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Senior Softball Live 1/12/24

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Combined, with all our staff, we have over 165 years of softball experience competing and winning with national championship teams at the highest level. This YouTube channel is built to share that experience, through bat reviews and weight training, Hitting Tips and Nutrition.
WHY DO BAT REVIEWS? In 2009, the only reviews available for ASA/Senior bats were brand sponsored reviews. we set out to do independent reviews that tested the marketing promises behind each bat. Why we give honest review? Because we are not trying to sell you anything.
WEIGHT TRAINING: For Softball and Health
Weight training plays a significant role in explosive, power hitting. I have developed a training program specifically designed for hitting with power and distance, focused on speed and form.
PODCAST: I wanted to talk about a lot of topics that has to do with softball, Weights and Nutrition that I have experienced in the last 40+ years

I’m getting everything and I know you guys come on first I’m going get everything hooked up situated down there you go sorry the trash can’s in the way I think you’ll be all right now these guys over here oh I’m already going to I’m already

Going to get it going don’t have to be messing with [ __ ] now three two one damn man it’s going to be pushed further away that might do get up and close I’m sorry for the delay guys uh I just got home there are some things I’m dealing

With with the family not bad I mean it’s it’s it’s bad but it’s not nothing nothing really I just don’t like airon personal [ __ ] you know out on Facebook or YouTube so it is [ __ ] 8:30 I’m going to try hard to make this in one hour and I

Really don’t have there’s a few things getting started I’m going to kind of ramble around a little bit here 27 already on YouTube that YouTube is freaking blowing up I don’t think I have I don’t have any on on the on Facebook but hell I don’t get no response uh uh What

Uh I’m going to kind of ramble here at the beginning I need to quit reading uh you guys [ __ ] now we have two over here now I can start a little bit I want to start rambling here a little bit there are some things in this podcast that I’m I’m going to

Actually double down on there’s there’s a there are some things that and and this is why I like doing this [ __ ] and I think a lot of people need to do it is whenever you have a you you say something like if I say something I

Always do it on video that way you don’t hear somebody misspeaking for you or saying [ __ ] that that is out there that you never said and they start spreading these rumors about [ __ ] that you never said that’s how come I always do videos people ask me questions about stuff I

Want to do a video on it because you’re actually hearing it from the horse’s mouth I think what we have in our society nowadays is too many people spreading [ __ ] that they they either took wrong or and I usually don’t misspeak that much you’ll notice when I

Keep R I’ll misspeak a little bit but if I as I keep going I’ll correct myself as I keep going because I do missp we’re old okay guys when you get older these 40y old guys ain’t going to understand this [ __ ] but as we get older we do

Misse and I do but this is something I don’t think I misspoke on and this is something that I never said that it said that I said so I’ll talk about that later on in the video and I’ll get to that um on another on on later on down the line

What I want to talk about is basically my intro guys if you guys over here get on my Facebook Channel guys over here on uh Facebook get on my YouTube channel And subscribe I guys want to join that membership Channel that’s fine that’s open up for anybody there’s a little bit

More stuff I talk about on there you know all kinds of [ __ ] that I can’t talk about here and I can’t talk about on that that regular subscriber page so get on there I talk about a bunch of things I have bat Raffles that as a matter of

Fact we are raffling off um tomorrow morning again to when I get back into the house because I’m always out every morning we leave at 6 o00 and I usually get out probably around 10:30 11:00 at night we’re out all day long so um I’m not at home a lot so a

Lot of you guys just be patient with me about these reviews just be patient with me there’s other [ __ ] going on that you guys don’t know about okay just so just be patient it’s not bad with the channel it has nothing to do with that it’s a

Family thing um but on this membership Channel you guys want to join that membership Channel I’ve got about a few of these left four or five of these left these are the new protons brand new in the rapper we are opting off not opting off we are actually giving these away to

The membership guys and this is the this is the next one that’s going to be going out tomorrow and this is the rest that I have all these other ones have been uh Smith this is his he didn’t contact me yet but he’s the last one to

Win on that this is not the last one second to last one to win on that membership Channel but just one way to get back to you guys that actually on that membership Channel there are um and and of course social media because I I do a lot of Social Media stuff

When I can you know uh I jump on the computer during the day this last four or five days I’ve been dealing with this issue that uh our family is going through and and I’ll get on there and type something people ask me questions

And if I don’t get back to you what’s up Charlie when I don’t get back to you there’s something else going on and I’m not going to talk about it it’s just that there’s other things when when other people you know when people don’t get back to you

It’s just not because they’re being [ __ ] there’s other [ __ ] that actually goes go on so social media is getting very big right now and as I talk about this intro I’ll talk about social media I have seen and I was hoping years ago if you guys watch been watching me for a few

Years I’ve been hoping that this would happen there’s a [ __ ] ton of podcast going on out there uh Matt Barnes uh has one that I actually watch the other night and I’m going to talk about that later on he had Johnny Dykes on there and I went I listened to that whole

Podcast all the way to the end my name was brought up in it that’s what I’m going to I’m going address that issue here in a minute um and I like watching podcast I like hearing things getting informed about other things too I’m always you know looking for information

Out there you know way to better myself on the way I think you know and it doesn’t matter I’m 63 going to be 64 this year it doesn’t matter who you are I always look a way to better myself and I I watch a lot of podcast uh who has

Another one he’s had his for a while and he’s on YouTube here is Jesse he has that um BP hero one I watched his the other night he had Mario Foster on and I watched him I am in contact with Mario Foster he has texted me in the last

Couple of weeks you know every other day just asking me questions about when are we going to have a chance to to swing his Bat you need to quit answering for your boy and have him start talking um so uh I talked to Mario uh really nice guy you know texting just

That’s it haven’t personally met him but uh I hear good things about his Bat that’s going to be uh re uh released and I like what I hear about it being a softer Barrel Easton has always had that Barrel in the last few years and took takes a while to get it there

Um but social media is the way everybody goes like I talked about this a little bit uh last week I talked about this a little bit last week where if you want to get noticed if you want to get your name out there if you just want to get

Out there and do something you know go to social media find a way to get in on Facebook find a way to get in on on YouTube and start posting things you know you’re going to get some feedback from some people that really [ __ ] mean but don’t listen to that [ __ ] if

You if you are soft this is the deal I’ll tell you guys right now if you are soft and you can’t handle a little bit of ripping every once while do not reply to him I will ask you not to do that because it’s just going to get in a [ __ ]

Match and the guy likes to get that reply that’s the reason he’s up there in his underwear you know on that computer you know doesn’t have anything else doesn’t have a life so he starts texting bad [ __ ] or just making [ __ ] up and texting them about

You don’t not do not reply cuz he’s looking for that he’s looking for a little bit of not rety somebody knows him or or [ __ ] like that he’s just lonely that’s the way I look at him you know every time somebody says [ __ ] I just look at him like he’s it’s not

Worth my time to actually but you’re going to get that everybody gets that that is on social media so gonna talk about your swing how ugly you are gonna talk about all kind of [ __ ] so it’s it’s you know hell if I look like Brad Pit I’ve had a million

Followers already you know I can talk really good well that’s the only plus that I have but uh I want that I I wish a lot of you seniors doesn’t matter your age just get out there and just start videotaping yourself I have two iPhones right here one I’m running this is

Facebook live and it’s off it’s not connected it’s actually connected to the Wi-Fi and you can do that right it’s not connected anything else and then this one’s connected to everything it’s got my Facebook on it I’m running that you know the podcast and just talk just talk about [ __ ] if you

Guys hit good just put your videos out there on how good you hit you guys I would I would recommend that you do this because a lot of people are just tired of seeing guys just blow the ball out of the yard because in this day and age up

30 years ago you know well they didn’t have a lot of social media 30 years ago but they loved watching the home runs it’s been today’s day and age where that everybody can do that right everybody can do that and they just get out there and just start blasting it’s not really

Oh big deal what else can you do you know so I recommend a lot of you guys that want to get on social media start hitting the ball down up the middle five six hole just tell them how you got there you know what I mean or tell them

How to fix things or tell them just little bit of [ __ ] that a senior can get up there this time of year when the snow is really bad we’ve got a funk coming in next week where it’s going to get like San Antonio San Antonio Texas is so

Funny because here’s the deal I went to Home Depot today pick up a blower a little blower the blow leaves and it was so packed in Home Depot I couldn’t hardly get around in there and and it’s Friday and it’s 1 o’clock in the afternoon so I I was walking out and ask

The guy why why why are this many people and he goes well you hear about the freeze next week and I go yeah it’s going to get like 19 degrees two days in a row he goes yeah they’re preparing for the freeze and I’m

Like and then I go to HB HB guys were up North HB is a big um is a big supermarket in Texas you know it’s everywhere every place you go hb’s there I couldn’t hardly get in and out of HB today and all I had to do is pick up a

Couple of items I mean they’re packing up water Top Ramen like they’re gonna this is how San Antonio does this [ __ ] it’s going to get cold next week for about three days there’s going to get there’s it’s going to shut down the whole whole city is going to shut down

And it’s not even going to rain you know God forbid they rain hit the ground so social media is the way I think uh I’m G to try to as of Adrien I’m GNA try to keep down the squirrel that he says that I actually do every once in a while when somebody

Actually is texting one of my guys that I hit with or actually pop up and I’ll see him and I’ll reply to him and I kind of get off track so he doesn’t like that so we’re going to try to keep it down where I’m I’m not looking at everybody

That’s texting stuff but basically what you have right here is a lot of guys on Facebook especially a lot of guys are talking to each other that actually has got on the channel um but social media guys that’s the way that’s the way to go it’s it’s I

Wanted to see video games of games I actually sat there and watch and I’ve been videotaping my games for 14 years now you know I had the old cameras back you know the big camera sticking to the fence and I would do it that way

You know and then later on I went to a GoPro I didn’t like the way the GoPro looked because it would actually spread stuff out um and then um and then uh I started I got a good iPhone which actually had a good camera

On it the one right here has a very good camera on it so I would uh I started putting that up there it was great the the better the better cameras you have people do not like to when you’re doing a Social Media stuff with Facebook or

YouTube or or you Facebook or YouTube what happens is if you don’t have a quality camera they’re not going to watch your [ __ ] because they don’t want to sit there and watch that and make sure that you guys clean off your lenses before you put them out there I see a

Lot of YouTubers nowadays that do not clean off that lens and it brings up a haze I need to make sure that doesn’t go out um and it brings up a haze so uh what I see you know going off what I was talking about a minute ago I see a lot

Of podcast I see a lot of the porch that’s the one I just saw a couple of days ago and uh I think that’s going to and I think it’s a great time this time of year with January and I think a lot of people don’t get get out the hit

So they want to learn or they want to see people they want to hear about how how people got to where they’re at right uh because a lot of you guys don’t know my story right so they want to hear how a lot of people got to where they’re

Doing this so they talk to a lot of people in there and ask them questions I watched uh uh Matt the other day and he was asking some really good questions uh he’s got some great things that’s going on I’m actually he invited me to be on

Do a podcast with him on Facebook and I think it’s coming up they posted on my timeline quite a bit on what days that I’m in I’m February something I I’m like 28th or the end of February I think is what my slot is you guys gonna tune in

And watch it I will have it uh I will have it it it’ll be on my Facebook page but I think he’s going to do it so I won’t be recorded it but I will have it on my YouTube my YouTube channel and basically doing what I’m

Doing today and run it straight through here and you guys can hear the questions you won’t see him you’ll see me answering but you won’t see him and he wants to talk to me and I think that’s great just to get the word out because I

Do think different than a lot of other a lot of other people out there I don’t think the way they think and and and I’ve got a lot of push back in the last 14 years on it but what I see nowadays is a is a trend where uh I have guys

That message me during the day and you know um and he’ll talk to me about how much it has helped them because of their age or their bat speed uh and they’re mainly the guys with the slower bat speed because basically if you got that 100 mph hour bat speed you don’t even

Need to look at my channel you know because you can swing whatever you want swing it’s not you know I can throw a bat out there you know uh and you might think a bats too soft with that you’ll go to a harder bat I tend to go deeper

Into you know weight distribution and hand and handle weight weight to weigh your bats I think a lot of you bat review guys out there don’t weigh your bats right and I just got that today from one of the Minions that was talking to me and and if you guys don’t know

What minions are at the beginning when I was doing this 14 years ago um it was a Saye that my wife brought it up um I have a group of just a group of people and they’re not like the other people it’s it’s a group of people that

Actually have my back and they’ve been with me from the beginning and I I’ll bet it’s probably 100 7 probably 100 now back then it was probably 50 but I got my ass ripped because of a decision that I made about a bat and it was on uh

Facebook so I posted the video on YouTube and I posted it on Facebook and I got my ass handed to them from the guys that had their names on the bat there was only two guys that did not say anything and I actually talked about

That in the video and I was going to reply I was up there putting up a big reply and my wife said don’t don’t don’t talk to them let the minions handle it and I go minions and she’s like yeah your little group of Minions that actually have your back you know and

We’ll talk for you and I go okay that’s a different way of looking at it but yeah I’ll go and they did they they went up there and jumped on there and started talking you know and it got kind of bad there for a while because it was a post

That got like 200 you know replies to it and you know uh and it kind of calmed down after a while I was like damn I from now on all the Minions going to handle all of my [ __ ] but um see there you go Adrien um so talking about these these podcasts

And everything that’s going on with that uh I think I’m going to be on that one with Matt and there’s another one a guy asked me to be on I want to get on there is this uh and I have have no problem talking to people it just you have

To for one no not just anybody can come on like I had a couple of guys that will actually boom hit me up on here and they’ll they’ll want to come on and I don’t even know who they are so I don’t do that because I don’t want to be

Caught in a conversation that I don’t think a lot of you guys want to hear so uh I’ve been uh I want to talk to a few people softball players you know and talk to them and bring them on I’m kind of picky on who I want to talk to though because

Uh you’re not a minion Kirby I’m kind of picky on who I talk to because I have this agenda right and nobody not not too many people I’m not saying nobody but not too many people are a part of that the way I do things you know soft Barrel hard Barrel that

Was getting back to what I was talking about see I come do come back to it so um you you know weight distribution the way a lot of these guys weigh their bats I think is wrong a lot of these bat review guys I think is

Wrong but I don’t I still watch your stuff and see the way it performs um you’re getting different readings than I am and you’re getting different readings than the total of a bat like you guys don’t understand if you weigh the end and you weigh the handle those numbers

That you have when you put them together aren’t going to make the total weight of that bat because if you’re if you buy this this this ain’t no [ __ ] if you buy if you buy this bat and it says 26 o it’s 26.6 O basically when you weigh This Bat

But when you take this bat tape off it actually weighs you know half an ounce less than the whole bat like it’ll be 25.5 ounces so this is actually a lot of weight on a bat too you know and as high as you got like another thing to if you

Guys heard me talk about this you know depending on where you holding that bat I would cut that bat tape all the way down to here because you don’t want to restrict the flex in the handle I just added that in there but a lot of you guys don’t understand

You know the total weight of a bat it’s not going to be the same especially when you have the tape on it you take the tape off and it’s still not going to be the same but it’s going be pretty damn close those that when you’re doing bat

Weights that’s how you can double check your numbers because you take those two weights together on the end and on the on the hands and you put them together and they’re going to be pretty close but not right on they’re going to be pretty

Close and a lot of you guys that few of you guys that do that bat weighting because there’s still people that haven’t caught on about bat weights and weight distribution and your weights are off about like an ounce it shouldn’t be awful like an ounce so uh I

I I have guys that I try to like there was somebody talking in a podcast last week about compression testing I’m not a big believer in compression testing uh I am uh I I am up to the point where you get your numbers to where they’re supposed

To be and then they’re talking about 190s they’re talking about 210s you know and basically what they were talking about is you know everybody has this is and I talked to Kim van bagard about this a few years back a few years back Kim vard has a compression test a

Compression that he likes on a bat right so he chooses his Bat on that what that compression could be and if it doesn’t reach that compression it’s too hard he won’t go to that b that it’s just something that you guys might think about in the future too and I’ve talked

About this in the past I’m just repeating myself on the new people that actually coming in or or people that haven’t heard this before because they don’t look at all my videos so mine is 160 165 I think I said that last week it’s 170 I can do so I

Can do 160 to 175 that’s mine right but if you don’t get a bat that’s going to reach that then the bat’s no use to you right because you’re not going to be able to flex out wall especially and the bat a balance bat either it’s not going

To go no good for you either cuz you got to have mass so you have mass to get distance you know more Mas you get better Flex gets distance you’ll be surprised on a lot of people don’t listen to that [ __ ] and they start spewing off this other stuff

Or you start asking somebody about how did you build your bat and they sit there and give you mumo jum why I really don’t want to talk about that why I really don’t want to well I really don’t want to get into that well because you don’t [ __ ] know that’s why you don’t

Want to get into it I was up in Bobby Gilbert calls me up and I was up in Dalton Georgia and they had said I have three bat manufacturers down here that want to talk to you and they have four guy six five guys at the table that

Had their names on bat so I went down there to talk to them and we were throwing [ __ ] back and forth each other so I asked the head guy the big guy that has name on the back and I said tell me how how how much weight distribution do

You have he couldn’t tell me and I said well how much handle Flex do you have you know it’s said 4,000 4500 4700 you know cuz you got big MK you got go tougher in the handle 4700 you know you know you got a light handle

We you got to go stiff on the handle I Dave I just swing the bats all right and I’m not saying all of them are like this there are some out there that actually put in their thought you know on way the bats you know I want to endload go ahead

And build it for me you know but but those are the people that I come across but then again I have the Minions that have been with me for 14 years that’ll throw [ __ ] at me like nothing I had a guy text me I I I had a guy text me

Today and it was a long ass text and he say I’m sorry to get longwinded and I was like holy [ __ ] he was spoton on everything that I preached and he was just a guy that’s one of my guys that has listened to me from the beginning and I said you mind

If I use this clip and post it on Facebook you guys can read this cuz basically he’s telling the whole and he says you even said he was actually ripping on back company not back well back companies too about you’re the guys that are doing these reviews aren’t

Putting their spec numbers in them and if you guys watch my channel you’ll know what your spec number is if you guys are a loyal family the membership guys too or if you’re part of the membership uh the the the the subscribers right here you’re going to know what your numbers

Are because you listen to me but you get mad when all the other bat companies or the other B the bat reviewers don’t put their numbers in there are their numbers are wrong then you call me and go hey What’s your deal did you swing no I

Didn’t swing to 27 i s to 26 I’m not going to buy a 27 if I get one coming through I weigh it but usually that back company goes in half ounce increments right it goes down so I already know how the back company loads so I can take a

Guesstimate on what that in weight or that handle weight’s going to be I’ve been doing this for a long time so whenever you get up there and you start and here’s the deal guys I know more [ __ ] that and getting to what I’m going to talk about in a minute I don’t want

To lose that getting I talk about I know more [ __ ] than they know and then they call me out on a podcast and they’re going to set my record straight I’m not even going to talk about that I’m GNA let that [ __ ] sit until I’m going to get to it in a

Minute and they’re going to I’m G to oh I’m getting too far into that there’s guys out there bat flip BP and guys if you part of a channel and I miss you here it’s because I got an hour on this I’m already into it for what 25 minutes already about rambling about

[ __ ] there there are guys out there if you if you’re a part of a put your put your link down below send me your link you know I’ll share every I’ll share all your [ __ ] get into that buy selling trade here in a minute and share your

[ __ ] on my buy sell and trade I I am not I’m not biased toward anybody I never have been if you guys been part of me you guys know who I am and even the guys that work me cim just chimed in here a minute ago he knows how I am you know

I’m tough on the guys but I’m not biased toward anybody I a give a [ __ ] who you are or what you do or who you work for that’s the reason I started this backflip BP fat guy Adam talked to him last week he sent me and said you

Got to swing This Bat you got to swing This Bat sends me a picture of it I’m not going to tell you what it is I’m not more a surprise but and it’s a new B company that came out with last two two if Adam chimes in here in a minute two

Three years ago and I did a bad review on them at the beginning said the bat was too hard you know oh it’s good for the hunter M guys but every bat’s good for the hunter mire guys it’s not really it’s no brainer with them stick anything

In their hands I know that cuz I have Bubba stick anything in his hands he’ll turn around what else you want me to swing how many times he said that you know um uh the chef clim has went down and hit with these guys too just recently BP hero

Which is does more UT trip but he’s getting some guys in there that have uh senior bats I don’t want I look at [ __ ] different than they do and I don’t care if you go with them I really don’t care I’m going in a different direction what

They are and I always have been from the get-go I have not wavered from what I’m doing I’ve caught a lot of [ __ ] from it but I have not got off my path right because I think it’s the right path and I don’t care if you like it or not it’s

Just my path that oh Billy Blake taught it to me freaking 40 something years ago but I took he F taught me he taught me 7 2% of it the other 25% is me going off in different directions because there’s times when I didn’t talk to Billy for a

Long time cuz I was out of state you know I was other doing other things so um Billy was the foundation for that and I took that and ran with it on what I do now so there’s so many so much information out there and and it’s not

Like my and I don’t want anybody to think that I’m up here talking about my ways or the highway I don’t no no I’m just a different way of looking at things weight distribution especially for the older guys you you 100 m hour guys ain’t going to listen to word I’m

Saying you call [ __ ] I’m just trying to get clicks heard that last week just trying to get clicks you know I don’t give a [ __ ] you’re 100 m hour guy you have nothing to do with what I do I deal with the other guys I deal with me my my

Miles per hour per hour are not 100 miles an hour and I know what B fits me and I think think the bat that’s you know that that that I do research on will fit the lower bat speed guys cuz those guys are going to get there you

Know they’re one day they’re going to get there and they’re going to start doing this [ __ ] 10 years down the road 15 years down the road go oh [ __ ] that that guy we called dumbass you know he’s pretty right on on what he’s talking about you know uh handle Flex I mean it

It’s a if you guys would have saw my website when I first started building it I said it’s not what fits your swing it’s uh formula and the reason I said it’s not fix your swing because a lot of these guys were trying to sell you something a car salesman and they’re

Saying well pick it up if feels good in your hands just you’re back go ahead and take it well for one you’re not swinging it just because it feels good in your hands don’t mean it’s going to perform for you so it’s just I want more people doing

Reviews I want more people doing podcast I want more people talking about and I’m not talking about Utrip because I have nothing to do with Utrip I got a little bit to do with Asa but I don’t have anything to do with you I want it to be

Focused on seniors right because I think we need to get a lot of seniors off their ass and getting out and playing softball to get their quality of life back that’s how come I talk about testosterone that’s how come I talk about supplements because of that you

Know to better you seniors out there that way you can perform at your highest level I was talking to a lady today at the hospital that that uh 84 years old and I was talking to her about and she was great shape but she doesn’t run anymore and she wants to have knee

Replacement surgery but she’s not in she’s over 80 so I don’t think they do it on her so I start giving her little options that she can go to that would give her where she can walk better you know because of her knees and I talk to

Her for like a 45 minutes 30 minutes it’s my wife’s aunt is uh is who it is uh really beautiful and really good care of herself so we are bouncing stuff all back each other what she does what she takes just a little stuff like that so

That’s basically what I’m here for it’s not just doing bat reviews which I I haven’t had a chance to do because it’s been so cold down here we had a chance yesterday 75 degrees outside but I had prior prior things that I had to do and

I could not leave and I had to be there and I hope my guys understand I think Trey talked to him today about what’s going on uh to tell them hey you know we’re going to start this back up as soon as it gets and supposed to cold next week so we’ll

See uh what happens next week oh one thing I will tell you too and and I hope I don’t piss off too many people but if you are if you our signature player or if you are a bat rep you’re no longer a review guy you’re an Advertiser so

You’re doing advertising for the people that you actually signed with you know uh you’re not a review guy you actually get out there and you do an advertising you know what I see with a lot of people out there you know and I don’t care about I don’t care I don’t I’m not

Saying I don’t care about it I care about it but you can’t be in the same category as like fat guy or you can’t be in the same C bat flip or the chef as because you don’t you know you have your signature bat and you are signed to a

Bat Company so you can’t say that you’re you’re reviewing a bat you’re advertising a b so come see me hit this bet that’s what you are um and I don’t I I it happens all the time it’s it will keep happening it’s just not going to be

The flooding the market of B riew guys it’s not you got to have advertising in everybody’s budget in every B company’s budget they have allotted money for advertising okay because they’re not going to buy advertising to go on TV when you’re watching Sunday football right they’re not going to go and do

That so what they’re going to do is they’re going to send bats out you know they they already signed the player you know or he’s got a signature bat so now from him having his name on that bat he’s got to do advertising for that company so he does his own YouTube stuff

And he does his own Facebook stuff and he starts advertising okay that being said all you guys that want to start doing I talked about this a little bit last week all you guys that want to start doing uh bats are anything like that it can get your foot in the door

For getting free stuff sent to you and that’s everywhere my son is a powerlifter she he’s been a power for about a year and a half now well [ __ ] going on a year and he’s already uh competing in collegate level uh 220 lb class he took second place in his weight

Class right uh his bench wasn’t that high so he could have took first but took second which I am in light this is Collegiate powerlifting and I love that [ __ ] and he’s a big guy he eats right well what he’s getting now because he has an Instagram Channel what he’s

Getting now is free stuff gloves you know stuff you put on the bar Clips you know and that you put on the bar he’s getting proposition from a lot of people that want him to wear their gear you know so if you start a a a review

Company or you’re just re looking at bats what you’re going to get contact with is you’re going to get contact with a lot of these B companies that hey I’m going to send you this bat swing it and tell me what you think about it that’s

What they say they don’t try one thing about these bat companies and I haven’t had one that actually has said this to me in my 14 years is hey I’m going to send you this back for free but you got to kind of like you know rub me a little

Bit you know I have never had any Bat Company do that to me and you know I guys I would call them out if they did I tell you that I’ve never had any Bat Company actually do that to me so what they do is they’ll hey send I’ll send

You this bat just let me know what you think about it that’s it I’ll send you these batting gloves I’ll send you these balls you know let me know what you think about it and they know you’re going to be hitting them in the video so you’re going they’re going to get it’s

Advertising you’re going to get that up there so that’s another way you guys need to think you know free hats you know because I’m up here talking on a podcast start your own podcast look how much shit’s going to be sent to you you know hang it up on the wall let

Everybody see free advertising for them right so I I and um and I hope you guys can hear this whenever I play it but anyway um let’s see how far I can go into this if you guys are fasting or you start any kind of protein diet or carnivore diet

Um there’s something you have to watch out for and I’m not saying I think they’re the best thing for everybody if you start a carnivore diet it’s nothing but protein right but you got to be aware of something even with fasting too there you got to be aware if you’re

Going to fast more than a day you can throw your body I think it’s ketosis you can throw your body into so what happens I can’t read that Glen uh oh Dave Taylor okay sorry um so what happens is whenever you just go to a carnivore diet your body starts to

Starve for carbs so you’re consuming nothing but protein eggs bacon sausage in the mornings you know some beans throw those in there so you’re eating that it’s nothing but protein so what’s going to happen is your body is going to get tired when you start throwing this

Up on top of your body so your body’s going to get tired and it’s going to start to Crave breads it’s going to start to crave carbs it’s going to start to Crave tortillas and a lot of you guys don’t don’t know Texas I’m not saying Dallas I’m saying San Antonio South I’m

Not even saying Austin you guys have not even touched our tortillas down here you would you would freak out because they are very very good and it’s hard to stay away from them so it’s going to start your body’s going to start craving that because craving carbs and you’re going

To get tired and you go man is this really worth it it is because that goes away after a couple of weeks just stay with it stay with the carnivore diet I think it’s the best thing for your body you can you can mix and here’s the deal

Too guys and I’m talking about athletes right here right when you play bar when you train you got to add some carbs you just can’t go nothing but pure Carn board diet those are for people that want to lose a lot of weight want to get

In shape fasting is a way for a lot of people to to get in shape but your longevity when you’re playing Outfield or you’re running bases or you’re taking a lot of BP you’ve got to make some carbs in there but you got they got to

Be good carbs they got to be brown carbs they got to be dark rice I’m not talking about Mexican rice that’s not that’s white rice I’m not talking about CH it’s not talking about add a here’s another thing too when you guys go eat Chinese food uh

You you get chicken fried rice that’s actually white rice guys that’s not that’s good that’s bad don’t get that just cuz it’s brown it’s got soy sauce on it don’t not get that [ __ ] it’s white rice no white rice all dark rice whole grain rice all you know Bagels you know

Um uh all whole wheat Bagels grain Bagels oatmeal is probably the best [ __ ] for carbs that you can actually take you know and when you get your protein [ __ ] going all your protein stuff make sure you stay with this is just me telling

You make sure you stay with a um a uh a egg white protein with stevia make sure this it’s not an artificial sweeteners you guys need to not touch any artificial sweeteners just stay with stevia make sure it’s on there there’s a couple out there that I actually show we

Mooved and I don’t know where I put them but it’s egg white protein I get mine in Cost Plus nutrition you can go to health food store and ask them I want egg white egg white protein and I want stevia with the mix that it has in it and you

Can get chocolate Whata whatever but don’t get any with sugar don’t get any with that filler ass nasty ass soy not soy milk you should never eat soy drink soy milk um uh that milk that they use um [ __ ] somebody’s going to chime in and

Tell me about it but don’t get that [ __ ] cuz it’s just a filler gives you bloats you up it’s an the milk actually irritates the [ __ ] out of your guts and your body and you feel like you’re all bloated so stay away from that [ __ ] um

My buy sell and trade Patty was just up here talking [ __ ] to everybody uh Patty is in well I’m in charge of buy selling trade Patty actually administrator she actually watches people she kicks people off that aren’t supposed to be on her that are that is actually trying to scam

You guys so she act almond milk yeah goats milk is the best guys you ever and I’m not this is no [ __ ] almond milk is good yes Patty but if you want to get more of the flavor of a regular milk goats milk is the the best and it

Doesn’t have the same protein that the regular milk does that irritates your body so goats milk is the best just a little expensive half a gallon is 10 bucks so yes I’m going to have to get some water here before I go too much further

Um see I get back to it is buy sell and trade I already know what it is buy sell and trade I don’t have that squirrel mentality like I’ve been told buy sell and trade it has went private and I think today it was supposed to go

Private or tomorrow it’s supposed to go private uh and Patty suggested this now that we have so many followers on that buy sell and trade uh what we started doing is making it private that way nobody can look in to see what we’re selling and it’s a group of people that

Sell amongst theel there will still be tomorrow there will still be people that are going to get in but they’re going to be vetted a lot better the problem with the way it was that Patty was explaining to me is we we would try to bet them but

They would get in anyway because there’s a little loophole to that I guess and it was public so now we made it private all the people are in there tell you what you get on this buy selling trade for one you get a you don’t get the [ __ ]

You know uh you’re going to have it’s going to be more secure and you’re going to get bats that when I get done with that I sell and and just to give you example I mean this is probably going to go up there there I’ve got right now I’ve got

15 bats in front of me that are probably going to go up there a lot of them are going to be done that membership channel that you guys can get on there and look at a lot of them will be done that way

Now what I do with my bats that I that I sell is I’ll put I’ll put what they are how many swings they got on them you know and Murray said the other day look you know finally realize you know finally somebody that’s actually putting

The actual swings on the bat cuz I had a bat that had 400 swings on it and I had a bat I put on the other day and that I I have an idea in my mind on what that that is worth it’s lower than

What you think okay but I don’t know how to screw anybody so on this buy selling trade senior softball buy selling trade you guys want to jump over there and get on it on this YouTube channel it’s senior softball buy sell and trade so later on I’m going to do some other

Stuff not just bats but um what I I had this idea of what that bat is worth without without breaking Bank on a lot of you guys somebody offered me $200 for a bat the other day I didn’t think it was worth $200 I thought it was worth

150 and I heex him back I said I’ll take 150 for it he goes what the hell sure send me venmo I send him venmo said 150 I’ll send it to him I don’t screw anybody that’s another thing too I’m not out here to take advantage of

Seniors and I that’s the reason I started this 14 years ago it’s not that’s not what I’m going to do so that’s what you’re going to get with that channel it’s not going to be like any there’s not going to be bat Raffles on that channel unless they’re by me and

I would rather just sell it and sell it at a cheap price and have you guys go for it says off $20 a freaking for a bat you know and get 20 numbers you know um I’m looking at my time so that buy C trade is actually um

Going private carnivore diet I talked about that I have some videos a collage of videos coming out whenever all this stuff gets taken care of uh of me testing bats um me being in positions are areas where I could have somebody test the bat and I

Videotaped it that’s going to give a lot of you guys a good idea of what these senior bats compression test that that they’re always talking about they’re always talking about they need a number right they want a number and and and what I think this will do is it will let

You guys know what a lot of the old senior salt ball bats compression test that it’s it’s a it’s and it’s probably it’s going to be a long video you just got to go through I might shorten it up a lot of you guys don’t like watching

That in one hour it might be 10 10 minutes long and I’ll cut them up like that but it’s uh the old Adidas you know the old Reebok you know the the The Dudley the 2.0’s you know the the uh the OG Dudley so there’s going to be a lot

Of back on there that are compression test that have been swung for a long time so they’re not at the end of their life they still have performance on them because they were at Big tournaments that I was doing this at and we were compression test there was a place in

San Antonio that we were hitting balls at with a lot of seniors and I went over there and started compression test a lot of their bats and I can actually tell them what their what their bats weren’t broke in and it I gained knowledge because of this too because a guy had a

Bat for two years and it was a bat that should have compression tested 160 and it was compression tested 210 and I’m like uh dude you need to give this to somebody you need to let them swing it because you’re not with your bat speed you’re not going to you’re not

GNA that’s how come I I talk about the [ __ ] that I talk about now because I’ve done research in it Billy was there one that we were doing it you know compression testing all these bats you know okay you need a bat that is and

This is I’ll bet that video is 10 10 years long 10 years ago and I was telling those guys back then you need to get a bat that Flex a little bit more well the Dudley you know uh not 10 years ago but uh there was the rebok and the

Those bats that were coming out then um a lot of the softer barrel bats you know the the the black and gold that was one of them too back then the black and gold um big cat that was another one too that was back then like I said um I don’t compression

Testing not a big fan unless you want to get your number that’s only a big fan compression testing for senior softball tournaments hell no but I do think that it’s something that people will learn by and they might start with it but it’s going to change later on because they’re

Going to realize like I’m telling you it’s not going to work you know when especially when you’re doing a 6570 tournament and you start compression test a lot of those ogs and those 2.0’s and find out that the compression test in at 150 160 and your numbers at 170

And you start kicking in bats out and all of them B to that way that’s when you’re going to get the feedback from a lot of these seniors going no no no there got to be something else I’m just telling you what’s going to happen

In the future I’m a big this is what I’m a big and I say this all the time this is a bat speed tester you this is with a golf club or bat they they they sell them out there and you can buy them you

Know it tests your bat speed so look at that bat speed the way I test bat speeds it’s a big video about about it and I talk about wow I’m already here I didn’t mention this last week in my in my uh my podcast um and I

Don’t even know you guys know what this is you guys know what that is you do your wrist I got the padding over there you do your wrist these are badass actually pretty good but how you do it it’s another thing too you just can’t sit there all day long in front of

The front of the TV and just sit there and do that right you just can’t do that don’t work that way and I’m going try to while I put it together and show you how to do it Clen since you said you have one I’m going to show you how to do it

And you don’t sit there and just do it for 100 times and you guys heard me talk about fast twisting musle fast Twitchy muscle fiber slow Twitchy muscle fiber and I see a lot of you guys getting burned out just burning this thing up just burning it up you know I’mma see

How many reps I can do one two three don’t work that way buddy you know and I started talking about this I’m going to try to put it together the best way that I can right when you have this you go by you go by reps then you’re going to go

By and how tight it is right so you don’t want to go you know you don’t want to do it um what you’re going to go by is you’re going to go by uh sets you know nine sets 10 sets is usually what I do and I go with

Explosive movements so what you’re going to do is you’re going to pop it pop it pop it pop it you’re not going to sit there and go you know BN get the burn get the burn no pop pop pop and find out how many you can do when you’re popping

It what that does guys it turns your forearms big right so when you’re up there hitting a tennis racket back and forth you watch those guys they they have ripped forearms but they’re not gigantic right to get that gigantic you’ve got to work through white muscle

Fiber the only way to work the white muscle fiber is boom boom that’s like when I talk about lifting weights every weight that you lift it’s got to be an explosive movement you know it’s got to be closed grip on the bench boom you got

To blow it up same thing with that same thing with any wrist exercises I recommend a lot of you old seniors out there that can’t do the weights anymore get something like that or something that works the wrist and when you when you work it pop them pop them not heavy

Weight go lightweight go not go heavy weight and then find that big burn what you’re doing is creating white muscle fiber in a dark muscle fiber form because you can work these every day guys you can work your forarms every day you can work your neck every day your

Traps every day your calves every day because it’s that white muscle fiber try to turn those into uh it’s that dark muscle fiber excuse me misspoke there it’s that dark muscle fiber try to turn those into white muscle fiber so that’s that’s the way you do with the forearms

You pop it you just pop it you don’t sit there and do it okay I’m doing this so you see those guys that have that reverse and they’ll get on the bench and sit there and go one two no go lighter and weight and pop that weight up where

It jerks you know almost comes out of your hands do it that way you’re going to create white muscle fiber now and the reason I’m going to reply to this and it’s Johnny Dykes he was on Matt Barnes last week and he brought up my name and I’m going to have to say

Some [ __ ] here that maybe he heard different [ __ ] I don’t know but I’m going to try to turn this up as loud as I can and you guys can hear it and I’m going to stop it it’s a I only cut it up to be about a

Two almost a three minute video but it’s not a video it’s audio because I could not pull that off Matt Barnes there’s a section in there where he wanted to set the record straight and and I’m going to I want to stop this where you’s could

Hear I’m gonna explain myself at the end I’m GNA talk about it right and I I’m going to correct David Vasquez about something he’s gonna correct me about something because because I have tried to correct him about this he has not tried to correct me about anything I

Don’t talk to Johnny dikes I never have so I don’t know if he thinks that he talked to me I talked to him one time and it was on the East Coast he he was playing a game he saw me came up and gave me a pair of his batting gloves

When he was sunos and he goes hey swing these and walked off I talked to him in Florida last year uh he really didn’t talk to me I talked to the guys from short pors in Florida and he was there when he won a home runting contest said hi to him and

That was it didn’t talk to me that whole night okay let me go back here a little bit and he has not tried to talk to me about what he’s going to talk about and I’m going to correct David Vasquez about something because because I have tried

To correct him about this yeah we don’t make batches we do not use a composite from China okay stop the batch part I’m going to talk about that in a minute but the second part where he said he went right into batches they don’t make batches we do not use a composite from

China I and here’s the deal he’s talking I’m gonna let you hear the whole thing we might run a little late I don’t think we will but I want you to hear the whole thing but he says that he’s going to correct me about something that we don’t

Do batches and then he goes we don’t get composite from China okay we we the thing about China composite is it’s recycled composits we do not use it when they make baths over there they will create a batch they’ll create enough composite to make a batch

That’s that’s what you call the badge we produce our sheets of composits here and they are flown over there and they are in the warehouse okay stop it right there so I hear this and I’m mad and I’m at the hospital so I walk out of the

Room and then I text him and I go I never said that you use China composits never said that and I have short porch people can back me up on this so he reads my text and he laughs so um listen I don’t know how I have to say

That to say that correctly I didn’t say that someone said we use China composits I he didn’t say that he said that someone uses China composits didn’t you [ __ ] Just Hear It he Saidi got to correct him we don’t we don’t do batches we don’t and he

Dressing me and we don’t use composite from China they said that they stated we created batches we don’t make um this over again I don’t know how I have to say that to say that correctly I didn’t say that someone said we use China composits I said that they stated we created

Batches we don’t make batches that’s all I’m saying [ __ ] he said that I said but let me let me set he said that I said that they use China composits they don’t I’ve known this probably before he even [ __ ] got there I know how they they produced their own composite in

Georgia short porch produces their own composite and I’ve said this in videos that’s how come I’m saying when you are doing this right and you’re in a position that I am or these other guys are that’s how come I videotape everything I know what they they do I

Never said that they make bad they make uh they take their Chin’s composite the leftover composite now I’m going to ask you this too is what is the what is the composite left over from because he’s acting like the composite left over composits from China what if they’re left over from touring

Bikes you guys have heard that story too right what if they got thousands of dollars with a touring box bites in this Warehouse in China that are very expensive hockey sticks that the hockey people play and they’re using that leftover China does it make it any worse

No it’s the same [ __ ] composite that you’re using on hockey sticks but he’s saying that I said you heard it in the video the audio he’s saying that I said that I did not say that [ __ ] now let me because I said it in the video they

Make their own composite here in the states and ship it over to China another other thing too I said this in one video was and this is this is how short ports what they do right A lot of these back companies that have their stuff made in China they ship it

In these containers right what happens to the containers they get hot now I’m just talking for short ports what they do and I’ve said this to people right said it in one video I said they ship over a lot of these batches I’m going to talk about that in a minute

They ship over a lot of these batches in those containers that are stuck out in the ocean well they’re not those containers and don’t have air conditioners in them so they get hot they’re shipped over here what happens with air what happens with heat and carbon nothing carbon can handle the heat it’s

The rosm right so I’m going to go right in I know I know I know so what short porch does they fly their stuff over they don’t get that much heat on them so short porch flies and stuff over I don’t know I know short porch does it

I don’t know if anybody else does it either so I know that short porch does it I know that I’ve said it in videos before so he’s going to set the record straight for me now let me explain something to you he said it go back and

Look guys go I go back to mat Matt Barnes when he’s doing the legend Johnny dkes he also talks about uh batches I’m getting dry M he’s also talking about batches and he said that they don’t produce batches and then also in the podcast he said that we don’t have a

Warehouse full of bats then how do you get them over here you ship them over here right you ship them over here well what happened let me go back what happened was the review view on the short porch came out great bat it is a great bat

Guys and a lot of you guys were asking me is it the first batch or second batch well guys I only have the first batch and then all of a sudden they didn’t have them available available they didn’t have those bats available so I would have guys going Dave which batch

Is this and I would go I would go see there you go California back company they fly theirs they fly theirs over too I didn’t know that so I can’t vow for you but now I can I just knew the short ports did it so

Um batches so a lot of you guys out there are going Dave what batch is this because doing what I do I know there are batches every time they send you a run of bats 240 I’ve heard them at one I’ve heard him at 300 I’ve heard them at 500 I’ve

Heard them at 240 I’ve heard them at one they got to do more than 100 to get a batch over here right so because they’re not going to send you onesies and tues unless they’re prototypes and for R&D research and development so I need to quit reading that

[ __ ] um so there has to be a batch every time you make a delivery right and then I find out that short ports by talking to those guys the other day after I heard that that they run the they ran that uh that wig popper all the time

They just ran it and I go I understand you running it all the time because you got to pay for so many bats right China wouldn’t keep you there if you were going to pay for 240 bats they can go somewhere else that’s going to order 500

Bats and that’s just a number I thre out there right so they have to order so many bats they got to keep them working they can’t just order a batch at a time right 240 and we’re going to quit doing it there are bat companies out there

Will order 300 and depending on how that bat flies they’re going to order more so they they that’s the different company I mean that’s that’s and I don’t know who they go through so I know that short ports ran that wig popper for a long time but when you’re Shi in that wig

Popper or you’re flying that wig popper over here at 240 at a time that’s considered a batch guys it has a number one two how many ever ones you got done 5,000 I don’t know I’m just throwing that number out there what my people want to know is

What number in that batch is that and if you could put California back company puts dates on theirs right and if you could put dates on theirs those would even be better have everybody bat manufacturer put a date on there that would be more better more

Better but he’s trying to explain to me that he’s explaining to me that they don’t make batches then what do you do batches are when shipping them over from point A to point B that’s a badge you can run a thousand at a time but if you’re shipping 240 over here

That’s considered a badge right because it takes that time to get over here they don’t know what it went through getting over here they don’t know setting the heat getting over here my guys don’t because it changes everything if it sets in the heat what if they pull it off the

Plane and they set it on the ground in 100 degree weather for a day or two so that’s considered a batch and all those B all those bats are not good because they setting that’s what I’m talking about a batch is and I’ve always talked

About that’s what a batch is so when you guys call me and say hey what batch is this I go I I tell you what I did got my bats in I I hit them did the review awesome I wanted more well Dave we don’t have any more well when’s the next run

Coming batch coming cuz a run is a batch when’s the next batch coming next run coming oh they won’t be in here for another couple three weeks okay this is what I want right okay they get in boom they come to me hey Dave your video was

So good I sold out of them well when’s your next one coming it’ll be a couple three weeks that’s another batch my guys want to know what part of the bat that I was swinging I even did a separate video of hitting nothing but wig poppers right and I said this is from

This batch this is from this date this is when I got this so there are certain things as runs and there are certain things as batches because going from all the way across from China to get here you don’t know what happened you don’t know if the guy fell asleep on the

Machine over there right on what day was it at number 500 out of a th000 the number 200 on a th000 did he screw something up did he use different rosin on that day this is happened in the past that’s come on bringing it up this has

Happened in the past oh we had a guy that used they changed the material they changed this they changed that they used different carbon when they did this it happened to Mike the the ogs back in the day the ogs the black ones the mikin ultra twos and they caught some [ __ ] for

That and then what they did is funny what they did was they sent it back to Mike and they compression test them said oh they they’re good no they and they compression test them High and and they said they were good but they didn’t know anything about compression testing back in the day

Right they weren’t supposed to be high they were supposed to be low oh I’m done with that I’m just saying there has to be batches there has to be runs what run is this when you run out of them here in the states and I agree with I don’t think short porch

Carries a lot of bats in their warehouse here you know I think that is dead and gone I think what happens with a lot of these B companies because they’ve been burned in the past by having putting a here’s what happens they put a bat out that actually

Sucks and then they ordered a thousand of them so our ordered 2,000 I’ve heard of up to 3,000 3,000 bats at one time years ago that they put an order in because they had to get that many shipping through China or they don’t get the price break that they were going to get

Or they get kicked out because someone else is going to move in and do 3,000 or 4,000 of them so they run them all the way to the states they put them in a warehouse they put them on pallets guys you guys heard heard that before they

Put them on pallets they put them somewhere right so what happens is to do the review somebody finds out that bat was a piece of [ __ ] well that gets out on social media you guys right here talking about that or you guys right here talking about that b a piece of

[ __ ] you know such and such video came out and said it’s a turd what they do they sitting on all them bats in the warehouse what do they do you know so what happens to the bat industry now is they don’t do that anymore they won get

Burned at the end of the year you know and then they put them up for sale for less than what they bought for them 30 40 bucks what they bought for them in China I don’t know if you guys knew that or not as low as 16 as high as

60 so and I could be off by a few dollars I’m just saying so um what they started doing is they dropped down to 600 then they dropped down to 500 then they dropped down to 300 you remember Anarchy number one to 300 on their bats

That way they didn’t get burned they had those bats and if it didn’t go out that good you know when they did the R&D and they sent it off something could have changed they could have used different paint on them or whatever they put a

Clear coat on on a on a bat that’s supposed to have a powder finish on it that changes [ __ ] guys it’s not as good as the clear the powder coat one that they did R&D on so somebody decides to you know put a clear coat on it doesn’t perform as

Good ball doesn’t spin as good so what they get went down to is you know 300 240 you know I haven’t heard them run as 100 you know although they’re still being manufactured or they still got to get that those ones over there they don’t just manufacture them at 3,000 or

Whatever that that number is and then all of a sudden they send 3,000 over no no I don’t want to keep those bats in my where else just keep manufactured it’s a good bat just keep manufacturing put them over here but those are called batches that come over batches that come

Over you know and [ __ ] does change on that machine it’s happened in the past last 14 years I’ve been doing it it it happened like four or five times guys remember Dudley you know that uh uh hot out the rapper bat first batch Tada that bat was hot as [ __ ] I was calling

Everybody from Dudley D what did you do second batch came out n not as good you know third batch came out ah not as good what’ y’all do over there y’all did there’s something they did over there change the rosin that’s how I’m done talking to him my mouth is

Getting all dry and [ __ ] but anyway I I just if you’re going to call me out expect for me to come back especially if you’re wrong but if you’re going to call me out and you do that in a podcast that actually had a [ __ ] ton of people

Watching it and then you call me out I’m going to come back and I’m going to prove it like you know and and he’s and he could have misspoke and said that I was only talking about the beginning I was only talking about batches you know

And I added on that I I you know added on it just so happened to be right after I said that you get your [ __ ] wrong and you tried to correct me you never talked to me Mr Dykes you never talk to me anyway I’m done with that guys I have

Not swung anything my guys are on my ass about swinging all these bats I’m going to go through them again and let you know what’s going on and after all this stuff that I’m taking care of at home um I’m going to get these out as soon as I can it’s the I’m

Already over um the at18 guys and I’m going to go through these and just talk about them a little bit um it’s the at18 two-piece 13 and 1 12 inch barrel that bat is just now if you guys bought one just weigh about 150 swings if you got

That lower bat speed give it a little bit more time you guys got that 80 90 M hour bat speed 150 swings it should take you and the only I’m saying that cuz we have guys Clen on our staff you know one of the other guys that we have of many

Guys we have have over that 855 mph bat speed and then uh just give it a little bit of time this is the alloy handle um Daisy cutter um and this one’s coming out too a lot of you guys a lot of you guys are

A few a lot are asking me what do I do with my bats when I’m done guys there’s a couple things that I do with my bats membership channel gets them first if they’re not worthy of the membership Channel I’ll go to that Facebook buy sell and trade and sell them for 7500

Bucks you know depending on your bat speed too I will not try to sell a 100 mph bat speed on a guy that on a on a compression tested 150 bat that I know you’re going to break or blow up within half of a tournament so I really would

Not prefer you guys uh I would not prefer you guys to buy those bats and that has happened to me in the past and I had to exchange a bat for you and the guy played 40s and it was one of the old last year onx bats that the good ones

And it was it was it was supposed to be for those guys at 50 60 MPH and he took it and just blew it up with him first BP hit with it during it was in California and he did it during February but I gave him his money back

Um Mr Foster East got a lot of Easton fans out there on uh on uh uh on Facebook and YouTube on the East bats This Bat is loaded FN great you can look at the loads they didn’t load the East like that in the past East always

Carried a high handle weight it’s 92 now so it’s good it’s a it’s a really good handle weight Easton would on the heavier bats that’s a 27 too so if you’re going to a 26 your handle weight’s going to be a little bit uh a

Little bit lower so I’m like [ __ ] I was buying 26s that had damn near 10 handle weights dead performance on the barrel so I what I think they did was they went lot as thick on the barrel and put less handle weight on it get better Flex get

Better performance so I cannot wait to hit that back cuz I like one piece soft barrel bats this is the two-piece Louisville Slugger and uh this is the balance bet I’m pretty sure the one thing about I I hope this bat loosens up you cannot got you cannot build a tough Barrel balance

Bat you got to have mass on the end to collapse that wall even if your bat speed’s 100 now you like again your 100 m hour guys is going to love it you’re going to be able to swing it fast enough you’re going to get a little bit of

Collapse but you’re not going to get the collapse if that was an endload so on all you guys less than 100 on that heavier Barrel that that Barrel that just feels like it’s hard and that Barrel is hard unless it loosens up later on when we’re hitting it cuz we

Have hit that bat you are going to say that that bat sucks because you’re not going to compress that well especially on a balance bat so soften up the barrels on the balance bats guys this is the one piece uh monster and I hope I call this other one a monster Daisy

Cutter this is a this is a uh this is the Bombadier the one piece again 172 on that an 84 on a 27 oce 84 on a 27 ounce guys holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I can’t wait to get that bat out the freaking swing it the D

Marini Cali go this is a balance bat we’re one day away from finishing that one and the at18 short porch wig popper big Mass big Mass on the end they call it the power load let me give you some numbers here and I sure hope I got them 27 o guys

Look at this [ __ ] 178 on the end and it’s got 89 on the hands that’s a sledge this ain’t like last year’s wig popper it’s got a big big Mass on the end of it so yeah a lot of you guys are asking me I go back to that got a squirrel moment

Here a lot of you guys are asking me where you can get these bats from membership Channel like I said get some first uh my sorry my guys get them first but I limit my guys if they get a bat they got to turn one back in so I don’t

Just let them have their warehouse full of or their their garage full of bats you know you’re going to get a bat one of these new ones you got to bring me back something that you took previously on a BP session so I do that with my

Guys getting whatever they want to first but they got to get a bat next it goes to my membership Channel and then after that it goes to my buy sell and trade and I don’t I don’t rate people man and I actually pretty fair with a lot of

People I don’t out there trying to make pay my rent with that [ __ ] so so I take care of those guys this is short porch player right here it’s a 26 o 172 on the end which is pretty heavy and 86 on the hands there was one bat that they sent

Me that I said was heavy as [ __ ] that’s this gray one I do have another gray one around here that’s lighter than that cuz that is very heavy on 27 o and I know they sent me one this is the um it’s a balance wig popper guys I’ve heard so

Much good [ __ ] about this bat now let me give you some numbers on the 27 ounce balance it’s got look at this [ __ ] 17 o on the end 17 o on the end and it’s got nine eight on the hands so your balance bats with all these young companies coming in

All these young companies coming in your balance bats are loaded different than old school from 10 years ago because that was my biggest [ __ ] 10 years ago was all these bats having too much hand weight not letting the barrel perform for them so what we have now is a lot of

These bat companies that are coming up and even the old ones de de Marini is doing it with Paul Sadler and then you have Mike did it with Mike Dill so they want to low a little lower with the hand weight on that mic de that bad is badass

They got a soft barar on they built those miking badass because what they did was a lot of you 80 90 mph guys can swing it you know and then your younger guys can swing it too because that Barrel collapses and that Mike deal is probably one of the best balanced bats

This year’s the the orange one I think it’s a darker orange or whatever not talking about last year the year before it’s the best balanced bat that we’ve ever swung on that one if you don’t count the sun Co that that 3/4 ounce inad that I keep argue with people about

This is the balance bet we’re going to swing that one too but let me give you numbers that was a 27 o 17 on the end 98 on the hands and then you got a 26 oun which is 163 on the end and 93 on the hands so

You see what they did right they still kept that you know they went down on this one and this one but not a lot probably half ounce increments a little bit more on that in weight so hope hopefully this Barrel it sounds good hopefully that Barrel Flex is really good for us

Too we have The we have the the mega and guys look how long I’ve had this bat swinging it we are one day away from giving you guys it’s a good bat we got one day away I love their it’s actually a mega load guys look at this 17 Oz inload 88 on the hands that’s

A megalow that’s a 1 oz in lad what you would consider a 1 oz in low because it’s got that big Mass on the end with that light handle Weight TPS this is I’m a day away from doing this one too so that’ll be up next too uh Richard Superior two piece this is a very good bat but it’s I think it’s unless that Barrel softens up it’s going to be more of the 80 85 90 mph guys but

This is a good bat it’s the best uh richest Superior that they put out so far cuz it did beat that one from two years ago that made my top 10 Johnny Dykes this is the uh 26 o 169 on the end and it’s got eight five on the hands the

Only thing I see different that they did here was the end weights probably the same especially on a 26 oun they might have went 3/10 lighter in the hands so you got a an 85 on the hands which is about 310 lighter I think the last one

Was an 88 with a 169 on the end on a 26 oun so basically you have lighter hand weight which gives you a little bit more Sledge effect I hear good things about his Bat too so guys just give me some time I’m done just and I went over again

So give me some time guys to get on these whenever I get everything cleared up around the house and and we can get out and get some days uh the Sun comes out I might do a dbat next week with all my guys that are watching right now

Thinking about doing a dbat next week that way we got a lot of these bats broke in you know and don’t have to worry just get in there taking nice swings get ready for the this year coming up and taking some nice swings and get them in debat that way we don’t

Have we can just walk out there and finish the reviews within a within a couple of days and we don’t have to break them in you know take that 150 to 200 swings on these bats to break them in so maybe get my guys off their ass

You know because I know they’re chomping at the bit to get out there and and get out there to debat rent a couple of tunnels you know probably invite some people from San Antonio down to hit and then uh uh get out there and just break

Some bats in basically I got some new balls that I’m going to throw out there this year a couple of cases I got some Thunder Advance coming in from Dudley this year that I’m going to actually put about about about out there because I’ve been doing Thunder advance for the last

Shoot six seven years and I think I’m going to get those back me and Dudley has kissed and made up so uh they like me now so I got some balls coming in uh that I can swing so that’s another thing too guys have a great Year stay safe uh

Get healthy especially this time of year and don’t go out and start cracking anybody I’ll see you guys again next week oh man all right I’m proud of you guys man it’s freaking 80 how many is that 67 there was 70 something you guys here a

Minute ago and if you guys have not subscribed you just watching subscribe to the channel you know I’ve got a few people out there that you know automatically they thumb I I don’t care you know put a thumbs up it hits the algorithms you know um thumbs up throw a

Comment in there what something you guys want to see something you guys want me to talk about you know I do talk about a lot of stuff on that membership Channel and um you know that’s you want to do that that’s fine it it doesn’t matter to

Me I’ve got a lot of people in there anyway I’m going to do another bat giveaway tomorrow and it’s going to be that bat right there and I’ve got four other ones that are in the garage that we’re going to do too that way I give

Back to that bat membership but if you guys um are part of this you guys watching this right there CU I got a lot more on here than I did on there but I got have a lot more subscribers is I want to get 10,000 subscribers within

The next 6 months and I’m only about 1,500 away from that so if you guys can help me out with that it kind of increases the revenue a little bit too it it increases the algorithms mainly because if you do a thumbs up or you reply down there at the bottom it hits

Those different algorithms which gets it out there to other people where they can see it thanks guys for watching again if you need anything you guys are looking for anything if you guys want me to do anything different uh put your little comments down below and and tell me and

I might be able to do it you know I might not I’m just in a bind right now where I don’t have a lot of I’m doing old videos you guys watch behind the scene videos there’s a lot of old videos you know that I haven’t done the reviews

Or I’m working on the reviews and I don’t want to put them out before I put the review out because I still got talking points in those reviews that I have to talk about I just haven’t had the time to do it because there’s some

Stuff going on but give me a little bit of time and you know I’m going to get try to get it out within the next week a lot these and then start working on all the other bats that I want to get out within this month thanks guys long


  1. Great stuff.

    Adding insight from California Bat Company on the fly was GOLD!

    Love the request for topics for future podcasts. A little touch from the old Q&A broadcasts from the car.

    > Pitching
    > Your different swings (tools) and situational hitting

    PS: Great squirrel control 👍

  2. Batches are like recipes….are you using the EXACT same recipe every time a bat is made…..we have all seen 1st and 2nd batches of bats that are totally different…I get it, companies don't want to make 800 of a bat and it doesn't sell and then they are stuck with them and selling them for 80 bucks 6 months later……sometimes the companies make the 1st batch super hot so the word gets out and then they forgot how to make the same bat again…have seen it too many times in my softball life

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