In this video I will be talking about 5 issues that the majority of people suffer from that prevents them from rotating freely in the back swing and downswing and how to go about fixing it.

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In today’s video I’ll be sharing five reasons as to why you may be struggling with rotation in your back swing and down swing a lot of people come to me thinking that they have Mobility problems or they have flexibility issues but after reviewing these five reasons you’ll understand or have a better

Understanding of why you may be struggling with mobility and a lot of the times people just struggle with maneuvering themselves correctly which will limit your range of motion and if you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like and if you are new to my channel hit that subscribe button because it

Really helps to create more videos like this for you guys now let’s get started all right so reason number one has to do with your posture at setup so the reason why it it can influence a lot of things is because the way that you set up um obviously changes the position

Of your your lower body your upper body and that can actually influence your your range of motion and your Mobility so a lot of the times when players come in most players would set up like this they have a lot of bending in the knees they have their posture a bit more

Upright their weights kind of bit more into their heels and their arms kind of hang away from them like this okay so when you want to add rotation in the back swing if you have a lot of bending in the knees typically the player would kind of look something like this okay

They don’t really change a lot of flex in their knees um because there’s quite a lot of Bend in them and they tend to kind of go back just with their arms like this okay so what You’ want to do instead is you want to make sure that

The weight is kind of pretty much in the center of the foot you can see how I’m just moving my weight a bit more forward maybe in the balls of the feet is okay as well now next is that you just want a slight Bend in the knees okay you can

Kind of see I went from here to about here and then second is that you want to feel like your chest is a bit more over it so if you are a player that was kind of sitting back um with your arms away from you the feeling a lot of the times

Uh is that you’ll feel like you’re looking over a ledge a little bit more okay so the feeling is that you’re chest is a bit more on top of the golf ball with like straight knees it’ll feel like straight but it’s not it’s just a slight

Bend okay so when your body is in is in that position you can actually start to like you’ll have more freedom in your arms and it’ll be easier to change the flex in your knees okay so the the next thing is just your what you’re doing

With your back okay so most people in the past were taught to kind of arch that lower back okay and then they also pinch their shoulder blades back but that will also greatly hinder your Mobility when it comes to rotation okay so if I arch my lower back and I pull my

Shoulder blades together I feel very very rigid in my back and my my arms are going to feel really really like kind of rigid against my body like this so it’s completely okay for your lower back to just be flat okay so you can see that

Adjustment that I’ve made is I went from an arched position to a more flat lower back so I just kind of tucked my hip a little bit more kind of underneath me me okay in order to get that lower back flat and then second is that you can

Just relax your shoulder blades you don’t have to pinch them together you can relax them so that there’s maybe just a slight arch in my lower back there okay so if you are in this position then it should feel like your arms are much more relaxed your back is

More relaxed and you’ll have a better sense of getting your body to actually rotate a little bit more so all of these things combined can make a big big difference in how well you can actually get get yourself to rotate in the back swing and even in the follow through as

Well so again one more time this would be the wrong kind of setup weight in the heels a lot of bending in the knees postures really upright but the difference between this one and the correct position would look something like this you can kind of see the

Changes I’ve made here okay and right away from here I feel like I can only move my arms whereas here I can I feel like I can get my body to go a lot better my it’s easier for for my knees to change Flex easier for my hips to

Rotate all those things combined so that’s reason number one so reason number two is how your knees change Flex okay so from the side view after you get yourself in the correct position a lot of the times I see people that struggle with rotation they actually like get

Their knees to bend more in their back swing so they kind of look more like this okay so it’s important to know that there has to be some amount of knee Flex change throughout the back swing and even in the follow through as well okay and that’s that’s what’s going to allow

Your hips to rotate back and forth so a lot of times when you go back if you keep that trail leg or that trail knee bent that will really greatly limit how much your your your hips can rotate so you can see when I when I make my back

Swing my knees will change Flex okay you can see my lead Knee will kind of Bend and my trail knee straightens out just a little bit okay now it doesn’t you don’t have to completely lock it out okay so that’ll cause a lot of other issues um

That you that you don’t want okay but there does have to be some amount of that all right now if you go back into your back swing and you change the knee Flex you should be able to feel like your hips can actually open up or Point

More this more this way okay if you don’t change the knee Flex correctly you you tend to feel a lot more pressure kind of in your glued on the right side um and there’s a bit of resistance there okay so if you don’t do that um that may

May confuse people into thinking that they have Mobility or flexibility problems but I haven’t met anyone that if they change their knee Flex enough or correctly that they can get enough rotation in their back swing um and also in the fall through but in when it comes

To the follow through itself same kind of thing right if my knees are kind of bent too long my hips are kind of stopping or limiting themselves in the the fall through so even in the fall through I have to like be able to to straighten out my left leg or like the

Lead leg to allow my hips to kind of continue to open up right so if you keep that knee bent you again you’ll feel a lot of resistance in that glute and you’ll tend to swing more with your arms okay so one point from the face on view

Is while you change your knee Flex you don’t want to be kind of moving or swaying your hips kind of into the trail foot too much okay that’s another big mistake that will really greatly limit mobility in the hips and and also the shoulders when rotating but you can see

That the mistake when I demonstrate it is that even though I I’m like trying to change the knee Flex my hip is kind of moving really off to the right like that um and and I can’t actually physically get my hip to kind of rotate around me

This way so it’s important to know that if I were to have some sort of barrier right here okay along the right edge of my leg that when I do change the knee Flex you can kind of see how the the trail side of my hip hip would actually

Kind of start to move more back and around me okay instead of more into that line okay so that’s a big mistake again you’re going to feel like you you’re you’re greatly Limited in your Mobility if you do that so as you change the knee Flex it’s important that you get the

Trail side of your hip to feel like you’re kind of it going to goes back around you and behind you this way so you should feel like it kind of moves a little bit away from that uh border or that club I’m putting ready next to me

Here so it should look something like this as opposed to this I can really feel the difference in how much my my hips can actually rotate you can probably visually see it as well when I’m here right it kind of still my hips still kind of face more so in front

Of me whereas I can get my hips to kind of Point more to the right or more open or closed so reason number three has to do with how you’re actually moving your neck relative to your body okay in the back swing and in the follow through so

Most people um when they make their back swing they actually start to like tilt or turn their neck almost against their shoulders they kind of move it in the opposite direction so if I’m turning this way my chest people kind of turn their head um into their lead shoulder

Like this okay so that’s another big mistake that’s going to really greatly limit uh your Mobility so if if you were to think about it even try it yourself if you turn your chest and turn your head in the opposite direction you’re going to very quickly feel a lot of

Resistance here and that’s going to like discourage you from continuing to rotate your shoulders um correctly so you look kind of like kind of like this okay so it’s completely okay for your chin to kind of move a little bit in the direction of your turns okay don’t think

That you have to keep your neck completely Frozen Okay because again you’re going to greatly limit how the range of motion in your shoulders when you’re doing that okay so you can either film yourself or just watch yourself in the mirror but make sure that you’re not physically turning your head into that

Lead shoulder and a lot of the times when I adjust um the people doing this to feel as though their their head kind of turns more with their chest they’ll feel like their head kind of moves a little bit to the right but in reality their their head isn’t moving to the

Right like this okay as they turn their eyes are just moving more to the right so that that kind of gives them some a false sense of of what they’re doing in reality so remember it’s okay to get the chin to turn a little bit and also in

The fall through you don’t want to kind of necessarily look the opposite way of your turns in the fall through it’s okay for your chin to kind of move a little bit more with uh your turns in the fall through as well you’ll feel like it’s a

Lot easier on your body you don’t have any strain in the neck if you were to see my swing in slow motion here as as I take it back and I go through you can see my head does not stay completely Frozen kind of back and through okay so

Maybe if I record another one doing it the incorrect way you’ll see a big difference in the range of motion the shoulders and the hips the last reason has to do with your tilts throughout the back swing and the follow through now this is really key as

Well because if I were to go to my back swing and not maintain my tilts at all it would kind of look like this okay so I I won’t be able to really rotate I’m basically just getting my posture to stand up and that’s what’s moving my

Arms throughout my back swing and in the follow through I see this a lot all the time but when someone goes through it they kind of look like this right you can kind of see the whole right side of my body is kind of facing upwards and

Then even my hip is also kind of very level to the ground okay so when you are able to kind of maintain your tilts that’s actually going to allow or make it easier for your body to kind of rotate on on that kind of tilted angle around your posture

Okay as soon as you kind of let go of that you’re going to kind of raise it up like this things will kind of tend to look really flat um and then you’ll kind of look like this in the fall through where you’re just kind of pulling your

Arms or your right shoulder kind of rolling it over like this so the reason why it’s so important to tilt is because if I go through it and I kind of roll my right side over you can kind of see that my my my arms

Kind of take over so I’m just kind of rolling my arms over like this but as soon as I maintain my posture you can kind of see that I’m I’m able to actually straighten out my lead leg which is going to make it easier for my

Body to rotate more okay but in order for you to do that you have to make sure that your weight finishes kind of on the outer edge of the heel of your lead foot okay so a lot of times that people lose their tilts their weight kind of goes more into their toes

And their Lead Foot okay and they kind of tend to to kind of fall over this way or they’ll tend to fall kind of forward okay so when I do it correctly you can see that my weight kind of digs into the outer heel and that actually allows my lead leg to kind

Of straighten out more okay and like I explained in the previous reasons the more I change my knee Flex or I kind of straighten out my legs that gives my hips the mobility it needs to kind of turn and kind of get out of

The way all right so when you look at it from this perspective again if I were to hit a shot rolling over you can kind of see as my hips kind of or my right side raises I can’t quite straighten up my left leg very well but if I hit another shot and

I try to get my weight more kind of on the Outer Edge my hip is kind of pushed back then that allows my left leg to kind of straighten out my hips can easily rotate around me okay so that’s another really important reason that a lot of people don’t really

Think about but maintaining the tilts is going to be so important it should that by itself should make it really easy to rotate so one really great drill to give you Awareness on how to maintain your tilts throughout the swing is to just get into that correct posture that I explained on reason

Number one for the purpose of this video just draw a line kind of right on the edge Ed of my head so that would represent the wall and I’m just gently placing my head against the wall there and when I make a back swing I want to

Make sure that as I’m changing the knee Flex things like that I’m kind of keeping my head in the same spot I’m not kind of raising away from that line because if I do that means I’m kind of changing my posture and I’m losing my

Tilts okay so as my head is is against that wall gently I kind of turn and then as I go through it I’m also keeping my head against that line okay so again just like in the back sowing if my in the fall through my head raises away

From it I’m kind of losing my tilts all right and you should feel right away that if you do change your knee Flex correctly and everything like that you should to feel like no resistance in your body your body should be able to open up quite freely um if you were to

Maintain the tilts like that but as soon as you kind of raise it and you kind of feel the difference you’ll feel like your hip kind of goes more into the golf ball harder to like straighten out your knees and you’ll feel like your arms

Take over okay so this is a great one that I get a lot of my players to kind of rehearse um quite often to kind of feel what it’s like to kind of rotate around that posture without kind of losing all their tilts like that so this

Is a really important fundamental that I teach everyone and a lot of the times they can really feel the difference between doing it correctly versus kind of the way that they were doing it before and um they don’t have any Mobility problems they’re able to rotate

Without any issue thank you guys so much for watching now if you have any questions about anything that I talked about you can leave a comment down below and be sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already see you guys on the next one


  1. Great stuff (as always) 👍🏻
    Q. r.e. Knee Flex: should your LEFT KNEE move forward (toward the ball)? … or, should the LEFT KNEE kick in (toward the right knee)?

    It seems in an effort to get more hip turn and tilt in the backswing, some people let the left knee move laterally, which might make it difficult to get back to the left (weight shift toward target and post up on the left leg)

    Do you worry about the left knee?
    Should we?

    I have a slight tear in my left miniscus (pain), but it doesn’t seem to impair my ability to post up on it. But twisting (torque) in my left knee hurts.

    Keep up the good work 👊🏻

  2. Hi, excellent content once again. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Could you provide some content with regards to arms and chest being connected and simultaneously the elbows being squeezed together. I’m trying different things at the range at the minute and I probably need a drill or something! Cheers

  3. Hey I’m a 14 year old 30 handicapper. I am along time viewer of the channel. I just wanted to get your opinion on my swing as I’m having a bit of confusion. This is the link of my swing. I would appreciate if you gave your opinion on it. And everyone, I’m not asking for views, if you think otherwise

  4. This is an epic video! Thank you Jonathan! I really appreciate how you explained each body part position from ground up. I realized that the incorrect posture that I learned 25 years ago is what's causing immobility in my swing.

  5. I just had a lesson with a former LPGA tour player and this is exactly what we worked on. When I mean exact it’s like I’m with her at the lesson again. Valuable stuff and giving it away free cause he wants his audience to get the most enjoyment out of this sport. JKM is the man!!

  6. Great video, thanks. I’m a beginner golfer (just four months in!), and I struggle with balance on follow through. I tend to stumble forward. So, I’m anxious to try what’s in this video to help stabilize me. Much appreciated!

  7. Another bad thing about flattening the shoulder turn in the backswing is that the hips then move forward towards the ball in order to maintain balance, then you lose all the space for your hands to come through impact. I noticed myself doing this in a recent video, when I rehearse keeping the left shoulder tilt in my backswing, the problem was solved. Hips stay back nicely and I finish in balance deeper into the left heel. Thanks for confirming this!

  8. Stop telling people to hit subscribe and like your shit, people know the deal. Put out good content and be likeable and you'll get those things. Or get a real job and don't worry about it.

  9. Great content Jonathan. The way you describe and move through the faults really makes it easy to comprehend.

  10. How does this change when using driver? Less forward body tilt at address, and wider feet positioning. I found it is a lot harder to rotate with driver the same way I rotate with my irons

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