he got the whole business and that’s why he came out and he was Hawking these things all over the place but to me I always thought not there was something missing and it should have looked like

This because Trent damn it I couldn’t sign you that day years ago but somebody was dumb enough to let you go so I think we need to carry on the tradition so let’s see I think the people have spoken and hey Mike Bailey you borrowed Josh Alexander’s back a few years ago

Why don’t you return the favor and let Trent use your back you just flipped to that last page who wants to see Trent 7 in TNA Wrestling got to sign the last stage what you mark there we [Applause] [Applause] go now hit the music for the newest s to TNA Wrestling Trent effan s A


  1. I didn't know much about TNA or Impact, I just heard stories from some videos like Kurt Angle interviews how great the talents are because in my country most of us only know WWE (most of us still call it WWF lol). Now I'm a new fan! So much respect for these wrestlers <3 Plus, Santino Marella return gonna make me happy for days!

  2. Amazing video to put out for everyone not being into TNA/IMPACT Wrestling or coming back after a long pause. Massive respect for that, Social Media management on point right now.

  3. They get hyped for some of the most obscure wrestlers ever and sell it like it's a CM Punk level return. It comes off as overhyped and try hard. I popped hardest for the Beautiful People's music than any of the rest lol

  4. Michael Cole can learn so much from Tom Hannifan about how to react to big surprises. Not everything needs to be ruined with an ill-timed OHHHHHHHH MMMMMYYYYYYYYY!

  5. I’d really love to see The Beautiful People back for another run. When I think of TNA Wrestling, I think of The Beautiful People 💕

  6. I only know team 3d and tera and beautiful people, Mickey james , awesome kong but the rest have no idea , i love tna way better than aew legend company been there for years ,

  7. I came for the Beautiful people, then I enjoyed watching the Beautiful people’s entrance again🥵

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