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Nick Sirianni is on the hot seat | Is this his last chance?

The Eagles are limping into a playoff matchup against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers this weekend. Nick Sirianni has one last chance to get things right

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You are now tuned into to you give me you give me you give me power name I’m every you need to be oh I’m the god of Personality hello everybody and welcome back to the outside Insider show where we go over everything Eagles related over the past few days and there’s a lot to catch up on since Monday’s euphoric rant I feel like it was therapy we got a lot out of our system but now the Seas

Have calmed temporarily and we have to discuss a few different waves that have been cooking through the the Philadelphia Waterfront the river scul whatever it’s called that one true Philadelphia in here um there’s a lot to go over we’ve got Brian Johnson somehow someway being targeted by the Panthers

He’s gone to Carolina looking for a job Carolina have come to Philadelphia and requested an interview with Brian Johnson which to me is like the greatest news the funniest news it’s like something out of an SNL skit um we’re gonna talk about all of that in today’s

Show on top of this random new pressing movement on Nick serani guilty I’ve been at the front of it um but it feel like a week ago there was a report from I think it was ESPN saying that sani’s job is definitely not under pressure and then a

Week later sani’s job is definitely Under Pressure so you don’t really know how to gauge these things how to feel so we’ve got plenty to discuss in this evening’s show um thank you to everyone who’s tuned in I know we’re live across our Twitter our YouTube and our Facebook

Page at the minute um if you could leave a like or a retweet or whatever it is wherever you’re watching just to support the show that would be absolutely tremendous um and leave a comment say hello let us know where you’re listening from um we’ll get to some your comments

K there are no Graphics I’m afraid um purely because I’ve been a bit busy been a busy day today busy day at the office um but doesn’t mean the rant is is over all right there could be a part two very easily a part two Isaac’s in wi Sports

Is in and Kon says how did that rant alone in in what I felt and there’s still more that comes with it I think um I I suppose you have to now dive straight back into those Waters I’m afraid roll up your sleeves grab your pitchforks it’s time to go to war again

Battle Hawk Super Fan no hot seat no now now you know potenti I have a crush on the giraffe Spice Girl is is that from the the hang on the I’m right I’m I’m a bit sleepy today so have to be with the giraffe SP that

Feels like a reference to the show from a few weeks back where we found like the tall thing like on eBay maybe it’s that maybe it’s just a kinky dink who’s to say um talk about the elephant in the room with hoe Roseman says Greg Moody

We’ll get to that um in just a little bit but let’s start with how Roseman okay because I mentioned um on Monday’s show that to me hoy Roseman should absolutely be on the hot seat because there’s no way that getting to a 10- win team then going one and five nearly

Choking well you did choke the NFC East limping into the playoffs should be rewarded with anything other than just strict like either a whe they do warnings in the NFL can you give a a head coach a written warning who’s to say but for me hoy Roseman should take

An executive stance and say that Nick serani just isn’t panning out right now for for what this team needs the team needs something different and it’s not Nick serani and I feel like we’re at Catch 22 right now where fans cannot say or actively call for Nick sani’s head or

Firing that you can’t sit there and say hey Nick serani has not been good enough because then again you’re a hater and you’re negative and how will the team ever get better and you made the playoffs three years in a row right this Eagles team I’ve been

Thinking about it as you can probably tell that the Hair Says It All We are in a slight crisis now because of the Eagles this Eagles team is Elite we say every week from top to bottom offensively at least we can ignore the defense for the sake of this argument um

But offensively they’re an elite team they should be a top five offense in most metrics across the league the defense in the start proved good enough to be the top 10 in most metrics across the league you are paying fans okay you love this team this is the team you were

Born with that you many of you are raised up Eagles fans you wear the logos on your sweaters you wear them on caps you wear them on polos you get bottles backpacks tickets everything to support this team you fund this team and to have your standard all of a sudden like

Criticized because apparently ah well you know Nick serani made the playoffs for years in a row it’s not not fair like you have every right to be discontent with the fact that this is a team that should be destined for greatness that has all the blueprint and

Makings possible of an elite team and it will be it’s got to stop happening we are having a horrific time with the microphone uh bar we’re back right we’re cool um like you cannot really be a fan and be dissatisfied with the the coaching scenario and have to hold that in like

That’s just not fair there’s no way this team should get to where it is now which is limping into the playoffs in the way they’ve done it it’s not the fact that they’ve lost five games out of the last six and they’ve gone oh well at least

We’re in the playoffs guys it’s the fact that they literally end up throwing the games this the offense looks identical on a weekly basis the defense looks identical on a weekly basis and they make a change on defense that goes tits up because Matt Patricia starts just Rew re rewiring everything rewarding

Everything um trying to make his players now count do the alphabet backwards instead of forwards like that’s goingon to have any impact and there’s just total like disarray this isn’t anything like that is been externally inflicted it’s all self-inflicted problems if Nick serani maybe let’s say

He’s gone into the Dallas game and they lose 3534 because of Phantom Pi on the last play of the game then they go to Seattle um well the Seattle excuse me the Seattle game can happen as it did that was basically a throwaway anyway and then you go into maybe that the second

Game against the Giants week 18 and it’s a really tightly contested contest and the Giants somehow get a turnover that would be different the fact that none of that happened the Eagles aren’t losing close games they’re not being played better name one team in the last six

Games that has played better than the Eagles that has deserved to win that game more than the Eagles you can’t because it’s imp it just hasn’t happened so the fact that Hoy Roseman has to look at this and say wow my head coach is doing absolutely nothing he is being

Given problem after problem after problem and nothing is changing you can I’m sure you can all imagine in your own line of work whether it’s School College work um whether it’s an office job whether it’s active whatever it may be that if you’re in a scenario where your manager or supervisor whoever doesn’t

Implement a process because something’s going wrong with your business and it happens again and again and again and again and nothing changes eventually you want to leave eventually you want out because you’re not being heard there’s no value to it and this Eagles team at the minute is just pigs to slaughter it

Is just they’re being led into the slaughter house knowing that it doesn’t matter what they do like I saw another thing yesterday had a massive rant about how I said that the Eagles players sure they’ve got to be accountable like that’s the nature of football but to people saying that

They’re not executing like and that that’s still a thing and it happened again yesterday there was the things to oh it’s just the Eagles players need to really execute better man here’s a three random PFF stats when the wind blows West at two miles an hour on a Wednesday

Afternoon um James Bradbury gains three steps per minute shut up like it’s not that it’s you cannot just roll out the same thing again and again and expect a different result and the fact that they’ve lost six games or five games whatever it is because of just negligence it’s not because they’re

Playing bad it’s not because they’re throwing games away it’s because there is a core issue on both sides of the ball neither are being addressed I tell a lie defense was it got worse but it’s not being addressed offensively the blueprint was out on how to beat this

Team by San Francisco it was made obvious by San Francisco you’d think after a butt whooping like that after a slap in the face after a humiliation like that against a team that is a championship team you know your paths will cross again if you to win the NFC

Championship chances are you’ve got to beat the best you GNA see San Fran again you come away from that game with your tail between the legs and you go now we’re fine Well w if we’re fine and it is just complacency it is just sheer complacency and you get humbled again

And humiliated again and embarrassed again and you sit there so caught up in your own bubble of yeah we’re the Eagles we are underdogs like is it just toxic at this point are they putting themselves in holes just so they can put on an underdog mask stroll out and win a

Game in the playoffs like I don’t know but it starts at the top it it does not start at the bottom and if it does start at the bottom technically it starts at the top because think of it this way if you’re a manager of a team or you run a

Business and there are Rumblings at the bottom maybe a player wants a new contract and he’s frustrated maybe there’s a Fallout maybe there’s a fracture in the locker room somewhere and it doesn’t get addressed that is very much a problem up top any problem

On the field is a problem off of it and that that isn’t trying to sound like Michael Scott it just is if you’re not performing and someone at your job isn’t performing it’s just as much as the manager’s responsibility as it is the Players always has been always will be

Because you cannot have great players shining in bad scenarios it just doesn’t happened and the Eagles now to be at a point where again a this is happening a week before the playoffs you’ve got ESPN national media coverage talking about job security with Nick serani a you are

Days away from a playoff matchup days away right nothing gets out in the media unless someone wants it out and my honest guess is that that’s been put out by someone in the Eagles front office to light a fire under sani’s ass to get him to actually react to something to to get

Him to actually respond and to change and to adapt because right now I feel like you go Nick your house is on fire yeah Brian call that QB draw mate yeah run that back Brian oh my God your wife has left you for a really handsome young British guy called

Liam yeah remember that wide receiver SC yeah that’s perfect Brian do that again like nothing is touching the surface nothing is getting through to him right now so there has to be something and it wouldn’t surprise me if that was it that someone’s just G hey Tim or or whoever

The reporter Wass to put it out we are considering Nick sani’s future with this team I thought you should know as our favorite bestie reporter and have G cheers mate and and they’ve just slammed it in and that’s as easy as it gets um let’s go through some of your comments

Because I don’t want to spend the next 50 minutes just ranting again um the hair makes you look more like Christopher Hitchins like every day let’s have a look at who that is is Christopher Hitchin the one who plays Count Dooku I know he he died didn’t he so

It’s probably not him um Christopher let’s have a Google at this then should we I can’t spell let’s get this in Christopher Hitchins oh come on well he’s he’s bored for a start he’s bored you can’t tell me that no stop it that’s horrible that’s the he looks all right

There to be fair you know he don’t look too bad he looks like a strapp young lad but maybe that one why would you tell me that I’m already having a crisis about the Eagles I don’t need to be told I look like that what the I cannot believe what I’ve Just Seen

C can you see this on here or is it oh it didn’t work did it I’ve got to share him again just just so we know guys I think I forgot to share the right T this is what I apparently look like are you taking the piss

I I remind you of this guy with each passing day do I Christopher hitchings on suffering beliefs and dying well that’s an average Eagles stream for me anyway now isn’t it if we’re being honest that’s an average Eagles average day at the office is this the right Christopher Hitchins is this what we’re

On about oh my God it’s you what are you talking about look at the younger version that’s old Chris Hitchens Chris hitch I we need to find the Young Chris hitch I cannot believe what I am being told right this is remarkable you look like

A really I don’t I don’t see that I I don’t see that um he doesn’t look young in any of them that’s just me when I started vaping unbelievable I I cannot believe what I’ve Just Seen wow anyway I I we we’ll go away from doing your comments now I cannot

Believe what I’ve you like Christopher Hitchens um any right we’ll go back through sorry the English Flags LJ got a new logo for the outside Insider with a sneaky English flag in there no no it’s always been there I mean I guess it’s just hidden in thumbnails but it is there I I

Need to promote it more because originally I want to start putting it on like football shirts and that would be cool because it like like a soccer jersey I think it look quite cool L expectations this week says Tom P can’t be ex if you don’t expect to win true

But you can just be like stoic disappointed if that makes sense like if you have no expectations and they still don’t meet them you’re oh great like I don’t I don’t think there’s any reason for optimism there’s not a single reason to be optimistic other than the fact that

There’s one stat about blitzing where Tampa Bay blitzes a lot or something and the Eagles are bad at protecting it shock um and something like that like there’s nothing that screams oh my God the Eagles are in the playoffs like how sad is that right on another level how sad is

It that we are in the NFL playoffs okay you’ve got the Chiefs and the Dolphins squaring off in a Rock versus John Cena match up VI is in the air right everywhere on on your left you’ve got the Houston Texans and you know CJ St young upcomer against Joe flacko my best

Mate and now Cleveland Brown looking for a miraculous Nick FES run God the NFL playoffs are good what about what happens over the weekend my God don’t get me started what about prime time Monday night whatever’s left of the Eagles taking on the bucks on the road in Tampa uh I’m up

Till 400 a.m. watching it um the Eagles have lost five of their last six they couldn’t beat a what is it when you beat stuff to make a cake they couldn’t do that at the minute um that they couldn’t whip a horse they couldn’t do anything

Um how sad that is like to to have that kind of emotion that like we’re talking postseason football playing playoffs the Run Starts Now the chance at a Super Bowl Eagles fans crave being underdogs we love being backed against the wall like our whole identity is us against

The world that it’s everyone against Philadelphia and somehow now it is everyone against Philadelphia I think even we’re against Philadelphia like it’s us against the world but it’s again we got to do it again the regular season wasn’t enough punishment and tourment now we’ve got to sit

Through it again like even if they win and and I put an article out yesterday saying like even if the Eagles win serani should absolutely categorically be on the hot seat because it’s not acceptable if he wins the Super Bowl it does kind of exclude him from that if he

Wins the championship it again he’s sort of exempt from that argument but it doesn’t make it any better it it doesn’t somewhat undo that if I smack you in the face kiss you better give you a plaster and buy you a beer doesn’t take away

From the fact I punch you in the face does it do you know what I mean so regardless of what happens in the playoffs I think serani should absolutely be on the hot seat um I’m sure we’ll touch on that in a bit battle Hawk Super Fan says where’s

Mr samman I’m not sure um we’ll talk about Mike Vel I mean that name’s come up today I’d be all for it he’s a bit of a tougher tougher candidate for head coach someone that may be able to instict some sense of discipline on an Eagles team that sees Darius slle

Retweeting and sharing pictures of Christian McCaffrey’s outfit while being scolded for his team losing so I’d very much like that in the locker room You Can Count me all in on Mike Vel like I don’t really care about the Titans and what they’ve done or haven’t done um I

Think their ownership is ass completely um they’ve made some of the most boneheaded decisions in recent memory including sending AJ Brown packing to the Eagles in the first place so to have the the coach of that team that is just working with whatever ruins he’s left

With actually have a team to coach would be quite cool um I feel like serani could get one more year to put it together and if he can’t fire him if he can keep him like I don’t know I don’t know I I think for me like

Again the issue is if you keep serani more than this year that if you start out flat next year the wheels fall off so quick like realistically any chance there is of the Eagles like lighting a fire and flying you know five six and0 next year is great but the microscope

Will be like so zoomed that you can see every little dimple and spot on his little little silly face all right you can see every little wrinkle he’s got on his forehead it’ll be that zoomed in because the pressure will be that high after almost messing it up this year

Like to almost [ __ ] something up a knot you swipe the sweat from your forehead you get given a second chance if it starts wobbling again I don’t know how long that leash on serani will be um Liam what is your favorite ban Chan um I’ll I’ll be completely honest with you

Bow Hawk Super Fan I don’t know what bans Chan is so I’ll Google it um and we’ll find out uh bans Chan recipe see this is what I love about this stream okay we are in it this is a Philadelphia Eagles stream we are here ranting about

The head coach and the playoffs and I get asked what my favorite ban Chan is I’ve never heard of ban Chan in my life apparently their small side dishes serve with Korean R in Cuisine I’m I’m genuinely intrigued I can’t lie um so is it just sort of like tap pass but not

That whatever that is looks horrendous B Chan well um is there any like chicken that looks like CH have a bit of that um looks like some mango there can we got is it Sushi how did we get here how did we get here we’re we’re talking about

Banan it’s like Alan Iverson but we’re talking about B I’ve never heard of it can can we find something in English uh is is it like crispy chili beef can I have that as banshan I wouldn’t mind that they look like jalapenos absolutely not there’s some rice there some Mash

Nice Orange um yeah I I’ll level with you I couldn’t tell you what any of it is I have no there’s a something with a hole in it there quite an inappropriate hole don’t clip that um but it just looks like seaweed there that one that looks great whatever that

Is over here that looks a bit beefy um looks like some onion maybe yeah if someone can um you know clean me up on what bansan is that would be terrific I’ve lost so many comments um Li is a quint isent Eagles fan aention span of a mosquito I know I’m

Really sorry uh all right let’s um let go back to some more comments that isn’t about banchan because I have no idea Le’s been waiting all day to unleash as it’s cathartic I do like ranting about the Eagles it it does give me joy I

Can’t like it does help me feel at one with myself and the Universe um but and you know it Som helped you guys as well so it works um romalo white thank you for hopping in romalo I think it’s your first time in the Stream at least a

Comment so thank you um this unbelievable Point Blank it needs to be fixed I’m not sure if he means my stream or Nick serani I think both would be valid so we’re gonna keep that one there I think that’s a good comment there romalo thank you for for sharing that

Honestly the talent on this team especially on Def is overestimated that’s a hot take I like that that might be a bit scorching defensively I completely agree um or do I I don’t know because defensively Jaylen Carter’s Defensive Rookie of the Year Jordan Davis is good but apparently again you

Know the size of Godzilla um Fletch is all right BG’s all right sweat’s pretty good Rick’s brilliant defensive lines not a not a quam and last year slay and Bradbury were two of the best corners in the Nfl safety Reed blanken ship is a a fringe starter

I think for most teams if we’re if we’re being honest and I love Reed blanken ship and I think he’s great um and as a developmental guy that in two three years time will be a like real key fixture on that defense I think he is

Great as of where he’s at right now he’s if you’re GNA read like if anyone that plays football manager you have current ability and potential ability right current ability out of five potential out of five I’d say Reed’s like two and a half out of five current probably four

Potential do you know what I mean so like he’s there he’s three is about where he need to be to be like a a firm starter on the team to be a reliable gamely like contributor and he is sort of there there the mistakes he makes

Sometimes can just be a bit costly um unfortunately the defense doesn’t have the Personnel the offense has zero excuses completely agree with that um yeah you sum that up beautifully uh how’s philosophies around cat management devaluing line backers and safeties but worse is how he handles Co coaching um

Not sitting on sofas I presume um not getting Co coaches who can use the talent instead getting a square peg see you can tell you listen to this stream you can the intellect of the fans that we have all right as Eagles fans we are building the next generation of general

Managers in these streams I’m telling you now it’s fantastic um even Yol Line’s underperformed facts I agree with that um I think I don’t know how three of them were named Pro Bowl is I swear Lon Dickerson like seven games he didn’t but you know what I mean um Lane

Johnson’s been all right Jason Kelce is just solid but he hasn’t it’s weird with Kelsey isn’t it because Jason Kelsey solid is better than most others so by Nature he should be a pro bowler um but he hasn’t jumped off the page as much I

Guess in recent years um wow I’m so far behind in these comments how skip balers gets paid Millions to spew nonsense and Liam has 16 viewers is a crime against humanity I’ll take that that one’s fine I I’ll take that one this is tremendous now we’re into the Christopher Hitchin stuff

Um the progression from Joe borrow to to to M there the progression from Joe burrow to Modern Liam to Christopher Hitchens I can’t win can I just not be Liam can I just not be Liam for like one day can I not just be me I have to look

Like Sid the Sloth or something like it’s it’s shocking it’s absolutely shocking um e can beat an egg that’s what I was looking for earlier beat an egg I didn’t know what I was on about when I said that um pter o Pinger says Nick stupid an is on the hot seat right

Now I agree with that what a man I very much agree with that pal paletero if I said your name right what’s your profile picture is that UFC is it boxing is it wrestling I’m a wrestling fan I’m having a lookt I’m being nosy sorry if it’s wrestling I’m interested sorry um R

Won’t be a good fit I don’t know I think we said this yesterday I think that like realistically if your front office cannot accommod a coach because it runs things a certain way that’s not great like if someone comes to PSN and they’re an eagles writer but they want to talk about

Ballet let them talk about ballet and they’re a phenomenal you’d be like well yeah obviously like you’re great at what you do like add it to our coverage we’ll mold our cover coverage around it and we’ll start covering ballet that’s brilliant I wouldn’t go no you’re out

Best I’ve ever seen don’t care not interested see you later like it’s just not doesn’t work like that you know um if we fire serani Brian Johnson would cook this offense that’s yeah have to both go it have to be a uh a dual firing I think um

Everyone says Frank Reich but no he has not accomplished nothing he’s the reason why we got Nick yeah I mean there is a weird um Dynamic isn’t there like have you noticed this by the way like it dawned on me earlier today so the Eagles originally in a bit of a quibble they’re

In a bit of a trick trick tricky scenario and they fire a random Underdog coach no one’s heard of Doug Peterson Nick serani yeah they then end up hiring an assistant coach from the Colts Frank Reich Shane styken okay somehow have both have ties to the Chargers as well I

Believe or sirani did um then it all gets a bit weird so how Roseman like panics pays a quarterback a lot in both scenarios um then it does get a bit weird panics and adds someone like Golden Tate or panics and adds someone uh like Kevin bed or panic and had

Someone like the other year that hasn’t worked then the teams imploded um and now we’re going towards a divisional round where the last time Doug Peterson made the playoffs he exited in the divisional round to Seattle right so there is a chance that the Eagles unfortunately repeat the most bizarre

Like ill fated history thing imaginable which is insane because the trajectories of these teams look so completely opposite and yet some how the further away the closer they’ve been putting together both had a coach that was unknown assistant in that used to be for Indianapolis links to the charges end up

Paying a quarterback loads of money something goes tits up panicking by free agents that doesn’t happen everything goes even more tits up and then you end up in the divisional round potentially losing where everything comes to a grinding hole I do find that is a bit

Mental so you know there is that um there is also a trend right um and someone’s going to have to double check this for me but if you go and look at when big Dom was Su what week was it let’s have a look it was the um is it

The Cowboys game big Dom s why just haveing big Dom sus that’s gonna come all sorts of weird [ __ ] isn’t it big sub little Dom has come up apparently that’s not big dog suspension isn’t that’s an actual car suspension that’s not all you want um December 9th oh oh it was the

Week before the Cowboys who was that the N was the ners it was the ners okay okay okay so if you look at the ners the Eagles lost that game that was their first loss major leue right then Dallas it’s it’s all gone tits up since

Big Dom they were 10 and0 with big Dom on the sideline big Dom leaves the sideline and now they’re 11 and five all right maybe Big D was calling the shots or maybe like I don’t know the other coach just got a bit scared and shat himself I I don’t know but there

Must be a link between big Dom being on the sideline and then big Dom not being on the sideline like was there like I don’t know look we’ve all heard of deflate gate we’ve all heard of what happened with the Patriots back in 2005 was there maybe we’ve all heard of the

Astros was there maybe something the Eagles are doing with big Dom was like when big Dom stands in a certain spot it represents a certain coverage was it when big Dom like leans over to tie his shoe it means that uh a players the mike

I I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what it is maybe he’s really tall and he can see the other team’s Playbook I I don’t know but since big Dom has left the sideline the Eagles have gone spiraling out of control into utter chaos big Dom on the sideline they’re

The best team in the NFL and I don’t really know what other link there is to make there but I can’t wait for some of your comments on it for sure um let’s get to some of your other ones um where have we got in terms of people who’ve called defense Vel Jesse

Patrick Graham and for people who haven’t called plays dard Wilson dard Wilson could be interesting um just because of his former experience as a player obviously like there are ties there I wouldn’t mind that one I don’t I genuinely don’t know who I’d look at and

This is a thing like my knowledge on coaches I don’t have knowledge on coaches outside of a lot I kind of after I do the research and I write the article and that’s how I learn about them um but yeah I’ll definitely do some digging for you uh Vel Florence

Nightingale and anyone who doesn’t subscribe to the f yeah we might have to start the fangio thing off we might have to you know get that in the bin if we if we get rid of the fangio nonsense maybe we end up you know in a slightly better

Scenario there is that possibility um just a quick shout as well I haven’t actually got a banner up for this so I’ll just put the other one which is there um we do have a link in the description to an ESPN bet promo right and I was meant to it’s halfway through

The show you can call it an ad break if you want so ESPN bet as many of you know who are over the of 18 or 21 whatever it is over there to bet um ESPN bet came on the scene they’ve got a lovely app um they gave away some promos everyone got

Some free bets it was cool but now their sign up promos are really [ __ ] right and if you sign up you get $100 like so you sign up make a deposit place a bet they’ll give you a $100 to bet with for free right it’s free money it’s class

However right we’ve got a link where in the description if you click it the code is Philly it’s the only Philadelphia code that ESPN better have given out not even ESPN have a Philly code not BGN not NBC all right none of these not all Philly all right the code Philly belongs

To PSN all right you get $150 for signing up so you sign up deposit put a bet on and you get $150 for free I’d say that’s pretty good um their regular sign up offer is 100 the national signup offer for when like it’s on talk shows I know it’s not Pat McAfee

But that level of show is $100 we want of the very I don’t know how many of us there are that we’re one of the very few companies that have a $150 signup promo I don’t know how we’ve got it or how long it’s going to be there but if you

Are looking to bet on the NFL playoffs and you haven’t got a Sportsbook account or you don’t have an ESPN bet account um if you sign up with the link below use the code Philly in all capitals you will get an extra $50 to bet with and that’s

A lot of money you know you can put that on like a really obvious outcome just take the money and run who’s to say it’s a it’s a free shot $150 you’re welcome so I thought I’d mentioned that again it is in the description for you guys if you want to

Take advantage of it and I guess it’s one of the perks of of doing what we do is that we can sometimes get some nice things for you guys so yeah there you go have fun um go bet your heart out be responsible though let’s not get silly

With it um I’d only fire serani for Johnson and nobody else read a pro bow talent in a year yeah in a year or two nice to see you mark by the way thanks for hopping in as always um yeah I’d say a year or to 100% like the base is there

The upside is there it’s just that the current stuff isn’t as as strong I’m literally 10 minutes behind on comments um Eagles have to make good with chy G the Johnson absolutely not um I like him as a player I feel like as a a person he

Does my eding because he’s just like Darius Slay if Darius Slay snorted coke every week and it’s bad enough with Darius Slay so there’s that um like the defense on paper we were hoping to be better in a lot of positions yeah there was definitely a lot of emphasis placed

On guys like noobe Dean guys like Reed blank and [ __ ] um the corner positions a weird one because you have Maddox brri and slay all of them proven veterans all of them really should be able to mask a deficiency at safety or linebacker because they’re that good like Maddox in

The slot is a top five slot Corner Darius Slay was a top five Corner James Brad was a top 10 they should be able to create a shell for that fangio scheme and instead they’ve just like not done that and it’s gone all a bit hay wise so

There is that uh let’s get to some moreat I’m going to try and scroll through a little bit is there betting on ballet over or under four piroet we might have to have a look maybe we should start covering ballet maybe we should uh let’s I’ve I’ve got the plus

35 um do you have Thai restaurants in the UK we do uh I actually went to one on a boat in Norwich um so I I couldn’t tell what it was called but it was on a boat and it was very nice I I really enjoyed it again I couldn’t tell you

What I had I feel like they were maybe dumplings or it was like a a little bag that wasn’t a bag it was like pastry and there was cheese in it maybe it was a cheese dumpling I’m not good with food I I promise I’m not trying to be

Disrespectful I’m just genuinely not good with food like I will make cauliflower cheese put meatballs on top of it and put it back in the oven because I like both the flavors together they don’t go at all but to me I love both of them so why not have two at once

And it’s a troll to eat but in my head I’m like you are being efficient right now and you know that unfortunately that’s just where we’re at at this stage in my life so I am trying to I know what Tapas is now um I went to Madrid last

Year and I tried all sorts potatoes a couple of vegetables sang Ria by the way unbelievable oh I could have jugs of the stuff oh sang me right up I say oh absolutely brilliant if you’ve never had sangria I think it’s red wine and a bunch of fruit but it is just

Tremendous you’re missing out if you haven’t had it is all I’m saying um big Dom need maybe big Dom keeps Nick I I think I figured it out I think I figured out Tom’s on to something I think I figured it out so for anyone that missed

This a minute ago right the Eagles were 10 and0 big Dom gets into a bit of a spat gets sidelined the Eagles go one and five I think what it is is that Brian Johnson always wanted to call these horrible QB draw screens like vertical plays and big Dom would be

Stood over him with his arms folded like the Big Show like some lethal enforcer just shaking his head and grunting going and Brian okay okay slan okay okay RPO sorry sorry and now big Dom’s not there Brian’s just keep keeps looking keeps looking around and there’s no one

To punish him or hold him accountable so he’s just calling out the most lethargic useless offensive plays the world has ever seen I think that might be it we might have solved what’s happened with the Philadelphia Eagles and it’s the fact that big Dom got suspended 100% um

You know why W be Deni Wilson or Jesse winter uh they got rejected for the DC no did they oh for the yeah yeah I guess Wilson did D I’m pretty sure donard Wilson’s a friend of PSN I’m pretty sure like I’m not it might be Chris I’m

Pretty sure Chris is in contact with him um was it dard Wilson or was it the other one there’s one that we were legitimately like quite close to and we got a lot of information about um Mr lurry and or subjective information about Mr lurry and involvement and what was going on at

The time uh so that’s interesting maybe it wasn’t dardo Wilson maybe was it Chris something I don’t know we’ll find out um I I’ll ask it wasn’t it wasn’t my contact so I didn’t get the information so it wasn’t me um but it was very it

Was a very interesting time to it PSN well I’ll tell you that for free um duck says I’m sure they do the ti government support the development of real tie through throughout the world oh nice Tha food is awesome I absolutely love [ __ ] see I’m I’m a wor I can’t do spicy food

I really anything with like Jalapenos in I really tap out like a chicken Tika Masala I can do that a Cora isn’t spicy but if I go to Nando and I know I’m British I’m saying Nando we can get over it if I go to Nando like they have like

A a spice meter and you go from like mild to Perry Perry to something else to something else to something else and I’m always mild or Parry Perry I cannot go above like medium anything above even Wing Stop like we have we’ve just started getting Wing Stops Here and

Anything above like garlicky chicken I just I cannot handle I’m really bad um what free agent our safety need uh Charlie I I don’t think we need chy gner Johnson I I just don’t think we do um he’ll has for too much money he throws too many tantrums and for a team already

On the verge of collapse it’s the exact opposite of what you want at the minute I’m afraid love the player phenomenal player one of the best safeties in the league but for crying out loud you’ve got a defense at the minute where Darius Slay again is is up to no good

Retweeting himself on social media saying how well he’s playing Seth join a nah I I don’t know I think Seth moans too much about modern football I don’t think he understands the game nowadays and I know that’s I’m not trying to be insulting it look either he does

Understand it and he says a lot of what he says for clicks and because he’s in the media and because he has to or he’s just played an elite level at a time when football was a very different sport and it figures it is still that same

Sport and the stuff he says is kind of reflective of big Butch 4-3 defense slam people over and it’s not there’s a bit more Nuance to it I suppose in a in a way like I I don’t know I might be alone on that I’m not sure who let leave him

Cook literally yeah I’m not allowed to cook many times I mean my favorite thing to make genuinely is I’ll go in the fridge and I’ll just get everything like everything I can find like peppers onions garlic I’ll get beef get some chicken in there Chito sausage and I’ll

Just smash it all together put it in a pan stir fry and I’ll have that and I love it and I I couldn’t tell you what it’s called I could tell you what it is it changes every time but it works you know like there is no there’s no vibe

There’s no due diligence there’s no research there’s no flavor balance It’s Just Vibe bit too much garlic nah better papr bit bit of mixed herbs to make it look nice you know bit of salt Bay on it uh Eric’s in the chat nice to see you sir I

Hope you’re doing well top of the evening to you uh and the rest of the chat 12 19 of you currently watching this on YouTube if you could leave a like that would be absolutely amazing again it does help the stream grow so if you do like what you’re seeing tonight

Um it will be brilliant it just it helps us live through the the Dark Ages um British food the most dodgy or it you’re not wrong you’re not wrong I mean r is bad it’s is very bad I feel like my favorite Cuisine is Chinese if that

Helps I love Chinese food uh Chinese food Indian food um any out side of that American food I suppose but it’s just very easy to like American food isn’t it like my diet is pretty much American food big Dom’s The Undertaker I’m telling you the the Dominator I’m

Telling you big Dom’s the reason big Dom is the reason Ain fenor could do a job for us at some defensive position yeah sticking with defensive tackle to be fair I mean it can’t be much worse than what we’re seeing um Liam said jalapenos are spicy or not ready for Thai food

Does it get worse I thought jalapenos was just like the signature thing that’s in everything I didn’t know it got worse didn’t know there’s more I know you do the silly pepper challenges on YouTube where you drink milk but like I was never going to get to that level I’ll

Try and find the um the restaurant I was I’ll tell you what I thought I’ll do it now because I’m intrigued now Thai restaurant uh boat it might have closed down but it was in Norwich um hiana no float oh it’s gone it was a floating restaurant oh that’s annoying I’ve just

Found it here we are I I’ll share the article for everyone that is definitely interested in a Thai restaurant I went to like five years ago 30 years it was there Vagabond was that what it’s called Vagabond I don’t know what that’s I don’t sure what’s going on there um wow

Okay it was called vagabond is there a is that the menu I don’t know if that’s a menu or not uh any comments about Vagabond no anyway it was called Vagabond um but it it was a Tha restaurant that’s all I know uh can’t believe a phone for that intro good catch

Mate what my intro oh oh you I did I put the um the flipping the birds intro one again I keep doing that you don’t know eagles’s history I mean I know Eagles present I’m not like I’m not a football historian I couldn’t tell you about the 1992 Philadelphia Eagles for instance like

Admittedly but I can tell you that chy gner Johnson as a player that there’s more to you know what goes on the field than just physical play and he’s great as a leader he lands himself in trouble and the last thing you need volatile leaders are great in stable situations

Because they can bring you and fire you up as soon as it’s a volatile situation you’re pouring gasoline on a fire um and it has the ability to to tear the house down and for me it’s just not a move I’d make but I will take that over you know

Stick to soccer Seth Jo won’t be able to coach in today’s League yeah I just I don’t know what it is he just gives off a Vibe of like yeah the Eagles aren’t running people over anymore man they need to roll back the years and Tackle people and they’re missing too many of

These and need to Blitz Blitz Blitz and it’s like there’s just a lot more to it than that like they didn’t lose because they’re not blitzing Seth they lost the coaches are incompetent okay they didn’t lose because you know that they’re not blitzing on third down they’re losing because Brian Johnson literally exists

You know um Min thought is I’ve SE so many comments to get through bloody hell um what do you think about the running back position next or but game well a free agent Reign Swift sign Henry it would be very interesting wouldn’t it if uh Mike Vel comes in do they bring Derk

Henry I wouldn’t mind it but at this point he’s got more wear on his tires than me um I don’t know why I said me like I’ve got wear on my tires having never paid running back but you know like there is a lot of wear on his tires

Now he’s not the same running back he was four years ago and that’s okay but it’s just not worth paying for um unless it’s on a JJ type deal I would say that they’re probably gonna look to the back end of the draft or practice squads or

Like that’s just is what they do they’ll find some value somewhere it wouldn’t genuinely all right my heart take would be uh they’ll go back to Seattle again because Seattle are going through a coaching change obviously they’ve got Kenneth Walker in there anyway but they’ve also now got Zack carbonara he’s

In there and realistically contracts are coming up potentially an extension new coach want to do things his way in the same way the Bears offloaded Jordan Howard when they got Tariq Cohen the Eagles looked for that in all the moves they make like DeAndre not yeah DeAndre Swift was

Exactly the same the Lions have their new star running back in Jama Gibbs everyone loves him DeAndre Swift’s out in the cold the Eagles will get him on a cheap Jordan Howard was at one point one of the most dominant backs in the NFL Tariq Cohen comes along there’s a new

Balance to the backfield he becomes Expendable the Eagles pick him up for like a fifth round pick and Kenneth Walker for me is the heart of that Seahawks offense right now like from a rushian perspective as much as like Zach carbonara is getting there I can see

Them just committing to him because he needs the Reps because he’s not as good clearly like he’s averaging like three yards per carry so they might well offload him uh if a new coach comes in like potentially it is Mike Vel and potentially then dck Henry ends up in

Seattle and takes on that old Rashad Penny role like that would wouldn’t surprise me at all so I think Kenneth Walker becomes Expendable and it would not surprise me to see the Eagles go after him so there there’s my hot take for the running back position um food in

Rome I would definitely not a fan food stands were better see I love street food I I agree I think I’d much rather go for um like like just go to a food market or something then go for a sit down meal at this point and I can’t tell

If that’s good or bad but like a Christmas Market with food I’ll tell you what right are we’re getting distracted again attention uh you know span of a mosquito but when I was in London uh they had roast dinner like Christmas dinner wraps and it was a Yorkshire

Pudding and I don’t know if you have them in America but you’re missing out if you do it was the Yorkshire pudding wrap right and in the Yorkshire pudding was cauliflower veg roast potato beef chicken gravy oh I’ve never had anything like it it was absolutely Sensational um this

Might have to end the stream because I’m getting a bit you know so that that Ty bleeding floating away from nor it did it floated away it got toed Away by the counil I think um the spit you drink when your shock thing is true I just did

It when uh he says Indian restaurant he’s called Lando is your Chinese restaurant called Lionel no we’ve got we got a Chinese restaurant called Wing Fong um there’s one called there’s one in the town up from me that has the best salt and pepper chicken I’ve ever had in

My life and I forgot on the name of it and that’s really annoyed me because I would have flexed it I been yeah no one knows my my little Chinese Takeaway um we’ve got one called honeymoon that’s in our town isn’t as good but it’s all

Right uh there’s one what is it called I don’t know it’s I I’ll find I I’ll Google it because I want to know I can Google it um but they do the best salt pepper chicken I’ve ever had in my life uh Chinese it’s called no it’s not that

Pagota walk there you go it’s called pagota walk so there you are in Detroit they have M spaghetti H jalapenos have a Scoville level of 3500 to 8,000 Jesus Christ well call me a Scoville level because I’m 1.2 million I don’t know but oh dear uh Seth

Wouldn’t be a good as DC because there’s a reason why Stars the tourus you can’t coach when it comes naturally to them they can’t understand why some can’t do the basics yeah I’d agree I think coaches there’s this growing stigma isn’t there that to be a coach you have

To have played the position and you look at guys like um like serani didn’t play at a pro level um I don’t think siken did like it helps it does help but there are coaches that come through now and GMS that come through now that haven’t they just understand the coaching

Philosophies better um I the stuff from India and nearly put me in hospital in hospital in inverted Comm uh Seth may not be a great coordinator but he’ definitely be a great addition yeah to the film room yeah film I’ll be all over it British food’s delicious but it’s

Mostly gray agree with that it is is pretty boring um can we how far behind I’m almost caught up with the comments I’ve almost caught up with the comments this is also a good running back draft absolutely um where do I eat with my mates um I don’t really eat with my

Mates to be honest just go drinking like we don’t really eat go out for food um normally the golf club because that’s where my mates will always be so we’ll just go play golf and then have food up the golf club um or a pub like pub food

Is the best I’ll tell you where we did go genuinely uh went to London just before Christmas and went to Richmond because me and my girlfriend had just seen Ted lasso and we actually went for dinner in the pub that they filmed Ted lasso in and you could see like Ted’s

Flat from the window um you could see like yeah it was just cool like it it was really cool loads of memorabilia around it obviously um the little Alleyway they filmed in filled with shops with like Ted merch in that excuse me um so yeah we went in that Pub and

It’s probably the best roast dinner ever had that isn’t my mom’s and I’m not just picking up my mom’s roast dinner for the hell of it but it just is a remarkable roast I’ve got the hiccups this is never happened on the stream but it is happening now do we

Have fox den H I don’t think so I I don’t think so I can Google it but I’m not sure uh Andrew welcome to the stream man say Seth would have to start at a linebacker position first yeah Seth would have to coach the coach the

Team it would be like a player coach to do both of them at one time um we couldn’t resign Swift for cheap because he’s not he’s had a good season yeah so so I could see Swift maybe moving on to be honest with you I he’s only on is he

On a oneye deal so I could see I think he’s on a oneye deal isn’t he so I could i j mate I’m telling you now Kenneth Walker I’m 100% adamant with with the coaching change in seatt it’ll be Kenneth Walker I think I I can confidently

Guess um does your mates watch football real I love how I’m just being qu it’s like me a battle Hawk super fan on a date and he’s just asking me all sorts of [ __ ] it’s tremendous um see yeah we do watch football um in terms of like

American football a few of them do there are a couple group chats I’m in of guys that do watch it um one of my friends is a Ravens fan uh which was quite cool when I got to interview Joe flacko for him it was like the maddest thing ever

Um I’ve got a friend that’s a dolphins fan a friend that’s a Seahawks fan um there’s a couple like group chats that I’m in like just in the area people that that follow it but it is growing over here um but I think part of just me and my job being based in

America is that a lot of my friends also are Americans so like most of the people I talk to obviously at PSN and they all follow football so I’m kind of just in and around it all the time anyway um Night Market is around the world generally great yeah true very true um

Liam don’t they have a full English in rap in pretty much yeah I think you must be able to because mine was like a Christmas dinner version so if you can I’m all in like I need it I know we do there are takeaways near us that do

Takeaway um for like roast dinners but we can do full English breakfasts like in muffins and stuff I’ve seen that before like eat full English Burgers you you can finish a night out and get a bacon egg cheese sausage Burger which is basically As Good As It Gets um Kenneth

W is still on his rookie deal T you say that you say that but look at Jordan Howard I mean he’s got how many hases he got left two years I’ll quickly find out he’s what two is it two years he’s got left um so spot track him on it the Old

Reliable for these contract scenarios uh where are we at yeah so so he’s he’s got two years left so it’s hardly like you know I mean he’s not going to get a fifth year option two years left on his contract I I could see it I I gen I

Could see it unless it’s like one of I know the Eagles couldn’t do jayen Herz before a certain period I don’t think there’s a rule against it so as far as I’m aware it’d be open season so I I can see it being Kenneth Walker um is is TMC

Oh I see I see it was TMC this whole time I thought we’ had a new member of the core 12 we’ve been revamped well then TMC welcome back to the show I hope you’ve been enjoying yourself um it’s been great getting to know your catfish

Account for the last hour or so I can’t lie it’s been great fun um but congratulations on the uh it’s just the XFL mercher where it’s just being called is it the UFL it’s called now or something like the United football something like that isn’t it um let

Should we Google it let’s find out I I’ll go through my uh I did a video on ranking XFL teams um I go on the XFL site where are we at xfl’s NFL view announcements what’s happened here um oh I see right showing players sorry it would help if I actually like showed

You what was going on um here we are yeah UFL there we are United Football League cool so um here we got uh bunch of press for ah media contacts all right maybe I’ll start cooking up something maybe I’ll start cooking something up who knows so it kicks off in March what

Teams are there then because there must be right is it the same all right so we got B is it both teams or is it oh there was only one overlapping Market what that makes oh there’s two conferences right Birmingham Houston Memphis Michigan Arlington is Arlington in Delaware or am

I making that up or is that something completely different San Antonio St Louis oh you know what of all of the teams battle Hawks does sound the best having got no affiliation to any of them but if we’re to look at Battle Hawks doesn’t have the best

Logo as well um I do like the Arlington Renegades logo I they look good um that looks like sumon off of like NCAA when you like create a team or something um I don’t know I’ll be talking between Arlington and Arlington Dallas I take it

Back I take it back I take it back I take it back I take it back I take it back I take it back I didn’t know I thought it was in Delaware I that was a d my bad whoopsy Daisy uh oh if you did

A follower if you follow on website of former Eagles tracker I’d love it all right leave it with me I can do that for you because there must be like the the opposite right um are all the r has been announced because I can definitely do

That and you how am I supposed to know all the only okay I should because I write about the Cowboys enough I should know I shouldn’t take that defense I’m sorry Kwan I shouldn’t get mad at you it’s on me I made a mistake all right

Listen to that Eagles I made a mistake everyone I’m sorry I’m accountable and I will not make that mistake again because that’s what what accountability means and want to end it with a quick four minute ramp because we’ve got some time right spare at the end some spare change

At the end right the Eagles have have preached You’ sorry K when you’ve set something off in me you’ve lit up a fire you didn’t even know was there all right the Eagles have preached accountability all season and they’ve preached playing to the standard all season and they’ve

Preached it you know they’re not doing enough they need to execute more All Season yeah well surely the whole premise of accountability is that you take ownership of a mistake and you learn from it and you move on okay the whole reason guilt as an emotion exists

Is to stop you doing bad things again okay if I punch you in the face and I feel bad I might not do it again because I know I’ll feel bad and in a very narcissistic way that’s why guilt’s there all right my therapist told me

That once so I I believe her shout out to you Allison you’re aane okay what point have the Eagles been accountable this year at what stage have they been accountable this year because they haven’t if they they’ve not feel guilty for bad plays they’ve not feel bad for for playing her

There’s no accountability on play calling there’s no learning what have they learned all they’ve learned is that the plays don’t work and they’re going to try it again until it does that doesn’t mean the play works youve just bullied it into existence until it’s mildly acceptable there’s no accountability there’s no learning yeah

Got to be better at starts at the top does it you could have fool me cuz the Top’s looking exactly the same as as for the last 15 weeks and on that note before I get very carried away we will end it there I just had to uh D that one

In there one last one the old CH about to go off on a r isn’t he unfortunately so it had to be done all right maybe accountability is the friends we made along the way it might well be because I’ve got no other explanations to what

It is um unless it is just you know I’ll tell you what maybe Matt Patricia has renamed the word accountability like every other [ __ ] word on the defense and accountability actually means pain distress trauma uh anxiety anger frustration all of the other AFF forementioned emotions which can be associated with following that

Team now we’re gonna now we’re gonna end it Liam saved himself with that R I don’t know uh yeah I had to do something I I can’t be saying I’m gonna follow Arlington and get away with it exact I I had to do something to come back from it

And but on that note guys um we are gonna make like bananas and split and not go to Arlington Texas um thank you all for hanging out this evening I hope you have enjoyed yourself uh if you could leave a like that would be fantastic if you haven’t already I don’t

Know how many were on um but it just again it’s the best way to help the stream before we go again if you are over the age of 21 or you’re able to bet I don’t know what the AG is over there ESPN bet if you sign up with our code

Philly you do get yourself $50 extra for free sign up on ESPN but on your own that’s fine but sign up with us you get $50 I don’t I I couldn’t tell you why I don’t know why that’s a thing we’re literally the only promo code that gives

You an extra $50 so make the most of it while it’s there before they find out and probably take it back again is what I would suggest so if you want an extra $50 to bet with sign out to ESPN bet and if you already got an account get your

Girlfriend boyfriend brother friend sister parents just get them to do it take their money games the game uh on that note guys I will see you Friday I hope you have a lovely evening uh whatever it is you might be doing um enjoy Phil’s show tomorrow uh trending

In the am and I will see you on Friday for the uh Eagles v-bucks preview where there will K1 be Graphics I can promise you I hope uh have a good night guys thank you for hanging out I love you all take care go birds see you Later you give me power in your God’s name I’m every person you need to be oh I’m oh


  1. Rodney, Diehard Eagles fan, now leaves in Florida. Monday night's game will be down here in Tampa, but I love the Eagles.

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