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A changing of the guard when it comes to NFL head coaches

With Bill Belichick, Pete Carroll, and Nick Saban stepping away from the head coaching position in one way or another this week, are we seeing a changing from the old guard to the new in the NFL? DMac and Chad Brown discuss, along with Chad’s own prospects and experience at an NFL coach.

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Kill you with truth with Chad Brown Chad Brown Chad Brown that’s the Pat McAfee impersonation uh no Nate today he’s off for a as H Joe Williams would say On Assignment uh which was always code for I don’t know where he is but uh Chad’s

Here and that is good enough for me Chad good morning how are you good morning how are you doing super Wicked awesome um to you I had I was at the uh the gala last night with the Avalanche and the uh the nuggets and the krony sports big I

Mean there’s it’s a weird it’s a weird night last night Chad no ABS no nuggets no Rockies no Broncos stuff I mean yesterday was a weird day right what are we gonna talk about I mean it says well hold the [Laughter] Mayo that is exactly the headline I

Would write if I was in the Boston Globe today because they held on to uh Gerard Mayo who everybody has the uh um you know great things to say about young guy to be a head coach 37 I think it makes him on on the 48 hours that saw some of

The oldest coaches Carol Sabin and bellich all get the Ziggy basically you get the youngest NFL coach how about that um what is your relationship with uh Mayo if any I I I always assume you kind of run into these guys one way or the other through your

Journeys uh you know I don’t have a lot of ties to gerro obviously you know he was a Patriots uh linebacker not after I was there so I’ve got a you know a a relationship where I can say what’s up to him but uh we don’t exchange

Christmas cards um nor do I know him in any detailed way to be able to break down who he is as a coach and what this is going to mean for the Patriots moving into the future well well I think you know what we’ve seen with the Texans

With uh Deo has been unbelievable so I think I think that’s the Hope right um oh my God am I getting his name wrong in Houston I feel like help me here I’m Ryan no I got it right right to Ryan okay yeah all right is there something to be said

For smart younger African-American head coaches that connects better with NFL players we’re seeing the success in uh Houston I think we saw an unbelievable amount of success with um with the Raiders is there something to it are these owners catching on like hey man in order to get these guys going it’s

Better to have somebody that they could identify with more than somebody who’s old and out of touch I just think NFL High Cycles just go waves so apparently now is the wave of well we’ll see what happens with Antonio Pierce if he gets the Raiders job or if he gets another’s

Job I think that would make it official that there’s now three African-American coaches U and it’ be interesting because all three of them would be linebackers as well that’s interesting isn’t it yeah yeah yeah so three defensive guys who all have a bit of swagger to them or all young enough

To be relatable to the players that’d be quite interesting but we just left the wave of if you had a cup of coffee with Shawn McVey or Kyle Shanahan that you suddenly deserve a head coaching job that was the last way they were all offensive guys they were all young they

Were all white um and now they’re all scattered around the league and a lot of them are going to be in the playoffs so could this be the next wave I think we’ll find out I think it’s less likely that this is the next wave there’s not that many former

Linebackers uh who are africanamerican who are even going to be getting these opportunities okay so the uh the Matt laf Flores the Mike McDaniels the Kyle shanahans all those kind of guys the uh Kevin stefansky all those kind of guys uh I think that that

Tree has been tapped out now this is a new tree and it’s G to be not a very big tree because there’s only a couple of these guys it does make me wonder like where does he where do these older guys fit seriously like there are always

Younger guys there are and um and more and more they’re uh you know black coaches for sure which is good um I don’t know I I I think there’s been more opportunity given Chad and because there’s more opportunity the cream Rises to the top or in this case the Mayo I

Can use those Mayo jokes all day but but we’re we’re familiar with mayo because he was in this coaching sort of Carousel um he’s for the past couple of years so even at a younger age it’s still at 37 he’s young but I mean he was in the mix

For the Broncos I mean he was one of the guys talked about and it was one of those where like huh what like who you know that sort of deal but there’s got to be something about this guy behind the scenes that look how quickly they

Moved and actually I don’t even know how that works Chad wouldn’t the Patriots have to go through a whole process of interviews I how could they make this move so quickly because he’s already on staff he’s already there um because he’s African-American it satisfies the Rooney

Rule so they can move as quickly as they want based on those parameters but time out you don’t because the Rooney Rule is two minority candidates so you can you can blow past that if you just hire a minority candidate from within correct is is that right I did not know that

Absolutely correct yes okay okay well there you go well then I would assume I would assume I mean there’s still seven more openings right theoretically 25% of the league had openings as of yesterday 25% what do you think about Pierce you think he gets that

Job uh I think the fact that Davis is gonna you know look at all the possibilities um and fact that Harbaugh has hired an NFL agent um makes me think that uh he’s at least gonna get the opportunity there and if you’re if you’re the owner in Las

Vegas are you going to go with Antonio Pierce who you know while he’s cool and has cool locker room moments and the cigar and all that are going to go with the guy who just won a national championship um and who’s proven himself at multiple places and multiple stops

And multiple levels um so I think Antonio certainly deserves the opportunity at the same time uh you know if if I’m an owner I’ve got to look definitely at Harbaugh I’ve gotta look at Mike Vel I’ve gotta look at bill bich there’s too many talented guys who are just available right now

For me to make a move in that direction without having a bigger snapshot of who Antonio Pierce is you know it feels like this is the uh Time of the Year Chad and this guy you know very very well um why not Eric benemy he did go to Washington

To get more of a like hey it’s my team not um Andy Reid’s team and they did not have a great year where do you think uh the NFL world is with uh benmy these days because I don’t know if he’s going to survive and Washington either right I

Mean they’re GNA hire a new head coach no guarantees he sticks sticks around as their offense coordinator or or time out does he have a shot at the head coaching job you know I mean Chad what’s the deal with bemy I don’t know I don’t know um he

Certainly has cooled off as a hot coaching candidate I think Eric still presents a quality coach resume a quality coach uh demeanor and background um and he’s a lot like Antonio Pearson a lot like demo Ryan um a bit older but still quite relatable to the players uh

Still I think a coach who recognizes U and understands how that relationship is critically important everywhere he’s gone players have defended him and his style and his connection to them and what he has meant to their career so I think an ownership group would do a would do themselves a service by at

Least having them in for the interview um if not a serious consideration for the head coaching opportunity do you think it’ll happen for him this cycle or not I don’t think so I don’t think so um I I do you think he do you think he

Keeps his job with Washington or is is he out on the street trying to get another job I think he’s gonna be out on the street trying to get another job I think whoever comes in as a head coach probably has their own guy and I have

Been involved is maybe not the right word but so often when a coach goes to interview for a position he’s got to have a list of Staff already laid out so unless that’s coach has already had a conversation with Eric benamy who’s ever going to be interviewing for that

Commander’s job uh he’s already got an offensive coordinator in in mind um I’ve reached out to some friends who were interviewing for some jobs and they were like oh man I wish I would have known I just did the interview and I’ve already listed out my linebacker coach

Candidates or my assistant uh defensive analyst candidates and so it’s too late to put you in there kind of thing I just think this is how this this works this process has to be done well ahead of time and unless you are super well connected around the league and you are

On a bunch of coaches possible list and resumés it can get a little difficult and at the end of the day there’s only so many chairs available musical chairs unless you are one of the early ones a lot of times you get left out yeah well

Let’s turn to you then because it is an interesting process again I love Canada you’ve had four coaching internships let me see if I can even remember I know uh the Niners for sure yep um you almost just said one you it was with the I know Tennessee Tennessee yeah

She I am forgetting the other two help me out here Seattle Seattle Seattle I got Seattle and what was the last New York Jets I was with Todd BS and Kevin green I definitely would have forgotten that one but um so four different coaching internships four four what

Come on Chad what’s going on bro like where where’s that fast path for you linebacker coach head coach you know okay well so what’s your life like these days the I did the coaching internship with San Francisco and I did the the the OTAs process I was out there for six

Weeks during the offseason and I was going to go back for training camp and the the the sleds were beginning to be greased unfortunately I had a breakup with my business partner um so I had to handle that and that has put a massive pause upon any coaching possibilities uh

That I had so I’m looking this year to possibly dive back in and and see where that’s at at least for training camp and get that ball rolling again there’s just too much opportunity there’s just too much possibility for for uh quick uh promotions and continued uh gaining responsibility um the money is

Absolutely bananas so I think it would be silly not to at least investigate these opportunities and now there’s multiple paths to this as well just because I did the coaching internships I did them with two different position groups I did them with linebackers twice and I did them with the defensive line

Twice there’s also the Personnel responsibilities as well to be a front office person to be a scout slgm there’s also a ever growing path there for former players so uh we shall see how this whole thing plays out um but I am certainly interested in uh not not just

Dipping my toe back in the water but getting back in it some way yeah you know what’s funny is like oh I’d like to be a coach well how do you do it I mean is want ads you know wanted ad like uh am I

Filling out a resume on in on indeed I mean uh I I I just assume Chad it’s who you know like how else how else does this stuff work well there there is the Bill Walsh uh minority coaching program which was Creed by Will Bill W to allow

More essentially more former players or minority coaches from college to get the opportunity to get into the NFL so every team typically has at least one guy who’s a part of that program during training camp um so that’s an opportunity if you maybe if you don’t

Have the kind of connections that I have to get your foot in the door the very first year with the Seahawks I went through that process with the NFL NFL PA and I had to fill out a resume and and list all my you know uh attributes and

All that so that’s what got me into the Seattle Seahawks that very first coaching opportunity um but at this point uh the ability to call some friends and make some connections and say Hey you know yeah here’s what I’ve done in the past you can talk to these coaches here’s the

Four times I did it this is what I was able to add to those programs would you be open to me coming in for training camp this year uh the answer imagine would be I probably would get a couple of NOS but I’m sure there would be a yes

Or two in there and I’d have to evaluate those opportunities see which one’s the best fit for me it’s fun though I mean you’re at the right time of your life right the kids are out of the house you know you’ve uh but you got your business stuff you got

To figure out get down but overall man you’re healthy you’re you’re you have as much energy you’re is in good shape your brain is clicking on all cylinders I mean I really can’t think of a better time in your life to actually do it right well there was a reason why I

Didn’t do it right after I retired because I dragged my kids around right my daughter wasn’t born until a year or four but I played 15 years I dragged my kids around for 11 years right you know moving back and forth to Colorado to where we were during the season changing

Schools every semester I did all of that so I decid let me just have some stability for my kids to grow up and go to school in the same place for quite a while until they left for till they left for college and that’s when I started

Dipping my toe back in now again I got a little bit off track over the last couple years but I’m looking to get back in in some significant way sooner than later why do you love football so much wow what is it it’s something that gets into your blood that never ever ever

Goes well I first I don’t know many people who love football as much as you do Chad seriously if anybody start play when I was six can you think of something you started doing when you were six that you have not stopped since then I mean your ability to talk into a

Microphone is is while it’s a certainly a passion and I imagine there’s a certain natural skill set to it this is something that you have honed over the years and if I’d imagine if you were to go on a two- week vacation I hate it you would be jonesing after after the first

Four or five days it’s like where is a a microphone to talking to this is what I do well now it’s now because this is so easy I’m screwed I I mean you know I’m I I I really would be just talking into the wind but but you’re right and by the

Way um I my passion for baseball is at my age um and we’re roughly the same age um is still right there too that’s something I I had my own Organization for a while and I coached a lot but I just had to put that on pause um for

Life reasons and I I look forward to get back back getting back into that I need my younger son to finish his full cycle wherever it’s going to go and he’s just not done yet I mean he’s 21 and he’s still not done yet and a lot of parents

With their kids they they are done by the time their kids are 21 with that Sports Cycle not only is he not done yet he he likely has another year if not more we’ll see where it goes if he tries to give it a go on some other level

After college but uh but I defin like Chad I I feel myself maybe and I’m I have no no aspirations of the professional level like you do but but get back into um youth coaching and and that sort of thing I guess it just never leaves you if it’s really in your soul

It just never leaves you right absolutely it never leaves you it’s in your blood it’s in your soul and then I think you get to a point where you realize I could be good at this I am at a stage in life where I can nurture someone because in the end that’s what

Coaching is it’s it’s teaching and nurturing someone along and we’re taking the Boys in some way because initially I thought oh I don’t want to do uh the NFL I’d rather you know work with these college kids and turn these boys into men well having done four coaching

Internships when most of these guys show up as rookies they’re still boys they’re still boys and they still need a ton of guidance and they still need a ton of advice whether it’s Financial whether it’s relationships whether it’s football how to handle being a pro there’s so

Much to to do as a coach and bring these young fell along um yeah if that that inner need that I’ve had to coach and bring somebody along would still be just as satisfied that it will still be just as scratched in NFL as it would be in

College football well we we even if you were coaching in the NFL we’d still we’d be doing this every morning though right we absolutely I would I would I would leave the staff meeting and go hold up I’ve got to do kill you with truth give

Me 25 minutes to get with dmac I’ll be hey uh hey uh I don’t know give me a team Mike Tomlin back you’re back with the Steelers hey uh Mike uh hang on dmax on his pingpong table give me 20 minutes I’ll be right back all right let’s go through the

Games this weekend Cleveland at Houston who you got man uh what last time you how about this how about this who you got who you want okay two different things Cleveland at Houston who you got who you want well Cleveland beat the the T last time these two teams got together

But CJ stde was not under center for the Texans um but I I think this Joe flacko effect winning four of his five starts um barely losing the the one start that he lost I think that propels Cleveland they they got a better defense I think the demo Ryan CJ stad story is

Incredible but there’s just so much inexperience over there I think it’s hard to imagine Cleveland not with hard to imagine Cleveland not coming out with the victory in this one uh is that what you want um I want the Texans to win but I think Cleveland will win I want the Texans to

Win and I got the Texans winning that Joe flacko thing can’t be real it can’t be real I won’t allow it to be real what and the story of of the Texans is just too damn good too damn good up yours Cleveland hello Cleveland you lose we

Move on this man I feel I feel a little bad for Mike McDaniel a little bad uh Miami and Kansas City and have you seen what the weather’s supposed to be like in our you know Colorado Kansas City region for the next three days Chad have you taken a

Dude I don’t think there’s another team that is as poorly equipped to play in this weather game as the Miami Dolphins terrible for them terrible for them yeah I feel I feel awful I I want Miami I I’ve I’ve loved watching hard knock I think Mike McDaniel’s great I think he

Made a serious Mistake by leaving his starters in and Bradley chub got hurt um and Waddles is waddle kind of hurt too he’s kind of banged up and they’re playing in what nine degree temperatures at night come on bro I mean that sucks for how much of work they put in to have

That sort of circumstance how in the world does Miami win this game I don’t see a possible path forward your quarterback’s from Hawaii I mean he’s got you play in and you play in Miami or you or you play indoors most of the time where where do they where do

You practice to replicate those conditions I remember at CU we were gonna play Baylor the opening game of the season so after every practice coach cabal the linebacker coach made us go on the sauna and do up downs to feel the heat that we were gonna experience in

Baylor I mean it was corny it was cliche it was such a coaching move but he was just trying to get us used to the heat we were going to experience in Baylor what does Mike McDaniels do to get his Dolphins team to be prepared for that

Kind of weather up up Downs in a freezer somewhere like uh I I I I don’t know I listen man I had to go out this morning and go get some freaking eye drops so hopefully I don’t have damn pink eye Johnny it’s your fault it’s not Johnny’s

Fault but they dude it’s cold outside man and I’m just running to the stupid store like I I know this sounds a little whiny everything but it’s a real thing man like it just it affects you psychologically physically I think there is something to the experience of being in this weather

That it’s just not gonna bother Kansas City it’s not it’s not and Mahomes has played great in cold weather conditions plenty of times this sucks man for Miami I think it’s just and sometimes in Kansas City or Denver Chad at this time of year it could be 40 degrees could be

Just fine it’s not not necessarily this bad and if you look at the the Colts it’s like three days I think in Colorado it’s going to be like nine four eight you know and then 40 you know like that so that takes me back to to the bronos

Uh Ravens game man yeah man I mean I get it there’s cold weather you know I get it but like that like four degrees dude that’s that’s another level every weather game is determined not by the x’s and those in the schemes but why which team can handle the weather the

Best whether it’s a wind game whether it’s a super rainy game or it’s one of these cold games obviously Kansas City is used to that they play in this these kind of conditions every year in the playoffs Miami is not used to this it’s it’s amazing to your point what the cold

Can do you can’t cut as well you can’t tackle as well your ball handling is not as good so for a team that Prides itself with all the speed and precision with which the Dolphins oper offense operates it’s going to slow all that down it’s going to muddy all that and it again

There’s not a team in the NFL all 32 teams that could be worse prepared for this game than the Miami Dolphins I want Miami to win but Kansas City is going to win this game I’m right there with you okay we move on to Sunday Pittsburgh at

Buffalo that’s the biggest spread of the weekend and again Pittsburgh listen how they got to the playoffs this year is remarkable and if you want to talk about coaching candidates of the year I don’t know how you don’t mention Tomlin based on everything going on that they’re

There that being said they got no shot right and they got no shot whatsoever no shot I mean they’ve won two or three games this year with TJ watt making a timely play and TJ watt’s out so uh your offense is just super pedestrian in Pittsburgh um no matter who’s been under

Center for them it hasn’t been good enough Josh Allen and buffalo are surging at the right time getting things to get at the right time uh I want Pittsburgh to win but Buffalo will win so continue the streak continues of the team that I want to win will lose three

Games in a row now well I want the bills to win so up yours up your nose with a rubber hose as they said on welcome back conter but uh I I Buffalo is my team the rest of the way here okay my Buffalo Roots my friends that I’ve got um

Buffalo Bills let’s go bills I am uh a th% and plus I have that little Josh Allen thing do you remember when I wanted Josh Allen yeah I do remember that went to pro day it was the most amazing pro day ever in the history of

Pro days you got in the car and you followed his family to the local Watering Hole there what was the name of it what was the name of it I I got the whole story but I do not remember the name the library the name of the

Pictures with his family or something no you’re getting it a little bit twisted you’re you’re we were there we were set up to broadcast and him and his family what there was nobody in there it was me Cecil and Johnny love that that’s it the

Three of us and in and everybody was at the pro day ESPN NFL Network 30 teams I mean it was like packed and then weren’t there John Elway wasn’t there well kubak was there but John Elway was not there and into the restaurant comes Josh Allen uh with his family and his throwing

Coach there ah what’s his name Palmer Jordan Palmer Y and uh and my greatest regret I’ve told this story a million times I should have picked up their tab I should have just gone to our waitress it’s dude it was all it’s bar food it’s like chicken fingers and you know French

Fries and it was just you know that type of place I mean the whole bill couldn’t have been 60 bucks for like eight people it was like that so I just blew it I blew it Chad I blew it I blew it I have so many regrets for that but yes um

Buffalo all right Green Bay at Dallas listen let me just start here of course Dallas should win um I just I just R for chaos so go Packers even though I really don’t give a crap about the Packers but you know Dallas is going to choke this

One away right Chad I think this is the year where Dallas gets over the hump I really do oh really I really do really I really do I like Green Bay obviously Jordan love has built up a a resume and of success throughout the season that interception he threw late in the

Broncos game I said he’s he’s going to learn from that and he’s going to be better from that and he has been better really since that point and the Green Bay offense has been better since that loss to the Broncos as good as Green Bay has been playing Dallas is a better team

And I think Dallas has the right makeup this year but if they lose this game yes yes Jerry Jones fires Mike McCarthy and brings in Bill bich wow boom that makes so much sense does it not yes it does that actually is perfect wow wow that actually makes unbelievable

Sense yes you know what I think Mike McCarthy uh should be fired if he can’t win I really like um I love George Carl Love George Carl as a person and as a coach the problem was when you go to the playoffs every year and he went to the

Playoffs every year but only once out of nine straight years did he get past the first round so it’s just like wow man we’re just stuck someplace so it’s like you’re not a bad coach definitely you don’t go to the playoffs every year and you’re a bad coach but there are there

Are humps you know there’s layers that you have to get through and like John Fox is one of my favorite guys a favorite guys and I wish he was the championship level winning coach but as it turns out he was a championship level getting to coach with the Panthers and

The Broncos and there was just sadly because I love the dude just something missing just that last Chad final widget that last piece of the puzzle and it’s so hard to be so good to get to that level period so you get I have nothing but respect for Mike McCarthy but you

Gotta you gotta win at some point at that level or you gotta go it’s as simple as that um and that that’s just the high standards of of that business kind of weird right because there’s no guarant guantee the next guy has that secret sauce but in general if you have

A team that good there probably are small coaching things that do make the difference you’re probably right about that that’s a fun one to keep your eyes on are you rooting for that chaos then would you like to see bellaiche in Dallas uh I’m not rooting necessarily

For the cat I think I want the Cowboys to win and I think the Cowboys win so I guess I’m not rooting for that chaos but I just know the relationship between belich and Jones obviously belich being a parcel’s guy Parcels was a Jerry Jones guy the writing’s on the wall here if

Mike McCarthy cannot get it done while they are in this Dak Prescott Super Bowl window why not bring in the guy with more Lombardi trophies than anybody else in history to get your team over the hump that is that’s good one um Los Angeles at Detroit that’s this is a

Juicy this is a fun one man yeah with Stafford and G and um this is a really fun game it’s on uh Sunday night on NBC boy uh what What’s your feeling on on this who you got who you want uh the Rams have won seven of their last eight

They are as hot as any team heading into the playoffs uh Detroit started the season hot as we all know and then kind of peered out to the end the Broncos win was their biggest win of the last five or six weeks um so they were a bit

Uneven there to finish the season I’ve got the Rams in this one although I want Detroit to win I I just love what Dan Campbell brings and while we were talking about Antonio Pierce and Deo Ryan and Jared Mayo Dan Campbell also a former player also a guy who’s quite

Relatable who’s not so far removed from the player mentality of course he’s white um but there’s there’s something to be said for these former players and their ability to connect the room while they may not be schematic Geniuses I don’t think any of these guys are

Although they do have a lot to say about J Gerard Mayo I don’t think any of these coaches what we’re just talking about here can get up on the Whiteboard and out duel some super sharp guy who’s been a coach’s son and been grinding as a quality control guy for 30 years and

Understands every single defense or offense they bring something special and they bring something relatable so I just love that Dan Campbell story is playing out and being successful all right um I think Detroit wins uh and I want them to win that being said I think when

You look back at the Stafford uh golf trade I think it’s one of those really wild win-win for everybody really seriously I think it’s it it was the best deal Stafford had a move on he wins the Super Bowl bounces back Detroit sort of needed to move on they got their guy

Resuscitated goff’s career and G’s know you know goff’s now a multiple time starter for playoff teams in a Super Bowl team so Jared gof is a high quality quarterback okay period the end that that debate can be put to bed he’s done it on multiple teams um so that’s that I

I get I get sick of oh bust he’s a bust this bus that bust I mean you go to the Super Bowl and take a team to the playoffs Chad you’re you’re not a bust okay you know there’s something about you that’s good um and

And then you get to the playoffs Chad and you meet other good teams that’s why I think one of the stupidest metrics to measure quarterbacks is winning the Super Bowl because only 4% of quarterbacks ever drafted in any round ever Chad have won a Super Bowl it’s a

Dumb metric to get to once you get to this level man these teams are good they’re all good everybody’s good and and the the the parody in the NFL even that Pittsburgh Buffalo game like I don’t I’m not snoozing on the Steelers I don’t think there’s an easy game in any

Of these you know and that’s what makes it this is such a fun weekend I mean this weekend is really hard to top chat isn’t it you know because it’s just constant pressure elimination football games it’s bananas and I I love it that there’s Saturday Sunday and even Monday

Night and we’ll wrap up with this uh Philadelphia Tampa Bay has any season Fallen apart more than the Philadelphia Eagles for a team that looks so good in the beginning we always see teams fall apart late um but a team that had all the promise that the Eagles had early not

Quite this epic um and so what’s going on there why why why is it just such a disaster there I I think you you lose a couple in a row um they had some injuries um Jaylen Herz was banged up has been banged up now he’s got the

Finger injury say he hasn’t thrown a ball all week trying to let his finger rest so they’ve had some injuries on lots of side of the ball their defense has collapsed they’ve changed defensive play callers Matt Patricia is now calling defensive plays so they’ve gone through a change which you know is gonna

Take some time to yes there you go you need a pencil actually not a pen to do that to get that up to speed so there’s just so many moving Parts there and I think within a locker room at some point you start to press and you start trying

To hit Grand Slams last time I checked there ain’t no grand slams in football it’s one play at a time and if you’re pressing and you’re trying to do something bigger than win one single play the results end up where you’re like the eagles where you lose what five

Of their last six and in some of those games they weren’t even really competitive uh I think the Eagles are a better football team than Tampa Bay I don’t think you can find anybody who say they’re not but are they playing better no they’re not can they get it up for

This week and beat Tampa Bay I got the Eagles in this one um although I want Tampa Bay to win I think Philadelphia will win this one I love I love Philadelphia too I love Jaylen Herz and uh I like uh that Kelsey brother better than the other Kelsey brother because I

Just like to be different um but that being said that being said I think Tampa actually wins this I just think there’s something with momentum I think um the Mojo is with the the Bucks Baker Mayfield has been playing lights out he’s I mean I think Tampa just kind of

Rolls here but but hey man it’s all fun this is one of the best NFL weekends period I love it from top to bottom can’t wait to watch every single game and Chadwick we will get back to it on on Monday on kill you with truth have a

Great weekend my friends see you buddy


  1. Chad is just so well spoken and brings such great, grounded perspective.

    Any owner worth their salt would be well served to consider bringing Chad into the fold either as a possible coach or in personnel department.

  2. I can’t say enough about how much I’m enjoying Chad in this role compared with the radio gig. Seeing the gestures, hearing what he knows without ever feeling like he thinks he knows everything. I’m not sure what has changed. He just seems at ease all the time. Very cool

  3. You (Chad) should go back into coaching. Having a purpose is fulfilling even though it's stressful lol. I can see you as a coach or front office. You are unbias which seems pedestrian but I don't see that many unbias people. Bias is what clouds judgement. That's why I think you are suited for front office work also.

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