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FULL GAME | Rangers v Hertha Berlin | 13 Jan 2024

Watch the full game as Rangers play Hertha Berlin in a behind closed-doors friendly during their mid season training camp in Spain.

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More Than special welcome to the big bold Heart of Florida Welcome to Kimi [Applause] a Good afternoon welcome along to Rangers TV you’re not imagining it it is live football at 3:00 on a Saturday here to Berlin against Rangers from the club’s training camp at the uh Resort in labanga in Spain I’m Andrew Dixon thank you very much for joining us for this

Afternoon’s coverage joining me today is a man who knows all about taking on German teams he did it with Rangers four times in the Champions League against stutgart he was also in the squad which took on verder bremond on the way to the 2008 UFA Cup Final in which he played as

Well is of course Kevin Thompson Kevin thank you very much for joining us um these games in mid-season mid-season friendlies you don’t always take too much from them but what can Rangers expect to take from this fixture this afternoon yeah thanks for having me as

As usual um I supposed to be a bit different Andrew the respect that we went to Germany preseason the German teams that I did play against were competitive game so it’ll be a little bit unsure to see how things go whether they’ll change the team at halftime

Which minutes players are going to get who needs to get up to speed but I certainly think it’ll be a competitive challenge we can see obviously the footage in the background the pitch looks lovely the Sun’s shining a bit different for for Glasgow but um I’m

Pretty sure it’ll be a a worthy task for the boys and and the manager will give him some food food for thought yeah is about 10° warmer in lamanga than it is over in Glasgow so very very welcome change in uh scenery and and a background for for Rangers a little bit

About her to Berlin today’s opponents just to give you an idea of what to expect relegated from the Bundesliga as the bottom team last season a very indifferent start to to this season as well six defeats in the first 11 but since then nine unbeaten in competitive competitive fixtures they haven’t played

For the best part of a month competitively although they did play in h midweek against the Belgian team meckelin lost 3-0 nevertheless this should be a fairly decent test for for Rangers because as you know yourself Kevin having gone to Germany in preseason played teams from the third

Tier fourth tier they’re always pretty good teams to come up against and especially in games like this yeah I always think back to to how cute and clever the manager was at the time um and you didn’t listen you couldn’t work under anyone better than Walter Smith

But I used to always be quite intrigued now that I suppose I’ve retired and reflected that you go over to Germany they’re fit they’re strong they’re robust um sometimes the pitches are sticky especially preseason you you’re there to get fit um and the quality that these German boys have got is is is

Really high and competitive and um I always think back that it was quite clever for for wer obviously take us over there to get us fit and it give us real competitive games to try and get us the right base for for obviously the start of the Season well we’ll get on to

The team news shortly but first let’s hear from a couple of the players who will be involved in this afternoon’s fixture first it’s a man who has done extremely well in his first season at hbrooks Jack butland he’s had a a tremendous campaign so far let’s hear

From him now Jack firstly we’re here in Spain just looking back a bit at at what has happened since you’ve came here how have you look back on your start to your Rangers career it’s been it’s been incredible I think obviously it’s easy to say that from a position now where we

Feel like things are really heading in the in the right direction um the start of the season was somewhat eventful but um but looking back on it from a individual perspective Collective perspective playing for this club it’s been it’s been incredible it’s been good fun it’s been uh it’s been full of some

Highs and lows already um I guess that’s all part and parcel of it but um it’s been really enjoyable lot of people have asked me like what has the club sort of lived up to your expectations or gone beyond that and it’s been bigger than I

Bigger than I expected I knew it I knew it was big but you and people that ask they’ll never know until you’re inside until you until you witness it so um it’s it’s been it’s been special I’ve seen glimpses of what um what it can be

You know winning a Trophy and and seeing the celebrations and seeing that I know things can get bigger and that’s the plan um yeah it it’s gone it’s gone really well obviously I feel that sort of love and affection from the fans which is something that every player wants to wants to feel

Um so yeah so there’s like I said there’s a there’s a lot of memories there’s a lot of games that I look back on and just think you know how important they were how much I enjoyed them and how much that as a goalkeeper you want to have those games and and make

Important contributions and um thankfully I’ve been able to do that and yeah as a team we’re sort of we’re getting to to where we need to as well it’s one of the best groups I’ve been involved in um it’s great to say that I think it’s it’s it’s good to have good characters

And nice characters and positive characters I think you always need that um nasty ruthless Edge as well which I think we’ve got in Parts I think as a squad we want to bring we want to bring more of what what we can yeah for you as one of the more I guess experienced

Players in this group how how did you take on that role and and what kind of role do you have in this group for me I’ve just tried to stay the same I think you I don’t I don’t feel old but I know that I’ve been around for a long time so

I think you do bring a different um maturity to the group or experiences you know I’ve I’ve been through it all so you know how to deal with the highs you know how to deal with the lows so I think it it’s trying to keep um keep a

Positive head cuz I guess look people I guess look to you um obviously not just me but the boys in the group you know they look to you they look to your reactions they look to see you know when they need help you know where where to

Go and yeah so I guess for me that’s just been it’s been natural I think when you’re when you’re playing and and and things are are going well on the pitch for you it it’s it carries a lot more weight so I think leading by example

First I guess is is the best way to do things um and yeah hopefully I’ve I’ve been doing that yeah there seems like a lot of excitement heading into this second part of the season and I guess a lot more to come from this group and and

What’s been achieved so far there should be that’s that’s the nature of this club it’s about it’s about winning and being successful that’s what we’ve got to live up to that’s what we’ve got to do um it’s not an easy task um if we thought it was easy then we wouldn’t get the

Success that we want we’ve got to keep pushing we’ve got to understand that you know you’re not given you got to go and take it you got to go and take your opportunities and and that’s certainly something that we we’ve got to do do I believe we can do it yeah um but

Believing it’s one thing we got to make sure that we do it and push each other every day it’s a time where everything’s going in the right direction um and every Department in this club needs to think that realize that and and push to improve um in every aspect because

That’s what that’s what we need to do and if we want to be successful um this season long term that’s what the mindset needs to be which I’m sure it is and I’m sure it will be is that why you came here I guess to have those those and and

Winn to win um that’s you know that’s the bottom line that’s what the club’s all about as well we have the numbers on the wall at the stadium at the training ground it’s it’s what this club’s done um to be a part of that to be a part of History going

Forward is what for me as as a player you want to be a part of um it’s about winning Jack butland there and of course Kevin he’s had such a a fantastic start to his time at Rangers 34 games he’s played this season he’s the only player to have played in every single

Competitive fixture 16 clean sheets in that as well and I thought it was really interesting there just the Insight that you had into him saying about he’s here to win and and he’s clearly got the right mentality to to be at Rangers and so far has has shown that he has a

Talent as well in the Park yeah he’s not the typical Rangers goalie when you think of you know handy Goram and Alan McGregor and sometimes these goalies seem a bit daed and they almost need to be daff to play in that position but he seems really articulate he seems really

Well-mannered he seems and that’s not that they to weren’t of course um but you just I always think you need to be a we with da to be to be a goalkeeper and Jack seems to come across really really well I think the fact that he mentions winning quite regularly when he speaks

To Rangers TV and he does the media I think he gets it which is important um and we spoke obviously off air about the concentration level you need to be a a Rangers goalie spending a lot of time you know watching the game in front of

You and then you need to produce big saves and and so far I’m not so sure he could have made a better start to his Rangers career James Taver when you look at him and and the fact that he’s scored so many goals and his numbers have

Obviously been very high with assists as well um despite all of that over the the years it doesn’t really seem as though he’s come close to the England squad is it different for butland because you look at the situation just now with Aon ramsdale for instance Arsenal isn’t

Really getting the game time that he got last season that there’s not the wealth of goalkeepers there of that kind of standard that there maybe has been for England in the past and and butland who of course spent last season at Manchester United and has nine caps for

England is it impossible to think that he might come back into G Southgate thinking it’s certainly not impossible um certainly with the performance he’s putting on and and he’s playing at the moment in a successful team that’s already got silverware it’s a massive platform yeah listen there’s no doubt

That the the league and he mentions it there when he was speaking nothing’s easy um especially at a club like this because you know your arch Rivals are are just as good and just as competitive and you need to have that edge all the time and it’s not about expecting it’s

About going to try and take it so I think he’ll have one eye he seems a really confident person um and and fers cross these performances that he’s that he’s producing week in week out he can get an opportunity to get the recondition he deserves okay well that’s

Jack butland another player who is looking to make the same kind of impact that he has over the next few months arrived at Rangers just a couple of weeks ago on loan from wolves Fabio Silva has also been talking to the angels media Team I think it did start with my in my family when I’m young my father played football too uh in in B in Portugal my brother play football too so in my house we speak all about football uh my mom always tried to to take a little bit outside the football when we are

Together but no chance we are speaking always about football yeah but was nice because my father and my and my brother are football footballers to my father know but was nice yeah what are some of your earliest memories of starting playing and and getting into the game oh

I start in uh in one team in on the on my not my City but one my grandfather grandfather is nans in team in Portugal and after I go to gundar and after I go to to my team in Portugal Porto uh it was nice I I spend there most of my time

In my when I’m young so I enjoy a lot uh when I go to the tournaments when I’m a kid was really nice uh and yeah my best m is is in Port of course yeah you say your team did you grow up a Porto supporter

Yeah because my mom is is a fan from PTO two all my family are from PTO two so since I’m kid I go to the stadium with them so when I’m there in the stadium I always say to myself I want to play here

One one day and I want the fun sing for me one day here and after everything happened so I’m really proud for myself too yeah that must have been special for you to to come through the academy there and and then make your debut and and do

What you did in the first yeah it was really special because I I think always say that uh the people who play on Porto you have to play there to feel the the environment and to feel the the way do do you love the club and me I played

Since I am kid on PTO so I I feel the club a little bit different than than the other ones I see from Young what is the what is Port what is the at the end from from Porto so for me it was really special and when I go to the stadium

When for example I see one of my Idols there in PTO Falcone who play their and the fun sing her name I say to myself one day they’re going to sing for me and I have to play here and I have to be Champion here and after I play I score

There I win the league so was something special for me what has of these first few weeks been like for you how have you find Glasgow and you the weather you touched on there as well it was nice was nice because here I play already in the

Ey Brocks last game so was nice to feel a little bit the the emotion and the the warm welcome from from their fans was nice nice uh yeah but now we have this week here in Spain to for me of course I’m new to see more the Dynamics from

The team from the coach what the coach want for me the relationship with the to build a relationship with the with the players so it’s nice we can we can train we can enjoy the weather we can we can do some things together so yeah it’s

Nice for we can when he come back we have everything like together to to go and take our our goals this week is nice because we have more time to training you can uh we can learn more we can build together the connection from the place because it’s important when you on

The training you have this relationship and you have this Dynamics on the game I think up myself I think like this after the things come natural so for me this is the most important and of course after the people you’re going to see on the games the thing going to go natural

And we going they going to enjoy our football fabul over there talking to l shot a quick word on him Kevin just before we go into the the teams um he obviously arrives with that 35 million price tag that he went to to wolves with from from Porto clearly a weight of

Expectation on him but you look at the numbers that he had um the goals that he scored in his previous loan Spells at andle and uh and PSV as well you can see why Philip clant has has decided to to take the chance on on bringing him in

He’s quite young and still relatively unproven I suppose but clearly has something about him as well yeah there has obviously done the come onic game when he when he made his debut and come on for the last 15 20 minutes um just last week and you can see he’s got

Swagger he’s got that typical um you know Continental touch the technique the you know what I mean the nice balance so um you know fingers Crossing can be a good player he comes with a big reputation he’s he’s already represented big Club so um he’ll feel the weight

He’ll feel the pressure I like the way he speaks about you know the DNA of the club and the history of the club and and the platform that he’s been given the opportunity so I don’t think he looks like a a one that runs in behind so much

I think he’s one that can handle the ball and drop an area so it’ll be interesting to see how him him and can’t well cuz he’s similar type um how they link up and what type of wavelength they can build together to see if they can build a good relationship that can

Obviously fruitfully be good for the team well it looks as though Fabi Sila will play through the middle for Rangers today let’s take a look at the teams Robbie mcui starting in goals this afternoon for Rangers a back four of James tavener John Sutter Leon balagan

And rid van Yas who is in Spain and does play today h John Lindstrom niiko Rasin and dejon Sterling make up the Midfield and you have ton Todd canwell and rabie matondo either side of Silva on the bench for Rangers today man we heard from a few moments ago Jack butland

Kieran Wright Connor goon seral ders Jose centes Scott Wright Leon King Ross mland John le yo Robbie Fraser Aaron lyo Bailey rice and Cole McKinnon uh looking at team H there Kevin Rangers have gone pretty strong to start with you would expect that with the number of

Substitutes that are on the bench we will probably see quite a few changes maybe even a a whole team H changed at halim uh but certainly a strong team to to begin with anyway yeah and as you’d expect I suppose I’m pretty sure the manager will want to keep momentum you I

Mentioned the we bit down tools it’s maybe the wrong thing listen they’re over there to work hard but I certainly think they’ll have an opportunity to switch off and you know recharge the batteries mentally um but I certainly think the manager picked the team that he’s he’s expecting a big performance

He’s expecting boys to continue to try and shine and get in these plans to move forward and probably the interesting thing for me Andy is that that can’t will matondo and Silva who’s going to play nine are they going to rotate Mondo’s obviously got blistering speed

Can likes to come towards the ball so it’ll be interesting to see how that dynamic as a three works great to see rasan playing as well he came on against karuk obviously out for a couple of months with injury and good to see him back in because he as we saw

Particularly last season I think uh he he really adds something to that Midfield when he’s on his game yeah I think he’s a real talent I think he his profile is great he’s he’s the right age he’s I think he’s got a bit about him he’s got a wee bit bite which listen

John lrom brings that as well but as an unknown one without taking too much away for Raskin Sterling I think he’s I think he’s been Dynamite since he’s been given a role in Midfield and he’s I think good food for thought for the manager that people like Raskin who does come back

With a big reputation he’s going to need to fight to get in the team and that can only be you know good news for the manager quickly just going through the hair to Berlin team H it won’t surprise you to to hear that with a relegation into the second tier of German Football

Not very many GES there that that Rangers fans will be conscious of one who is there is John joen of course spent time on loan at at Celtic when Rangers won the league titl in uh 2020 21 he’s not involved this afternoon though uh so otherwise uh the the her of

Berlin team uh largely made up of players that that that Rangers fans will not know ernston goal and then it’s pck bukakas car bnck trevlac Kemp Winkler tabakovic sharun Clemens and gor so uh Rangers preparing to get underway against herto Berlin kickoff coming up in the next few

Minutes stick with us on with us on Rangers TV stream live this afternoon on YouTube welcome to 42 Red Incredible play top slots like Thunder stru 2 Immortal romance join and get a welcome bonus up to £50 only at 32 British football has been shaped by by AR ble the actual physical character and personality of its football stadiums you cannot understand British football in the 20th century without understanding his contribution Arch Bal leech goes on to absolutely transform architecture not just in Scotland but a lot of the big

Grounds historically in England if it’s not the whole stadium there’s at least a stand there that has an archal leech presence to it he has got a role in the history of almost every big Club in the country I don’t know how many trophies have been paraded around in Arch Leach

Stadiums over the course of the last last 100 years it must be almost Beyond count I think it’s always important for the fans to understand where the club came from and where iBooks came from and in that regard you know Arch Paul Lee is up there as one of the most important

Characters you cannot conceive of British football in the 20th century without the Scots from the Queens Park players who invented the passing game Matt Busby Dennis Law Alex Ferguson Scottish tradition goes right through that and AR was part of that the British game was essentially an Anglo Scottish

Game if you think in terms of tactics the Scots were incredibly important in terms of management incredibly important so it’s in natural that the person who would be responsible for shaping the look of English football and Scottish Football in the 20th century it’s not a surprise that he was a Scott that’s what

The Scots did they love football welcome back to Rangers TV live on YouTube this afternoon I’m adri Dixon joined by Kevin Thompson for commentary of Rangers friendly against Hera Berlin as you can see the teams are out in lamanga Rangers in their change white Kit this afternoon uh here to Berlin in

All blue um we are just waiting for kickoff couple of minutes away a quick run through the Rangers team again Robbie mcro starts in goal this afternoon and there tavanir Sutter balagan and redvan Lindstrom Rasin and Sterling then canwell matondo and Fabo Silva in attack uh Rangers taking on a team which lost

3-0 in midweek to mecklin this of course the first of two midseason friendlies that Rangers will play ahead of the resumption of the competitive campaign away to Darton next week weend in the Scottish cup um Kevin just before we get going this should be an interesting test this afternoon and obviously the game

Against Copenhagen on Tuesday yeah I think it will be a test I don’t think it’ll be easy I think the manager will expect the standards that he’s coming in demanded for for the getg go really um and I’d imagine the players will I’ll be looking to try and impress to make sure

That when the competitive ones do come around you mentioned on Barton in the cup the first game to come back to they want to be in that starting 11 living so um listen I wouldn’t expect any feet off the gas I would expect everybody trying to impress and I’m pretty sure the

Germans will be fit they’ll be strong they’ll be aggressive so it’ll be a good test well this is actually the third time the Rangers have played here to Berlin in a friendly there’s looking for their first Victory they lost twice in the 1970s H 3-0 in Germany in 1917

December 1917 then 3-2 at I Brooks in front of 41,000 in August 1975 Derek parlan and Alec McDonald getting the goals on that occasion uh of course as I mentioned earlier coming up against a team which is unbeaten in nine compared competitive fixtures but they

Have not played for the best part of a month Hera as we get underway red van with an early Touch of course speculation about his future but he is on this trip and he is very much involved this afternoon as Rangers give away an early free kick he’s been one that’s flourished

Andy recently he’s um been given opportunity with bonab barisich out the team he’s certainly one that’s has caught the eye in recent weeks yeah barisich also on this trip not involved in the match day Squad today but he was part of a 31 player party which traveled out from Glasgow on

Wednesday Rangers in Spain until Monday before coming back for that game against Copenhagen on Tuesday night we’ll ticket information for that one incidentally on rangers. Rangers just taking a moment or two to feel their way into this game as you would expect from a lot of these matches perhaps not the same

Intensity that you’ll get in competitive fixtures as balagan takes a touch inside before finding lrom certainly be bit different for playing up front of ey Brocks and potentially giving the ball away and feeling the ra of the fans so I’m pretty sure the boys will enjoy it different

Experience you can hear almost every shout which is a bit unusual when you commentate you can hear the boys almost shouting so interesting to see if there’s any any coaching points for the boys that we can pick up on how do these games differ from the likes for preseason fixure because obviously at

That point you’re building up Fitness um it’s only 11 days since Rangers last played a competitive game uh the players had a few days off but then back out to to Spain on weddingday I mean clearly they’re not going to have lost very much sharpness at all yeah I think it would

Just be a ticken over one really you know 45 minutes in the tank we’ll expect to see changes in the second half but I just reiterate Andy really that the standard that the manager will be demanding he’ll expect a good performance the fans will expect a good

Performance listen you can’t take the F off the gas at this club it’s just the way it is um preseason friendly mid season friendly and we never had the winter break when I was playing but I’m pretty sure all the boys will have worked hard this this week and obviously

The games will just be a kind of top up to make sure that they’re ready to go when the competitive ones come back Rangers of course 20 games played in the Scottish Premiership 15 wins currently eight points off the top of the table but with those two games in hand over

Celtic we played later this month against hibs and then also on Valentine’s Day at home to Ross County an opportunity certainly for Philip clemont’s side to Edge closer and hopefully even move ahead in the title race in the foreseeable future a small crowd at this game made

Up mainly of locals from the lamanga area and surrounds of course in the meria region of Spain great conditions in which for Rangers to come and train in midseason as canell picks up 30 yards out moves the ball out wide to matondo has red van in support but Rangers have to settle

For the throw red van takes the throw and canwell just does enough to win the first corner of the game three minutes gone still nil nil but Rangers with a chance to exert some pressure here well is redv Van who will take the corner did very well against karuk last

Week rightly in my opinion named man of the match in comes the corner cleared by Hera out to Sterling on the edge of the Box nodded out wide to tavanir who tries to go around the Long Way plays back instead to Sterling himself a real Revelation in recent

Weeks and her really struggling to get the ball out at the moment Rangers with another throw as they look to make this early period of pressure count canwell plays the one two with Silva tavanir Cuts in crowded out but Rangers still have possession tavanir tries to find rascan doesn’t succeed but

Rangers with another Corner Kevin yeah all quite Compact and they just to be you know so many bodies You could argue it’s quite a good thing for Rangers because domestically that’s what it can feel like I BRS you know when teams come and part of the bus and get lots of boys

Behind the sorry bodies behind the ball but it’ll be interesting to see cuz the pitch I thought the pitch looked really good but you can see already just in front of Tav there taking a corner that it’s cut up a wee bit so interesting to

See how the boys look after the ball how they pass it can they keep that Tempo up on a difficult surface tavier with the corner on the right and as Kevin was saying there the pitch maybe not the best and perhaps demonstrated by Taver slip and the return ball from Taver

Gathered by Herter’s go goal keeper Hera as we said before the game relegated from the Bundesliga last season they finished bottom currently seventh in the second tier H with a bit of work to do themselves if they are to get themselves into contention for promotion at the end of the season 10

Points off the leaders holin kill and even to get into the playoffs are a few points behind Hamburg who occupied the third place position that would get them into those fixtures Rangers trying to come forward again count well on the edge of the box into Silva claims for

Hand ball the referee indicating that it came off his chest and that’s certainly how it looked from where we are as well lrom nods down and then has another go at the second attempt rascan now putting his foot in the ball balagan and you can certainly see as Kevin said a minute AG

Go the pitch cutting up a lot of uh parts of the pitch in the middle area there’s already some grass coming up yeah plenty of divs like watching me play golf and it to be honest um but lovely play for canwell lovely we pass great run for

Silva and it’s matondo as well now great ball down to him he’s on the right on the left sorry comes in shoots and that’s saved by the her to goalkeeper and in fact it’s a goal kick matondo looking to get on the end of that ball again but Rangers getting the shot Kevin

And and they’ve started this game far brighter clearly than herter yeah dominating the ball it’s always interesting to see how it would pan out but you know getting all the ball really and getting opportunities to attack you know we keep on mentioning obviously the difficult surface but just something

They need to deal with they need to deal with that when they go to Darton um so I don’t think it’s a it’s a bad exercise for the manager to to be in difficult circumstances and um you know the boys at the moment seem to be handling it reasonably well you know can

Will starting pick up the ball Sila’s been involved a wee bit don’t think it was a penalty but and now mat I just wish he would do that that a we bit more you know be a more direct a we bit more selfish get his shots off cuz he’s

Certainly got the the capabilities of Drifting by people it’s been quite frustrating for maton obviously since he came to Rangers In and Out couple of injuries um form has been there then not there at other times as well but I don’t think there’s any doubt and a lot of

Rangers fans watching will feel the same I’m sure he can really be a big player for the club in the second half he’s he’s got blister and pace and it scares people that it makes Defenders back track it it makes Defenders not get as tight you know so it creates a bit

Animosity within back lines and I just think he needs running games he obviously needs something to drop for him um ball in behind Tav at the moment yeah herter coming forward cut back but Leon balagan is there to intercept that may well be a corner I think it is

Indeed all too easy there you know in behind James to an here Del we in the end I think beon Su coming across the front area but just all too easy but just touching on Mondo and he’s I just think he’s off the cuff type player and I can sense the

Frustration at times when he he maybe turns over the ball but I certainly think there’s a player in there I think it it was either the West Ham game or the Real Madrid game that I done for Rangers TV at the start of season he was

Blistering um so there is a player in there it’s just trying to get that consistency the corner comes in not a great delivery Rangers do clear but only out to the edge of the box where koutnik is there to collect for Hera and then Silva puts the ball out for another Hera

Throw lovely surroundings in Spain for Rangers to work for a few days ahead of that game against Copenhagen of course into the last 16 of the champions league on Tuesday night so again a step up in opponent probably from what they are facing this afternoon as Robbie mcro

Takes possession good for him to get a run out this afternoon Kevin of course H Jack butland the only man between the six of Rangers this season understandably so when you see the form that he’s been in but but Robbie mcro you know he’s into his mid 20s now and

And very keen to get game time um and even if it is just a friendly it’s an opportunity to show the manager what he can do yeah 100% And I know personally he was he was frustrated obviously when he’s had his opportunity and and not

Managed to to stick it out really as the number one but Len it’s it’s difficult to play here it’s difficult to entertainment and it be fair to Jack sometimes I think you need to be humbled it doesn’t mean that Robbie won’t want to play he won’t believe in himself but

You know when Jack’s coming and done so well it makes it difficult for the manager to you know mix things up and give him the opportunities that he probably craves yeah only seven competitive appearances for Robbie mcro at Rangers now 25 he has actually kept clean sheets in six of those games as

Well so um a good record when he has played uh but certainly looking for more game time but difficult to dislodge butland when he’s in the form he has been in the wind just getting up in lamanga as you can hear so as much as it

Is sunny that will just add to the challenge ever so slightly Rangers with the throw tavanir on the far side perhaps slightly ambitious there but Hera not doing the best job they could have done at clearing the ball there all they do emerge with possession once again but the move breaks down once

More and Rangers in the first 10 minutes Kevin probably on top of course herter did have that break a couple of moments ago and an opportunity as well but um I think probably what you’ve seen from Rangers at times is in a lot of games this season it’s taken a long time for

Them to break teams down more recently you’ve seen them scoring quite early and that’s the kind of thing that Philip clont will be looking for from his team yeah I think there has to be an element in patience when you have all the ball but I certainly think to to disrupt

Teams and put them under real pressure you need to play forward quickly and and your front players then need to look after the ball they need to play off the cuff they need to be clever and intricate to try and create the chances against pack defenses but you just see

The ball for Rask in there that’s the type of passes one pass before you know you’re in the but opposition box and it comes to a corner and it comes once again from tavir decent delivery headed away once more though canwell tries to take control Mis controls and now herter

With the chance to break through three on two just coming into the box now the shot intercepted by Red van again you can see I think that’s John lindstrom’s just gone down in the edge of the box there the surface clearly causing problems for one or two players uh lrom

Does seem to be okay but again perhaps an example of That Awkward surface that they’ve got to play on Kevin yeah and another break away for here thought you know they’re almost playing in the counter it seems difficult to play that ball you can just see it there getting

Passed across the back it has bobbling in a wee bit but know it’s certainly not being a problem for Raskin I think when he’s dropped on it he’s played a couple of the passes just fizzy passes forward um so it’s just concentration levels really and dealing with the the

Conditions I certainly don’t think they should use any excuses for it rasan plays forward there and it’s Silva who goes down holding his head certainly a high boot on him and not Ming about for the referee there anyway straight out with the yellow card 11 minutes gone in

A mid-season friendly doesn’t matter out comes the book for the uh the herter captain Kemp not so sure how long I’d last on a pitch with that [Laughter] ref he was straight it was almost in his hand before before the foul and rightly so I suppose

But now here we go it’s red van and tavanir standing over the ball looks as be tavanir that will hit it indeed it is but he plays short looking for matondo perhaps not the best delivery from the captain here to well matondo actually wins that one back is that going to go

For a corner not the goalkeeper just gathers and no more herto Can Come Away with possession down the right hand side F lights on doesn’t feel as though there’s much need for that yet but that wind certainly SS as it’s going to be a challenge as the game progresses ball

Lifted in and it’s not dealt with mcro comes and does enough to get in the way but Rangers a little SL lack in defenser Kevin yeah just I just think that edge in defending really Andy they just you know dropped in behind chavan the mistake for canb the Counterattack on

The corner the next one you know Striker just gets wrong sided John Suter Robie MCC really alert to do to deal with the danger but I can hear the manager shouting to for James Taver to tuck in when the ball’s on the side and then down the side so it’s amazing that like

A lot of these coaches nowadays they have that that for the for the people watching in the house you you know narrow and Compact and playing down the sides and dealing with the ball when it comes inside but not allowing teams to play through you um and I’ve listen I’ve

Never worked with the manager but you can see red Van’s position there he’s not the one that’s going to pressing the ball he’s tucked in inside James Tav you’re tucked in now you know almost alone that one but interesting to see how it develops if there’s if there’s

Any problems that come off the back of that nice switch play there from bakis Rangers do clear but her to pick up once again 35 yards out now looking to make amends for that midweek defeat they had against the belgians of meckelin Yer with the ball in defense now to

Pck so you can see how it rotates there and you know red van then going to the ball and matondo tracking the runner so interesting to see just intrigued really I suppose as a young coach and someone that loves watching football um you know cwell jumps up a line there’s you know

There’ll be certain principles that the manager will demand and I got a good insight into Steven and MC be so it’s um to just see we subtle changes within the team and and how they set up how at the press and what they look like in position and out of position how

Impressed Have You Been by the the transformation if you like I don’t know if that’s too strong a word in Rangers since clont came in obviously uh just that one defeat otherwise the the results have been excellent and some performances have been really good as well obviously two or three standout um

Wins against lik of Bettis away the League Cup Final win against Aberdine um it seems as though the team really has momentum and and perhaps that’s reflected by the fact that there were only a few days off after to the Comm game and then it straight back into

Training again he clearly wants to keep things going yeah I just think he’s relatable and he really when I when I listen to him talking I listen I listen to a lot of these postmatch interviews pre-match interviews CU I’m always intrigued like whenn Los or Draw good performance bad performance how they how

They speak to the media how they present themselves and I think the biggest thing is he’s relatable I think the fans understand him and that’s not that they didn’t understand Mike be M beel or other managers but I just think you have there’s a unique way of presenting

Yourself when you represen this club that people can relate to and I think he’s got that he’s got that buying off the fans and and I think you need that if you want to have time here cuz listen there a hard crowd to playe it’s a difficult place to be successful but I

Think the one thing I would say is that word is relatable and I think he’s so far so good yeah played 18 one4 drawn three and just the the one revers so far Rangers 19th permanent manager the fifth one now from outside the UK After Dick advocat paulwin Pedro Casa and giovan

Van Bron Carson certainly a strong start one trophy in the cabinet already could there be more on the way in the next few months let’s wait and see still n nil 16 minutes gone in lamanga between Hera Berlin and Rangers rangers probably slightly on top Hera have come back into a little bit

Looked like there was a foul there on rascan but play allowed to continue by the referee played inside Lindstrom with the shot and that’s a crucial touch there to take that one over for a corner that looked all the way to be going into the top Corner Kevin yeah and you see the

Difference in passes and you know slapped in for Rasin then slapped in for John lrom cut back for matondo matondo sorry you know good connection for John lrom I don’t know if the defender just evades it for going in that far top corner but you know it’s amazing when

The ball gets passed at the right speed you know how much confusion you causing the he of defense and then the opportunities come the good players start to to land on the ball and then you get great a chances yeah we are receiving pictures from a third party so limited cameras so

We couldn’t see for sure if that was going in the top corner but certainly seemed to be and that one goes out for another Corner as well it certainly seemed to be going top Corner the the ly some effort but um a good interception and Rangers cly

Piling on the pressure look to sore one there for the defender intercepting but but Rangers clearly knocking on the door and uh red van will deliver once again here he comes played deep to the back post again cleared lrom looks for it Sterling’s in there as well her to come away with the

Ball though here’s C Rangers winning possession back not got much support around him and that’s about probably as good the result as he could have hoped for there red van will take the throw slightly ambitious from Red van there looking for lrom and not a great surprise to see Hera emerging with the

Ball now they come forward 30 yards out on the left hand side tavir standing up well there it looked as though the player might might just have got ahead of him but he stood up well and and conceding the corner yeah he just shifts his well his

Feet well James Taver to block that cross I always think John Sutter does it really well and always protects that front area when balls do come across I just think how many times he clears it in that area when it does get past James tavan here he must be a good want to

Play for for Tav KNN that when he does get caught potentially out position and John su’s always there moing it up at that front post Clemens with the corner for her and it comes deep towards the back Post in fact so deep that he goes straight out for a goal kick H John

Sutter you you touched on him there it seems as though Conor goldon clearly is the established figure in that Central defense at the moment it looks as it’s Leon balagan who’s the the preferred partner for him uh but certainly uh Sutter and Ben Davis as well both have

Had opportunities at various points this season I’m personally quite a big fan of Sutter um he’s perhaps been a little bit unfortunate in that when he has made mistakes Rangers have been punished for them um if he can iron that kind of thing out he could really be a big

Player for Rangers in the months ahead yeah there’s no doubt that Conor golson’s the the number one and and it it has it fight out you see who can play alongside of them and and they’ve both got different qualities to be fair you could argue Jon’s maybe you know better

At stepping out than what what balagan is and and playing that pass into Midfield and then you could argue bagan’s recovery speed you know playing high up on the halfway line again domestically and having to go V one and that recovery speed to get back in

Behind um is maybe more of a strength of Leon balagan than it is John Su so you know certainly Fit For Thought for the manager and and I would argue that balagan speed does complement Conor goson um but then at the same time I think you know John Su as you alluded to

Is a really good player approaching the Midway point in this first half not many opportunities so far and that’s reflected by the score line still no n Rangers trying to get things going through right masan who comes over the halfway line with the ball looking very comfortable in his

First start since returning from injury was out for a couple of months coming on as a substitute against karuk last time out here’s balagan Lindstrom now the ball bobbling once again as you can see it’s an intriguing one to see where Sterling’s playing and you know he’s

Kind of jumping up a line and you know we’re used to seen him putting out fires and he’s done it really well and you know probably not been as involved as he would like to so far tavir with the cross into the box looking for Silva just too far for him

To get any real connection on it but recovers well to win the throw he takes it himself rather than leaves it for Red van one two of sorts with lrom but then succeeds only in giving away the foul how crucial is it even in a game

Like this for for Silva to be getting his first goal for the club because you know what it’s like when you come into a new team and you play four five six games and especially in his position where he he’s only here till the end of the season um it’s important for him

Probably to to to hit the ground running as much as he can yeah listen when you’re a front player you’re always judged on your goals really and you see all the number Nines in attacking players that’s what fans expect it’s what they demand and I’ve got no doubt

That they’ll give him give him time and they’ll be patience there but they’ll want to see him hit the net he’ll want to hit the net he want to make sure that he’s he’s in the team he’s performing and listen I’m not so sure it’s the

Right way to present that he’ll be using the club as a platform but but fingers crossed it’s a win- win for both parties and um there’s no doubt that he’s got talent in the boy um just let’s hope we can see it in in abundance and he can

Get that ball in the back of the net to get himself up and running really can’t ra picks up from Red van Sut now and that well no foul given there actually I thought that one was good to be H given Rangers way but unfortunately not nevertheless they take

Possession again lrom tries to find Silva doesn’t quite come off for him though and her to do pretty well as they bring the ball out of defense and cross into the Rangers half now but their own attack breaks down it’s all just a little bit disjointed at the moment

Isn’t it yeah Scrappy but you can see that there’s no doubt that hold up there and the conditions are difficult you can see the pitch there’s more divs coming you know every every minute with the players obviously feet tackling changing direction so a challenge but at the

Moment probably a bit lowkey without any really exciting moments in the game but you know certainly worthwhile miles in the legs and the manager will be constantly thinking about who’s impression who’s not what he can do what he can’t do that’s a great switch from L strm on to Red

Van did his best to get a SL alternative way around his man didn’t quite come off her Can Come Away With The Ball once more yeah you know you know really and it sometimes it can get away for the game plan and even when you think like

We sitting watching the game the manager will have certain principles you’ll want certain things you want the players to play in a certain way but you just think he sterland just touching on him there he’s he’s obviously the one that’s maybe been given the license to go and jump

Forward a line and you know leave rasing and John lunr from behind the ball but you could almost argue like an extra attacking player the way the game’s developing it just caus we more confusion for them and you know quite safe really um you know with he are not

Gambling Too Many Bodies beyond the ball so you know that extra attack and threat might be something that the manager might you know change to in the second half here’s matondo goes himself has a shot from distance low and the keeper gets down well released by John lrom and

And that’s a bit more direct from Rangers and probably a bit more of what Philip cl’s looking for yeah just a turnover really quickly we spoke about when Raskin plays forward whoever plays forward for Midfield into the front boys when it’s done quickly you know it just

Gives the the position less time to get set less time to get man behind the ball and you know just quick Snapshot from atondo there he’s had a couple now he’s cut inside he’s had one he’s then received that one you know a we bit more Central so starting to grow into the

Game a we bit as we mentioned earlier this is the first of two mid-season friendlies for Rangers the second of them coming on Tuesday night at I Brooks against Copenhagen uh of course Rangers have played them in the past in the Champions League qualifiers uh big game

For for Rangers in that respect a good challenge ahead of the Scottish cup trip to Dumbarton next weekend uh tickets 15 for adults10 for concessions £5 for children and just one1 for junior ma Jar’s members and if you need any further incentive five ma points per

Ticket as well they can be purchased on the club website at rangers. her are just taking their time in defense no great rush to get things going you are finding that herter attacks are breaking down more often than not they didn’t deal with that one particularly well either throw for

Rangers which Sterling looks as though he will take it short to tavir Sterling as Kevin mentioned playing a bit more advanced than perhaps we’ve been used to seeing in recent weeks good play there from Hera to bring the ball out of Defense equally good slide though from

John Sutter just to stop that one bearing any fruit yeah I think he made him a we bit Talis man really and you know playing behind the ball that kind of defensive destructive you know he’s obviously got the natural defend the defensive Instinct in him um I just think when the

Ball turns over he’s been so great at getting to the ball so quickly to win it back for the team that counter press that the manager will be you know wanting off his team especially at home at I Brook you know when you have a lot

Of the ball you give it away can you get back quickly can you suffocate opposition and he’s done that great but you know probably be bit more advanced our challenge for him our bit Food For Thought for the manager does it work does it not work um you know learning

All the time I suppose about the players and their their capabilities and what they can do for the team Sterling for me reminds me a little bit of of one of your old teammates moris edu perhaps H slightly stronger in the tackle but but but otherwise a real athlete in much the

Same way as Morris was as well um with those attributes you know if you if you utilize them in the right way that that can only be a good thing yeah you just bundle the energy and listen the game looks totally different when you’re when you’re in front of the ball rather than

Playing behind the ball you know your can’t Wells like to play in the areas where they receive it and tight areas and you know I was probably one of the players that like to pass it in there rather than receive it in there and I would say Sterling’s a we bit the same

Probably likes to back the game up rather than playing in front of the ball so be I’m just interested to to obviously see the managers f for thought you can see them high up on the right there and jumping uper line leaving Rasin and John lrom behind them um maybe

Thinking we seea away is another Dynamic that could help us running the Box could he get goals he looks like he could do anything really so it’ll be interesting to see what the manager thoughts was on him yeah well until a few weeks ago he was a player that would mainly seen in

The kind of right back area but obviously opportunities limited there with the the form and and and status I suppose that James Tav has in the squad as well as Captain but Sterling in in recent weeks has been really quite something in that defensive Midfield role tavanir with the throw now Silva

Outside of the boot finds can’t well he’s got red van in support who takes possession now Rangers moving the ball from right to left matondo again maybe not the same urgency that you would see in a competitive fixture but Rangers feeling their way around this pitch

Sutter Bagan and his second spell at the club can’t well know little nudge in the back there from atondo who decides himself it’s a foul the referee hadn’t actually given it yet but free kick taken quickly red van looks to Center quickly as well perhaps a little too rush though and here

To mop up the scraps probably a good word scraps and all too Scrappy at times difficult conditions no doubt but probably stop start not too much quality on show at the moment probably difficult for both teams to play that extra pass to try and do the intricate bits in the in the

Final third probably been the the tailing of the first 30 minutes so far yeah almost a third of the way through this fixture still goalless here to trying to change that under pressure from Red van who stands up well and finds canwell had the club for a year no canwell

Three goals this season six in the second half of last campaign so be Keen to get more in the next few months here to switch out to the left hand side but the flag goes up and the search for a first goal in this game still very much on yeah ok come for

Red van giving the ball away this one passing into the Midfield I think he does that really well when he steps into that area as well almost like the false fieldb going inside the pitch probably bonab barich you think probably likes to play out the pitch a we bit more than

Than what red van does but just a loose one there you were at the kar game your thoughts on on red van in that match as well I thought personally did H very well and and got forward well played the right passes and quite often as well he

Plays a a different sort of pass that people perhaps don’t expect at times as well he can very lastet yeah I thought he defended really well I gave him man of the match that day um which normally means me and the sponsors have got different opinion but I think he got the

Sponsors man of the match that day as well so I just think he looked sharp he looked bright he was on the front foot he defended really well um kuk were Joel right that was a tactic under Derek mckinness to can he knock it down that right that left hand Channel Rangers

Left obviously kak’s right and can he flick it on and um try and come under the ball and try and get up the pitch if you know what I mean so you could argue his height was trying to get exposed but I think he dealt it really well um yeah

A few flick on no doubt but I think overall the general consensus Andy for me is the fans when listen to him as as he got the final third bit that bab barisich brings with that quality his left Peg and I think he’s he’s balls

Into the box I think he had the assisted that day against for Todd canwell the one that gets cut across the box so if he can add that to his game and become more consistent in it then you know he’s certainly starting to win people over for sure well Rangers in European

Competition have never played teams more from a country than against teams from Germany if you include East Germany it’s 58 times they’ve played matches against sides from that country double the next highest total which is 29 for clubs from the Netherlands Rangers coming forward once again through tavanir the layoff for matondo

And well that deflection could have taken it anywhere but in fact it just takes the sting out of the shot and herter tried to come forward but it’s kept in that’s not actually the fistle goes by balagan probably pass to start with for Todd K well we B dis skies on It

Reversed into James tavanir we know he likes that position almost like a number 10 as a fullback you know when the Rangers do get control and they’re poking and pro and he likes to go into that area actually thought he was going to pull the trigger on his left Peg with

Just a we layoff to to matondo and he just didn’t quite get a hold of it James tavanir looking to hit 20 goals in a club campaign for the first time in his career he’s come close to two or three times actually in his time at

Rangers on 16 of at the moment so not far away already here to work the ball into the penalty area some neat passing that’s a an intelligent ball actually in the end it maybe didn’t look at from the angle that we had but it comes to nothing thankfully for Rangers

Canwell tries to release Silva who’s got work to do but he does well good upper body strength there against his opponent but then frustrated at losing possession felt he should have had a free kick and Dam at his frustration there as well but not given yeah I actually thought he

Actually filled the defender I thought the defender got there first and just come on the back and just as you mentioned not quite strong enough just to stay in his feet but you know probably a good one for matondo there with the blister and the speed that he’s

Got you can see already Sila he wants to come to the ball he’s willing to run the channels but I’m not sure he’s got that explosive speed that will get away for people so he’s probably wants opportunities to to Interlink with can’t Wells the we clever passes the we one

Tws can he swivel away through people in tight areas yeah Rangers looking to add some more goals plenty of them but but not quite as many as perhaps the manager would have wanted at times Silva’s stats are reasonable from his one spells only one goal this season in the first half of

The Season at at wolves and that was in the caribo cup and a 5-nil win against Blackpool in August of course his game time hasn’t been extensive at molu but nevertheless looking to to build and replicate some of the form that he showed at Andre Lon and PSV

Previously her to enjoying a bit more possession in the last few Minutes into the quarterfinals of the German Cup in that run of nine games unbeaten that I mentioned earlier and they’ll play Kaiser SL turn another second tier team another former European opponent of Rangers in the past as well as they look to to keep going in that

Competition here trying to find a way to work the ball into the box Rangers by and large have had the their areas pretty well covered here’s bakis lifts another ball into the box his passing has been pretty decent so far but the end product there perhaps

Not what it should have been yeah he’s probably been the one has played that extra pass that we bit equality for herur just unfortunate with that one just a we bit over hit but certainly one that’s looked to to play looked for that bigger switch him behind James Taver a

Few times now it’s probably been their game plan to get down the SI Rangers try to get behind they probably not utilized it enough tapak avich with the header well off Target but her to coming forward again trying to work their way into the box Rangers crowding them out and the

Whistle goes good save there from mcro after the whistle went um and I suppose well play had stopped good to see that alertness from the goalkeeper yeah alert Robbie for for sure good save down to his right hand side just well not so much down probably mid drift to slightly

Above as you mentioned before when we were speaking about Jack butland the Rangers number one you you know spend a lot of time watching the game and that concentration level needs to be high and when they big moments come you need to make sure that you keep the ball at the

Back of the night and know so far the reaction the one that I think it was John Su got caught in behind he was out on his off his line really quickly and then that snapshot one as well T can’t clear and count well lifts into the box

But the end product isn’t great is there a bit of sympathy for mcro given that he’s had the likes of he’s got obviously got butland ahead of him just now he’s had Alan McGregor on the past as well clearly a very good goalkeeper on his own right and and that’s been

Demonstrated on the the occasions that he has played um competitively but at the same time those appearances are are so few and far between because of the the guys he’s been up against yeah you feel for him you know a great lad I never got loads of opportunities to to

Work with um Robbie or Ross actually um but I had them on my pitch and you know spent a we bit of time in um in the academy with them and chanted them you in the gym and just building up relationships really and yeah you do feel for them because you want everybody

To do well and then you want everybody to play but the harsh reality is it’s a tough School you play for Rangers and I don’t think he can have too many arguments for for what’s been in front of him at the moment but that doesn’t

Mean that he’s not a good goalie in his own right and he he’ll feel like he deserves to play want to play and and that’s the attitude that he needs to continue to have here’s rasing inside to Sterling Rangers going the long way around to try to Fashion an opportunity but again here

To just get a foot in and look to pour forward themselves Rangers with plenty of bodies back just the two up front for her at the moment but they still manage to get the shot away once more though the uh the interception just slowing that one down mcrai rolls out to to

Balagan himself with plenty of German Football experience a number of clubs previously for him in Germany for Jer dorf verer Breman Handover mins all among his former employers can’t well that surely a foul the referee says no shakes his head again it’s Silva who goes down no big complaint from the Portuguese forward

This time it has to be said bakis here to pretty comfortable on the ball when they’ve got it which on a fairly tricky surface says something about them as well Winkler playing back now to Gar ER the goalkeeper not really tested that lrom shot that was deflected for a

Corner May well have uh found its way pass the goalkeeper from Hera but otherwise hasn’t been massively Busy heading towards halftime what do you think Philip clemont’s thoughts will be as he goes into the break Heaven I I don’t think he’ll get too hung up on it to be honest I think he’ll he won’t be too precious about it he’ll want everybody to be unscathed listen i’

Would expect him as a manager to know that the players probably won’t fly any tackles and you know that cut and Edge that that you will have in the competitive bit listen players will look after themselves it’s just the way it is nobody wants to get injured doing these

Type of games but at the same time you have to have the right attitude and the right mentality to do it right I think the players are doing that I think it’s difficult circumstances but I don’t think he’ll be too precious I think you’ll he want everybody unscaved he

Want miles in the legs yeah he probably want a be bit more quality in the final third and maybe the goalkeeper tested a we bit more but I think on and all he’ll be he’ll be I think he’s I think he’s filtered a we bit way shape I think the

The the two set midfielders the three in front and then the the the striker almost like a a 2 3-1 um you know testing different things you know James Taver always playing outside the ball red van sometimes coming inside so um I think there’ll be these s things that

He’ll be working on to see if he if he likes if he doesn’t like it and I suppose these exercises are all the type of things that you would want as an outcome well 13 players on the bench you can just see them in the background there behind the herir to Dugout and

Beyond The Hedge just warming up ahead of that second half so that would suggest that there’s quite a few bodies about to come on for the second period gor once again her a fairly comfortable in possession at the back not always penetrating beyond that but Rangers allowing them with plenty of

Space to knock the ball around in defense areas where they can’t really hurt Rangers of course red van for to Raskin Sterling now matondo available to him almost shaped to go one way but decides to stay where he is and play back across to Sutter lrom can’t well nice touch there from

Matondo onto red van edge of the box chance to shoot perhaps indeed he does take the opportunity maybe snatched at it a little bit though and easily gathered yeah on his weaker side but better play in difficult conditions you know bit Slicker passing I thought he

Was going to reverse it into Silva just made that nice we Dart and run on The Blind Side of the defender but fair play to him you know pulling the trigger with his right foot and as you mentioned doesn’t quite get a hold of it an easy

One really for the goalkeeper in end but better play moving the ball a we bit sharper a we bit quicker a reminder just of the players that Rangers have on the bench 13 of them as I mentioned earlier Jack butland and Kieran right the two Reserve goalkeepers

And then goon deser sentes right King moslin EO Fraser ly rice and McKinnon 31 man party over here in Spain but of course the likes of bonab barisich Tom Lawrence among those Jack Ryan Jack as well uh who have been out of the side lately for various reasons um obviously

Traveled to to work with the team but not able to come into the squad for today just under three minutes to go until halftime You’ imagine there won’t be much if any stoppage time the sun does start to set a little in lamanga but very pleasant temperatures indeed the late teens

Ideal climate for Rangers to be working in this afternoon you’d expect it will be a little cooler than that in Tuesday night when they play Copenhagen at I Brooks busy run of fixtures for Rangers to come straight back into the winter break doesn’t really feel like that much of a break to be

Honest Car fairly comfortable again composed as well in defense and I guess if you’re looking at it that’s just that’s one of the things that Philip clont will be looking for more of is just to exert a bit more pressure because Rangers have allowed them quite a lot of time fact we’ll come

To you in a minute Kevin her to just coming forward ball into the box and balagan intercepts no pass back there obviously as such in terms of it wasn’t deliberate and now they can break through Rasin Sterling on the right hand side good tackle there no foul and in fact

There is a foul but it’s G HT his way H yeah what I was saying there about clont I guess one thing that he will be maybe slightly frustrated with is just the fact that Rangers have have maybe sat off a bit and allowed here to a lot of

The ball and and obviously it has been at the back and it’s not been in an area that they’re going to cause any damage but at the same time that urgency and that pressing which we’ve seen so much of from Rangers under clemont that hasn’t always been there this

Afternoon thought it was going to be a go though yeah just in b no no I agree Andy I just think the to start with I think the energy was there I think um it then forced hether into more mistakes and turned the ball over and that extra

Pass that extra pass sorry actually made them look quite limited trying to Bild up for the back and they kept on turning over yeah difficult um conditions but probably as Rangers have dropped off they’ve had a we bit more control and it’s it’s probably allowed them to show

A we bit more composure so I imagine the manager will want the front boys and backed up by the Midfield boys to get after the ball a we bit more in the second half it’s Winkler who will take the corner and as her to have come into

This game more they would love to go into halftime with a goal as well it’s a great corner and it is a goal it’s uh it’s headed in lovely finish across the face of goal I think it’s from Kemp the captain indeed it is the only man with a

Booking early in the game but that’s a a good flashing header from him disappointing for Rangers but one nil to Hera Berlin and as the game has gone on they’ve grown more and more into this match they’ll feel that they deserve that lead going into halftime yeah all

Too easy really probably in delivery I have to say the right hand side left footed in swinger but you know just get across the front really you know glancing header uses the speed on the ball and easily goes by MC really so you know I’m not so sure deser they probably

Like flat the receiver we n n but you know certainly wake up call for for the players cuz listen preseason or not preseason and you need to be winning games that’s just the way it is it’s a mental mentality thing a desire thing um you know so certainly the boys will be

Disappointed to con seeed so late on in the first half yeah her to undoubtedly have have got a little bit stronger as the the half has gone on Rangers began very brightly uh but it is her to who lead as we do move into stoppage time

Almost a minute of it played hemp the goal scorer the herter captain not sure there’s going to be much time for Rangers to try to get themselves back in level terms before the whistle goes first touch there from erns was certainly heavy but he gets away with it and Rangers Trail at the

Break the goal from Kemp just a minute or so ago header from the corner it gives Hera a lead of 1 n at half time Kevin um very briefly uh what needs to change in the second half clearly we’re going to see some players come in a bit

More urgency from Rangers going forward yeah I think that’s the knil in the head really I think it’s listen it’s difficult I totally understand that difficult conditions but yeah a we bit more impetus in the final four a we bit more quality more shots on goal a we bit

More substained pressure which comes for energy really a we bit idea and a we bit a we bit n really in the in the final third so I’m pretty sure the the boys that come on in the second half if the manager does make changes he’ll be

Demanding that you know we put more fot in the throttle really in the second half well stick with us the second half is coming up in about 15 minutes time uh we’re going to take a short break but please do stay with us on Rangers TV and

Uh we will speak to you again Shortly I remember reading that Rangel ass sign Road was on teletext and a free transfer on this summer where we’re spending millions and millions um surely there’s some mistake here and it did feel low key now Rod Wallace had played against Rangers for for leads um back in

In ’92 and had been a good Pro in in in England um and that’s pretty much all that that registered at the time that okay maybe back up then that that maybe makes a a we bit of sense it can’t all will be 3 and4 million signings I felt he would be

Be a squad a squad player the Rangers have spent all this money on uh a left back they spent all this money on um a c a young Central midfielder from from Holland they’ve spent it on kelus outright was built an Amato as a kind of

Number 10 I imagine he want a new number n that will spend a similar amount of money on that’s just how how things felt that summer so um a clever sensible um Reserve was was how um how I expected it to go and I pretty sure I wasn’t alone I

Still remember him from a time when I was playing for PV einthoven and we played for the Europa League then against the Le United when he was was playing there uh and then I think maybe that’s also the reason why di fakat still remembers him from the time when

We played against Le and that was probably the reason why uh he signed Rodney but he he was fantastic unbelievable you know he was uh ALS also very fast he was actually always looking around and what was happening and then could actually pass the ball to him and

Yeah in inside the box he was very dangerous and if you see how many uh important goals he scored for us uh unbelievable he absolutely became the main actual poer goal scorer type he was brilliant with lead United remember with lead United scoring goals but once I

Once I came into the team arrived that Rangers you could see that he was Gabby was very different Gabby was was almost a Maverick off the cuff type so talented skillful and scored great goals made Mikey Ms and stuff like that but Rod Wallace was a was just an absolute goal

Poacher um those little half chances who would bury his turns cross jury down for Van Broncos rod wers with a great chance and Rangers are back in the game and Rod wus makes an immediate impact in Scottish Football y looking for the ball over the top gets it it’s perfect and for Rod

Wallace 1 n what a lovely move down the left hand side and an ice cool finish from Wallace his third goal for Rangers this is Rangers and we we do venerate work great sometimes more than finding a pass um at times but but Wallace was industrious he

Was intelligent um and he was he was just clearly a handful a lot more than than we perhaps expected them to be um and again that expectation is so often set by the fee if you come in here for £5 million or indeed 12 million a couple years later those expectations are huge

Um so he maybe had a free swing at that and he enjoyed a we bit later in his career an opportunity that maybe he thought had passed them by the chance to win things the chance to um to to to play in in in Europe in the Champions

League and and and whatever else so I think it was quite obvious that he took that on he he grabbed that a lot of characteristics about Rod Wars big goals and goals in in in big games um nothing ende you to a ranger support quite like that it’s a great combination this is

[Applause] Amato oh Amato Sensational skills and stiny goes and Wallace and reaches are in front r w the scorer but he owes it to the W makes my top 11 um every day of the week and I played with some really brilliant Strikers that didn’t make it in um and

It’s purely down to the fact that he just knew where to be in the Box sometimes would people say oh you picked picked him out with a great cross but it wasn’t about picking out sometimes if you’re running at full Pace it’s very difficult to pick someone out generally

The area is better to pick um because you’ve got a bigger margin for era but that area generally would always be found with we Rod Alberts for Neil mccan neat little touch inside then outside that’s for Rod Wallace would you believe it it’s another goal it’s 42

Now this was magical play from Maan and Rod Wallace did well to squeeze the header in they were brilliant because they were on the same wavelength and whether that was natural I’m sure a bit of it was uh but going back again just to where Rangers were at that time this

Is early Advocate um where there’s no hubus there’s no complacency um everything is is measured everything is worked on um so I imagine it’s it’s a bit of both of just that natural chemistry but repetition and repetition and repetition that each of them knew where the other would be so I can well

Appreciate Neil Maan um enjoying um playing with him because they were they were just working at the the same level and on on the same wavelength and that must be a joy for for footballs especially attacking footballs a difficult play to play against him I played him against him in training and

He was very mobile used to move a lot even on the wing uh very clever on the movement and most of all very good on scoring goals Wall play first time by rickon flow his header he saw Wallace was wanting it back and Rod Wallace makes it four that’s a good [Applause]

Finish that game was not that was not a classic um certainly compared to the the victory at parkhead a few weeks before it was tense it was a cup final um and again history was was there for the Rangers team to to win the treble treble

In the manager first season um and it just it cut broke the deadlock cut the Ice uh cut that tension um but it was opportunistic and you know Wallace is again he’s awareness his movement um he he didn’t need he didn’t need asked twice um for for those those kind of

Opportunities it was my memory um and it was it was just just enough on the day and therefore he’s a a Rangers Legend I remember having a shot I think it blocked with meby and uh there was weo just a typical poacher tight finish smashed at home 1 n trible secur magic and

Bronos vidmar it went away from Wallace but it comes back to him and Rangers are in front in the Scottish Cup Final and it’s run Wallace well who else the man who really has lit up Rangers season since he came nor of The Bard here’s F BR course it’s all

Over last season they were left with nothing this season they have everything it’s a tremendous tle the think out new look Rangers team Lorenzo amoruso is about to show the watching world that Rangers have won the Scottish Cup and the treble well that’s that’s what dreams are made

Of and hopefully had a good dream and uh made up made up with a treble so that’s good he knew how to move he knew how to shoot he knew how to really take away the the central off from his position to let anybody else from his teammate take

His position so very smart very smart but it’s not a coincident that that team uh was very strong it it was full of great play players in great man most of all J and the match officials lead the two teams out it’s a huge night for these old FR supporters that was an

Underrated night for an advocat team who by that point in that season the Rangers team of 99 2000 I think is technically the best Rangers team I’ve ever seen here was a night that was reminiscent of Walter Rangers in in in the ’90s Celtic battered as that night Albert’s missed

Um the penalty this time there’s another chance that pops up and and this time obviously Falls to to Rod um and in that mstom and the weather was horrendous and the game was just one of those very typical frenetic over on games he was anything but frenetic he was calm he was

Composed um and he he just about squeezed it squeezed the at home and less than 5 minutes of this match to go stoppage time of course to be [Applause] added it’s van Broncos it’s Rob Wallace here’s a chance R Wallace that’s the goal which surely kills off Celtics title

Hopes and it’s R Wallace’s 14th of the Season all the composure in the world brilliant finish it’s one the one phrase that you probably hear often morod was and correctly so pound for pound um one of the best signings that the clubs ever made um it was a

Smart move uh it was a a sensible buy it may not have been advocat um intention for him to to be the the 20 goal season man that particular season um but um he he came and he contributed and he he was loved because again he did the best in

Terms of numbers but he he had a huge work rate and and and a lot of energy and that that will always always ined you to [Applause] this changes welcome back to lamanga Rangers one nil down at the break to Hera Berlin and the midseason friendly that they’re

Playing well on a training camp in SP here to back out for the second half already Rangers yet to emerge we are expecting a number of changes at halftime Rangers trailing to that goal just before the break from Kemp the Hera Berlin Captain heading in the corner from Winkler good finish

It was as well but Rangers will be disappointed I’m Andrew Dixon thanks so much for joining us wherever you are in the world of course streaming free to Air today on YouTube uh I’m joined by Kevin Thompson who has played in plenty of games like this against German teams

In preseason this is a mid-season friendly and so far it’s not really going to plan for Rangers yeah probably huff and puff we bit Andy it’s listen difficult conditions like we keep on mentioning you can see just the referee walking obvious over you can see the don’t know which coach it is obviously

With the white trainers in the the top of the picture there you can see the divots are are obviously quite profound and and probably makes it for a difficult um you know game the passing the slickness No Doubt the pitch will be quite dry now as well with the

Temperatures being a we bit hotter but I just think probably an urgency or a we bit more intent in the final third for them for for the Rangers players would probably be a we bit more expected and demanded by the the the manager and the staff so it be interesting to see now

This he’s made these changes to see if there is a a reaction or there is a we bit more impetus on on that final third and a we bit more conviction when it comes to creating chances and and making opportunities for each other well the second half just about to get underway

And as you can see Rangers have made multiple changes to their team H led to believe that it was going to be a complete change of personnel at halftime seral Des there you can see is is one of The Replacements Bailey rice in the background there as well Ross mland I

Saw him too um I believe Jack butland is on we’ll give you a f breakdown of those substitutes as in when we get it no Graphics of course to to lean on uh this afternoon but we will talk you through them Jose sentes there as well on the pitch for Rangers and Jack

Butland with his first touch of the afternoon rolls out to Connor goon who has also come on at the break John L over there on the far side too and there’s Leon King good to see him back in action of course injury troubles for him he was uh seled in preseason but has

Come back in and it’s an early chance for Rangers perhaps Mosin giving Chase to that one he might just uh add a bit more urgency as Rangers go forward Kevin yeah plenty enthusiasm and youth on the pitch now so and all want to stake a claim they all want to be Rangers

Players they want to play week in week out they want that Jersey so I’m pretty sure they’ll be you know f energy I think Cole McKinnon sneaked in there as well next to Bailey rice so know a lot of Academy players getting an opportunity um I think it’s that Robbie

Fraser at left back as well um you know it’ll be interesting to see if they can stake a claim if they can catch the manager’s eye cuz that’s what you want to do when you get the opportunities they don’t come along very often so let’s hope some of them can shine well

Rangers can seeed the free kick 30 yards out it is smil prak who will take it and it looks as though he’s going to go for goal he would take something very special indeed to beat Jack butland from that kind of distance but he’s going to

Have a go at it anyway up he comes has a shot it’s low and predictably smothered by Jack butland H butland won’t want to be tested too much but at the same time I would imagine as a goalkeeper if you get an early touch or two where they’re

Quite comfortable that that’s not a bad thing for you at all yeah you see it would do them the worldly good but I’m not so sure the experience as you mentioned at Jack’s got um he’ll be two phased by playing in this game but you

Know certainly good to get a feel of the ball and you know hit quite well and and dealt with quite well in difficult conditions so um you know certainly don’t I think the backline and and the team in general won’t want to have any opportunities for Jack to have to deal with too

Much well Bailey rice was trying to find Mosin there her are not convincing at all as they look to clear and it will be the first corner of the second half going Rangers way yeah a couple balls you know see got right now in picture um

You know Blister in Pace as well Mosin Blister in pace so it be interesting to see if maybe some more of the runs matondo probably drifted out into that left Channel a we bit more coming inside on his right foot so Mosen already’s made an impetus to kind of run Beyond

Des and you know that Ball’s been probably even more Central so it be interesting to see if they maybe going to utilize a different area of the pitch right to take the corner on the right hand side Out Swinging and it comes now deep towards the back post headed away

Sentes is there though wins the ball but it’s Winkler who clears for Hera and he’s another one that needs to stake a claim sentes he’s you know bit part really and and probably not quite hit the ground running so another one that will be desperate for these you know this be

Trip Away to try and get under the manager’s nose and know certainly lots of quality in that area of the pitch so he’ll know he’s in a fight to try and stake a claim yeah Jose sentes shares the same birthday as me he’s uh 25 in March

Signed from lafc not the same age and they certainly not the same age no uh a lot more hair as well um plenty of experience over his age won the supporter shield down the MLS Cup with lafc in America 19 camps in Ecuador as well and a bit of a mixed start for

Rangers personally I thought he played quite well against alardin Padre a few weeks ago he has had his moments but it was also sent off in the recent 3-1 win against dund D so um takes possession now though wins it and had a go from distance but that one looked to always

Be drifting over indeed it does but uh yeah worth a go I suppose I said I think it was more AC cross rather but one extreme of the other brilliant play great Feet Work L aant trick to just drift away and then just doesn’t quite execute he’s he’s almost I think he was

Diagonal trying and a try and drop over the defender for deser so just a miss a Miss Q really that drifted over the goalkeeper’s goal so but he has one listen I think he could be a good player I think there’s there’s a good player in there I think he’s they probably sending

Off come at the wrong time for him um I think when you get in you need that momentum you need that running games and he probably looks like that type of player so he’ll be he’ll be that he’ll be desperate to get an opportunity um but listen you need to perform to try

And get the opportunities and and build that momentum so I’m sure there’s triple do in the world be good yeah we mentioned one of your former teammates Morris edu in the first half I spoke to him earlier in the season about centes and and obviously Morris nowadays Works

Uh as an analyst in in the American Media and and and he saw sent I think it was in 2019 at the under 20 World Cup was really impressed by him then and was quite excited by the prospect of him signing for Rangers when it came up um I

Think it’s probably fair to say that at times I mentioned a couple of minutes ago he’s had his highs and his lows and perhaps has struggled to get up to speed with the the pace if you like of the the Scottish Premiership but but like you

Say there’s a player in there clearly um is it one where um obviously James Sans came over on loan from from New York as well it is it one where just when you move to a different League which has kind of different attributes in terms of physicality and that kind of thing you

Just do need a bit more time perhaps than some some would to to settle into that yeah there just there is no time unfortunately at places like this and that’s why you need to hit the ground running listen I think everybody needs that bending in Period they need they

Need time they need patience but you need to find the way as a player to get up to speed as quick as possible and to try and make sure that the performances are high the energy levels are high you look like you care you carry yourself properly um because these are all things

That can relate to the fans and they can see you trying yeah they might let you off with a Wei one but unfortunately to become a good Rangers player you need to perform and the expectation level is really high and it’s just the demand that that this club represents so um I’d

Like to tell everybody that you get loads of time but you don’t so it’s up to the boys to try and navigate around that and and try and get in front of the fans and and make sure they’re in the team for as long as they can well we did

See sentes a minute ago just with a a good touch to break down a Hera attack on the edge of the box and he’s involved just now as well mland inside to Rice Rangers just feeling their way into this second half 11 changes at the break

Of course trailing 1 n to that header from Kemp just before the halftime whistle Conor Goldson Leon King three appearances last month just ahead of the winter break good for him to get some action under his belt ball out wide to the left hand side all a bit disjointed again Rangers

Not really making the most of their attacking opportunities but also her to clearing the ball but not much more than that and just giving possession back to Rangers once again Connor goon on the ball now looks for EO instead goes the other way to King inside now to

Sentes plays a one two three nice passing in the central area from Rangers Scott Wright now muscled off the ball and in fact the free kick goes against Scott Wright when in fact I thought he might have got the decision yeah just swivels away doesn’t quite get his body

In it’s great to see that young players getting an opportunity to try and impress a manager against a good outfit you know difficult I keep on saying it probably getting bored to saying that the challenges but there a lot of these players have played on pitches like this

Especially the ones that have been exposed to to playing in the the Lan league and having to go to some difficult venue so it’s um you know certainly something that they have endured at different times and what a great opportunity in front of the staff

Um to try and showcase your talent to to make us a claim to try and push yourself into that first team starting be hopefully yeah Aaron Lyle is on the bench as well you’ve worked with with all of these players likeo and uh and Cole McKinnon uh you know what is it

Like for these players when they come through the the Youth Academy and they see what’s ahead of them it’s a difficult difficult path to to trade successfully but when you have opportunities like this it obviously gives you that hope and that that confidence boost to like that you can do

It if and the opportunities will be there if you if you apply yourself in the right way yeah listen there’ll be moans listening in to to watching the game and you know everybody that supports the club would you know probably tell you they give their right

Arm and play for Rangers so listen it’s difficult if it was easy everybody would want to do it um it’s a brilliant life it’s an amazing Club to represent um so the boys know you and they should know you know how difficult it is and and the

Demand and expectation that’s on them as young Rangers players and and how difficult it is to break through so um you know I tried to do that to them I try to you know make sure their eyes were wide open and how hard a challenge

It is and and how hard they really need to work to try and make sure that they can get in in front of the manager get an opportunity to train with the first team so you only try and educate them the right way and a lot of them to be

Fair boys like Leon King they know exactly what’s demanded off them and and hopefully that will stand them in good stad 54 minutes gone in lamanga here to Berlin 1 Rangers nil this would be just a second defeat of Philip Clon rain if it stays that way her are trying

To enhance their lead if they can but the attack breaks down and it will be a corner yeah we but an orthodox for Corner goon just drifts cuts inside Robbie Fraser just a we reverse ball just catches Rangers out just down that side but deal with the crossing ball now

They need to defend another in swinging Corner yeah it’s Winkler that will take it once again it was his assist that led to the opener for her and it comes up towards the back post and butland not totally convincing as he went for that but did just enough to get the

Block Bailey rice involved as well here to in fact there’s a yellow card for Connor Goldson looks as though he has said something the referee doesn’t like and as we saw in the first half the referee not slow to act on things like that he’s not muing about the referee he

Don’t want to cross him just a deeper one that time for herur at the back post as you mentioned not quite the most Pleasant View to see how they dealt with it got away in the end her to take the throw on this left hand side desor tracking back to help out in

Defense and it’s mland who clears and Rangers will have the throw which mland will take of course mland with a real rise in the last two three months given his Opportunity by Steven Davis when he was in interim charge and he’s really builing that hasn’t he Kevin yeah

He’s I think it’s probably the good thing when when one manager loses his job and new one comes in the young players that are probably on the fringes that might not have quite stake the claim under the previous managers they get almost a fresh hit to try and

Showcase their talent and and Ross has obviously been one that’s that’s caught the eye when he’s been given opportunities to train with the first team under the new management and and he’s took it he’s grabbed it with both hands and now he’s challenges can he

Sustain it can he stay in there can he make himself a player that plays every week and continue to develop and continue to put in good performances and list he to his goal brilliantly against kak so hopefully that’ll be the the first of many um and he can he can kick

On and and really establish himself as a as a really good Rangers play yeah first goal in the league last time out in that 3-1 win against Kar Co scored the equalizer against Aris liol in the Europa League and of course Rangers are into the last 16 of the Europa League

They have the luxury of avoiding the Playoff round which means they don’t play in Europe again until March the 7th away from home and then at home on the 14th of March they’ll find out their opponents in Du course the round of 16 sorry the the Playoff round I should say happening next

Month Lots ahead of Rangers before then though and immediately they’re looking to try to get back into this game one nil down Ser OD deser the only player up in attack a more recognized Striker for Rangers in this second half long ball there from Hera trying to catch out the Rangers

Defense but butland deals with it long ball forward from McKennon looking for Mosin but doesn’t quite come off and herter can come away with it strong tackle from Leon King great to see him back involved as well obviously a lot of game time last season uh particularly in the first half of the

The campaign played all six Champions League matches which clearly was quite a sore experience for for Rangers um and for Leon King as a young Defender that it’s quite a hard environment to to be learning in but nevertheless you would expect that he will have learned from

That and will take that on and obviously he’s looking to take it on in in more appearances now yeah he’s listen he’s a brilliant boy I spent a lot of time with him in the academy you know com for good people as well you know M’s a diamond

For him um you know probably a M’s boy which you won’t won’t mind me saying but just probably thrown in the deep end Rangers intercept it’s Scott Wright who does ever so well initially to take possession of the ball but then perhaps rushes it a little and uh takes that

Shot wide of the target he will feel he should have done better there yeah he should just a snapshot really you know mistake good first touch just drags across it really Scot right in a good area as well you know win the ball back misplay pass just a snapshot but just

Touching on Leon King really Andy just it’s hard to get away for how good these boys are and how great they are to work with and you know that a lot of them might not go and succeed but the relationships you build up the time you

Spend with these boys and you know how much they care and how much they’re chasing their dream and you know exposed at the real top top level Leon and you know playing a we in a different position at right back so you know fingers crossed he can um you know

Continue to put himself under the manager’s nose and and hopefully other opportunities will be you know on the horizon for him and the thing is that Rangers for such a long time that the hope at the club has been that he is one that would succeed or or rather the

Belief obviously they hope everybody will succeed but but but he is one that that you know Philip clont is not the first manager to be given him opportunities you know he’s played for for Michael be previously and for for J Anan Broncos previously as well H so as

He cross cres this ball in he is a player that people have had faith in in the past yeah he was always a big hitter in the academy he was always a talking player I would call them you know when you go in people say oh you love this

Boy Leon King and I was lucky I got exposed to him quite early I think he was maybe 14 stroke 15 he was in the school program that I used to take in the afternoons and just built up a relationship and he was he was different

He wanted to learn he was intrigued he was you know you could have a conversation with him he was and he was always training with boys that were older and bigger and stronger than him so you know had to work it out but he was a physical specimen at 4 15 so he’s

Um things probably playing at his own age come quite easy for him and he’s probably has had a lot too soon and too young and he’s had to deal with that you know I think a lot of people forget that so but he’s a brilliant boy and let’s

Hope he can he can really kick on and he can flourish and and hopefully the manager gives him opportunities well this is the last Davis teens he turns 20 tomorrow played for the under 20s at the age of 14 so certainly been around for a while at

Rangers and Keen to show in the next few months what he can do David a there the Rangers mour getting the ball caught under his chair look I’m so un sociable disco he the top he’s the top top man at the club he is it doesn’t get

Any better than than than disco and rest his soul Jimmy Bell they two were they were ingal part to to any success that we had and grounding you and looking after you and keeping your morale high so you know brilliant Lads Des tries to break down the left hand side he might

Just giving away a free kick indeed he has uh just coming down and showing decent pace on the break initially but just uh getting caught up you were talking about David ly there and as you say the the late Jimmy Bell as well um you know you hear so often um tiny gaker

Passing away recently as well these are people that um you know they are I don’t want to go down the road of cliches and saying they’re the lifeblood of the club but but the fact is they are you know they’re the ones that keep the play sticking along as much as anybody else

Yeah they just give you a great uppr and it’s what makes the play special and you know when you see people and they’ve been there a long time they they give you the expectations they treat you properly they they care about you they’re desperate to see you do well and

You know they’re there for you when things are tough cuz listen is not always it’s not always Sunshine at this place and it’s a difficult environment to play your football a brilliant one but at the same time a lot of pressure and a lot of prestige comes along with

Representing the club so I think the people like like dve disco he’s you know he was always there for me he was always one you know looked after as obviously the Missour at the club um you know always look after you squeeze you in here or there to get a massage obviously

Just just a brilliant person loves the club tells you the expectation tells you the stories he’s just a great guy to be around and I can’t tell you his massages are excruciatingly sore if he finds a place where you’ve had an injury in the past uh many years ago when I was

Training for a marathon he gave me a massage and uh found an old CF here that I had and H wasn’t slow and letting me know about it so yep DAV lavy looking on as Rangers look to get back into this game johnley Eco with the ball playing

To Connor goon Eco good game time for him as well obviously real potential there two we have seen glimpses of him in the first team um earlier in the season yeah he one it got got in really and he’s he’s almost a forgotten man he’s he’s um you know if you told me

That there was going to be lots of changes it might not have been him so mistake for Conor go soon Y and her to are in it’s a chance for the second butland comes out to narrow the angle does really well too diving down to his right hand side getting two strong hands

On it it’s a corner for her to Berlin but it could have been a whole lot worse yeah just sloppy play really for Conor go and you know when when the B when does get caught in the wrong position and it gets Beyond them you know that

Recovery Pace that we spoke about leam balagan in the first half might not quite have that might not be a a key attribute for Conor goson so when you do turn it over and people do get in behind you but what a nice nice thing it is to

Have Jack Buton behind you who makes a Super Save know quick down low down his right hand side and does enough to thr the striker yeah 34 games 16 clean sheets for Jack butland 12 of them in the league more than anybody else in the Scottish Premiership also a couple in

The League Cup and two in the Europa League as well n England caps the last of those coming more than 5 years ago now against Switzerland in September 2018 and as we discussed pre-match certainly people at Rangers would like to think he might have a chance of finding his way back into the

England squad if he keeps up the good form he has shown in the first few months of his time in Glasgow corner for her to Berlin and it comes now from the left hand side near post again Rangers doing enough to deal with it Des

Does well he’s held there by his man and will win a free kick and another yellow card coming out as well I’m not entirely sure I saw that as a booking but the referee thought otherwise third one of the game he must be on a promise to get five

Yellow cards or something in this game cuz he’s he’s been sharp on the minute the referee certainly not holding them back sentes takes the free kick to McKinnon King Conor Goldson with that almost trademark big switch pass which we’ve seen so often from from him previously Fraser coming forward there

It’s a good effect ball comes into the box decent effort from Des and the keeper reacts very well to that one good attempt from ders a little bit more like it from Rangers they did well to work the opportunity actually because there were plenty of herter players crowding

Them out but uh Ser OD desa’s not far away yeah he doesn’t I don’t think he quite gets a hold it it looks like he’s stretching and it to be honest but Brant ball for Corner goson big search and diagonal we used to see that big long

One to Ryan Kent when he used to make that that run outside to end get him behind so often seen James Taver you think he J the four scoring that goal I think it was against Livingston that can he playing on the shoulders and Corners accustomed to playing that big one and

Then great industrial play for for Robbie Fraser just to keep it live and I think I don’t know if it was Cole McKinnon in the end that that stood it up or Scott right but I think he was just stretching for it des and doesn’t quite make the contact that he would

Like but good snap snapshot nevertheless yeah I think it may well have been Scott Wright who set it up for serial Des nevertheless didn’t go in still Rangers one nil down to Hera that goal was indeed for Germaine defo against Livingston I think it was his 300th career goal if I recall

Correctly what a finish it was as well Hera on the attack patiently trying to build on this left hand side Ross mccoslin standing up he’s got Liam King in support as well and in the end it’s Jack butland to gathers good header down from Robbie Fraser he does brilliant Robbie Fraser

Just uses his body well good composure you know rather than flustering and you know thrashing it or trying to just head out for a corner good composure he knock it back to Jack botland Conor goldon in possession been at the club since 2018 Conor Goldson 292 competitive appearances now for the

Club and unlike today he’s never come off the bench in a competitive match he’s always been a starter when he has played a European appearances as well not so long ago when you were in the team and we were talking about Barry Ferguson taking on the European record

Uh I think from John Greg back then but there’s quite a few players have surpassed that figure or are close to surpassing that figure goon is one of those who already has has played more than H certainly than John Greg did in Europe for the club he’s been a real

Part of the success that Rangers had in the last few years and particularly in Europe as well he’s he’s been a massive figure in some crucial victories yeah I don’t think it’s it’s it’s doing him a disservice to say that you know big Corner when the team is up against it

And you need to defend more and the team is maybe a way bit deeper and lots of balls come in the box and you’re playing against good players and you’re potentially sitting in a wee bit more and playing on the Counterattack I think he was a wall at times and you know so

Many balls coming in good areas and he was always heading he was like a magnet to the ball and then he had that we season I don’t know if it was I think it was 55 he he got good numbers as well we putting the ball in the back of the net

So he was dangerous in both boxes but you know I think he’s been um he’s been Ultra consistent um and and long may to continue you know obviously sign a long-term deal just after 55 so you know a few years to come yeah almost halfway through that longterm deal s fouryear

Contract uh he’s under contract to iooks until the summer of 2026 you mentioned the 2021 title win season played all 38 games back then 26 clean sheets a record for the league just 13 goals conceded a real pillar of that Rangers defense Hera are the ones with the clean sheet

At the moment though although that could change Rangers trying to work it to Mosin who does very well quick feet there to take the ball the long way around his man sentes now in support back to mland Kings there as well probably receive indeed he does inside

To gold and Rangers enjoying plenty of possession one or two opport opportunities in the first half of the second half but still to make their Mark butland long ball up field looking for Des beaten to the ball though and Hera can come away with it the Germans having a decent season

Themselves mentioned in the first half they’re nine unbeaten in all competitions going into to the winter break which began in the middle of December as they just run the ball out for a goal kick there H but into the last eight of the German cup very competent team of course Rangers already

Played a second tier team from Germany this season played Hamburg at hbrooks in preseason winning 2-1 on that occasion and that was a decent test for Rangers that day too Kevin I think Rangers certainly the the better side but uh as we touched on earlier on you know

Whether it’s a first second third fourth tier side and you played against plenty of them and in preseason with Rangers over in Germany when you were a player at the club it’s always a really really difficult test and certainly so far her to today have have stood up well and and

Looked pretty decent yeah they’re always big F strong physical teams really and they and you know you’re in for a game you know I don’t think you’re talking about playing a minnow and and going and playing a part-time team or you know you’re talking about established teams

And you know players that will you know this is a livelihood you’re not you’re not just turning up to somebody’s backyard and dominating the ball and going and score four or five and just at your own Ledger these boys are fit you know the good players and um you know

The expectation on Rangers is you know changes the disruption in the team probably looking after themselves that real Cutting Edge where you might not stick your head where it hurts you know in these games not wanting to you know do anything that I’m pretty sure the manager would have said that to the

Players listen nothing silly you know look after yourself don’t be flying into any stupid tackles which would probably been a challenge for me but um at the same time I think we touching it no injuries get through it minutes in the legs um get going again um and yeah we

Want quality we want to see the ball in the back the net but I’m totally understanding he want the gamees you know based up to me be well play just paused for a second there Kemp the goal scorer looked like he felt something in his C I didn’t

Think there was any contact I’ve got to say but uh play has stopped nonetheless of course we mentioned it in the first half this is the first of two mid-season friendlies for Rangers two in very quick succession as well ahead of the dartan game in the Scottish cup next

Weekend the second match on Tuesday night at iooks get yourself along if you’ve not already got a ticket55 for adult 10 for concessions 5 for children and just one pound for junior MERS members and it’s five MERS points per ticket as well they can be purchased on the club website at rangers. Big tast for Rangers on Tuesday night against a team that’s into the Champions League came out of a group with Bayern Munich ahead of Galatasaray and Manchester United who were bottom of that section mland tries to take out of defense and does win the free kick Little Pill of the

Shirt fairly low-key atmosphere in lamanga as the sun goes down starting to creep into the closing stages of this game 18 minutes remaining Rangers still trailing by that one goal scored by Kemp header just before the break Beyond Robbie mcro giving some rare game time in the

Rangers first team played the first 45 minutes the whole team changed at the break though sentes y on King ball eventually goes out for a throat looked like it’d gone a couple of times but eventually does go in Rangers way King takes the throw back to Connor goon

Partnered in central defense by John le Eco big Crossfield switch again looking for Scott Wright just a little bit too much Pace in that one though and not an awful lot of fluency from Rangers coming forward that’s probably the one thing that that has stood out for me is that

The ideas haven’t always been there this afternoon yeah I think when you think you’re rasing John lrom and and KW probably having a we bit more control and you know the kids getting opportunity you know Bailey rice Co McKinnon to Showcase their talent and I think that’s what the manager will be

Looking for have you got the personality can you handle it will you play forward will you take the ball will you will you demand off a first team players like these are all we things and characteristics that the manager I’m pretty sure or I hope will be looking

For so you know it’s not just about going and putting the ball in the back of the net it’s not just about um you know the team going and winning these will be things that the manager will be learning all the time that which young players can handle it what is their

Personality like in the changing room what’s it like in the hotel what they like at dinner cuzz listen you need to stick your chest out if you want to if you want to play for this club and um these are all we test you know when you’re getting beat can they handle it

But do they want the ball do they not want the ball do they shrink do they survive so it’ll be um I’m pretty sure these things will be going through the manager’s head and of course I’d imagine when you’re working at the Academy and and the coaches out at the Academy just

Now as well that’s the kind of thing that they’ll be trying to drum into those players heads all the time it’s like you’ve got to stand up here don’t go hid and don’t don’t shrink into a corner be part of it and make yourself seen and and known and make an impact my

Favorite part in the academy Andy was seeing the boys struggle cuz domestically listen the teams win regularly the the good teams they got good budget they can recruit players they can steal everybody else’s best player so and that’s not all the time that’s not a given but I liked when the

Team went abroad and played against other bigm or we might went over to Ireland and played against Man United and up against it and see the players struggle I learned more about the players watching them struggle than I did seeing them winning so quentes takes possession he did have deser up in front

Of him deser just letting him know that as well but decides to take the shot on himself well over the crossbar in the end s Wes yeah I don’t mind that though I’m pulling the trigger a bit like matondo in the first half he brave enough to go

And pull the trigger so you know Des is another one who’ll want a goal he want to make an impact he’s um you know mix reviews really for the faithful um and when a big opportunities come whether it’s these type of games to to try and

Build that momentum and try and grow his confidence just over or just under rather quarter of an hour remaining her to Berlin in the lead and trying to get themselves forward but as much of this game has been all just a little bit disjointed here his own domestic campaign not far

From resuming as well a slightly longer break in Germany than we have in Scotland just the two and a half weeks it ends up being this year between that karut game and then returning to action at Dumbarton a venue that Rangers in a first team context haven’t been for a

Few years since the days in the championship but of course it has been used as a youth team venue for quite some time now as well so it’s one that a lot of supporters are familiar with down at the Rock sentes just goes for the ball again doesn’t quite come off for

Him still looking for his first goal in Rangers colors did have one disallowed quite early on I think it was against Livingston but yet to get on target otherwise Josie sentes and it would probably do him no harm in terms of making an impact with the support to

Get on the score sheet at some point but that attempt a couple of moments ago well off Target Instead at the other end now it’s Hera with a corner coming from the left hand side it was gor who had the header initially but sent it the wrong way away from goal rather than

Towards it and in the end Jack butland taking possession EO now to Fraser searching bo ball looking for mland doesn’t quite find him and right recovers well to win possession back for Rangers at the second attempt McKennon confident pass from him for moslin loses the ball and gives away the free

Kick signed a new long-term contract with the club before Christmas Ross mland building on that terrific start he’s had to First Team life at Rangers now in a deal until 2027 and a f Northern Ireland International into the bargain as well really has been a terrific campaign for

The youngster so far one of the real success stories for Rangers in season 2324 the referee just having a word with seral desor not happy I think with the way he’s putting himself about no card on this occasion I wondered if it might come out again three booking so far uh

But just a word from the referee Des he does have quite a physical game and and to be fair to him me works really really hard um but not to the referee’s liking in that occasion yeah he’s just backing in I think it sus him just a long ball

For the young king you can see I think it’s Leon’s played a couple Conor golson’s played a couple there’s been a couple that have been in the right areas and there’s been a couple more so for Conor goson that have just run through the goalkeeper out for a b kick but

Certainly something that they’ve they’ve they’ve probably been told at halftime can we play over the top can we stretch them and then obviously you need the runners and mean you’ve got Mosin Etc um you know you’ve always got that well in runner and you’ve got the speed to get

Him behind and like they did have in the first half gate with with matondo but probably just the accuracy of the passes is has lit the team down at the moment couple of substitutions for Hera off comes bakis two players coming on Tim Hoffman number 51 and Boris Lum number 52 just

Slotting into a central Midfield field position her to taking the opportunity as well to play a couple of their younger players as sentes shown a bit of space by his opponent and manages to win back possession Rangers through a fairly unlikely chain of events there have a

Corner just under 10 minutes to go can they get back and level terms up yeah but pinball W it I think it’s Bailey r Out Swinging Corner his left Peg no doubt yeah looks like you have called it Bailey R to take the set piece Rangers

Still searching for a way back into this game not too many opportunities but rice delivers here to clear and it is Lum who just came on a couple of moments ago who clears Fraser covering well though to play back to Jack butland twice Player of the Year at stalk City

You’d imagine he might have the chance to make it a treble this season one of the outstanding performers for Rangers so far this season could there be a couple of trebles coming his way lots of work for Rangers to do still in the league but certainly kicking off in the Scottish

Cup next weekend and with all there for them if they want it in the Scottish Premiership sentes sticks out of foot does well to stop that attack from Hera he just gets caught again the we bit awkward really stepping in there awkward one the pass King sentes nice one touch passing from

Rangers biley right involved demanding the ball back as well from Conor Goldson which I’m sure you’ll love to see Kevin we’ll come to you in a second here’s Ros mland Cuts back who in the edge of the box but it’s Lum that clears for Hera and the attack breaks down but some nice

Passing there from Rangers as the free kick is conceded yeah the best pass of the game for me Andy that Bailey rice you know as you mentioned demanding the ball off the corner goal so it goes back to that bit have you got the personality can you stick your chest out can you

Demand it off the first te players you got to respect them but listen you want their Jersey so you need to stand out and you know brilliant pass there great run for Ross mland unfortunate with the cut back but the boys certainly got Bailey rice I think he can see a pass

He’s got good picture um so it’ll be interesting to see how he develops over potentially the next 12 to 18 months cuz you know young players nowadays even Ro M cland You could argue as that we bit later but you sometimes feel as though when they start to get to 18 1920

Nowadays they almost missed the boat but ien when you’re at a big Club hopefully there’s a bit patience there and and opportunities do arise well than you very much on Bailey Rice’s side and he’s made an encouraging start to life at Rangers at First Team level came into the team last year

Season and has certainly made an impact difficult to get opportunities with the options that are ahead of them but does have a chance this afternoon and appears to be taking up yeah I think that the the young boys for me and to be listen I’m not saying

Because I know it because I played there but to be a Center Midfield player for Rangers I I have a vision how quick you need to move about the pitch that that doesn’t always need to be box to boox it’s just how quick you get to the ball

Can you put d out have you have you got that athletic capacity to cover the ground 20 30 yards in front of you to the side of you to track back um and then be brave enough to to handle the ball nine times at with 10 what you’re

Playing through will be a wall of jerseys so that pass have you got the personality to go and play it might get intercepted you might give the ball away the fans will want you to play forward they can’t always go forward but these are things that you know these young

Players that want to play in that position that that obviously they’re breaking through they they need to understand that that’s going to be demanded of them well herto with the chance to break and that’s a great ball to release Striker but you saw Connor goon coming from quite a distance there

Good slight tackle from him and Rangers can come clear through Ross mland who I think will get the throw there yep just to be bit scruffy when they turn the ball over the back line the second half you more go centrally rather than down the sides obviously a

New partnership foran or one that the manager having a look at and they experienc the Conor goon in we a young back line was sharun that had the opportunity there to to break as the ball comes in desor has the chance to shoot but it’s just necked off his toe

At the very last minute it looked as though he was going to release the shot but her to do just enough I think it might have been Winkler that just got in there ahead of him we have seen that from Des once or twice this season where he’s had the

Opportunity and it’s just got away from him and I suppose that’s the frustrating thing with him because he does do a lot of good work and he’s scored nine goals quite a few assists as well and and some of his buildup plays good but you know just sometimes has broken down for him

At just the wrong moment yeah I suppose frustrating really listen no more than me you’re desperate just to for him to get on the end of things but you know it’s just that that anticipation that reaction it’s you know sometimes you you might think that you know a bit flat

Footed at times really you know that anticipation I think the best ones have that so I just think he needs one of the big moments to go for him here’s mland into the box now after the ball from EO and cut back again I was looking for

Bailey rice but it was Lum that just got in ahead of him unlucky there lovely ball from Yu initially Rangers pressing in these final stages into the final 5 minutes now one nil down to Hera Berlin looking to get on level terms before the final whistle you back to Jack

Butland there’s Goldson now again to YCO who has given a decent account of himself in this second half certainly looks composed not out of place at all des’s almost with the chance to break there but doesn’t quite happen for him the highlight of his time at Rangers undoubtedly that goal away to real

Bettis Before Christmas a memorable 3-2 win in Spain the first time Rangers have won against the Spanish team in Spain of course they did win a certain cup where was Cup in 1972 against Dynamo Moscow so not their first win in Spain but certainly first win in Spain against

The Spanish team and was a result that took them into the last 16 of the Europa League as group winners sentes final pass not what it should have been looking for Scott Wright doesn’t come off though and herter can work the ball out from the

Back that’ll be a free kick as well yeah just comes across does Robbie Fraser but good play initially you know Leon King Ross Mosin good inter play Then into sentes as you mentioned just that lacky call that’s that final part I think mosin’s been alive while since he come

On he’s threatened in behind he’s had a couple opportunities a couple cut backs have not quite come off but certainly been the one that’s looked especially in the front line when you think des and Scott right he seems to have just chipped him with that wee bit more than

They yeah El jindu The Substitute Going Down Under The Challenge from Robbie Fraser a free Kick the referee saying just to wait for his whistle her with a chance with a couple of minutes to go to perhaps extend their advantage one nil up decent recovery from them after a 3-0

Defeat to mckin in midweek also in lamanga on a training camp of their own free kick will come in from the right hand side well it takes off on himself El jindu but Jack butland more than equal to it as he rolls out now for McKennon

Rangers trying to work it down that left hand side Fraser steps in though better option to find Conor goon cand EO nice pass through the lanes to to McKennon and here’s mland It’s On Target comfortable enough in the end for Ernst in the her to go decent attempt but it was never going

To be the keeper from there yeah I thought it was hard to to tell just with a defender in line with almost the ball that was obviously going towards the goal but an audacious attempt for Ross mland you know coming out the sky but good initial play youco great pass in I

Think in Cole McKinnon we flick around the corner the early ball in for Robin Robbie Fraser bit more like it it just comes back to Mosin has probably been the one that’s that showed we glimpses equality here’s Des plays the ball in and well sentes it seemed as that was a great

Opportunity for him but the connection got all wrong pass the post instead and you can’t help but feel that that was the opportunity for ringers to get back in level terms which they may have just missed the ball in that front yeah I think he goes with his left foot

Almost think he can swipe his right foot but he goes with his left almost trying to open his body up up and just Jabs it really doesn’t use his speed in the ball to guide it towards the goal but good good run good ball for for ders without too much excitement really

In the final third we’ve we’ve probably grasped on half chances and and little glimpses rather than any real substained bitsy quality well into stoppage time there’s either a dodgy exhaust or the Hera altras have turned up in the background lots of smoke and fireworks by the looks of

It Rangers trying to get in level terms as smoke comes onto the pitch and it’s deser now with the shot but good Block in the end there it was a nice turn actually from ders but alert defending to deny him Mosin now on the right hand

Side and that should be a throw yeah the free kick has actually gone mosin’s way because it would have been a throw otherwise for Hera ball lifted into the box still not cleared rice tries to get it back into the mix now it’s Goldson ball might have struck his hand there but play

Continues and goon then has to slide to retain possession Rangers still got it here’s Scott Wright Fraser down the linee now ball comes into the box attempt on the turn and mccoslin just has the ball nipped off his toe there at the last moment just when it thought it looked as

Though he might have an opportunity well into stoppage time now not much left at all for Rangers sentes Conor goon 35 yards out tries to lift the ball in taken down on the edge of the Box by Scott Wright but over the bar and that should just be about that

Yeah bit we bit excitement at the end there really couple half chances Scott wri’s won Sid deser you know shifting it back to goal getting his shot off L mcen almost nipping it at the back post I actually thought con goon when he first took his touch there and he was going to

Shoot for distance but you know difficult one ways back to go for Scott Wright but probably all bit too too late for for Rangers in the end and there’s a goal kick play does continue for just now as the fireworks display goes on in the background not much Sparkle from Rangers in this

Game what are the plus points from it though Kevin because certainly there’s there’s minutes in the legs as the field time whistle does go and it finishes 1-0 to her to Berlin so this a defeat for Rangers which is disappointing but do you take the positives in that it’s

Another 90 minutes you know there’s certain players like rascan in the first half getting 45 minutes under his belt after a couple of months out injured there are still little positives because the result in in these matches is never really massively important but I’m sure there will be things that Philip clont

Will take from it yeah listen I’ve heard the manager talk about Winners do it all the time winners consistently turn up and produce really so I’m sure he all have wanted to win the game but I think there’s a bigger there’s a bigger picture Andy I think the the the health

Of the squad minutes in the legs as you mentioned difficult conditions with a pitch being a wee bit you know lots of you know we divots and you could see it was bobbling around there was no doubt about that but I think a Healy Squad allbe we don’t know how the players are

In at halftime the ones that come off but it didn’t look like there was anyone carrying knocks or anyone struggling or anyone pulling up we certainly never seen the the medical staff on the bench so that’s in good minutes in the legs for the boys and and some some food for

For the manager give different players opportunities different positions for some so I’m pretty sure he love took a we B it well full time 1 nil to her to Berlin Rangers slide to defeat in lamanga they will stay there for a couple of days to conclude their training camp they’ll

Return to glasgo on Monday and there of course it’s that friendly on Tuesday night against Copenhagen full ticket information on rangers. Just £15 for adults H so get yourself along to that one on Tuesday night if you can the real stuff then kicks off again next

Weekend way to Dumbarton in the Scottish cup plenty of action in the second half of the campaign as Rangers look to go for title 56 work to do eight points behind in the title race but those two games in hand so much to look forward to

Thank you very much for joining us it has been a worthwhile 90 minutes for Rangers but unfortunately it does end in a 1-nil defeat can they bounce back against Copenhagen on Tuesday as they ramp up preparations for their return to competitive action next weekend thanks very much for joining us it’s been a

Pleasure having your company we’ll speak to you soon

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