Golf-%-Mastery; Double Lifeline Grip Allows for Unimaginable Accuracy and Distance

Golf percent Mastery a double Lifeline grip allows greater accuracy and distance place the grip in the lifeline of the left hand the grip is pressed into the thumb pad wrapped the thumb around the grip here is the leftand grip viewed from the front here is the lifeline grip of the right

Hand grip and address position the body stabilizes the arms produce Club head speed and accuracy to start the backstroke pull the right elbow straight back bend the left elbow while keeping the upper left arm still minimal shoulder turn the wrist move hands up to shoulder height and away from the body keep shoulders

Turned to a minimum keep body rotation to a minimum keep your feet flat on the ground if you played baseball you should feel like you’re in your batting position start the downstroke by setting into your left knee left knee directly over left big toe maximum cocking of the wrist feet flat on the

Ground shoulders hips knees and feet face the target line eyes pointed at ball position until well after impact finish in this position okay

1 Comment

  1. The videos you put out today really go into detail about the Golf % Mastery swing.
    Your Elbow-2-Elbow was a technique that you developed some time back. Why did you switch to Golf-%-Mastery? Are they both just as effective? Do you prefer one over the other?
    I figure you have answered these questions before, but, I couldn't find any explanations for the switch in any of your previous videos.

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