Defying the Elements: Golfing Strategies for Strong Winds

Mastering Golf in Windy Conditions: Tailwind, Headwind, and Knockdown Shots

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on playing golf in windy conditions! In this video, we delve into the essential techniques and strategies you need to adjust your game when facing the challenges of wind on the golf course. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, these tips will help you play more confidently and effectively in windy weather.

🌬️ What You’ll Learn:

Understanding Wind Effects: Learn how wind direction and speed can impact your game, and why mastering golf in windy conditions is crucial for improving your overall skills.

🌪Calculating Distances in Tailwind and Headwind: We provide detailed explanations and practical tips on how to accurately calculate the distance for shots in both tailwind and headwind conditions. This includes how to adjust your club selection and swing power.

🏌‍♂️Hitting the Knockdown Shot: Discover the basics of the knockdown shot – a key skill for maintaining control and precision in windy conditions. We cover the stance, swing, and follow-through techniques that make this shot effective.

Try this out and you’ll be a master of windy conditions!

– Coach Scott Yurgz


1. Use Hogans Hips to Unlock Your Ball Striking!

2. Stop Turning! For Longer Straighter Drives! 

3. Master of Side Bend: Say Goodbye to Flip & Early Extension Forever

4. Make Ball First Contact Every Time!

✅ The Reddit Swing Fix Series

Take a look in as I surprise unsuspecting Reddit posters with an unexpected golf lesson


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Welcome to Winter golf in the Northeast we are here at the beautiful Philadelphia Cricket Club and it is 35 degrees and blowing 20 with gust of 40 now I’ve already had to pick my camera up off the ground three times and I’m hoping I don’t have to do it again but

This makes for the perfect weather for learning how to hit knockdown shots let’s go everything forward we’re going to hinge it and we’re going to stop it low first thing we need to do is evaluate number one where is the wind coming from is it with us or is it

Against us so for purposes today we’re going to talk about both and when you are playing in conditions like we currently have the wind is dead in our face we are hitting into a very stiff breeze and what we’re going to do is we’re going to do some simple golf math

Now I’m going to call it golf math because we have to do some you know evaluating of numbers in our head now typically I have a Target out there that’s about 150 yards now normally I would hit my nine iron to that Target on a non- breezy day but when the wind is

Direct directly into my face you’re going to get about a one yard loss of distance for every 1 mph of wind that you have so if I’ve got 150 yards this shot is going to play like 170 yards based on the 20 M hour of wind that I

Currently have directly coming at me now conversely you would think hey if I’ve got 150 yard shot and the wind is with me would I still get that same 20 extra yards of distance well not really so my good rule of thumb is for shots that you

Play with the wind you’re going to get about a half yard of distance for every mile hour of wind that you have now yes that might change based on how high you flight the ball with the wind But A good rule of thumb is you’re going to get

About a half yard of distance for every mile hour you are with the wind so if you have a 150 yard shot with 20 M hour of wind with us you’re only really going to get 10 extra yards of distance which means you can hit that 140 Club to hit

The the golf ball 150 so now that you’ve made a well-informed decision on how far the golf ball physically needs to travel how do we set up to hit a knockdown shot that can Pierce through the wind and get to the actual location we’re trying to

Hit the golf ball so these are the basic setup fundamentals of how to hit a knockdown shot now number one what we’re going to do is traditionally speaking we would normally have the ball for this seven iron somewhere in the middle of our stance what I recommend ending is

We’re going to take that ball we’re going to roll it back probably about two maybe even three golf balls backwards in my stance so closer to my right foot the next thing I’m going to do is I’m going to choke down on the golf club I want to

Make sure I’ve got a little bit of space here at the very end of the club so I have more control over the club when I go to swing it when you have this kind of wind you want the most amount of control you might take a back swing and

You might lose your balance a little bit if anything I need you in total control of that Golf Club when you go to swing and hit the golf ball lastly this is the thing most people don’t understand is when we move the golf ball further back

In our stance it tends to lead to golf swings that are incrementally more from the inside so the further back I go with my golf ball the more into to out most players tend to hit the golf ball so what do you see of players that go more

Into to out you see more curvature you see more right to left curvature of golf balls so I don’t want to the guy that sets up to the ball aims nice and straight puts the ball back in his stance and then just hits a low running

Duck hook because that’s not going to be any good for me I want to make sure when I set up to the ball the ball’s back in my stance I’m choked down and then lastly I drop my front foot back incrementally that’ll shift the path back to neutral that is going to help

You create low trajectory shots that go straight with minimal amounts of curve now you might be thinking to yourself now that I know how to set up to the the golf ball properly this should just work automatically right well unfortunately not so what you’re going to have to do

Is after you set up to that golf ball you’ve got three things to think about very simple very simple things you’re going to set up and you’re going to put a little bit of weight on your front foot now when you do that it’s going to keep you from moving backwards and

Trying to pick the golf ball up into the air so you’re going to start with some weight on your front foot and you’re going to keep it there that’s number one number two when you go to hit this golf ball from the proper setup position you’re going to make sure you make a

Full hinge of that left wrist or the lead wrist I want to see that club get hinged rather quickly it’s going to help us create a sharper angle into the golf ball and number three you’re going to make sure when you hit this golf ball you’re going to hit it hard but most

Importantly stop as quickly as you can and it’s going to look a little something like this here we go weight forward full Hing stop quickly now what you’re going to notice is most golfers that make a big swing and finish all the way up here do what they move backwards and they hit

The ball high they add Loft that’s a big no no for this scenario right so we’re going to keep everything forward we’re going to hinge it and we’re going to stop it lower what you’re actually doing is you’re bringing the dynamic loft of the club down so you can hit that

Piercing little Stinger that we all like to see that looks so darn cool so if you’re playing in the wind and it’s blowing 40 m hour like it is today do yourself a favor set up properly put the ball back choke down wait forward then most importantly hinge the club hit it

Hard and stop if you accomplish that and you can do all those tasks you’re going to be an expert at playing in the wind it’s going to be really simple for you

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