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Dave Dameshek Returns! | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 66

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guest: Dave Dameshek.

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Hello and welcome to punchlines I am Frank nicaro longtime comedian lifelong sports fan TGIF everybody I’m not happy because it’s Friday I’m happy because it’s one day closer to the NFL playoffs tomorrow and uh I hope we are close we’re close to tomorrow right and we’re a lot closer than the Portland

Trailblazers were last night to the Oklahoma Thunder Ryan put that score up please did you see this final Oklahoma Thunder 139 Trailblazers 7 so or 77 sorry my delayed audio came up on my computer and scared me this is why I shouldn’t have any sort of electronic

Equipment during a show anyway uh Chris did you guys have the book did they have it at minus 62 or what was the line on that game we haded 62 and a half we got nailed I love one of those guys you Vegas guys you know exactly Time Travelers I mean that was

The fifth biggest differential in NBA history I think I read That’s Just insane yeah it also wasn’t the only game that was a blowout last night what was theow all the well the Bucks Celtics game ended at a a 37o game or 32 33 was the Game ending but the the halftime

Scores the Cavs were up 20 at half the Bucks were up 37 at half the Mavericks were up 19 and half and the suns were up 14 and half so like none of the none of these games were any close 20 at half but that was in France so the exchange

Rate’s only like 14 I don’t know if you know anything about French gambling but it’s different right I’ve never been to Europe so I don’t know I don’t know it’s the whole metric system they use over there it’s very different um we have a big show today late breaking news by the

Way it looks like Ken dbor is going to Alabama and uh jar Mayo is gonna coach the uh Patriots yes as Jeff uh said yesterday Jeff Jeff just Jeff predicted yeah good for Jeff he predicted mayo and he predicted uh Santa Clara yeah yeah he gave out to Santa CLA pick yeah yeah

Yeah so Jeff uh Jeff was two for two uh way to go Jeff uh listen Big Show today ladies and gentlemen via the video Jerry this episode’s going to be rough for you pal lots to talk about the Steel City man I’m sorry uh I’m not even gonna say

The word Jerry I’ll just point to my t-shirt which I’m wearing so I will be not mentioning the city making his return to the show Pittsburgh guy Dave damek will be here to talk all the NFL playoffs and he will have a particular interest in one game

Steelers bills but we are talking all things NFL on the show today of is our excellent sports betting analyst and NCAA champion who earlier this week forgot to bring something in for show and tell but she’s here Alex white is here Alex what do you have for us well I

Have uh my national championship ring I won in 2012 look at that UNLV national championship ring yes this was as an athlete and then I did win a part of the coaching staff and then I took over and was a head coach and won another one uh

2019 so she’s got more rings than Tom Brady over here this girl I’m an athlete I don’t know if I told you guys this I have uh um five total okay one less than one less two less than Brady I was being factious I was just joking she’s got one

More than one more than Bradshaw right one more than Bradshaw and five more than me so I don’t have any national championship rings um and the reason we’re here our boss and director of the South Point sports book sitting in the studio uh the sports book director here

Chris Andrews ladies and gentlemen and the creator of the super teas and the NFL championship xacta and the reverse teasers and the reverse teasers which we have right here we want to show these you guys have to come down to the South Point Casino here in Las Vegas we got

All these cards in front of us uh the reverse teaser so which one are you the super teaser explain what a super tease is to folks well when I first started so I I I started at the barber Coast working from Michael gone and at the time you

Know parlay cards were like just some stupid little thing right you know and Michael gone kind of revolutionized it but he had uh you know the the half point card and then the teaser card so and then he he he actually recommended

Me for a job up in Reno I go up and we started doing some stuff with parlor cars really I mean just going great we did a lot of things one of the things but we had the teaser card which I kind of copied off of Michael and I wanted to

Have like the super teaser card which was 10 points each way and uh I I went through like three years doing medians right medians which medians not averages and you I can tell the story now I remember calling I sent it all to rock I can’t remember we didn’t have I guess we

Had faxes back then I sent it all to Roxy and he got it and he’s looked over and he calls me he says yeah you did a lot of work let me guess you smoked the joint and went through all how did you know uh but anyway I I did kind of

Figure all the all admit it or not no he did yeah yeah whatever 40 years ago I think I’m in the I think I pass a drug limitations you’re fine like I always said my my college roommates would laugh at how easily I would pass a drug test

Now but anyway uh we so I started that but and I use 10 points you know the odds are all different we use eight points but Tai’s win here at the South Point and the odds are different you know I mean you can do anything you want

Just you know and then just kind of monkey with the odds but it’s been a real good thing for us and yeah that was came my tiny little PE came from your and then we have the the exacto the Super Bowl xacto which we were talking

About on the show yesterday you can pick two I mean uh looking at that oh some big numbers you know she’s displaying it just like it’s like Wheel of Fortune price is right I should say or van white or van white there you go um I don’t

Know the what are the Steelers over the Cowboys is 550 I think or something big I can tell you that I don’t I don’t have them all memorized Frankie I’m sorry let me see that real quick guys please it’s 500 that was the one uh Sean who’s a big

Steeler fan too we were talking about it uh where is that one bottom of the left bottom left thank you 500 to one Steelers beat Cowboys I think that’s happened before it’s happened a few Cowboys beat Steelers is 550 what do you think Chris the value here with with like the two one

Seeds well I made the prices so I don’t think there’s much value anywhere you know but I I will say this really Public Service Announcement if you are betting Futures most of the time you’re better off with a rolling moneyline parlay now some of these you know obviously if you

If you’re reaching for the moon right with yeah you’re probably better off but I mean you know I mean that’s why they’re 3,000 to one I mean don’t go betting entire bank roll on one of those but if you want you know 10 bucks or five bucks or 20 you know whatever

Whatever you feel comfortable with you know again shooting for the moon but ordinarily you know if you’re betting you know whether it’s the Niners or the Ravens or maybe like you know one of the slightly lower tier teams you know Dallas or Detroit most of the time you’re better

Off with the rolling money line parlay now sometimes there’s you know big upset or something like that would kind of change that up you know but most of the time and that’s what you’re better off doing okay that’s good stuff right there public service announcement public it’s

A PSA ladies and gentle see we’re here we’re here for you ladies and gentlemen it’s funny yeah I don’t mean but i’ I give speeches every now and then to like you know the rotary clubs and all that and I always start out say okay who here

Bets Sports and it’s usually a lot of guys and about half says okay if you don’t bet Sports here’s my public service an out don’t start don’t start but if you do come see me and I’ll try to give you as much advice as I can you’re like y Briner and that old

Smoking ad remember y Briner yeah I do he died of SM he died of cancer from smoking so he cut a commercial before he died and he’s like I’m y Briner if you don’t smoke don’t smoke and he’s dead it’s like it was like that’s a k that

Scared me what was the other guy was uh he he played uh Hamilton Burger on uh Perry Mason I can’t oh I can’t remember that one I do not know yeah he did the same thing and he died he had one of those great grav voices you know and

Died young from smoking by the way so did my dad Roger yeah no my dad yeah too so don’t smoke but you brener that’s that commercial I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life I took a puff when I was a kid and oh you’re Championship athlete This Woman’s no she never smoked

I no her dad’s probably watching we don’t want to my parents did smoke I mean and around us I mean it was the 70s oh yeah and I just never did it I don’t know yeah was it William tomman who was it William tomman yeah there you go William

Tomman yeah I would have never got that but you Brer though that one scared the hell out of me all right let’s talk about fun stuff today’s January 12 2024 and if you those numbers Ryan the 12th of January okay 20 the year 20 24 the

Year 24 you add them together you get 56 and you add 10 you get 66 it’s our 66 episode see how I did that made no sense I know all right any I wore this tie in honor of Mr damashek Dam just like you know Ryan calls you Mr

Nicter yeah exactly well which has never happened but anyway did you know what wish I I didn’t realize cuz I have a Mario lemu Tha at home I know I should have wore that today that’s okay you I mean today is episode 66 I should have

Wore that we usually do the jerseys and listen when there’s when you think 66 there’s really only one you think there only one Super Mario and as uh as not luck you want to say irony on January 12th today in 1993 is when Lemieux shocked the hockey Community when he

Announced he had been diagnosed with cancer yeah at just 27 years old Mario stepped away from the game to undergo radiation treatments for hodskins disease now known as Hotchkins Lymphoma and of course we know he came back three years later we had Josh yoi on that show talking about Mario’s comeback night he

Returned for three years to play five more seasons but today episode 66 and the day that we found out he had cancer I think he led the league in scoring that year too despite missing like six weeks he was second in he was second in the heart trophy right I believe that

And he was up there in scoring it was insane how he came back Dave probably knows he Dave’s yeah Dave will know first game back he had three points I know that he scor scor in the first game back the crowd went nuts and Josh OE who

Covers the Penguins for the athletic of course said it was probably the best sporting event he’s ever been at it was just living in Reno all those years you know not in a big City where you get to see but I mean we made a trip one year

The year when they they won the two Stanley Cups after they won the first1 yeah so me and my one buddy Johnny we went uh where did we go we went to uh San Jose Anaheim and LA for a three-game swing and I and Penguins won all those

Games and just got to see Mario at his best with you know yogger and Francis I think Paul coffee might have still been on that team wow was just great as great and a week from tomorrow we’re going to be at the Penguin game right here in

Vegas are you rooting for Vegas that game I’m sure you probably will be I have to root for the golden knights they had a big win last night so we’re hoping they can uh keep that going they did they won two to one in OT right yes they

Did and I know I think uh what’s that very quickly into overtime too yeah it was it was very quickly and I know kuch was talking about that game thought maybe Vegas would struggle he did also I think mention the under maybe a little

Tired game so two to one it’ll be a good game though Pittsburgh’s playing very good as as I know who I’m avoiding them for unders right now they have been putting up points yeah we’ll be there we’re going to be at the game I think we

Have to make some sort of bet between the three of us and the four of us I’m sorry I mean Chris and I are taking the pens you guys are taking the knights we have a week to think of an interesting prop yeah let’s think of something an

Interesting payoff for that bet I should say it was it was yogger that led the scoring that year in okay but Lemieux came back and had like a ridiculous amount of points short time he had 76 points yeah in like 50 some games or something when he retired that first

Time when he retired and not when he came back a couple years later he was the only player and I boy I think I’m pretty sure not even Gretzky averaged two points per game oh yeah his enti career yeah he’s amazing and by the way Josh showy says give me one thing that

Gretzky did better than Lemieux that was always his big thing he’s like he couldn’t pass as well couldn’t shoot shoot didn’t have the strength and so I don’t know I mean that’s you know he’s biased cuz he’s he’s rooe for Mario but well Dave’s pretty biased too we get

Dave M we’ll talk to about what Dave’s thing he loves to put it 66 is greater than 99 and by the way uh we have another 66 Jersey don’t we we have Kirk Cousins wearing number 66 Kirt cousins wear 66 in Camp as a good natured nod to a

Punter who wore the 66 year before do we have that picture of him wearing a 66 yeah we do it’s coming up all right I got one more and I know this will really upset Ryan what’s that Ray nitki oh was he 66 yeah yeah look at grudgingly we

Mentioned him beforehand we did him before yeah we did him before for uh I think when he it was his birthday or yeah for his birthday recently we brought up rayit yeah we brought him up great player and I thought from the number 66 we might as well take a look

At the NFL Network since we’re all about the NFL playoffs coming up I wanted to see who the NFL Network claimed was the 66th best player in the league now you know they do that they do 100 greatest players ever but they also like to do

100 greatest players right now and I was like what if we get lucky and it’s someone who’s involved in the playoffs and Jared GF it was Jared gof as the 66th best player that’s not bad I mean you know I’m probably gonna be rooting for him uh are you you think so probably

A lot of people taking the Rams right now they love the Rams I mean for the futures for the game for everything well does does McVey have an advantage knowing the quarterback or I mean that’s what you know it’s one of those deals after the game we’ll say you know you

See exactly I told you right tell me now before you I mean following a rough debut season with the Lions golf turned things around last year 4,400 yards 29 touchdowns this year I think even a better year and right now the line is three points right Lions over the Rams

Yes total is 51 and a half and 51 and a half now that game’s going to be fun to watch obviously for the storylines and the fact that weather will not affect this game right yes I want to talk to Dave because you know he’s been with NFL

Network sure I me just want to ask them would they ever consider I mean this is this is like incredible I’m always in favor of playing games in weather right that’s my one beef about college football you know the SEC all their games they never you never see them up

At the big house in Michigan or in Penn State or in Columbus you know you never see they’re all in perfect weather so they are the best yeah but they also stack the deck you know it’s hard to beat that I’m glad somebody beat him

This last year but you know I so I’m always in favor of playing weather but this is pretty drastic how about the fans Kansas City what are T I mean I think they the tickets were like $15 or 50 actually now they’re they’re going to

End up paying people to go to the game I they dropping I think they’re I think they’re under 50 bucks now they’re under 50 bucks for a playoff ticket in Kansas City you know Super Bowl champs that’s funny you say that I was going to ask

You guys because I know this is how it’s always been but I’m like I want to see the actual game between the Dolphins and the Chiefs and yeah I’m okay with weather I’m okay with that but this is how about the fans like I said fans but

You know yesterday we talked about the AFC Championship in 81 it was the anniversary of that the freezer game or whatever that was the highflying Chargers versus the Bengals when they scor like 14 277 yeah it was like ridiculous they only got one touchdown Kell Winslow after that after that

Monster game in Miami I mean they were they were spent but it was it was negative 59 degrees that’s ridiculous oh my gosh and buffalo by the way the coldest I’ve ever sat at a game was in buffal Rich Stadium on bleachers we went up from Pittsburgh and I’ve never been

Cold like that in my life that was a cold now you’re born and raised here you’ve never been to a cold weather football game have you I have not no I got to tell you I went to the Vegas bull one year it was UCLA playing Wyoming

Okay and it the temperature was like 43 and I’d been in Vegas for a couple years I froze my ass my blood got so thin it thins out man and I was the one end of the stadium where the wind was blowing right in you’ve been there I’m sure oh

Yeah oh my God and we left at half time I says I can’t this is UN and I’ve been at Pittsburgh I remember seeing a Green Bay Pittsburgh game back in God got to be like 71 is or something like that zero at kickoff and I was more cold in

Las Vegas well the game Tommy Maddox brought the Steelers back against the Browns where the first time they played Renegade by the way I was at the game first time they damich will probably know this game but I was there first time they played Renegade they were down

To Kelly hul and the Browns and I turned to my brother-in-law I said the Steelers are going to come back and win Tommy Maddox is going to bring us back they did we watched the end of that game at the bar next door CU it was my I had

Come in from California I didn’t really have I you know I was freezing I I said I can’t feel my toes I said we got to get out of here so we went to uh uh bettis’s bar I think it was no it wasn’t Dr own bettis’s it was mcfaden I think

We went over and watched the end of the game there I tell everybody I stayed till the end but I lied yeah well you know I was free where should you get Dave on let get him on come on where my headon where’s mine do I have headphones uh Sean do we have

Headphones for Chris are there make sure yeah he’s got them not ready oh he’s not ready oh okay we’re gonna kill ready he’s ready we’re still working on a few things audio oh okay no audio okay we’re GNA get there okay well I’ll talk about something the anniversary we’ve been

Talking you know talk in January this time of year anniversary of a lot of Super Bowls we have to bring up Super Bowl 3 was played today in 1969 yep uh Joe namoth leads the New York Jets the AFL New York Jets right I mean this was

A big upset the line of the game was 19 and a the Colts were favored by 19 no that’s is that a little inflated yeah it was really more like 17 was the number yeah okay coming from the true gam he’s like yeah it was more like but that was

One of those where you know like I said now you say who what’s the number what’s the number I don’t what’s cir I have it what’s South Point was blah blah blah back then there was one number right Bob Martin when Bob Martin pulled out the number that was the number and everybody

Afterwards was telling Bob boy did you blow that how did you and Bob loved that he says because goes I did great B two-way business on it was a perfect number these guys think we’re trying to predict the outcome of the game we’re not trying to do that we’re just trying

To get you know we’re not trying to get equal action on both sides but we want some sort of a ratio on both sides exactly Bob says I made a fortune on that game I don’t know what people were talking about and that’s a great graphic

Right there Ryan has up Super Bowl 3 uh Joe Amoth from Bieber Falls Pennsylvania also where Frank Nica was born so I’ve always yeah Joe Willie I your plaque on when I I don’t know when you enter Beaver fall says home of Joe Amoth Frank nicaro might have been born

Here we’re not really sure I was technically born in New Brighton but I was raised in Beaver Falls it’s they’re right next door to each other also the home of Donnie Iris from the Jaggers maybe Donnie Iris oh yeah last time in Pittsburgh I saw Donnie I’ve seen you

Know I’ve known Donnie since I was a kid my friends all know him well I I I’ve met him everyone’s met him or known Donnie he’s the greatest guy he’s 80 years old turned 80 just beat cancer he’s doing a show in March 17th yeah I

Got pictures with me and him and my wife still rocks he’s 80 years old he can still kill it uh while we’re waiting real quick for Dave demek are we good or one more minute okay I will also talk about this game I wanted I’m glad Chris is here 2013 the Mile High

Miracle now this is often considered one of the greatest NFL games of the 2010s and one of the greatest games uh the greatest game of the 2010s and one of the greatest of all time uh here’s uh jacobe Jones catching this ball right here this was just like and Ryan being

The football and the DB that he was right yeah you hate watching this play yeah this and then the Minneapolis Miracle is just like what are the safeties doing how do you how does this one let him behind him and then just misplay it completely like that and then

Yeah now I didn’t I didn’t I forgot that this game went to not only overtime but double overtime yeah Jeff parl is here he’s gonna he’s the man who knows went double overtime and of course Baltimore wins and ends up winning the Super Bowl that year so if they lose that game in

Denver uh that is not good I had a big bet on Denver that day that’s what I was going to ask you I was going to ask you what with yeah a moneyline bet I had a money line bet I I just didn’t think they were

Going to lose to this team yeah Denver I think was nine point nineo favorites at home and did you show the fan video while I was rambling on there oh we didn’t see it we bus yeah you could always find Value in different things

You I thought I had a good money I can’t remember what I whatever it was I lost obviously you uh so I tried to forget those Jerry sneak what’s going on are we all right he’s sneaking out from behind but I think everyone’s some so hello

Jerry who do you think he is Jimmy vicero no he’s wearing black he’s not wearing a white sweatshirt and uh since we you know we have Dave damashek coming on hopefully here any second now keeping with the Pittsburgh theme and Mario Lemieux and being episode 66 on this day in history

1988 Willie pop starel Willie starel elected to the Hall of Fame my favorite player as a kid the only report I got an A on in English class was wilver Darnell starel his name was wilver yeah wilver starel wilver uh who’s your favorite baseball player did you have a favorite

Baseball player growing up um Ken Griff Ken griffy Jr i’ say yeah if you’re if you lived in a town without baseball and proba yeah Ken griffy Jun that’s a good one to take right there played the game clean yes one of the best ever I almost

Said Mark McGuire then I was like wait I got to bring it back you know that 98 home run Chase though that was that was super great basball it really was great baseball but Maguire being the [ __ ] does an interview after a game with andrein or yeah Andro whatever a jar of

It in his locker room and Report was like hey what’s that he’s like oh that’s just a special powder I take supplement and then they looked it up and then I was like I don’t know if that’s approved by the Major League Baseball rules and

Guid rules um but Willie starel uh I saw him when I saw him play you know he I in 80 81 when I’d see him live he would come and pinch hit in the ninth inning if the Pirates were up by 10 runs down by 10 they’ bring him up crowd would get

Up and go crazy he’d come up strike out pop up had that had the windmill with the bat but I did see him hit a home run so before he retired I saw Willie hit a home run and I was there for his last game they batted HIM lead off they

Batted Willie sergeo lead off against Steve Rogers the Montreal Expos pitcher it’s a comebacker to Steve Rogers leading off the game they wanted him to bat first they could get him out of the game goes off of Rogers mitt and he kind of just looks at the ball and Willie

Runs down to First and Steve Rogers kind of goes over and doesn’t really throw at that Willie safe so it was a base hit it’s really kind of sad actually this prodigious home run hitter in anyway Doug frobel was the pinch Runner the answer to the trivia question that I

Have won many of drinks in Pittsburgh on but um uh the parlay card so we’re gonna we’re going to do a parlay card me Ryan right Ryan and Alex we’re goingon to do our usual Friday farlay parlay nothing yet with Dave I’m waiting yeah we’re having audio issues audio

Issues so um Chris what what is the biggest is the Lions is the Lions and the Rams is that the biggest action right now boy I tell you what we have done so much business this week it’s incredible I couldn’t even tell you and by the way

Walk when I I’ve seen jerseys from every team that’s playing this week already yeah yeah Philly jerseys I’m not prepared to answer that because we have so and even this morning I mean they’re firing like crazy you know so I mean we we’re doing a ton of business all over

The board I don’t have any huge needs or like I said I’m going to need I I could just tell I’m going to need Detroit yeah but the other games you know seem uh you know within reason all right Alex I’m surprised that the Steelers bills is

Still 35 yeah do you think that’s going to continue to drop before kickoff I mean they’re saying 34 now 25 M per hour it’s down to 34 and a half 34 flat 34 flat you know they’re there there’s just the only the only way that game’s

Going over which you can okay of course is a special teams or an interception or something slippy ball cold weather play I mean 34 is you know pretty low but you know I can hear him by the way with my ifb in really you can hear Dave yes I

Can we can’t hear him on the Dave you there no I can’t hear him right now Dave where you going Dave um well I don’t know if you guys saw the the Eagles so the Eagles are having a ton of drama right now but AJ Brown has deleted all of his Eagle stuff

From his social media are you serious yep now see that’s that’s him battling that’s a Nick serani versus him right now he wants to see what management is who’s going to Blink first right but two weeks ago AJ Brown was saying that it’s not on the coaching staff at all they’re

Not the ones that play it’s up to the players so now what what is this drama where is this coming from gotta tell you something you’re a professional yeah go out and play game play game play the game you know once the season’s over we could deal with all this stuff but

You’re getting paid for a job by the way I’m imagining getting paid pretty darn good you know go out and do your job it’s it’s it’s maddening it’s mading he removed all tra that by the way that’s that’s become such the the move by players like remember Kyler Murray

Did it with the Cardinals I mean it’s so passive aggressive it really is it really is so Alex we were we were talking right before the show the Steelers Bills game I’m now seeing depending on how this wind hits the lake it could be two feet of snow during the

Game so how do you you can’t handicap I mean how do you you just stay away from that game or what are you looking on the the over under and the Steelers bills I mean I I love that under yeah I think that that is I mean especially with the

Wind that’s the main factor right you take off a touchdown from your number when the wind is over 20 miles per hour so it’s getting up to 30 I think it’s going to be a complete Run game I will say though I was looking up bills and they’ve been a double digit favorite

Four times this year and they’re 0 and four ATS in those games so that 10 points is very tempting with the Steelers especially with the weather but you know I don’t excuse me I I don’t Advocate teasing totals very much right you could might be a correlated teaser

Here you get up to 15 and under uh and under what 30 under 40 yeah I hear him by the way guys yeah come on I hear them here we go yeah well okay yeah because we hear him on one end doesn’t we hear him great I

Hear him fine bring him in bring him in bring him in okay yeah you’re good no no gotta listen there’s there’s weather that’s going to affect games there’s audio that affects shows ladies and gentlemen you got to take it and stride we’re very proud to have back another

Huge big Steeler fan sorry jay we’re gonna talk a lot of Steelers Dave damashek is here Dave thank you for joining us buddy now we lost Dave can you hear me uh he can’t hear me no I can’t hear you can you hear me he I think this is great

I think this is I think it’s I think it feels nice and retro that listen let me tell you something fella I got you be how I got a whole I got a whole I got a whole shirt Bro Look at that I was at the Super Bowl and a girl

Had a mini skirt made out of a terrible to really hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life oh yeah so a mom of a pal made this for me this is this is an actual shirt I don’t know if I should hit the streets with it it

Might be too much it might might be a little bit too on the nose but I will say maybe this is uh this is perfect for the moment whether trying to take down a football game and all of that this is exactly what we’re dealing with right

You know conditions so weather in the game this is how I’ll communicate to them so can you get that Dave can you see that I got it okay so what do you think um all right so uh Texans versus oh I’m hearing you now oh you hear me

Now we’ll start off with the T I needed that I could hear that East Pittsburgh accent breaking through there lofting down from uh up on high on Churchill I went up just went right up the road there and look who I found I found my guy my my one of the Churchill Chargers

True Legends that’s right baby so Dave it’s episode 66 for us so we’re happy to have you here so obvious we were talking about Mario Lemieux earlier and today happens to be the day where he announced that he had Hotchkins do you remember where you were when Mario made that

Announcement and what were your reactions were thinking wow we’re goingon to lose him at 27 you know we’re not going to see him play anymore yeah devastating and obviously you know for all the real life uh you know stuff that Gail sers and everybody else had to deal with you know it’s

Remarkable that Mario Lemieux I can make I I would need roughly six point 6 hours to make my Lemieux overk so I’m not gonna dive into it here but you know Gail sers got hurt and is a sad figure because people still want to float him in the greatest running back

Conversation Mario Lemieux had devastating back trouble and Hodgkins disease and he still is is in the conversation for the greatest player of all time he is the goat um you know I I I have fought the good fight as long as I possibly could left the banks of the

Three Rivers many moons ago as a list I went out to spread the goodward all over Sports America Endeavor in that but listen the main event is here this is what we do it for am I right everybody yeah we are for the round it is oh now you’re out in

Warm California now and we’ve both been to Steeler games at Three Rivers or Hein field where it’s freezing I’ve made the road trip to Buffalo a couple times I assume you’ve probably been to a Bills game up there maybe at Rich Stadium and sat on those metal bleachers it could be

Two it could be a foot of snow could be 2 feet of snow could be 40 mph winds what’s your take on the o right now the spread’s about 10 and we got it at 34 flat the over under n and a half we’re

At n and a half they took 10 they took the 10 so it’s N9 and a half and 34 I mean we’re gonna have to watch the weather up till betting on this game so what do you what do you what are you feeling on this what are you looking at

The radar are you looking at Joe dardo and Bob kma given the weather out there hey wardo now I’ve gotta hear what he got um yeah my my if your glass is uh half full of snow then you like that total dropping on that bill Steelers

Game if your glass is half half empty with snow I think you know why that number keeps dropping and dropping and dropping so I don’t know if this is going to be I I sincerely I know that the rhetoric is supposed to go that we want it to be snowy and aesthetically

I’m all in on that I love that looks and all of that the wind I don’t want it to be so severe that it is one of those games that’s just a throwaway the the Patriots Bills game of what was that two seasons ago or three now when it was so

Windy that result was so ridiculous and irrelevant I would hate for that to for a playoff game to come down to that that being said outside of severe wins I love the elements they only add to the pleasure there and these people they’re a weird percentage of football fans

Online and otherwise if you’re looking around taking using their voice to announce hey it’s dangerous out there we should we should yeah it’s a football what I always talk about is what football has and why it means so much to us I suspect I hypothesize that one of the reasons

Football is the best sport is because where it falls on the calendar and because it’s generally been played Outdoors baseball if it snows or rains obviously well now we have to delay the game so it’s a non-starter there basketball and hockey covered by a roof football is out in the conditions and it

Is that connection I’ve been in Three Rivers and Hein field in frigid conditions wins and losses but it is the shared experience we all have to delude ourselves into thinking that these strangers wearing um the colors of our city it’s a required delusion but now it’s

Extended by the fact that we are in the same conditions that they are and we feel like I I know that we’re not being run into by gigantic and fat men but nevertheless we feel like I’m in the same spot you are that’s true that’s true yeah and Chris loves the elements

Right yeah right no I I you know I’ve always said that’s what I hate about college football the SEC they play every everything you know in perfect weather then you get to the championship the bowl game and they are the best there’s no question but they also stack the deck

I mean let’s let’s see a game up in uh you know up at the big house in Michigan or in Columbus or you know Penn State you pick you know Notre Dame you know play one of these final matches up there why do we have to play it in perfect

Weather they yeah yeah I mean you know let’s play it in the element I mean you know plus like if you are a Michigan or Ohio State you’re you’re recruiting to win you know games that have the elements in it you know LSU you’re probably not I took I took the Twitter I

I shamefully am self-promoting here but look at my Twitter feed earlier today I laid out the case for the shame that you know the the the the cutting their nose despite their climate controlled face up there in Detroit or any NFC North team for that matter that they relinquished

HomeField advantage and what is HomeField Advantage um Beyond and what what is the actual Advantage especially if you’re an FC North team to be bringing some pretty boys from SoCal up there now you’ve just saved that home field advantage I mean they they deserve to lose this game from a a pigskin

Spiritual sense you know they why would you give up the HomeField advantage that is inherent exactly what you described the entire premise of being up in Detroit is for a home against a team from below the from from the sunbell below the Mason Dixon line it makes me

Crazy well I always loved you know and most years probably I I went back and looked it’s about 2third or three qus of the time when Miami and buffalo play yeah the first game oh is in Miami and the second game’s in Buffalo right you

Know I mean and I’m not sure what kind of AFL deal that was because you got to remember Miami before your time was was actually an expansion team into the AFL and I’m sure that was some sort of deal that you know whenever Wilson said yeah

Sure they can come but by the way they’re coming to Buffalo every December that’s that’s going to be part of the deal unbelievable yeah those are great I remember I’ve watched Marino and Kelly duel in snowstorms those were some of the greatest games and Alex you had

Something yeah Dave I just want your opinion on there’s a couple great storylines in regards to the quarterbacks and I’m going to start with the veteran Joe flacko coming up the couch he’s actually the favorite in this game going to Houston to take on this rookie quarterback and CJ strout who has

Just done outstanding things do you have a feel for this game Houston getting two now they getting a little money they were two and a half early in the week the thing I’ve been saying all week is like imagine if you fell into a coma around Thanksgiving or just how flipped

Out you would be looking at the Wild Card round matchups here I mean like wait the Rams made the playoffs what the hell oh we got Stafford V gol oh that’s fun like wait a second Joe flacko actually this going what the hell and the you know I to to answer your

Question forgive me I’m I’m swept up in I don’t know if you can tell like my my my enthusiasm is sincere I love the the playoffs are the best the NFL playoffs my favorite the greatest tournament existing and I can’t wait for it and I

Love that my team’s in it our team I should say um I like stoud in this spot I think we’re overlooking because Joe flacko now counts in our new world order with with some of the guys that are going to be out there playing like Mason Rudolph and otherwise like Joe Flaco now

Counts as a Browns main stay so he’s like a Dependable option now but let’s remember he’s Joe flacko and Joe flacko is now going on the road to play a good Texans team and you know Denzel Ward questionable with the knee Texans before the ward injury but

That’s a major component of what the the Browns defense wants to do no um I like I like Texans the Texans straight up in this one yeah now I saw I I think you ranked on your um on your Twitter that you thought Tua was the worst quarterback left in the playoffs was

That did you have Tua ranked lowest that was not me you were commenting on someone had that or something maybe I can’t remember but someone had two as the lowest ranked quarterback left and I was like I mean I don’t see I don’t see that they had Rudolph up higher than him

And I I look we’re rooting for Mason Rudolph but I still think two of going to Kate now you’ve probably been to cold WEA youve have been to cold weather games how much would it cost for me to pay you to go to that KC game and sit in

The stands with temperatures around two degrees well I mean you know that’s you know that’s the buy it you go to the Super Bowl for the corporate event you know where where with with uh with the corporate types who have their shirt and

Tie on but they get a a a t-shirt at the big game and they don’t choose a team it’s the t-shirt that has the logos of the two football teams about to play each other on it which isest you can make it’s it’s the roblow of T roblow

NFL hat t-shirts um so everybody gets that big corporate event half the people don’t care about the result at all that’s why you go on the road for the provincial event that is in your home stadium always is is the way to go there

And to to to fill in I know you were rhetorically saying you’ve been to cold weather games in January of 1979 the first really frigid game I remember going to the yeah right Houston Oilers I sat in the stands with my sister Amy my old man brought me uh Chris Andrews

Knows Uncle Scott and Uncle Mike shout out to the neie family um Churchill’s own they uh I I went to the game with those people it was so cold Amy and I the only thing I remember was we had a thermos my mom sent us with a hot cocoa

Thermos and we were pouring it on our bare hands to keep 45 45 years later I found myself sitting on the couch in early January rooting for the Houston Oilers to put the Steelers into the playoffs it was wonderful meaningful stuff to me and the the rest of my clan

And um but rro was in right rro rro rro was in though on that touchdown I you know what I’m a big enough person I know I saw I saw that too and Dave I don’t know if we could be friends anymore I’m not sure I agree

With him though I mean look I remember when that play his feet are in his his feet are in he was in oh I don’t know I’m going to my grave saying he was out the statute of limitations on uh on further review has expired CHR almost we

We got away with it it’s okay and I really do that is a fun one wonder if they would this is a good show idea uh everybody we should do this one let’s go back and look at old plays and then debate them endlessly like the referees

Do current plays while we sit there and twiddle our thumbs wait waiting for the further review to complete why don’t we spend our time reviewing those and seeing what the conclusion would be I think the referees I think Chris is right I don’t think the referees on high would overturn the call

Out of bounds on the field I don’t know if there’s enough there for them to say actually it was a touchdown but let’s burn on and on about something that happened 45 years ago instead of talking about the matter at hand that’s what I like isn’t that the premise of NFL

Wasn’t that a program you were doing for oh yeah yeah right because L literally they would have played Vince farag was that they would have played the Rams then in the Super Bowl and the Oilers might have a ring I mean they were probably the second best team in the

League oh absolutely well that no that’s that’s uh 13 so the Oilers would have caught the the well that yeah no you’re right that would have been 14 that would have yeah that that second Oilers uh AFC type game would have put him against the Rams but if fat Frank carral doesn’t

Make three field goal in the history of people maybe it would have been Oilers V Buccaneers and then you have a pastel Powerhouse Super Bowl for all the time orang dream sickles against powder blue Oilers that would have been I don’t know if I would have been able to bring

Young Dave uh to the table to sit down Alex wait I got I got a real quick story here so when I was working at at Golden Nugget it got it got bought by Tilman ferti big Houston guy and all that so he’s going around the room there’s about

75 of us in the room you just kind of it bought the place but if you know gaming it’s not bought until it’s final any he going around the room tell us a little something about yourself I said Pittsburgh Steeler fan and by the way Mike Renfro was not in boundy and he

Like gave a look at me needless to say when the deal was closed like a couple months later 20 minutes and I’m not joking 20 minutes after he got approved by ownership I was informed that I was no longer employed no come on you were fired because of that no I doubt it’s

Because of that there and by the way I wasn’t fired I’m not allowed to say that if I was allowed I’d say that but I’m not allowed to say that but we had a disagreement and our issues were resolved later but that is the truth 20

I did say that at the introduction and 20 minutes after on I was informed that I was no no longer employed there you can’t you got to let the black and gold flag fly you know ask me if I’m sorry Dave no here’s some name dropping here’s

Some name dropping for you I once with uh I think everybody here knows uh the uh the kingpins of Pittsburgh radio Randy Balman and Bill Crawford all the time yeah yeah they’re the best well um they’re friends with Bill Burr Bill Burr the famous comedian Boston sports fan

Through and through well I had Bill Burr coming in studio for uh for a conversation and I said hey well I don’t know uh really what he’s like you know what any tips uh of areas that he loves to do in sports and they said the only thing you can’t do is he

Sincerely hates the Pittsburgh Penguin specifically Al Samson for the cam NE knee injury in 19 I can’t believe I shook his hand he said I said I I they said to me you’re right I they said the only you should not bring that up because it’s

It’s not a joke he loves to obviously K her but that’s something that he does not think it’s funny and I was like well now you’ve put it in my ear not only did I bring it up to him I led with I with it I knew he was he was

Not happy I can’t believe he sat through the interview but he was he he was not in great spirits but I’ll I I to get in the Wayback machine just very quickly um if you saw Wade Phillip bum Philip’s son and of course was on the coaching staff of those Houston

Oilers back in 1979 the reason you’ll see him tweeting back at me about those games is because he told me and or I confirmed this story with him after I talked here’s the ultimate name drop Mean Joe Green Oh I talked to Mean Green once and I was reminiscing with him that

I said you know the first time where I I felt mortal as a sports fan and as a human being was when you guys in 1979 played the upstart at that point San Diego Chargers you went out to San Diego for that game and I think it was

Either late November the first day in December something like that they didn’t beat the Steelers yeah they destroyed them and I remember my old man and the aforementioned uncles sitting there stunned in a way I’d never seen it before as a little kid I was like what

Why are they they’re really like boy this team we’re outmoded all of a sudden and the Oilers then in the playoffs with Dan pastorini Earl Campbell and kber all her gford neelson and Company somehow pull off an impossible ver Vernon Perry had four picks in he was number 32

Wasn’t he Vernon Perry that popped into my head I’m pretty sure yeah I still remember weird number for a DV yeah right I remember being in uh in in the Three River Stadium on high and watching on the first possession of the game I remember Vernon Perry running across my

Ey line for a touchdown that’s how the AFC title game started alltime heater for Vernon Perry who’s he in football history for two weeks couldn’t be beat but I brought I brought that San Diego Chargers game up to mean Joe and uh I said man you guys really you know I’m

Glad you got that fourth Lombardi but good thing that the Oilers did the dirty work for you because you would have gotten destroyed in San Diego in the title game right is that how the vibe was in the Steelers rocker room he said I have a funny story about that when we

Were finishing up in that Chargers game when they were killing us I noticed that Dan FS had a tell when he was throwing certain passes and I so badly didn’t want to play the Chargers I didn’t want to rematch against the Chargers in the AFC title game that I called bum

Phillips and I told him what I had picked up and he employed that to deat wow wow that’s huge I was it was a great I was over the moon and then I confirmed that with Wade Phillips uh you know after the wow yeah wow I you know what Dave I we we’re

Approximately the same age I remember living in California at the time because we went back and forth between the two cities but I remember watching that San Diego game and it was like I’m I’m gonna say 28 points right away or 287 or 34 I remember watching that game thinking oh

God the runs over for my team right uh right I remember watching that game but that is an amazing story that he actually talked to bum Phillips who by the way and I’ve mentioned this on the show my favorite non- stealer player ever was Earl Campbell I love B Phillips

I love the song hou St Oilers hou o love you Blue all that stuff so that is a fantastic story well I I can remember in Mei I texted Dave a couple months ago that or a year ago that that story came up and I remember I’m in Vegas at the

Time and my image of that game I think it was like 353 or something like that like I told 3514 that that that just that that covers up how oneid was it was ridiculous right my image of I’m just remember the the the camera focusing in on Bradshaw and he’s just sitting there

Like shaking his head like what the hell is going on here and I remember that now I didn’t know about the tell on me but that’s a great story because I I that’s the one Super Bowl I was at I went to see the Rams um lose to the Steelers oh

In pasaden Pasad Rose Ball yeah by the way I looked it up uh Vernon Perry number 32 there’s this hou to another Jersey I don’t know why I remember because it was such an odd number but anyway Alex Alex do you want to go to a different game we’ll get Dave’s take on

This well you brought it up Dave I want your take on Matthew Stafford going back to Detro the return of Matt Stafford this is the toughest call the weekend as far as I’m concerned but I finally just gave into it and decided ramp straight up I I you know okay wow

I this is I I I have uh you know people talk about the Madden cover curse and Sports Illustrated curse I guess that’s probably was left in the last Millennium but people have various things that they point to as Cur curses I think the curse of sposta looms large every postseason and

It falls on the team that’s supposed to win if you are if you have to get it the Cowboys as a for instance because of their you know Dak history and Romo history and otherwise they have to get this game they have to make a deep playoff run and that puts added pressure

On these guys who already have a ton of pressure on them in these playoffs dak’s gonna have to carry that around with them by the way Josh Allen’s got to carry that around with him too yeah I think there’s a weird sort of like spiritual 21st century Wade bogs riding

The horse around Yankee Stadium I remember that available to either Jared gof or to Matthew Stafford I don’t know who that really ultimately helps in on either side of things except when I then think about who’s the pressure on here the Lions need this for validation and

Now they have to face the ghost that is Matthew Stafford that’s going to be a little bit more pressure now more practically I think Shawn McVey over and listen I get it’s I I think the fun storyline for all the golf Stafford stuff is how about that Raheem Morris

Who wants a head coaching gig and Ben Johnson who wants a head coaching gig are going their units are going head-to-head and the winner maybe gets an edge for leaving their current football team so that they can go be a head coach somewhere else I think that’s

A fun storyline but I think that the matchups in a simplistic way favor the Rams in the sense that like how what have you seen from the Detroit Lions that indicates to you for all of the fun season they’ve had that they can cover up Cooper cup and PUK and aula and take

Care of Kiren Williams I don’t see that and so I I can see the Lions obviously being competitive against the Rams defense but if it’s going to be tight I may as well go go in go all in not just survive and live I’m taking yeah and Ben

Johnson the defensive coronator for the Lions has already said well for me to be a head coach I’m going to need 15 million a year what who he said he came out and said yes he did it was something I saw in the he said I’ll need like

You’re an offensive corn for the Lions you haven’t want anything but he’s like I’m gonna need $15 million I I it was on it was online and if it’s online that means it’s true oh yeah of course but well I’m just thinking you know and I really don’t like anybody in

The game I I I I told these guys I’m going to probably need the Lions just because everybody’s betting the Rams but the way I see the Lions competing yeah I I see the the Lions competing by running the ball I think they could run the ball

Against the Rams and if they could do that effectively and continue to do that takes a little pressure off golf you they may be able to get out ahead in this game but uh you know it’s F I mean I made the number three you know I mean

I don’t know what to tell you I really don’t like any but like a typical bookmaker whoever you give me I’m okay Witham cuz when you win you win 10 when I win I win 11 and over the course time that’s going to make a difference hey by

The way speaking of setting the lines I reach out periodically I put the BET signal up in the sky Chris and enough sometimes respond to it I put it up just to ask a what if question specific to gambling what if it had been the Chiefs and KC where the Steelers were headed

Would because the the rhetoric became in the 12 hours after the Steelers got in was like who do we want to fight D who do we like beers can’t be choosing let’s be happy we’re in but then it became dude bills is worse for us than the

Chiefs and I was like I don’t know what would the number indicate Chris Andrews what did you say so you rightly predict well you said it at nine and a half 10 up in Buffalo what did you say it would have been Pittsburgh at KC six and a

Half and and it’s funny ask because I was just working on some stuff you know the last couple days ky’s home field advantage is greatly overrated and I’ve been saying this for years there it’s not that they’re easyier to beat an arrowhead but they’re they’re no bargain

Beat anywhere they want to play you know and there I just there’s the the differential is like about less than two points from Casey at home casad chug or not team how I mean I don’t know how that compares with the most recent Dynasty in the Patriots or otherwise but

It is um Chris I’m fascinated by I could I could talk to you for five hours about what goes into goes into all that and the and the math of it but that’s exactly right even a dummy like me has observed over the last three years a

Second Church your education I mean it’s not like you went to North alany like Frankie did come on man gez D I got dude I even was out of there before it was Woody before it became Woody Hills then it went downhill from there um the um but yeah I I’m

Fascinated by that right that the Chiefs are the they they stand as an all-time heavyweight team in the AFC and yet they really struggle to cover yeah at home you know some decent numbers but it has in the last couple years it has finally

You guys are starting to ref I I see the reflection of that reality and yet it’s still not enough it’s wild and the question I have for you though Chris is if I if I may bend your ear um is anecdotally to me it seems like even the

Best teams in the NFL over the last five years will take a drubbing they’ll they’ll get hammered at some point during the season and it’s funny that I just mentioned the Steelers getting killed by the Chargers 79 but that was the anomaly back then if you were a

Heavyweight team you just you might obviously you’re going to lose games but you never got whipped by like three scores or more have you observed that reality and whether or not there’s something to glean from that in the next matchups because I contend you get whipped like that if you’re the Cowboys

Or the Eagles you have zero hope the Lions or Rams better go beat the ners or you have zero chance of getting to the Super Bowl by virtue of what we saw you you just have no hope playing the Niners in a repeat given what we saw in the

Last month or two right or no I would I would tend to agree with you a matter but there is a caveat I I remember saying when the um uh when Brady won his last Super Bowl with Tampa Bay what was it it was kind of late in the year they

Lost 35 nothing at New Orleans now they didn’t have to beat New Orleans later on you know but by Point yeah yeah but had they played New Orleans it might have meant something you know I think that it does and I think a lot of times just the

Matchup now crazy things happen you know whether it’s uh the Ravens in the in the ners I I I think there’s a lot of tip balls that went you know I think that score kind of got away from him a little bit but uh yeah overall I think you’re

Right I think sometimes it’s just a bad matchup you know for whatever for whatever reason it is you know what I want to put the asterisk exactly on the matchup you just mentioned like well maybe the Niners wouldn’t get demolished the way they did the first go around

With the Ravens but you know the the devil’s damage of that point that you is or that I’m is is the fact that like that game is five nothing ners because Lamar Jackson falls over the referee in the end zone that had no hope have nothing

Good to point to as the ners so yeah I think that’s a trend and I think the the worst Trend because it’s just no fun whatsoever but I’ll be interested to see how this season plays out th this particular playoffs with the Ravens and Niners decisive the best in their

Respective conf that is the color of the logo this year that would be the third come and we have to ask you that right I don’t know and speaking of Super Bowl yeah yeah who are your two teams who would you pick right now it’s right down

The street from us who’s your Super Bowl matchup I hate to say it it’s the Niners and Ravens it’s cheap like when every game at this in this a is a coin flip basically then if you only have to win heads on two coin flips versus three

Then you’re much more likely to move on so of course I’m going to take the team that has to play one fewer game to get to the Super Bowl I I I I know that’s the lamest thing in the world but you know what the best thing is here’s the

Best thing here’s what a football America needs to root for if you like some suspense and drama and all of that you don’t want everything to just go chalk before between now and Vegas right you want the Pittsburgh Steelers to win this game that’s right you want that because

Why and it’s Mason Rudolph who will by that point have equaled Lamar Jackson in postseason Victory Charm City Steelers Ravens who doesn’t love that I’ll tell you who Lamar Jackson that’s right why closer would be so heavy I better beat the third string quarterback from the Steelers I know I never beat the

Steelers but now I have to win this one this is a legacy game for me oh it would be delicious or unless that doesn’t happen maybe the Browns win and be flos Browns heading to to Baltimore not as satisfying to me but I still think that would be not great story line great

Story line U Ryan what is this graphic I see here with the Ravens on the cover of Sports Illustrated as winners of Super Bowl 58 what is that is that a mockup no that was that was 48 That was supposed to be 48 oh okay I can’t do my Roman

Numerals oh all right well that’s that North alany education it’s my vision it’s my eyes damn it it’s nothing to do with North Aly uh Dave so just give us a final score prediction Steelers spells I’ve got a 2420 for the home team maybe I’m trying to reverse Jinx him a

Little bit maybe I’m trying to not get my hopes too high uh oh uh oh to strike are Steelers hey have you waved here we go steers here we go get it for cope hey have you have you waved a tow before a game you had to have white waved a tow

Right not not formally not summon PA Jimmy Paul coming out on the back of a pickup truck and singing H we’re from the the superow te I was there for that hit for Swan coming out double barrel one black oh young Dave was over the moon he was one over and his heart

Still belongs we got to get you before a game man you got to yeah well listen I’m hoping they went you know for a variety of reasons but I’d love to have Dave on again next Friday all right because we got talk Steelers and the penguins are

In Las Vegas on Saturday penguins are here um by the way uh Josh yoi would agree with you he is a Mario uh lumist he also says Mario did everything better than gretz name one thing grety did better than Lemieux and he you can’t so

Yoy will be out here he’s a writer for the athletic he’ll be here to watch the game he’ll be on the show next week too took passive aggressive shots that’s what he that that’s what Gretzky did gentlemen next time next time we kibbit I tell you the story of my confrontation with wayo

Gret I told m m was room had head to head with him okay that’s that is a tease right there we will you know we will get you back on for that I told mine quickly where he just didn’t even look at me when he

Shook my hand but I want to hear that one from the Kimmel green Dave you coming to Las Vegas for the Super Bowl I don’t know steers please we’re at your disposal if you need anything while you’re here please let us know seriously Chris has never said that to me what the

Hell’s going on and I’m not well you know I mean no we’d love to take you to dinner lunch or whatever you’d like to do we’d love to yeah thank you for doing this you’re we appreciate it Dave you’re great guest yeah you’re the best thank

You so stories here we go here we go Steelers here we go thank you Dave for being everybody let’s get them take that bills all right all right and Jerry and Ryan have been keeping track of the the Pittsburgh mentions I knew it was going

To be a heavy show god let’s see the go ahead take the shot there how many times did we mention Pittsburgh usually it’s around 8 what’s the let’s see the overend is about eight can we take that shot there eight it’s usually eight well unusual show oh my God this more like 80

What has anyone done the math on that how many is that about 140 all right million real quick Dave do you remember when we when the Steelers played the bills back when OJ was there remember R uh remember myON right before they went on I think he’s gone oh he’s

Gone I just I remember I know that crowd is ready and so are the Steelers now wait a sec you’re also talking about my favorite NFL clip of all time the guy in the stands when OJ so OJ Simpson it might have been the year he won the

Rushing title or whatever he’s one of the best so there’s the guy in the stands going the Steelers ain’t had no breakfast today yeah theyve been waiting for the juice it’s the greatest line of all time can we show it oh we can anyway uh it’s

My favorite clip of all time Chris uh you got to get back to the Sportsbook and do some work oh I have a job you have a job Ryan and uh Alex we had talked about D damek went so long and so great oh he’s great he’s great well

Again thank you Dave please share the links please we’ll put a picture on on X of our piic if anyone wants to follow our super teaser we’re going to do a teaser we’re gonna that’s a great idea because we haven’t really talked about it so we want to put a little time into

It uh Alex thank you for bringing in your national championship rings Chris wearing the Steeler tie Ryan any last Thoughts with your Christmas jacket on that’s a red jacket is that tipping your hand towards rooting for the Texans or any team with red in it actually I got a

Meeting I gotta go he’s got to go ladies and gentlemen the man’s got to run the sports book no no we’re good we’re good all right Jerry and Sean thank you enjoy the NFL playoffs you got three days NFL’s genius making it three days whoa where’s that weather this is in Kansas

City that’s in Kansas City right now a couple hours ago yeah a little bit outside of Kansas City Frank mergie sent this to me oh mergie oh my man Frank thank you Frank oh wow go change the line right now take the under on that

Game no who’s going to sit in that game is Taylor Swift going to go sit in that weather no in a box well yeah that’s true she could be in a I wouldn’t even want to I wouldn’t even want to like have to venture out into that no me either what

Game are you most excited to watch uh probably that Lions Rams game I am too yeah I mean besides obviously my but Steelers that’s the Steeler game but I Lions Rams is gonna be the best yes and I mean Jeff said it yesterday the Houston and Cleveland Browns game that’s

Arguably one of the best on ate two oysters and the the winning oyster was the Texans so we’ll see how that plays out everybody thanks for watching the show have a great NFL weekend make sure you follow Alex at Alex white with two e Alex white t Jeff parl will have lots of

Information and he’ll have even more on Sports by the book you’re sticking around for that I am that’s at 3 o’clock today two o’clock today uh less than an hour that show will be two hours of football and uh we’ll see you later thank you for watching the show

Punchlines lines live in Nevada every show GH Stealer

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