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Celtic v Rangers LIVE Post Match Reaction Show | Scottish Premiership Matchday 21

🎙️Now that the dust has settled (kind of!) on Celtic’s crucial 2-1 win v Rangers we’ll be bringing you all the big match reaction and talking points in this LIVE post match recording – our final show of 2023!

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Brandon Rogers has now played Rangers 15 times as a Celtic manager and after yesterday he’s won 12 drawn two and lost only one after a vital 2-1 win at Celtic Park this is Tino with the final whistle show joined here by a Full House of James meth and py James I’ll come you

First to get things started just a phenomenal result um I just thought we were excellent the fight that they brought to the game and they were written off all the media was the Rangers are coming etc etc and they just blew them out the war um always the game

Back the day and I thought it was more of a balanced game than I’d felt in the stadium but still we were very dominant we should have gone on to score a third and fourth really especially when they went down at 10 men but kind of the

Perfect result it shows that we’re the top team but we’ve got work to do in terms of our Squad so there’s no hiding place for the board yeah and you have seen the quotes from Brandon Rogers he’s now seen off is it five Rangers managers kach and myties and warber and all these

Kind of guys and he was a bit cute in his interview but I’m all for it basically saying that the Rangers are always coming that’s always a chat you know Jam tomorrow we’ll get you next time Celtic and yet again on the big occasion Rangers are failed Paddy what’s your

Chat I think just that I think it’s um there’s this arrogance this this um belief that is created and I think Pro from our own fans as well I I think we we we all that team a lot more respect um we all that that team that

Rogers set up yesterday a lot more respect in terms of what we coming through this season I think yeah definitely the performances haven’t been there um but there’s been a lot of issues that we’ve come up against and a lot of issues we faced and then when a

Team does actually come and try and play football against us we know who’s going to win and and that was something i’ actually kind of hadn’t really thought about leading up to the game and then it was actually doing the the the pre-match show with ourselves I was thinking I was

Thinking after it like hang on a minute on paper we better than them and and I think that that proved yesterday um I watched the game back as well James I think everyone will have done so and um I think that the only chances that they were given was coming for mistakes from

Ourselves there was definitely still a bit of nervousness between our start 11 but the big players that we spoke about in that Midfield three that we spoke about in the pre-match they were stood up and yesterday and and just absolutely BR really really happy with the

Performance py me you and James done the the pre-match show on one of those days recently whatever day the week it was at this time of year and you were roundly mocked mostly by me for your 40 prediction but actually at one point in the game around about 70 odd minutes in

It was looking good I was stupidly took the foot off the gas I think and um this season’s going to go a long way I think you try and score as many as you can especially against the 10 men Rangers but even after the second goal I thought

We started knocking the ball about a lot more cleanly um part was a mess because of the snow beforehand um but to try and keep the ball in the deck if we done that for the full 90 minutes we would have scored more I think we were too

Desperate to just try and get it in the channels at Point um but when the when they lost balagan I thought that we tried to knock the ball about too easily and actually we should have just went and buried them yeah you know the chat

In general is that we we didn’t play as well when we were up against 10 men but listen all that mattered was a result and that’s what we definitely got m a bonus to have you here Celtic exchange fans favorite weren’t sure what your your New Year’s Eve plans were but

Delighted to have you here what’s your own summary of yesterday well before I get started in that I’ve got a blood background that has no interest in bling up my dboard and I’ve got one way out the back we have 7even mates Point FES we many fl

Lights the other WIS and the other room point fornite with a heet microphone so I apologize if there is some back ground noise um yesterday was absolutely fantastic and and I think because much like the last game iooks um we had all been rounded into a bit tizzy

Um by external factors I’ll be this time was slightly different I think what was going on on the park had is all a be bit Nery and things were less than than cohesive but like py said it’s a different Dynamic when Rangers come to Celtic pack because they can’t just play

A whole block and set in and and In fairness to them they came and and I thought Rangers were were brave enough but their main tactic was very much like him sort of you know Livy hars whatever else long balling behind Greg Taylor I mean goson was just Shing the ball when

He get the ball I literally couldn’t believe it I was thinking to myself is is that is this is this it is this a tactic and it seemed to be you know it was only until later in the first half after they went behind they actually

Seemed to play and the way that Celtic played really pleased me there were so many really good performances there were a couple of worrying performances which hopefully we’ll address um in the transfer window going forward but all in all as it always is all that matters in

These games is winning and and I think for those last 10 minutes when Rangers went down to 10 men the bottom line is they had to come out they had to absolutely roll with dice and go for it um because they they had to win the game

And and I think that the mentality changes almost when they get down to 10 man Celtic are unsure do we put our foot in the thow do we just keep the ball you know Roger style play would generally head towards that keep the ball smother

Them and and I think we just got caught between and between we almost ended up with five at the back five up front and and nothing really controlling the game in the middle of the park but over the piece after all the noise and it’s

Always noise um for us to to go out and be as dominant as we were for so long in the game um with you know even throughout the the course of the game I makeshift back line um I thought I thought was was exceptional and again just

Shows you can go ability all you want but the mentality in this team really is something else yeah it’s huge and and that’s them going to I Brooks and got the all important win against a Full House of Rangers fans no Celtic fans there and then they’ve gone and repeated

The track again yesterday um do you know my you’re ABS right in terms of open play stuff Rangers have offered very very little and I’m actually delighted that some of the noise today that I’m seing online is that they’re really quite pleased they’re not far away couple more players and we’ll be

Chopping the door that’s fine for me if they don’t realize how far off it they were yesterday and even getting into the final five 10 minutes including the injury time it was like playing Livy they were playing for three kicks in the final third and launching it and hoping

For the best and if that’s all they’ve got I’m absolutely delighted with that before we kick on with some more chat just a thanks to everyone who’s joined us at the moment in the the YouTube live we got Ryan McGinley good friend of the show Chris Fraser Strange Love the

Doctor the prophet various others so BR to have you all here as always feel free to put in your comments and myself and the guys will try and address that throughout this recording um James I’ll come to you in terms of the the starting lineup so pre- much we knew car Vickers

Wasn’t making it but that blow was offset by the news at R and Le abada would both return to the squad which was a huge boost so the lineup contained Steven Welsh alongside Liam skills and Bernardo holding has place in the Midfield three what was your thoughts

When you seen the team things the team Rec called man for man I think even um so no surprises the bench was I suppose the most pleasing thing because you’re starting to see a bit more threat on the bench we’ve played a few games the last

Maybe four six weeks where the bench has been really really light so it was good to see that um notably on the bench was nooski who’s come on and played a you know a really strong game replacing Welsh who I thought was having a really strong game as well I thought Welsh was

Excellent just himself in scals very composed in their in their passing and coming out defense and in the defending for what they had to do so cuted for them they had to go off and can only hope that’s not as serious as as it probably is know some kind of

Dislocation but yeah the Squad Squad was kind of what we expected it was more the attitude from the squad they just come out on it from the minute one that was the thing was giv me most Comfort get into the game was who the manager was Rogers knows how to set up a

Team going into a big game media talk about you know they’re still in Europe and blah blah blah we in Europe a much much higher level than them and yesterday at told you know we’ve been playing at Champions League level they’ve been playing Europa and that’s kind of where the difference was

Yesterday they were Europa level we were Champions League yeah that was decent analogy um p in terms of that lineup obviously massive to lose car Vickers I think you said in the pre-match that if car Vickers starts Celtic win he didn’t start but Steven well stepped in and

Between him and the rocky obviously harsh and you know sore one for well to have to go off and we’ll wait to hear on news of his injury looks potentially like a shoulder dislocation doesn’t it but between Steven wilsh and M of rocki done a pretty decent job replacing him

Yeah he did he did um for Steven Welsh I just feel feel hard sorry for him I really do I thought that um I thought that for me he he read they kind of pace of the game very quickly Welsh and I think he kind of set the

Tone in terms of um our back for getting the ball out as quick as they can um it’s been a big issue I think for the team um but what we also have um in front of us now is is three midfielders that are ready to take the ball um I

Thought Bernardo was shown for it so many times getting in great positions which really really helped scales um yesterday I thought it was one of scales’s best performances yesterday thought he was excellent um for me what a difficult what a difficult difficult game for rocket to come into by the way

What a a absolute murder game to come into and for the time to come on trying and get up to speed in 10 minutes the game’s frantic as it is the ball’s all over the place in that Mark and yes all right he kind of looked a we bit shaky

For the first 10 minutes my God the second half performance I thought he was absolutely brilliant um really really promising for me a player that is he’s not hesitant to play that quick pass from out the back and I imag just see one Ryan mcy comments here just as well

Talking about the key pass and the lead up to the second goal um it’s that quick thinking that we need we need someone that’s willing to bring the ball out carry it but it’s one two touches past and and the balls out to to who it needs

To be um but he seems quick he seems fast as well um for me this is a massive massive statement from him and I think he’s got a good good January coming up to be honest so um no I’m excited I’m excited for him I really am um and just well done BR

Performance and py just on that question from Ryan I’ve got on screen but unfortunately obscures your beautiful face I’ll take the question away but Ryan’s basically asking with the rocky playing that that big pass in the lead up to the second goal do you see him as

Being a starter in the New Year what’s your take do you think he’s got a a chance now of stepping in alongside skills I do I do um I think it could be skilles C A vicker still as well and I take nothing away for Le skilles um as

Much as credit is credit is due for the performance yesterday I still think for me um we don’t go and spend 5 million pounds in a player and set leave them on the bench or leave them out the squad I think you play your best players and

That’s a massive statement from from the yesterday I think H he’s definitely going to be brought in contention for this um I was quite happy with that question being there because it’s covering this attempt mustache as well so you want bring that back up last F

You I think it’s a decent mustache pad it’s probably at this stage there there’s what to be done in the new year um MTH obviously we’ve covered a couple of guys there but some big players stood up for Celtic yesterday absolutely K McGregor Liam scales nroi and wel do

Their job as mentioned kyogo turn on the magic Bernardo getting his his big all important goal who was the main man for you um just one clear a mission there being Greg Taylor and I’m not being a broken record but I thought he was absolutely fantastic and he’s also the

One that goes and sticks it to the opposition whenever somebody’s getting kicked you know he was right over to canwell and canwell with five Digs at McGregor running across the park Taylor’s the first one across him same way down in the corner I think C tried

To Le one in in Palmer um I know I know it’s very cliched but you need to see stuff that especially in a Darby game but for me K McGregor was was you know on a completely different football and planet from anyone else in the par if you watch

That game back and you see the amount of times and what what was delightful to see was him getting on the half turn I I I’d said in the in the boys group chat it was almost like he took personal offense to can’t well just been on the

Park he like listen son you know you just don’t belong here and and what what you got out of that was it was almost like an angry performance for McGregor and I loved it loved every single second of it um and and because of that he dominated the game and with him

Dominating the game it then allowed the likes of Ari and Bernardo can of play off and play around the about and and so so many times when we go to Celtic Park when we’re playing against teams that aren’t coming out you maybe wish we would try the ball Ono’s feet more often

I thought yesterday just that that that was the ball and and rather than sticking with the possession based horseshoe which causes me so much High we we we mixed it up we went into K go feet we we you know we played we played we just played in a different style

Yesterday because we were able to and it was just for at least 85 minutes it was absolutely brilliant to watch does that come down for me does that not just come down to know the the space that they were creating in the middle I think that’s been totally different yesterday

And T from what we’ve watched I think you see the amount of work that mat does um when you know we look at that M field three McGregor Ry you know what you get with the two BO um and then we’ve seen players come in and out and not settled

To be honest in that position and I think yesterday Bernardo created as much space and closed down so many angles as well but more importantly he was another option for that that defense and McGregor to come out to as well he was BR P I sat here um talking in the

Postmatch the don’t think it was post match um one of the post match you just talking about Bernardo being a really safe player what does he do I think in the past two games you know I’m not saying that he’s a fan of mine and he

Listens to the podcast but clearly as as a result of those comments he’s went out and what you’ve seen he’s been making runs beyond the striker you know tick we love to see that we love a midfielder Time In Those runs but also I mean yester the quality on the ball the one

He done canw on the B first half geez man I must watched that at least 12 times it is just unbelievable skill so the pedigrees here Benfica Academy product Portuguese under what you’re then trying to do is you’re trying to unlock the key within him in terms of his mentality him

Feeling that he belongs as part of the team as a trusted member of the team and can express himself and I think what’s happened in the past two games for whatever reason it might be that roers has had a word and said look injured you’re getting five games

Games great you know by by The Vibes that I’m hearing turno David tble hasn’t actually been offered a contract um so the the chances are he will be away in in January or it’ll certainly at least agree a move away in January so maybe things like that going on in the

Background to allow Rogers to say Bernardo you’re my man the squad itself has been settled there’s been less of a kind of rate around who’s been on the bench and things like another a of mine in recent weeks and and as a result of that the output in the park has been

Completely different and and in terms of Bernardo you’re beginning to see that quality that we all hoped he had yeah James the boys are Raven Bernardo and rightly so he’s the man with the all important about 25 minutes in he had a decent chance with head before it didn’t

They you know that landed in but his goal isn’t too dissimilar to Reales on that that big big night back in February 22 Rangers have failed to clear a corner it’s broken a midfielder who’s hovered in a right area around the box and he’s voied at home and it’s a it’s a quality

Finish and a busy pen area and he absolutely loved it didn’t he you could tell he was he was itching for it the Hader one be also a shot that just went the side n and a cracking shot and he was very very close with that so I would

Say it was similar in terms of corner breaks my corner but in terms of technique he just catches it so sweet you know that that’s real quality and that’s not any Sate to hatti as was just off the deck that’s was was in the air crowded box and he just threads it right

Through I think the goalie even gets a touch on it but there’s no chance he’s getting it keeping it out it was a peach of a goal and he just goes crazy we we were in the north Dan I couldn’t see what he was getting booked for and then

I watched the back of there I was like as your booking there so he just lost his head in quite right do you think the book him was justified he’s done the knee slide he’s absolutely nailed that perfect technique but he’s then got up and he’s just gone right into that

Corner do you think he’s overdone it with the the celebrations you got you got to celebrate that you know it comes with a caution and that’s that’s dangerous so so early in the game um but no you’ve got to just let the head go and get get

Stuck in there you know annoyingly I watched back you know as I said the game all of the booking were Justified which really disappointed me yeah nothing to Mo about Ma I’m going to come to you now your background is causing all sorts of Chaos in the comments I

Think I’ll take you’re making a viant attempt to hide your wrest Bel no no well well bels are point away but it’s it’s actually a Celtic Park you see it’s my my boy room what you and the the board is is M but it’s

In his room so fair enough um if I want to come to you just H just on bernardo’s goal how important could that be in terms of what his future might be at Celtic there’s a lot of chat in the round so my understanding from his

Signing was it was a a loan with an option to buy for somewhere between five six million you might have seen some of the headlines today I think it was maybe football Scotland Run a story suggesting it’s only one and a half million if it’s one and a half million it’s a no-brainer

But if it’s back to the five and six million there’s a a decision to be made but he’s really stepped up last couple of games hasn’t he and he’s he’s St that claim for having a a proper future here well I mean the football kind of pond has changed in

That we fish in um you know we we rather than if you go back a few years it would have been two and a half three and a half million you’re now need to spend 6 million on a player of bernardo’s sort of profile um and if he’s coming in and

Showing us that he’s better than what we have and he’s going to play then you pay the money for him I mean for me it’s it’s an Nob brainer I I don’t I don’t think I don’t think there’s a you know if it’s underneath you know seven and a

Half million pounds I don’t really think and we we see over a period of time I know it’s still relative early maybe two or three really good games the rest has been a bit a bit you know not so good what I mean is if by the end of the

Season we as a fan base are all in agreement yeah this lad’s got something and we feel he’s a he’s a starter in the site then surely you spend the money on them because if you don’t you’re going to lose turnball more than likely you don’t think home’s good enough a seems

To be just been unable to kind of get a run in the team you actually got need to go and buy so who you going to buy you got need to bring somebody in bed them in again you know when you’ve already they got someone there who’s who feels

Part of the squad and hopefully wants wants to be there big worry in these situations like it was with J When J came is that they do a bit too well when they’re on Lo and then someone else sees them and comes in and you know kind of

Whps them away from you at the last minute but but for me I I just hope and playay Bernardo continues that for him because we the more games that pass the more he’s looking like that type of 10 you know not just the goal yesterday the

Header he should have scored the link up play I’m playing in that inside Channel and I think it was was it James that mentioned maybe Paddy had mentioned he helped scales and tailor out so often as well we sh for the ball and taking the

Ball in and and he’s also also quite a tall L quite quite physical as well so won a lot of headers in there yesterday um so I mean for me if the progression keeps up then then absolutely Som I’d be spending six seven seven and a half

Million on no problem yeah just a young guy M he’s 22 in January I think he is so let’s see what he does over the next six months very important six months for him but BR to see yesterday and he’s he’s really kicked on last couple of

Games p a couple of other key incidents we not spend much time on the the Welsh injury it’s a poor pass by Al Johnson and we’ll get to Al Johnson will be bit later on but a short pass that leads to that chance I think for ders don’t worry

About it though because he’s absolutely useless um but well she’s gone down it looks like a shoulder injury and it’s a it’s a real tough one for a guy who’s worked hard to get back to Fitness and who knows that might be him out for another six eight weeks we’ll wait to

Hear News N rocki steps in though you know done really well you know across the piece um around about that time what you’ve started to see is some frustration from Ranger side of things they B their bench getting very animated and it’s actually clont that picks up

The first booking for Rangers I’ve got it here is 38 minutes in he’s booked what do you think of his performance let’s call it that and some of his postmatch comments um I think that it was a a bit of a wake up call that the

Job isn’t going to be as easy as he maybe expected um I think that without a doubt he’s definitely got a team H together there but is Kum McGregor said in the the pre-match presser um there’s not been any change to their style there really hasn’t and and I think that

That’s what Celtic picked up on yesterday I think we were very quick to see they’re going to play the same tactics as they played against us every time this year as long as we go and and and basically face up to them which we did yesterday we should we should take

Care of it um is postmatch comments uh surprised me a little surprised me um gave a bit of give a bit of a like give a compliment to the goal from kyogo saying world class no I don’t any keeper saving that I think he’s right there but

It was um a bit of a a s loser approach which we’re kind of we’re kind of used to see with that mob to be honest I think there’s still a few losers within the starting 11 there um they’re Their Own Worst Enemy they really are um and

Want me that continue but the more they keep complaining and the more they keep releasing statements I think they’ve just released a statement in the last 10 minutes by the way and um no no no joke I think it’s another one saying that they’re still not heard for the SFA um

The more they keep doing that the better Lads because ultimately we have them where we want them and we’ll continue to win and win and win in my opinion I think that’s called deflection py you know when you can’t accept your own feelings listen the referee has nothing

To do with why they didn’t win the game yesterday look closer to home look in the mder look at what you’re doing as a manager look at what guys like Des are doing for you and maybe speak to him about it maybe speak to who was an

Absolute non- entity for you and then you can start to work out where your problems are if you want to release statements and appease your fans that’s fine and and Celtics should be happy to let them continue to make those mistakes I think one of my favorite things of the

Day obviously I love scouting Twitter and looking at every all the comments have been made but someone’s tagged them as balore and I’m all for I’m all for that yeah James by Twitter py means follow follow I know he’s been spending some time there in the last H 24 hours or so

But what’s your own take on on the likes of um you know clong and what he’s been saying and the likes of kwell who’s all talk this a guy who wants to go and past uh post pictures preseason with the number 56 on his shorts and I’m all

Right with that if you’ve got some silver there in the bag and you’ve got something to to back that up with at the moment and as has always been the case and as Brandon Rogers alluded to it’s always just noise and that’s all it has

Been for a long long time yeah I mean it’s slightly cultural for me the excuse and blame culture you know they don’t look inside their own house and say you know what could be done better they look for I can of scape goat and sometimes that’s even inside the building whether

You stick on one player or whatever kind of thing but I mean can’t be in particular get an absolute chasing off McGregor yesterday it was just ridiculous there was no contest there at all and McGregor loved it and he knew had him in his pocket from first 10 15

Minutes so um yeah and the manager coming out with his of comments I’d be pretty embarrassed if I was my Celtic manager coming out and saying that having set my team up in the way they’d set them up you know they they’ no attempt to really you know play football

And win the game it was all about long balls negative tactics just cheating diving goon ah just one of the absolute worst people to play football against just horrendous man a cheat it’s as simple as that so all of that’s going on and they’re blaming Thea for not

Leasing audio it’s delightful yeah yes fun to watch is it implodes in the background my the other big incident of the first half and probably the biggest incident cly that’s been talked about postmatch is the alist Johnson handball um what’s your take on it you have seen

And you know read lots of kind of different commentary on it but ultimately I think it was a handball but it was also 100% offside so there’s nothing to see here and for me the only only mistake that was made was play restarting with a by Kick rather than a

Free kick for the the offside offense took place that’s it there’s no there’s no big drama here not to get worried about for me well that that that’s the thing I mean I’ve heard Kevin Thompson on crying for for clarity this morning and I think what’re what they’re

Actually looking for Clarity on is was was the penalty going to be awarded even though it’s a completely m point because he was offside which to me is is quite strange because so to say it wasn’t going to be awarded you weren’t getting the penalty anyway

They just trying to go go after a particular official and really calm probably have the reasons for for doing that to to to achieve what you wouldn’t have get the penalty anyway and and and also the other thing that you need to bear in mind at that point Celtic were

One up at that point Celtic were already one up so it’s not it’s not like Rangers were going to go and go ahead but even at that it’s it’s a nonsense it wasn’t a penalty because the penalty would never have been given but I’ve also found Kon reaction to be completely OD

With how he’s been as a manager up to this point so to me it it I think possibly the Press officers got to him before he’s went out that’s what it wreaks off to me because to to my mind as I watched that game I thought Rangers

Were fairly poor for three quarters of the game and then they let the hand break off last 10 15 minutes and they went for it and and yeah they could have actually come away something else had broke for them if they had a competent Center forward they could they could

Have actually get something out the game they didn’t and very rare you see a center forward run into the box run IDE and just kick the ball away Defender it was quite remarkable I’ve never really seen the like in my life and big ders is you know he’s he’s honking but the the

Mentality around the game I would have thought you would have said right ads went down to 10 men fought hard you know the back side into the dressing room changing up road we go again that you know that that was my as I left the game

That was what I thought I thought I don’t think Rangers will be massively disheartened by that because you know they’ve given it a goal whereas Celtic fans would have went you know what we’ve turned up again in a big game we’ve dominated the majority we got a bit Nery

Understandable white Rangers came out as you know it’s a derby game fair enough there wasn’t a to similar game as well um when Neil wining subbed in for Rogers after they abandoned his last time and when you know um I think Rangers had went down to 10 men but also done a very

Similar thing where they really really went for the last 10 minutes these things happen in games we were down to n men I Brooks once three now down P two goals back in the last 10 minutes you know you go hell for Le in these games

Because you want to win them that’s what happens but to then come out with the retric after it I I actually think T takes the Shine off of how well Rangers competed in the last 10 15 minutes because all everyone’s going to Sate fans are now just saying here we go

Again is they just refuse to accept defeat and say we get beat fair enough let’s go again because the recent form suggested that this will actually be a title race this time but for me it’s utterly utterly bizarre the route that they’ve chose to go down Clarity on walk

Clarity and a penalty that was never been given utterly bizarre yeah um before we get into the the chat about the second half there’s a comment that’s coming for I think it’s for me and py uh just saying wallopers in here man uh P I’ll give you the the right to reply do

You agree having a good Sunday drone yeah having a good one I said you see you say we’ll see I Bros as well what happened in September buddy have a good day take care um what about the second half time obviously you know Celtic and the Ascend you know looking good for and

Actually two a half time would have been a fair reflection were you concerned at any point that Celtics lack of a second goal up you know up until that stage at halim might have come back to B us um no I think the game I I think once

We lost Welsh it naturally just broke down a little bit for us you know just took a bit of time for the big Mantic winning get settled um so naturally you’re kind of just looking to see out the see out the first half get yourselves in and just get yourselves

Ready for the second I actually think anything that was thrown at us we dealt with pretty well couple of times to get in behind us down the RO that’s okay um I seen a bit of frustration kind of gr between scales and and uh and Palmer um

And some times as much as listen I’m with youth I thought G tayl played really well um he keep seem to be getting sucked back into the middle of the park again um and not not shown for his seter half I don’t know if that was

Part of the game plan or not um but those little bit of frustration I actually kind of I think kept his kept us switched on you know so for me it was H it was fine getting to the halfway mark and then to him out so quickly in

The second half and ultimately bettered the game um is what it’s all about and that’s the difference at the end of the day I think if H if it’s kyogo going through in the first half where a Defender coming down on him kog B in

That nine times out of 10 um so that’s the golfing class in my opinion and that’s why you know we do continue to win League after league and we do continue to have better players at our disposal so nothing nothing new here for me yeah P you’re right to highlight Greg

Taylor as meth ear on and I’ve been critical I think we all have at different times and I think it’s it’s fair and okay criticize a guy who’s been struggling but again like many of his teammates I mentioned a number of guys that stepped up and Greg Taylor

Absolutely should have been on that list because takes a lot of character a lot of Bravery to step up in a game like that particularly when the pressure’s on you and when people have been criticizing what you’re doing I think been up against mcausland was in his

Favor because he’s been outmuscled by a few guys recently I think about guys like Joel lble and guys are just physically you know so much bigger and stronger than him he was up against a guy of similar stature and I think mosin’s not a bad player CED by the way

And I thought Greg Taylor handled it really really well James I’ll come to you for the the all important second goal as py says it’s you could you know simplify the whole thing and say the difference on the day was kyogo V Des kyogo is clinical when it needs to be

And Des just simply wasn’t but it’s a hell of a strike from a guy who I think we’ve all agreed is is off for him but he completely steps up in this fixture I mean the last don’t know four three four weeks given it tight to yo to

K McGregor to Greg Taylor all three of them at least and Bernardo all four of them just absolutely Brant games it’s a great ball out from lotki um and M really does does really really well to hold off his Challenge and it’s the ball he gives to kogo it’s the ball that

Kyogo needs don’t tickle it give it to me direct kind of thing it’s it’s in really fast takes it with his left touches it to the side of his left and Strikes it his left three touches always left foot and it’s just screaming into

The back of the net it’s a Tim of the goal as well because any plans they had to try and you know wrestle one back or you know put on a challenge put on a challenge just done and for a period after that they just looked absolutely

Sh shocked the we man just loves a big occasion so seven goals against Rangers in 2023 no one’s ever done it before in one year yes I seen the tweet I think it was John McGinley put the Tweet out last night so let me get it here seven goals

Against Rangers all in the year the calendar year 2023 three at Celtic Park two I Brooks Two at handen and the thing is MTH I’m not just consolation goals or James Taver goals you might want to call him their goals are making a difference their goals are winning your leagues or

Winning your cup finals or winning your semi-finals the guy is a big game player and yeah despite he sketchy form he absolutely sha yesterday with that goal yeah and it’s the it’s the type of thing we become accustom to from him and that’s why we regard him as off form

Because he’s not scoring every game that that’s what he’s been doing for us for for two and a bit years um but the fact that he can score different types of goals the the movement is is just phenomenal um got goson scanned them three times it’s but I think it was Joe

Shy um for can’t remember last season the start of season a very similar goal um where he’s scanning scanning scanning and then before you know it he’s he’s just gone and only this time rather than being behind he’s dropped in short and and that’s it’s ultimately that that’s

Bought him the the half yard to to be able to wh that shot in um it just is we’re so lucky to have him and you’re right to point out that that’s the difference you know uh like I say you know big Des has a couple opportunities there where he really

Really could have um he really could have made a difference in the game but he’s fluffed his lines we’ve got a striker there who has had ice in his veins at the time where we really really needed him the most yeah just and that’s thing you know big players come to life

In in big moments and that’s exactly what he done um P that’s very early second half I think it’s 47th minute and at that point you’re flying high and you’re thinking as I say that your 4-0 prediction could have had a chance and and we’ll get to more of that later on

After the sending off but um Todd cell has then gone and had his let’s call it his Andy holiday moment where he’s been subed off in 69 minutes almost to stand in evation at very least a very warm Round of Applause and he wasn’t happy was he there was a we altercation I

Think with the manager but he has got absolutely no right to complain because he’s brought nothing to the party it was magic I think you you go back to the end of last season after they won the the dead rubber at I Brooks you never like

Getting beat of course but I still was remembering just a lot of the comments he’s the best player in Scottish Football him and Rasin are going to tear things apart next season I’m going to do this they’re going to do that and he just looked like a lost me lad yesterday

He really did he looked as if he wanted up the road um my favorite bit is the I couldn’t hear the whistle when he was still barging into McGregor McGregor turns around he’s laughing in his face basically um but another good be B of that is can’t H can’t well still talking

To McGregor McGregor is not saying a thing back he’s just smiling at him and Bernardo comes over and gives McGregor a high five um a joke of a footballer and I think he’s been found out at any club he’s been at um and just I again if they

Want to keep believing that this is the player as to take them forward then then let them let them believe that we keep on hearing we’ve not played against a strong Ranger side when is that coming then you know we we can only play it’s next time that’s and it’s the one after

That and it’s the one after that Todd the fraud is a comment on the screen just now from Hugh Jameson and and hard to argue um James getting back to the game so huge moment I think it’s 71 minutes it’s balagan sent off uh SEL have all of a sudden found themselves in

A 2V1 situation kyogo plays in dies in MAA M has not had a good game he’s been off form but his pace is a a challenge for anybody balagan knew he was he was dead beat and he so him down and there can’t be any argument on that is

There oh it’s it’s actually goldon that sells him short it’s a shocking pass and Bam tries to make up goes in and he’s he’s then slipped in MAA maa’s Pace over that kind of distance just forget it and don’t know if ban was that much A slou

On it he was close enough to him but not close enough to to be able to get in front of him and he’s all over him you know somebody said last night should just let my go he’s he’s shooting PR yesterday take his chance um I mean he

He baffles you didn’t he may but he contributes you know he was on the right yesterday I thought he on the left all that kind of stuff but there’s absolutely no doubt that was just a stoneball red card and you saw balagan when the referee produced it he just

Went is he German because I think he said shaer so Sher I was the lip reading as well I don’t think he’s German Bagan is Nigerian is he um either way he was off and that was the end of his day and James you’re right about MAA um one of

The comments coming through ear on was that Celtics Wingers didn’t play well and you can’t argue with that um MAA struggled in the right as much his Palmer struggled on the left hand side but one thing you know you and I me you and py caught up after the game M blanas

Again um we were talking about the fact that yes Palmer didn’t have a great game but James Tav had done nothing as well so you have to credit the fact that pal has been doing some defensive work there to nullify him and the same as alist Johnson we’ll get to him shortly didn’t

Have a good game at all particularly in possession but SEMA one of their biggest threats done nothing so they’re still putting on their shifts James regardless of how well they are they they aren’t playing that’s that’s it for me I mean um Palma thought his attacking play was

Pretty poor first 20 minutes he was looking Lively and it just going of faded from there from there but you can see how much concentration he was putting into his defensive game how many times did daver actually get out out three or four something like that and that’s you know that’s their main

Um creativity is to get Taver to come out and he didn’t so I think Palma deserves great credit for that because he just kept him pinned in um ymas was less of a threat for for MAA but he still again you know kept him in his

Corner and was was a threat to him going forward so yeah there’s a lot of kind of off camera off the ball stuff you’re not seeing the kind of hard work that’s going in and I think Palama deserves credit for that as much as that’s not

Really what we want to see from him we want to see that creative fler and he was going to be bit frustrated having shots from distance that weren’t really coming off but yeah I think he can be proud of he’s his performance overall because he was it’s a new part of

Football for him you know he’ll been given a a free role when he’s playing football just you know go and take the ball and amazi and do all the fun stuff but yesterday he done the hard stuff the unfun stuff as well and credit to yeah

Um if I’ll come me with your comments and Al Johnson let’s cover that just now so all in all this is obviously got to a very positive recording but we’ve got to be real about it we’ve got to cover Alistar Johnson and the fact that he’s

He’s not just a bof form I think he’s well off for him and as I say particularly in a creative sense you’re going to get the ball a lot as a Celtic Defender more so than a a standard right back at any other club in Scotland and

He was so wasteful in possession at different times the biggest example being Midway through the second half where he’s played in on the right hand side and it is screaming out to be hit low and hard cross the Box even whether you hit one of your own men or not it

Can cause chaos and he’s actually scooped it way back so far that it’s wiped out four or five Celtic players first of all and it’s actually set off a Rangers attack and it was so frustrating and it could have been a moment that come back to haunt is and I know we’ve

Only got this one game left now before the break we’ve got s m on Tuesday and if it was more than one game I would argue for Tony rouson get in there and getting a run because I think Alis Johnson for his own sake maybe just

Needs to be pulled aside and you know and taken out the fin line for the moment but what’s your take on him if just you know specifically towards yesterday but also in general I think somebody somebody pointed out yesterday I don’t think he’s had a preseason um

And I don’t know if that’s maybe something that’s catching up him a we bit because we’ve seen that he has got the quality there that he’s a very very good fullback um yesterday just seemed to develop a club foot as as a game went on it was you know for watching a guy

Who who was has been so good for us for a fairly lengthy period of time this season he’s seems to have get progressively worse for one for as The Season’s been on culminating in yesterday’s display which I have to say I thought Palmer Johnson arar Johnson

And MAA were were off it however they all worked incredibly hard for the team and did help contribute to to the victory so I’m mindful of that you know I don’t want to sound negative or be overly critical after such a brilliant game but it’s a concern because because

We what we thought we had in Johnson was was an upgrade in yanovich never me somebody somebody similar I think initially we all did feel that um but it might be that he’s just needing rest it might be that he’s playing with a nigle I you know nobody really knows these

Things and and Celtic AR great putting information out for you you know it turns out the rock he was suffering for a lot of niggles and trying to make yourself back when knew he wasn’t in the Champions League Squad you know there’s been mitigating circumstances for not

Being there but we were left to believe that it was just simply because Rogers didn’t rate him so if there’s getting circumstances from Johnson it would be good to know if he needs a rest give him the rest that’s why we’ve Tony dson yeah very quickly I’ll ask you the question

San Fran suggests we play Ron on Tuesday and we’ll have a brief look ahead of Tuesday just towards the end of this piece but what do you think would you be throwing Tony in I wouldn’t be against it I think uh I think we we can we can

Decide on you know if if he if he feels that Jo needs a rest which I think yeah I think that could be the case um I would be against Tony coming in um it’s a big game on Tuesday though it’s not easy it’s not easy um so I think you try

To go with your strongest team as well um but if you’re not fit enough then absolutely have addressed them yeah let’s see what the manager decides um MF Celtic have made three changes around about the 82nd minute so all Mikey Johnson and ab come in for kyogo MAA and

Palmer first of all I’ll come to you just to ask how you think the three of them done but just as a general point I was delighted to see the reception that leada got all three come on about the same time was reasonable Applause for or and Applause for Mikey and a huge

Reception for Le laada who’s a young man who’s been I think unfairly caught up in a a very sensitive intense political situation my take would be that he’s just a young guy that wants to play football and go on with his life and I think there was a lot of pressure on his

Return at Celtic and what that would look like and how well he’d be received and I was just so pleased as a young guy that he got the the reception he got absolutely you know ultimately he’s a Celtic player and he he needs and and deserves support especially given that

He’s he’s endured such a a toic time his injuries as well so like you say there’s an ongoing situation all around about it that that’s very sensitive um he’s caught up in that but you’re right he just wants to play football so while he’s here to play football he he has our

Support yeah 100% what about the the contributions in general though so oh miky and what do you think they brought to the party I think we you got pretty much typical sort of performance he does he does a lot of the right things his decision making tends to be

Quite poor but um I actually thought oh oh oh is is someone who would given what we’ve seen from Jack amus against goon and goon for being a big lad doesn’t he really like um playing against somebody somebody physical so I thought all would would worry him and and and so it proved

He dragged them into areas I just think we we as a team made wrong decisions around about that point and probably didn’t capitalize on on the the the openings um that that we created um mik really unlucky not to get a free kick I I don’t know in my life if I’ve ever

Seen a sandwich not given as a free kick other than yesterday I I mean it’s it’s the absolute textbook free kick and it just that drove me nuts and that’s another thing about this retor coming out about Rangers feeling hard done by how the game was refereed I mean there

Was so many would ster get away with really not one on Taylor right at the edge of the box I was going my absolute nut he clearly went in and raised his foot just as Taylor played the ball away and he then also went in with a fly knee

Um when a Celtic player was was clearing the ball how that L stayed in the park out I’ll never know um but sorry you know would be it wouldn’t be a podcast if I didn’t go off in a tangent at some point and with a bad again decision

Making he’s went with one his left foot where he could have R some or even carried the ball further forward and by the way what strike it was it was a really really clean strike but just great to see him backing it just gives us such a different option you know if

You take a t and a bad out that team and given it Mo retirement as well those goals and assists I mean it’s a huge amount to take out the team and it then means you’re relying in guys that haven’t just played as many games over

The course of the season so you can’t you can’t rely on them to produce those numbers I B been back in the team means when you’re chasing a goal or you’re needing somebody to pop up with something he’s the man to do it yeah and history tells us that James he’s he’s

Got the track record in terms of goals and assists and I think the most important thing from yesterday was actually just getting some man you know it did open up from that chance thatth mentioned he’s I think it’s Matt’s made the brilliant overlap and run on his

Right hand side he should have slipped him in but he’s on there the adrenaline’s running high he said a crack it goal and why not but we’ll see the best of aad in the second half of the Season he should feature in some way shape or form against murin and we’ll

See how it kicks on I thought Mikey was good in an attacking sense I thought he was Lively I thought he ran at Taver he slipped in that pass for turnbill where turnill has been bundled over and there’s a question why that’s not been reviewed um you see this still I’m not

Sure if it’s offside but the the linesman’s flagged and and Nick Walsh is taken the easy out there so if we want to get about things that’s something Celtic could G about I don’t know if you’ve picked up you said you watched the game back Brio from the show here

Was making the point that Mikey could have cost us was he a we bit LAX defensively yeah I suppose you’ve got to see in the round I thought he was a good out ball at that stage he had three runs that just you know Char right up the

Pitch and took it to of them the one I’ve talking about the sandwich the one in for tville and and one other I can’t quite recall but also in between our 18 yard line halfway line at a crucial point in the game you know when you’re just looking to keep the ball know

Retain possession take this thing out of things he does a stupid we flick as if it’s he’s done the fives you’re like what are you doing lost possession puts his back under pressure and then down at a down our right wing at the corner flag Tavern just gets a free cross in because

Mikey’s not closing them and Greg Taylor goes absolutely ballistic at him um and that you know one thing Greg Taylor is is a a captain type personality and he was just screaming at him the most annoying thing was Mickey didn’t get it he didn’t get why he was been screamed

At and that kind of tells you a lot about where the lad he at in terms in terms of his football if you don’t understand your job there it’s not going to work yeah there’s a any position Celtic Celtic defend from the front whether you’re kyogo MAA Palma miky

Johnson whoever finds himself there H but M how dare you Greg Taylor shout at M mik Johnson that’s H unacceptable at any time um what we’ll do we’ll move on to I suppose the one of the remaining key moments of the game it’s it’s a free kick that the Rangers get in the

Dangerous area tavir had a kind of rang finder before he got a free kick in a similar area and hit the wall with it this time around he’s converted it now I’ll come to all of you individually particular you py in terms of the goalies Union stuff in

Terms of Joe Hart potentially being at fa so I reached out to a guy an noell a goalkeeper uh guy called David mck who’s very well known in amateur circles here in Scotland very experienced goalkeeper very very talented goalkeeper and very decent guy and I just wanted to get his

Opinion on it um from a goalkeeping point of view and his General take is that Joe har will be disappointed because he got a hand to it indicating that if you’re getting a hand to it then you’ve got a decent chance at it and he said he’s maybe worried about you know

Colliding with the post or something like that maybe that comes into his thinking but generally speaking he feels that Hart himself will be his own biggest critic and he’ll be annoyed that he’s not managed to pull off the save what do you think Pat I’m not I don’t

Think hars at fault there I just think sometimes you need to say that’s the wall side he’s got up and over it’s a decent strike but I don’t think you quite agree with that do you h no no I don’t I think uh for me you it’s going one place it’s

Going one place and listen if he tricks you and goes to the other side of you fine take take the loss there I’d rather that than being that that step off it he’s not got the pace to get across like he used to do um it’s evident to see has

Three free Ki free kicks this season all savable um in my opinion and I’ve said it before he’s going to cost his important goals this season um he’s one of the players that would look to replace in January H I’ve loved everything he’s done for us I really

Really do I think he’ll get away with the rest of the season um I think the board won’t the board won’t move for a new goalkeeper personally but we need to we need to look after that position I think it’s is really going to cost us because I’m now also

Starting to see a little bit of distrust uh between the back line and him as well even in the last 10 minutes why he was getting the ball so quickly and trying to play it out when you know we’re trying to just see the game out albe it

We are the ones we with 11 men but it took our captain to eventually turn around and say play this long stop passing out we’re putting ourselves under needless pressure now I know that this is where these guys will learn the likes of skills nski putting themselves under that pressure

But there came a point in the game where just see this game out lump it long you’ve got o up there Oh’s going to be your outlet um I just I’m I’m sorry I think it’s a it’s a worry for me for the rest of this season James it was a bit

Of Madness wasn’t it 2-1 trying to see the game eight minutes injury time to contend with that we we still got the ball Boys in in an mode they’re chucking it as quickly as it went out the park and we’re taking short ones and we’re putting myself under unnecessary

Pressure and I’m surprised that Brandon Rogers team not having the The Savvy and the street wisness to deal with that and just run the clock take your time with a free kick or the B kick launch it to own the channel and about follow of that one

In general but I think you know just can back to to the comments that that kegs made to me just in terms of Joe Hart’s position he also feels that an element of the fans have been on hard since the start of the season and not willing them

To do on well that’s that’s not the right ter him but a wee bit have I told you so you know your heart’s done and if if you get yourself entrenched in that position then it’s easy to criticize but what’s your take on the goal yeah I mean

I think you know well the summer when know it’s been a great journey for Joe har and us and it’s just time so we we expected some moves here in the summer but the fact that that doesn’t happen Joe’s my number one then and that he

Gets my my full support um I think maybe he’s he W could have been better organized if he’s going to criticize himself anywhere that could have been you know is going to whip that to his right post that’s that’s he’s going to part says we try something C to the

Other side maybe but see if you look at it the will jumps early the Wall’s on its way down when caver strikes it and then he gets that space to get up and down so why a wall is jumping before a ball is struck I don’t know but watch

You back yourself that that’s my take on it that that that doesn’t come anywhere near heart if the wall does its job you got a draft excler there for anything low jump in time and you’re clearing that so I think that’s really what theault yeah fair enough we not spend

Any more time in the Rangers goal it was only a small blip in an otherwise brilliant performance and one of my favorite moments actually was Tavern year giving it large to the North Stand celebrating the goal that condemned condemned his side to another to undefeat by Celtic so go for it James

Celebrate your heart out young man um the game plays out as I say eight minutes injury time off a bit tense and all that stuff but nothing really threatening nothing overly uh to wor Celtic I think all played his part running down the clock getting involved

In we tussles with goon and that s Celtic fine because it just allows us to break up play but the final whistle hits and it’s it’s a welld deserved result and you can see from the reaction by the the players on the park just how much it

Meant to them yeah and ultimately that that’s that’s what you that’s what you do it for you know the the the the sheer amount of effort that getes into these games and the amount of emotional energy expense for the fans in the in the

Stands I mean I know for for me um you know go go with my boy and the guys that was sitting next to been sitting next to for years when when the final whistle goes you’re just ecstatic and for the players the players the players all felt

It they know what’s getting written and said about them you know even even the stuff that Bo came out with shankland and kyogo it’s just really hilarious the fact that literally two days later kogo goes and does something like that I mean it’s just it’s just fantastic so the

Players in that that you know even the fans about you probably we all just needing that just a good we reminder but py mentioned earlier all means nothing if we don’t go and back up against man you know but we’ve wrestled ourselves back into you know the box seat now now

After the the level of performance that we’ve brought and I think that’s the key it’s not just been a win the level of performance was excellent and you know that’s a metric Rogers is really really heavy on that’s that’s when we need to now go and say like let’s go into the

Break for Le to get these three points and then let’s see what January brings in terms of reinforcements but also getting a few out the door as well because I know you’ve mentioned it before T can have you know 11 guys that are first team squad members all V for

The position of Janny it’s just no good yeah it’s not great um but just in a bigger picture Paddy um the win puts his eight points clear all be Rangers have got those two games in hand but as meth says it just put Celtic right back in

The driving seat and it’s twofold as well the result of course was the most important thing but almost as pleasing was a performance it was really solid and really reassuring that these players have got that in their locker and also puts to bed some of the chat you might have seen

From some folks suggesting that Rogers has lost the dressing room the players aren’t playing for him you know this isn’t his team anymore all that that’s blown out the water because what’s clear from the off yesterday is they’ve absolutely responded to what the manager asked to do I think one thing you see

With this team is is real Harmony um even considering the amount of players that are in the in the squad um I think for me that the big the big reason we’re seeing these uh these moments of the of like uncertainty has just been coming down to the amount of changes but had

They made as a as a team this season the squad hasn’t been consistent and there you go one change um in the last three games and we won all three and nearly kept the clean sheet in all three as well it just shows you how important it

Is to be able to have these players at our disposal but also having a settled side too um I think going into the second half of the season if we go and get the victory on Tuesday which I um I think we’re ready to go for um I I can

See is really really enjoying the fact that it’s it’s h it’s two games um it’s not going to be two three games a week I think that um we will have that time in the training ground and I think that that’s massive for this team um and

It’ll be it’ll be good to see who we do bring in um but it will also be interesting to see who leaves as well I think we’re in a very strong position now and I think that we we silenced a lot of doubters um within our support as

Well within our support as well there are still some questions out there 100% about players that maybe need replac and we need a bit of quality to replace them um but when you look at Alexia Bernardo and then you look at the performance from nki yesterday that is really really

Promising finally we’re getting some fruit for the for what we’ve signed um in the summer so I’m hopeful I really am I think it’s look good for us yeah James py tried to convince us that it was a stunning summer transfer window for Celtic and absolutely not nothing to see

Here Mar no James H bigger picture stuff both pad and mff have said there that you know Celtic are back in the driving seat but it’s important now that we go capitalize against on Tuesday so your brief comments on that one and your own final comments regarding

Yesterday yeah I mean just the way the the officiating has been going the last couple of months since kont came in I think we need need to go on screaming win and run here between now and at least a split if not the end of the season to be absolutely sure and

That’s only going to happen if we make the signings necessary in January you I was talking to Rogers yesterday saying there’s nothing lined up you know an style first of January in what six and a half hours so you’d love to see them come out the traps flying and say right there’s your

At least one Striker because You’ get potentially both Strikers going to wait to the Asian cup so even if you sign one you’re looking at Mikey as your backup Striker so I know you’d be happy with that but nobody else in Celtic world would so um there’s a lot of what to be

Done there Taylor you know we need competition there I don’t think the goalie thing will happen this this window if I was to get two and nothing else it’ be a striker and a left back so over to you Celtic recruitment team yeah there’s a lot of chat about the lad

Thiago Aro who I think’s playing at EST in Portugal former Benfica youth Prospect I seen a guy after the game with AIO four on the back of his Celtic sh I don’t know what he knows that we don’t so maybe that’s a go he also commented on poo bernardo’s Instagram I

Believe congratulating him on his goal so who knows maybe there’s something to that but I’m with you James I think if we got a left back and a striker and nothing else if it was just you know quality H players for those positions then I’d be okay with it and is

Important there’s so many other things that play just now we’ll need to catch them in a future show but as you say transfer wind open in a number of hours uh K away um Adam Sadler have no idea I think he was a Leicester coach for Brendon Rogers he stepped in um Asian

Cup O kyogo Yang all potentially wait that maybe MAA who knows so lots of stuff going on but P I’ll come to you at the moment just your own final comments I had of one last big push for Celtic I just think it’s been um a brilliant

Response from us over the last uh the last couple of weeks um to get uh three wins at the last three games I think we should be really happy with that um we should be doing that but I think the team needed that little bit of

Confidence um we can let them go on and on about the officials and release statements here are there but I also don’t see many of them talking about the David tumble incident as well um come near the end of the game I think he’s clearly on side and also think that that

Too is a penalty but we don’t need that we won the game yeah fair enough P I like you crack on with the rest of that mustache and I’ll go to ma now for his own final comments yeah just you know f fantastic day fantastic game overall a very good

Performance um let’s see what January brings I’d seen a link in fact I think it was Ryan I know Ryan’s been in the comments I think it was Ryan posted a a link with Scott McKenna which wouldn’t surprise me given Rogers was a a big fan

Of his when he was Aber I think we’ been linked to him many times um and Rogers first Bell so um if we are going to clear the decks and Thea kobashi that Phillips have got to be on their way that’s a sort of signing that would make sense I think mcken is

Training with youth team Forest so H so I imagine I think Rogers has just being co because there’s an expectation there I think the fans arey hungry for for news on on the signing front I think he’s probably just been a bit Cy and seeing how the first

First few days go but I I would expect her’s going to be a bit a bit of movement in the squad over the next few weeks but just great great to put ourselves back in the in the driving seat it’s really up to us now to to kind of kick on yeah

100% and hopefully another big result in performance against it mland Tuesday I’m just as to wrap this one up Lads this is our final recording of 2023 so more personal thanks to pad meff and James for this one and everyone who’s contributed across the year it’s a it’s

A real good kind of team effort a lot of work required so my thanks to everyone for that and of course thanks to all the listeners and viewers we’ve got over 500 people have joined us here on the live on YouTube which is amazing thanks for your comments it really helps make the

Show what it is so we’ll be back on Monday tomorrow at some point I get my calendar right but at some point tomorrow we’ll be back with the pre-match for the C game but in the meantime have a brilliant new year thanks to all for everything in 2023 and

We’ll see you again very soon


  1. Got to be calmac he bossed the game start to finish & a would give bernardo a shout you could see the difference when he came off .HH

  2. Chris Boyd said after the game. Rangers attacked and left room for Koyogo to work his magic. Very observant, and very true.

  3. Hi troops tell is wot happen ta 4goals in final mcphil hink tht how u spell it awesome mcgreger he wiz 😮😮😮😮😮❤

  4. Massive result, some amazing performances & AJ must get a grip , their biggest threat yesterday. Love the podcast – HH & all the best for 2024 to TCE 4 🍻🍀

  5. Very measured, compassionate, and understanding views on Abada, he is an exceptional talent and the support shown to him yesterday was truly excellent

  6. Happy new year team. Hopefully see some new faces in the window. For me the first player we should be securing is Bernardo permanently. Admittedly I was like everyone else and wasn't sure about him but kid is only 21 and he is bossing it in a derby game already. As soon as he went off (and he did have to go off before being sent off) our midfield collapsed imo. Sky is the limit for him.

  7. Alex Rae is involved in the coaching that’s why leaning heavily on play for penalties an bully the ref. They always did but it’s clear it’s no skeletor coaching this it’s wee rotten Rae

  8. The tactics have been a major aspect of why we haven’t set the heather alight under Brendan.
    The tactics have nullified the quality of several key men (mainly Calmac and Kyogo) and as a result both have underperformed.
    There has been a noticeable change in tactics in the last 3 games as we transitioned from this slow,methodical,posession based game to a more Ange like front foot ,quick and high pressing game.
    No shock here both Calmac and Kyogo have come to the fore with these changes.
    I also think that brining Bernardo into the Midfield has had a similar effect on Calmacs game as McTominay does for Scotland under Clarke because he’s been much better this Season for the National side than for Celtic which points to it being tactical and not a drop off in form as some seem to have suggested.
    Fair play to Brendan for having the sense to change what was evidently an approach that does not suit the players he inherited.
    As for Carter Vickers and Nawrocki pairing up in the New Year?
    I think CCV will be the next to be punted for profit.

  9. Yes absolutely Kyogo times of goals scoring .Thats my point when our rivals get there penalty it’s the timing when they are on defeat by there opposition but get the penalty to even the score GTF

  10. AJ is the better of the rest he gives the All yes he’s made a few bad passes but when it happens he’s tracking back as fast as he can and most times reverts the mistake. Be careful what you discard by a few mis-passes

  11. Mj Has put pressure on our Bhoys so many games and it did cost us goals. Also the pressure has been put on our defence many times by his play. And it’s made AJ make decisions which hasn’t HELPED AJ coz he try’s to help him

  12. Regarding AJ, given recent performances I think he looks exhausted. Maybe it's time for Ralston to have a run of games.

  13. Bernado is an old school grafter. Glad to see him get his time on the pitch. The game went backwards when he went off. His aggression kept their midfield quiet.

    What a player.

  14. I loved the victory, always good to beat that Mob, but Im not a fan of making comments about any opponents after the game, with BR, and calmac, it's a a great 3 points, but we need to keep our heads, and I think that having maeda and hatate in the Japan squad can only benefit us, hope they get game time, now add a bit of quality and we can push on

  15. Celtic board banning Rangers fans at Parkhead has spectacularly backfired. 

    It is against the SPFL rules and sanctions will have to follow or the SPFL will look as if they are dictated to the by Celtic.

    Allowing the green brigade back has also spectacularly backfired as they have snubbed the boards rules and continued with IRA chants and palastinian flags,causing more problems with Glasgow City Council and club sponsors!

  16. I, dare I say ever so rightly, said before our highly significant & much NEEDED 2-1 victory that CCV would sadly not make it & that I had no concerns with a Scales & Welsh pairing in central defence & so it completely proved, until Welsh (sadly) had to go off injured to be replaced by Nawrocki & he similarly hardly put a foot wrong, save for giving away that very silly & needless free kick that led directly to their goal & for which I put it down to match rustiness & understandably so after being out for months & what is it EXACTLY that is going on, or not going on, between Rodgers & him behind the scenes, since for me on what I've seen of him so far, he & CCV are the most obvious & natural centre back pairing, with then Scales & Welsh fighting it out to replace either for rotation purposes and/or a lack of form of either of this first choice centre back pairing?

    I also similarly had completely no concerns about our first choice goalkeeper & left back & both of these guys once again overall played well in such a crucial & important fixture, with Hart again making those '' completely keeping us in it'' type of saves that have quite literally become his trademark ever since he's been with us, but of course that's never enough for those who've continually being saying ad nauseum for months & months on end as to how we desperately need a new goalkeeper & left back & with an almost similar like manic fanaticism of that when a man called Eddie Howe just had to be appointed the next Celtic Manager & nobody else & if he wasn't appointed, then never mind Celtic Football Club completely falling over a cliff never to be seen or heard of ever again, Planet Earth too was going to completely implode & then in walked a big beefy guy from Australia that most of us had never even heard of.

    And so now the circus moves on to St Mirren away tomorrow, with only another much NEEDED win required & then the small matter of us having to have the very best January transfer window that we've ever had & if not….

  17. As a Celtic fan from way back in the Lisbon Lions days and onwards id like to say but at least that not one of them rangers managers walked away and left their club in dissaray THIS half way through an important season and we Celtic had rangers then our next game up with them now under Steve Gerrard he who was doing better for them so Rodgers he never did get the better of rangers under Gerrard .

    Rodgers was only at Celtic when Rangers were in a very poor state why all them wins lets be honest about it .

    This sly b-gger left Celtic at a terrible time as said above ..And for what for more £s only ..And only his pal an irish act Desmond was why he was asked back this after dont forget Leicester sacked Rodgers .

    Also in Europe ask Rodgers about his record there with both Celtic then Leicester and also his 1st time at Celtic in Europe in which was a disgrace with terrible results ..And again his 2nd time this season in Europe

    again a disgrace ..And also we were also handed an embarrassing 6/0 tanking in the process and bottom of the group with onloy one single home win by one goal v an ordinary Feyenoord side and all other results losses all them bar one draw.

    Rodgers should never have been brought back this but for Desmond another i cant stand at Celtic park

    and best if both were away along with Lawwell and the club began to think more about the team on the park

    and not just the riches for within their already rich pockets . At least Rangers shall spend for their team to make it stronger whilst Celtic we just dilly dally to do their utmost to offer 2/3/or 4m/ or bending it 5 or 6m player whilst club have raked it in big time past yrs ..Just check the duds we have brought into club which also have wasted club millions James McCarthy worst of the lot who was handed a 4 yr deal an irishman .

    They need rid of much dead wood Celtic but id reckon shall be tough to recover any of moneys spent out although just to get them offski is one main thing in any old way they can . But Rodgers certinly cant lift his head high with wy he has been .

  18. I like Bernardo, think we should look to sign permanently. Kyogo is a level above with his finishing and Kris Boyd is a bum!

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