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The Fast Lane – January 10th, 2024

Buckle up! You’re in The Fast Lane with Anthony Stalter, former Blues defenseman Jamie Rivers, and Super Bowl Champion Carey Davis!

Live weekdays from 2p-6p on 101 ESPN St. Louis. Keep up with the show at:

– Did the Blues fall into their old habits last night?
– What do we make of the Cubs first significant signing of the offseason?
– Does any QB in this year’s playoff have more at stake than Lamar Jackson?
– What’s Trending

– Mikolas backs Contreras in recent video
– Blues insider from The Athletic, Jeremy Rutherford on the Blues continuing power play woes
– Ranking the Best & Worst Job Openings
– Sports Six-Pack

– The Gauntlet
– Wait, Nick Saban retired?
– Where would you put Snuggerud once he makes it to the NHL?
– Who replaces Nick Saban at Alabama?

– Can the Blues truly be a playoff contender with an abysmal power play?
– Prove Me Wrong
– How much does sticking with a coach impact culture?
– Bet the Board & 3 Stars of the Day

Let’s Get N Wednesday is the fast L on 101 ESPN with Jamie rivers and car Davis I’m Anthony Stalter 202 your time check is brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers an officially licensed Rolex Jeweler Blues well didn’t get it done last night jamy it’s a 4-1 loss or five or five I

Lost count at well you know four 41 and then they said okay well this one uh this one is over despite there being 18 minutes left in the third period no big deal first period looked pretty good Jamie and if they capitalized on the power play opportunity that they had

When he was tied 1 maybe it goes in a different direction but unfortunately the power play continues to be a massive massive issue for the blues yeah so I would actually push back a little bit I think the first two periods were were fine first period was better than the

Second second period was fine you know you really didn’t dig a hole too big for yourself uh a lot of attention being put onto the four power play that Brandon s Drew with the high stick to the face I don’t disagree I mean that’s a that’s a moment where you you know you’d

Obviously like to score a goal you have several opportunities at that point four minutes is a long time you don’t get it done um you watch for me it was the beginning of the third period you have fresh ice you have like a minute 48 of power play time you’re down by a

Goal at that point but you’re in the game mhm and and you can’t produce like the other power plays at least produce some opportunities some shots on net some good looks a couple of post yeah hit the hit the post on the one yeah and the one power play that you really

Needed didn’t produce really anything and then as the hockey Gods work and we know this right after that penalty expires shortly thereafter the Panthers get the puck off a tough turnover and Matthew kachuck scores and makes it 3 to one that’s that’s essentially the nail

In the coffin at that point mhm do you think they’re falling back into some of their old ways or no is that is that not an issue anymore I don’t think that’s an issue right they just got beat last night didn’t have the puck for long stretches in the first period didn’t

Capitalize on the power play I mean really In fairness of the Blues the power play has been has been bad all season long yeah it’s been it’s not like they can fall back into a bad habit that they’ve already had so that’s kind of where I’m at is as far as their habits

Overall I don’t think the habits are poor you know you were still in that game right into the third period until you let it slip away and yeah I hate to point the finger at Jacob Verana he was only one guy that made a mistake last night but

The mistake here’s what you have to understand is it’s not that he gave the puck where turned it over it was the timing of the turnover and who was on the ice for the opposition and also take into account you know where you were a week ago a week ago he was in

Springfield in the American Hockey League he gets recalled cuz he played very well in Springfield scored eight what eight points in seven games four goals four assists in seven games right um has a pretty good go in Carolina so much so that even coach Drew Bannister

Says uh hey I liked his game I like what he brought to the table tonight we’re going to elevate him in the lineup he’s not going to be a fourth liner he’s going to be a third liner cuz we liked what we saw down by a goal you have a couple of

Tired bodies still on the ice and the carryover the power play and you try to split between two Defenders it’s just not the play the puck got turned over there and you have the most dangerous guys on the ice out there against you you have ver heagy and

You have kachuck and you Bennett too but those two in particular you know Veri scored what 40 goals last year and Matthew kachuck I think he’s got 18 points his last seven games you don’t turn the puck over there you put it in deep you manage it Puck

Management you hear me talk about all the time on here probably sick of it get the puck behind the defenseman go get it Veron even had an opportunity to chip the puck to the middle of the ice and just go for it and force their player to

Take a penalty cuz the defenseman played it terrible that’s showing these guys defens played it terrible turned towards the wall his toes were pointed towards the wall when Veron could have just jumped to the middle of the ice with a little soft chip but he tried to tow

Drag it through there MH so I’m not hyper focusing on Jacob Veron because there was was more to it than just one play but to your original question of you know is this team sliding back no I don’t believe they are what’s really sliding all over the place is this power

Play just can’t seem to generate anything and it’s cost you a a lot of opportunities this year K what do you think well I agree with Jamie I thought the the first two period were pretty good that Veron play I think I was more bothered by the fact that it seemed like

All of the focus was on that and I showed you the video I thought Kevin Hayes didn’t Jamie said this as fast I said there’s no way he’s skating as fast as this is not I’ve never SC it before I’m pretty sure I could have got back

There a little bit faster now he may have been gassed cuz he was on the power play but when you have a turnover you know everybody has to get on their horses to get back and make sure you’re preventing passes from being made and and easy access to other teammates so I

Thought that that was part of it as well and then we talked about hord probably you know just sliding over a little bit too much to to cut off one side and then the the the shot goes goes to his blocker side and he’s unable to block it

So that’s part of it the power play is uh putrid like it’s it’s and and again I I I’ve never played hockey a day in my life right but I do watch other teams have greater success on their power play and part of me wonders well why the hell

Don’t we just do that like why maybe I’m oversimplifying it why why in the hell can’t we do that why can’t we keep the puck in the offensive zone for a period of time and tire out uh The Defenders on the opposing team and now they aren’t

Able to move as quickly side to side and then get good shots on goal and then have a bunch of people in front of the net to try to tip it in because that third goal we were talking about by by kachuck there’s a lot of lot of Florida

Panthers in front of the net like why is it that we don’t have that same type of offensive mindset now that wasn’t a power play but just why don’t we have that same type of offensive mindset when we have the puck in the ozone and trying

To score that that’s the objective of a power play is to put the puck in the net when you got an extra man Advantage I assume but the blues seem to be proving me otherwise yeah it look it hasn’t been pretty all season long and so much so

That Drew Bannister you know he changed all of the the lineups today so the the power plays that you had going for you up to this point has kind of been a little bit of like shuffling the deck with the same cards just trying to figure it out uh and today there were

Some big changes and and the biggest changes uh out of the whole thing were on the one power play unit I don’t even know which which one would be power play one or power play two but on the first Power Play sunquist Shen and Hayes are out there along with Krug and

Perunovich so to me it’s a it’s a decision by the coach to say well perunovich really doesn’t want to shoot the puck doesn’t so let’s put him out there with some guys who will shoot the puck and we put him out there it’s a little safety that two but another

Defenseman out there with Krug so that those guys can kind of move the puck around and maybe we find something pretty good here between these two offensive-minded defensemen the other power play unit is Neighbors kyou Thomas bvic and Colton Paro on the point now I know that people drive around yeah it’s

About that we unleash that one timer settle down settle down Co Paro had a great season scored what seven goals so far this year and one of them I think was by a slap shot right now Colton parade is finding a way to create shot lanes and he’s getting good hard wrist

Shots to the net that can create offense that’s more what I would look for than anything cuz the onetime for Colton Paro it’s not a strong suit or it hasn’t been anyways but I like the fact that we’re changing it up you have to change

It up you have to fix something that is so broken and by doing so you have to put new pieces in place they’ve had zero Success With It zero so there’s one thing to like kind of trust the process there’s been no process but Anthony hang

On here’s the here’s what we do right overall we look at the power play and say well it’s been putrid all season long correct 100% now their power play percentage under Craig Barby while he was here it’s not Craig Buu’s fault but it was his power play let’s just hang it

On the coach if we’re going to hang it on the coach was just around 9% since Drew bannister’s taken or about 19% so that’s a big difference so the power play is putrid but it hasn’t been putrid since the last 11 games it’s been at 19% which is something right now boy

You take that over the course of a season wouldn’t you and what where does it need to be well you would like it to be somewhere between 20 and 23% you get up into 24 25 you’re talking like Elite one goal every four attempts it’d be nice yeah or every five attempts so

If we if we just isolate some of the other teams here I’m trying to pull P this up on the Fly cuz I didn’t have it loaded up here um but some of the other teams are you know the best teams some float in around that 24 25% Mark M so if

You’re 19 to 21% right now you would take it do you know any more goals that means for your team but isn’t that what games though too we got to count that I totally agree I I giving you a SC picking a stat but

I’m not it has it has improved I got you I’m not really cherry picking it is just a fact that under Drew Bannister it has improved Brad Richards and whoever else added isn’t that the frustrating part though you go oh your you go 0 for four

In a game where you have an opportunity to to keep it close I think that’s the frustrating part is when you don’t score on the power play and you have multiple opportunities and you’re in a game that’s two to one or maybe it’s three to

One and you can’t put the puck in the net I think that’s probably that would be the one reason why I say even if this team does find a way to make it into the wild Wild Card why it would be hard for me to believe that they would be able to

Continue to advance because if they’re not scoring on the power play when you have an advantage you probably aren’t going to have much success you know in in the regular season let alone in the playoffs so here’s the thing they won’t make the playoffs with this current

Power play so you don’t have to worry about being in a wild card and having a bad power you won’t make the playoffs um but if your power play improves now you have a chance which means they go hand in hand correct so here to put everything in perspective the New York

Rangers oh by the way we play them next better stay out of the box they operate at 30% on their power play I mean that is a substantial power play now if the blues were just to operate at 19 is% puts them somewhere around the 20 top 20

Teams top 21 teams it’s not bad they’re 31st right now in the NHL in fact well they’re tied no they’re I lied they’re last they dropped after last night 10.6% so if you could improve your power play by 9% you’d win more games and not that’s not even shooting for the moon Anthony

That’s to get into the 21st in the league Mark let alone top five where you were for two years in a row MH I think overall last night two things can be true one the blues did not play good for a full 60 minutes but you can also look

At Florida’s penalty kill it’s the fifth best in the league they also have won eight straight games in the last three games they’ve beaten Vegas 4 to1 they beat Colorado 8 to4 those two teams in my opinion are some of the best teams in the NHL I think everyone would agree

With that so when I look at last night’s game I’m not that surprised I I mean are you not surprised by the the the the outcome like the fact that they lost okay maybe cuz FL on a on a seven game win this team has not lost

Since the last time the blues played this team is on aater right now they’ve been going this team is a Stanley Cup Contender the Florida Panthers will be somewhere at the end of this thing in the last four teams in the NHL when it’s all said and done in my opinion now one

Other thing I want to address her cuz of course it wouldn’t be a post game or or a next day show about the blues after they lose if people didn’t go you know trying to just get after Jordan CYO mhm everybody’s like well what about Jordan cryou and all this stuff you okay

That’s great guys and you talk about his turnovers and all that yeah Jordan cyu is going to turn the puck over he still had five shots on net last night hit a crossbar and he had nine attempts overall didn’t score I get it but he wasn’t the worst player on the ice did

He turn the puck over a few times yes but this is what happens with Topline creative guys you have to accept some of the warts of what’s going on when you have you know what I’m saying like you have to go with that that’s just what they do that when you see beautiful

Plays that happen like how the hell did he do that it’s because you let them be creative yeah and if you don’t like Jordan kyou that’s fine if you don’t like the way plays then I don’t know deal with it because he’s here for the foreseeable future he’s here and you

Better hope that he starts finding the back of the net because if he doesn’t then your team’s in trouble of making the playoffs and you can be mad about Jordan Kyu for the entire offseason again and guess what he’ll still be here come spring like training camp Blues Rangers

Tomorrow night pregame at 6:00 here on 101 ESPN the Cubs finally made a move what do we think about the impact of them adding imaga we’ll get into that next 101 you sp gentlemen are you currently using Ed meds you probably are paying too much

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Their face so please get over to the medicine shop in St Charles if not get there online visit them at St charles. Pharmacy that’s St charles. Pharmacy [Applause] [Applause] Cubs finally made a move finally got off their dead rear ends and they get a Bench Co decision yeah right they paid a bunch of money to get a bench coach Council finally got his guy huh Jamie that was funny nice work Jamie Rivers carried Davis Anthony Stalter Bob old Bobby Boogie Bob

Nightingale of USA Today reporting that the Cubs have reached an agreement to sign Japanese left-hander Shota imaga to a deal reportedly worth about 15 million per per year so what is this now mean for the Cubs I think I think some Cardinals fans especially ones that are ticked off

Right now that the team hasn’t hasn’t done much outside of check three boxes and then call it a day they’re going to say well now the Cubs are significantly better they checked they checked their boxes so they check three boxes what do you want from me they had a grocery list

Anthony they got the dang on groceries now you don’t go out and spend extra money when you have a grocery list you get what you get exactly what’s on that list and then you go home and then you cook your recipe and then you make a fantastic meal then you realize you left

Something at the store you left something at the store because that’s what you always do you’ve got missing ingredients which means you don’t have a full meal now you just got what you needed immediately but you had no eye on the future there are future meals now

Have been sabotaged because of what you did at the grocery store you substitute some of those ingredients can’t substitute crap it’s like making tacos right and you think you have one ingredient and then you have to go back to the store and get a different one

Much like BT did a few weeks ago yes he did yeah yeah he went for what you what’ he go for parsley or something like that or I think he needed he needed yeah and then came one of those went home with parsley either way it’s all the same it happens really

Not sure probably not no all right so the Cubs let’s not let’s keep this let’s keep this in perspective the Cubs lost Marcus strowman so they’re replacing strowman essentially with imaga did they get better yeah if imaga comes over and he and he does what he did in you know

The the Japanese League yes yes it’s an upgrade they also thus far still need an impact bat now maybe they bring back Cody Bellinger but Cody Bellinger was a significant part of their offense last year so we can’t sit here and say well the Cardinals aren’t doing anything and

The Cubs look at them they’re making moves they made a move they still have plenty of holes as well that’s how I’m looking at yeah I I think when you look at the division the Cardinals got better than everyone else in the division if I’m am I mistaken I think they had the

The they signed more free agents they did a better job for what was require they did what they needed to do Anthony yes K in the division I you have to out of the five teams four of which have done nothing or very little there you go

And they are at the Forefront of there you go and if you put it in that perspective do not look outside of the the division don’t look East don’t look West don’t worry about look right down the middle right in the central baby that’s our that’s our Lane you stay

There you do what you need to do and you win the division and that is the mindset Jamie may I Y please we’re not falling for your crap don’t look left or right we’re not falling for your crap just look where you are we’re not why because that’s all that matters to

Them oh you’re doing the Cardinal thing see I thought you actually believed all this you’re doing the Cardinal thing that’s all that matters to them why would I look left or right what the hell do I got to do with those guys I got to face these guys right here the hell they

Eventually you got to face those other team we worry about that when we get to it we’re here we’re leading the div we are division leaders in what we’ve done this offseason last off seon that was the same thought process last year though it didn’t okay Mar it didn’t work out work this

Year it didn’t maybe Carri what do you actually what does Carrie believe I believe that in order to be a really good team you got to get good players and find I believe that they should have spent I I believe they still need one more Ace on this pitching they need i

Ace okay they need an ace why what do disrespect for disrespect for sunny gr Sunny is a good picture I think they need I think they our athon he is our let’s not do the our Ace he’s their Ace is he an ace or not is he a stud or not

I think they still need I haven’t seen him a another starting picture a number one you can be one A1 I don’t care but I think that they need that I think it needs to be a Dillan cees and I think that that’s going to cost you something

That they don’t feel comfortable with Le uh uh losing and so that’s where I think and I think one more arm in the bullpen would be wonderful other than that I think they did everything that they were supposed to do that’s a missing ingredient now to your point when you

Have the grocery list if you’re making tacos and you don’t have the ground beef you definitely need it right unless you’re going to make some different type of tacos like vegan tacos vegan tacos who wants that yeah some people out there like vegan tacos okay this is

Where we have the ultimate problem is you know your tacos you’re making them with ground beef yeah for me and the rest of cardinal Nation we want wagu beef in our tacos okay spending that extra money for the great tacos I think they I think they’re actually using ground beef and

No I want the wagu beef okay it melts in your mouth that taco got to be if you’re going to sell me a damn Taco you better make it good car how much you know how much that’s going to run you no his ground beef is sufficient I understand

But that’s what I want you’re happy with the ground beef that’s fine I know I would love I would love a little more additions you’re more of a chicken guy aren’t you chicken way out there chicken tacos yeah listen I love tacos chicken tacos beef tacos wag tacos

Breakfast tacos any sort of tacos yeah well said I’m all in yeah they still need one but if you are focusing and again I have no reason to believe anything other than they only focus on the NL Central probably because they say it that they that’s the only thing that

They are con win the division that seems to be the line win the division and if you are lucky enough the Arizona Diamondbacks weren’t expected to make it as far as they did last year no one predicted them to make a run through the playoffs in the manner in which they did

They have a lower salary than most of the teams they faced when the division man just get in Hell be a wild card I was about to say they didn’t even win the division I say be a wild card figure it out one way or the other Carrie I

Don’t like your attitude not today sorry don’t like your attitude regarding the Cardinals but um you got to get used to we’ll have plenty of time to talk about it in the upcoming months if not years does any quarterback have more at stake in the playoffs this year than Lamar

We’ll get into that next on wonder when eastan hey it’s K and let me tell you about my great friend over at STL design and build they are an award-winning company that has taken home the top workplace Award for best home improvement company they truly care about their customers

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Center I’m Andrew Marsh it’s time for a sports center update driven by Johnny LOF Chevrolet and Johnny LOF Autoplex the blues lost last night to the Florida Panthers by a final score of 5 to one they’ll be back in Action tomorrow taking on the New York Rangers pregame

Starts at 6: puck drop is at 7 and you can catch all the action right here on 101 ESPN we will talk with Jeremy Rutherford our Blues Insider from the athletic at 3:15 so stay tuned for that once again Blues Rangers tomorrow night pregame at 600 Puck trop at 7 I’m Andrew

Mars and the sports center update is driven by Johnny laof find New Roads in shop 247 at and laof are you kidding Me The NFL playoffs Wild Card Weekend starts on Saturday afternoon everybody’s fired up including Super Bowl champion Carri Davis about time this is the best time of the year it’s awesome yeah yeah football man I hate that the national championship is already over with and college football’s already over with but

The good news is we had NFL playoffs what’s that can’t go forever well NASCAR goes forever soccer goes forever even those even those have seasons football has has a has a limit you got a number of hits your body can take did you just compare football to golf he did kind of

I didn’t he said it goes forever we were mentioning all the sports that go for goes forever WWE soccer takes the soccer season those guys take a Bea really do the soccer season ends and then an hour later they’re like we’re back yeah NASCAR same deal about a week off you

Have to run into people in football it’s it’s painful trust me just take my word for hey Carri Anthony doesn’t care I don’t care obviously hey no worries you know the season we got about another one we got about a month left of the Dead sorry it’s March go ahead I was

Just going to say we have about a month left of the NFL and then you know a few weeks and then we’ll get into college basketball postseason that’ll lead us into the NHL and NBA playoffs oh yeah n playoffs we just fine yeah NBA playoffs are are trust me we’re going to watch

Some basketball you and I we what do you FR you yeah we we we we all right heading into the playoffs is there any quarterback with more at stake than Lamar Jackson yes yes we were talking about it earlier we didn’t talk about him personally but we talked about the team

Dak Prescott yeah what the hell is Dak Prescott like a human being he is and I hear he’s a good human being to be honest so nothing against Dak Prescott the human being now he’s on the football field I’m going to talk about that okay is what has he ever done his biggest

Knock has been he can’t get his team to relevance promised land and so if he goes out there in wild or in yeah against a Packers mhm and loses that’d be bad that’s bad that’ be really bad isn’t he up for contract am I crazy uh

He’s duee I think in a in a year I think he he’s got he’s coming around like they’re talking about they talking about renewing him but it it that would be really bad for him um Lamar has a lot to prove the name that that this probably

Going to shock you Anthony one of them would be Josh Allen I think because they got the home playoff game you saw what happened last year when they lost to the Bengals in a in in a home playoff game which was absolutely terrible that was a

Terrible game for them to lose but the think about this because this is a person that I I he has always been kind of looked down upon or not thought of in this light and some people even thought that this team could use another quarterback to Excel and project them

Into being a really successful team who you talking about Des rter Joe Flaco Jared go oh oh Jared G could be playing for his job come on no serious not not not in the terms of he would be fired next year or or be released but in terms

Of they may draft the quarterback and say hey we got our guy that’s next because you don’t think he’s done enough in Detroit to Sol he’s done a fantastic job Jared G has always forgotten about we had this match of the of the LA Rams versus the Detroit Lions and you and I

Matthew Stafford going back to Detroit that’s going to be awesome Detroit versus LA oh yeah and he were like wait Jared GF actually played for La as well go is facing his former team too for it like no one even thinks about Jared G in that light and and some people he’s done

A fantastic job I thought last year he needed to have the season that he had to to retain his job and make sure that they didn’t go draft someone he did a really good job but he may be looked at as the guy to get you to the guy that

Gets you over the hump and if you lose to the Los Angeles Rams being the division winner at home first playoff game there in 30 plus years you may add more fuel to that fire I think I you know golf is an interesting one I do think it’s Dak though let’s let’s let’s

Look at Lamar for a second here Lamar got paid in the off season so he’s got his contract too yeah but he got his contract I I wonder though I because the Ravens played that well too it’s not like you know they’re like yeah okay see

What your open market is I’m sure they were telling people multiple first round picks so we could say yeah this team passed on them that team passed on them nobody passed on him he was under contract with the Ravens still so anyways that’s a moot point but when it

Comes to Lamar he got he got he got paid he got his contract if he wins another MVP that’s two for him yeah he doesn’t have the Super Bowl yeah he doesn’t have the long run yet we the Legacy aspect of Lamar Jackson still it has it hasn’t

Been spoken for right but with Dak Prescott Dak has been criticized for not to Jam’s Point not being able to get it done at this level he doesn’t have MVPs the contract that he’s on right now there’s I’m looking at it right now 2025 is when they can they can renegotiate

That one I think Dak Prescott home game against Green Bay up you we we’ll see if you could get to an NFC Championship game you’d probably have to go out to San Francisco a spot by the way that everybody was questioning you the last time because when you went out there on

On Sunday Night Football that was a disaster and everybody that those same questions start coming up against again about Dak Prescott I think he’s got more at stake than than anybody what do you guys think about Jaylen Herz and I I only bring that up because I feel like this team

Is on the cusp of imploding to where defensively they’re terrible I mean I I don’t even understand how you have a team that’s won that many games and you’re so terrible defensively Jamie I don’t know that they’re on the cusp of anything I think they may have already

Done it okay so then one six in there was it one and five one and six in their left I think they I think they lost the game before that it’s bad it’s not I think it’s one and five because M had the the comparison with the Bucks who

Were 5- one in the last games but I look at Jaylen Herz and I know he’s got the Twisted finger right now but like what what lies ahead for him if they go out there and lay an egg like do people look at Jaylen Herz and be like ah that was a

One and done one hit wonder that one year he got did really good with that team and yeah I don’t know I think Jaylen Herz is fine he got paid as well so he he’s solidified in his role I think it’s more about guys like like you

Said Dak Prescott who will be coming up for a contract extension at some point and again Jared g a guy that people tend to forget about he it sounds bad but he seems to be forgettable for people and people don’t tend to think about him in

That light and and Detroit I mean maybe they end up with a high team pick especially if they lose this game if you go draft the quarterback you know what that means in the first round I told you I had a teammate Jam I told I told

Anthony this I had a teammate called me one day he said yeah man it’s been fun man it’s I love you bro been good you know it’s been been a hell of a ride I said bro what are you talking about he said oh well you know they they drafted

They drafted his position in the first round he said yeah the right on the wall I’m out of here like it’s I’m going to get paid too much I’m not going to they didn’t draft him to sit him down say I love you man it’s been real so if they

Draft your position in the first round you’re probably not going to have that job for much longer and the Detroit Lions we talked about them all week Michael pennick might slide to wherever they are that that it just dep get that far I you don’t who knows yeah you don’t

Know no so and you don’t know where they’re going to be drafting at so just depends on how well Jared go for me I think it’s a lot on him going against his former team a team again that he took to a Super Bowl that people tend to

Forget they don’t even think about how great that season was they had that match up against the Chiefs where that was one of the best games that I had ever seen where it was just back and forth in La people forget about Jared G

And so I think he has a lot to prove this playoff run I know it’s supposed to be like negative whatever this weekend but if Tua and the Dolphins can’t get it done do what what does that organization do with him like is he still going to be the guy

Or could you see something like what the Rams did where they knew they had a team but they needed a better quarterback they went out and got Matt Stafford you so I I would always answer that question what what do you have then you know what are your other options if you can

Compare Tua to Matthew Stafford which is what the what you’re talking about with the Rams the Rams had an oh do we want Jared golf does Matthew Stafford elevator we can get a deal done with with Matthew Stafford let’s go the Bears same deal Justin field we know we have

Justin fields we also know we have the number one overall pick MH so you better get it right not just on Justin Fields but on Caleb Williams and Drake May and Jaden Daniels and Michael Pennock that’s what that what are your options so if you’re the Dolphins it’s Tua and then

What cuz Tu is a pretty good fit for that offense based on his accuracy I’m not disputing him going in there if he three picks the questions are going to be there like hey is he is he the guy but what are you comparing him to cuz

That I think is more practical right like what what are my options if I’m the Dolphins and the Dolphins are in a h better spot than the most teams in the NFL but it is interesting and I do think to uh If he if he plays poorly I think

The questions are going to start start coming up maybe not to the same degree as some of these other NFL veteran quarterbacks all right is fast L on 101 ESPN do we have some yeah we do we got Bill Steelers on Sunday Cowboys pack and lions Ram so we have the triple header

On Sunday for you of the NFL playoffs so should be should be a lot of fun let’s do what’s trending next here in the fast L on 101 span gentlemen six games in three days the NFL Super Wild Card Weekend is upon us and I’m excited about it it’s going

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Non-withdrawable bonus bets that expire 7 days after receipt restrictions apply see terms at Sportsbook gambling prom call 1800 gambler it’s time to find out what’s going on in the Sports World with what’s trending now brought to you by Goodwill donate a car and get tickets to the St Louis Cardinals welcome back to the fast line here on 101 ESPN Anthony Stalter Jamie Rivers Carrie Davis I’m Andrew Marsh and it is time for what’s trending gentlemen I don’t know if you remember this but a few years ago when the blues were set to host the NHL allstar game Jordan

Bennington messaged or actually put it out on Instagram Justin Bieber he said 10 breakaways me versus you you score on me I’ll dye my hair platinum blonde at Justin bber well he tweeted today the BET still stands at Justin Bieber and that is because Toronto is hosting the NHL allstar game

I wanted to ask you guys do you think that Jordan Bennington is an All-Star this year uh no uh so is it to get you need to be a a pretty good team to have two multiple players in the all now the way that it’s constructed right yeah let’s see

Here okay so if we if we look at a simple stat let’s call it save percentage which is one that basically the amount of times you save a puck that shot at you I’m trying to find our guy right now here for reason I can’t Joel hfur is in here

At 32nd in the NHL and Jordan Bennington is 35th in the NHL the 905 save percentage the top goalie that plays on a regular basis would be you got Martin Jones at 934 but he hasn’t played very much yeah 20 games Aiden Hill with Vegas 933 Charlie lingren El Chucky sideburns

At 928 right now so you’re a little off when it comes to save percentage it comes to goals against I think that’ll be a little bit inflated as well as we’re already down to the 30s here before I find Jordan Bennington at 45th in the NHL 3.05 so I

Don’t know he would have to be better than the Central Division goalies yeah so but Connor what first pick is probably going to be Connor helbach 100% And then you’ve got to look to you know UC Soros in Nashville have a pretty good year for the those guys Dallas tinger

Was hurt for a little bit so that you know but imer in Arizona he’s been really good or Ingram rather Ingram in coyote with the coyotes he’s been good I don’t know I think there’s an outside chance because of the name recognition and certainly in the Toronto

Area where he’s from like he may get some votes mhm but based on just numbers and that’s what they’ll look at never mind what you see every day as a Blues fan or how much you like the big saves and he’s done for this team the numbers

Don’t get him there and would he get over there over another player on the blues I don’t know the only other guy that is worthy of is Colton Paro right and that’ll be a tough one as well because there are so many unbelievable defensemen in the Central Division well

Henin’s hurt in Dallas so that opens up a spot but still you got a lot of like Roman Yosi and you know you got a lot of guys that are pretty good so I don’t know be tough it would be fun though if him and Justin Bieber finally got

Together after years I think he need the allstar game though like that’s the thing if I’m the NHL if I’m the NHL with the skills competition in particular that people are like kind of mid on these days I would be reaching out to Justin Bieber and and Jordan Bennington

Independently and just kind of quietly having that lined up and then we’ve got one more event tonight and the last event of the whole thing is Bieber versus Bennington independent head-to-head mhm I’d be tuned in thatd be like oh my God I’d watch it yeah you

Would guys P Carroll is out in Seattle well at least the head coaching job he will be an advisor thoughts on Pete Carroll no longer serving as the Seahawks head coach I don’t get this one guys I don’t get this one at all he he said after his press game his postgame

Conference they beat the Cardinals on Sunday he said yep I have every intention of of being here and being the head coach I am you know I’m not worn out I’m not tired this I’m not that there was no indication from any Seattle media member or most Seattle media

Members that P Carroll his job was at at at Jeopardy here there’s got to be something that’s going on perhaps it’s even they look at maybe Dan Quinn and say now is the time to strike you know he’s the for he he won the Super Bowl as uh Pete’s defens coordinator bring him

Bring him bring him in Pete Pete goes to the front office I think to me it’s sounded more like a mutual agreement as opposed to P Carol being fired or let go cuz he’s still going to be on board in some terms with the with the franchise

So just something that I mean maybe when you when you realize after that that postgame conference you’re like I plan on being back and then a a week or so removed from me like yeah you know what the the grind is a is a bit much the

Daytoday the draft is around the corner with there are so many things that that go with being a head coach if you can still be involved but probably not to to the level that you have been it’s probably better for him and and as you

Said Dan Quinn is a name that would be looked at highly because I don’t think we were talking about it earlier I don’t I don’t think Mike McCarthy is going to be going anywhere anytime soon just based on how well they’ played this year it would take an embarrassing loss

Apparently to to get Mike McCarthy fired which I don’t know if Green Bay would qualify as one or not that would be a bad loss at home I think Pete Carol maybe got the tap on the shoulder too from the ownership or the upper above hey by the way

Pete this be just a little too better to retire and you sit with me up in the in the box and watch these games and you can advise our guys a little bit here that’s kind of what I’m thinking I don’t think this was Pete Carroll’s decision I

Agree I think it was a nudge yeah and again there must be reason for that nudge if you want him to be the head coach guyy 72 years old nothing against him being 72 but like he’s got a lot of energy he does have a lot of energy he’s

In pretty good shape he runs around you know he likes to throw the football before the game mhm not great going style but uh looks like he’s had a few shoulder injuries over the years but I think it’s time or maybe Jim Harbaugh maybe they know maybe they’ve got a beat

On on Jim Harbaugh Jim Harbaugh I don’t know you think that state is going to welcome in Jim Harbaugh after beating abely in that area the Northwest 100% they already hate him when he was with the 49ers they did hey can’t beat him join them or h him I’m

Out calling it Jim haral the Seahawks I’m out I think it’s got Dan Quinn written all over it some names Ben John Dan Quinn was a coach there twice before y so I think natural yeah I agree but based on Marsh’s reaction there I’d now hope that it’s Jim har Come on

Anthony uh speaking of injuries you mentioned Pete Carol might have injured his shoulder well uh Conor Bard broke his jaw and he’s out for 6 to8 weeks how do you guys think that this impacts the NHL from a national standpoint oh I think the Blackhawks are going to be

Terrible in that uh going be terrible didn’t Charro play with a broken jaw what’s the difference yeah Chara came back and sat on the bench wanted to play and they didn’t play him oh he came back the next then he came back two days later with it wired shut shut first

Shift of the game yeah get to it it’s the problem here yeah there’s a difference between those two players in the situation in the situation wor team one of the worst teams in the league Stanley final hey you play to win the game don’t you end of his end of his career just

Beginning yeah I can tell you this I played with Chara at the start of his career and that happened when he played for the Islanders who we were terrible and he broke his jaw he’d be back the next game I believe that I believe that so all right

That’s what’s trending here in the fast line on 101 ESPN with Andrew Marsh Carri Davis Jamie Rivers I’m Anthony stalon miles michelas had some interesting comments about uh Wilson conteras Following last season everything that went down nine months late okay Jamie could have used these comments while he was drowning that’s okay well

Okay Jamie’s got some throw the guy a life jacket or he’s already drowned too oh sorry we had the life jacket over here decide which one there’s enough room on the boat or on the plank come on Jack Lally there’s enough Go Jack see you buddy see you leave your jacket

Though oh man I’ll hold on to this is that water cold yeah all right uh miles mless his comments on contr snacks I wonder1 ESPN He took a lot of heat off of us as a staff that wasn’t performing well you know and that’s that takes a big guy to do that to say Hey you know I’m going to take some of this heat for for our pitching staff doing well when I’m

Usually the first guy to say you know I’m in control of my game if if I pitch poorly you know that’s on me and you know he was he was big enough to stand up and you know he he kind of took some of that heat and he took it in

Stride so that was Miles michelas I have so much to say okay that’s Jamie Rivers set it up well why don’t we hand out some Billy Joel take his first let’s do that you’re trying to freeze the kicker here you I am you’ve been waiting you’ve

Been chomping at the bit for the last couple of minutes here so I want to get you more riled up here 101 ESPN that’s us we have your chance to score a pair of tickets to Billy Joel and sting for one night only on Friday September 27th

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The Air Comfort Service text line and we’ll give you that in a second but we need to give you a question first Jamie you thought of a good one oh yeah this one’s a little it takes some thinking so Billy Joel was married to Christy Brinkley Christy Brinkley got her big

Break for starring in a movie in a minimal role but it’s probably her most famous role ever what movie was that there you go you know the correct answer and you’re the 101st texter 314 399 9646 you go see you will go see Billy Joel and sting one night only on Friday

September 27th at Bush Stadium Jim hayes tweeted out that interview uh or that message the video by Miles michelas what he talks about with wils contr I’m you know takes a big man to say hey I’m going to take the heat on this everything that went down last year when the Cardinals

Appeared to throw wil cont under the bus for all the pitching problems not up here they threw Wills contas under the bus for all their pitching problems Jamie go so I I don’t like this at all a couple things I don’t like and look I’m sure miles michelas coming coming clean

Now about this whole situation like sure he feels like oh this is great to get it out there and whatnot but it’s on the heels of Jack flare basically saying the same thing yes that like the pitching staff to a man almost threw contrerus under the bus and what we’re finding out

Now which makes me like contras even more is contrerus said nothing miles Michel like well he you know he kind of wore it you know he didn’t say anything and what whatever he said there but basically said contras like just let everybody do their thing you guys go

Ahead I’m mad enough I’ll take it I I’ll I’ll be the guy the hell are we doing here he’s the only leader of that group then so but what are we doing the pitchers blame the catchers and now like nine months later are like well really

We we didn’t pitch very good it’s not really his fault well why the hell didn’t you say that when your buddy your teammate had the firing squad ready for him the media and everybody else and oh the worst signing ever and why the hell did moso do this and then the the

Manager saying he’s going to be in the Outfield and then know he’s not going to be in the all of this transpired and michelis and flarity and Adam Wayne Wright and whoever else Steven mats these guys could have come out and said listen what’s happening here right now

To Wilson contr isn’t right we haven’t located our pitches at all that’s on us and we haven’t communicated well enough with Wilson conteras over pitches we’d rather throw in certain situations because well we were off trying to win a WBC and we didn’t do that either sorry

That was actually I didn’t I didn’t you know fired that was a little extra Team USA I love the energy true I love it he’s rolling let him go but uh little bit of a Ricochet there so anyways I I just don’t like it if if I a defense

Partner that I played with a a new guy that came to the team and we’re terrible as as a group and it’s me that’s getting burned all the time and the media’s going after him and I’m like yeah know what he’s doing not sure why

We signed him no what do you have to say for yourself as you’re still in your jersey I would I would say I’m terrible right now this poor guy here is dealing with this like what what bad comes of telling the truth in the moment everybody knew that

The Cardinal pitching staff was not good just come clean say Hey listen we are not locating pitches not sure why it has nothing to do with the guy behind the dish is he new yeah is he yachty no that’s the only things that are true right now right there were so many

Reports that that came out all last season you had the Michael K report where they were saying oh he’s calling pitches that pitchers don’t even have and then it happened well maybe it happened twice or it happened a couple of times maybe you should have that pitch and maybe you should maybe that’s

Why Called It Dummy throw this anyone that had you should learn it now anyone that had eyes could tell that the pitchers again as you said weren’t locating their pitches their pitches they it was I’m Li I’m set up here you throw it here I’m set up on the ground

You throw it high it was so many times where how can you blame the catcher for calling a pitch the last time I checked if a pitcher throws the ball it it’s coming out of his hand I can tell you what pitch I want to throw or not nope

Don’t want that I can hear it nope no want that yep that one and then I throw it if I don’t throw it correctly how the hell do you blame the guy behind the plate that is trying to catch it that was all season long and for them to now

Come out what this does as a teammate like you said if you were to move away from that teammate now I no longer trust you and if I no longer trust you I’m probably not going to do all of the things that I need to do to protect you

When I need to protect you I had a situation like that happened to me in college offensive lineman group of them we had a hard hard offensive line coach he was this big coach he he broke tables he yelled so loud you could he would make the room check offensive line hey

Cidd we need you to talk to coach he’s uh he standing on us too bad can talk to coach Turner I got a relationship with the coach hey coach I a junior these guys some of them older than me talk to head coach hey can you talk to coach e

Stand he linan getting in going they want they they asked me to come speak to you can you have them can you have him dial it back a little bit yeah I’ll see what I can do he calls me in a couple of days later CD they they

Said they never said that oh really I said do you think I walked in your office to give a damn about what goes in their room what goes on no so what they do they threw me under the bus wow I don’t like you guys anymore you figure

It out I don’t care if he kills you in there it’s on you now so when your teammates don’t protect you when they don’t stand up for you when they let you have all of the things aimed at you and they don’t respond I saw Wilson contras

A couple of times last year and he was the events we saw him at he was secluded he was to himself because if I don’t know who to trust why would I be interacting with everyone when my teammates literally sit there and watch me take the brunt of all of this blame

And they’re not saying and and now 6 months later oh yeah you know what that guy wasn’t that bad he he actually we we we messed up it was it was our bad Meanwhile we’re not even saying it while he’s around us we’re saying it via zoom

On a podcast because we don’t have the you know what say in front of him say it to him and then stand up next to him when he’s in front of reporters this isn’t his fault I have to pitch better he calls the pitches I throw the pitches

I don’t care what he calls I have to have conviction when throw it and have the thought that it’s going to be a good pitch and I have to locate it where he’s asking me to because if I hang it over the middle I’m going to turn around and

Watch it just real quick Anthony I know you got something there you brought up the whole cullin pitches that the pitcher didn’t have yeah I read a thing about five months ago uh maybe longer now it was s after the Wilson contras thing had started and and that came

Out that y or Molina at times called pitches that pitchers didn’t have and then when they shook him off and shook him off he’d go to a mound visit and say what’s the problem well I don’t have that pitch he said well you should cuz that’s what you be this is what you

Should be throwing here right now M but we didn’t hear about that right pitchers didn’t go well I sucked the yesterday because yachty came out and asked for a slider which I don’t have throw that at all well what did he tell you he said well I should have a slider cuz that’s

What the pitch is the best pitch in this situation would be yeah so what’d you do why I went back to the bullpen because y he told me to so anyway sorry Anthony no no that’s that’s fine you want to defend michelas go ahead I think that uh

Yeah thaty guy CU just ripped him from n minutes let me defend him yeah even even when he did crap on your boat idea too he hate me because he ate me you hate me CU you ain’t me that’s a boat idea I had for him and he hated my nickname and he

Hated your moose nickname moose Michel it makes the the guy he didn’t like it he’s like well I’m from Florida said okay manate man Michel like okay he no I I think that this is I I think that all all of this like big picture this this

Goes to the lack of grit that that team had last year everything started to go sideways fingers started to be pointed or people started to go internally and that was it there was a lack of leadership there unfortunately now you can’t ask somebody to be a leader if

He’s not a leader so hopefully they’ve got enough leaders now within that Clubhouse where if things start to go sideways a little bit you bring it back in they have a leader and his name is Wilson contas okay well if he if he wore that you’re right it from him he didn’t

Say a word he he he sat there and let the media pick him apart he let you know what teammates feel like they threw him under the bus he did not say one word and we would and he still hasn’t said one word two of his starting pitchers

Have now spoken out in his defense fine timing gentlemen it should have happened months ago because that’s what you do as a that’s what great teams are they hold each other accountable they protect one another and they make sure that if one guy is getting beat down this not going

To happen this is my guy I’m going to make sure he’s protected two things here one I wonder if they would have even said anything if they weren’t even asked the question two makes me wonder how long that yti or Molina was masking this team’s pitching issues well I wonder if

That unfortunately that was part of the issue too where yachi because he was yachty he made the pitching staff a lot better than what it was so now you hit the reset button on it and you realize you you you don’t have him behind there and by the way the combination of Dave

Duncan and yader Molina will always be unbeatable so you don’t have either guy now now Dave has been reti mad dog wasn’t too bad either Mad Dog wasn’t too bad either Ranger seemed to do okay with him Jordan Montgomery fixed Jordan Montgomery and not not that mon I

Shouldn’t say fix he elevated Montgomery even more than what he was so yeah it looks like they had they had the right voice there too but maybe there was what two you didn’t like the message you know there’s there are some internal stuff here it’s not just signings it’s not

Just trades there’s some internal stuff that needs to be ironed out that’s like I said a good good teams take care of one another they make sure they’re all you’re not always going to agree with their you going to have teammates you want to punch in the face like it’s part

You have you have teammates that you do punch in there you go it happens but at the end of the day if you punch a teammate in the face nobody outside of that locker room knows key no one you get punched in the face nobody knows a

Good locker room never ever lets out the secrets MH you internalize that within the group you handle it within the group so that when you hit the ice or you hit the field you’re getting the most competitive product that’s going to go to battle for each other correct you

Don’t have those cracks like that in the foundation I always bring this up with your Steelers when did we know Antonio Brown had a screw loose when he put that dang on video on IG it would be I would be my when he got to the Raiders oh yeah

Oh well yeah I mean it was he did yes trying to figure some things out yeah but they they masked it the Steelers did a great job they they they allowed him to just be him but still with the confines of yeah keeping it within the

Team to your guys’ point all right jerem ruford is going to join us next talk a little Blues hockey with our Blues Insider from the athletic next in the fast line on one use SP gentlemen the NFL Super Wildcard Weekend is upon us just a couple days away we’re

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Issued as non-withdrawable bonus bets that expire 7 days after receipt restrictions supplies see terms at Sportsbook gambling prom call 1800 gambler news notes and Nuggets it’s time for the Rutherford Report with our Blues Insider Jeremy Rutherford brought to you by Scott Lee heating company a proud Mitsubishi Electric Elite [Applause] contractor [Applause] Blues fall to the Panthers last night 5 to1 joining us to talk about all things Blues is our Blues Insider with the athletic Jeremy ruford who joins us right now VI the 101 ESPN celebrity line Jed certainly not the game that the blues wanted last night uh but they

Played they played a lot better than the 5-1 score would would indicate I guess I’ll just ask you the same question that you probably assume is coming you’ll get on damn near every show how do you fix this power play yeah I just jotted down some notes for the past 15 minutes and

I’m like I hope they asked me about this stuff so what’s the answer Jr enough with the joking what wrong with problem J I don’t appreciate your laughter let’s do the uh breaking news Sounder I have the answer the go ahead Marsh let’s fire it out

Here fire out come on who needs Brad Richards we got Jr yeah 101 ESPN breaking news alert what do you got Jr hi this is Jeremy retherford in Imperial Missouri reporting for the fast lane today and the power play has struggled this year it is 12 for 113 that’s 10.6%

It is now last in the NHL dead last and after talking to Drew banister today guys uh they have come to the conclusion that the power play needs to score that was great you know Jamie why don’t you ever say anything like that why did you insightful what are you

Doing he’s been asking you for weeks now what’s wrong with this power play got a score how simple is that J simplify J that’s all I got that’s all I got all right fair enough that’s unfortunate J.R when you’re watching that game last night for you obviously the power play

Is the black eye of the game they they don’t score on the 4minute power play and then they don’t score on the power play to begin the third period where they’re down by a goal and desperately needed a goal at that point but when you’re watching that game aside from the

Power play what are some other things that you picked up in that loss well obviously power play number one uh but yeah I thought the first two periods were pretty good first period was was great like you were saying earlier Riv uh there was a little sloppy Puck play

At times I feel like that could have been better but it’s it’s tough against a good Florida team that’s been humming here lately uh you know I think like Drew banister said there was one tough mistake made with that Verana turnover but you can’t lose a game on one play

Necessarily you know I I know we’re avoiding the power play here but I just go back to that like when you have the four-minute power play and then you have the minute 49 fresh ice to start the third you got to score that’s the number

One thing with this guys is uh I I think even when the four minutes goes up on the Jumbotron and you realize the significance of it who in the building thinks this unit’s going to score I I just it’s gotten to that point where you just don’t even believe that it’s coming

Jr the blues are seven and four in their last 11 games and this is a pretty tough stretch for them what what do they need to do obviously other than the obvious to to make sure that they compete and get some wins out of the stretch yeah I

Think just continue to play like they’ve been playing uh for the most part lately you know even the first two periods last night as we said but you know they’ve been playing some good teams here lately in Van couver and and Carolina and and playing tight games and showing up in

The third period and last night it got away with get away from them but I think you know you’re going to run into obviously some tough teams here like you said New York and and Boston and and next week you got Philadelphia well Wonder that’ll be a little interesting off the

Ice but but I just think it’s a situ just keep doing what you’re doing you know couple mistakes last night cost you um but uh for the most part I like the way that they’ve been trending lately Jeremy ruford our Blues Insider with the athletic joining us right now on the

Fast Lan so you just alluded to the Kevin Hayes situation what can you share about it and and what what should we what should we know yeah just how adamant Kevin Hayes was yesterday when I asked him about the situation with h cutter gotier there the prospect in uh

In Philadelphia now traded to Anaheim I’m sure you guys have covered it up and down though we don’t need to necessarily set the table anymore but all I know is that when I asked Kevin Hayes hey do you have a response to that uh the next 3

Minutes and 30 seconds for Kevin Hayes talking so it was he was pretty upset by the situation with understandably so he feels like he had no part in God’s decision which forced the trade to Anaheim and wanted to make sure he was trying to clear his name the fact that

He did not steer the prospect away from the Philadelphia Flyers Jr do you think a situation like that could impact him on the ice you you that’s a a life situation we worry about the sport aspect but but the actual living part is can that impact him on the ice I think

So Carrie um to a you know certain degree obviously as Riv knows once you drop the puck you know you tend to to put that stuff behind you for a couple hours and you know that too uh Carrie but I I think that the magnitude to

Which it got you know none of us are Kevin Hayes none of us went on social media yesterday morning and saw death threats and you know comments about his brother who pass and I know you guys have uh talked about how Despicable that was unfortunately social media Pro

Sports you know we see that stuff all the time but we’ve never lived a day at least I haven’t Anthony hasn’t uh sorry to bring that up Anthony and uh these guys shoes in terms of what they have to deal with so you know for the most part

Uh Kevin tried to put it to rest yesterday I’m sure it’ll Linger on especially with the Flyers coming to town next week uh but uh for a couple hours anyway I’m sure you just try to put it away yeah and I’d like a caveat there yet J I haven’t looked that yet

It’s good point this is gonna be a college baseball comment there oh boy hey yeah Jr the uh the Blues Hall of Fame ceremony that weekend is coming up here soon and it was announced today that former Blues executive Susie Matthew will be honored with her first ever with

The first ever true blue award uh for her commitment and the impact on the organization let me just say I’m GNA ask you about this in a second but Susie Matthew and I have a direct connection and that the connection is on draft day in 1993 I had interviewed with the blues

Twice that weekend and I didn’t wasn’t even supposed to talk to them once I talked to them twice and after the second interview uh they got together had a meeting and then on the floor the draft floor they had their second pick coming up and they’re all talking about

Who they wanted to pick and Susie Matthews says I want to pick Jamie Rivers I like Jamie Rivers he’s my pick and they all like said well he’s a good interview he did this and so they announced me as their second pick that year at the draft and Susie Matthew and

I always joke about it to this day that I was her pick that’s awesome and so I think it’s a great award for someone who’s just an awesome individual that brought so much to this organization Jr r as you know I’m not going to tell you anything you don’t know she is the

Absolute best that’s a great story uh I’ve known Susie for several years you guys she was the first ever PR director for professional sports franchise to my knowledge in any of the big Sports and so that was in the 1970s with the uh St Louis blues and obviously she was way

Way way much more than a a pre PR director as you said she did the draft for him right but I I talked to Brett Hall a couple times and he said Susie was a second mom to me uh she picked me up at the airport after the trade from

Calgary and she never left his side uh one time I was working on a story about Bret Hall and I called Susie Matthew and she goes Jeremy I couldn’t find him for like three days I’m trying to get a hold of them all of a sudden there’s a report

In Minnesota of this car wreck and the TV stations are calling me they’re saying the car that was in the accident and there was a fatality uh it was Brett Hall’s license plate and I can’t get a hold of him I’m so worried about Brett

Finally Jeremy I get a hold of them and I tell Brett the story and Brett goes ah let him worry don’t worry about it I’m fine she Susie Susie was always watching them right she was always babysitting Bret Hall well that’s the thing that’s the the the beauty of all of this is

Susie Matthew was Bret Hall’s babysitter now so much more for the organization but she took care of Brett made sure that he got to you know appearances and sign things and did this and did that like he said it was like his second mother and that’s not a lie so the the

Organization certainly owes a lot to Susie Matthew and I’m just thrilled that they have this award and she’s the first recipient man she is so deserving of it just saw her Anthony nuts long ago at the blues alumni holiday skate her and her husband and it’s awesome every time

I I see her we have a good laugh and she always tells that story and told my k that story uh so I I’m thrilled for her and I know you are too J yeah yeah and I can’t wait to hear more of the stories you guys know 1986 Monday night Miracle

Blues beat Calgary here in St Louis and then they’ve got to go to Calgary for game seven and if they win they’re going to play in in the stainle Cup Final well they lose and Harry oress cancels the plane flight and the plane reservations back to St Louis guess who put all the

Flights all the players flights on their credit card for the flight from Calgary back to St Louis Susie Matthew and and Bernie ferko put them on their personal credit cards to get the boys back home inred she did it all yeah that’s great stuff J.R well thank you for some of

Those sh those stories uh and also thank you of course for the breaking news on how to fix the power play something we haven’t thought of to score more on the power play got a lot more notes here that we well we we’ll bring you back next

Week how about that we’ll go over more of them okay let’s do let’s do next Wednesday okay next Wednesday right around the same time all right Jr have a good rest of your week man you guys too by at JP ruford online for more hard-hitting stuff he’s Jared’s the best

He awesome great yeah he’s great it’s fast 101 us we will do our Sports six pack coming up in about 15 minutes so send in any questions that you have 314 399 9646 aircomfort service text line uh or you can reach us on the air Alliance team YouTube channel at 101 espnl

Affectionally known as the snake pits fast Lan snake pit so any sports questions sixpack coming up in 15 minutes how would you rank the current job openings in the NFL now that we know that Seattle is open that’s next on11 ESP right now at autoc Center Nissan

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Center I’m Andrew Mar it’s time for a sports center update brought to you by CGA Heating and Cooling the blues lost last night to the Florida Panthers by a final score of 5 to one they will be back in Action tomorrow taking on the New York Rangers pregame starts at 600

Puck drop is at 7 and you can catch all the action right here on 101 ESPN we just talked with Jeremy Rutherford our Blues Insider from the athletic if you missed that interview or if you missed anything from today’s show make sure you go to 101 or check out the free

101 mobile app just head to the podcast page you’ll find all of our interviews and all of our full shows there it’s all brought to you by dobs tire and autoc centers I’m Andrew Marsh and the sports center update is brought to you by SGA and coie an independent American

Standard heating and air conditioning dealer [Applause] Now that we know that the Seattle job is open with P Carol moving to a different role within the Seahawks organization how would you rank the current job openings in the NFL let’s let’s do this first let’s let’s talk about like the obviously the least attractive job would

Be Carolina Carolina I wouldn’t want to go there I mean if I needed a coaching job like I said I wouldn’t want to go there if I had other options I would exercise those options the team is terrible it’s just a beginning and I don’t want to play for that

Guy that’s probably the easiest division though of all of the ones there’s no guarantee Frank right there he’s gone halfway through the season yeah there are no guarantees but if you’re thinking of all things being okay that division is you’re telling me that’ be your first

Pick it wouldn’t be my last it wouldn’t be your last who would be your last who would be your last the commanders are pretty terrible too they got great ownership now though they’re not going to be terrible very long they are pretty terrible though beong typically a proud

Organization and the div like when you think about you have to St Louis Cardinal got this thing figured out you got to win the division people he goes again Double Down by the way if you’re you got to win your division what are we doing just just when I I was ready to

Kind of you were almost there I was almost there almost you have to win Anthony was almost there you did that I know it ruined it for him right now I’m down again you sure are you got to win your division what do you want a coach

That would go in there and has the mindset that I can turn this around yes that’s what I would want but to Jamie so let’s just let’s just say Jamie’s Point here which one the one where he said if you have options right if you are in

Demand that’s how we that’s how we’re going to look at it the Carolina Panthers are the absolute worst job they are the worst if you have because of David piter I agree what now you agree no no no I agree they’re a terrible situation however however he did he

Heard it if so he asked me which one is worse if I got two options and the options are the commanders or the Panthers I’m probably going to go to Panther I’m probably going to the division is easier people Carrie that’s going to change you got can

Always take the easiest path car Carrie you want to play against the Cowboys Eagles every single how much every Tuesday yeah but it might only clear for 6 months it may but guess what I got guarantees and I’m sure it’s going to clear for the next six months

Throw you out if you’re the head coach if you’re bad he’ll throw you out like water you’re going to be worse yeah listen that division is terrible the what was the Falcons this year five and eight six and seven and 10 10 same record as the Vikings and the and the

Saints what were the Saints seven and 10 eight and N no yeah and eight how many teams were above 500 in that division two two buck and Saints they’re good team B and oh the Saints did go n and eight yeah yeah barely barely squeaked

By well they yeah they won the last two games yeah so yeah it’s not a great division no I’m not arguing that you’re not going to get any push back there all right I still think the Panthers are the worst the worst gig what what would be the

Best I mean I think it’s the Chargers that’s wrong Chargers it for me in order of like pecking order would be Chargers Seahawks Titans see well yeah I I mean because none of those teams other than the Chargers have a quarterback that you trust Seahawks you got Gino you’re F

Right back he love it but you know is he he had a great year last year yeah so last season yeah last 22 season not the 23 season the Titans they’ve drafted a couple of quarterbacks back to back and they still started T Hill at some point

So there’s that and you know the Raiders they Aiden okono they got rid of Derek Carr Aiden fine Jimmy G didn’t play we don’t know there are there are so many questions there’s really only for me one answer and that’s the the Chargers that because they have the quarterback

Position solidified you don’t have to worry about that and they got a now that team is getting older Keenan Keenan Allen is getting older Mike Williams can’t stay healthy at all their first round draft pick um uh what was it Quin Johnson Quin Johnson Johnson didn’t catch enough passes at all the chief

Should have drafted him no he’ fit in perfectly exactly Mar set up so yeah it’s still the Chargers because of the quarterback position but again everything around him is getting a little bit old Yeah Austin Eckler is coming off rough year be done he’s trending in the wrong direction there

They were smart not to pay him Joey B is going to have to take a haircut cuz the cap situation isn’t great like you said the roster but they’ve got the ultimate equalizer which is they got Justin Herbert corre so out of all those teams I agree Jamie it’s the Chargers then the

Seahawks because at least they’ve got you know good bones great ownership like yeah I would go Falcons over Titans really yes I think the Falcons have he can’t help himself he can’t nobody craps on nobody craps on the Falcons like I do yeah but defends him more than you do

Too it’s weird it is kind of weird it’s like but I’m going to pick him to win tomorrow what’s that called Stockholm syndrome yes I got that like well you know not too bad when they torture me they’re kind of nice no but I in all seriousness that the Falcons I think

Have a better roster than the Titans do they nobody neither team has a quarterback yeah but the de the defense they spent they spent wisely last year Jesse Bates was out outstanding everybody’s like oh they paid him too much money really cuz he was he was incredible all season long they got uh

Grady Jared coming back they’ve got the the pieces on offense they don’t have a quarterback the Titans don’t have a quarterback either and I think that I think the Falcons have more top to bottom tell Tennessee’s defense is terrible there’s not a lot there they

Got Jeff Sim he’s a he’s a guy who else yeah you know he he he he does he was hurt a lot this year when he’s when he’s healthy and playing well they are hard to run on they are a hard team to do much on because he creates so much havoc

In the back field so that that makes a huge difference they do need some they do need some more depth around on the defensive side I still feel like that they I don’t know Atlanta built their team wrong and I cannot go with them why would you draft all of these

Skill guys and not have a a person to get the ball to them B an offensive line to protect and pave the way for them the old line is good well they don’t they they they can’t get the ball to the guy guys they don’t have a quarterback oh

Jesus they don’t have a quarterback they got a good old line they got the skill positions they got to get speed and they’ve got to get a competent head coach they got some work to do they certainly do but they’re in the great division going back to your original

Point all right it’s a fast L on 101 usn to get a question for us our Sports six pack is next 314 399 9646 is the a Comfort Service tax line by the way speaking of which Pat from freeberg won the tickets for Billy Joel and sting

Jamie had the question uh Billy Joel’s onetime wife chyy I say Brook Shields because somebody wrote Blue Lagoon on here uh yeah Christy Brinkley is most famous for a small part in a movie what movie was that and it was correct answer is holiday rooll it’s Vacation National Lampoon

Vacation who could forget that so Pat nice job I yelled honey it’s okay I yelled cuz uh this girl in here had no clothes on and she said the water’s cold and scared me is that what happened Clark those movies are great so Pat from freeberg want to take us all right sport

Six next cheap cheap fun fun it’s about to get very cold here in St Louis looking at the weather and like woo boy that is cold what better way to warm up than with a little Makers Mark right now Dirt Cheap has the snow day

Maker mark and um had a pour of this the other night and it is great smooth warm and little bite after that it’s definitely going to warm you up on those cold winter days and that’s not the only bourbon they have available at dir cheep they’ve got Blandon they’ve got Elijah

Craig they’ve got bullet they’ve got Angels Envy they’ve got all the big dogs and don’t forget that the the the name Dirt Cheap is all it’s talking about is the prices not the product so you get in dir cheep they have great savings uh specials all the time giveaways they’ve

Got Raffles Raffles for some amazing Bourbons that are there and they’ll sell them to you at the actual retail price it won’t be an inflated price cuz they’re cheap they’re here to save you money and give you great customer service another great way to get customer service is download the app on

The app you have even more savings giveaways and clubs that you can be a part of but you also have the ability to have your alcohol delivered to you dirt cheap now has delivery to your home and all of that is through the app you won’t

Be sorry you’re going to love it walk into any of the dirt cheap locations tell them that Jamie River sent you in they love hearing that and they’re going to help you out and they’re going to make sure you leave there happy and remember have fun but be careful up

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Shape get the best at 100 West 100 West Dental consult virtually with Dr prior or book online at 100 West Dental .c I have a question it’s time for the fast lane to answer your sports questions I want to ask you a bunch of questions and I want to have them answered immediately

Asking me all these weird questions answer the question answer the question answer me the sports sixpack is now if you have a question for us you could send it into the Air Comfort Service tax line at 314 399 9646 time for our sports sixpack with Carri Davis and Jamie

Rivers I’m Anthony salzer here’s Andrew Marsh question number one we were talking about Jim Harbaugh earlier because Pete Carroll is out as head coach in Seattle and Anthony had a great idea that was only in his mind that maybe he should be the head coach of the Seattle Seahawks even though those fans

In Washington just had their hearts crushed on Monday night so what from the 314 better fit for Jim harb Jim Harbaugh going back to Michigan going to the charger the Chargers or Seattle so I I I would love to see him with the Chargers I think Jim Harbaugh with Justin Herbert

And that team I think that’s what they’re missing quite honestly I think the Chargers are an unmotivated team that yeah well we’re the second team in La we’re always me we’ve got a good quarterback but the coach sucked before like they just seem like almost like a lifeless team and I

Think Jim Harbor would fix that not going to like my answer Michigan you’re going to win the division oh Jes you know this stuff is cyclical right like I have to sit down I just have this guy the Chiefs are in the division go back to michig

So oh yeah cuz there’s no trouble there’s not many powerhouses not as much God carry wrap your brain around the fact that he’s not going back to Michigan I think he’s going back to Michigan didn’t you hear those fans when they got off the plane chat shouting one

More year see him one more year after you’re suspended a year one more year if he’s suspended he’s out of there and I think the Chargers would be the best B Chargers he got chargers Final Answer yeah he argues aru three minutes later he’s like what you

Guys say it feels like a relationship I was in one time before hey yeah trust me yeah trust me question number two we haven’t talked about this at least on this show but from the 636 was Blake Baker posting The Wolf of Wall Street GIF or GIF depending on how you

Say it and then bouncing three days later the biggest diamond back look of the football off season so far Blake who Blake Baker the defensive coordinator for Missouri m going to LSU oh my bad yeah for some reason I was think of the NFL I’m like who the hell

Is Blake like it’s Buddha Baker the great Bambi I’m glad forgotten who the hell went from n NFL I’m like wait what I I don’t I mean you go where you go where the money is you go where the opportunity is and people aren’t going to like this answer right

LSU despite how great mou of a season they had this year LSU is more of a name brand than the Missouri Tigers and so if you have an they stole go Tigers clearly go tiger clearly so that to me and I don’t I don’t know what the contract was

For for Blake Baker here uh at missou but I would assume that he’s getting a little bit more money his family his wife played uh soccer I believe at LSU family is from there from that area it it it made more sense I guess for him and again it

Is LSU versus it would be the same if the man left Illinois to go to Michigan or Michigan State even that’s just how it is the name brand schools coaches want to be in those environment but a parallel move like that’s the part I don’t think that’s parallel I don’t

Think people I the same job though he got the same job was it the same money if it’s the same money I’m not talking about money I’m talking about as far far as like his job resume is concerned yeah why would he not wait another year and

Get a head coach job why would he not go to LSU and have the same opportunity on what some perceive to be a better team yeah but he’s not going to be the head coach if they have a they have a better team they’re not firing the head coach

No no no no they won’t fire the head coach but if he has a team that is a a a an SEC Champion or SEC caliber Team Championship team playoff team and they go further than what he perceives Maybe zuk could the you’re going to get better

Players at LSU than you will at Missouri for now I’m thinking longterm though for now like I’m thinking longterm for now for my profession if I was him in in five years maybe that that conversation is different it would be greater for my career if I made a bigger difference at

A school like missou who’s less apt to have a big ass program like LSU supposed to be like one of the big dogs if I go there and mizou makes the college playoff and we win a game again two years in a row my defense is real good

All of a sudden it’s knocking on the door for head coach jobs I don’t have to wait in line because I just helped this guy who’s my head coach stay here for another four years because I gave him a great defense I think I don’t think you

Would have to wait either way I think it’s going to be the same I think if you’re missou won’t be at LSU though no won’t be at LSU so much for the family thing won’t be at missou either no I know that I wasn’t insinuated okay I

Think if you’re mizou you say if you don’t want to be here get to Stepping whoa yeah you you you you are working your way we don’t want you anyways you’re working your way to having that conversation with people it’s like I resign no you’re fired get out I already

S in my yeah it’s giving me real Uh Kevin Durant energy oh oh wow why did KD get a straight A shot here what did he well because he lost to a team and then joined him he did they didn’t lose to oh they did lose to this te they did

Why is that it’s because the defense couldn’t hold him in the fourth quarter you can’t beat him of his plan and he made up a burner account and torched his former fan base there’s the shot of KD what there it is question number three I think we’re

On question number three sure uh from thanks Dad we were talking about uh you know miles michelas and what he had to say about wils contras that whole situation thinks dad’s question is how do you call a pitch they don’t have with pitch isn’t it just not programmed in no idea

I don’t know how PC works I have no clue I’m going to go buy one we’re going to start doing that here when I when I want a certain when I want a certain segment Anthony wear the hat I’m Blues coming up next be shaking it off like no I want to

Falcon he throws in a he throws in a soccer segment we like oh we don’t have that in our repertoire Anthony called the pitch we don’t have coming up next we’ll talk about soccer we don’t have anything on that oh it’s funny all the way around huh what’s the question let’s just move

On question number four from the 618 the wife and I traveled to Carolina over the weekend to see Jamie Rivers at his finest my question is which stadium Arena was your favorite to visit or to play in oh wow so I never had a bad game

In LA or New York I’ll tell you that much you couldn’t afford too why it wasn’t good for business I just be honest La was awesome because we played at the Great Western Forum for most of my career and they had the back stairwell where there’s a

Little doorway it looks like nothing and it leads all the way up to this place called The Forum Club where all the Hollywood celebrities would hang out anybody who’s like a rock star an actor anybody that was the Forum Club up there all the big wigs they would just come

Sauntering down and they’d be in your lock room because it was right across the hall the door to get to this so they come in we’d have guys and girls sitting around and like you know outside the locker room of course Carrie okay um so

It was like okay if you had a terrible game nobody wanted to talk to you right nobody want to have a beer with you like that guy sucks so he try to have a good game he was a minus three tonight the hell with that guy and MSG for whatever

Reason I just loved it I’d step on the ice and be like look at this place man there’s no way I can play bad in this building and look at myself in the mirror and so even if I had a couple of like bad shifts I’d be like no I need to

Go run somebody now I need to turn this thing around quickly so those were two buildings that I loved playing in for sure what was uh one of the the rooms at MSG was it the Green Room is that where all the players went is that what it was

Called inside MSG yes I never went to the Green Room we always went over to the China club right after that place was bumping that was kind of like the thing after Studio 54 had just kind of closed down so no visiting players could go into the Green Room was that more of

Just a ranger thing I don’t know I think it’s probably a ranger thing yeah I mean I didn’t end up in there once in my career which means probably wasn’t available just Carri what about you uh well I like playing we played a game here and for me

That was awesome just being able to have all of my family and friends here um I never got to play in Lambo field which I really wanted to to play there and and experience that college it was Michigan and Ohio State oh man those are great

Penn State too was awesome you got a I mean they had one of those white outs there’s 100,000 people in white shirts screaming at night it’s absurd but yeah those were some pretty good environments nice all right it’s fast on 101 to span we’ve got a returning Gauntlet

Contestants gosh darn it nice work Carrie thanks those were tough though all right Carrie I forgive you yeah we all do we all forgive you yeah cuz we haven’t played yet so true the next I want SP three Warriors four categor st’s one Challenger can you master The Gauntlet

Brought to you by Master your hometown source for business Communications for more than 30 years visit all right 402 your time check is brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers and officially licensed Rolex Jeweler time for The Gauntlet here in the fast lane we have Deon back for round two of the

Gauntlet he beat Carrie yesterday in hockey it’s kind of a rough one for all parties involved y but Devon is back again for round two Devin would you first of all how are you everything good I’m doing fantastic I hear you guys it’s Droid from the snake bit absolutely yeah

Yeah how are you guys doing today we’re doing great we’re doing great uh so after beating Carrie yesterday would you like to take on Jamie Rivers Andrew Marsh or me today I’m taking on Jamie Rivers son of well you know what I hope we get hockey today I heard you in

Hockey yesterday I heard about you hockey yesterday smoke bring it ony open the odds are in my I’m praying for that wheel today so all right buddy good luck man good luck all right Jamie’s going to make his way into the cone of silence Devin go ahead

Tell Marsh spin the wheel spin that wheel Marsh all right you said but hockey yeah you you said anything but hockey yesterday I think right yep okay let’s see what we got here H you’re okay it’s not going to be hockey it will be random okay random do it let’s do it random

Trivia fun fact Jamie when we used to write all the questions Jamie would come up with the the random questions at one point does he hate random no he doesn’t who hates random we all do okay except for him I think all right do I have

One do we have all the launch codes there we go sir all right all right Devon here we go who wrote the original version of I Shot the Sheriff released the song in 1973 with his band the Whalers oh boy I should know this I listen to rock music a little bit

Oh think I’m going to need the options though okay Jimmy Hendricks Bob Marley or Jim Morrison oh let’s go Jim Harrison Jim Morrison Jim Morrison yeah Jimmy Hendricks Bob Marley or Jim Morrison was it Jimmy Hendrick let’s go Jim it was Harrison Morrison that Jim morr Jim Morrison okay

All right what college is excuse me what college has captured the the most national championships in the sport of men’s lacrosse oh my it’s yeah oh boy uh it’s probably somewhere up there in the Northeast would be my guess that’s kind of popular up there H let’s take those options is it

Syracuse John’s Hopkins or Duke let’s go Syracuse final answer question number three name the longtime meteorologist on The Today Show whose catchphrase was here’s what’s happening in your world this morning oh oh my God I know this guy oh I should know this guy it’s uh ow it’s

Al Al what’s his last name oh let’s go with the options I don’t remember his last name options are Greg kenar Jay Abrams or Willard Scott oh oh okay I’m thinking of the current guy were you thinking of Al Roker Good Morning America yeah Al roer is who I

Was thinking of yeah yeah uh could you say the names again Greg kenar J J Abrams or Willard Scott J ABR sounds kind of familiar let’s just roll Jay Abrams final answer all right Devon question four this uh the St Louis Zoo’s own Raja will soon be relocating to Ohio for breeding

Purposes what type of mammal is Raja uh uh an elephant final answer all right let’s bring back Jamie how you feeling Devin oh those were pretty tough pretty tough You’ had you have two tough ones here all right Jamie’s back from the cone of silence

Jamie how was it it was actually not too bad today we had Mike Ryder we had uh DJ PES is in there nice we had a good discussion and now Tommy M joining the fra Jee nice yeah yeah you guys weren’t invited sorry well we’re in here taking

Care of business how how’ my guy drao here do tell marshy oh you better pack a lunch J yeah buddy all right all right your category today is random random trivia are you ready no question number one are you going to the mall later no I’m not keep spelling Mister Who wrote

The original version of us shot the sheriff releasing the song in 1973 with his band the Whalers oh Bob Marley final answer all right that’s a very good song what college has captured the most national championships in the sport of men’s lacrosse oh yeah of

Course that one yeah I mean I have a couple of ideas give me the options please Syracuse that’s John’s Hopkins yep Duke I’m going I’m going Syracuse final answer question number three name the longtime meteorologist on the Today’s Show whose catchphrase was here’s what’s happening in your world this

Morning what show the Today’s Show was that oh Al Roker or Willard Scott fle and einor I’m going to go Willard Scott final answer I think the other one was Good Morning America final answer I said it you have to look at me like that question number

Four staring down your nose at me the St Louis zones is it certainly is hey hey Jamie look at me look at me you would know yeah he would the St Louis zo Zone Raja will soon be relocating to Ohio for breeding purposes what type of mammal is

Raja Raja oh yeah it’s a pink panda isn’t it I’m just joking uh give me the options please elephant snow leopard African lion Raja so we got elephant snow leopard or a what African lion is there a different kind I don’t know I mean I’m just asking

Good question I didn’t know they were in Maine you know I mean I mean you lot of breeders know what they’re doing so Raja to me sounds like a like an Indian type name and there a lot of elephants in that area so I’ll go with elephant final answer all

Right I’m exhausted let’s go over this what college has captured the most national championships in the sport of men’s lacrosse Devin with the options you said Syracuse Jamie you also went with the orange correct answer is Syracuse Syracuse one- one tie between Jamie and Devon ni job the St

Louis zo own Raja will soon be relocating to Ohio for breeding purposes what type of mammal is Raja Jamie you went with elephant Devon you went with elephant correct answer is it’s an elephant but did not need the options sh up how’ you know that he knows his mammals that’s why hang around

The zoo all wild 32 32 in favor of Devin who wrote the original version of I Shot the Sheriff releasing the song in 1973 with his band the Whalers Devin you said Jim Harrison harison but you meant Jim Morrison we clarified with you you went with Jim Morrison does it

Matter Jamie you went with Bob Marley correct answer is it is Bob Marley it is Bob Marley Jamie didn’t need the options on that one No Woman No Cry d no woman name the longtime meteorologist on the Today’s Show whose catchphrase was here’s what’s happening in your world

This morning Devin you went Jay Abrams Jamie you went Willard Scott correct answer is it is Willard Scott Devin you have chosen poorly you lose dein Jamie Jamie swept the board he got every question right in one way shape or form sorry man it’s tough I

Wish I listen to more uh Bob Marley music yes you do that’s all right all right uh hey thanks for listening thanks for checking us out in the snake pit and we we appreciate you playing man yeah no problem love you guys I’m here every single day appreciate it man thanks Droid y

Thank you guys all right see you buddy you too Jamie nice job man very impressive you broke it down perfectly well done kid thank you all right it’s fast line on 101 ESPN where would you put snugger rude long term well now and long longterm when it comes to the blues

That’s next on 101 ESPN e It’s a pass L on 101 ESPN Carri Davis Jamie Rivers I’m Anthony Stalter 1 ESPN breaking news alert this one shocked everybody in the room here yeah my heart like dropped cuz I can’t believe it this is one of those where you’re like wait what and then never

Thought you see the day let’s just wait and see nope and then every all the media Outlets are reporting it so here’s just one from from ESPN’s Chris low Nick Sabin Who won six national titles at Alabama is retiring wow I’m shocked by

This I really am I I did not we we just had this conversation and we all said at least Jamie and I did I think car you with us too he’s a football lifer oh yeah we had in fact we said yesterday that he’s at least 3 years and you

Scoffed him and you’re like three he’s probably got five yeah five six what’s crazy to me is I watched him on the Pat McAfee show just a couple of days ago and he’s still talking about football and talk like he’s talking shop and now all he’s just retiring he he has been

More vocal about the transfer portal over the last couple of years I mean really vocal he’s always he’s always angling for something he’s he’s a master at using the media but it has seemed a little bit more he’s been more exasperated talking about the transfer portal which is one of the

Reasons I think quite frankly on top of the NCAA investigations and and whatnot that Jim Harbaugh will leave Michigan but with Sabin Sabin seemed to be tiring of the transfer portal and now he’s he’s stepping away but you talk about one of the the best to ever do it man so like

What does this mean mean though now because like you look at the the land Seattle imagine no but you look at the landscape of college football and you talk about some of the big dogs right now so Michigan and Alabama could potentially be looking for head coaches

Well Alabama for sure is looking for a head coach yeah where they promote from within or they go get somebody else or whatever like I feel and this a whole separate question I feel like Alabama has to go find like the right person for that job like you can’t just slide in a

28y old or 31y old be like you know what he’s really smart he’s got a great football mind that program will fall apart unless you have somebody with a name that can come in there and keep this thing going well respected veteran guy I agree now the same could be said

About Michigan if Harbaugh leaves who are the coaches guys let’s throw out some names me you talking about that could be potentially going there yeah I have no clue were you about to say Kirby Smart no no no I I thought you saying Kirby who’s left in college

Football is what I’m saying Smart’s still left obviously I don’t know who leaves I mean you looking at some of the programs you got a text here saying Dan Lanning from Oregon I don’t think Dan Lanning leaves Oregon Oregon is a it’s a different place man it’s it’s a special

Place and they they have things that other places do not have and the amount of money uniforms great I mean you can’t get facilities great facilities everything you want there is there um I don’t know I I don’t know this is going to be an inter step in Dabo Sweeney I don’t

N Dabo is is Dao kind of ran his course with his you know his response to things and how he handles things I think people kind of got tired of that lane kein is a name that that just popped up oh wow that now I that’s a name I could see

He’s a mercenary and he’s yeah he is a mercenary he he’s going to go where where the best situation for uh Lane kein time Dabo the reason why I bring up Dabo is he he played at Alabama he he’s from Alabama played there maybe he’s tired of the

Clemson thing he goes to Alabama I just don’t see Dabo as an Alabama guy I just I don’t see the fan played there I don’t but I don’t see the fan base like wrapping their arms around him that matter crazy I don’t think yeah no I

Don’t I don’t I agree with that I don’t see him as a as a as an Alabama guy they’re going to they’re going to wrap their their arms around laye kein but not diao Sweeney Lane kein is the most likable hatable person in the world

That’s a good way to put it it’s a good way to put it we got a text from the 314 what about Coach Prime oh no he ain’t ready for that they do those commercials together y they do I don’t I don’t know if that I don’t know if that qualifies

Them here’s the he it’s Brian you know those commercials that do with Sabin right I’m your guy well the only thing Dion is missing is an off offensive line like that’s the re people talk as much as they wanted to talk about they didn’t like his his Charisma his his his

Bravado the only thing that they were Miss they had a good team they just didn’t have the people upfront and he said that he said that when he was at Jackson State we can’t compete with some of these other programs because we don’t have enough people UPF front to compete

With those teams he didn’t have that at at at Colorado last season so the other yeah it’s going to be I mean look spinning It Forward of course like who’s going to coach there that’s going to be that’s going to fascinating to watch the other thing too guys is I

Mean we we are reaching the end of an era in football Nick Sabin again if you’re just joining us Nick Sabin is retiring after winning six national championships with Alabama he also won one with LSU Bill bellich might be at the end of his road with Patriots not Tom BR college kids they’d

Be horrified oh man Tom Brady retired a year ago we are we we we’re reaching an end of great football minds or great football players which is kind of fascinating too this is going this is fun like I I mean I think it’s time you

Know for for a fresh new look on things you going to have the college football playoff with the expansion so you won’t have I mean just having those teams that are you know playing their flag every single year saying we are national champions are playing for the national

Championship having it more open that I I believe that’s what the transfer portal has allowed for as well maybe some more more new blood gets in into these games and gets an opportunity and some new coaches some new faces some new people I do think though that they’re going Alabama Alabama can have

Their pick of the litter they really can of course things are going to things will shift now oh because because Nick is he is Alabama but because of how much do that team Chang now how many players are like hey transfer portal Remember Me Maybe but if you’re but if you’re

Alabama because of Nick Sabin you can can also go to I mean I threw out dab o Sweeney who’s been with Clemson for a long time that would that doesn’t sound crazy I could see him leaving Clemson to go to Bama they’re going to have you would want Dabo swing if you

Paid attention Dabo I taking your personal feelings aside no but I think that matters it matters heavily because of the kids that you are trying to recruit if he has a a a mindset you’re not going to get I think that’s part of the reason why Clemson is starting to to

Tail off because the the when you talking the transfer portal stuff like his his opinions and and it’s some other things that that dbo has kind of been upfront about that that kind of has irked some people but DeShaun Watson Trevor Lawrence I mean they’re there he

It’s not like the guy can’t recruit I there’s a lot of Clemson players in the NFL yeah so I don’t know I’m just throwing out one name it’s would an NFL coach leave a team to go take over B no leave a team if you got if you just got fired I’m

Talking about leaving no what do you think Carrie not leave no I mean you Mike Tom said it last year we talking about him going to USC like what who is that Mike Tomlin oh yeah like why would I leave Pittsburgh to go to no but I’m

Talking about a lesser coach like who who who would I pick here that is just kind of like you know they’re fine they’re an NFL coach but they’re fine but they could have a massive Presence at Alabama maybe the NFL life is treating them kind of mid and they’re

Like uh I’m looking around I’m trying to think I got a name go ahead I mean no way that this guy gets hired by Alabama but what about Cliff Kingsbury going back to college football there’s no way exactly but it is Marsh I’ll give you this it is he’s had some

Some Heisman winners in college football yeah he has I would say no yeah I don’t think there’s any way he’s going to Bama no I don’t think there’s any way the Bama would want him now he’s getting some OC looks from like like the Bears I

Saw I could see him being a a coordinator but I don’t think intriguing yeah I have no I have no idea whatsoever who it could be or who it would be yeah I’m looking I’m looking through just just quickly looking through a lot of the names right now Inge differ so let’s

Say you’re an NFL coach and you’re I don’t know let’s say you’re Mike Vel that name seems just to for me that’s just a name that I’m picking and you made x amount of dollars in NFL are you m are you taking a pay cut or are you

Getting a raise uh Nick was getting like 12 million a year what what I’m saying he was he was making more I believe than Mike R he’s not going to make that’s right what right so it’ll probably be comparable maybe two to three million comparable with a less volatile spot too

Because most of the time those colleges keep guys for a while H not really well they do if you do if you do a good job those college coaches man that is like part of the retirement fund yeah they do they stay around what what about James

Franklin no I don’t think so yeah I mean he he he hasn’t PN State he hasn’t uh won the the big games at Penn State he’s well respected I’m just going with like well-respected well-respected somebody that’s name first call that they make one of the first calls he’s coached there he

Understands the program he and and he has a a a huge respect there I don’t Lane kein comes off as a person that doesn’t have a lot of respect for a lot of things but I think he had a lot of respect for for Batman I don’t know that

He doesn’t but he just comes off that way MH it’s going to be fascinating to watch that’s a it it it is if he wasn’t at Texas Steve sarkeesian would make a lot of sense too he was the OC at Alabama for why w a national championship there

He’s got things huming right now in Texas but it’s B just what I just explained justex Texas absolutely Alabama it’s but you’re only saying that because of Sabin I’m saying that because of what they’ve done over the last 10 10 to 15 years Texas just got good last two

Seasons so if Bryant long pause I mean a long ass pause yeah m brown long ass time between that as well not as long as Bear Bryant to Nick Sabin Alabama was nothing until Nick Sabin what it was nothing after Bear Bryant it was nothing until Nick Sabin got there Texas

Is I think Texas is still a bigger program uh reporting here from the score which is the Canadian version of like ESPN up there ah brands in Canada no but just saying that uh they are reporting that the front runner right now is Dan Lanning organ wow okay well the tax line

Give give credit to the tax line I mean I don’t he’s a health coach guys let’s be honest he’s a great coach he is what’s his record against Washington and two this year I don’t I mean I hope Alabama stinks I hope they don’t recover from

This and I hope mou just lays one on him next year you should be jumping up and down what say h drink after Marsh just said that no chance no no offense I wouldn’t think so all right so that’s the breaking news Nick sa retiring from Alabama we’ll I’m sure we’ll have plenty

You know talk about uh regarding the Alabama job and again whether or not Alabama stays Alabama we didn’t get into the the state Anthony yeah yeah that’s not what I I mean I guess they could but that take a lot of people jie I could see your confusion on that that’s that

Wasn’t my point uh Anthony you’re getting a lot of crap here on the text line Jean Stallings ever heard of him oh yeah Jean thas he didn’t did he he won a national championship hello you overlook that guy Anthony F’s wrong with you I’m sorry you’re right I you know hello um and

He’s out of the three stars race I apologize all it takes is one thing my bad my bad he had that great run at for six years there in the 90s all right uh it’s the fast L on 101 ESPN we’re getting into the snug R conversation next

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Center I’m Manel Marsh it’s time for a sports center update driven by Johnny LOF Chevrolet and Johnny LOF autolex the blues will be back in Action tomorrow against the New York Rangers they lost last night to the Florida Panthers by a final score of 5 to one so once again

Blues Rangers tomorrow night pregame at 6 Park drop is at 7 we talked earlier today with Jeremy Rutherford of the athletic if you missed that interview make sure you go to1 or check out the free11 mobile app head to the podcast page and you can find it there

It’s all brought to you by dobs TI and autocenters we just got done talking about Nick Sabin Who won six titles at Alabama he is retiring sources told ESPN’s Chris low today once again Nick sabbin retiring from the head coaching gig at Alabama I’m Andrew Marsh and the

Sports center update is driven by Johnny l i New Roads and Shop 247 at and LOF are you kidding Me it’s a fast L out 101 ESPN before we get into the uh Jimmy snuggerud conversation wanted to read off one of the texts cuz uh we appreciate teach me how to snuggy you guys done no maybe not go ahead want to get to one of our listeners here Anthony’s angry no I’m

Not angry no I’m not angry one bit not one bit air confer stocks line 314 399 9646 Marsh you uh you read it off you you going to read off a text from the 314 yes so we got a text from the 314 like you just mentioned everyone on the

Show seems like a really nice guy but it would be so nice if we had somebody on here that was actually from St Louis Marsh where are you from uh I am from St Louis Carrie where you from I am from St Louis as well Jamie how long youve have

You lived in St Louis 31 years okay I’ve lived here since 2010 my wife 14 thank you yeah I was searching for the math on that one you got me my wife’s from St Louis my kids are from St Louis yeah not not not in this instance not this one no yeah wife

Is from St Louis kids are from St Louis I pay taxes in St Louis I don’t know what to tell you I don’t know what to tell you car’s Carrie’s from here Mar is from here % of the show is from here some of you guys were from here Jamie

Jamie has literally bled for your city you keep the Cardinals accountable I hold the Cardinals your job J there’s nothing that Jamie nor I can do that Jamie was born in Canada and I was born in Parts Unknown okay I just I don’t know what to

Tell you so but we do appreciate you and uh we’ll continue to try be nice guys people are saying on C now I’m angry you’re telling me mar mar doesn’t count I kind of like him now Marsh you sit down hold on no no Mar

I’ll run the board no no no Jamie first of all definitely not we don’t need you pushing buttons and Marsh we lose 50% of the St Louis thing here if if you leave so all right Jimmy snug all right I’m back so so BK and ferrario had the

Question they they they do their questions and answers and they did this yesterday and they got a question about uh Jimmy snuggerud want to play this and just reminded me of big daddy where he looks at the guy he doesn’t count he can’t even read it’s not his fault they can’t read

All right here’s B ferrario yesterday from the 636 Alex if Jimmy snugger was in the NHL right now where do you think he would fit into the blues lineup with Thomas and B navic I think if he was here it would snugger with Thomas and B kyou with Shen and neighbors I’m sure

You started off too where it’s a little bit slower like I’m probably too aggressive with that putting them up there I’m sure you do start it with a Shen or a haze and you just get him you know let his let let his feet get wet a

Little bit before you throw them out there in the best on best but by the time the the by the time you get to next year you got to be at the point where you look at it you say snug needs to be playing with Robert Thomas because you

Got to have that offense on the ice and it gives you the opportunity to move Jordan Cy down and try and get some advantages that way I mean it’s also possible that they move B navish down it’s possible they say kyou Thomas and snugger that’s scary I

Mean we’re going to talk about Thomas as a silky Trophy winner but you got you also have to give credit to his line mates too yes he’s a sky Trophy winner but B davich you talk about it all the time he’s one of the best maybe I want him on a line with

Kevin hazer I I would prefer not sir I think you’re wasting his talents by putting him down there right now I would say best on best is important I agree I don’t know that you’re gonna get the best out of Jordan Kyu if you put him on

One of those lines either Jamie yeah lots of dive lots of unpacked there what are your thoughts on some of the things that BK and Ferrar are saying and I think ultimately as you push the conversation forward where does Jimmy snug best fit yeah that’s kind of where

I want to focus the most is is where I feel like Jimmy snug fits in and and look Alex nbk I look Jimmy snuggerud has a bright future ahead of him he he absolutely ruled at the world junior Championship he went back to Minnesota and scored eight goals in or five goals

In two games he two goals and a hatrick the next game that’s college and that’s junior he hasn’t played at the American Hockey League level yet he hasn’t played at the NHL level yet um very few players step in and play right away and you know

Jimmy snugger was a first round pick but he wasn’t a top five pick it’s not like you picked up Conor Bard and you just drop him out there on the ice and he goes out and scores goals because he’s that good so I I would be patient with

The young man I don’t think I would drop him on Robert Thomas’s line right away but I I guess we have more of an issue with the way it went down there is they’re demoting guys immediately for a guy who hasn’t done anything Timmy snucker play alongside Robert Thompson

Will drop kyou or bvic let me just go over some things so Jordan kyou had 37 goals last year M 27 goals the year before he had 75 points and 73 points that was 21 22 75 points 22 23 73 points and you’re dropping him he’s proven in the NHL he’s proven

He can play because before that he had 14 goals 35 points 55 games he’s been here he’s started playing NHL games in 2018 2019 and it’s now 2024 do the math that’s five six this is this I believe his Fifth Season took him five years four years last year to be that

Guy so why do we think that Jimmy snuggerud out of college is just going to drop in and score 37 goals how hard is it to because you talked about it all the time when you’re playing on that first line you’re not just on that first line and going you’re you’re playing

Against first line players as well so how how much of a transition is the defensive side of it we you expect him to score goals but will he be lacking on the defensive and trying to stop some of those Top Line players for sure so let’s

Just go back again let me answer PR of your question first one I see Jimmy snug being able to contribute immediately on a power play somewhere he has an NHL shot he’s a goal scorer he’s a heck of a player but to drop him in on the first

Line whether you demote bvic or kyou in this situation like you’re getting the toughest match up in and night out so that time and that you have at the Juniors that time andace that you have at the collegate level like shrink that to like next to nothing

CD you and I were going over a goal that was scored last night and the timing and the space beautiful it was beautiful but it was like you had precise so precise to score a goal where if it was one inch in the wrong direction doesn’t happen

Right so that’s what I’m talking about when it takes time to figure out the NHL and to figure out how you’re going to score goals and if we want to look at you know playing a 200 foot game Robert Thomas right now we’ve talked about him being a selky trophy

Candidate got the numbers to support it Robert Thomas this is his sixth season as a blue and he started by playing right wi he played 70 games his first year he played right wing with maroon and bozak scored nine goals had 33 points in his first year fast forward so

One two three in his fourth year is fin where it clicked for Robert Thomas 77 points in 72 games his fourth year so again what makes us think that Jimmy snuggerud or dalbor dorski or any of these guys are just going to step in and score 70 points I wanted to know want

Them to if snugger is that’s our expect expectation every time if snuggerud is here who is no longer in that top nine is it is it easy as s to say in Veron because of yeah well veron’s going to be gone anyways uh that’s his contract is

Up at the end of this season and I don’t see the blues extending okay you also has C you also have casber Ka and whose contract comes to an end at the end of this season I like casber kaingin uh do I like him enough to impede the progress

Of a young Talent probably not um you know but you’ll figure it out I just don’t see in a perfect world I don’t see why you’d have to force Jimmy snug into the top line and I know that Doug Armstrong on record saying that oh he he envisions him playing with Robert Thomas

Yeah one day yeah one day but let’s get him let’s get him away from the crazy matchups right away let’s put him with a good sentiment maybe a Braden Shen so when Alex talks about Braden Shen one of those I don’t hate the idea you got brayon Shen who’s got a little toughness

Too because Jimmy snugger is gonna be tested he’s gonna be tested by these guys physically he going to be a grind for him he’s not the fastest skater so it’s not like he’s just going to be able to stay out of trouble all the time

Right so why not put him with a couple of guys were Dependable even a a neighbors a Shen and a snuggerud or a sad a Shen and a snuggerud who knows right I think sode for me preferably as a third liner so you have neighbor Shen snuggerud give

Him a shot there if it doesn’t work you you drop snug downplay with Hayes and sod two pretty Dependable guys get him the puck and and then he gets his power plate touches I just don’t I don’t like the idea when you’re not a struggling team so the blues you can call them

Struggling if you want I’m talking about bottom dwellers when you’re a bottom dweller you can just put the stars and just go ahead kids you’re 18 figure it out it doesn’t matter lose anyways we don’t care the the variable has completely changed there yeah we don’t

Care go get your points go figure it out when you play on a good team like it’s it’s slower for the player to reach that success which is sometimes frustrating but it’s better for the player overall to be a part of a team that has solid foundation good core good defense all

That stuff so that you learn how to play in the NHL the right way and I think that as much as people get aggravated with Jordan Kyu um Jordan Cairo has proven that he can score at least a point a game in the NHL which is very

Valuable to clubs so if you don’t want him on this club F what this is not a Jordan K like Pro kyou conversation it’s just a simple fact that he’s doing something that’s not easy to do and then you look at Robert Thomas we talked

About the amount of years it took him to get to where he is now and then if we go to pav B nich really quickly you know B it took him 1 two 3 4 five six almost six seasons to get to where he is now

With to where he was in 2122 where he had 76 points in 73 games I it takes a while to become uh a go-to guy in the NHL and I like the future of Jimmy snug I can’t wait for him to wear a blue note

And I can’t wait for him to be going bar down on the power play that one-time spot cuz boy we need need him could use him right now on that power play but let’s let him get into the NHL and figure things out before we put him up

In the top line I didn’t want to ask you who would be the next one after snug is it Dori bulldok and Dean not not quite there just yet and what do they what are they what are they looking like well they’re playing pretty well down there

Now baluk is was playing really well with Verana and for obvious reason Jacob Veron is a talented guy especially at the American Hockey League level he he’s got a little more Talent than those guys to but I I just think that dalbor dorski has a better NHL round like ready game

He’s a big dude um you know left-handed shot plays the middle of the ice like he’s a guy that you can put out there he’ll be in your top nine when he comes here now who you move out of the way to to put him in that spot I don’t know but

The to me the two readiest guys are snug and dvorski and then buluk still has a long not has some work to do to round out his game to where you know he can play at a regular at a regular shift and Zack Dean is more of a third fourth line

Type player so who knows where he fits in but he is you know he’s working hard to try and get his opportunity it’s fascina 101 ESPN if you’re just joining us we talked about the Nick Sabin situation he’s retiring from football he’s retiring from well he’s from

Alabama uh he’s done he done I would imagine he’s done yeah so Nick sain stepping away from uh his coaching career man what a what an incredible incredible run he had we got into some of the thoughts from earlier we’ll spend a couple more minutes talking about what else we’re

Hearing when it comes to Nick Zin and boy who steps into that role next I want to win ESPN that guy doesn’t count he can’t even read If you’ve got a vehicle that you are looking to spice up a little bit Pure Performance is the place to go they are your OneStop shop when it comes to Aftermarket accessories they have so many unbelievable options for you uh whether it is the big off-road tires

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So please stop by in person but if not get there online visit them at pure that’s pure p So it was breaking news about 20 minutes ago from Chris low of ESPN saying that Nick Sabin is retiring he won six national championships at Alabama and immediately instead of going over all the things that Nick Sav has done throughout his career we’re like who’s next at Alabama because we’re always

Yeah that’s what’s always looking through the life goes the front wheel windshield boys what you did yesterday if it still looks good to you today you haven’t done much today that’s true great Point nice job there even if you want a Super Bowl even if that guy done for me lately Pete

Thill tweeted out with no likely internal Replacements at Alabama here’s a quick projected Target list Dan Lanning at Oregon kayin dbor of course of Washington Dabo Sweeny of Clemson James Franklin of Penn State Mike norell at Florida State and Marcus Freeman at Notre Dame those are the those those

Would be the names all come with complications and big buyouts According to Pete themill as it’s difficult to move entrenched coaches that’s going to be the that’s going to be a difficul is part for Alabama but it’s not like they don’t have the money or the resources to

Get it done yeah they they’re going to you know they’re going to find who the best person is for the for the job and it I I I don’t know I I think you know I’ve spoken to Dan lenning now he didn’t mention Alabama but he I I se he seemed

Pretty confident and comfortable in his position at Oregon and so it it didn’t seem like much could sway him away from that place because of like I said all of the things that Oregon has to offer but I could be wrong I don’t know how much does the the college football landscape

Changing because of the playoffs expanding how much does that change too with a job like Alabama I mean if Nick Sabin retired a couple of years ago Alabama I think is in the look it’s still an attractive job okay don’t don’t don’t mince words here but with college

Football expanding you’re going to have more of a shot now you’re going to get the dance you’re going to get in the dance if you’re if you’re the eighth best team of the nation you have a shot hell if you’re the fifth best team now

In the nation you have a shot yeah so within expanded Fields I think Alabama while still a prestig you know a prestigious program I wonder if some of these guys say ah I’m just going to stay where I’m at such as a Dan Lanning I I mean

Because it’s I don’t want to say it’s easier to win it’s it’s still hard it’s easier to get the guys that you need though because the transfer portal is seemingly always open and there’s always great players it’s not like it was 10 15 years ago where you had to nail you had

To hit on the high school recruits and you had to make sure you develop those young men to be really good football players now you can go get a transfer guy from Vanderbilt who doesn’t like his scenario where he is and not winning there and you can bring him to Alabama

Because you played against him and he was really good and now he’s going to come to Alabama and when coming out of high school vanderbild may have been the only option that he had so there’s more options for better players because of the transer for PTO and I think that

Helps every single team in the country I just wonder are there some coaches that maybe it sounds crazy would you turn it down to stay where you’re at yeah that’s what I’m saying I wonder if if you’re or if you’re if you’re Dan landing at Oregon you’ve got resources you’ve got

You got this thing going in One Direction five years ago good living yeah certainly you you know that you can compete in the transfer portal like the my team is already currently a playoff team right yes my point is the college football landscape because of the transfer portal

And now because next year you’re going to expand the field the college football landscape has completely changed and and here’s something El the thing about which we haven’t brought up Oregon is moving to the Big 10 so it’s not like they’re out in the Pack 12 out in the

Wilderness anymore they are in the Big 10 they are going to compete against the michigans Ohio States Penn States they and Oregon is comingo don’t you leave those guys out the hell you talking about I I ini I we are coming some point absolutely yeah I believe I believe you

When you say that we we I don’t don’t worry about it at some point the transfer portal is helping everybody Anthony what are you talking about hell yeah we’re on our still seems to be missing team no no is it available to everybody yeah yeah wa we can we just

Can all teams access little slower than other programs don’t worry about us do they know it’s there maybe not they might not do the players know they can choose this Ion on my computer I haven’t clicked in three years they still figuring some things out there in Champagne don’t you worry

About us hey it’s all good it’s the fast L 101 so yeah Nick Sabin is retired uh breaking news like like I said 25 minutes ago or so Blues last night follow the Panthers can the blues truly be a playoff Contender with an abysmal power play absolutely not what so what

What do the Blues need to do to fix this power play J.R gave us that answer earlier we’ll provide maybe a little bit more detail next I want1 503 your time check is brought to you by claron jewers and officially licensed Rolex Jeweler with Carri Davis and Jamie rivers and Anthony Stalter the blues fall to the Panthers last night 5 to one one of the big issues not not just the only thing but one of the bigger issues

Is the the power play and that continues to be a problem Jr gave us outstanding notes earlier he said one of the biggest problems is uh they’re not scoring on the power play and when we asked him hey JR what do your notes say about how you

Get this thing going in the right direction he said and I quote I won’t paraphrase they need to score who who who would have thought I mean we clearly didn’t think that that far outside of the box I mean analytics would give that guy the job would go to

Show you that if they score more they usually win yes you can go by expected goals though right or not oh God you can do that absolutely yeah it’s expect it to go in it didn’t though those don’t matter expect a goal or you can just call it a good scoring chance just

Saying high quality scoring chance do always work so Jamie you had said something earlier today in the show car in response to Carrie Carrie you’re like I don’t see this team being you know a quality playoff Contender without a good power play and Jamie you said they won’t make the

Playoffs if say I don’t see this team being able to you know make a run they won even make the playoff run to be had no run to be had there’s no playoffs in the future if they don’t figure this out for those that haven’t heard Jamie your breakdown I forget who

It was was it was it uh who which coach told you about the the Special Teams where you are Scotty Bowman go ahead and tell people if they haven’t heard it before Scotty uh Scotty Bowman’s thoughts on the on the on the uh special teams and where you where you need to

Rank well he said that anytime you take your ranking in the league on the power play and your ranking in the league on the penalty kill and if you add those two together and they equal under the number 10 you have a chance to win a cup so like

32 plus whatever the penalty kill it doesn’t matter what the penalty kill is that uh ain’t going to get there 32 is not great so and when I was with the Red Wings I mean we had top five I think in both of those categories and

Team was a perennial Contender so so we were watching Jamie had me watching film with him earlier I was trying to figure some things out and he showed me the the Florida Panthers power play where they scored was a hockey film or it was hockey film okay good good yeah much

Different bre don’t let him fool you on the other film but just the the the movement yeah thank you I’m looking forward to that one too the movement that other teams have in comparison to the blues it’s just it seems to be one of the things that are that is lacking

In this power play and it it for me it’s probably it’s frustrating because again I don’t know nearly as much hocky as you do but when I see other teams capable of doing these things it begs the question well why don’t we yeah I there’s no doubt like watching some of the teams

The way they set up certain plays to happen and how they go about building the play to where they get to the finish line with an opportunity to score a goal it’s pretty impressive yeah like there’s definitely a a plan that’s in place and then there’s a certain level of

Execution that goes along with it and I’ve said this for a couple of years now I find the blues power play to be stagnant yeah to be um not very scary mhm and the reason it’s not scary is there’s no moving Parts like every now

And then they have a little bit of a rotation you watch the best power plays in the NHL watch some of these teams they they interchange watch the Edmonton Oilers watch the New York Rangers watch all these teams five guys are buzzing around the ice in different directions

What the defenseman’s down below the goal line at one point the forward are up at the Blue Line the guy who’s on the half wall is now in front of the net like it’s a lot to try and keep track of and when I watch when I watch the blues

I find it very stagnant like you know that Robert Thomas is going to be in this side of the ice Jordan Kyra is going to be on this side of the ice they’re going to kind of stay on that side of the ice the whole time the

Defenseman’s gonna stay at the top of the Blue Line the whole time yeah and you’ll have one guy down low near the net the whole time and the guy in the middle he’ll go to the front of that every now and then you don’t have to

Move like as a penalty kill you don’t you really don’t have to move you have a slight adjustment here a slight adjustment there you’re begging for that if you’re if you’re on the penalty kill yeah the the biggest nightmare for a player on the penalty kill is moving

Parts man moving parts and loose pucks it’s the biggest nightmare because the moving Parts can find the loose pucks quickly yeah and they out you so that’s why making sure you get pucks to the net with players that are there and then the motion so if I’m a forwarder you get

That gray area sometimes where the defenseman and the forward don’t know who’s covering the back door and that usually happens because there’s motion that comes through the middle of the diamond area somebody has to take that player now as soon as somebody takes that player some teams will send a guy

Back door so it’s like a double layer to where the one guy can bypass both players and hit the guy back door who has that guy well you got to figure that out when it’s happening in real time there’s a certain level of communication

That has to happen it it lets there be a spot for an error and that’s when you can capitalize and find a guy that’s open so is that a a coaching know it needs to be implemented by the imple implemented by the coach or is that just

Something naturally that you feel on the power play you know what I need to go here because there’s a void here and put pressure on the on the defense so it’s a little bit of both to be honest um some coaches will build it into their power

Plays to where they have a lot of movement and then other power plays just naturally have that Talent you watch the Edmonton Oilers nothing’s planned yeah there here’s the script they rip it up there’s no script we’ve got McDavid we’ve got dryy we’ve got nen Hopkins we’ve got who let’s not let’s not

Complicate this there’s no script yeah and when I was with the Red Wings there was no real script the only script was a breakout yeah once you once you get and the breakout was get the puck to datsuk M that’s it what’s your breakout uh it’s

That guy right there just give him the puck pav and he goes down the ice and sets up and you’re all and then guys just moving around yeah you get a feel for what’s kind of going on now you have some set plays that you certainly have

To have in place right and right now if I was the blues I wouldn’t be going rogue okay I wouldn’t be like hey guys by the way we’ll take those shock collars off just go run run around the yard play figure it out no they’re not

We’re not I wouldn’t be doing that I’d find a couple of really good structured plays that have movement guys in and out of areas interchanging to where the middle guy the bumper spot is set up for a one-timer but now he rotates quickly down low with the guy who’s in front of

The Net who’s still a left-handed shot so you still have the one-time available rotate those guys and then send the defenseman backside who’s a left-handed shot right now what happens is they’re focusing on these two guys doing the the The Interchange in the middle of the ice

They not necessarily picking up the guy who’s cross ice now he’ll be available Maybe for One timer give you an opportunity yeah and if they fade back and cover him you got the middle of the ice now and worst case scenario the puck on net right this is what I’m talking

About it’s just to me there’s got to be more movement and then pucks to the net and they’re just not getting enough of that right now Jamie Rivers Carri Davis Anthony stal if you have a prove me wrong statement we’re going to play prove me wrong next so send it into the

Air com service tax line at 314 399 9646 again prove me wrong next selling your home can be stressful to say the least uh especially right now the market has been all over the place interest rates all that craziness can make you feel a little bit uneasy about

The process well let me help you out call Gloria l with your homesold guaranteed realy uh Gloria l already has the buyers in her database and she got thousands of people that she can direct to your listing creates a lot more traffic uh hopefully multiple offers multiple offers usually lead to a higher

Amount of money and that’s good for you money in your pocket now Gloria because she has so many people in her database she offers some great options to the sellers the one I love the most is guaranteed sales who wouldn’t love guaranteed sales all that is is Gloria

Sits down with the seller and they agree upon the sales price and then Gloria sells the house for that price or she buys it herself and she puts all of this in handwriting so that you know that she’s serious that she means business so if you’re looking to

Sell your home and you’re looking to sell it fast give Gloria Lou a call tell her Jamie Rivers sent you her number is 314- 32568 88 that’s 314 32568 88 or you can visit Gloria hasthe conditions do apply Gloria and the seller must agree upon the price and possession date Prove me wrong kids prove me wrong time to play prove me wrong here in the fast 101 ESPN this is where you make a statement and uh one of us on the law firm of uh Davis rivers and Stalter will have to defend I get my name first

Wow Anthony changed that round nice why it’s just so unlike you thought it was Stalter rivers in Davis after you did what you did last week to Carrie well you actually should be last actually Carrie was threading to sue the law for him and uh I put his name first can’t

Get bothered by the hecklers man The Honorable you see that guy in Vegas that one courtroom he jumped over at the might happen it might you on task could use that guy at Illinois huh Lineo D that means we got a Chance all right the honorable Judge Marsh is present and he’s ready to go all right I’ll try and give you guys a softball with this one this first one from the 918 prove me wrong the blues would score a power play goal on CD Rivers Marsh and Stalter well there’s no chance they’re

Scoring on us let’s just be honest here a couple of things okay um Anthony Stalter although he can’t skate very well I know that he’s ready to sacrifice of himself in fact he probably requests to go without gear and just eat pucks right in the for right in the forehead

And you saw me Smash my face into the wall for sure and speaking of not giving a puck Carri Davis here this guy is a Super Bowl champion talking about penalty kill what Ray Lewis is not on that power play right now Carri Davis chewed up Ray

Lewis and spit him out that’s my version of it anyway so there’s no doubt that Carrie Davis has to compete in order to again eat pucks and then of course Anthony we know that he’s running the clear Camp here yeah and what do you do on the penalty kill CLE clear it down

The ice 200t clears we’ll be we’ll be prepared I’m also confident in my abilities to help these guys Along on that penalty kill I’m sorry Blues you’re going ofer gopher against us indeed well done I mean thank you what you mention I mean it was up for no

Debate there was no debate that you guys were getting the ding but once you said the clear came all but all but sealed your sealed the the decision well done yep all right from the 314 Chief’s Dynasty is over and momes will not win another Super Bowl especially in Kansas City proved me

Wrong well you know Patrick Mahomes is probably the greatest quarterback to ever play the game and so you know you have when you have one of the greatest quarterbacks to play the game how would you not make it to another Super Bowl how do you consider this not a dynasty

Is is did Andy Reid resign did Patrick Mahomes take a day off is is is Travis Kelce not present Isaiah Pacho is a star in the making he’s going to be spectacular G rice another star in the making this off have you seen the defense can I interest you into a Chris

Jones who got his million dollars worth when he got his final sack of the season this is a defense Steve Spagnola playing getting these guys to play at an elite level getting after the quarterback sne at corner he’s locking down whatever comes his way these guys are good

They’re okay they’re good to go yeah as long as Patrick Mahomes is on that team and they’re in the same division as the Raiders the Chargers the Broncos as car’s been saying all day long just win your division D and you have a chance nice job Carrie from the 314 prove me

Wrong if Chicago trades Justin fields we will be starting we he says we he must be a Chicago fan we will be will be starting from square one again if you don’t have a quarterback it does it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter if you don’t have the o line it doesn’t matter

If you don’t have the defense it doesn’t matter if you don’t have the solid coaching staff you’re not not starting over when it comes to losing Justin Fields you’d be finding the correct quarterback that you need to run the franchise it’s not just about hey you

Know you got to have everything else in place then the no you got to have the the quarterback yeah you have to have the right quarterback you can you could do this around the National Football League you do in college if you don’t have the guy you don’t have anything

What are we doing you don’t have pitching you don’t have anything if you don’t have a goal tender you don’t have anything yep if you don’t have a superstar in the NBA preferably to good luck trying to win anything you got to have an ace you got to have a guy got to

Have a guy yep case closed yeah yeah people have been you know giving you a lot of trouble today Anthony I feel like you need the Jean Stallings thing I’m not going to lose sleep over that I’m sorry I’m not putting Jean Stallings in the same in the same breath of as Bear

Bryant and Nick Sabin I’m sorry how could you shame that’s what led to only half of us being from St Louis exactly it was that comment it was that none of us actually Mary and then they realized two of us were from here well I I don’t

Count though one of us why would that be the thing that like put put every everybody over the uh person fixated on it okay don’t do this to yourself we’ve been over this before because he was he coached coached St Louis Cardinals and how don’t you know that

How’d he do great now you’re going that route oh what the hell what he does what he do what’s rule number one what’s rule number one the fast me wrong no what’s rule number one no one’s safe nobody’s safe thank you Carrie Jean stallin should be a little safe want a

National Championship now you want me to put him in the in the same category as Nick Sav and Bear Bryant did he win a championship he yeah I’m just saying ah Championship ah ah only one so easy to do Trent dord won a Super Bowl yeah he

Did he goes back to that one all the time Joe flacko won a Super not going to bring up Joe flacko anymore he won’t win another get a second one this year get out of here not happening all right I’m sorry that I hurt your feelings I am I’m sorry go

Marsh from the 2 it didn’t really work though you you kind of said it wrong he did that’s why I went back to you got your own way man oh man I think the best part of it was you guys all seem like nice guys how you

Like us now yeah yeah no kidding all right from the 217 prove me wrong the Steelers will upset the bills because Josh Allen won’t be able to handle the wind if I may yeah you should turn car’s mic off or we’re going to lose this case the Steelers are starting Mason

Rudolph who has been fine over the last couple of weeks against you know the backups of Baltimore and a Seattle team that is probably on their same level and they had TJ watts in both of those games the Steelers don’t really have much of a running game having two backs that are

Capable is their offensive line isn’t great George Pickins who knows if he’s going to block for you Deontay Johnson I think he’ll celebrate when the team is down 42 points then he’ll get in the end zone then he’ll celebrate the defense is spartic town but without TJ watt you’ve

Got nothing you’re going to Buffalo they’re fortunate to make the make the playoffs but it’s going to be a a blank stomping on Sunday mhm yeah I just don’t believe you don’t believe that the Buffalo Bills are going to are going to roll I mean the Steelers have been playing good ball

Lately they’re accustomed to that weather what has Josh Allen done in the in the playoffs playoffs Conference Championship one year talking about playoffs they went to the division there were 13 seconds 13 seconds they did go to they did go to the conference final or the AFC Championship was that the AFC

Before yeah was it was a CO year did they no I don’t I want an olog like formal on the I’ll I’ll give you one yeah you will I’ll give you I’ll give you it okay fine that off the end but I don’t think they went to they

Never went to a championship they played the Chiefs they lost 38 to 24 why am I not remembering the Chiefs and bills oh no yeah I’m looking at the box score right sorry Jamie what year was that I’m not going to do it I am sorry I

It had to be the year the Year Tampa beat Buffalo beat Kansas City in the Super Bowl yeah I don’t remember that game 38 now the pool thing’s starting to come into play hit my head on the desk blocking shots with your face wow y I didn’t

Jamie I’m sorry man all right that was my fault I was wrong on that I forgot the greatness of Jean Stallings and I forgot that AFC title game I apologize dared I’ll do better tomorrow but Marsh I mean what the the I’m I apologize to you too apology that you couldn’t get that

Last ruling right thinking the Steelers are going to are going to go into Buffalo and beat them I’m sorry is this your court should be after after after what I’m seeing today it should be wow I know we got these computers here so don’t jump over them don’t kill the

Maybe we’re in the face netting tomorrow the spit full helmet oven M oven what can we talk hang on we got a second let’s talk about that guy for a second okay it’s nothing to do he had he just had enough hang on it’s nothing to

Do with sports however I feel like he may have been an athlete at had to have been at some point he cleared that whole He cleared the whole Jud like looked and she kind of was like oh my God he’s coming there’s no way he’s going to make

This he jumped and his bottom half didn’t even hit the top of he was like full arms wrapped like he was it’s like he was jumping over the line of scrimage it was pretty but what was his thought process at that point so he was up for probation he wasn’t getting out

Of jail but no he was up for probation so it was a prob hear it no kidding she denied him well before that that’s what set him off and then they I heard all of the charges today I’m like oh brother you car although this is not really a

Legal setting for us we’re not really lawyers I do know this much if they’re talking talking about probation are okay you go fly and tackle Ted BR style you jump over that line of scrimmage like Teddy brusi at the judge probation is no longer in the

Conversation then the next day he has to show up at court with the face mask spit guard oven mitts soft boots on like probation is he said yes your honor oh man I don’t even know if he could speak all right do you have one more or no we

Can move on no I got another one there we go yeah it’s a Cardinals one should be a good one from the 314 prove me wrong the dtz card should spend 200 million and invest more in the international market listen car’s all over we’ we’ve said this on why do we

Need we win the division we are here to win the division the Cubs can spin what they want the Pirates can spend what they want the the Brewers can do what they don’t even do they have a coach yet I don’t know it doesn’t matter the Cardinals are going to win the division

Because they don’t have to spend $200 million the purpose of the dewitz running this organization yeah we’re going to win championships at some point but we’re here to make money and we’re going to make a lot of it in the process okay now you may not agree with that but

That’s the rule that we live by and that’s how we’re going to go about our business spending $200 million is not profitable for us and our family and what we’re trying to do we win the division I got three pctures for you all and you all are still complaining so

Here we are three pitchers three starting pitchers as he said he would do so what are we talking about win the division win the World Series just get in just get in you never know t-shirts t-shirts coming just get in just get in dot dot dot on the back

Teach me how to Snug you dot dot dot you never know yeah the shirts these days it’s going to look like one of the fans from the Cleveland Browns with all the different quarterbacks that they have on the back um man Carrie I get what you’re

Saying I really do but you didn’t you didn’t mention anything about the international market and the Cardinal you don’t need it yes they [Laughter] do they do okay all right uh we didn’t Fair too well today a darn it we started off great Jamie got us flying high here

But um we ended with a with a dud how much does sticking with a coach impact culture in sports we get into that next on one wi ESPN fellas listen up as we get older things change all the time and uh sometimes it’s just a matter of fact where you get

A little more tired uh you’re not getting the results you want at the gym maybe at home you don’t have the energy at work you’re always tired maybe you’re lacking that performance in the bedroom which that’s not great guys get over to mantality they can hook you up they have

So many great people over there they’re going to sit you down going to ask you you know kind of what’s going on what you’d like to achieve and then Anthony they do the blood work and then that’s where the magic happens well Jamie uh let’s let’s give a little background

Here so you were you were doing 157 jobs a while back and believe it or not you were run down you run down you’re irritable uh we all felt it here in the studio like boy this guy is just he’s not in a good good place my bad and then

All of a sudden things started to turn around first slow and then it picked up quickly you’re still doing 147 jobs and now you got more energy than anybody you’re ready to go living you’re living your life to your fullest you feel great you brought me down to mentality you sit

Down you tell them hey look look I don’t feel my best I want I want to get back there I don’t really know how I’ve been struggling here I I’m tired of struggling I want to do something about it is it something physical going on

They’ll take a look and if it is just like it was for you and I they’ve got a program that’s going to help you out but you got to go down there first because if you don’t that nobody can help you and they’re just going to be struggling

What’s the point and it’s a program that’s unique to you it’s not just a one stop for everybody else no you get your own program and you feel amazing about it afterwards so please get over to either location they got one in South County one in Chester Field when you get

In there tell them that Anthony and Jamie sent you in they’re going to take great care of you I promise that and if you can’t get there in person at least check out what we’re talking about online visit mantality at low that’s low don’t pull over you’re in the fast lane

Broadcasting live from the car shield studio on 101 ESPN [Applause] It’s a fast 101 ESPN so Eric spolo was given a large contract extension by the Miami Heat uh earlier today I believe it was it was an eight-year contract the we talk a lot about culture and we talk a lot about sustainability in sports you guys have played for different coaches throughout your

Courses of your your careers whether it’s in college or Juniors and you know obviously in the the professional sports you guys played is it just media speak when we talk about talk about culture or when you’re actually in a place do you feel it like when when you were in Detroit

Yeah I can’t imagine you would when you walked in there the first time and didn’t feel what a winning culture was like no you know it right away you know it right away by you know the people they have in place in leadership group and then they you know it right away by

The way the players conduct business like I knew right away like being a Detroit Redwing was different it was different like you had a certain standard that you had to adhere to and there’s a certain level of class a certain level of dedication to the community there’s a certain level of

Like doing events and like you’re there man and I don’t know CD I I know that Pittsburgh I I don’t know if you find a better team in the NFL when you talk about culture from Chuck nll what he had way back when and fast forward all the

Way through now to Mike Tomlin Bill Cower too don’t leave out any don’t leave out any coaches not today Jamie not today Bill Cower for sure obviously can’t forget him but I don’t there just something you feel when you walk in there and then as you’re there game

After game after day after day after practice practice you realized that there is a standard here and you realize that like you have a responsibility to the franchise as part of the the small little slice of the pie you have a big responsibility I I think that you hit

The nail on the head and and one thing about Pittsburgh that makes it such a great organization and and a culture is hey when Dan Rooney before he passed on he was like the best owner in the world he open door policy truly meant open door policy he had a office at the

Facility if you’re walking by hey come on in what you doing what’s going on how you doing how how are things going with you at football how’s life like what do you got what’s going on in life are you okay and that filters down throughout the entire organization when you have

When you’re walking uh you know coming in from into the facility and and Mean Joe Green is there or Franco Harris Rocky BL like all of these male blunt was there all the time like when you see former players and the historic players Hall of Fame players that are still

Around the facility that are around the organization it just gives you an understanding of what that culture is these guys pav the way there ain’t no way in hell I’m going to not take care of my business and Mean Joe Green is standing right there or not do it in a

Steer way because that’s the expectation and it it transfers from coach to coach but it starts at the top every organization that is a great organization or a terrible organization it start it all starts at the top and filters its way down and so in Pittsburgh it was just that way every

Single person well not every 40 people of the 53 men on the roster 40 45 people when I got there my first day hey how you doing I’m Ben rothberger nice to meet you I’m Hines Ward nice to meet you hey I’m Troy palalo nice to meet you I’m

Like the hell is this I went to other teams and didn’t talk to guys for three weeks yeah and so it’s just a difference in how they go about their business which makes those organizations really good yeah and I I’ll say this so here in

St Louis has the rich history too of a franchise and the culture here for the most part has been very very good I think that the the franchise lost its way a little bit through some ownership stuff that happened in the early 2000s but I will say that Tom Stillman

And the current ownership group have done a great job of reeling it back in and the too so I I got to give credit to guys like Alex petrangelo David bakus Alex steam that was the next wave following I don’t want to say tumultuous following some down years where the

Franchise wasn’t very successful on the ice you still had some quality guys you had big Walt you had douge weight get some like Dallas Drake guys that were really good guys and they kind of paved the way for this next group and I think the next group really brought the

Culture here to a different level the back is petrangelo steam that era of player respected you know the guys who were there before and that’s the one thing like when they won the Stanley Cup like you know this Anthony they included the alumni guys on everything yeah we

Were were in the parade we were down by you at the parties at the cup ceremonies all the stuff that was going on and you know of course a lot of that was a lot of respect for the one of the original guys Bobby pler talk about a culture

Bobby pler was a culture was the culture of the St Louis Blues so you know although the blues haven’t had this sucess ESS with championships like the Red Wings have or like the Steelers have I can tell you this from playing in places that were really not good to play

In that the culture here in St Louis is good and I do think too the fan base has something to do with this CD yeah you know like here in St Louis great fans passionate baseball or hockey they got you man they got your back in Detroit I

Felt the same way as a red wi and other places you know like n and I’m sure in Pittsburgh like you’re walking around the streets of Pittsburgh they know you’re a Pittsburgh Steeler they’re like they got you he no question I got pulled over one time the officer just said I

Hey have a great day Mr Davis just wanted to see who was in the car like that happened to me last year I was driving home after one of the late games and I was tired as you know what and I had that thing pinned about I 90 plus

And all a sudden I see these flashers in my raving Mir I’m like ah son of I’m busted yeah they’re walking up and I’m like holding my license out the window like he here you go and the guy pulls up he goes holy blank Rivers slow

Down and I was like he’s like seriously he’s like I know you had a long day but come on man I was like you got it Sarah thank you 35 the rest of the way yeah this reminded me I was coming down 271 time and I was speeding and uh got pulled

Over and cop comes out and goes all right give me your license and registration went back and then he came came back he goes here’s your ticket so slow down here’s your ticket that take you a second I was like oh he got he got let off dud no he

Didn’t oh my gosh license R I’ll be right back came back there’s your ticket all right it’s fast want1 have a good day yeah slow down bet the board boy I got some work to do criticisms and compliments next I want1 ESPN Happy New Year from Johnny lond Chevrolet Johnny lond Chevrolet are kicking off the new year with a big roll out Sales Event check out some of these savings you can get up to $4,500 off select 2024 Chevy equinoxes how about 6,000 off select 2024 Chevy Blazers and this is the big one

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Too get out to one of their two locations the original one in floresent Missouri the second one in St Peters both locations have great brand new inventory as well as pre-owned inventory lock in tell them Jamie River sent you if you can’t get there in person get

There online visit them at or LOF are you kidding me John Chevrolet 101 ESPN Sports Center I’m Andrew Marsh it’s time for a sports center update brought to you by salga Heating and Cooling the blues lost last night by a final score of 5 to1 to the Florida Panthers they’ll be back in Action tomorrow taking on the New York

Rangers pregame starts at 6:00 Puck trop is at 7 and you can catch all the action right here on 101 ESPN if you missed anything from today’s show make sure you go to 101 or check out the free 101 mobile app go to the podcast page and

You’ll find all of our interviews in full shows one of those interviews will be Jeremy ru FD who we talked to earlier today so go to the website or use the free 101 mobile app I’m Andrew Marsh and this Sport Center update is brought to you by SGA Heating and Cooling the independent

American standard heating air conditioning dealer it’s a fast L 101 ESPN if you missed anything from today’s show you can always download the podcast at 101 you’re on your 101 ESPN Mobile app all brought to you by dob Ty and autocenters talked about the blues losing last night to the Panthers of

Course broke down the power play talked about Nick Sabin the breaking news today that he is retiring so no more Nick Sabin at Alabama so we uh we went over some of the possibilities for Alabama now moving forward did little NFL little Cardinals although Carrie kept talking about just winning the division

And car just carrying the water for the Cardinals again so there only much only so much we could do so on the Cardinal from yeah all right time to bet the board bet the Board four picks for your friends it’s time to bet the board with the fast lane Well Carrie and Jamie are up to Great starts they’re two and0 Jamie had the Canucks last night who blew out the Islanders and Carrie trolling all missou fans took Kentucky last night and leading 11 and a

Half and they won and covered Marsh suffered a let down last night man tough one you had Houston outright and they lost in a basically a buzzer beater I know they had a shot at the end yeah against Iowa State so he’s one in one and uh I’m over for over for

Deuce I decided to do the double dip where if I took the Islanders and I won Jamie would lose and I’d be one in one that you took the Islanders yeah he did now I don’t feel bad at all you donkey well the Canucks were playing back to

Back the Islanders have been off since Saturday figured they were well rested to get their ass kicked and they did all right Jamie go ahead you did that that was horrible it’s a strategy that backfired yeah I don’t know what to tell you glad it did I

Moved on that lesson now you can move on don’t tell me what to do first of all whatever the hell I want go for it Jamie I actually care you go first no I’m gonna go now you go ahead thank you Carrie we let him do that all right

Tonight we have a matchup in the NHL uh it’s going to be a heck of a game got the golden knights visiting the Colorado Avalanche I got the golden knights this one the Avalanche been struggling defensively a little bit I don’t think the Avalanche match up well against the

Golden knights I think uh golden knights have this they’re plus 114 in this one so Vegas golden kns please got the underdog Carrie all right so I was kind of going back and forth here I was thinking about going Warriors Pelicans over under I don’t really like it makes

Me nervous so I’m going to go Tennessee VA balls taking on number five Tennessee balls taking on Mississippi State at Mississippi State they are laning two and a half I’m going to take the Tennessee Volunteers all right Marsh yeah I’m looking at the NHL tonight um actually this game starts here in about

20 minutes Montreal Canadians Philadelphia Flyers Samuel ersen getting the start for the Flyers I have him with over 242 saves minus 102 same game I’m going to take the Canadians over 2 and 1 half goals at minus 126 the Canadians have gone over their team total in eight of their last

10 games so give me the Canadians to score at least three goals tonight in that same mat match up that Marsh mentioned so there you have it there’s our place for tonight all right Marsh what do you got for criticisms and compliments yeah uh from the 618 they

Think that you have fantastic Rhythm oh I’m sorry no they don’t that is uh let’s just get past that for the 314 bet the board is great what was that we are doing criticisms too so I’m I’m looking at I just quickly looked at the 618 and sometimes people will like leave their

Name and this one is rhythm maker Rhythm maker I thought it just I looked at it quickly I thought I said Anthony has good Rhythm I don’t don’t know we knew that would have been a criticism uh from the 636 my criticism is for the Riz show for all being a

Bunch of whiny babies every time they lose a different b word but I used babies well said absolutely I didn’t listen I didn’t hear today I don’t know I don’t know if they reacted to what we on every day who knows actually they they come to work pretty consistently yeah yeah well RZ

Makes them they’re hardworking peeps yeah they are the uh the 314 says the the bet the board intro is awful okay we’ll have to fix it then sorry Mike R you’re fired from the B board can’t handle the station clarify YES station with crumble without him yeah no we’re not doing

That also we’re sorry feel that way yeah all right so the uh Ry Rhythm maker uh from the snake pit Anthony the ticket story was hilarious and true it was perfect it’s 100% true it out perfect thank you my favorite part was Jamie took took a second the hamster was slightly tired

And started to nod off and then you guys left woke him up and he figured out what it was and everything came together maybe it was a full beat there but he got it yeah I got all right you guys ready for today’s three stars of the day yes let’s

Go let’s get to it our third star of the day Carrie Davis just get in baby just get in just get in anything can happen it’s true all right our second star of the day with a great Gauntlet performance Jamie Rivers yeah Jamie got all the questions right in the old

Gauntlet unfortunately it came at the expense of uh the snake pitso Droid yeah we still love you Anthony this lined up good for you yeah buddy it was a great joke you did and our number one star of the day Wednesday January 10th in the fast lane Jean stalling National Championship je St

Can’t forget about hard to forget about you talk about Bear Bryant and Nick forget though make sure you bring up Jean stalling national champion in the 9s absolutely yes those are your three stars of the day in the fast you had it man so close I forgot

St well actually anon’s rant got third star of the day yesterday yeah so not me specifically just theant what was your rant I did a rant a rant on the Cardinal spending and how some fans have hurt feelings over it they take it personal yeah hey man I told you my theory and

The Cardinal’s Theory all day tell me talk about the Cardinals did you brought up their Theory what the division that was kind of his theme for the day it was every sport the division where the division you’re right cuz we talked about something else footb the football

The coaching he was to coaching Carolina instead of all those other good franchise all you have to do is win the division it’s a bad division it’s a terrible division just get in you don’t have the T-shirt yet no but we’re working on the L working on it we

Got to get it together you Superman just get in right get in and then on the back of the neck you never know we got a last second criticism not for any of us but uh but for uh John moso the 314 says my criticism is with Mo can

He not sound like Ben Stein oh yeah and put out some emotion in his press conferences that’s not him that’s him Jamie and I at one point did a ver our version of J moock complete with tattoos I mean full back tattoos Pi nipple piercings then there was another version

Telling Cardinal fans to blank off how do you how do you like me now go blank yourself there’s been a few different versions of of Mo we had him you know having some fun with adult beverages mhm yeah so absolutely yeah all right we’ve got the instant replay show coming up

Next we’ll be back tomorrow from 2: to 6:00 don’t forget tomorrow we have the blues and Rangers pregame starting at 6:00 right here on 101 ESPN So Jamie be with us from 2: to 4: tomorrow yes sir for Jamie Rivers Carri Davis Andrew marsham Anthony Stalter appreciate everybody listening tonight see you

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