The Coolest Golf Travel Bag | Stitch Multi-Use Traveler

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I wanted to show you what I think is the most unique and versatile golf travel bag on the market for 2024. Hopefully you think it is as cool as I do!

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It’s winter so if you’re going to play golf this time of year you’re most likely going to be traveling somewhere and today I wanted to show you probably the coolest golf travel bag you can find so obviously for travel Essentials one you want a really good sturdy golf bag

So you can kind of fit everything in there that you’ll need for your vacation and then the other thing you want is a good travel bag and you’re probably wondering that I’m standing here it doesn’t really look like that there’s a travel bag next to me that’s because uh

We got this puppy right here the mut the multi-use traveler by Stitch golf right now it just kind of looks like an ordinary bag which actually is a little rolling duffel bag you have wheels on the bottom you can roll it kind of like a normal duffel bag you have pretty good

Storage actually you know say you’re just hitting the road and you don’t really need a travel bag for your your golf clubs you can just kind of put everything you’d want in here pretty good but take a look at this with one Velcro releas in one zipper all the way

Around bang a full-size golf travel bag that you can fit your golf clubs in there and fit a couple other things in there because it is flexible now I’ve really never seen anything like this um on the market the fact that you can just one release take it all down like this

And have a fullsize travel bag that is very spacious pretty cool design um and I actually recently just traveled with this bag and had no problems whatsoever another thing that I do like here is I’ll get the golf bag in here in a second but it has this full pocket this

Full access pocket on the bottom by zipper so once you put the golf bag in here you can actually access it access the golf bag inside just with one zipper rather than taking it all out and you know just kind of dealing with that nonsense so I’m going to go ahead and

Put the golf bag inside to show you just you know that it all fits and you know how to you know pack your golf bag to travel and a couple of other features of this bag here so first off on the inside hopefully you can see this there is a

Little flap here that you do unzip to access the full golf travel bag portion you would just keep this flap up um if you know you were just using it as rolling duffel but since we’re going to put the golf bags in there you know you

Got to be able to slip it in so let’s go ahead and get it in uh kind of how I recommend doing this and what I’ve seen work best is you do kind of have to slide it in it takes a little bit of effort but just cuz the convenience

Aspect and the build quality I I think it’s super worth it so I actually have their golf bag as well Stitch and and wearing their clothes I do work with them um just to preface but I wanted to show you guys this as an option because like truly you know unless I’m missing

Something I have never seen anything quite as useful and versatile as the uh multi-use traveler that Stitch Has has going on so we’re going to put my golf bag inside here and then kind of just show you how to get it all packed up so like I said takes a little bit of

Finagling obviously depends on the golf bag that you have but you know you slip that portion through and you kind of have to shimmy it all the way down kind of like that bam we are all the way through and then like I said you have this portion that open you kind of

See that my golf bag sticking out I’m going to go ahead and uh angle the camera down lay it on the ground and just show you how we kind of finish off the process here obviously not done with the process yet we’re still not quite in

But the biggest thing is just getting it through that top portion then you take the base of the clubs lay it down slide everything to the bottom here and voila you are in so like I said you have this really cool access portal I would say um

Of the travel bag where if you need to get stuff in and out of your golf bag no problem there so what you’ll do is you take this zip it up you tuck all the straps in and if I were actually packing this up to fully travel right now what I

Would do is take off all the heads of my driver’s Woods hybrids shove them into the golf bag because you don’t want those getting thrown around in the airplane all that stuff people don’t really care about your clubs that are tossing it in the plane um so you want

To be careful there strap it up here you can tighten it take this up top shut it but the other cool thing that this bag comes with no extra charge it’s a club stopper so super important to have one of these um you take the top little

Stitch logo there screw it on like this make sure that’s on tight and then it expands like this you’ll tighten that up here expand the top portion like this and then I’m going to stand the club back up this basically goes into your clubs and act as the stopping

Portion of it so when they’re getting thrown in and out of the airplane uh this is the top your clubs aren’t there they’re not going to snap so I’m going to go ahead sand this back up put this in here we’ll zip it all up so we’re clipping up the bottom part right

Here B Bing we have our full uh travel bag here here’s the top access portion we take our stopper you know put it in the top here and this would act as our top stopping point here shut that up zip it and there you go you’ll even have

This little clip if you want but uh you can roll it around roll it around the airport no problem like this and the cool thing about this is sometimes the uh hard shell cases you might think they’re a little bit more protective um but they tend to be a little bit flimsy

And you can’t kind of fit more stuff in here here’s like a rule of thumb is if you’re bags your normal suitcase is overweight put some more stuff in your golf bag a lot look at all the extra room here to shove your golf shoes anything you may need I just think this

Bag is super cool and it’s just as easy to get everything back out and transform it back into a rolling duffel bag um but you know obviously if you’re getting something like this most likely you’re going to be using it to travel with and I really like how uh high quality

Something like this is um Stitch makes everything that they have super high quality I’m wearing their clothes right now you know best of the best you have a couple pockets on the outside here uh if you want to store anything there on the inside there actually is a couple little

Zipper portions on the side right here if you want to put anything valuable or little in there to just travel with but overall really really good option and probably one of the best bang for your buck things that you can get to travel with because it is a golf travel bag and

It is a rolling duffel so even if you’re traveling and not breaking your clubs it it’s just a really great option for you we’re going to take it all out to show you how easy it it is and get it back into duffel bag form so here we go time

Lapse now to put this away what you’re going to do is kind of crumple up this bottom bottom portion here and it kind of sits in itself like an accordion like this so we’ll go ahead and do that zip up this middle portion to kind of break part and separate that expandable

Portion there got a unique zipper design just to reattach the zipper and zip it all back up super cool very easy really takes 5 minutes if that honestly got that flip around take the velcro there we go now we have our duffel bag all zipped up like this and you can use

It like that so listen it’s the new year you’re going to be going on golf trips with your buddies if you need a really good golf traveler go check out the mplay use traveler by Stitch use my code golf grind 20 for 20% off it’s in the

Description there’s also a link so you can get 20% off your order and also might as well mention all the clothes I’m wearing in all my videos the golf bag head co s everything is stitched super high quality so go check those out you can use the same code to get 20% off

Um I truly think this stuff is super high quality and how unique just this whole golf bag setup is um I really truly haven’t seen anything like it and if you do end up picking this up uh I promise you’ll be happy with it it’ll last you a long time everything they

Have is super high quality so go check those out check out their other stuff apparel all that good stuff hopefully you think this thing is pretty cool as cool as you I think it is so check it out the discount I’ll see you guys in the next one


  1. Good design but airlines will not protect that bag if something happens to the clubs- ie bent broken because its soft bag. ALso the width of bag comes into play based on how you have to get the golf clubs and bag into this bag- no way a cart bag gets in there.

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