Spurk Golf Mat Review

Could the perfect, portable golf mat REALLY exist?
Could one be used for more than just winter golf?

Watch my review on the Spurk Golf Mat and hear the story behind it; see if it’s robust and sturdy enough; user friendly; and more importantly coming in at £27.50 for the mat or £35 for the mat with the carry bag, do I think it’s value for money?

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What if I was to say there’s a golf M on the market that’s to be primarily used for winter golf can be used for Summer Golf for Block practice is robust and also comes with two different types of lie a tight lie and a more forgiving fluffy Al lie for

Golfers who aren’t as confident would you believe me shall we find out let’s crack on I’ve been sent a product by two guys uh Kev Shelton Andy seers who’ve created a golf mat that I think is revolutionary sounds a bit weird that it’s a golf map that’s revolutionary but

I really do think it is so in 2017 they both got a bit Fed Up about pay play winter golf the frustrations have played off mats and all that kind of jazz the fun was going out of it for him so they created a brand called spurk

Golf that have started to boom and started to get bigger and bigger with each year and they very kindly sent me two of the products to test I’m all for this so let’s put it through the paces what I like is the fact that spurk gives

You two options short power mat all it comes with the Sparks and also a long pile M with the Sparks as well now this the long pile one will be probably for somebody who’s a little bit less confident Hitting off tight lies it has that little bit of give which I’ll show

Shortly and yeah it just gives a little bit more confidence personally I prefer this I like the short pile mat I do like the tight lies I like just nipping it off the top that’s just a personal choice each of their own it comes with

The hole at the back vers you can see so if you wanted to you can actually put a teg through in and still play with a t it even comes with its own spurt golf tap so whichever the spurt products you decide to get you also get in the Box an instruction uh

Leaflet which tells you exactly what you need to do how you set it all up you also get a bungei toggle now the bung toggle even comes with instructions on what to do and how to put it on so a quick demonstration now not that you really need

This but quite simply Loop it onto the golf bag with the Sparks facing down slot it in and there you have it absolutely perfect that works or if you don’t want to do that for an extra cost which I think is pretty good you can have this so that’s the

Spurk golf bag really handy little carry case comes with it own little carabina to connect onto the uh onto the golf bike good velcro and then and out you come there you’ve got it there’s your mat keeps you all protected you’ve also got little protective sliding when the

The the actual SP mat’s going in there so he doesn’t get your golf bag dirty in any shape way or form I think that is a good little option A Very tidy little option in fact so they claim is the closest thing to playing off grass well let’s have a look

Let’s have a see so as instruction tells you put the M down click into to place golf ball in the front third and let’s strike one away well that stayed in place that was hitting a nine ion so let’s go and try on the course and see what it’s like with other

Various clubs let’s see actually good how good it really is under pressure so okay let’s go and test on the course so put the the the m on the ground stomped in as we meant to do te pegs so it has the options you can use any TEEG you want Castle

Te’s dead simple sits in perfect or if you’re not a fan of Castle te’s you can use your standard te’s and that does good you can feel the bite in the actual Turf as well so that’s really really good so you can still have that tea height wise

Absolutely fine no issues at all so let’s give this one a Smackdown there and then let’s see what it’s like going on the rest of the course with different clubs Fury Woods irons wedges and let’s see we go on what we like R in the greens perfect

Ideal so with other mats on the market and this is just one that I’ve been using in the past yes you know any m is good to protect your your golf course but I find a bit of a faf so you’ve got the carabina right you’ve got options just

Use string or whatever got a carabina that’s at the edge of it that just gets in my way for um swing path it’s you could put a te in place that’s fair enough but it’s the F getting a tea out all the time putting that in but then when you put the golf

Ball down for me it feels like you know if I if I’m going to touch that mat Ball’s going to move you see wobbling there it doesn’t feel it feels like it could topple I’m just not overly Keen as I said with the swing path carabina is in the way again

It’s all options I could take that off each time but it just it’s something that plays on my mind I don’t necessarily want to hover the club to to swing down I don’t know where with the spurt mat I don’t have that issue however if you ask somebody who’s

Wanting to have that bit more of a teed up height like this actually provides and that’s when the other mat can come in handy so in using the longer pile putting that in place if he does you want to feel that bit of confidence with it being

Teed up that little bit more or just feeling it’s just just holding above above a little bit it can still L confidence and see I’ve put the club on the behind the ball there there’s no risk of that moving it’s secure it’s all in place and the strike off it is great you

Know you can afford to it it a little bit chunky and you’ll probably still get through it a little bit I do like that concept I think that’s a really good option for people a really really good option so got about 220 yards now to roughly

About the front of the green on our fist going to place the M down use it as an alignment Aid do as it says to do stand on it and push it forward that’s it now all locked in place golf ball puts into the front and then this should be nice and secure

Aware fingers crossed and let’s here we go now that wasn’t a particularly good hit I’ve caught that fat that mat’s not budged an inch it’s not budged at all now other mats that would have been somewhere a long way down the fway and I’ve been running after

It that’s really good for Miss hits I’m liking that I don’t have to Pratt about with anything I do like that so after a poor fat chunky shop I’ve now got 78 yards to the pin so I’ll put my spurt mat down as it says foot on

Stamp it into place all good golf ball is then placed 2/3 on the mat happy days and now we just need to hit it somewhere near that flag I’ll take that all day long and again mat is in place and that’s it in the wedge no complaints with that one so

Short game wise for me this product is even better it’s a green keeper dream you don’t have to worry about you know you’re not going to punch any divit up you don’t have to go and take it into the and play it out of the roof if you

Byy the side the green so again m in put it in place put the ball down then hopefully a very TIY release one and that even has some nip on it so it’s really good the tight compact one is Fant fantastic so I use a short game method

Called the three releases by a gentleman called Dan GES at wour golf club and this map is now going to be quite interest to see how it’s going to be to play off a tight lie going over a bunker do we call a release two

Method and let’s see how it is just a nipping it off the the top of the surface well it’s not overly bounced it’s in place let’s go on the short game Factor anyway back in the warmth of sale golf club thank God for that summary what do I think of these

Products very impressed uh very very impressed indeed I think it it takes a lot of boxes it’s robust it will stay in place when you’re hitting the shots that’s that’s a key one the biggest key of the lot is protecting the golf course as always as any winter map would do but

If you look at it in terms of what you can do during the summer if you want to do BL block practice that then it’s not a bad option to use block practice on the fields or whatever you’re not taking divots up it saves you having to try and

Find a box to put the the seeds back in you know the turfing of it all I think the green keep keepers are Lov you for that one I really really do it’s got the option where as I said for the tight light it’s good for the golfer who likes

To play off that for the golfer that’s to play off something that’s got a little bit more give and there’s a little bit more bounce to it then again really good option also as well which I don’t think many people have thought about if you have the the luxury of having a nice

Back Garden that you can put a net up you don’t have to put a mat in situe like some people do one of these slot it into the into the grass away you go you’re not taking divots up in your back Garden so if you’re doing simulator

Practice or whatever at home in your back Garden or just into the net again really good piece of Kit all year round use that’s the key thing if you look at it as well certainly over here in the UK four sometimes up to five months in a

Year or throughout the year we’re having to use mats off fareways that’s a big chunk of a year let’s be honest with you so for the price that you’re out laying for it which is always a stumbling point for people is what is the cost there are cheaper options available there’s the

Ones I’ve show you know shown you earlier but for the price that you’re getting it for and what you get with it in terms of with the bunge cord and stuff if you pay a little bit extra to get the bag which I think personally is

The best option I think that would be good if it came as it was but that’s just my personal thing then I think it’s a good product without a doubt it’s value for money the amount of times you’re going to be using that mat in a 12- month

Period it seems common sense to use something that you feel comfortable with especially if you’re on a golf course that’s measured and they still able to do handicap qualifiers on that would be a really good piece of Kit to get so that’s the end of the review guys uh

I’ve tried to keep it as short and sweet as I could do if you do like it please give it a thumbs up all the details for this product will be in the description please take a look at it at the links and stuff and if your golf pro actually

Sells these then please by all means and please support your golf pro get them from the golf row as well all the best guys hope you enjoy yourself and happy Winter golf take care


  1. I do love a toggle demonstration 😂 actually Rob this is a great little piece of kit. I have always worried about having to play when you have to use a golf mat as I get obsessed about hit the edge of the mat and hitting the mat into the air. Love the grip system on this and the advantage of changing the turf conditions for different practice.

  2. Interesting. I now live far south enough in the USA where I can play all year and on-course mats are not required. I can see why course owners/operators would insist on them being used.

  3. Best about I’ve been using mine for over 2 years now and living in Belfast we need it most of the year never mind winter lol

  4. Neat concept , but it wouldn't work on our Kansas burnt out dry summer courses as the plastic spikes wouldn't penetrate our hardpan ground, ( you need to learn what its like to play golf in 43C heat with a blast furnace for a wind ) You just have to learn how to Pick your golf balls clean around here . Same with winter with the ground darn near frozen……LOL

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