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If you rock with Mitchell Renz from the Las Vegas Raiders Report,Samoan Raider,The Las Vegas Raiders Network (Sanjit T), Raider Films Etc I think you will definitely love what we do over here at The OakLosVegas Raiders Network (OLV)

Nation you already know what time it is baby let’s get It [Applause] that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about I know Jerome is coming up and he going to blow the house out but I had to get that [Applause] in yo yo salute to everybody here in the building whether you are watching on wasted talent show

Or OLV it does not matter do me a favor you guys make sure you wipe them feet pay them bar tabs you already know where hit that subscribe button on all channels also our brother stools you already know what time it is man welcome to the latest installment of the graph

And wasted show all the wasted and graph show like wait go go on wasted let them know yeah yeah yo yo wait a minute and St is in the place we’re gonna warm it up today listen you got the notes he’s got the pen he’s cooking baby the the Nature Boy Ric Flair

Shirt we got Jesus Christ with the Birkenstock sandals in the building you already know what time is I’m convinced that no Burks hey ain’t no Burks Homie we got Nik Nike desert storms listen that is Simon mud stop himself St has been lying to us Stu is actually the white guy who

Whipped Sticky Fingers ass on MTV back in the day I remember in the Bo in mud stomp that’s what his name he beat stick he beat the breaks off of sticky finger I could listen tox no AKA Boogie Nights AKA Jesus Christ himself AKA Desert Storm what’s good with you big bro hey

Man I I I’m so happy to have you guys on because I I have been wanting to talk a little bit for the last couple days so thank you very much for giving me a platform to be able to talk about some stuff still this your platform like it’s

Mine bro you know that man salute to everybody here in the building thank you so much for being here man we’re going to talk about a lot there’s a lot going on we lost an offense of lineman coach we gonna talk about that we’re going to

Talk about the John Gruden case for so I need I just want to let everyone know I need to be caught up by yeah we’re gonna do that on the you know how we do to see this what I hate man St I was gonna make you look

Smart without you saying that [ __ ] I am smart though I got hey hey wasted what the [ __ ] was that bro I’m say you me up like bro come I was going to throw some [ __ ] you be like oh I got it come on we’ve been doing still how long we’ve

Been doing these lives for three years long at least at least yeah come on man you know how we do salute to everybody in the building man thank you so much for always pulling up on us man you already know bro like we love doing these shows our brother Stewart’s on

Here man so we’re gonna have a ball tonight let’s get to it man a lot going on I want to start with waer real quick though because we just lost our offensive lineman coach a lot of people were kill K brell including myself right because we’re like ah man we can’t get

The Run game going you know right guard van rotten the center position so on and so forth a lot of people don’t understand that we had a top 10 offensive line this year yeah statistically statistically right we don’t do the PFF [ __ ] we don’t do any of

That we go off the eye test but I W to ask I wna ask you first and foremost how do you feel about us losing kmer Brillo to the New York Giants I I feel it’s a really big lost for us because he he what’s my famous saying look he took

Chicken [ __ ] made it into chicken salad yeah he and and no matter you know who went down he was always able to kind of plug that hole per se you know there have been times in history I love it St thank you thank you goe but listen man

Look if we’re talking about holes right we’re talking about hes FES having too but at the end of day we’re talking about a man right now so pause go ahead w i me geez but no in all seriousness there have been times where we’ve lost one lineman and our whole season Karen’s

Out of control yes yes with car basillo that didn’t happen I think that that that that was the best hiring at the New York Giants could have made the New York Giants really have a talented offensive line they have a lot of high draft picks Andrew Thomas and all those guys and

Cross and those guys he’s going to be able to go there and really get those guys in line WI wik W oh so I thank God for steu saying that I don’t know if you’ve seen what happened steu but he left apparently cussed out the ball dipped out resigned

And now he’s off to a green a pastor so if we do lose Patrick uh Graham wink may be coming home brother yes sir I mean I heard wink went in there like wink said he said [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you’re cool [ __ ] you

On out and mind you was a lot of I’ve been there before hey and still there was a lot of rumors about him and the ball on the sideline screaming at each other all season long he wasn’t feeling it there you go you know mean I think I

Think people people people have this this this this problem when it comes to like watching and judging the game where they’ll say like wink sucks they’ll say uh they they’ll say some White Russians though hold on I I need some White Russians right now right big Labowski [Laughter]

What these guys don’t know you don’t know football if you’re saying that wink that that wink wink has had a long career of long long probably longer than some of you guys in his chat have been alive man it’s some of the top defenses

In the NFL when he was doing his job and also super he won a Super Bowl Baltimore Ravens as a defensive coordinator there you have it and and in circling back to a guy like K basillo man that’s a huge loss for the Raiders man I don’t I don’t know who the guy

That’s going to come in to fill that that particular you know because this line was kind of built in His image yeah now we have the land of Misfit Toys without him it’s it’s gonna be rough man well I mean we already know regardless we’re gonna we’re gonna move some things

Around with the o line we’re gonna draft a few guys if Harbaugh comes in he’s gonna have his situation already intact if it’s AP we’ll figure out the next move but we already know Greg van r is not going to be there Colt Miller be healthy next year we’ll have our left

Tackle right whether it’s par him at Center or at guard he’s still there he’s he’s an anchor on this o line we have Mumford alumor as a free agent he wants to come back and for those who don’t know you know we we know how we talk to

Him on Twitter and [ __ ] like that like like l wants to be a Raider he he already said that he L what was going on AP and everybody he wants to he wants to stick around I don’t think we bring him back because we we we drafted mford and

I think that mford showed this this year at left and right tackle that he he can do what Alum does and better I’m gonna be honest with you a contract you know what I’m saying so but we’re gonna have to clean that o line up but I’m gonna be

Real with you man I do believe that this is a big blow but I also understand that once we moved on from McDaniels pause pause ste’s gonna pause us all night long and I love it but because we we pause him all day but when Josh moved on

We already assumed that we’re going to lose some of these guys right they were all Josh McDaniel’s guys so at the end of the day I I understand completely what’s going on but this is definitely a blow because a lot of people did not look at that o line statistically

Everybody looked this oh we can’t run the football this is why I was getting beat up all year long wasted and you notice right I kept saying Josh is struggling yeah it’s not the offensive line it was a lot of times he wasn’t seeing the hole or or whatever it was

You know what I mean but I I think I think a lot of what Josh Jacob’s problem was was the fact that he wasn’t in Camp and I remember the year where he led league in rushan Stu and I were watching that game when he went crazy they were

Playing him in the Hall of Fame game and everybody else was bit and steu was like no he needs the Reps he’s gonna have a big [ __ ] year look at the way he was running Ste said that at the Hall of Fame game yep I remember that remember

That Ste was like I’m telling you he’s gonna tear he’s gonna tear the league up this year yeah he he he some running backs he’s a pitch count Runner man he needs those touches and I I think he shot him ask you guys this when he came

Back right he looked big to me right he did he did he looked he didn’t look like he was in shape y y because again guys I don’t care who you’re training with or the Reps you’re doing it cannot replace reps with your team it can’t can’t do it bro I I heard

That he was messing with nasal Lee so I’m sure he put on about 10 pounds mess with nas Lee yeah that’s that’s yeah so hold what is Nas Lee it’s it’s it’s a girl named Hazel Lee oh boy yeah yeah it’s it’s nasty work out there in them

Streets um salute to everybody here in the building Primo says great Point St salute to steel cage our next OC will choose choose our next o line coach there you have it still cage look in a minute we’re gon shit’s gonna start flowing here in a second we’re gonna

Start seeing everything I don’t know if you knew Ste but tomorrow Ed D is in for for GM um meeting so he’s in tomorrow he’s scheduled to be in the headquarters at Henderson for that GM position so Ed dos so bringing us bringing him in right

A guy that helped turn around a lot in Indianapolis helped draft really well out there um a guy that marked he they beat us they beat us yeah but also he helped really draft a lot of those late Round Guys Ed do was a major part of that Indianapolis Coast re

Rebuilding that roster but I’mma text him right now now and say good luck tomorrow I love it I love it at some point we gotta you know after we we figure out what he got going on we got to bring him on but Mark loved his interviewing process in 2021 the problem

Was he wanted to have Josh and Z as a as as a you know onew Punch Yeah so D would have got the job you know what I’m saying if Harbaugh would have been the guy to take the position but this is something to keep an eye on we talked

About this yesterday wasy right with with with do coming in we already know there’s only one head coach that he would probably come in and say that’s my guy and it’s Jim Harbaugh so let me ask you this so what is so you keep saying that what’s the connection between dos

And Harbaugh I don’t I don’t know if I know Oakland Oakland brother in early 2000 they worked together in Oakland okay okay yeah so so there’s there’s that you know back then D didn’t have a name you know I mean so when like like to be honest like when you were out

There [ __ ] you were out there like no no was was it what was it 200 no it was 200 he got there in two so for my he like did D hit me already back already hit me back already what D say so I say good luck tomorrow my guy he

Goes my turn to finish where I started let’s go man you know what I love champ Kelly but that text message right I like that I like that let me finish where I but that’s where else do you get this at but Shield more I mean listen bro I mean

That’s that’s the poent I mean dude you saw how fast he hey D was my guy man I love that I love that that’s [ __ ] dope though you You’ been told you’ve been telling me St you guys were real close and [ __ ] and all that good stuff

But because I will say this when I used to talk to Dos on the sideline when he was just a [ __ ] basically like he just got to start as a scout right yeah and i’ be like what you think about this guy what you think about this guy and I’m going

When he says his opinion because I’m I’m I’m testing him right you know what I mean I’m just seeing like hey is is I’m just asking an open ended question and he would say some stuff and I’m like I dig that I I’m I feel the same

[ __ ] way about some guys and one thing about me I’ve always and my older brother Troy we’ve always been able to scout like talent wise you know what I’m saying and some people have it and some people don’t yeah that that eye is is is

Amazing yep let me ask you do was always on the same page as me so I’m like listen I know I can’t get the job I want a [ __ ] that would think the same think the same way as me did you see DDS a few weeks

Ago so no I did not when I was in IND no I I didn’t have a chance um I was more focused on the Raiders you know what I’m saying so I didn’t get a chance to see dobs at all but that’s again D just and

What 30 seconds not even that yeah not even that man that is cold though for him to say it’s time to end up you know like like come on that’s it don’t get any more Raider than that bro it doesn’t get any more Raider than that and that’s

The thing though guys is there’s certain guys that want a job and there are certain guys that want the Raiders job and like he’s saying I dude he’s a Raider he’s a Raider y that that that was that was a hell of a hell of a comment right there yes sir guys that

Want a job and certain guys that want the Raiders job yep it’s a a yo I I feel like gold dust right now I [Laughter] down salute the show looking back depending on what kind of QB we draft AOC earned a chance to compete to be

Quarterback one to be qb9 in the draft and end up being the second best QB in this class this year let me just say this guys and you know this we need another quarterback we do we do I’m not saying we don’t do I love AOC absolutely

I do yeah do we want another quarterback yes yeah do we waste a first round let me rephrase that do we do we do we take a quarterback in the first round I don’t think we need to I don’t I don’t do we take a quarterback as far as a free

Agency and I’ll be honest with you guys to be H I’m I’m gonna make I don’t make hot points I don’t but I take Russell Wilson right now you you a little late on that one brother because I I had a full-blown live arguing with my chat about Russell

Wilson like a week ago bro problem I would too I take Russ too bro let Russ Cook he’s not done yet he ain’t done yet the problem with that is man I just want somebody that we can build around and say that’s his team for the next 10 15

Years bro but what what’s wrong with with drafting a kid let him sit there and watch a guy who’s done it at the highest level no I have no issue with that draft pick are you saying though that that’s the problem because if you don’t take one in the first or

Potentially second you’re gonna miss out on the great on the greatest probably quarterback class in a long time no no what do you mean stup this is a deep this is the best quarterback class in years look you know you know the reason why this quarterback class looks this

Way because you have lot of guys that coming out if if not for the covid year that would have came out last year the guys would have came out the year before that so now it’s all kind of coming to ahead 2020 was was it was a little weird

You know what I’m saying you had guys that for they have eligibility know you’re right you know you’re right you got you got super seniors you got guys like Michael pennick Jr who really had six years of Eligibility really would have came out so that has a lot to do

With it graph but listen I understand where you coming from right but even if you take a guy in the first round I don’t have any problem with having a guy like Russ on a on on a low deal because Denver is going to be in a hook

For his money for a very very long time we said that wait wait we had these conversations behind bro we talked about that like I’m cool with Russell If you go draft a guy early and and have allow him to let and let him sit yeah

Especially a guy like a j a Jayden Daniels who needs to probably get a little stronger who needs to probably get adjusted and acclimated to the Pro game I don’t want to throw the the weight of the world on his shoulders Year One I would like to see him learn

From a Russell Wilson who was a mobile quarterback too let me let me ask you guys this though when you look at our team and if you look at the concerns of what position you want in that first round what position would you guys draft me it St it’s all positional value

Right so the most valuable piece on the chessboard is a quarterback if I’m in position to get one of the top guys on my board I I value the quarterback over we’re at 13 is that where we’re at 13 we’re at 13 but I’m looking at it like

This so say for instance penck Falls to me I gotta take him I have to because he’s there and I didn’t have to move up for him I gotta whether I go get a free agent or not I gotta take him you know what I mean because because I know that

This is a guy that now at this point I can groom he’s not gonna take any hits this year unless our season Karen’s out of control and then we put the kid in you know what I mean or if it’s a jadden Daniels this is a kid I can groom yeah

No I don’t want to take Quinn ears at 13 you know but’s let me say this let me hold on let let me let me make okay you Iris is going back to Texas wait I don’t know if you’ve seen that he’s going back yeah

Yeah I was just making a joke but yeah saw that okay okay still go ahead go ahead let me ask you guys this what position on our team forget the draft okay don’t even worry about the draft defensive tackle offensive line The Trenches The Trenches a guard or or a

Defensive tackle to me or cuz C Mill is a left tackle mford I think is going to be the guy a right tackle but if you can get an offensive lineman or a defensive tack The Trenches Point blame period the end see here’s here’s what I I’m gonna

Say this here here who’s here’s who I would like is a cornerback see but but this the thing with Jack Jones performing the way he did we just drafted jakorian Bennett in the fourth round we still got to see where he is we got Nate Hobs right we definitely need a

Corner yeah but Nate Hobs is not he they don’t ever put him at start yeah yeah Nate Nate Hobs is really a will linebacker Will yes I understand that but go go ahead go ahead I mean I mean the last game I saw uh it was either uh

Number 20 uh what’s his name little guy or Robinson or the other guy or Jack Jack Jones see no no Jack Jones is on the other side oh talking about Brandon facon yes cooked we need to replace those guys we do B has one more year on his deal

He’ll be there immed I just know this as a corner you can come in right away and be [ __ ] like productive yeah yeah but see the thing is still last year right the the the level of talent that came out that would have been a year that you

Would have want to address corner and we did with jakori and Bennett but we didn’t do it early in the draft like I you know instead of taking Tyreek Wilson you might have want to take like one of the other guys but we didn’t right so to

Me I I think the the the best way to address this defense as a whole is through free agency because we spent all our free agent money last year in the office we have any are there any free agent Johnson from the Chicago Bears is one of the best young Corners in

Football years old it’s gonna be a 19 million wait how how old think he might even be I think he might even be younger was he early 20s early all right so got years got his rookie deal was just being up million a year right $19 million is a

Small price to pay for a pro bowl Corner Absolut [ __ ] absolutely who have I said is my favorite my number one free agent all even during the season it’s j Johnson Jay Johnson like that’s my guy like if you have Jack Jones him and a

Hobs it’s no fly zone it’s no fly zone but everybody keeps saying Chris Jones which I understand because he’s a phenomenal talent and you you’re stripping your your divisional rival to Kansas City Chiefs of one of their most talented players but me personally Jaylen Johnson like you like Herbert

Mahomes these guys can’t throw against what we we’re throwing at them me personally I I would rather go get Jaylen Johnson and just draft young at defensive tackle look what about linebacker what about linebacker it’s it’s we have a lot of young guys we have Spain under one one

More deal one more year under his deal yeah Divine got Spain’s got the [ __ ] locked down I’m saying other than Spain yeah we have Divine Diablo one more year on his deal we have Luke Masterson the udfa who’s still on his rookie deal yeah and then we have Amari Bernie our sixth

Round pick out of Florida this past draft which we really haven’t seen outside of more special teams yeah but is C our guy on the other side yes yes clear clear clear I I think if anything you’re looking to draft to bring in a third pass rusher because that that’s

Really how teams you can’t have enough you can’t have enough you never have enough yeah and I know I seen that report you know the GM said that Jaylen they’re going to have to pay him a [ __ ] ton of money but what Chicago is at the

Top of the food chain in terms of salary cap so that they can pay whoever they want ask this question where are we at with with with um with um Devonte what’s what’s going on with him who knows I mean sorry look Devonte Adam the way way

I view it is if he’s here next year great right but if he’s not it’s not the end of the world is he saying anything I mean what no he wants to be here bro he wants to be here from what he’s saying right you have a lot of like kind of

Conjecture and speculation because you know Garrett Wilson changed his number to five and and and he left the number 17 open F and then you know Aaron Rogers Aaron Rogers is is like current constantly going on Pat McAfee’s Joe and like campaigning for Devonte Adams but if I’m being honest Bro Look Devonte

Adams needs to be given away for premium compensation what what would that be what would that be what let me say this can I be real I know we have fun with this trolling [ __ ] sometimes we have fun Devonte is not going anywhere I don’t think he is either me say something

Still it would cost a lot it would cost a lot it cost first round pick what would that cost be what I mean what what what for for for for it to be okay with me a a first and a second well well well well it depends on what team comes

Calling right like if the Jets have a top 10 I’m just assuming the only team is the Jets I mean there’s that that’s the only team that I’m assuming as well but there may be another team that comes out of left field and says what’s up but

At the end of the day the Jets have so many needs at the offensive line their run game was terrible last year like they have a lot of I gota believe they’re gonna listen to whatever the [ __ ] Aaron Rogers says I I don’t see it seems it seems like that way but I’m

Gonna be real with you I don’t think that he runs [ __ ] out there I think that they’re gonna have Aaron running back they’ll get a nice young see this the problem Aaron was with Green Bay for so long and they never took a wide receiver early in the draft they would wait till

The mid rounds they would wait to the second they would never go get a guy what round was Devonte uh uh second round right yeah was it second round I believe either way they never went and got that guy early and Aaron used to be pissed like you Green Bay is they’re

Known for getting a defensive guy in the first round clearcut well you know that’s the reason why they they’re successful run franchise no definitely because what you do is you want to draft the next big ticket player you you can you can have a bunch of like mediocre

Wide receivers are decent wide receivers and have a pretty good wide absolutely Green Bay in the 90s had Antonio Freeman was no world beater you know what I’m saying he had Robert Brooks the the inventor of the lambo leite you know then remember the years when they had

Donald Driver and all of those guys Walkers this is the thing that people aren’t talking about when it comes to teing the Jets Aaron has one more year on his deal do you think he’s G take a second though how about the passing of Steve White oh my God hitting his head

Sorry Frank White Frank White yeah rest in peace yeah rest in peace thank you thank you that you I totally forgot about that like real talk rest in peace fell off a ladder and that tra yeah he was up about of that’s why it’s really important man like safety is important

Bro you doing things around your house y you got to make sure that you’re doing things the proper way that that’s most of the most accidents happen at home home yo how was Frank and I will say this now now that it is uh winter season if you’re older and you’re struggeling

The driveway bro be careful man because a lot one of my good friends one of my good friends with one of my good friends died in 2021 he shoveled his driveway and he went to help his neighbor yep and he died yep had a massive heart attack

And and and and it sucks because you know like he was same age as me and everything man it it sucks man I don’t even know how that feels because I never came up in a snowy en enironment so I don’t know our winners are just clearcut

Walk in the driveway get in your car and drive heat you know what I’m saying so but either way man I just want to take a second to you know the the the the Music City miracle I mean [ __ ] definitely and when I saw his when I saw his

Interview before he was gone like it was it was like yeah that’s him like he he was a shell yeah [ __ ] shell so anyways I just wanted to take no bro I love that you brought that up Salute to Wi can we get a coverage linebacker you

Know what’s funny is that we one we weren’t bad at all in coverage in terms of our linebacking no at all C is I’m not concerned about coverage no Spain was actually a breath of fresh air in coverage this year and he was known as the thumper that can stop the run and

Can’t play the pass so this this year look let me ask you guys this and I didn’t look at it maybe I didn’t do a good enough Deep dive how did you feel Bain played in that Colts game you know what’s funny I I gotta go

Back and watch the tape because to be that that game had me so mad yeah I usually go back and watch the game over when we were defeat when we’re literally out of playoff hunt I was it was weird it was weird it was aird it was a weird

Game he he didn’t play bad but they weren’t picking on him they weren’t picking on Spain bro they were picking on some of our Corners you know no I I I I just the effort of Spain kind of gave like I’m like yeah there were times where he was blocked where usually he

Doesn’t get blocked like that but well you know what’s funny at the end of the season and I talked about this the beginning of the Season Spain was a [ __ ] freight train yeah and then and then there was weeks that went by where you didn’t hear his name so it was like

Oh is this the Spain that we thought we were getting because he was playing phen how old is he how what year is this for him what what let me see let me see I think he’s like 27 28 was was Pittsburgh who drafted him yeah yeah where is he from what college

28 years old 28 years old Wyoming or something or no where where’s he Western Michigan is he from Michigan hold on where where’s he from he’s from Oak Park Illinois near near Chicago okay okay so there you have it salute murderous Spain sorry salute the junior real quick man sign quarterback to sit

Interviews he’s he’s scary he’s a little scary to me who Spain yeah oh anybody that interviews an a Costco shirt ain’t got it all bro I love that [ __ ] gangster [ __ ] he had Kirkland Signature on he like like waa just said like what did you just say his name Robert the axe

Murderous yes bro Robert Spain is the type of guy that would jump out of a mayback and Rob Spain Bob Robert Bain will jump out of a mayback and Rob you for your Toyota Tel hold on toy space booler said Robert the butcher I’m the butcher so yeah we we no

Don’t ever disrespect the butcher name King salute to Junior I know I know Stuart love this sign Russ draft a quarterback to sit and learn until he win the job just how the Chiefs did with Alex I’m good with that I’m good with that I mean that that’s essentially what

I’ve been saying I’m good with that I’m good with that yeah salute to uh Raider Nation 510 Swagger you know my Unk Jay Bas yes what y’all think about Joe Milton Joe Milton’s gonna be a later round guy out of Tennessee he has a strong arm the problem with me is the

Accuracy I I do want to say this let me give give me respect to Jay B you know Jay Jay was our limo driver he he was like he took care of a like you know the [ __ ] we’re dealing with with you know yes yeah yeah he was he was the

[ __ ] man and I I I met him through Ray Buchanan and how to just 400 bucks take a limo and that was back before the the Raiders paid for anything now now the NFL they pay for all that [ __ ] right but no no no J he was out he was out there

Saving lives yes yeah but I like Joe Milton right Nation but physically talented as hell man yeah but he is to be the perfect example of a develop a developmental quarterback a guy you’re G to have to he’s gon have to be on the right roster he’s G have to

Right have the right Personnel around him and it’s gonna have to be a coach that’s gonna give him an opportunity to to I just accuracy issues with me I look at the tape he has he has a strong ass arm Joe Milton is dog at Tennessee but

You know he took over for hooker for for henah hooker but that’s a fifth guys do you think I think that we can get Russ on cheap right oh yeah yeah yeah that minimum because Denver’s still paying a [ __ ] ton of money so it to be honest he may I

Like Mr unlmited yeah he he may say United bro his wife I have a job at one of those hotels she’ll get a residency true he gets to face Denver twice a year he gets to prove that Shawn Payton ain’t [ __ ] like I can definitely

See it I can definitely see it but at the end of the day as long as we grab ride a quarterback in the first two rounds let’s ride salute to Sweet Jazz draft B Knicks and get Russ on the cheat have both sit for the first year to get

Acclimated to the Pro game how big is bone Nick so he’s what is he 63 six Bo has seen more football than everyone salute to Sweet Jazz and we already know how wasted feels about B Nick I like B knck too I think he’s a cornball I know I know Russ is a

Cornball but you know what though I’m just telling you the guy the guy has been good ever since he was at [ __ ] NC State playing baseball yeah yeah he’s a [ __ ] athlete and wasn’t he drafting to the cubs too as as a pitcher yeah like that yeah salute to like a glove

Adam’s C Pitt in 2025 and 2026 is 44.5 million do that’s what I’m saying at some point you know we gonna have to figure that out because that’s a [ __ ] ton of money for a guy that’s going to be 33 at that point and 34 too much money way too much

Money salute to like a glove salute to Bronx Raider our guys salute graph Supreme t hold on where we at hey where we at with [ __ ] um our running back with Josh yeah you know well he he this is what he’s saying he’s saying you know

If AP is there let’s run it back that’s pretty much what he’s saying and what do you guys feel what do you guys feel I want to move on time it’s time everybody has everybody has a certain finite amount of carries in them and career in

Their Prime I think he tell you hey white looked pretty [ __ ] good bro zamir and this is the thing that we kept saying about the o line that was the same old line that Josh was running behind had two or three 100 plus yard games in four games the first Raider

Running back to ever do that like Josh was struggling to run behind that same line with the same Concepts he was missing Cuts he was missing Cuts yeah it’s like at this point it’s like I love Josh and and I understand graph shut the [ __ ] up that’s he’s a superstar blah

Blah blah at the end of the day we already know a running back is an that’s an Expendable position in the NFL now there are diamond dozen bro you can go get a guy like Blake corm out of Michigan you can go get a guy like Bucky

Irving out of organ and you can run it back with with with with with corn but number seven whatever ah what the [ __ ] is bro name he cooked he had over 200 yards over 200 yards salute the Bronx Raider my God man Edward Donan Edwards Donovan Edwards Edwards

Yeah all right salute to G and salute to my Gody man salute to G cuz besides QB what’s the most important position in the draft uh to be real with you g I’m wait hold on in the draft so in for us or in the draft or that’s that’s a for us for

Us I’m going I’m going in the trenches like especially with K Billo this is is the thing that not a lot of people are talking about because he just moved on right now we’re probably G to have a different scheme on offensive line we’re going to have a different you know a

Different situation there you’re gonna have to figure out that o line to fit for whoever comes in well that the thing is though as graph is it it’s very dependent on who our quarterback is and what the offensive line I agree I agree I’m just say no you you’re you’re

Definitely right big bro I’m just saying with the new offensive lineman coming offensive line coach we’ve seen this year in the out you go to Zone you go to this you go to that and the next thing I know our o line is disrupted and it doesn’t look nothing like it used to

Look at the end of the day we may have to go get a new right tackle we may have to go get a couple guards or a center because of someone new coming in and calling the shots you know what I’m saying because a linan may come in and

Say whatever they were whatever y’all did last year we not doing that no more and now some of these guys don’t fit the scheme anymore we have to move on the good thing is Van rotten is a guy that’s a free agent so we don’t have to worry

About that L is a free agent don’t have to worry about that you know what I’m saying mford is there Parham is there and Colton is there pretty much the the three guys that we need contract and we got them yeah you know what I’m saying so but but because

I’m gonna go with offensive line because defensive tackle we have Tyree Wilson he looked pretty good since we moved him over we still have Tillery on a one more year we have Byron young still a rookie we have I got in the conversation a couple nights ago where uh who’s the kid

From Georgia that everyone one on us to draft oh oh oh um uh not Jordan Davis but last year um um my God jayen Jaylen Carter yeah so he had 30 he finished with 33 tackles and six sacks yeah Tyree Wilson finished with 29 tackles and three and a half sacks

Yeah there you have it now imagine and you know what if we would have moved him in D tackle earlier exactly what I was gonna say exactly I think we have something with Tyree I think a lot of us dog walk absolutely we do absolutely we

Do we dog walk Tyree a lot very early in the process and rightfully so the same thing with Zeus we were killing him like this dude can’t run the [ __ ] football and then what happens Josh get hurts gets hurt and Zeus comes in and just runs the football down every [ __ ]

Team’s throat that he that he was against so look sometimes we have to sit back St what was your best year of your career 06 06 okay now what year was that how many years was that until your I know but how many years for the crowd

Was that into your career that was my third year there you have it it usually takes for rookie to hit his stride in the third year yeah basketball football baseball they say by your third year that’s why you should yeah and that’s when you earn that second contract yeah

And there you have it salute to uh Raider C AP scares me um he he’ll draft JD and harb will draft JJ thought wait hold onit AP scares me because basically what he’s saying is uh AP a draft Jadon Daniels hard ball a draft JJ McCarthy

I believe that AP would go get Jaden because that’s JJ say he’s coming out yes well he’ll be out he’ll be out but I don’t think Harbaugh’s gonna go get him bro just because he coached him I don’t think he’s gonna go get a JJ McCarthy I

Don’t I don’t I truly don’t believe that but see we don’t know we really don’t know but I’m G tell you right now if it’s annoying bro I I just because people just sit up there and they try to make make those [ __ ] you know those ju not just position make those

Connections yeah yes listen we so if Jim Harbaugh on his heart of hearts has whatever pick he wants JJ McCarthy might not be his guy he might say hey man I like Drake may I wish he was my quarterback yeah I like him a lot too

Like like listen let’s let it all play out you know everybody’s sitting up here and they’re trying to connect all these dots they’re trying to play football gatria yeah let it play out we don’t don’t know who Jim wants Jim ain’t our coach right now Jim Harbaugh might come

Here like hey no Connell but again hey what I hey what I say wasted though Jim wants a lot more than just a head coaching job bro yeah and and I have I I have a lot I have a huge problem with that I am all about protocol GM head

Coach I don’t want my head coach um have you know I want my GM having an acquest to a guy and and and be a underling to a guy if you’re the main person guy I don’t need a guy who has not been on the ground floor with me recruiting and

Seeing who’s who and what’s what coming and override my decision I don’t need that [ __ ] yeah no hey real quick let me get these supers in I’m gonna get to the next topic salute to Max another running back me and W that have been talking

About Ray Davis you know Ray Ray out of Kentucky that’s a guy in the later rounds that I would love to take he’s a beast oh he’s a dog he’s a dog a guy that you know has played on some pretty bad teams but if you put him

Behind a niceo line this guy he he could do it all I’m a big fan of R there I would not be mad if we got him in the fifth to seventh round if available I would not be upset about that I take him to Fourth oh [ __ ] that’s to me that’s a

Little reach but I’m not mad at that look if you go get your guy you go get your guy salute to like a glove move par to Center draft a guard and sign a vet we talked about that like a glove I think personally they’re gonna move P

The center and I think that we went got Fluker fluker’s still under the contract I don’t know right now if we’re going to bring him back on a I don’t know I’m just saying this is a heavy guard draft you can go get two guys and they can

Start for you can I ask this guy not to cut you off just while I have it in my head would you guys a guy that balled out in the ACC does that bro I don’t care is there any I mean listen the the the juggernauts of college football three years ago were

From the ACC yeah it’s not like they’re down there playing titly wins in the ACC Florida state was undefeated who specifically to up what I’m saying no I guess car you look at Florida State and what they did like is that a concern no not to me no

No no I mean look look at some of these guys look at Tariq Woolen a guy that played for a very very small school and got drafted and played phenomenally he’s deal with some injuries in Seattle so he’s not playing up to the standards that he you but he’s a great tal he’s

Gonna be one of the greatest Corners in the league here in the next year or two like there’s there’s a lot of guys that play at these small we know this [ __ ] St can’t anymore if you put it out there on tape You Can’t Hide no more long

Going to the days where Bill guy that a guy that I reconnected with Dominic Rose perfect example there you have it yeah and how many years he play as great running back play hard running running back hard years play for years was a phenomenal 510 there you have it maybe

195 maybe 200 and yeah no I I just hey pton love just a question right just a question yeah salute to G draft only lineman in the first three to four rounds running back with PG AP and AOC four years W I’m G tell you this that

Ray Davis 510 216 that’s a thick ass [ __ ] yeah facts though bro he’s a bowling ball that was also pause pause he averaged 5.7 yards per carry that’s what I’m saying be behind a not so good offensive line in the SEC and that that’s the biggest part of he’s at

Kentucky if we get dots we get a couple of third round conditional picks right no and so basically champ Kelly would have to take another position as a general manager if he gets a jile elsewhere position right now is that is that’s uh that’s his position right now

Uh champ yeah he’s he was our interterm GM okay GM but technically our GM so if he goes and gets a job elsewhere which he has other franchises looking at him we get a comp pick we get we get two comp picks I believe for him do that

Mean a third round pick for him and a fourth round pick so oh I’m sorry two third round picks one this year third round pick and another year next year another third round pick so if he goes and takes another general manager position we get two third round comp

Picks so basically St where were you drafted at in the third round right yep we get two stews 24 and 25 that’s not bet I mean that’s the two lives still or or KK Morrison he third round there you bro I mean [ __ ] greatest linebackers ever play

For the [ __ ] we can go through a long list of of great third rounders wasn’t Russell Wilson a third round pick yes yeah there you have it salute the Raider profet Antonio Barack Obama Pierce yes we can he has that effect why should he be the head coach because he’ll get the

Right QB as his first act man salute the Raider profit I love that [ __ ] [ __ ] uh leather vest man in the default picture man salute to my guy that too greater Prophet man salute to John also but love Jim is a head coach but he has

Yet to proveen he’s a Personnel guy and giving him total control may not work out those are just facts John I have to disagree with you he’s he’s he’s been a great he’s been a great everywhere I don’t understand I don’t understand the person he hasn’t been a great Personnel

Guy what what does that mean I don’t I don’t I don’t yeah I don’t listen listen enough enough bro like yo we look we we want Antonio Pierce some of us do but don’t try to discredit the other guy that everybody’s looking at like it has

To be one or the other This Is Not Highlander bro don’t try to sit up here and tell me that this guy’s whole reference good reference on that don’t tell me that this guy’s whole football life doesn’t mean anything now because we like Antonio Pierce get the [ __ ] out

Of here that’s the problem that’s the problem State we gonna forget about um Stanford we GNA forget about the 49ers when he goes there was there four years had him in the NFC Championship Game the first year he was there three years in a row and goes to a Super Bowl and loses

Because they turned the lights out on him in the middle of the Beyonce concert don’t sit up there and tell me that bro get the F out of here that’s I’ve been quiet think about what the big or not even big 10 but college football this year [ __ ] with

The guy [ __ ] with him and everything didn’t coach for four [ __ ] games yeah then you got people s oh the lead’s gonna discipline him because they did that with another coach look they did that [ __ ] with Bobby patrino and I’m gonna tell you why they did it with

Bobby patrino because Bobby patrino was trying to run away from him banging one of his students he came to the National Football League you remember that that’s why they suspended him because that’s nasty nasty did nothing yeah didn’t even do nothing you mother effers got F out

Of here sorry gra no no you good wasted with a haym maker salute to I love it hey he came in with the [ __ ] hey with a salute to q a running back I want is brayan Allen he’s 62240 he runs a 44 he will only be 19 when drafted this year

He went to Wisconsin any running back from Wisconsin’s usually pretty [ __ ] good yeah bro and and great o lineman like Wisconsin they usually have some great linebackers Wisconsin always has some tough Talent over there Wisconsin I’m telling you this man that Ed that Edwards from Michigan bro Donovan

Edwards yeah he’s a dog salute to John and he’s [ __ ] big and he’s physical pause um he’s pretty [ __ ] good too bought into the pause Olympics Frank Gore Jr in the later rounds is a third down pick and a lot of people have talked about Frank Gore

Especially oh hold on where’s he at his son yeah bro he’s coming out this year like this guy bald the [ __ ] out he played in let me see something real quick I’m GNA see Frank Gore played 21 [ __ ] years are you [ __ ] me I mean but I believe he transfer so he

Played as Southern Miss but I believe he transferred let me see something okay no so he only played at Southern Miss so there you have it I’m G look at his his stats real I I could have swore he’s a Southern Miss bro yeah but I no I could

Have swore he transfer I’m thinking about the wrong person golden eagles are they the golden eagles or what yes yes so this year he had 231 carries uh 1131 yards 10 T got great pedigree average 4.9 yards and mind you he doesn’t have the the torn acl’s he’s got great pedigree I

Mean I’m cool with that John I’m not against that at all and and once again the be honest with you number seven for Washington is a great running back if he if he if he doesn’t get you know his bursta sack or whatever uh in the national championship game number seven

Oh very good very good very good he’s a beast this is the Deep running back class there’s a lot of guys in this in this class but but the thing is bad I always say this bad teams draft running backs early unless you’re a lucky team like

Detroit you go get a a jir Gibbs and next thing you know you’re ball in you’re in the playoffs but most teams that get running backs early are [ __ ] teams unless they’re the cherry on top right if you have a from Soup To Nuts and the last thing

You need is a start back then okay you do that usually happens in the late 20s in the first round but I’m just saying like the saquon Barkley you know what I’m saying a lot of these guys go early and they go to bad teams they took him

Number two in the draft Yeah Yeah but but but he was that good though he was that good wasted yeah it it was like a Barry Sanders pick in the league if they would have took saquon Barkley to in the 90s I wouldn’t have baded an I but the

Giants at that point it’s like bro y’all needed a lot more than that you guys were a terrible Team bro you can’t just take a running back hey see bro there’s no way in hell you you keep JJ for eight mil the way Zeus has been running the

Football you have sincere mccormic which I look I’m done I understand but he’s on he’s on a practice squad Britton Brown is coming back right uh he was on an IR this year seventh round guy to UCLA where Abdullah at where’s Abdullah he’s the free agent he’s probably gone he’s

Up there an age Happy Trails Abdullah you’re right you’re right you’re right salute to the ninja you know what I’m saying we love him but like he’s on he’s on his way doesn’t he call himself the ninja some [ __ ] he does that he does that that hurricane some [ __ ] what about

34 uh Brandon B’s gone he’s out yeah Happy Trails he he he’s up Josh McDaniel’s ass yeah yeah but I’m not paying so really so [ __ ] we we don’t really have a running back right I mean besides we have Zeus and we have Brittain Brown and we have a guy on the

Practice squad in sincere mccor but the thing is if you pay jj8 millions I’m not drafted a running back because you got Zeus you got a guy you drafted in the fourth round two years I so at the end of day if you pay him that kind of money

There’s no reason to draft a running back me personally wasted what JJ 8 mil no way yep I’m I’m no way we got too many holes to fill way too many salute to Ru George helani he keeps talking about helani will be the best back in

His draft he might go and drafty who would be the best running back to come out this year I read the script watch the tape hey St look up that name real quick Jo Jo George elani is definitely getting drafted these two look look up that name look up that name because I

Want Stu to read the stats and everything I looked him up when when Ru brought him up the other day bring that name up Salute to my guy rube and salute to uh Raider for life it’s from North Dakota yes yes uh keep AP and PG send

Off champ for two3 fre trade up to sell the F for a franchise quarterback and we good we we talked about this yesterday on the show and Ruba I think was the one that brought it up Salute the rub like that is if you can get two threes for

Champ Kelly and use those to trade up it would be forgive me George shani’s a Boise State okay oh yeah yeah that that’s what it was because we kept saying that there was sneaky running backs out of Boise State yes yes 511 all right all right but yes I agree with you

Raer for life I totally agree with you brother uh if you we move on from him which I don’t know really what champ Kelly I know in in circles in the NFL people appreciate his football mind as fans we don’t really know what he brings

To the table but if we move on from him if he gets another job somewhere else those are two threes that you can totally move up to go get your franchise quarterback uh salute to Michael after dark wasted again Raiders baby yeah my dog over there dying right now man he’s

Gonna hit me in two seconds yo tell you gonna send me a text I gotta go to sleep yo nah I’m cool bro yeah so if you think about it we really y better yeah y’all better stop worrying about wasted [ __ ] he he he can handle his own [ __ ] hey you know what

Funny we haven’t talked about anything he’s got the game boy he’s got the game boy [ __ ] cup which I love I want one of those [ __ ] facts still I’m sending you one I’m get I’m gonna get these two supers in and we gonna get to these topics because I want to talk

About princess the princess of Darkness you know what I’m saying she she said something right we’re gonna talk about that we’re gonna talk about a little bit about where guden is Gruden’s in Vegas dealing with something and we’re going to talk about a few other things if you

Think about it we really only need helping the trenches in the QB OC all these things can be solved in one year we’re gonna be a problem next year I agree I agree that this the issues that we have right now you can identify I’ll

Be honest with you though I I thought we would have been more of a problem this year to be honest dude coaching coaching Josh McDaniel set us back a year he did because Kurt cousins is so up and down man he’s I’m cool on Kurt Cousins man f

With him bro one week great another week yo this is the problem I have with with with the that school of thought and grab I know you gotta read the super but that that school of thought we all we need is this and this and that dude let me tell

You something man people saying that all we need is trenches and a quarterback that’s like saying all I need is seven more inches of dick and I can be a porn star that that’s a that’s a that’s a far way away man you know what I’m saying I

Mean I mean personally you know I don’t think I need anything I’m cool I’m cool man I’m cool man but I’m just saying I’m just saying for [ __ ] for shits and giggles man yo that that’s a lot bro all I need all I need know I was gonna say I I don’t need

Seven inches to be a porn star I mean all I need is $900,000 to be a millionaire what e we talking numbers to win the lottery it’s a lot yeah come on bro but we’ve seen this though bro like I understand what he’s saying because

Last year right there was a lot of teams that were terrible look look at some of these teams that snuck into the playoffs this year in a blink of an eye they they well I mean if you draft well I mean if look at the Texans let me ask you

Guys this though the NFL was a lot of fun this year because the parody was probably best a long I mean there was no clearcut right like teams like usually you know like hey yeah yeah a great team would beat a team they’re supposed to beat and lose to

Another team they’re supposed to beat the next week it it was a weird fun that makes it fun yeah it definitely does yeah and it’s crazy bro because you know circling all the way back to the beginning of the show right when you talk about the parody it just baffles me

That people say that Russell Wilson is his bum this year he beat the the the Chiefs he beat the Buffalo Bills he beat the Browns he beat some really good teams this year and I’m like dude what the f y’all talking about here yeah no you’re right you’re right right but you

Know a lot of a lot of people are gonna go off of the Nathaniel Hackett Russell Wilson of last year it was a bad offense it it was terrible and he he he started to pick it up under Shawn Peyton but I agree like but at the end of we can all

Agree that Russell Wilson’s not the same Russell Wilson but also though you know what though pton I don’t [ __ ] I I know that bro we don’t [ __ ] with pton like I think Shawn pyton is one of the guys he’s the biggest one of the biggest frauds in National Football he’s a fraud

Thank you hey real quick let me read these three supers and we’re gonna get to the topics I know we’re already hour in I’m not gonna keep wasting it up all night I I don’t want to have him I know he gotta go to work but looking forward

To that Lewis Murphy interview still remember his rookie season full of big plays thanks appreciate you my brother yes we talked a l was at some point next week we’re going to get him on the show uh we already got everything lined up Salute to my guy Lou um definitely will

Be on Salute to Marcus Jim Coast at the University of San Diego career starter for both him and Mike Brown of the Kings salute to Marcus and he got he turned my kings around in what Marcus one year one year everybody saying seven inches a dick in the

Comment section wasted [ __ ] up the show salute to John wasted you need to get off my line did not build the roster in San Francisco he was the gm/ head coach once again I’m not arguing his coaching skills but there’s no proof he can build and hold on hold on real quick quick

Salute to John we appreciate you on the $20 donation my brother and we we value your opinion as always but it’s time to cook go ahead Wast it and I’m G be right back John I never said that I want Jim Harbaugh to come here and build this

Roster when Jim Harbaugh went to San Francisco people were saying to me and what people saying to me coming to Raiders he’s it’s going to be a total rebuild he he’s going to tear the whole thing down and what I’m telling you is when he went to San Francisco the other

Day on the morning show I read to you how many changes he made to that roster Alex Smith he didn’t change that he didn’t change Frank Gore he changed noren Morris because he was 34 years old he got a younger fullback right um he changed two linemen and that’s pretty

Much it he kept Michael Crabtree he kept Josh Morgan he he he he he kept um Vernon Davis the roster was there then on the defensive side of the ball he elevated Navaro B Bowman up that was smart of him he changed their nose guard and that was he he he probably changed

On the offensive defensive side of the ball starters wise probably changed four or five players I’m not looking for Jim Harbaugh to come here to to be some big Personnel guy I’m looking for him to be a damn good head coach chef and Chef if

I feel like if he has to come here and be deao GM and Coach then I don’t want Jim Harbaugh at all I don’t want that I am into coaches coaching players playing GM gming owners owning and fans Fanning yeah my bad you know I had to

Make sure that I had more more than seven inches a dick um salute to r Wait hold on let me see hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on yeah still got more than that let’s go I’mma throw this out there when talk about a running back and again what what

Do I know what conference do I know the big yes what school do I know Purdue Purdue and Michigan and Penn State there there’s a guy Tyrone Tracy Jr who we had who came from Iowa six 6 foot one 210 pounds guy’s a [ __ ] stud guys he

Could be a guy we could pick up an even free agency to be honest with you really really really good a guy who can return kicks punts um and again his size and his speed and his athleticism from what I saw again I guess the whole

Point of me saying this is is running backs we can get running backs you know I mean like we can we can oh yeah I mean that that’s reason to pay eight mil yeah when you could potentially pick up two two positions with that money like it

Makes no goddamn sense salute the r I think if we start this season over where AP is the coach we are a playoff team with a young top 10 defense couple pieces away from a Super Bowl no but we are very close to being a feared team in

The league salute to rubbe I like thaton he block Brandon Vandal unceremoniously blocked Brandon Vandal what the hold on hold on this year though nasty work there’s no reason that we couldn’t win a Super Bowl to be honest with you I mean we’ve we’ve beaten some of the best [ __ ] teams

There you go why couldn’t we [ __ ] be a Super Bowl [ __ ] team yeah I mean bro the Packers we beat them they’re they’re a playoff team um you know the Texans they were one of the worst teams in the League last year they’re in the playoffs

Right now you know what I’m saying like like there’s no like we’ve seen this before the year the ners the last time they went to the and really we should have beat the Miami Dolphins too there you have it but the year before the Niners went to the Super Bowl the last

Time they were like the second worst team in the league the next year boom they’re in the Super Bowl yeah look the 49ers when we’re not far away guys we’re not far I’m telling you we’re not [ __ ] far away we’re not no what do you think you think we are I mean what

No I know we’re not far away bro the the thing about it is is that you know it’s for as close as we are for as close as we are man we we’re we’re just that far away because we we have so many things that are up in the air that really

Shouldn’t still be an issue at this point yeah we we we like the culture has been kind of established but at this point it’s like damn the fact that we don’t know who the head coaching the GM is is everything because we don’t know the approach that they’re going to take

I’ve got to think that’s going to be that’s going to be resolved pretty quick though don’t it needs to be man yeah it definitely will in the next couple weeks I’m thinking right I mean it should be in the next few days brother few days you you’re right you’re right you’re

Right hey St let’s let’s switch the topic real quick because I wanted to ask you this okay there’s a former Raiders coach right the actually the guy that was there when Derek Carr was drafted right he he coaches for the New Orleans Saints now he’s actually Derek Carr’s

Coach now Dennis Allen right there’s a lot of um G say Ron Curry no no Dennis Aly but there’s a lot of a lot of Madness in New Orleans with their fan base with some of their players you know um people are ready to move on from

Dennis Allen people know he’s more of a defensive minded guy that offense struggled all year long and that’s their head coach he’s their head coach yes and but there’s rumors now that he’s going to be back with the New Orleans Saints okay um Amy TR the princess of Darkness

You are very familiar with her she’s a good friend of yours I’ve spoken to her a few times good very good person um she spoke of this I I wanted to bring this up to you because I know you’re very familiar with the ins and outs of the franchise especially in Oakland and

That’s when Amy TR was locked in right so they asked her about um you know Dennis Allen you know being promoted and and ended up being the head coach of the Raiders right who what interview was who was asking or so so football what the football podcast by Susie right they

Asked her mind you TR worked 26 years under Al Davis okay with the Raiders she she was that started off as a [ __ ] intern yes that was his that was his right hand at the end of the day no absolutely it was his right hand yes so

We all know that you know he was a wait threeyear stin as a head coach with us um she wasn’t a fan of the Saints promoting Allen to head coach in 2020 she also criticized Allen’s decision to bring ex- Raiders coach John Gruden to training camp last last summer okay

So okay so now because now there’s rumors about him potentially going down there being the OC and all kind of other [ __ ] John guden yes but it’s not gonna happen we might be able to talk to John I think maybe yeah maybe here in a second right that becoming a trend okay

So she said TR characterized him as dismissive uh derisive presence after Allan introduced himself to the organization in the early staff meeting tras said employees lined up at her door with complaints that became a trend Allen’s leadership style continued to rub people the wrong way being described

As uninspiring at best and rude at worst as tras reflected Allen wasn’t someone even the Raiders veteran players were willing to embrace it appeared to me tra said um and I’m not putting words in a player’s mouth but players would do the minimum for him tras said contrasting

Allen with coaches and players that would run through a wall for nobody’s running through a wall for him so I have two questions with this okay two-part question have you ever been on a team with the Raiders with the head coach that players just kind of said whatever we don’t give a [ __ ]

So so when you say don’t give a [ __ ] just we don’t we don’t well yes yeah no yes yes like a coach that you guys were like I don’t give a [ __ ] about him I don’t when you say coach you mean head coach head coach not a not a OC not a

Coordinator none of that 06 art AR shell absolutely so the second ell the second act yes the second stin with Rell and then 07 Lane kein absolutely okay so in0 six arell the princess of Darkness was there right Amy tra now let me ask you your time being in Oakland with her did

You have any conversations with her specifically about the head coach whether it was him or Lane kin the following year no I didn’t okay okay now I want to ask you how involved was she when you were in Oakland oh she was again you know when I was in Oakland

Al Davis was a lot he was there he was yeah yeah yeah Amy tras it was it was it was Al Davis Amy tras I mean so so the talk I know but I’m just saying for for those who are not really familiar the talk is true like Amy was powerful a powerful

Figure within the or Raiders organization she was very powerful and she was very fair that’s what I’ve always heard about her yeah so have you ever heard anything about Dennis Allen in his time in Oakland or anything else about Dennis I have not I have not okay okay I wanted

To read that I heard something that you know breaking news I heard he’s a [ __ ] terrible coach yeah that’s what I heard John John you’ve dealt with Amy John you’ve dealt with Amy TR what do you think of Amy hey man you know listen Amy was a hell of a woman man she

Fit right in man they call her the princess of Darkness for a reason man she’s only about this big too I mean we tell you something man you that guy wasted they called him the Prince of Darkness man when he pulls his pants down yeah he was saying something about

Seven inches to victory yeah look look I’m I’m I’m telling you something man telling you something man oh this is a [ __ ] show I’m I’m just letting you know man just letting you know man there’s a lot lot there’s a lot more for you to

Find man if you’re looking but hey man I I want to get in this Dennis Allen thing man be real with you man when I went there you know I went and helped them with the passing game a lot of good that did them but I I measured the desk of

Dennis Allen I measured the office you know I I I I looked at the way the fun of the office because I’m gonna be real with you man if they bring me down there I’m gonna be the head coach man that’s just the long and the short of it

Man that’s facts though that’s facts right no you’re right no yeah absolutely why wouldn’t hey why would you waste your time John why would I man you know listen I got a court case going on man of Mythic proportions man I just want to you know tap in about that man I just

Want to tell you guys something man they’ve been saying all these things about your man coach you say me meth it or no ST man listen man what do I look like to you Walter White or something man think I’m break bad speaking I’m happy that we have you on screen because

You’re on a thumbnail right so so right now you are actually in Las Vegas um in in the Supreme Court lawsuit with the NFL okay NFL attorney blasts John Gruden’s case in Nevada Supreme Court I want to read a few tidbits from this okay real quick and I want your

Opinion all right there’s no meat on the bones to Gruden’s factual claim that2 pause Goodell or orchestrated a leak of insensitive emails Gruden wrote as an ESPN employee in 2011 she also said the allegations are threadbear he oh he did he blamed guden for writing racist homophobic and

Misogynistic comments too vile to read in open court and probably circulated what he wrote on his own then turn the the uh the lawyer then turned to the role of arbitration and Gruden’s awareness of it as explained by sporo earlier Wednesday Gruden’s employment contract contained language that stated he agreed to the

Leag Constitution and his Provisions which includes gel possessing exclusive jurisdiction to arbitrate any dispute involving a team employee that gel regards as detrimental to the league Gruden and a lawyer asserted affirmed he understood the Raiders contracts terms by signing it he also stressed guden was the very definition of a sophisticated

Party to this contract given his familiarity with the NFL Gruden landed his first job with an NFL team in 1990 that he represented by a seasoned agent now I’mma ask you this okay you’re going through um a major dispute right now with the NFL okay grw yeah man all a lot

Of this [ __ ] is big words if if if Wast it was here he could probably break this [ __ ] down a little thread beat man but the only thing I heard was meat and Bone man let me tell you something man I got both that’s why we like you John that’s

Why we like you John hey man hey let me tell you something that’s why that prosecutor likes me too you yo real quick I want to do this I’m GNA read let’s let’s be serious man be serious come on come on come on yeah yeah come on man come on you know what

No I can’t do this right now come on come on man come on all right let me come come on man come on come on come on man come on we need better [ __ ] execution graphic let’s go guden better execution what is going on in this court

Case right now it’s a whole lot of malarkey man it’s a whole lot of poppy [ __ ] I’m G be honest with you man I said [ __ ] again too it’s crazy Show’s going off the rails let me tell you something man what they’re trying to do is they’re

Trying to cover up the fact fact that I’m not the only racist in the room here man a whole lot of racism to go around why does it got to land in the lap of John grudin man Jam John though you just admitted you’re a racist I mean did you read those [ __ ]

Emails man yeah I’m [ __ ] done bro done hey y gr go get wasted yeah hey John yeah you John thank you no hey no hey guys let me ask you this if so I what question do you want me to ask Amy what would be a good question ask oh

My God I don’t even know anymore hilarious hey real quick chat Ste was about to text Amy TR the princess of Darkness what would you like to ask her she’ll answer this qu trust me she’ll answer this question I know I know how tight you are with her what

Would you guys pause that’s a woman bro we you yo man I think you going a little OD with the PA story I know I gotta sit you down with killer cam I know I Ste killer cam now killer cam nower weuse everything so I get it I get no [ __ ] I’m

Just I’m yeah I’m over pausing you guys because you guys I get it but but wait I’m GNA ask make me do it in the chat everybody it seriously what should I ask I’m wait I’m waiting right now we’re g to get some we’re gon to get some comments

Right now I promise you whatever you guys want to ask Amy TR put it in the comment section Stu is gonna text it to her right now we’re gonna get a response Wast it how do you feel about what’s going on with grw right now there’s a

Lot of weird [ __ ] going on with that whole situation I mean I feel like the the league kind of put their foot in their mouth they they’re trying to make him wear the folies of everything that happened and the the problem is is that you know when you try to just go through

All those thousands of pages kind of circle in on what John guden was talking about I think it’s wrong for him to be the only one to be punished because I’m sure he wasn’t having those conversations by himself right so if you really want to get into it you’re

Probably G to see there are a lot of prominent League figures that said are probably a whole lot worse and what they need to do is they need to tuck their tail between their legs and say hey John we’re sorry take this money and get the

Hell out of our face because if if they really start peeling that onion you might look at the National Football League a lot a lot differently a lot different be careful what you be careful what you dig around and try to find man right they should have let them sleeping

Dogs live brother everybody has the same question text Amy and say Amy if it was up to you who is the next head coach all right she’s gonna say actually and add GM to the mix just say who would you hire as as the onew

Punch and also ask Amy will she come on the the the graphic um the graphic Raider and wasted talent show as well so she can be interviewed by your two buddies because we would love to interview her oh no but we want to have WR with Stu too because steu will have

Fun because of course of course I’m just saying no no I get that but we can’t do that interview without Stu like that that would be fun because they have a no you know I don’t mean wasted I’m just saying that would be hilarious though because I know they know each other very

Closely that would be fun um pause pause pause you can’t even have fun now without pausing man this [ __ ] is insane you know what but we you know what was we we owe Stu a lot of this we we we we St everything man St is the [ __ ] man

We we we we definitely paused him a lot don’t don’t [ __ ] blow smoke up my ass all right I don’t I don’t need all that [ __ ] man come on yeah stop lying man [ __ ] I owe you this this pause board [ __ ] I think I think I can still

Do it bro stop salute to Dey there’s nothing more dangerous than a person with nothing to lose Gruden has the position of power I would love the case to go to Discovery now Dey the NFL don’t want that to happen if that happens it [ __ ] can get spooky in in a quick second

And I’m talking about every every owner in the NFL may get exploited at that point that’s surpris we’re racist all of us oh yeah they don’t want that facts facts FY Stu knows what what they do salute to you bro salute to Mo wasted Baker can cook better than

Russ you know he probably can’t bro we had no problem with them bringing Baker on the cheat I just Baker Mayfield bro I don’t give a damn I just want somebody who started in the NFL just Baker had a good year in Tampa Bay his whole [ __ ] when he was I can’t

Do it man follow with Baker is Right statistically it looked okay he’s a wannabe but he had no Run game if he had a run game it may have looked differently out there in Tampa but he had a he led him to another they won the division they’re in the

Playoffs you know what I’m saying so Baker did his thing this year he defin Derek Carr yeah he bro he definitely outplayed his contract I thought he was in Carolina Tampa Bay oh they won they won the division yeah but that NFC South is one of the worst [ __ ] I mean nasty

Nasty nasty Nast but I don’t want Baker Mayfield I I think that are you doing the [ __ ] isn’t that uh it’s Dr Evil let me see a million dollars forget a wait a not let’s see what sh yo where’s our brother Shadow Fox Shadow Fox rabbit oh my God somebody

Call Shadow Fox bro somebody summon Shadow Fox bro like Shadow fox fox is in the shadow realm like somebody summon him somebody I I need Shadow Fox to make sense of all this yo yeah that’s right Gerald facts Tampa Bay has structured coaching they definitely had a good uh coaching staff

Down they had no Run game the defense definitely played pretty well this season um like I said before Baker outperformed what he was supposed to do but at the end of the day let’s not act as though Baker had a great year by any stretch you know what’s funny is on

Bleacher Report sometimes when I watch when I look at the scores I go to team’s Community tabs and I go look at what the what the what the uh fans are saying and and we need a new quarterback we need a new quarterback you know once we upgrade

From Baker we’re on our way every team says this [ __ ] I want to ask you this think about this the 32 teams in the NFL what fan base is not saying they want a new quarterback Kanas City Chiefs Kansas City Buffalo sometimes Buffalo um Cincinnati um Philadelphia but

Philadelphia now I hear a lot of crazy [ __ ] out there because they’re they’re struggling this year um the Texans now they got CJ St Chargers oh yeah they like sherbet they pick you put them in there but but realistically wait minut the charger got like 11 fans so what about Arizona

Cardinals is Kyro Murray done oh there’s a lot of mixed signals but he’ll be there the report is they’re keeping him let’s just say this 10 teams tops 10 teams tops I will say this when I when I ask coaches about Baltimore Lamar Jackson some of the best

Quarterbacks Murray they said KY Murray is a [ __ ] dude I like Kyler Mur Kyler Murray is excellent he they said he is a [ __ ] dude in terms of talent like yeah he’s really really now let me tell you something that you may not know about him still so where I

Live in Frisco Texas he grew up down the street okay he Texas guy yeah Prosper they say that he is the greatest High School quarterback never lost a game they they said he’s the they said he is the greatest High School Prospect to come out of Texas ever and I’m talking

About Earl Campbell all of this that’s tough that’s pretty high out of Texas they said he is the greatest High School Prospect to come out of Texas ever let me ask you this should he should he have played for the A’s no yes I thought so too I mean if he got

Drafted by the Yankees like Drew Henson you play for the Yankees now now offer him like 22 like they offered him a ridiculous contract right now if he was a Raider and the A’s going to Vegas and he can do the Bo Jackson Deion Sanders

Type thing it may Mak sense but it is what like I don’t like Murray because of how he did my a but I get it I understand it is what it is a business he did [ __ ] them out of a first round or like yes and that definitely [ __ ] us

Up because the a you know we don’t spend a lot of money in free agency we don’t have it and we depend a lot on our farm system and drafting you know I mean so that definitely hampered us but at the end of day man he’s a good quarterback

He’s young he’s small though you know what I’m saying but like somebody said in the chat you go get him a wide receiver you go get him a Marvin Harrison Jr to to pair up with Hollywood’s a free agent so but you go get him another another wide receiver

And get him a nice tight end well I think they drafted one right they drafted one in the um who they get this last draft I forgot because they they I I gotta look it up but can I ask you guys this have you ever heard of the same of RG3

Being uh with sexual like no no okay no we don’t want to talk about that all right I don’t even know what the [ __ ] just happened Trey McBride yes he J thank you my guy out of Colorado they got a young tight end they need a couple receivers Kyer is going to

Be okay but they got to build that old line up too you know what I’m saying but Kyler’s gonna stick around out there they paid him a lot of money Stu they paid him a lot of money so I don’t think him he’s going anywhere but to hear that

Like I do know this though he does have he he does have like social anxiety issues right like he he doesn’t trust a lot of people or whatever but when I asked that’s why he’s a gamer that’s why he’s a g when I when I asked about you

Know when I asked asked um Chuck Pagano and I asked like Rob Ryan they said they said Kyler Murray is a [ __ ] dude yeah he’s he’s a dog I mean bro to be that small and to do what he does and that’s what I thought I said him coming

Out he’s too small yeah bro it’s funny with st you say that it’s this old guy I used to work with back in the day everything was a [ __ ] he’d be like oh I gotta go it’s a [ __ ] it’s my favorite if I were to tell you hey that

Dude’s a [ __ ] old Gody Duke he is old old Gody Duke he would say he said hey that coffee’s a [ __ ] everything was a [ __ ] YY hey St I want to ask you this first this is the last topic of the show we about uh I uh seven and a

Half oh my God y’all [ __ ] in this dick talk [ __ ] all right look raer R Giants we G pass it to you Gra look we’re not gonna do that giant C Antonio Pierce is the top DC Target to replace wink marale so we all know that

AP has a head coaching um interview with the Tennessee Titans uh we don’t know if it’s for real so a homeboy got fired um yes yes and that’s that and apparently now he’s an option he’s no he’s he’s he’s an [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] him

He’s a piece of [ __ ] oh [ __ ] look I’m GNA take st’s word for you talking about Mike Rabel right yes [ __ ] him yep okay now now may I ask you the reasoning behind that so it might be kind of um superficial but again when we played New

England in ‘ 05 on on uh it was the first game of the season or whatever right this is when he was a player what’s that this is when he was a player yeah yeah yeah and it’s it’s safe punt right and safe punt I was the pp which

Is the personal protect protor and defense stays out there right yeah and like Shane punted it and you know it was a fair Catch and I’m just kind of running down and he comes up and tries to [ __ ] just blast me and I’m like what the [ __ ] he’s like [ __ ] you st you

[ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] and I’m like what why all right all right Vel like what the [ __ ] dude like what are you doing man yeah so after that I said y [ __ ] you man F like f you block [ __ ] thank you a record label with staff [ __ ] that

[ __ ] man [ __ ] Mike Vel hey but here’s the thing though reverse it to 04 when we went to Indianapolis and I’m a rookie on the wing and it’s safe Punt and I got [ __ ] Dwight freeny out there I’m going man just take this play off bro just please take this [ __ ]

Play off right and I’m sitting they’re worried about Dwight fre all I hear is Ste Ste and I’m like and it’s [ __ ] KO Jun and he’s like yo big 10 baby yes dude hey represent buddy I’m like thanks KO you know what I mean like that’s the

Difference Jun and a guy like Mike Mike Vel he’s a [ __ ] Mike Vel and those Ohio State guys sometimes are [ __ ] [ __ ] but where the [ __ ] did that no no no let me not even say Ohio State let me say this New England at that point New England at that point [ __ ] those

Dudes but what did that stem from I have no idea I mean you didn’t you didn’t not I’m just like this like just kind of all I’m like look at this dude and he’s a big I mean he’s bigger than I am he’s a

Big a [ __ ] I’m like what the [ __ ] M him Teddy brusi Bruce’s a [ __ ] Bruce’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] ISO uh uh Harrison Northern California Tim Johnson remember Harrison yeah Rodney Harrison Tim johnon Harrison hey I’m GNA say this even John Lynch bro even John Lynch John Lynch a [ __ ] too

E White here’s the deal what and before every game when I played in the NFL if you if there was a white receiver or a white DB hey hey hey very too far very far in between my brother hey hey yo you know what it is it’s

Like wasted after every game when we played Denver Tampa and John Lynch was there I I would sit there and wait and he would just he would he would see me and just walk away Lynch yeah oh you did say that before you did say that only dude that

Ever do that [ __ ] I’m like play for the Broncos also [ __ ] him you know what I mean yeah but he was on Tampa Bay look St maybe because he knew that in his heart of hearts that they could have taken you and put you in that Tampa Bay

Defense you probably would have done a lot better than him and I’m not blowing smoke up yes you you have more god-given ability than he did John Lynch is lucky Simeon rice Warren Sap yeah Derek Brooks a lot Cory Ivy um um Ronde Barber Ronde Barber yeah the other safety Dwight

Smith Dam um [ __ ] who else was out there Boer McFarland Boer on team yeah Booger McFarland yeah he did and again I’m not a big pack 12 guy you know what I’m saying and John John’s from Stanford yeah yeah he was more I mean but again I tried to pay my respect I

Did like I’m like and he just every time just turned around I’m like and Derek Brooks man I mean to be honest with you the way that they when they run that Tampa to all the respons possibilities having a linebacker that can cover the way Derek Brooks could he took a lot of

Pressure off of the safety he was 255 pound safety really yeah essentially he was he was a better cover guy than John Lynch was John Lynch was really the hammer he was a box safety at best look I don’t want I don’t want to [ __ ] talk

John L I know I know we don’t have to no no we don’t have to I’m not even sure why we started getting on that but anyways yeah so but F him if steu doesn’t like him F him F him but I want to ask you guys’ opinion on this like

The Giants already stole our offensive line coach in Carmen Brillo right you know we already know that that’s what it was we’re talking about Mike Vel yeah [ __ ] him we already know the history with Antonio Pearson the Giants he won a Super Bowl over there I mean he played a

Phenomenal he had a phenomenal career with the New York Giants um do you think that this is a realistic situation here where if we don’t hurry up and sign AP that he can go even if the Tennessee Titans don’t have as coach Absol [ __ ] lutely bro

Well I do I I didn’t mean to cut you guys off but I would think this I I would think that he’s one of the hottest coaches in the NFL at this point right I mean yeah yeah he’s he’s an instant culture changer there are some people

That are just looking to to feel like like bro you ever have a time in your life not to get a little little deep hey guys I know it’s a little late everybody in the chat gather around the fire it’s 11:30 it’s not that late yeah well well we’re old still all right

Well okay smok gather around the fire with old man wasted an old man St Story come on Story Time guys have you ever had a time in your life when when you just felt numb and you just needed to feel something right you need to feel something there

Are a lot of organizations out there that they need to feel so they need to believe Antonio Pierce makes you believe you Antonio Pierce coming into your locker room it’s like putting on the music for The Ultimate Warrior remember that music how many Ultimate Warriors were there there were no one there one

Okay and I’m telling you if Antonio Pierce interviews and you have a team that’s like this is our guy they are not letting him leave their building and the thing is he can’t leave and say let me think about it there’s only a couple there’s only 32 head coaching jobs in

The league and how many are available as of right now let me look right now let me Point good point let me ask you guys this there’s a perfect job the perfect job is the Raiders for AP but there’s one specific place no here’s the deal

Though who who who the [ __ ] as a head wanting to head coach why would you not want the Raiders job oh no definitely definitely no I I agree with you but there’s one job that I think the AP would fit and it’d be Atlanta a lot of

Young Talent a lot of young guys he would be the guy to group those guys around and Atlanta is a tough City to be able to focus in because of the strip clubs and all other [ __ ] hey man hey he’s been exposing he’s been exposing [ __ ] and I’m you cut

That out ATA I’m just saying Atlanta’s a lot of young Talent bejan Robinson Kyle pittz there’s a lot of guys out there London Drake London that is a team come on bro graphic hey manat Williams is upset at you right now stop with that

Cat reminds me a lot of me though man i i i expose [ __ ] see wait that is what Stu doeses the [ __ ] and it’s not even it’s not even all you’re doing is just telling facts that’s it yeah all I doing is telling facts yeah you I see

All everybody wants to be a thug big po what is you I’m sorry go ahead man Atlanta has a top 10 pick they’re gonna get a quarterback that’s what I’m saying like they’re gonna get one breakfast yeah this is this is what needs to happen we need to see this walking

Through the doors in the next few days I don’t give a f because I’m gonna be real with you bro I think that the Spanos family is going to give Jim Harbaugh everything he wants they’re gonna give him that hold on who who the Chargers family the Chargers they’re gonna give

Jim Harbaugh more money than guden got they’re gonna give him it more control if that’s even they’re gonna give him everything that’s too rich for blood for me it’s to I don’t want I don’t want a de facto guy who’s running the organization for Mark Davis without the

[ __ ] name I don’t want that I want a coach to coach I don’t bro I don’t give a [ __ ] about I’m not talking about the money because it’s not Mone affect our salary cap I don’t give a [ __ ] about none of that bro I don’t care about the

Money because it ain’t mine I’ve been saying it what I’m talking about is is that yo if they if they do that they’re G to give him money and the power I all of those things are tied into if you got a guy that’s bad if you pay him more

That’s how it affects us the more you pay him the less reticent they are to fire him if he’s a [ __ ] bum that’s the thing I just wanted to go back to yo if the coach is no good you give him a year two maybe three and you get rid of

His ass I don’t want us paying a guy $180 million to coach the team and we got to sit there and just hope it gets better and then he’s the gm2 and he’s this and he’s that and he’s the craft Food Services you you don’t think that Ed D would not

Be able to call any type of shots in Vegas if Harbaugh’s a head coach bro I’m not saying in Vegas but what I’m saying is is that yo if you have that opportunity and then you have the Spanos family who just got done firing a guy

Who wasn’t even he shouldn’t even run a Madden franchise [ __ ] Brandon Staley was terrible and yo so what they’re gonna do is they’re gonna give him everything everything I don’t want that anymore bro that was the problem with Gruden Gruden could have worked if he had somebody to tell him to shut the

[ __ ] up the way used to do now let me tell you something what if I said this isn’t the year for the Chargers to go all out and get a Jim Harbaugh because of the salary cap problems because of the Aging veterans that they have to get

Rid of this is not the year for Harbaugh to commit to the Chargers khil Mack that contract is probably gonna be off the books Derwin James is hurt year in and year out Keenan Allen is hurt year in and year out uh uh quinnon Johnson the

Young guy they just brought in did not Herbert’s contract what’s what what is it what’s Herbert’s contract Cat Williams no he dud no no no no this is what I think of what graph just said they want him to come in and clean the mess up that’s what they want

They looking for somebody to come and clean the mess up you think that harb want to go in there and clean that mess up why not why not why would he can go to Vegas with there’s nowhere near the mess I think he for me I I would feel

Like he’d want a challenge at least right like I mean no he wants the Green he wants the dirty green make more in Vegas brother if they give him $60 or 70 million in total autonomy no we can give him a 100 he’ll make the same amount in

Vegas graphic it is not the same 170 million is not the same as a 100 million in Vegas and and and and and real rap autonomy wna get back to your game check Ste I hey I I I would say I mean I mean tax go it’s not that expens

But there are ulary things that when you’re in Vegas rather than in La well I guess I don’t know I don’t I the [ __ ] do I know guys I’m some [ __ ] [ __ ] in the basement that’s not that’s I know hey why the [ __ ] do you guys ask me any

Questions listen this is my thing bro I’m an [ __ ] in the basement like Cat Williams you know you know what you know what see [ __ ] want to do the M thing we want to do the meme thing gra you want to do it huh listen you fat [ __ ] he was like you fat

Bastard you fat [ __ ] F [ __ ] yo but no on the real grab it’s Ry my guy he said hotep and Bild too so salute to my guy Rudy man Herbert hold on Herbert is five years 20 what what what year is he right now and he’s got

To be close to that right now they they they paid sherbet already they paid him an ungodly amount of money so they they made him the highest paid quarterback at the time extend it so they extend okay so he’s there oh he’s there he ain’t going nowhere oh okay okay yeah Sal the

Profet a great motivational speaker once said you can gain anything in life by telling the right person exactly what they want to hear what does AP need to say to MD hire me [ __ ] on [ __ ] yeah hey I mean that way too late I’m I am I am I

Have just i’ I’ve turned into a gremlin right now it is after it’s almost after midnight and I’m Dev you only turned into Gremlin if you get wet I know you like to get wet I know I know you like to get wet though I know

You like to get wet though is said you getting butt naked c a couple days ago you you had your dezel Washington look going on bro yeah yeah yeah Ste said yo Ste say yo say you you smoke as Sherman Hemley Sherman Hemsley yo hey ra Pro let me say this

There’s nothing you can say you gotta leave by action in the NFL you got to show and prove man you know I mean I don’t know I don’t really if anything if I’m AP I’m saying let me continue to build upon what I what I started that’s

It let allow me the opportunity to keep building on what I what what what I what I got going on out here at the end of the day don’t know I’m the best guy for the job in this allow me the opportunity to continue to build on what what what I

Did this season that give me an give me an offseason give me an offseason it’s a very easy sell like hey Mark you saw what I did with very little time imagine what what this will look like if you give me the proper autonomy and the proper time to really build this roster

Hey waston give me a sandwich man give me a sandwich [ __ ] you talking about man put on somebody back give me a sandwich man yeah he said he said oh that’s Sherman Helms Le huh um give me that give me a sandwich man remember I thought you was actually asking me

That oh yeah yeah yeah but yo yeah oh yeah oh you talking about [ __ ] Wayne Brady and [ __ ] he said give me a sandwich buy your S I thought you was actually asking me for a sandwich [ __ ] up our friendship bro Brady have to slap a [ __ ] there you

Stupid I I like what the [ __ ] he hey real quick man salute to everybody in the build hey St hey hey hey what are you doing tomorrow oh that was in Sacramento yeah he looks thrilled to be next to you too see that but that’s the

[ __ ] up part though is he he asked me dude he called me uh what was the the character in in in uh Training Day Jake Jake yeah Jake Hoy or Jake what [ __ ] he he goes Hey Jake and I’m like this mother Jake and it was Denzel he’s like

Hey come here he called me over and was chopping it up and I said can I get a picture I took the picture that I was showing people and I looked they’re like I’m like this [ __ ] just [ __ ] trolled me and people don’t realize that Denzel’s son was the running back on that

Sa for two years yeah team I think did he play at Southern I think he played at Southern in college yeah yeah bro somebody said Wayne Brady what the [ __ ] is a pan sexual somebody who likes to have sex with cookwar no I think hey I I [ __ ] a few

Pans in my life you know what I’m saying what the [ __ ] is a pan what is that I don’t know what the [ __ ] that means way too old to know what that is I think Peter Pan I think Peter Pan SE peanut butter what the [ __ ] is that

Somebody put their penis in a jar peanut butter put the peanut butter in a fifi oh is it Buffalo Bill butter on the skin put the Peter they put the Peter Pan butter in the Fifi No nasty work yo oh my God yo what’s a

Fifi you you haven’t been is bro nuh I don’t know what’s a fifi D we’ll talk about it offline off air we talk we won’t get actually just demonetized for for ads and [ __ ] it’s been a good show yeah think you might as well Put Another Log on the Fire definitely

Yellow still a u log a sock Hey Hey Hey listen just think Jim from uh American Pie just put a bunch of lotion in there or gross man that’s gross that’s gross nasty nasty actually people say I look like the dude from [ __ ] American Pie sometimes say like

Jason bigs because his nose C I got a big nose like an athletic ass Jason bigs yo salute to the 900 people inler too Adam Sandler’s another one listen talk about fifes and [ __ ] you I mean so before you before you try to kill this show right because like I just got like

A five minute wind right we we need we need like five more minutes yo I I need to unpack something here yo need to unpack something here I gotta ask you guys something man for real when H how worried are you guys the longer this situation goes about hiring the GM for

Us kind of like uh getting left at the dance floor without a date okay so C can I add can I can I respond to your question with another question no because now you’re like the creator of [ __ ] Tri no no because because I have an answer though so let

Me ask you this Ed DOD in tomorrow for an interview right we’re also bringing in um the young pup from Buffalo right a girl too when we bringing in a girl too yes she I think she’s in tomorrow or I forgot when uh you know you know that that that puny rule you

Know what I’m saying we we we definitely have to oblige to the puny rule you know what I’m saying but but let me ask you this do you get worried if we if we sign or we hire Ed D tomorrow because now we want to hurry up with this GM [ __ ] right

If you hire Ed D do you really think the AP is gonna be back maybe not because you know but the hey hey hey guys hey hey if we hire Ed dozo is we got to tap into the GM so selfishly atbs for the podcast and for the YouTube

Channel yes EDS let’s go let’s go look we are I think we all three I remember real hold let me say this no let me say this if you guys trust my opinion on players right and GM’s job is to bring in players free agency drafting wise if

You trust my opinion on guys Ed dos is [ __ ] 100 aligned the first show that wasted ever ever was seen on was a show with me and Stu when I was in Austin Texas in a hotel we did a show and we all three were talking about how we

Would love Ed d as our GM and Jim Harbaugh is our head coach and the the next day Josh McDaniels and zegler were named coach in GM mind you so it’s so funny that everybody says oh you guys wanted this person you wanted that no we

Didn’t we all were talking about Ed dies and Jim Harbaugh so it’s funny that four years later three years later we have another opportunity to bring these guys in so I’ll G be honest with you I think that that Mark is going to talk to him tomorrow very detailed and even even if

He because I think that dods is is a part of Jim Harbaugh’s plan it’s it’s it’s but I also want to say this though right the Raiders are different the the the NFL obviously there’s there’s standards but then there’s even different standards for the Raiders and

You heard Ed dos what’ he say I started there let me end there yeah like we want Raiders dudes I and I also think AP is a Raiders guy even though he didn’t play Raiders but like there’s a different type of mentality that you need to have

When you come in and whether you’re a coach a GM a [ __ ] trainer a assisting coach for the Raiders there’s a different set of expectations that come with it and Ed dos knows those type of expectations and what players fit the mentality of the Raiders that we want yeah dods dods not dos

Dos do o d DS listen I’ll call him whatever the [ __ ] I want he’s like I can actually call him right now if I [ __ ] want to yo hey everybody wants to know real quick did Amy respond yet or no not yet no she had so it says it’s delivered

Okay so next it has not it has not been read but I’ll make sure to let you guys know what next show we’ll talk about but she comes back and yeah real quick man salute to everybody here in the building hey if you’re up for it

Tomorrow man let’s do a coffee and combo bro oh Jesus here we go with this we I’ve NE wasted this is probably gotta be probably maybe the 15th or 16th time he’s invited me and never once have we connected ever now still I’m only getting back to you about all those

Times that you never showed up on the live when I set up the show and you just oh yeah bro I forgot wasted have I ever done that ever bro I listen no no don’t pull that [ __ ] bro no no you never done it to me you’ve never done it to me

Still you’ve never done it to me if I’m being respectful but but still what you have done is and I’m was gonna be real with you still all right you have called and said that you would like to come on and then gone radio silence for weeks on

In well I also have tried to come on and you guys ignored me too I’ve never ignored you one time St never never ever ever you’re one person listen there are a lot of people that I I haven’t come on before in the chat and said hey let me

Pull up and I never got sent a link you know we can’t read every chat every Everything hey look hey look what just W just said or look what just said no but but bro we can’t see every comment in the comment section like look I’m

Talking about for me Ste i s to you and then the sent me a text he sent me aex I said damn bro I’m just seeing this we were live remember I sent you a text my bad bro I’m just seeing this I know I’m just saying though I’m just saying I

Mean still still trying to he trying to he trying to back he trying to make my [ __ ] backfire on me it’s not gonna work it’s not gonna work bro I’m just saying ask the fans though they be like hey steu wants to come on Ste wants to come

On and y’all just keep talking yeah this a intervention Ten Commandments bro it is I mean there are a lot of people that that that asked to come on the show asked to pull up and what I do is I unceremoniously block say no I don’t do

That nobody wants to come on my show that’s Shi more nothing that’s how we do it fro said change your name to Shadow Fox and we’ll we’ll answer every call bro yo I IO me ask you a question yo graph didn’t you want to know what

Shadowax had to make of all of this stuff I did it was almost like J Ru it was weird I was I I was thinking to myself this morning yeah I kind of feel like his narrative Was it didn’t matter so is that done or are we no no we’re we’re still we’re still here I’m serious though dude I I look kind of [ __ ] yolked right now bro yeah show the other arm show the other arm [ __ ] your arms we’re still live though we’re definitely still live I promise salute to the chat man shout out to everybody here in the building appreciate oh the chubster oh Tim chub has been blocked we gotta bring him back oh how the hell do I do that go

To the back end of YouTube I’ll show you how to do it you would want me to go to the back end oh my God this is a [ __ ] show man we talking about fifes backends Hey where’s Tiff at where’s Tiff at babe she’s got to come and least say

What’s up yeah she will but she’s she’s had a she’s had a rough day when’s your birthday your birthday’s coming up soon right yeah Monday we’re doing a we’re doing a 40 uh the 40th uh uh hey John John what what’ you get graph for his

Birthday I a get him a goddamn thing man I’m gonna be real with you man only thing I’m going to give him man is is is [ __ ] you know swift kick in the ass a little advice man and I got quick really quick I’m so Hey listen

Man never never tug on Superman’s capee never spit into the wind never spit into the wind and never play cards with a man with the last name of a city the mask off the ol Ranger and you can’t [ __ ] with me and my man that that’s right man

Listen let me tell you something never pissing to the win man and if you ever play cards with a man the name of a city man it’s all all bad man that’s all I got for you man big bro Tiff hey Ste hey what’s going on nothing she’s asleep oh she’s as I

Wanted to check out my hair my hair actually is dude you guys should feel it dude I’m like I’m like I’m like pimping no actually I’m like [ __ ] um what’s his name uh oh my God who we talking about comian oh my gosh what the [ __ ] so

So for those who don’t know Tiff did Stew’s hair in for the alumni party yeah but no I’m I’m like the comedian what’s uh yeah you put it in a bun yeah Adam Sandler no no uh the one exposing everybody Cat Williams yeah when he when he straightens his oh you like oh

Pimping Pimping that’s what you said there’s only a million players out here in the world you he what the [ __ ] is going on right now I’m just saying D no yo man Tiff hey Tiff what did you get at Ruth Chris a salad did you did you get the wedge or

Did you get the the cob the Caesar joint you know St you know you had the double beef mix MC hamwi steak no she got that she got that when she got home boo she said not for them $60 I’m tell anybody that hasn’t been to Ruth Christ do not touch those plates

The first time I went to Ruth Chris I went to grab that plate and that [ __ ] burnt the [ __ ] out of my hands yeah yeah you left your fingerprints on the plates permanently yes sir that’s yo sick of being ignored the fans always asking rust and stew you guys see the

Comments and ignore on purpose catch me in stew with WiFi hey let me ask you hey hold on can I say I W to ask this and you you guys don’t have to answer or not but who who when you look at Raider content creators

Who are who who are your who who is the competition us there is no competition you know what I’m saying let me tell you something why did somebody say Charles was dead did you see that yeah somebody’s a [ __ ] man I wish I could punch him in the face man let me tell

You something man you know we don’t we just over here doing our own thing man I love wasted I love graphic man Hammer all them an anded the boy you know the boy done went on a binge man so I L on a bunch of weight the boy look good man he

Don’t Charles I love your banter between you and uh uh Shaq dude it’s the funniest thing Man it it definitely is man Shaquille O’Neil man he he a big bow l a big kid man falling all over the place he need to put some DN lotion on

That boy bash on National Television man but let me tell you something Stu there ain’t no competition in this [ __ ] man everybody that that that matters in this [ __ ] is down with us and if they not they terrible they bound the driz yeah that then and they definitely bound the drizz on

Graphic shout out to everybody in the chat man I see I always thought WiFi Willie had more clout than than than the mount mount uh Shield more so you want to start something right now I just that’s what I thought that’s what’s so that’s yeah well let me tell you

Something man I also thought that the world was flat but I found out that [ __ ] was dead [ __ ] wrong you know it no it is it isy hey yo I’mma say this real quick this the last time I’m gonna talk about dude he started on my channel shout out

To him whatever you got going on cool but at the end of the day over here we don’t buy nothing we everything is organic everything is real we earned every single subscriber that we have SIMPLE and plain we never had to pay for nothing we never had to do this or that

We kept it real we’ve never put another team’s Jersey on in the live stream it’s Raider Raider Raider yeah I did see that simple and pl we don’t play around like that but shout out to him shout out to him and and his and his family and they

Doing what they doing out there salute to them I just feel bad because I’ve done a I’ve done a million shows with him in the past like I said he started over here I got him monetized bro like like real talk well I remember I remember the group messaging we used to

We were all yeah he was in the group chat remember remember we all flamed John Gruden hey that’s what Carr girl that’s his wife salute to her I would never wise look I’m gonna say this I don’t know him I’m not into little goof content creator was the only person that

I got respect for and I know and that’s my friend is grab you know what I’m saying and all the rest of the guys Mitch all them guys are cool Simone all them guys are good guys I’ve met them they’re nice guys right the other guys that do this I don’t really pay

Attention to I don’t have a time to pay attention to him I’m way too [ __ ] old to be going back and forth with some dude who’s on the other side of the country and there you have so so listen man only thing I gotta say is man salute

To him no no not even salute [ __ ] him and everybody who’s not down with us I do want to ask this though I mean if someone were to like I want to get what’s going on with the Raiders who do they come to I I would hope us let me just say

That I I don’t want to be that guy you know what I’m saying that arrogant guy you know it’s like no dis I’m just saying man I just want to be with the best and if it’s not you guys I got I gotta get the [ __ ] out of

Here I knew was going somewhere I know listen you know what I would say to that did get the [ __ ] on then Ste hey is a shield more official member it’s funny bro I forgot you were in that group chat because that’s where that relationship went sour was that day hey

It’s funny no you’re right that was like wasa’s first day in that group chat and was said oh that’s what we doing yo WiFi suck my dick yo was crying bro I swear the first Y block Mr Raider fan thank you please please block Mr Raider fan get him the F

Out of here I don’t even see unceremoniously blocked what he say yeah no don’t say that just block him I don’t even see I’ll do it I’ll do it Mr Raider fan you know I love I love reading the comments wait hold on Mr Raider fan you will be

Un ceremoniously he must oh I see him oh yeah I see him un ceremon L blocked Mr Raider out of here no it was it was Shadow Fox man Shadow Fox have a good night but other than that you guys look I’m g go kick it with my wife spend

Some time we are we’re coming up on two hours salute to everybody in the building man I appreciate you guys and once again no shade to anybody sh more nothing with me more nothing with me period that’s it that’s you whoever you see me with yeah what about honcho oh

Hey man hey salute to him too I don’t even know I don’t like you know what’s crazy I don’t know him I don’t know any of these guys people hate him he wasted I will say this I’ve been on his show and made comments and he he

Refuses to acknowledge any of the thing I [ __ ] say so I [ __ ] the dude I don’t give a [ __ ] about that dude let me say this shout out to him man yeah we’re not I’m not messy like that bro I don’t really care [ __ ] all these dudes let me

Tell but this is YouTube It’s YouTube like like there’s no personal no it’s stube it’s oh I like that but look the only people I have personal relationships with is shmore Mitch and then when I go to to Vegas I see my uses other than that

Bro swag Mur and swaggy are some solid [ __ ] s he’s all right guy too sji cool too bro like but everybody else I don’t know hey Chris spice you’re all good too Chris and spice you’re are all good I don’t know who the [ __ ] that is

Yo like I’m saying yo yo yo my my dog Thor shout out to Thor spicy yeah oh my God my God Thor’s our guy like if I look I broke bread with you before Stu I broke bread with Thor them I break bread like we we’ve actually hung out if I

Haven’t actually hung out with you then it’s like ah it’s nothing to talk about it’s no beef but I don’t know you if I if I haven’t actually looked you in ey shook your hand let me just say this this is the best way to end this okay

I’ve done content to and you know you’ve been here damn near since day one let me say this I’ve done [ __ ] with everybody okay everybody anybody that does Raider content I’ve done something collaboration wise with them the guys that I rock with now are my brothers

Y’all like I learned who I like in this and who I don’t like that’s no disrespect to anybody a lot of guys started on docn they got a look they moved on they did their thing salute to them that’s no disrespect to anybody all I’m GNA say is this with y’all y’all are

A Brotherhood if something happened to y’all I I would feel that I would feel that in person if any of these guys God forbid something happened to them it wouldn’t affect me like that you guys are my brothers you know what I’m saying like it’s cool to do the internet [ __ ]

Like that bro you look go get Tiff who the [ __ ] else can say go get Tiff but y’all you know what I’m saying like like it’s different you know saying there’s levels to this salute to my guys I promise you I love those guys and I mean

I don’t love them personally but I love what they brought to the content World let me just say that yeah that’s a fact anybody that’s doing good work I respect what they do yeah yeah I don’t have I don’t hate on them but the thing with me

Is is that yo I don’t have a time to watch a whole bunch of people I don’t watch anybody but I don’t I don’t I don’t watch anybody because yo I work a full-time job I’m a dad I’m a husband I’m a brother a son I’m very involved at

What I do at work I’m I’m I’m a boss I got [ __ ] going on so when I get on here I cook with my guys and that’s it yeah it ain’t no disrespect to nobody bro and I have to say this Jenny hear you but a

Lot of y’all don’t know the behind the scenes [ __ ] see and you guys won’t know I think this I think honcho thinks he’s too cool though when he says he’s cool I that brother man I’m not gonna look I’m not gonna do that because look I haven’t

I’m not asking you to I’m saying it no no no I know I’m just saying I haven’t talked to I’ve tried to reach out I’ve tried to reach out you know I’m saying yeah I haven’t talked to Bro in a while you know he reached out to me and and we

At that point let me just say this I officially just moved on and just did my thing you know what I’m saying like at that point it’s nothing you know what I mean like is what it is but mind you we had a great podcast at one point you

Know what I’m saying the uh what was it wipe the feet get maybe am I am I confusing honcho with Hondo no not at all not but but I’m gonna say this um yeah st came in here and just raided yeah I know Ste you whing bro I don’t

Have no problem with bro I’m I love it I problem nobody I love it never had asking the question I’m just trying to know who who who who are the ones running the [ __ ] there there is listen bro look respectfully bro it’s not about running nothing it’s about

Running your own race we do what we do and however far we get is how we get whatever they do is what they do but what they eat don’t make me [ __ ] so I don’t worry about it bro I just worry about what I got going on I worry

About what they eat don’t make me [ __ ] that’s pretty I like that you know it don’t but I’m G say this real quick I hope every one of those guys succeed it’s never a personal matter with any of them because I don’t know them personally you know what I’m saying

So do your thing like like when I when I if I if I end a relationship with somebody on YouTube it’s not that big of a deal because I don’t know I guess I guess the only thing for me is is don’t try to act too [ __ ] big oh but but

But but that comes with the T most of these guys have been nerves and never been like that bro like this the thing me and was have talked about I’m not like look I’m not gonna go into detail bro [ __ ] was always at at at

That table I was always at that you were always always at that table St like like like it’s it’s some people get in this they get a little bit of clout and they lose their mind you know what I’m saying like that’s yeah you know what I mean

Like like with this bro I just love doing this [ __ ] because I love talking Raider football it’s popular none of that [ __ ] whatever comes with this is great I’ve had a great look I’ve turned this into a career so I’m blessed yeah man and and it’s a blessing for me I’m a

Guy who has have been very successful in my career and still in my career and this is something that was an outlet for me that’s become a passion and it’s becoming like almost like a a s it’s becoming like a second job yeah you know what I’m saying because I how like but

The thing is it’s not really a job it’s like yo it’s it’s it’s more like a Brotherhood but the brotherhood like we fly around the country bro and meet each other bro and I’m like damn y we like friends trust me that that means some [ __ ] honestly like when you can meet

Somebody and break bread with them and hang out and like have a good [ __ ] time bro that [ __ ] is everything bro especially guys of our age because it’s like yo you got some of your friends that ain’t make it some of them dead whatever it’s cool a lot of my homeboy

Are gone you know what I’m saying rest in peace the up I’ll be honest with you a lot of my friends I grew up a lot of them I had to cut the [ __ ] off yeah and then now you got the ones you got to cut off so when you got guys that

Are in the same sheet of music as you and on the same Vibe and the same kind of time we raising our families we we got wives we got [ __ ] to talk about and comment like a lot of times we’re not even talking about football when I when

I I could talk to Stu for two three hours we talking about our our in-laws bro that [ __ ] is worth go and and all the rest goofy [ __ ] that comes with this when I came into this Raider thing I feel bad because I feel almost like when

I came into it didn’t the whole the the the whole everybody working together [ __ ] kind of stopped I’m not saying it’s because of me because it’s not but I feel like when I came into it graph and I spoke to graph for probably like like we did a show he

Was like yo man what’s your number and then we we spoke and ever since that day I haven’t gone a day without talking to graph yeah it was it was like this it was instant soon as I met Stu it was instant y yeah it wasn’t forced I didn’t

Have to say yo bro you know what I’m saying it was instant we just clicked and and I feel like it’s not me but when we all linked up and then we kind of start hanging out we out in Vegas and we became close it was just like yo this is

What it is it it wasn’t no disrespect to nobody it was just this is what we’re doing we homies we enjoy working together the [ __ ] is it’s just like life wasted you in every aspect you find what works for you and and that’s what you do

Right I found my guys I found what works for me in this [ __ ] and I kept it pushing like and that’s the same with me bro and I’m not a phony I don’t have a lot of new people around me so I’m not the kind of guy that’s going to be like

Listen LL coj said this he says and and and and I believe this too he says I’m a good guy but I’m not a nice guy and that’s the thing with me I’m a good guy but I’m not a nice I’m not the kind of guy that just accepts everybody you

Gotta earn your way to be in my presence like that to be honest with you bro like I’m like that too but but for a minute there I was a little too nice I gave a lot of people people I’m always too nice I gave a lot of people a spotlight that

Definitely didn’t deserve it you know what I’m saying so at the end of the day I like I said bro like you know I don’t think also too though I guess when I’m saying I like to [ __ ] with dudes who are humble yeah you know what I’m saying

Dudes dudes that are that are real people and like when you when you have a chance to talk with them they they because again when we’re on here right we we somewhat play characters we do I mean we’re we’re we’re uh uh we’re entertainers at this but when you call

Somebody like it’s I like it when people can turn that [ __ ] off and actually just be real down Earth not saying not saying that we’re not real but no we’re always real but but we also know when when the phone when the shit’s off we get on the

Phone that [ __ ] yeah hey bro it’s not like I would have call St tomorrow but like still you’re unceremoniously blocked you know like what the hell like Bo oh but but D this is splendiferous like come on and here’s the thing I want people to know when we talk off rarely

Is it about the Raiders never no never life listen and Andy’s Andy look everybody keeps say what nothing happened Andy’s a young man and Andy’s growing his life Andy is not where we are in life you know I’m saying I I have Teena I got a kid that’s about to go to

College I got a kid that’s driving that that just drove like before I got on the air what took me so long to get on air my daughter drove drove me to the pharmacy and back yeah and I was saying to myself godamn it get in your car seat

Like that’s where I am in life you know what I’m saying life man this is what we have to say at the end of the day it’s like this most people and this is no shade to anybody but I’ve seen people personally we have a lot more going on outside of

Just YouTube you know what I’m saying so a lot of people take this more personal and I was out there at the point because I just want I just I felt like when I came into this [ __ ] bro like I was I grew up at those at those tailgates D at

In Oakland Coliseum yeah I knew the caderie of Raider fans right I didn’t see the fake and weird and [ __ ] until I started doing this so then it kind of was like whoa it was eye open and it was like damn bro like what the

[ __ ] like I never seen this at any of these any like even on the road when I went to Tennessee to watch the game New Orleans anywhere else any Raider fan I was around it was always love you know what I’m saying but when I got to this [ __ ] I started

Seeing oh I love that you already know what it is but at the end of day man I’m G say this I love that everybody is doing their own thing period bro like whatever they got going on and mind you guys I’mma say this anybody in this

[ __ ] that knows me personally if they ever needed anything that I have o Mitch anybody can anybody can call me and say yo graph W and if I have it I’mma provide it because I’ve always supported everybody you know saying and I’m G tell you guys this real quick and I’m G say

This out loud real talk and you know this wasted we’ve talked about honcho I start you know we started up I was here I helped him get going if honcho ever wanted to have a conversation you guys because I get a lot of comments about

Why do you not [ __ ] with him he could call me I would I would take a call with honcho there’s no problem with that because it’s never been personal to be real with y’all we were in his backyard the other day a few weeks ago when we

Were in in New York it felt weird to know was in his area and we weren’t linking with him it was just like whoa like but you also realize that some people are for you and some people may not be you know what I’m saying it is

What it is I mean him and I we live like right around the corner yeah exactly but we were literally in his backyard live very close to each other from what I understand you know what I mean I don’t know the guy I’ve never met

Him and I I you know look he he’s he’s very knowledgeable and I don’t have no problem nothing bad to say about the guy right but when it comes to like us and it comes to Mitch and San those guys when I first got into this they didn’t

Have to like extend the Olive Branch to help me and they did yeah and I appreciate it graph did the same [ __ ] thing bro so I got love for them so when I hear people bagging on them I always defend them because they were good to me

Murf and swaggy were good to me yeah I have no problem with any Raider content creators who are creating content bro I think one of the greatest shows on this channel ever is with me St in murf I think that one of the greatest on this

Channel bro and and you know we got tons of them but like that one form that was special bro and I missed that show I was sleepy and I I I’m mad that I wasn’t on that show you know but bro yo let me tell y’all something man I’m G say this

Can can I can I just talk my [ __ ] real quick though W I’m gonna say this I did a lot for a lot of people in this field and never got nothing in return and I never asked for nothing in return but I made a lot of people money I don’t think

People understand like what I’ve done behind the scenes and on live I’ve done a lot for a lot of people well the people that you’ve done that for no no they do but it’ll never be spoken about saying they ain’t gonna say it no but no

But wasted wait look you my brother in real life I look what what go that that goes without being said because I know if I need something in my life if me and my family just lost our house and I needed to get my morgage together I can

Call Wason and say yo let me hold this and guess what he gonna do what you want me to send it to and know I do the same thing for him and St the same thing with you st bro like what’ you call me when

You in Vegas yo book me up up a [ __ ] flight right now I’m on my way I’m like likeo we was live over a still was like still was like still was like [ __ ] you know I got the money I just don’t want my wife to know that

About to book the flight so I said I said let me call Tiff real quick and then you call me said I already booked it right it was crazy because it was like one minute we were doing a draft and then it’s like you turn around you

Like yo [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is he I came I came dude I packed nothing but [ __ ] throwback jerseys no underwear no socks no [ __ ] clothes just popped up Mountain boots in a [ __ ] yo it was the best it was and you know what though that that that that that weekend was

[ __ ] dope as [ __ ] it was really really really [ __ ] cool like I told you the fact that I was able to reconnect that that was the first time I had talked to Woodson since I left yeah you know what I’m saying and like that that was huge for me that was such a

Good conversation too bro and it’s like bro that that’s see that’s the thing right like bro the rest of the [ __ ] right and the everything else that goes on in this that’s the stuff that’s outside of the framework of actually yes doing this job doing the real work

Talking about the Raiders bringing up certain scenarios getting players on giving people you know what I mean real insight into what’s going on behind the scenes because we definitely have those those and I love it I love it to be able for you guys to get a chance to meet the

Players and just get a chance to know them as just regular [ __ ] people you know what I’m saying and notak two great shows this St the booty hole show and remember this didn’t we go live with Ste when he dipped to recop some drink bro he was at the ATM and

Forgot his [ __ ] pin number bro yo I forgot about this [ __ ] you know but you know what I was in the car with my cell phone but I have to say this okay I love that Stu brought this up because I’m GNA be real with you this

Would never came up ever I love that you did this because I want people to know when you don’t see me with people anymore bro it’s not a it’s not a personal problem no it’s it’s not it’s just look I’m gon be real with you guys

Some people do this for fun okay some people do it for a couple dollars some people do it for attention I’m doing this for my l clout I’m doing this for my legacy I’m doing this to to take this Raider [ __ ] to a whole another level

When I walk away from this [ __ ] I I want my name to be set in stone like yo he changed the content game that’s my that that’s what I want to do so when I see other guys do it part- time and they drop one video a week and all that that

Has nothing to do with me what I do I left a a great great job to do this because I believed in myself and and and right now St you see what we’re doing a bunch of Hall of Fame guys want to pop in and do this I don’t do this for any

Other I don’t do it for none of that I’m doing it for my legacy because when I get to when I get a chance to leave this [ __ ] alone I can give this [ __ ] to my son and he can come over here and be the

Next one to do this [ __ ] I want to say that let me be real real real quick okay um I I believe that anything you do you want to be the best at it yes yes that’s right and that’s why I [ __ ] with you guys because yeah I know that you guys

Put the research in you put the time in you you you you put the resources in uh and really let me go back to time people don’t a lot of time people don’t realize how important time is as you get older yeah oh my God bro it’s everything we

Don’t have a lot of it we don’t we don’t and when you talk about taking again we both we all have families we all have kids we have wives yeah and we’re we’re we’re giving up our time to do this and again when I when when I I did all my

Research before and looked at who are the people and who are the people that I want to communicate with and I want to associate myself with right people that take it serious and people who who who do the [ __ ] again do the due diligence know their [ __ ] I appreciate

That and let let me end the show on this note okay humbly we are the best good night Everybody [Applause] yeah that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about I know


  1. Did The boyz at OakLosVegas break the Ed Dodds to Raiders GM news?
    At 11:55 in

    Schweigert texts Ed. “Good Luck tomorrow my guy” (with Raiders GM Interview)

    Immediately Ed Dodds Texts Schweigert back” My turn to Finish where I started”

  2. The Russell Wilson convo only makes sense if he would be good to help AOC4. Otherwise you're FA and draft on QB which is like every year and one injury away from a busted season again.

  3. Mark Davis is only concerned about the financial business of the Raiders imo. Everyone that’s reported to be the GM and HC wont. He did the shit with Ziegler/JMD, straight out of left field. I expect nothing different, it will be a weird as pick as GM and HC mark my words.

  4. Dox the only reason Pat Mahomes struggled against our defense was because of the pass rush. If Chris Jones becomes available he is free agent #1

  5. Finding a new OL coach is not what I would call a Big Blow. Plenty of quality OL coaches. Stu is gold man….

  6. Ima tell you guys dan snyder is the one who leaked those emails that punj from washighton redskins abd the turmoil wat he was doing to the cheerleaders sexually harassment he leaked those emails cuz he knew he was on tge way out

  7. U guys are wild. The best! I feel more like a fan every since MD let Josh go. And got more informed with u guys thanks

  8. Lt Kolton Miller Lg Munford ( he doesn’t have feet for tackle) c D Parham Rg Dj Fluker Rt Eluemunor ( ideally he’s the swing tackle , and you upgrade Rt in the draft or Fa . Anyone said Munford hold it down they had to give him constant help with the te . Watch the tape.

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