Golf Babe

MAC VS SARA WINTER [Nicklaus North Golf Course in Whistler BC]

Today Mac Boucher takes on Sara Winter in a 9 hole match at
Nicklaus North Golf Course in Whistler BC.

We haven’t H any range balls this morning Sarah showed up on the tea time might hit a house here if we do we’ve decided that we do get a gentleman’s mgan off first te also this tea block is like a putting green all right it’s ugly but it’s in

Play all right we’re off pretty happy I didn’t hit a host there um I was a little nerve-racking no I’m in the Fairway Sarah okay all right guys welcome back to the channel we got our first guest this week uh my friend Sarah winter hi uh Sarah and I have been

Friends for a couple years now kind of connected through the social media world uh if you don’t follow Sarah you should she’s uh got a really really good golf swing golfing for a while yeah former Miss Canada though so she’s probably going to whoop me today um we’re just

Going to do straight up nine hole match play see who comes in on top all right ready I’ve already hit I’m down the left left side of the Fairway kept it in play didn’t hit a house Sarah might actually be able to get to this green cuz she’s

Got a little downwind and she she pounds it we both didn’t warm up warm up we both didn’t warm up uh we did decide one gentleman’s Mullan each off the first te so if you snipe hook this one you know you got a Reload okay so with the

Handicaps I’m going to give Sarah four shots out here it’s going to be a challenge cuz Sarah shot like a didn’t you shoot like even at B Springs a couple days ago so Sarah’s been playing some good golf so I’m really going to have to hit it well out here I’ve

Actually been playing terrible so I don’t love my chances here but we’ll see if she can keep it in play here the nerves are on nice okay two balls in play pretty happy about that considering we both didn’t have a warmup so we’re going by the GPS

In the cart it’s car path only it’s head 140 yards to that back pin just want to get this on the green hopefully put a little bit of pressure on Sarah early here should just be over the left side of the bunker there you don’t have to

Walk through every shot like he does just hit yeah okay he loves to give descriptions of what shot he’s going to hit all kinds of stuff I know Sarah hi birdie pot I think I’m getting sandbagged a bit today um I’ve seen Sarah P play and she she can kind

Of ball out she’s gotten quite good in the last year so four shots could be a little bit uh tough for me but we’ll see we’ll see she hit a good shot there we’re both on the green we’re both about the same distance for the birdie but I

Need her to three putle lot um it’s really what I’m banking on out here not our best wed shots in there we’re both a little bit deep but honestly first told no warm-up happy to have a birdie putt great etiquette there really nice if you

Be nice to the course it’ll be nice back in or out I’ll leave it in cuz it’ll be easier to see yeah good PT okay that’s good by me Good Start thanks par I’m in trouble today I’m going to have to make some pots which is not my strength but just

Going to try to lag this one up there nothing too greedy okay oh I forgot to hit it you can have that we generous of the Canadian and me you know just really nice person okay no blood through one pretty good considering we uh no warm up straight trunks SL Sarah actually showed

Up at 8:56 and our tea time was 857 I expect nothing less from her a smoothie I needed a smoothie she need a smoothie I lasered it at 178 Ys the stick there downwind we got a big helping Breeze going to hit eight iron uh Sarah’s going

To be playing the green teas today I’m playing the tips so it’s about A500 yard difference over the 18 holes so probably 750 is um for the nine holes it’s pretty fair I think Sarah does hit it pretty far though so this golf course that we’re at today it’s Nicholas North uh

It’s another one of my favorites here in Whistler actually all the courses in Whistler are pretty top tier they’re really hard to beat there’s awesome views around the whole course it’s honestly one of my favorite plays play in the world so that’s a pretty tucked

Pin over there I’m going to hit a little kind of slang eight iron again a lot of people kind of wonder how the my if I lose distance or gain distance with the hook shots I hit when I sling it I’m effectively turning the loft of this

Eight iron to like a six iron essentially it may a seven and a half iron so it actually goes a little further than a stock eight iron for me which is why I’m hitting the eight here from 180 yard honestly pretty happy just hit this

Screen 30y putts on this hole are um a good thing it’s not really one that you would expect to walk away with a two so maybe we can make a long putt decent start here two greens through two is uh is a good thing 128 Ys nine iron I’m on

The green there I’m not very close I would say uh Advantage Sarah here oh she’s got a great shot I could go in oh I’m in trouble I think these four shots I’m giving her is absolute I can’t take it back now it is

What it is I’m going to get whooped it great shot okay so in the par threes we’re going to do a little get to know Sarah I’m going to do this a lot with my guests on the channel uh we’ll just walk shoot the Sarah how long have you

Been actually golfing I know you uh started when you were young I know I’ve met your dad your dad’s an avid golfer yeah yeah um I actually started in University so I hated golf growing up I wanted want to be like Miss Canada I want to do pageants and modeling so I’ve

Been playing like for 6 years now yeah um I did like swing a club when I was younger but I hated it I found it so boring um never wanted to play so I didn’t start pursuing it seriously until I was in university what do you think

Kind of draw like as soon as you got I think just maturing like getting older and realizing how much of a complex like amazing sport it is um and how many opportunities there is for a woman and a male dominating Sports I would agree with that I think it’s cool the last

Couple years with how many women have taken up the game cuz before like I had no friends that played that were girls no one played everyone just looked at you like you’re crazy now it’s like so many girls have taken it up and it’s really really

Cool cuz I think it is a sport that can be enjoyed by everyone for however like old you are exactly you can play until you’re 95 years old I probably won’t live that long i’ be lucky to live to 10 can we talk about this shot this Sarah

Just hit let’s just zoom the camera over here real quick don’t give me like I’ve seen you but I mean we’re both on the green but Sarah stuffed one so pressure’s on here it’s actually a pretty tough tput kind of goes over this mound I think it’s

Going to sneak back right towards the water there I need to have a tup here and just I want her to make it cuz she deserves it after that shot it was it was pretty damn good oh that’s actually not bad going to take that I think I’m still up thought I

Actually made that all right even through two Sarah’s got this to go one up knock it in on me here no good one under through two for Sarah even through two Good Start cuz SAR we had no warm up again going be a good match this could be a good match I think

I’m going to get absolutely dummied but regardless we might have to turn it to stroke play you know what I’m making the rules CU this is my channel stroke play now Sarah’s won Under I’m even we’ll do math play and SC play just so it goes

The full nine holes cuz I could lose on the 15 what are we playing for smoothies after from what’s that place called hundo hundo PE smoothies shout out okay we’re on the third hole here Nicholas nor 520 yard par five um straight away slight dog leg left water uh beside the

Green on the left so you pretty much hit it anywhere off the tea I’d like to go up the kind of right at the 150 sign in the distance there just to leave me a chance of getting there two didn’t hit it very well should just be on the left side of

The Fairway there should be able to get home from two from there see this net here M this was designed for when you tow shank it and it doesn’t hit this nice house you just pipe down there Budd get down should be short of the bunker you should be in Fairway there to

Be honest yep okay two opposite sides of the Fairway but I mean you probably didn’t hit that the best no I when you swing hard sometimes your Club does it close yeah you got the open the tempo’s off but Sarah’s brought this uh Episode by Miller highight yes Miller highight

The champagne of beer I don’t even drink beer so I don’t know I’m just going to play smart and lay up to like 180 so I’m going to use a six iren okay good shot thin to win thin to win but a layup it really doesn’t matter

What it looks like like that’s perfect now that’s right where I wanted to go awesome we got about 220 yards to stick again don’t know the rangefinder so we’re going to go full rep five iron just cuz it is downwind a little in between clubs here um if I can get on

The green put a little pressure on Sarah hold it no left all right good lay I don’t know what’s there but it’s fine a bad place could be a little bit of tricky up and down but I’m not too upset with that she got 110 yards to the stick she can go a

Little 50° I’m in up there kind of green side but I think I have a pretty awkward little Chip Shot good shot oh my goodness is it okay I think there’s a little down slope there that was a great shot bit unlucky for how to

Roll out like it did but and she hit another one right at the flag so it is actually coming back too so she’s putting the pressure on me I’m beginning to think that the four shots is kind of and I think we should go two

Shots but I’m not take I’m just a lady kind of an awkward shot here I kind of don’t love where I left this I would have much rather be left side there I got a little up and down Sarah’s in there bit 10 ft a tickp so have to take

This one up put some spin on it hey I’m pretty happy with that I don’t know how I left that short that was uh I mean in there to like 6 ft but pretty happy with that shot pretty challenging butt here she actually rolled all the way up The Fringe and it

Rolled down I didn’t know how spere the slope is but turn oh might want to give that 10 seconds how does there not go in is that good yeah you can have that I got this for birdie this a big PPP for you this

Is to get one shot back and go four down with the shot potting Wows continue three pars through three Sarah’s one under through three good start though we bad Pars in this hole this is a birdie hole yeah Power five I mean it’s you got to be aggressive but I

Hit a pretty bad drive so that pot was really really good my PO was terrible I left in the low side six holes left five down with the four shots one down off the off the stick which pretty impressed I’ve got to stuff it up I got can’t be

Missing 6ft pot probably the one of the hardest holes on this time we got a 465 yard par 4 it’s the fourth hole here really just need to get this one in play and I’ll probably have like a seven iron in on my second shot so going to h

A little cut off this Big Pine Tree in the distance there leak it left to those bunkers and I should be in good shape hit it okay it’s a little spinning but it’s in the Fairway long shot in on my second you need protein I don’t think

Anything beats you jery in the golf so good I got all the snacks pickles fruit nuts protein got to come prepared yeah pickles in a bag which is kind of weird I’m not going to lie but do that’s good I am 370 yards from this deck she can

Kind of take it just left of that debunkers there just a stock one just like that might have been your best one of the day there yeah good swing thank you okay Sarah absolutely piped that she’s by the 150 I’ve got about 185 to that flag there I’ll be happy with

The par in this hole it’s probably the hardest hole in this golf course in my opinion I just don’t really like it um it’s a good hole I just personally don’t like it so I’m going to go six iron here good I was hitting him a little bit fat

I did the same thing there I got to work on that I feel like like I’m catching the ball fractionally behind it which is killing a lot of spin I’m still getting a lot out of it but that was not flushed at all 135 she piped in our drive I’m in

There just short of the flag see if she can knock it on keep the streak alive no bogey in this group yet which is nice rare for me actually that’s a good Miss you’re on the green the best shots sometimes are the th ones there’s no pictures on

Scorecards I know but pulling out all the stops right now cuz if that’s on the green then I’m in trouble cuz that went about maybe waist high it was my she’s stung it it’s very windy out here I mean you know what like you said there’s no

Pictures you got about 20 foot birdie putt Sarah hit a stinger in here this thing went I’m not joking it went about as high as my like waist it rolled up hit the green perfect short she’s got about a 30 footer maybe a little bit more I’ve got about a 15-footer for

Birdie so and we’re hitting like have we hit every Green so far yeah we haven’t missed a green yet and I don’t know if we’ve missed a fairway we’ve been killing it I mean four holes in there’s not a lot of win the course is playing pretty easy today but we’re both playing

Some pretty good golf so I love that I don’t want to see bad golf on this channel I want to see good golf which isn’t going to happen every time cuz I do suck do it was crazy when we were walking up to the green here she said she had a

Feeling that putt was going to go in yeah I just looked I like the look of her I didn’t believe her I’ll be honest good par Sarah’s one under through four pretty damn good start she’s she’s hot right now folks but you never know she could cool down not saying this is a

Must maker but this is a must maker especially after missing that sixf footer on the last hole I would love to drop one of these I would love to see you drop this cutting just ain’t it for me actually do it and never going to be upset with a

Two pet par tough golf hole yeah that was a hardle that is a hard hole I mean it’s just kind of awkward so and these like Fairways are tight like the tree Lin the tree line scares you especially when there’s Big Trees like this but I

Do love this golf course I think it’s beautiful Sarah remains one up off the stick and I’m five down with the stroke so I’m in a bit of trouble here a little bit she hustled me a little bit is there Sarah’s and I’s first match we’ve played

A lot of golf together but normally we’re out just like hacking it around having a laugh this is the first time that we’re actually doing a proper match so I don’t think I’ve ever seen Sara playing serious golf before so this is kind of fun yeah we’re going to go little Laura

Davies grass tea um got to ask why I do this a lot if it’s just for the videos if it’s something that I just cuz it looks cool it has a purpose with driver I get very underneath planes so essentially what I mean by that is on my

Down swing I get here too much I get too shallow which is kind of a rare thing for most people most people are very Steep and across it is why you see big slices because I’m so shallow teeing down the ball low forces me to stay on

Top of it and keep that club out in front of me which is why I started doing this so on holes like this so if we turn the camera around here you’ll see this tree on the right side I normally love seeing a bit of like a it’s a slice

Essentially I call it a safety slice so for me when I do this it actually straightens out my ball fly a little bit so I can almost hit like a more of a bullet little pull cut which is uh why I do this so I do this quite often on

Tight t- shots with driver just cuz it gets my ball in play Cut starting at those right pine trees going to keep this one low love a good mountain tracer on my balls it’s uh makes the tracking it way easier okay that should be pretty much

Perfect yeah so that’s why I do that um you’ll be able to see the ball flight on the the camera there but it keeps it low very predictable ball flight for me it’s very rare that I can hit that golf ball right from that lie so hitting that

Little bleed or cut like that just gets me in play it doesn’t go overly far but it serves a really good purpose for me and I love hitting it 343 from this deck there is a little bit of water that dips down um kind of just left to the where

My ball is actually you can see in the Fairway so I would take it maybe 15 yards right at the flag if you can perfect a good line it’s pretty much exactly the line that we wanted we actually both haven’t missed a green and haven’t missed a fairway through what is

This fifth hole Yeah fifth hole pretty good they’re called all snap oh snap and I heard my golf coach told me that pickles well your golfing are really good for you cuz it like spikes up something so insane okay I’m a little bit in between clubs

Here about 160 yards going to go a little soft cut eight iron in there all right I think I should hit a little harder on the green but again I got to hit it close especially being down five shots or whatever I am right now with the stroke need to hit it

Closer than that 138 yards what are you hitting I’m going to hit an eight yeah good shot another all that middle green beautiful I don’t mind that though you don’t want to miss left there yeah so she’s safe that was good good shot another Green in rag had a good

Shot but I have like a probably a 40f footer here maybe a little bit more not complaining cuz it’s another green and rag but this is one I just want to get down there lag it up see if we can make the par put the pressure on Sarah to make it two

Pot not bad it’s a little deep little testure coming back and from this distance it’s kind of hard to get that one in not our best putts that’s your short putting I haven’t seen it yet today really door’s open door is open but I’ve been known to miss these on the rag so

That was terrible Sarah two three pots on the same hole let’s make some birdies now Sarah goes to even I go to one over I definitely need to make a putt cuz we’re both hitting it pretty nicely but my putting and he’s been following me

For the last while my putter has left me I don’t know could be the worst I’ve putted in a very long time I’m actually putting better with Woods lately I’ve been uh using driver and like mini driver a lot that might have to whip up for the next three holes going make this

Thing am I allowed to say that on YouTube golf I think I’m going to make this 179 yard stick I need to make something happen here um I can’t let Sarah get too far High because she won’t give up this lead at all so here we go eight iron too

Much little too much sling looks like I’m pin High just right of it on the green it’s another green rag 6 for six and green rag problem is is last three or four YouTube videos have hitting a ton of greens but I’m just putting like

Such an idiot so I need to clean that up because you’re not going to shoot low scores if you’re literally making nothing on the greens which I hate right now absolutely hate that I I want to make birdies I used to make a ton of

Birdies that was like my thing as I made a ton of birdies but lately I’ve just been making a ton of pars and bogeys you saw me shoot 81 82 in that Pro tournament and that’s just a lot of putts which is uh I hate it 120 yards pitching

Wedge oh she’s done it get up go go a little bit okay I don’t mind that it’s not our best shots again but again we both haven’t missed a green we both haven’t missed a fairway which is pretty now we have to make p and now we have to

Walk this the part three we got to walk we got to walk oh got to walk all right Sarah you’re you’re getting into some tournament golf I’ve heard that’s the plan you’ve obviously gone from more of like a recreational call it social media golfer like I guess what I am now um

Some competitive golf is that something that you’re nervous about or is just going to it no I think I just want to see like I just want to live up to my potential whatever that is like I’m not putting that much pressure on it but I’m definitely someone who likes to have

Something to work towards yeah which is why I really like P cuz it very competitive so I want to keep doing content and growing the game but I want to see you know how how good I can get how how far I can go with G

Yeah I like it you never know and honestly you never know and I think you’ll see that a lot with other athletes from other sports right now there’s so many people that are taking up golf that come from other competitive I know your pageant’s the same it’s competitive it’s very competitive it’s a

Competitive lifestyle so um it’s kind of cool that you can take golf remain competitive and kind of put your energy towards something else 100% yeah I can’t imagine doing pageants I thought you were Mr Canada I’m way too ugly for that that for free we both don’t exactly have

Makeable putts here I’m just off to the right there pin High s is a little bit short uphill putt coming off those last three putts on the last hole be nice to ride the ship a bit here and actually put a little TT on this I’m not

Expecting these to go in but just it up there SL it up there make the car and get out of here oh my God she almost made it almost holy that gave me a little bit of a heart attack I gave it a go I’ve officially given up on my putter I

Played yesterday with three clubs used the mini driver for putting and actually puted it great we’re going to try this cuz after that last putt I’ve made nothing today I just want to see if I can make something happen here yeah I mean I’m not un happy with

That little deep but gave it a run little left rer these are the ones I was making no problem with the wood yesterday I don’t know what it is but something when I’m putting these five Footers with mini driver just frees me out that’s really intimidating when your

Opponent is putting with a mini driver I was going to say that was good but thought you make you grind if tournaments are coming up you got to grind over the everything those girls do not give you any P they’ll like try to like sabotage you out there Sarah’s even

Par through S I’m one over got my work cut out for me I definitely need to make something happen here I some birdies are off I hope so we hav have a birdie we only had one birdie in this group so far on that second hole from Sarah so be nice

To make one more let’s do it all right we’re on the seventh hole Par Four 366 yards going to hit mini driver just cuz I don’t like the left miss here um can probably get pretty close to the green downwind with this uh mini driver pretty

Much like 300 yard club for me 280 to 300 depending on how I hit it can’t tell but I think that’s a pretty good spot there hopefully it’s short of those bunkers I think those bunkers are green side so I think we’re in good

Shape he’s got a 270 yard par 4 here she could hit driver but it brings in a lot of trouble with left hazard in those bunkers so five iron yeah I think it’s five IR in play oh a little sting little sting piece I mean be rude not to to be fair good

One okay get up there beautiful you hit that well no but it’s in the middle of the Fairway so like how that’s another Fairway you haven’t missed a fairway or green yet jeez I didn’t know what I was signing up for today you know did I 111

So I’m going to hit like a little smooth pitching wedge love it oh my God she’s flushing it out here be as good as you look come on jeez see I made a divid that time that’s when you know you didn’t Pi it good job that’s when you

Know Well Done than put the pressure on me again I didn’t laser it again I don’t have a laser so I’m going to go eyeball here about 60 yards over the green or to the pin sorry over these bunkers I need to put this close you hit that in there

About 15 feet just under it I have to put a little bit of spin on this to have it stop oh wow good shot thank you you should be a all that was better hopefully I can make that one a little bit short but not taking the putter out

Cuz I can’t make anything with the putter first small opening I’ve had other than that hole that we both three-putted but s just told me she’s going to make this so I don’t love the confidence I love the confidence but but I don’t love to hear that she is feeling

Good about it a pill pot not much to it 7 for seven in Greens and rag I knew I was going to make that I literally just knew she literally called it so good Sarah now the pressure’s on for I mean I’m not saying this is a must

Make but this this is a must make I mean holy smoke Sarah I’ve actually seen you putt before and normally you don’t make anything yeah I have this new thing where I have just like more confidence you spent some time with your coach in Florida recently too I’ve been grinding

Your swing’s been looking good so that was a must make I don’t make that one I’m toast so I mean I’m not using putter again the rest of this trip maybe on the back down I’ll try it again but to match good birdies good birdies I

Mean this golf course is playing I’d say easier than normally it is cuz when when it’s windy out here it’s pretty tough so we picked a really good morning calm condition soft greens good golf being played so Sarah moves to one under I’m even par we have two holes left we have

I think it’s a reach pull par five next tool so we have a chance for Sarah to get significantly under power with a good drive maybe you shouldn’t have given her four shots I’m going to be honest with you again I haven’t played with Sarah since last year um her game

Was good then but she’s like it’s pretty impressive how much improvement she’s put on her game so four shots was probably bold we probably have to do a rematch cuz I’m right now I’m five down with two holes left with those Strokes and she’s beating me off the stick which

Again I love beating look at her she just having a laugh over there eating freaking pickles out of a bag to underp power golf I’ll never be upset as long as I’m shooting a decent round of golf I’m always going to be okay losing so I want I’m encouraging good golf on this

Channel generally speaking I hate t- shots where there’s hazards left um so I can hit this anywhere right so I’m just going to hit a low peeler starting at the right traps try to get back easily reachable and two with a good t-shot here P the out

Of going be honest that’s an our Fairway but it actually could be okay for my second shot I absolutely pull sniped that that’s still double cross happens from occasion or to occasion but I think I’ll be able to get home and two from there cuz I hit it really good so

Sarah has been known to hit a pretty damn good DOD which you know I respect the hell out of so she’s going to go a little DOD here get it rolling out there cuz she hits this just as far as a normal driver which is pretty uh pretty

Awesome jeez I was going to go pick up the tea but there there’s no te there I mean even more impressively driver off deck is a hard shot to hit but people who can draw it with a driver off deck I have a lot of respect for do a lot of

Respect for that I just absolutely double crossed one we just went and looked I’m in the middle of the other Fairway so I’m counting that as another Fairway and rag Sarah’s still perfect technically that’s a Miss but I’m counting it par five I can get home in two here which is

Uh Sarah looks like she’s laying up yeah I’m all right yeah that’s fine you’re in a fairway good M good boys you’re good okay nothing wrong that I Tri just sling it in there a little yeah I got so scared of hitting it in the hazard that I uh I just yanked

Sh it I knew I could hit it anywhere over there I just hop in and hit it in this bunker I actually want to scoot it through the bunker you have a good spot it’s not bad actually I don’t there’s right and then there’s this t-shot right

Which again I knew I could hit anywhere over here which is why I did it it’s so much better than slicing 10 o or something I think that could be really good I don’t know where the line was but I hit that perfect so two yeah 230 stick

It says we’ll see hopefully I hopefully I somehow hit that close can we talk about that one that was an absolute Dart you have that for Eagle so I have to I have to make a birdie here I forget the yardage you don’t have to

Make a birdie you still have a five shot lead on me Sarah and you’re beating me off the stick which I love but I want you to make birdie makes me seem cooler okay 118 think I’m going to hit a pitching wedge good shot little bit left to the

Stick P High okay don’t mind my I can make that p i I’m more impressed right now that she’s hit eight greens and red through eight holes have you ever gone perfect uh don’t think so yeah I mean we don’t really know what’s happen I would say green and Rags like hitting that

Many green and Rags on nine holes is like that’s sometimes more impressive than shooting a low score I think it’s like helps you focus with the camera I agree we were just saying like we’re both pretty new to talking camera like hitting shots on camera it is a little nerve-wracking this is nerve-racking

Like it’s kind of feels like you’re in a tournament a little bit ites which I like it’s good I was shaking on the firsty shot I was like just make contact yeah Putter’s still in the dogghouse proba keep in the doghouse until the end of this match anyone that follows the

Instagram I lost my golf clubs on the way back from Sweden I’ve been using a blade putter it’s probably the best I’ve putted in a really long time lost my club so I went back to the Mallet it just doesn’t really feel the same for me

And it’s probably a mental thing but um I’d like to to get that blade back because I think I was I was hitting some good putts with it so super happy with shot it was blind I had to kind of guess where the where the pin was guess the

Yardage seven wood came through for me Sarah’s got a birdie putt looks like it’s got some swing to it this A Hard P it’s a hard PT but I think it’s honestly one if you just get started on the right line yeah you want to lag it down once

You get over the hill it’s definitely moving left to right I’d love to see this go in me too but a TT is okay that should be really good oh my God you had it oh not hard enough yeah get five nothing wrong with

That he okay I want to see you make this one under par it hit it do it do it that was so good all right oh my God that was Unreal what I have made more Fe what I’ve made more feet of putts with this

Thing than I have in a long time so I’m literally thinking of benching the poter good just going straight that was you guys to witness that damn telling you man you need to make a putter with that shaft play I’m thinking it’s like the flatness of this like it’s the way it’s

Something for me the Arc of a longer putt it frees me up I don’t know what it is it’s kind of crazy that was so sick that was your ankle it was sick she just broke my club so I got to try to take them out that was huge putt cuz

That gets me um two under for the nine three under my last two holes Sarah’s one under I’m two under honestly I’m pretty impressed with the golf we’re playing cuz um I’ve been struggling a bit with my game been pretty honest about that I feel like I’m hitting it

Pretty good I be like I’m kind of making a turn with it two under to one under Sarah’s got a three shot lead with his fro so I need a a hole out and she needs to somehow make a bogey it’s the only real way I can win this thing I’m going

To go drive her off deck get in play set me up for a good yardage here low peeler cuz the hole sets up perfect for it okay a little bit left where I want it but it’s actually a good line into that pin as long as I don’t have tree trouble

Which I don’t think I do I think I skirted P that left tree so decent shot another Mist Fairway for me so now I’ve gone perfect on greens two Miss Fairways last toll I need something good to happen 300 yd car four can take it just

Right at the got to take some off this one because I can probably oh that was cooked okay that’s going to make my job tough I needed a bogey from Sarah here and I needed a whole out Eagle cuz I’m three down you just hit every Fairway and if

You hit the green here she’s going to go seven for seven of Fairways 9 for9 for greens like that’s impressive ball just brings out the best in people he has a very comforting energy it’s just comforting very comfor very comforting he’s a very good guest well I’m a very bugy

Person I mean that’s is the thing with golf like I’ve been struggling in tournaments golf cuz I just can’t get settled I can’t feel myself but this kind of stuff when you’re just playing with friends like just freeze you up you can just enjoy it it’s good energy yeah

It’s way better to play or easier to play better so this is what we’re trying to work towards I’m trying to get back into like this having fun in tournament golf cuz that’s when I play my best that’s t-shot was I thought it was a little bit better than this it’s not

Great I definitely got a little tree trouble but I think I can kind of finesse one in there I’ve got about 150 yards to the flag I’m going to go pitching wedge and kind of try to cut it a little bit to that back left pin if

It’s not a great line at all though yeah I think I hit that pretty close actually I think it’s about 10 ft just right of it she give me a look at the birdie oh she’s done it and she’s thrown it dirt God nine for

Nine greens and reg I mean I don’t know if that’s G to happen again on this channel because I’m certainly not going to do it wait did I just do it you just did it too we both did it 9 for9 for greens that’s actually crazy so much fun

9 for9 she went perfect on fairies and greens I went perfect for greens which is I mean and we both DOD yes first guest on the channel how’s it felt I feel so honored I’m so excited for Mac he’s such a natural I feel like his YouTube’s definitely going to pop off

But I’m very honored to be the first guest hopefully I uh hopefully I was exciting enough I think he just makes me feel really comfortable and just feels like you’re playing with a buddy which is always nice I got to I got to have him caddy for me in tournaments I think I

Know I was I was actually thinking that I was like I think that’s what I’ve realized in this match that he has to caddy for me in my next tournament I think I think I should caddy actually cuz I think some people just need a little bit more of like a

Calming um what’s the word a calming what am I looking for energy energy a calming energy on the bag and I think is probably someone like that some people need like very very strict and very like um dialed in and I feel like Sarah’s more just kind of go with flow she’s

Kind of like me we got kind of similar Energy safe to say Sarah has won this match and we probably going to be a rematch where Sarah does not get four shots she’s going to get two next time come on come on okay good I thought

It was kind of I was pretty impressed with the play a golf there I thanks I love watching that and look at me I’ve actually got the cutter back and play just because you know what I think it’s a mental thing to have 100% it’s just a

Mindset this is to go four under my last three holes today oh my gosh I’m going to go claw grip that’s about part for the course no chance of making it I block every putt I hit with Putters so the scores are 34 for me 35

For Sarah she beat me by three in the match hopefully you guys enjoyed that uh we got some other guests coming on I’m sure you’re going to see more of Sarah as well I think we need a rematch yeah I think we do too think we need just go

Straight up next time we I didn’t know what to expect with Sarah so hope you guys enjoyed that we’ll see you in the next one make sure you like And subscribe see you soon


  1. Best Cananda can do for a communist country. For what they did to the 'trucker-protest' they shut their bank account's off! But, the Hamas supporters' were free to protest.

  2. Heya Mac, why do you putt with such an open stance? edit: You've got the lettuce for Mr. Canada 🤣🤣

  3. Solid content. LOVE the walk and talk stuff off the tee. I know you'll always be self-depricating but that was fucking hilarious stuff, my man.

  4. Great match in a beautiful location. Been following you for years and wish you all the best Mac.

  5. Enjoyed this a lot! Loved golfing in Whistler, kind of like golf here in Sweden but with the scenery maxed out! Good job Mac and Sara!

  6. Lefty gang! Stoked for the channel Mac, I was about to to add a counter on the no warmup excuses lol 🤘🏻

  7. Mac go back to your Coggin Design custom putter LOL It would be good to get a drink when you are in Toronto

  8. Great video, really enjoyed seeing you two play. Sorry to hear that you lost your clubs.
    Q: Mac, why don't you have a laser yardage finder? Don't want/need one, or don't have one?

  9. Hell ya bro! What a great video. Keep it up! You should do a “Spin the Wheel” to play with Mac get some donations or something and have a winner to be a guest on the show 💪🏼🙏🏻 random idea haha

  10. Mac, I know you took a lot of crap on Good Good channel but it’s where I first seen you and loved it, glad to see you on your own channel. Subscribed and looking forward to your trip to the moon. Thanks to Nate who showcased you so well on his day in the life video.

  11. Great content Mac🤙🏽… I sent you my swing vid on instagram a few yrs ago and you were kind enough to reply with some tips – really appreciate that and don’t forget genuine kindness. Best of luck with your channel…fellow Canadian lefty and officially subscribed 🤙🏽⛳️

  12. Mac, Try a longer blade putter. Im a lefty with left eye dominant. I switched to 37" blade putter, the added lenght makes me see the line better standing more upright and the blade frees me up compared to a mallet. The lenght also made my tempo alot better.

  13. Mac I want you to come down to Boston some time so we can have a putting boot camp: I see some opportunities in your setup that could help getting you feeling as free and artistic with your putter as you do over your tee shots. Jaxon Golf shop is in Somerville and we're gonna do everything free for you when you visit. Cheers, Mac: I'm the founder and Mark X Putter designer. – Tyler Jon Morrison

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