Golf Babe

Baby Alive doll Abby’s Breakfast Morning Routine with toy kitchen Appliances

Baby Alive doll Abby’s Breakfast Morning Routine with toy kitchen Appliances Blender, mixer, toaster, pretend cooking and feeding baby doll pretend play videos #babydoll #babyalive #doll #toykitchen

It’s so cold good morning good morning hello friends today I’m going to be making breakfast for Abby and Drake we have a new mixer a toaster woo a coffee maker and a new blender juicer I’m super excited Abby what would you like for breakfast a yogurt parfait and hot chocolate I would like

Toast and a Smoothie Please sounds great let’s begin by making the hot chocolate in the coffee maker this looks so real look at this let’s fill this up with water let’s open it up let’s pour the water In this works just like a real coffee maker look there’s the water now I’m going to add the chocolate sauce or you can add add the coffee let’s turn this On look you can see the water you can see the hot chocolate dripping the hot chocolate is Ready next we are going to make a smoothie for Drake I’m going to add in water Drake is going to have a strawberry smoothie that’s like his favorite smoothie I always add a little bit of yogurt this is just to make the Smoothie a bit more creamy plus it adds a little more

Protein to the Smoothie protein is what gives me big muscles I think this smoothie is ready here we have a cup for the Smoothie we also have two plates and two coffee mugs we have little teaspoons and tablespoons Drake usually likes to have toast with Nutella for

Breakfast so here I have two slices of bread and here is the toaster let’s put the bread in here we need to set the timer uh around 4 minutes maybe three try not to burn it Mom let’s do 2 minutes instead wow that was fast the last thing we need to do is

Make a yogurt parfait for Abby so I wanted to show you guys that you can take the top of the mixer of the stand so you can hold it in your hand which is great for mixing like this if you guys like my new mixer and

All my new appliances make sure to give this video a like here I have the plain Greek yogurt I’m going to add it to the mixer Bowl we are going to make this into strawberry yogurt I’m going to add in fresh strawberries and a little strawberry Flavoring as you can see the mixer is actually mixing everything together just little looks super pink I think she’s going to like it okay so here I have granola which she likes on her parfait going to add a little granola to the top I’m going to add more fresh

Strawberries doesn’t this look yummy super cute here is your breakfast m thank you you’re welcome and this is for you Abby looks yummy here is your smoothie drink I need to get hot chocolate for Abby I’m going to feed Abby her Parfait Okay now the kids are done with breakfast it’s time to wash the dishes we definitely have a sting full of dishes here is our sponge we’re going to need a little dishwashing liquid our little happy sponge is ready to get to Work all the dishes are clean now now we need to get the kids ready for school so today is a cold day so Abby is going to wear this long sleeve shirt with this skirt she’s also going to wear her snow boots so she doesn’t get cold she’s

Going to need her hand and her jacket now all she needs is her backpack now it’s time for Drake to get ready he’s going to wear this yellow long sleeve shirt and sweatpants Drake will be wearing his blue boots okay friends the kids are ready

For school now so this is going to be all for today’s video I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did remember to give this video a like And subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss any of my new videos thank you for watching bye

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