Unlock Effortless Power Using Our Golf Grip Hack

In episode 1 of our new series V’s are the Keys, Ethan walks you through unlocking effortless distance in your golf swing. Forget fancy body mechanics! We analyzed the pros and found a hidden gem: lead thumb placement. This simple tweak, rarely mentioned, can unlock the hidden power in your swing.

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Claw Ball Waitlist! Be one the first to get your claws on one!

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Claw Template:
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0:00 – Intro
1:03 – 4-Step Process for Proper Lead Thumb Placement
4:47 – 1. Mobility Of Hands and Club
8:24 – 2. Stability: Hammer the Nail
11:06 ‐ 3. Spring Effect (Effortless Power)
9:10 – Unload it into the ball

So in today’s video I’m going to teach you how something as simple as how you place your lead thumb on the grip could be the key to unlocking effortless distance in your gol swing see we’ve studied the best players in the world as well as measuring this ourselves with

Our grip technology and we figured out these key benefits that are really unlocked when you get the proper activation and utilization of the v’s of the hands on the handle so in today’s video I’m going to walk you through the three key benefits that we’re going to

Un lock by just getting this proper placement of this lead thumb on the grip and how this activation of this V is really the Key so we talked about this a lot on the podcast so if you’re new here or you want to get caught up to speed everything’s linked below before we start talking about all these awesome benefits let’s go through just a basic four-step process and how we’re going to

Get this lead thumb placement consistent every time okay so step one is going to be getting the proper pinch between your thumb and forefinger here you’re going to see when you do this how you’re going to create this little muscle right here we call this our claw muscle and this is

Kind of giving you a indication that you’re getting that proper activation see commonly we see when people try to get this pinch they get thumb down here too much you can see no muscle or up this way again not as much muscle you can see here really flexing that muscle

When you’re getting that proper pinch there and this is extremely important because this is creating the notch that the club is going to set in and that’s really what’s going to allow you to get that proper connection and we’ll get to that in a sec but this is

The number one most important thing and then once you get this pinch here you’re going to feel like that’s like sewed together do the same thing with all the other fingers too okay so you’re going to see imagine if you have like water and you just dropped water it would just

Funnel off your fingers there would be no cracks in the OR gaps in the fingers and and a good drill you could do too um is a drill we call the coin drill so what you’re going to do is you just take a coin and put it in here between your

Thumb and for finger in this little kind of Notch here and then just pinch that together and that coin will stay right in there and you could even just practice making some Swings with the compact club and just feeling what that feels like by keeping that coin in there

It’s really simple drill for you um and a really good one as well so step two is going to be getting the proper wrist and finger extension this is important because when we’re gripping the golf club we want our pads to be on top of the handle see when we don’t have any

Extension in the wrist we’re just holding it like this and that would get it in the Palm too much and cause some problems so just go wrist and finger extension and then now that’s going to align those pads more on top of the handle now the third step in the process

Is when we do this when we get the proper wrist and finger extension we’re not really getting this V or this Notch turned on the side of the handle enough so what we’re going to do is we’re going to Institute our rule that we call the

20° rule where we’re just taking this V and we’re rotating it 20° clockwise so that’s what going to get that lead thumb on the top Trail side of the club now you can see this is really positioned nicely to where the thumb is on the top

Trail side of the grip okay and now we’re in the main spot where we’ve got to make that connection can’t miss this but we need to get the entire thumb print placed on the grip okay almost imagine you’re trying to give like your identity okay you’ve dipped it in ink

Now push it into the grip okay we need all of that information so don’t skimp on this don’t barely get it on there or off to the side too much the entire thumb print needs to be on the grip I can’t stress the importance of that

Enough okay and then once we do that you’re going to see the club is aligned from index pad to pinky pad that’s going to ensure that we’ve got the ability to push against the handle now we need a little bit more to push against so we’re

Going to do step number four and that’s curling the fingertips now we’ve got the perfect holster and the perfect claw here for the handle to set in so now we’re just going to set right in our Notch there 20° turn to the side place that entire thumb print on there and

Then curl those fingertips now you can see we got perfect connection to the handle and again this is just something simple you can do right at home um but the coin drill things like that really going to be helpful for this so great little process for you to work on and

Now we’ve got our connection to the handle so now we can start talking about all these awesome benefits okay so benefit number one now that we’ve got this holster we’ve got the club in there nicely Le thumb on the top Trail side of the club notice when we do this how the

Club is running from index pad to pinky pad and then we curl those fingertips is we’ve got really good grip pressure um but the club is in the fingers and that’s extremely important because when we talk about the first benefit the first benefit is going to be the proper

Mobility that we’re unlocking by getting the club in the claw like we have it right now you see the problem that most people make when it comes to gripping the golf club is they get the club a little bit too much in the Palm you see

Where when they hold the club they don’t get the proper wrist and finger extension and they definitely don’t have the pinch so they have what we call like a Lobster Claw so this kind of encourages them to grab it like this and then I mean when you do that you can see

The thumb is extended down the grip too much it might not even be on the grip properly and then very much in the palm and this is where you feel like you have to grip it really tight to feel like you can be mobile with the club itself so

That’s where now your wrists are really tight and your mobility of your wrist in the club has now been compromised but because we went through our four-step process and we have the proper kind of holster here to holster that club into now we have the full mobility of our

Wrists in the club which is how we’re going to maximize our hand and arm speed relative to our body and that’s where where the number one benefit’s going to come from cuz now we’re going to really start to feel how we can lever that Golf Club lag the golf club and release the

Golf club okay and that’s really the number one key when it comes to getting distance and the best place to look when it comes to this proper placement of the lead thumb and this stronger grip like we’re talking about is the world long drive the perfect disappears in the and

One thing that they all have in common or 99% of them is that they all have a strong grip where that lead thumb is on the top Trail side of the club we got the three to four Knuckles visible and the lead elbow pointing to the right of

The target for a right-handed golfer and this is because this is how you’re going to get that full mobility and maximize the kind of acceleration of the club head relative to your body and really get the maximum hands and arms speed relative to the body and I mean that’s

The best place to look like we’re looking at all the PGA Tour and LPGA and things like that and that’s great but it’s not their job to hit the ball as far as humanly possible the long drive competition it’s their job so that’s a great place to look and with all the

Studying that we’ve done that was a really great spot to see and a great confirmation to see that the lead thumb on the top Trail side of the club was the best way to really maximize your hands and arm speed and get as much distance as possible possible so great

Way effortless speed look right there okay so now that we understand how to maximize that hands and arms speed really get that lead thumb on the top Trail side of the club that allows you to kind of get that full winding sensation where we’re winding that club

Head up and back around our body lagging it behind us and then releasing it out away from us what’s Mobility without a little stability and that’s the second benefit that we’re going to be talking about today and the visual that I really want you to kind of use when it comes to

Understanding the proper stability with that lead thumb is we’re going to imagine that the golf Ball’s sitting on the ground here and that there’s a nail sticking out of the inside part of the golf ball pointing about 45° off the side of the ball and and we’re going to imagine that the club

Face is the hammer and it’s our job now that lead thumbs on the top Trail side of the club this is made easier but it’s our job to now take that hammer lever it up and back at our Trail shoulder and then now lag it coming into

The ball and feel like we’re driving that hammer into that nail into that inside part of that ball feeling that club up and back of the hands as we’re coming in and then boom down into that nail really feeling that nail going into that golf ball as much as we can and one

Thing we need with that yes we need Mobility but we also need stability see when you hit a nail you want to feel the Precision and you want to feel like you’re really hitting that nail properly see there’s no point in hitting the nail hard if you’re not hitting it square and

It’s the same thing when it comes to hitting the golf ball so really important that when we get this coming in the ball hitting that nail you can feel look at the lead thumb staying up and back as we’re coming in and then pushing down and really feeling that

Proper stability there see if we were off at any point here or here that club face would be twisting over and that’s a common fault that we see is that lead thumb not being placed on the club really affects impact but also it affects the back swing too I mean you

Can see when we go to take the club back if that thumb slides off to the side this way or off to the side that way that’s going to cause some problems when it comes to supporting the weight of that golf club and then now you’re going

To be exposed when it comes to impact being able to control that face and get the proper ball flight characteristics that we’re looking for so again stability can’t stress the importance of this enough visualize that hammer hitting that nail it’s a great way for you to understand how to get the proper

Stability to go with your Mobility okay so that leads us into our third and final benefit and now that we got the Prof proper Mobility stability we’re going to really be able to maximize our hands and arms speed relative to our body and it’s by getting the proper

Spring effect that we’re going to create by getting this the thumb placed down here properly you see the amount of torque and energy that this lead thumb pushing into the grip as we pull the club up and back at our Trail shoulder is going to create is kind of amazing

And it’s actually crazy that nobody talks about this in golf instruction cuz it kind of feels like a cheat code and it’s something when you look at a lot of really good players especially those long drive golfers they do this I’m going to just do a simple drill for you

To really understand how to maximize this kind of spring effect and what you’re going to do is get the proper placement of the lead thumb on the grip going through your four-step process and then from there feeling like your lead arms nice and straight you’re going to

Feel like you grab just underneath the grip while still feeling like you’re pushing pushing down with that lead hand and as you take the club back you’re going to push down and away feeling that lead thumb kind of pushing against that grip and as you do this you’re going to start

Pulling the club up and back at your Trail shoulder here and you’re going to see when you do this if you’ve got the proper connection here the amount of torque that you’re going to feel on that lead thumb I mean you can see right here when we look at that placement the

Support in the torque that we have there I mean yeah we got the stability but the spring effect that that energy is going to create at the moment of impact I mean it’s a good thing we got the stability cuz it’s going to be unwinding pretty

Fast I mean it’s almost feels like we’re kind of winding up a spring and that’s why this was saved kind of to the end because this is the most important thing and really want to dedicate a lot of time for you to understand how this is the easiest way to get the most

Effortless distance in your golf game like you don’t have to try to move your body fast and do all these things just understand getting this Push Pull sensation and maxing out that torque on that thumb is the best way to now feel as you’re coming into the ball I mean

Look at that still got it pulled up and back and you can see full amount of torque here now if I just let it go it’s just going to whip right through I mean the spring effect is real I really feel like it’s going to help a ton of people just

Seeing what that does for your game um just let us know in the comments if you got any questions about anything again this is just the easiest way to get maximum distance and just maximize your hands and arm speed relative to your body if you can’t use your body maybe as

Fast as some of these tour players or these younger golfers um this is just the best way to do it and it’s helped a lot of our students and I I really think it’s going to help you a lot too so look forward to seeing you in the next one and thanks for Watching


  1. When trying to get the lead hand thumb on the grip, it wants to pull the crab claw seam apart. Is this OK? I can force both to work but i have to get the left hand very strong to get it there, super extended in the wrist.

  2. One thing to emphasize is to avoid squeezing that lead hand. The natural reaction in trying to pinch the thumb next to the index finger pad is tension in your grasp. That tension will spread up the entire arm if you're not mindful of staying loose.

  3. You have the left thumb and the first knuckle of the index finger parallel to each other down the grip. My thumb seems to extend down the grip further than that index finger first knuckle. Can this cause problems?

  4. Yeah no thanks. That strong grip is going to destroy many golfers and cause pulls and pull draws.

    Zach Johnson has one the strongest grips in the pros and even he has to flip at bottom to square clubface to hit straight.

    I had a teacher change my grip to strong and it destroyed my game for over a yr with pulls and pull/draws.

    I strongly disagree with this video and think its horrible advice. If you’re hitting left, losing apex height, losing spin and hitting fat after watching this you now know why.

  5. I find that this grip and the spring effect keep my left arm straight! So that a big bonus for me as I’ve had trouble keeping my left arm from bending in the backswing, so thank you for this secrecy tip!

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