Golf Swing vs Baseball Swing

Golf Swing vs Baseball Swing, what are the similarities? One of the main similarities we see between the golf swing and baseball swing is the internal and external rotation of the shoulders. This motion allows the club to shallow and enables you to rotate through the shot. This movement coupled with the drop of the pelvis can really make a huge difference in your ball striking.

Check out this video to get a basic understanding of how the body moves in the golf swing.

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Welcome to the show this is coach Trev that’s coach Max we’re talking baseball swing versus golf swing what Su dude what’s up man so we’re talking baseball swing and golf swing the main takeway I see between baseball and golf is how those shoulders are working in internally and externally

If my shoulder goes down this is my shoulder working into internal rotation so the hands going down elbows going up external is the hands going back and that elbow’s kind of shooting forward that’s one similarity I see between baseball and golf and that has a direct influence on is the golf club laying

Down is the bat laying down show me like what would be impact position hold it what’s really cool here is I mean this bat is flush with his ball now if we took him and put him in more of a side Bend like it’s golf the target’s down here but that

Relationship Remains the same it’s just are we swinging on a plane that’s more on the ground or more of this horizontal plane like we’re talking baseball here yeah I’d say that’s like a big big big same similarity where is the ball here or is

The ball down here and I got to be in this side that’s the only reason why we get in the side Bend when we hit a golf ball is cuz the golf ball is down here so my plane now has to reach the grass as opposed to my plane being you know

Roughly belt High 100% so if I do all those things nicely I should hit a good one boom yeah no that’s really cool so let’s set up to one again again we talked about shoulders working lead shoulders working internal so that’s what gets the bat to lay down Trail

Should is starting to work external that same thing now you can easily see people getting fatuated with okay well I just need to sit here and make this happen but it’s part of an overall sequence and between Golf and baseball there’s this shifting of weight you know moving

Laterally Target side and the drop that initiates the sequence so get let’s get in a batter stance here and just really OV exaggerate so we can see the lateral shift and the drop into what would be Target side yeah so it’s going to be here now my foot’s down I’m going to

Move laterally and then you’re going to see this like my back half’s going to drop this way which will actually let me get into my legs and have some power cuz just like in golf we got to generate power from the ground up not the other

Way around yeah and show me one here where you’re ready to go and like in golf people will think fire their hips and it’s more of how’s that even translate with so it’ll be something like that and I’m pretty much only going to do that where I’m

Going to roll over the ball it’s not going to be hit very solid definitely not pretty to look at you just said roll over so I mean if it was golf I would say roll over probably same thing yeah so it be it’d be like Trail hand is

Going to actually get on top of your lead hand and look something like this which I don’t think any of us yeah now you’re just shut in the face right at the bottom yeah none of us want to see that yeah that’s no good so similar to golf we talk about rotation rotation

Rotation but if we don’t have that drop we get that nice or not so nice over the top swing where now it’s a late tilt to save no bu let’s do one more we you do a really good job of dropping in there and then okay letting it eat yeah I can do

That boom seed okay so now we’re going to hit some we’re going to hit some golf balls here and you grab driver let’s explain that a little bit well we get to hit things far we like doing that like swinging hard um no actually I think a lot of what we do

When we hit a baseball relates a little bit more to how we hit driver as opposed to how we hit an iron strictly because I mean and when I hit a baseball my Center Mass and like everything kind of stays a little bit further back which it does

With driver right right so yeah if you’re going to hit D if you’re going to hit driver like show me what that’ look like yeah you’re kind you’re getting a little forward but there’s not this massive you know we talk about rib sway or this lateral shift forward driver

You’re getting just a little bit over over there yep but then we’re going to start to rotate and almost start to feel like you know lead hip lead shoulder getting away from the Target and you might see some guys actually end up a little bit more 50/50 as they’re

Swinging through so it’s more of this look than it is again with an iron where it’s a little more covered and stacked on top of that lead side yeah I think that I think that’s just because like we don’t swing down on driver we swing a

Little bit flat you know maybe just a tiny bit up right so I think that this kind of exactly how we swing a baseball bat as well right I never really want to swing too far down cuz my my uh margin of error is so hard to control whereas

If I can keep that bat flat through the zone I’m going to be able to actually square up the baseball a little bit easier let’s hit a bomb golf style show us how it’s done Basel swing gun golf swing at the warning track gone H I

Might not I might stay in the yard the main takeaway I want to I want to bring from this video is what the shoulders are doing and how that relates to to the bat or to the golf club you know if You’ watched our videos you know we talk about the drop a

Lot and without question that is part of the sequence and that’s kind of what starts everything but again to get the club or to get the bat to lay down we need some internal of the lead arm and some external of the trail arm or the trail shoulders

Yeah you just let it out from there good so to wrap this thing up I think the main two takeaways are number one drop baseball or golf both of those are kind of the initiator of the down swing sequence that gets you starting to go towards Target side now as that drop is

Happening and you’re starting to rotate it’s this lead shoulder starting to work internal and this Trail is working relatively external the main thing here is if you go back up to the top again is you’re feeling like your arms stay up forever as you start to drop and turn

Towards the target that’s the feel we’re trying to all go for rather than as you’re dropping and the arms are just falling you down you don’t have any of that internal external if anything that’s more just arms going it’s like a chop it’s more of a chop kind of like

Baseball you’re getting the knob on top of the ball rather than giving yourself time to lay the bat down and be level with the target perfect hey guys thanks for watching that video super fun to make if you like that one we do have others M click that subscribe button keep following us Peace


  1. We LOVED making this video. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe as it helps us to keep bringing you new content every week ❤

  2. Always great to compare similarities between two great swinging actions. The sheer power in a baseball batting action has to have ‘learnings’ for golf. I think baseball when I am trying to fade a shot especially with water or ob left. Works every time I think because a baseball swing is much more open at impact. Strangely the kinesiology study’s I’ve come across would cite the pitchers action as more closely resembling the biomechanics of the golf swing and not the batter. Enjoyed the video Tx.

  3. Great stuff guys. For someone who has struggled with being stuck and laying down the club–as 90% of adult golfers do–these baseball swing comparisons really helped when my coach introduced them. There's a reason newbie golfers who were "expert" baseball players tend to be able to hit the driver much better than newbies who didn't play baseball. Love your channel!

  4. Some are saying to get the baseball feel .. for golf. One would feel a punch shot stop just after impact. Almost like you’re hitting an impact bag. Than go once you feel that snap

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