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2024 PDC Q-School Live | Stage 2 Day 3

Welcome to 2024 PDC Q-School Live | Stage 2 Day 3


Our Q-School coverage is in association with MODUS Sports and Red Dragon

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Here Online Darts brings live updates from Milton Keyes and Kalkar, as the race for a two-year PDC tour card will be battled out. The third day of action in stage 2 gets underway. Who will win their tour card at the 2024 PDC Q-School?

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome along to online darts s it is day three of stage two of Q School it’s all getting a little bit nervy now isn’t it I’m Phil buz welcome along just as if by Magic me do some jiggery pokery and welcome on Mr Dan Simpson afternoon you all

Right a minute or two late I was right I was just making a com beef toy sorry I’m not quite up to speed with things yet today um yeah very well mate very well it’s nice to get um if I feel like we we we’re moring through aren’t we into the

Really critical important end of Q school there’s some people Grant yes there’s another chance tomorrow but this is the point if after today you need to do a Danny bag Estonia yeah if you don’t get it done today then so much pressure is on and I’ve just been spending some

Time while I was waiting for my comie tosy to cook the draw for some players today is absolutely brutal there’s some people that have had a rough couple of days I’m thinking of people like big John Henderson um there’s a few others in there as well that must just have

Been hoping for a a just a chance just a bit of an opportunity to build up something and the draw has come W and good Lord who H I got uh let me flip back to it Tom was it D have a quick look I remember it was brutal let me have a

Look where is he he was further he was quite far down the L that could get this computer working well D Taylor brutal oh that’s Carnage and then board so even just like Board number one so just to get just to get through the first couple of rounds coming through the board Scott waights cam on a buy cam cam Crabtree Kai fan long Keen K Greg Richie Danny lby Christopher oh that’s one

Board that’s absolutely brutal and good morning chat room as well in nice and early um how we doing James em is in decland uh broy is in Mark how we doing of course AVM is in Roger how we all doing H Stephen Dan Jim Charlie Mark Max

It’s full the chat room already ready Harry is in as well uh Harry we use dark connect tv. dark and if you haven’t yet make sure you drop us a like And subscribe getting that in early for you I’m just having a look from the UK still only Andy Hamilton not playing

But he will be back tomorrow he said on his social media he said look some people have been criticizing me but I earned the right to give it a go I fully accept I’m just got one chance at it I ear that right so I like that from Andy

But well it’s honest at least isn’t it that’s all anybody wants really the EU there’s a lot of buys today so not playing dragutin hak Marena mcau is not playing again gob’s GNA be gutted Oliver Miller brackets Frankfurt not playing my word uh Jorgen yeah he’s not playing I’m

Not going to butcher that name and niiko CT’s not playing uh Ryan DEA not playing there’s a lot of BU a lot of the EU have sacked it off um and just on our this is the Andy Barton we’ve been waiting to see is the Beast springing into

Life it’s going to have to come sooner or later it like it’s um I think he was he was most people’s pick um maybe not top of the list but you know with with the amount of cards that are on offer I think most people expected

Him to do a bit and he’s underwhelmed so far hasn’t he really underwhelming starts of things but averaging 95 4 nil up on Jeffrey de graph this could be exactly the moment that Andy Barton chooses to start moving moving through the field another couple of highlights opposing the the games that are ongoing

In Europe Jules van dongan off to a quick start today three nil up early doors on Steven Noster and tibo trol three1 ahead of Jamal van and Henrik so the Frenchman off to a fly Damian Mo 31 ahead marel Goa they’re really the the games where people have already started

To pull away from their opponent everything else just in the early stages at the moment yeah um but welcome along everyone morning Andrew says good morning well done to Yellow yesterday absolutely uh Conor definitely not Bahrain is jdcq school this week as well start the Asian tour it is busy we will

Try and keep an eye on as match as we physically can Andy Bartons is now five and up averaging 99 the Beast has arrived oh there’s a there’s a match just warming up in Britain that it look perfectly look look it would look a perfectly attractive match on the on the

World seniors tour John par against Scott Mitchell yeah Jared K Shane mcer that’s brutal as well there’s some horrendous draws on that there really is today in the UK not just the opening matches it’s easy to look at the opening matches and see some naughty stuff and when you look at when

You look at the brackets like just to get to the top 32 some of them are going to have to really come through like brutal draws um but what that also does because we got little clusters of Players Board One um board 16’s naughty I think as well

Um the opportunity there are some other boards that are a bit open there are there are some people that you might not have thought you know would would would maybe be a a favorite to get to that last 32 that all of a sudden are emerging and we’re starting to see

Patterns in the order of Merit you know of players we see it’s probably a good good one to look at over in in Europe where you know we’ve seen a couple of days where people have had the opportunity to run deep and and you know make a semi-final make a quarterfinal

Stack some big points on the board but we they’re just starting to line up outside beyond that green and yellow section like s Darius laow as radic sansy 16th and 17th at the minute in Europe who who have picked up points over a couple of days um and and that

This is the stage I think where we start to see the level of people where yes they’ll have an Unlucky One they’ll meet someone in a big match but they’ll just have enough to keep picking points up along the way and if you can pick points up across three days give yourself a

Really really good chance how 4 to 16 is interesting as well looking at it you’ve got Gary Bryan takes on Andy Bolton first Scott Campbell John O’Shea James hurl Derek McLean and then Justin Hood Fallon sherck that’s an interesting little board because there are a few players there that are in

Contention there certainly is and once PE whoever comes through that board board one’s the same board and board 16 are horrendous today but you could very much see whoever comes through board one or board 16 meeting each other in the final because it because to have come

Through that you’re going to have done most of your hard work for the day and you’re going to have had to play some very very good darts and play in good form we’ve got our first couple of results of the day in Europe we have got we’ve had a Bagles serve we’re having

Bagles for breakfast in Europe and we’ve kicked off with a 6 nil Andy Barton’s win over Jeffrey degraph Jeffrey de grath only managing to find an average of 72 not a lot coming back but Andy Barton’s really good performance Damien Maul 61 Victor and Jules van dongan is

Running very very close he’s 5 nil ahead now Stephen Noster it looks like we’re going to get a couple of early Bagels serve to us in Europe we’re underway now as well underway in the UK all the games are on 16 active games here we

Go yeah and just to confirm no excuse me my voice hasn’t warmed up yet uh no one has turned dark green as of yet so at the moment the top places in the UK on the order of Merit are as follows Willie Boran Matt dennant James Harold Dom Taylor Danny lby George Killington

Justin Hood Andy Bolton Connor Scott Scott Taylor and in Europe Benjamin Drew ruse Jules van dongan Mario Van and bohara Chris lamman hopai puha Lucas venick Wesley placa Patrick greets uh Christian kiss Rusty Jake Rodriguez Stefan schroer Patrick tringa and Thomas HUD huak that

Is the top at the moment but a lot can change so we’ve got our first couple of breaks to throw early doors in Great Britain so a couple of early leaders Leon Bennett looks really good this week has took a TW nil lead on Kamal janoi

And Ted Evers has gone two n ahead of Willie Balland Willie band has been absolutely superb this week you’ve got to expect we will very soon see him go dark green I think it would take a miracle of unexpected things to happen in order for him to not secure a tour card

But tedit two nil up on the order of Merit leader as it stands right now oh my word yeah um who was it that said Casper in the chat room absolutely correct said board 10 in Europe is a nightmare Damen Mo has won he is through but then you’ve got Stefan balmont

Against Lucas benick Chris lamman against Wesley placa Bradley ruse against Brian ran ouch that is brutal yeah TBO call Victor I know we’ve got quite a lot in the chat room keep an eye on the Frenchman hotly tipped by many to pick up a two t-o recall 62

Winner already picked up one point this week tall so he’s not he he’s not a mile away he is within shooting distance he’s on a plus seven leg difference so you know of those who’ve picked up a point is pretty much sitting at the top of that pile at

The moment if he picks up another point he’ll find himself within the top 20 and fairly fairly close to the top those all important yellow and green spots morning Richard hope you all good mate Adrian gray levels up with n culleton Jared Cole back in front front against Shane

Mcer Scott Mitchell avering a ton tun it up on JP Steven no just having him making a little bit of a fight this Jules van dongan was 5 nil up and looked like he was the toaster was on the butter was out he was ready to serve the bagel

Steven nosters just fired off two on the spin little cheeky little Breck he’s got that game he’s only got It’s still 52 to Van dongan but just just started to make it a little bit more interesting there stepen noer yeah John Michael 41 up kovich 3-0 now on Willie band and the

Order of Merit leader could be could be going out first today it’s Leon bennon gets his average up to 102 as he takes a 30 nil lead Leon Bennett another very very dangerous player sat poised just outside at the minute he’s he’s sat in the number 14th position he’s very very well placed

Going into the final couple of days Mario there no just us I’m afraid Scott Mitchell takes an early break two nil up on John P but Mitchell pro has the best start to Q school he’s a man that’s going to have to have a big big Deep Run sooner or later if he’s going to go

Through George Killington takes a 3-0 lead on Harry Lane Harry Lane’s managing to average 102 and find himself 3-0 down which is that is unfortunate yeah I it’s interesting there seems to be a lot of yo-yo players at the moment and what I say they win their card lose

It with a bit of a whimper but get it back at the first opportunity that seems to be happening quite a lot there’s a few Patrick bamfords in there yeah too good for the championship not good enough for the Prem that is it’s it’s the um there are definitely a

Few darting Patrick bamfords on the uh on the scene at the moment as Ted evz Morts ahead 4 nil ahead now of the order Merit leader Willie band we’ve got a few now in the UK just starting to pull away as Scott Mitchell goes 3-0 ahead of John

Par Mike wton 41 up on Joe Croft Scott Taylor 31 ahead of Chris Harry another result in Europe is Kevin tropman the 62 winner of Yano bottenberg now on board 14 bit of an underwhelming match nothing too exciting going on Jules van dongan gets the job done he

Lost another leg before he got that job done 63 win he had an opportunity there at 5 nil to really kick that leg difference on Jules van dongan because we’re coming to the important end of proceedings and yes Jes vong is on Six Points he’s probably

Safe must be well he should be shouldn’t he six points in Europe yeah Jules is I fully expect Jules to go dark green today if he doesn’t win one out right um I’ll have a look for you what draws so Ben Rob is one that he has a Buy on board

13 who else is on 13 with him so he will face the winner of pal seli and Max hop but again he’s got a tough looking board got board with Sebastian beety and Gino Vos on so not easy for big rig Sebastian Beki has got to be

Probably at the minute and I appreciate there’s still two days of play left but one of the disappointments of Q school so far I think people thought he was going to come out absolutely flying and boss big sections of these to tournaments and run really deep we’ve

Not quite seen him put it together yet have we no and hopo poal is in action as we speak or is he warming up one p told me not yet but he’s got he’s not h p is not bad I’ll tell you what we are very very close to seeing

The order of Merit leader in the UK out for the day tedic is now 5 nil ahead Ry band needs 114 to get a leg on the board but he can’t do it Ted ever has come back he granted it’s a it’s a bit

Of a long shot with 152 but he needs 152 for a 60 Bagel of the leader of the order of Merit yeah Jared k Shane but still in trouble um Andy Bolton to a piece Conor bar too expensive you need a visa to go in there

So that needed to be done by the second week in December uh it’s just not worth it for for for one tournament it’s it’s just not worth it Willie B manages to get a leg on the board but it was just a hold of throat and Ted evz now throwing for the match

5-1 ahead looking incredibly comfortable still haven’t got our first result in yet in the UK George killington’s five nil up got Mitchell four nil up on jum part now absolutely mortar in ah head uh no Mario not on delay mate got a break there for Jim MCU Jim

MCU goes 3-1 ahead of Robbie Martin saw some good things from Jim early in the week let’s see if he can regain some of that uh form that got him through to this stage of Q scho Scott Mitchell this could be the day for Scott Mitchell you know 5 nil up averaging a

100 as Leon Bennett becomes the first man through the round of 128 today in the UK on for8 Lon Bennett 61 Victor uh Tam possibly yes um May I haven’t saw it yet but we may do Holland the problem is it’s a long way to go for effectively one day of content because

When they have to play mle games on a day so we’ll get to interview the winners on Monday on the Friday but on the Saturday we only get to speak to the winner so it’s a long way to go for just effectively one day the brutal truth of it as well is

Because the lineup is very very similar to other events that are happening like correct you you then to you know you’ve basically got the same lineup as the Premier League so which and we’re going to see loads of that for weeks anyway so you’re not you’re not getting a huge Variety in

Difference in in what you getting from the May no uh Shan mcar has beat Jared Cole 63 how we doing St I hope you all good mate um Carlos says sorry to be a bit late but who are the seven in the Euros that didn’t start today um because there’s

Already been games and people are out I don’t I can’t give you the exact seven but it was none of the big I’ve them now yeah because dark connect updates as soon as players are out Marino Michaels was one of them was one of them bar boy thank you

Very much mate there we go oh there we go man Mitchell demolish his part and the big thing there is it’s not the headline us is 101 average as well he’s not he’s he’s not just you know had a bad game for John P and he’s got through it mutually is throwing

Great DS today see if it carries on and he can keep it going through somehow Ted evz hasn’t got the job done yet against Willie band TZ was on the cusp he’s just missed some more match starts he’s going to get additional ones Willie band back on one

84 gets himself down to one or two but Ted is coming back for double five I missed multiple match darts and he gets the job done the end first start into double five and Ted evertsz 6-2 winner over Willie band and the Order of Mer

The UK order of Merit leader is gone for the day yeah um I thought this game would have been seen plenty in the bo no that the question in the chat room Richie berett has Ross Montgomery yeah that’s not a that’s not first time meeting that is it Bri he stretch the

Imagination Kieran Bridgewater just getting through there 63 over Darren Armstrong uh how we doing sir Rex John might be on a bit later on this afternoon he’s he’s probably still recovering from seeing aita last night yeah tear jerk that I didn’t I didn’t watch the football

Last night but I saw on social everyone kicking off did V have another horror one last night so I didn’t I I didn’t either so I’m I’m having to build up a little bit of credit you see at the minute because um like an’s got the three kids while

I’m on the stream this afternoon and then it’s Newcastle against City and then the boxing’s on tonight so so like so last night I thought A Bridge Too Far might be sticking the football and and watching that for a Friday night so I didn’t see any of it at all um I’ve not

Had chance to really catch up but it certainly let’s be honest it’s barely News Now isn’t it if has a stink it makes a catastrophic error like it’s it’s not particularly newsworthy is it really no uh C Crabtree 4 on Kang long yeah bur the game was a shocky I I

Haven’t seen it yet the only bit of referee and I’m looking forward to seeing this week is marike clattenburg on Gladiators absolutely Mike wton does get the job done um should a bit of Matty dennant against Pier Jakes oh yeah that’s a good ab right I

Mean it’s not nice game for either of them but nice game for us to keep an eye on is um this has become a bit of a back and forth Jim MCU and Martin Robbie Robbie Martin Martin um he’s H Jim was he broke early and was looking fairly

Comfortable but Robie Martin just played his way back into this one Jim still a break up but 100 points behind on throw here bit of an opportunity Welsh TI warming up Lee Williams against Justin Smith Mario vom moara what a week he’s had he’s averaging 104 he’s took an

Early break he’s two nil up but he’s had a superb week and he you’ve got to feel is only a point or so away he he it’d be highly unlikely he wouldn’t make it from this point I think it’s it’s weird though isn’t it because he did this two

Years ago at qo Marana B was superb and then just did nothing on tour the t is very hard it’s a very difficult place isn’t it to exist and play your DS yeah and yeah Patrick banford he might he might be another Patrick banford Yeah Kyan young is playing at the moment um

Gavin Max hop on the verge of elimination see he played really well in stage one but it’s not correlated into stage two Daren beverage is through that was 64 winner for him Aiden Kirk just got against Josh Richardson well tell you what we we closo to having a Hungarian

Representative in round two today in Europe it’s pal zley 54 ahead of Max hop opens with a 97 Max Hop’s going to have to pull something out the bag here or he’s gone uh Morning Joe hope you are good D dve um Phil Mar unlucky yeah there’s unlucky

But he still didn’t do anything for me over the over the two years I never thought once oh he’s playing well or or he could go and do this do you know what I mean there’s lots of them you see him have a good day on tour one good day at

Work in two years isn’t really cutting it is it yeah it’s it’s one of those ones where I just go I just did after the way he played at Q school I was expecting more Robbie Martin two treess visits he’s on throw here trying to force a noble leg with Jim mccuan but

His first two visits to the YY 59 and 58 and he could just be losing his scoring at the wrong time as Jim mccuan poised here big 140 from Jim MCU and pinches the darts p in in this one big hendo’s got Dom Taylor horrible match

Awful D ranked fourth in the order of Merit at the minute knows that he’s closing in Jim MCU needs one 128 for the Match what have you got Jim oh he leaves top so Robbie Martin this 88 has to go to force a noble EG or Jim mcan’s going to come back for with three DTS at Double top and Robbie Martin oh he looks like he’s missed the ball leaves 25

Three match dots Jim McAn 40 to score he takes them out first out jiman six for victory in the first round that happens Bolton good 30 seconds for Scotland as Andy Balton is a 63 winner over Gary Brown as well I I KN I had an extra window open

There and it’s because I’ve had the Asian Tour scores on as well nice sem a semi-final for Paul Li good days work that we do have a Hungarian in round two in Europe today is going on Marco Canal early break 2-0 up vomar just letting R the back in there 32 now the

Belgian leads yeah also kaian L has beaten cam Crabtree 64 that’s a disappointment for Crabtree he was just outside on three points he’s gonna need a big day tomorrow he is because he will be passed today without a doubt he’s currently on he’s currently in number 15th spot on three

Points he will without a doubt slip down there today likely outside the top 20 he is going to need a big day tomorrow now cam crab treat up against it a bit Joe M tuning up on Ryan finesse Peter Jakes levels it up Richie benette takes the opening leg

Against rossmont gy that is worth noting that it’s a break of throw so Richie berett breaks a Ross Montgomery throw in the opening leg come out fast as Justin Smith Goes 3-0 up in the all Welsh class with Lee Williams jusan Smith averaging 106 there amazing DS getting

Played Richie berett is in front this is the Justin Smith I keep telling everyone he’s there look again I’ve said it about many players so I’m not going to hide it the range is too big for Justin Smith but the top end is incredible if he can sort the range in performances

Out he would be a danger yeah his a game is fantastic is it he just he needs to he needs his b game to catch it up a bit yeah that’s an interesting one on board 11 Dan Reed and Louie Williams re Griffin goes two nil up on Thomas banks in the EU

Michelle tetta levels up with Danny Jans that’s interesting game on board three over in Europe Mario ven bohara reestablishes that break of throw 42 up and Stefan Belmont is within one 52 up now on Lucas ven there’s another Gabrielle Rolo I know there’s a lot a lot of interest in

The chat room for the Italians Gabrielle R two-nil up takes an early break on Derek T neus Nathan go two nil up early break on Peter B going Nathan gin’s been unlucky this week hasn’t he yeah it’s not quite come together this week for the lad and he’s think he’s had

A mixed bag of draws as well Justin Smith now 4-nil up on Lee Williams got Campbell and Jon o sh underway as well on that horrible board six also as Well where was it Michelle tetta 2-1 up now on Danny Jansen Nico you can have some Cromwell facts when he’s playing he’s not playing is he is he on now we got if he’s on I’ve missed him the um the EU Benjamin Drew ruse is in a spot of

Bother look he’s probably got enough points but he is up against it Nathan G now 3 nil up and we’re seeing seeing a performance so far it’s been a bit absent this week this is really good from Nathan averaging 92 at the moment Ross Montgomery breaks Richie

Berett back one all in that one both breaks of throw Kevin Thomas 3-1 up on Corin whad 160 out did he get in what a guy 31 up now Michelle tetta That 160 out as Gabriel Rollo is 31 up as well both of the Italians 3-1 up at the moment in

Europe the Italians coming vialia it could be a another big name is entered it we spoke about Andy Barton from the EU the same in the UK Daryl Pilgrim is one all and again he’s flat to deceive yeah we expect a bit more don’t

We but we you also know he’s got it in him and and he could it would be perfectly reasonable for him to sling three four five games together today where he averages really well gives himself a really good chance Peter Jake just maintaining that break of throw in the feature game

42 up on Matty denant Matty denant another player like Willie band who is pretty much there six points plus 30 leg difference you you would expect that to see you through but at the moment it’s looking very much like positions number one and two in the UK could be out in the first

Round yeah Marco Cantell 41 up his game on board six in Europe Daniel aspry as well there’s a few names just coming up this morning that we’ve not seen much from in the last few days and we know this does happen all you know we get three days

Into q and all of a sudden people who’ve been puzzling the 26 for two days all of a sudden it starts to click a bit for some players and we’ve seen a little bit of that today even at this early stages Kevin Thomas goes 51 up on corn and

Whitehead Ree griffi 5 nil up on Thomas Banks Pilgrim gets that lead 21 up on Ryan or Conor he is there um Pilgrim versus MCU Pilgrim would have mq next where have we seen that before may have seen it once or twice at the Super Series yes realistic Phil how many people how

Many of the people do you think that get tour cards will go on and do genuine damage I’ll answer that question once I see the 31 but honestly not many I think there’s some good players there but whether they can break that top Echelon I’m I’m un

Sure yeah it depends what you mean by do damage if you mean go on to win a TV major maybe I don’t know potentially not one may one or two maybe have the potential you got to remember as well at Q school you got such a range in where

People are at in their career like there are there are some let’s be brutally honest where it’s like Last Chance Saloon this is their last go you know getting a tour card and having a a last couple of years playing the big names before they you know settle into

Whatever Dart is going to look like for them for the for their sort of semi-retirement but then you’ve also got people completely other end of the scale where we’ve got teenagers at Q school and you know it might happen this year it might happen next year it might be

They get a card do nothing for a couple of years come back in three four years time and they’re a different player so it’s it it’s really difficult to sort of just pick you know who’s going to do something quickly I don’t think there’s a great deal in this year’s Q school

Where we think everyone’s going to be frightened of them coming through and winning stuff this year next year but there’s there’s there’s certainly plenty of players with something to build on without a doubt uh John good stuff mate you’ll love it darl Pilgrim has broken well that’s a naughty game is it

The board three just warming up Connor Scott and Mark dudbridge yeah fcy that one at all Conor Scotch played his way into a position in a green spot at the minute but he’s in ninth he’s hovering right down the bottom of that green spot and if he goes out early today very very

Easy to see him being pass Scott Campbell finds a Max against John oer John oer was looking very much the favorite to tie this game up and get a Desmond well that big match from Scott Campbell puts a bit of pressure on the Joker Joker gets himself down to 28

Campbell 99 required for a 2-1 win Lucas ven out to Stefan Belmont and that does mean that Luc ven is he’s on Four Points he’s in the green it’s not enough oh no he’s going to need a deep run tomorrow John OA levels up to a piece Matty denant is in

Front oh John opens with a 180 as well love this that yeah uh John there’s not a lot of parking I’ll be honest right so as you come off of the m275 come down to the roundabout there’s a Travel Lodge on your right hand side park in the Travel Lodge that’s where we

All Park when we work um the cameras don’t work so you’re fine we’ve done it for months and it’s about a three or four minute walk from the Travel Lodge giving away Trade Secrets is I what you giving away is that you’re a man that passed his driving test before satnavs were

About you ask any you ask anyone that passed their driving test in the last 15 years and they don’t know the name of any roads they’d never go all you go on the a343 and then you come off onto the m624 like thank you very that anyone that passed their

Driving test in the last 15 years isn’t able to do that at all they just follow where the SAT now sends them to I know I I’m Road names all day actually actually knowing roots in Great Britain very much gives you gives your age away

One two1 after nine for the Joker John O oh I think he’s missed a d 30 left Scott Campbell back on 161 we like to keep an eye on the joke a friend of the show is John Nathan gin just being pegged back a bit by Peter V going that’s through the

Scotsman is still leading but it’s not as comfortable as it was 43 now Nathan gin leads Peter B going that match between Richie Bernett and Ross Montgomery remains on The Wire that is a three all tie as we speak and in the feature game on your screens you will

See that we’ve got a noble leg in the game between Peter Jakes and Matty denant we knew that was going to be a tough one for both players and it’s certainly turning out to be saw yeah also Danny Jansen is back in front against Mel tetta also Sebastian beety

Is having an absolute may only averaging 6630 down his opponent’s only averaging 67 to you what the Italians have made huge hard work of this from being comfortably in front Gabrielle R is now 5-4 behind for dirt T neas and Michelle tetta is 54 behind Danny yansen they were both 3-1 ahead at

At the same time they are now both 54 behind and the Italians are on the cusp of both going out here within a minute or so uh cheers Jamie thank you for that uh Sebastian beety is on the verge going 40 down here cheeky little 12 da from rusty

Rusty Jake to open the day is open leg Nathan gin reestablishes that break of throw to go within one 53 ahead Scotsman is as Matty Denon takes that double 16 out I say double 16 he got rid of 32 in three Downs so I’m not sure how he’s done it but

65 winner Matty denant is and that is the man in number two spot no points don’t forget folks for the first round the round of 128 but Matty Den with an opportunity to concrete now his tour card and he’s a man who will more than likely be going

To dark green today Daryl Pilgrim 52 ahead now within one as Ross Montgomery gets that match back on throw he’s now 43 ahead of Richie betet also as well the dynamic now change because if you’re one of these players on three four points or whatever then you want one of the ones

Above to win out right definitely that bottom end how we doing Liam it’s good to see you Lads how are we he mate all good M all good sorry about that I was busy beavering away do you know do you know what it is I always

Forget when I come in the lobby here I I think that I’m straight in so I’m looking at the screen I’m going yeah I’m talk I’m looking through the pictures I’m looking I’m speaking to you I’m going hold on there a second I’m not actually in

Yet so I actually was in my own mind I wasn’t waiting that long so I’ve only been I’ve only been there one or two minutes John OA levels it up and breaks back this game’s twoing and throwing but going back to the point I’m sure you

Agree him that now if you’re on that order of Merit you want the boys in One and Two to win out right so it eliminates them from the race yeah I mean it’s the same as like you you look at the um when the M Super

Series Lads are playing if if you’re one of them Lads that’s hanging down saying um yesterday evening session I was looking at it when um Adams was playing you want the lads at the top to run away with it so i’ eliminates one and they’re taking points off of the

Lads who the lower end um so it gives you more of a chance if you’re kind of lingering Midway on that order of Merit uh to qualify absolutely tell you one thing I’ve ju I’ve just seen it and someone who’s actually played well in my eyes um

For the last couple of days U Mark dbridge has had some terrible draws in the last couple of days and he’s playing well yeah two-nil up he should got an early break on Conor Scott another player who plays really well pick that

One 10 minutes or saw as a as a bit of a brutal opening game for both players but dudbridge definitely seems to be getting a better of that encounter in the early stages at the minute got a real a real couple of sort of slugfests at the minute as Ross

Montgomery and Richie berett exchange another break and then level up on their own throw so that one’s got to four all now um another game that’s swinging around John OA and Scott Campbell I think oh John just missed the ball I think he might have done Scott Campbell needs 77 to break

Again these two keep breaking each other if Campbell can’t find 77 The Joker comes back for double 11 and will’ll keep the match on throw if he can find it but a few of these games just starting to become very tight and swinging from side to side we got a

Noble leg between kelen K and Greg Richie yeah Richie berett struggling a little bit in the game with Ross Montgomery at the moment Montgomery looks good um to go within a leg of the match two players who fell off the tour um and they’re looking to get straight back on

It so Daryl Pilgrim is a six3 winner Big result for Mr P um but over in the EU Italian heartbreak because Danny yansen takes that decider and normally Sebastian biety is doubling is the key part of his game and he is having a m on the outer

Ring yeah and he’s running out of opportunities isn’t he at 41 he’s going to have to start rattling off legs and and again and if that doesn’t happen today he’s another one that he’s going to have to pull off an absolute Miracle because he’s currently only on one point

So he’s gonna have to do a Danny bagage tomorrow if he doesn’t get if he doesn’t get couple of wins together today he’s built up absolutely nothing Scott Campbell on throat has just thrown 11 John oer responds with a 134 and that slip from Campbell could have just handed control

Over to John O here really big opportunity now for the Joker to kick on and pick up a breaker throw as Ross Montgomery goes within one Keen K’s got the job done against Greg Richie in a last leg decider as well 65 in that one m b has taken the opener against

Andy Barton that’s the last 64 game in Cala also some big names now warming up in the UK John Henderson Don Taylor that will be our feature game once the Joker concludes against Scott Campbell Danny lby also underway or getting underway Conor SC but we were just

Talking about how well M dridge had done getting that early break and coming out fast Conor Scott’s turn now to pull off two legs on the spin has leveled that game up we’ve got a Desmond there between Connor Scot and Mark dudbridge Ros Montgomery is stolen the starts

Against Richie Beres in this 10th leg he’s looking good to progress the the next round Richie Rett really struggling this last couple of legs and hasn’t left to finish so Montgomery from 2011 has six starts to finish it off that’s a big break or throw from John

OA he been he’s got away with a couple of things in this match but he’s now finding himself a breakup throwing for the match and open him with a tone there it’s a good position for the Jo be mtin dubd takes out 96 scores in that

Leg of he had a Max and a 140 got to the Finish really quickly really lovely leg there from Matt dubridge that game still on throw Conor Scot’s going to have to break him but quality in counter between those two yeah and Andy Barton has been broken

The Beast is two behind is it going to be heartbreak for the wdf champion he’s had a real tough time of it this week Ian he’s currently he’s sat on zero points only a plus seven leg difference which to be fair isn’t bad if you’re on

Zero points it’s not bad to have a like I think he’s the only person on zero points other than Johan Brower that’s got a positive leg difference when zero there um we have a we have a result well sorry to cut across you there Dan Rich Man is out Ross Montgomery takes out

Tops in one there 64 win there for Montgomery and Richie berett is out Rich been another player nowhere now on is on one point with a negative leg difference so another player who is going to need a Sunday Miracle he’s going to need a Medina miracle if he’s going to come

Through that one as John OA 104 for the match on your featured game Conor Scott has just leveled up against M dubridge Tri all in that one at the moment Marco contell has missed 12 match darts and he’s in a noble leg now 109 left after he finds a

Max he’s done well to find out Max after a couple of troublous visits he still Mak him favor but after missing 12 match starts who knows Brett Clayton averaging 105 Three N up no dad no Subway to I actually went out and got some some food I managed to

UN book The Three N up on Bartons John O broken back there when throwing for the match that opportunity come around again in Europe the league leader is out Benjamin Drew R beaten 65 by canella Darren web Alex small is underway as is John Henderson Dom Taylor

Yeah Henderson was in a bit of trouble as well there Liam he started off slow but he’s found a Max but Taylor may still break him if he can take out one two three that Max came out of absolutely nowhere yeah up until then it been a poor leg from Big

John get out of Jael potentially played that’s a big match from Scott Campbell that BR Clayton now 40 up more Conor Scott has just missed the chance to break Mar dubridge you wonder how many them chances he’ll be given as well yeah dubridge cleans up so 43 ahead

It’s very caging in this one at the moment it’s un throw at the moment so any small mistake from here on could be Cru could be devastating it’s important match for both players because they both need a run today no one comfortable is there yeah Sun now Fallon’s just lost on Bo 16

Scott Campbell an opportunity he takes it 80 goes in two DS a noble leg between Scott Campbell and the Joker John O John O not doing it the easy way again in this Q School Dom Taylor’s left himself the big fish against John Henderson oh he goes 138

To leave double 16 so he looks good to level up this match Wy psia beats Chris landman 63 in one of the more attractive games lman on Five Points won’t pick up any more points today so he’s going to go into the final day on Five Points which I’m not sure will be

Enough might be I’m not convinced oh it’s a big slick from The Joker the two solid visits of 42 throwing for the match here in this leg SW Campbell can fill this up the pendulum will swing and that’s a big score from Scott Campbell gets himself to a

Finish the Joker is going to have to dig in here what have you got Scott Campbell that game between Scott and dbridge has got Noble written all over it hasn’t it just nip for nip for talk all the way along here another sloppy visit from John a

Only a 42 me Scott Campbell on the feature game was come back he’s come from behind to find he need 69 for the match couple of slack visits from The Jokers open the door here for Campbell who can’t take it J [ __ ] back to you 96

Long in this game between Campbell and o on your feature game that is a very long pause which no only means one or two things it means that Scott Campbell’s missed three match DS oh big opportunity here for Conor Scott duber Johnny fires in a 42 it’s a

Outside shot 160 but Dodge had the darts in this leg so if Scott can break here he’d have the darts in the next leg but he strling John O three DTS to get rid of the 48 John oer is doing it the hardw at Q School 2024 but comes through that

First round match against Scott Campbell on the horrendously brutal board 16 also John Henderson is struggling we’ll put that as the feature game but hendo is right up against it he’s been broken dbridge survives in that leg so he goes 54 up he’s only one away now from replacing the next round Connor

Scott had his chance there in that leg push again still on Thro Sebastian veski just keeping himself alive in this oh no he doesn’t as I say that literally as it looked like he teed it up to force a noble leg anelo balamore comes in takes out he brought a

140 in follows it 4590 in three DS and so is out Ashley Coleman’s averaging nearly 95 in his 4-nil down against Peter Mitchell Andy Bartons was 4 nil down un B the Miss starts for five and all of a sudden the Beast is starting to motor he’s back within

One this is just getting a bit sloppy isn’t it between Scott and dbridge 54 to dubridge is not able to find he opens with a 40 but Scott on throw two troubless visits out of his first three only a 96 in the other needs a big

Score only a 74 Mark dbridge is having the door held open for him here by Connor Scot John Henderson’s just hanging in here and again he can take a chance off it up to him in the EU so far and we’re only we’re still not completed the first round

We’ve had five players in the green out so that tells me we’re going to see some real shuffling around in the order of Merit TR Henderson’s getting laws of chances and this one eventually breaks Dom Taylor and D has 18 for the match here to knock Conor Scott

Out oh he’s missed every one of outside unless he’s bossed so Scott take us all the way 68 and he can take it to dbridge given a second crack of the whip four all between un bner and Bartons the Beast lives again oh D bridg has missed more Mash

Outs and Connor Scott again is going to have the opportunity to send it all away what a and he does there we go so we are going all the way do will have the darts in the next leg but my word he’s missed a couple of mashed darts already how is that going

To affect him in this leg have a little update for the North American fans in the chat room and watching as Danny lby 41 up on Christopher Harvey Lobby again hotly tipped by many to do well poising that fifth position but on four points at the minute and I think we’re all

Agree that four points will not be enough so Dy Lobby needs to pick up more points he could pick those points up today and give himself a stretch free day tomorrow but lots and lots of work ahead Excuse Me Andy Barton is about to go 54 in

Front he should have been 5 nil down the game has turned if he pins double eight he does Barton is in front five on the spin Henderson in front mad that’s absolutely oh my goodness this is brilliant Conor Scott in a final leg decider 88 180 18 18 Le 53 after nine

Dodge is only on 168 so there’s no finish there you can only pressure it so Connor Scott now from the brink has it looks like he’s going to come back and has an opportunity to take the match and he can so he’s missing top dridge now gets an opportunity at 68

This you cannot call this has been back and forth all all game those two matches from Scot look like he can’t take it out to Conor Scot for Tops and it goes last last last out Conor Scott oh my goodness he’s used up all his nine lives in that match dbridge

Rude the opportunities there oh my goodness what a match yeah I think he’s missed seven match start SM dubridge there maybe more Conor Scot those two Maxes exactly the right time gave himself a chance and he just managed to stick around long enough to to get the opportunity but yeah Mark

Dubridge very much very much will Ru the opportunities that he created for himself and then did not take him one I mean if Conor Scott ends up it’s just pinned a 164 to break Taylor average I mean if Conor Scott ends up getting his card at the end of the week

He’ll look back in that match If he if he goes on a run today and he gets a couple of points out of this he is going to say my goodness Mark dbridge um let me off the hook there in that one I do think though that you need that you

Know to cut it’s such a brutal format isn’t it q sko that realistically when you look at the people each year that get through you know you look at your 10 15 each one I’m gonna stop you there look at the feature game go John come on then

Patrick Quinn 63 victory over Charlie Martin another Irishman through to the top 64 as Danny ly moves through that gate he’s 61 and some of these games now these 61 victories the bagels getting served early in the day these are important because let’s not forget that between

We’ve only got a six point spread on 124 people so that leg difference is massively important and if you can get through games at this stage 61 62 build up that leg difference it’s as good as an extra point come tomorrow afternoon big win in Europe

Andy Barton’s a 13 D leg to win it from being 40 down should have been 5 nil that’s impressive guys yeah what a match as well I mean the standard the averages brilliant match we’ve been waiting for that as well haven’t we we have you know we’ve been waiting for an Andy Barton

Performance this week and we’ve we’ve finally got one like you go on mate so Andy Bartons now has a point on the we’ve waited all week for him to get a point he’s got a point on the board he’s going to have to maintain that it’s

Not enough to have one good game at Q School you’ve got to put four five games together in a RW Darius labanos has Shanghai to win against Kristoff kachuk 61 and he set is on a finish Laban just outside the Green in the EU number 15 in a yellow slot of the

Minute he is a man in need of some points just to get himself a little bit more secure I mean that I mean if if labanos he does he takes it out one dart on top 61 um I mean before the match that had

All the the H Marx of a 65 but uh D gets the job done six one yeah also look Dom Taylor is not out of this game yet but hendo should have gone the 3-1 down he burgled leg four and is now in control like we were saying you were

Saying there earlier Dan I think it’s impossible to get your A Q Skool campaign if if you come through you get your card without dodging a few bullets along the way oh it’s it is and when you start to look at those you know people that have

Gone through and you look there’s one or two of them you know that that will come through and be and be really really dominant and it does happen you know we just see people who are just at that level you know and and I know he got

Through day one but you know Steve lenon prime example just came in average 96 97 in every match showed the level that he was at and breeed through Q school but but the generally to get through this format you you’re going to have to survive scared it’s not very often

People get through q sko and at some point haven’t survived match darts at some point because it’s just the nature of it let’s be honest if if if you were able to con consistently throw 96 you wouldn’t be at Q scool you wouldn’t have lost your card so the the nature of the

People that have found themselves in this scenario are people whose DTS Peak and trough whether that’s over the course of weeks and months or over the course of minutes and hours um and you you always find that people have have survived all sorts of scrap so I mean

William ballen top of the UK order of Merit ABS know right to still be in this tournament a couple of days ago um survived and scraped his way through and now in absolutely On Top of the World on top of Q School World anyway yeah some big moments here Dom

Taylor is now back on throw Henderson has missed an opportunity Alex Felman is underway he is one n down going jump into the chat room how you doing Anthony it certainly is moving day huge day thanks for joining us as always my friend Gavin yes Andy Hamilton will play

Tomorrow for Hammer will be there he’s had a good weekend Hamilton yeah Kevin bares is flying against Nick fulwell 51 up now fulwell struggling only averaging 69 at the moment and it looks like beress is going to take that one Adam hunex first leg against Alan Norris

What a leg this is from Dom Taylor could be a good 20 minutes to the Northeast as Adam hunt playing Alan Norris and Colin Osborne is just warming up in F Colin Osborne’s just got underway in the round of 64 against Ted Evers he’s one of them just outside

Colin osor could do it a good run today just to get a couple of points on the board yeah he’s had a good week hasn’t he he’s in the yellow at the minute spot number 12 but yeah that three points he’s got will not be enough so whilst he looks in

A good spot in the order of Merit if he doesn’t get some points on the board today he could find himself way way down by tomorrow morning what a leg from Dom Taylor to send us to the noble it’s a shoot out who can hold their nerve been

We’ve had some really really good proper matches in this opening round you know really probably the best we’ve seen all week in terms of an opening round that just for and I know it’s a nightmare for some of the players you know Dom Taylor and John Anderson seen their names

Against each other first game today must have thought come on but for the darts fans this is a proper opening round today see some real good tight action perfect leg that you keep going like that John they may not be enough though I was gonna say that extra treble that Dom Taylor

Found on his second visit is the difference between the two players at the minute that is oh disaster 108 is a nice finish it’s only one treble single to double you would expect Dom Taylor to get a dart to Win It O he doesn’t big chance for Henderson oh oh

Last is that the bit of luck that John Henderson needed oh that was a proper match that one good wowers Adam hunt absolutely flying ahead against Alan Norris warming up on board 11 the former Lord privy seal former Steward of Westminster ABY former Master of the king’s duel house

Um jumping back into the chat room how we doing jack says afternoon fellas should have a good idea yeah by the end of play today we’ll know who the runners and Riders are how we doing weekly darts cast I hope you’re good L um lot of love

For heno in the chat room yeah look what a game that was today is a bit of a strange one in Q school because it’s really really the last day that we’ve no idea what’s happening by by at the end of today going into tomorrow we know exactly what

Everybody needs to do and through the course of the day we’ll see people going up and down and we we’ll know who needs to go to which round if everyone else does x y and Zed today is still a little bit of a of a lottery um Bradley Brooks

And there a few in the chat room been keeping an eye on him been broken early Doors by Adam Paxton Adam Paxton’s gone to quick TW nil lead in that one so Adam hunt mortaring ahead to a 3 nil early lead over Chuck Norris yeah I mean this is one of the

Days one of the best days of the year really in the DT calendar that really sets everyone up nicely for tomorrow we’ll uh we’ll know where everyone lies in the order of Merit and what they have to do tomorrow yeah tomorrow could be absolute Carnage I hope it

Is Adam Paxton has took three on the spin he’s three nil up now on Bradley Brooks Alan Hunt Alan norus missed loads of doubles here to take or get a leg on the board and Adam hunt H cleans up on double two so he is now 40 ahead and has

Two breaks so it looks like a long way back for Alan Norris hunt going along very nicely at the moment he is today Adam Hunt is another player who’s had an absolute nightmare of a week so far currently sat going into this game on zero points and a

Minus six leg difference now this 4 nil lead is starting to claw some of that leg difference back but Adam Hunt is going to have to really Mor through today to give himself a chance going you know going into the final we’re going to

Have to see you know a a a a last eight last four performance from him today tomorrow yeah Devon Peterson warming up he’s got a toughy against Tom Londale Londale we’ve seen some good stuff uh in the chat room Stu says so how does new tour card work when it comes to ranking

Money and your defending money um tell everyone so basically the the 31 tour card holders that get their cards at Q School start on zero money but you’ve got a twoyear hit so you’ve got that S card for two years so you don’t do you won’t defend any money until year

Three so after after the two years you have to be in the top 64 to keep your card and then you start defending if you’re not in the top 64 you then have to return to Q School well said it looks like Fallon’s Main Event

In round one we’re going to put her on last I think aren’t they yeah uh Jack the scores are on dark connect tv. dark fing here I know Max there’s a few others in the chat room following the progress of books unfortunately he’s not making much progress at the minute he’s

4-0 behind averaging just 73 canot get himself into this game at the minute Bradley Brooks I mean if you’re if you’re Fallon sherro it must be tough just I mean you’re waiting to play your first game you’re hanging around the venue you just want to get up there and you want to

Play you want to get your campaign underway for the day and try and get a win on the board I mean she’s literally going to be maybe the last of players in of the top one to 28 they’re going to be playing today 5 now Adam

H Fallon is warming up now it’s got a tough game Justin Hood Happy Feet has played some good stuff so far in stage two and he is currently seventh on the order of Merit col 2 one up against Ted Evers I mean Adam Hunt’s uh leg difference there down you alluded to it

Earlier on it’s just going to be completely wiped if he manages he’s going to be back to zero if he manages to be Alan narus six zip here yeah and that and again that is it’s it’s huge that because once he does start hopefully get getting some points

On the board you know as soon as you go to one there’s a lot of people people on one point there’s a lot of people on two points and it just it just pulls you further up and I do think psychologically it has a big effect when people see themselves moving up that

Order of Merit yeah Alan norus has just got a leg on the board but hunter opened up in this um seventh leg with a 140 so he’s got to be strong favor to take it 61 which means he’s only going to be minus one in leg

Difference I see the former s of the Kings Woods took the opening leg in his match Thomas Cromwell one nil up on Sha Wilkinson Johan Wilson on an absolute May though he’s averaging 55 at the minute tiol trol is underway in Europe against um Serbian Madan Ros saich butchered that is

That that has got to be one of the the trickiest names I’ve come across trying to pronounce without a shadow of a doubt the only benefit is I don’t think he’s watching us at the minute so I think we’re all right I think we’re say he’s got bigger things to think

About he won’t be in the DMS later on giving out to me absolutely not Brian ran up again State we’ve seen a mixed bag probably couple of years from Brian ran we’ve seen some really good stuff we’ve seen him stink the place out as well but he’s

53 behind at the minute to Bradley Rose Devin Peterson is underway against Tom londsdale yeah so catch it up in the chat room as well Chris lamman is out um poai puha is one nil to the good chrisan kiss is out as well big names have fallen early today

Bit of a comeb back on here for Al Norris he’s taking two legs on the bounce and he has the throw in this uh eighth leg Alex Spellman up against it as Matthew Wood takes another leg Spellman probably the worst we’ve seen him play through the entire week averaging just 76 42

Behind that’s not good is it but tell wanting Alan Adam H would want to get this game done because Alan nus is starting to find form here he’s averaging 95 he’s gone 140 140 in this leg and his averages is significantly higher than hunt Nars has missed a few

Chances of doubles so hunt will be thinking let’s just get over the line two ISS to answer that question headen he did arrive physically but he didn’t bring a great deal of his darting ability with him when he went out in the first round 62 to 10 do we reckon Borland will be

Safe on seven or does he have to pick up I think he’s safe certainly with a plus 19 and I know he lost a couple off off that today but I’m pretty sure that I think six six with a leg difference will be enough as the the former

Governor of the is of white three nil up Sean Wilkinson three legs into this game only averaging 62 Sean Wilkinson is having an absolute Nightmare and Thomas Cromwell is able to just pick these legs up that Shawn Wilkinson is gift dropping for him yeah also slow start from Fallon she

Won the ball but Justin hood has stolen the darts in this opening leg Alex Spellman in Last Chance Saloon here he’s 52 behind against Matthew Wood in the feature game on your screens and Alex Spellman not for this not heavily heavily fancied coming into this tournament he is only on one point he’s

Got a zero leg difference which would be if he loses the next one he’d be down to minus four Spellman in a big big I’ll rephrase that I could probably couldn’t say that on the stream he’s in trouble he’s gonna have to do he’s gonna

Have to he he looks like he’s going to have to replicate Countryman Danny bagage both Fen Sher and Justin Hood just struggling to get going in this opening leg Sher has left tops but hood has 107 to break finish Justin Hood I don’t know where that came from because it was a

Poor leg from him he’s taken he’s broken sherock in the opening leg Yeah Ben Rob not played got Co oorn three two up on T go on Callin and Adam hunt has done the job against alanar takes 90 out and two D he will be happy that that is D because

Nris one three on the bounce and looked um like he was going to take that ninth leg as well but Adam Hunt is into the next round 63 win over n Norris good performance for Norris as well but Adam hunt moves on we’re off and running now in the

Northeast today we’ve had a good week this week up here it’s been a good week and long may continue it’s couple of Spanish players go on mate so I just GNA say there K Fang L has taken the first leg against Scott weight I mean Scott weight is

Another player that really needs a big run today he is struggled does and he’s he’s got a buy as well today and we’ve talked a lot haven’t we about whether or not that is an advantage because you know you get your people can catch you cold can’t they they’ve come through a game

Already they’ve played themselves into a bit of form they’re maybe a bit more comfortable and you know all of a sudden you can you can get a buy and people think it’s an advantage but then you end up meeting someone that’s just spank someone 6 nil 61 and it’s not always the

Benefit that people think is it no definitely I mean that match practice you see it there counts for a lot just be just a little bit sharper when you come I mean come to play I mean he’s 40 up on Shawn Wilkinson let’s hope he doesn’t lose his head okay

Oh my goodness Scott W is having a May here 140 22 38 85 and N he has scored 5 L has 52 now for second leg to break Scott WS T two1 ahead just nipping over into Europe we’ve got two Spanish players we’ve been following the Italians we’ve

Got two Spanish players per the minute as Jose justicia is 3-2 ahead of John Michael J sorry fener looks good here to get a leg on the board um she’s left 64 after 12 against Justin hoodie struggling a little bit in this leg Justin hood and Sam or Mike wton

Warming up that is going to be an interesting all Welsh Clash yeah oh over Ted evz in a match that would put Colin Osborne into the green if he wins and it would give Ted evz a really big uphill battle ahead of him tomorrow Alex fman has gone oh that is

Big and he’s not gone really with anything other than a a win will do tomorrow you I have to win or he’s he’s done for really maybe a final maybe he might get in with ites a final maybe a final we’ll do so what round is this a minute we are in

The mid we we’re on that crossover point of the last few games of the round of 128 so we’ve got the last few opening first round games finishing off and then the we’ve underway in six or seven of our top 64 games in the UK that’s pretty much

The same in Europe but we do have it must just be on the board with a by in you we’ve got the round of 32 game between Andy Barton and bour Van put warming up on board one we’re moring ahead with the pace has been quite nice

This week hasn’t it there’s not been a lot of hanging around no it’s been good and as a player I reckon I mean you want to get on with it you want to start keep if you’re winning you want to keep winning keep on that role keep fresh you

Know you don’t want to be hanging around waiting for ages in between games no but we do get and you know and obviously it’s playing a very similar format to the protour events and we do often find that there’s when we’re on the pro to streams we we’re filling for

Little bit and chatting about you know who’s going to win the Royal Rumble because because we get a bit of a lag and the pace lows a little bit but we’ve not noticed any of that this week they they’ve absolutely moted through games it’s been really really good there’s

Always one or two games though you you refresh darking it you’re reckon it’s broken cuz it’s going that slow Justin hood has taken out ton finish against Fen Sher he leades 3-1 now Scott W has got a leg on the board against Kai Fang L he’s 2-1 behind and

Mike warber and Justin Smith is underway in an old Welsh Clash so tasty looking match that one yeah TBO Draco is in front he needs a big run today Ben Rob getting underway remember he had one of the Buys so big rig first game mcer on the verge of

Exit is that a slip from Fallon does that open the door Justin Hood doesn’t take a big advantage of it to Fen Sher know she likes the big fish this is to hold thr Ted finds a Max I re she’s missed the D of the ball she’s

Gone into the 19s by the looks of us yeah probably the top of the N top of the 19 going for the ball she loves that what big fish one against Clemens was still incredible I I seen it it popped up the other on on Twitter or X just it’s

Unbelievable probably one of the best 170 finishes we’ve seen there’s one other thing I seen this morning I don’t know if youbody seen this that FDI put up a a poll where Peter Wright would win his tourque C if he was in this year’s Q school and I

Think it was only it was less than half of the people thought he would definitely win the Tour out I couldn’t believe I’m not sure he would I’m genuinely sure he would I reckon he would straight out I think I saw I think it’s a two it’s a

Complicated question that you could make too much of it is the level of doubts that he’s playing numbers alone in terms of averages duing percentage Etc would he come through probably not if he did just have to go along to Q School would it be like when Barney went everyone who

Plays against just shits themselves and gets distracted by the fact that they’re playing Peter right probably like you know because because and that’s the issue for someone like like no Bary never got a proper game out of anyone because they were too busy God bloody I’m playing B like texting that this is

Mental and and and I think that’s you know that that’s probably the way that he comes through it is is the fact that he is all right and and and people will just be too wrapped up in playing it because that happens to professional dark players couple of all um English Affairs

Just underway in the last 64 Leon Bennett uh is on the way against Brandon Jones and Scott Mitchell against Joshua Richardson so a couple of players there are going to be looking for a run today adding a couple of points to their t well tell you what color’s going to get

Oh my word Colin 171 from Colin Osborne leaves 36 with Ted Avage back on 187 Colin Osborne’s about to get three match Downs Evans only gets himself to 92 not a huge amount of pressure on this 36 but Colin Osborne three match starts and move himself into the green

Increasing that leg average oh he’s he’s missed he’s left himself nine mate yeah Ed at 92 this is a bit of a long shot considering the way that he’s played this week you probably wouldn’t put your 50 pence on him nailing this and he doesn’t he ises 57 So Co three

More DS at nine to wrap this match up Mike warber and Justin Smith one all at the moment Brandon Jones is taking the first leg against Leon Bennett and Scott Mitchell is taking the opening leg against Joshua Richardson Justin hoodley Fallon sherik 42 and Scott weight Trails kaian long three legs to

Two Co Osborne couldn’t get that done Ted evz levels it up forces a noble leg five all in this one col oorn on throw come on mate field foul and Sher has to win this leg she it’s on throw 4-2 down against Justin Hood she’s left

163 oh that’s brilliant one two three s tops Justin hood back on 187 so there’s no finish there so sherro the favorite now to reduce the deficit to just one again Jules van dongan behind against Titus Kik in Europe here a quick check over there and too five2 ahead now as

The Frenchman looks to book his place in the last 32 and he is on the Move we are underway in the round of 32 now in Europe so Andy Barton opens that with what I think is probably a 13 leg Andy Barton this could be the day

For him already in the round of 32 and in the lead looking for his spot in the next round big big result in the UK Kevin Lan of Wales has been Shane mcar of Ireland someone who was just outside them qualifying places them automatic qualifying places that’s a big L to

Him there’s a tough one on the go as well as like a lot of people’s favorite D player Devon Peterson it’s averaging just 73 four all in a slug of a game against Tom lonzel really lacking in quality that one um and as we say that

We talked about Scott WS being a man who needed a big run today F long takes that break and he’s 42 ahead Scott weights with all the work to do just to put a single point on the board today colen Osborne will get further match darts

Here if Ted Evers can’t take out 146 he can’t 10 EV gets himself down to 82 gor three DS at tops comes back to the O for 40 much first one goes in Colin Osborne wins 65 Ted Evers is absolutely nowhere in the order of Merit but colen Osborne moves himself up

Into the green the man from tside giving himself every chance of a tour card poor poor leg from this again from Scott W 43 and 21 scored after six kaian long has left one two2 after nine so it look likely that waiters could lose this match which would mean he’s going to

Have to go all the way and win a a Tor card win the day tomorrow to um get back on the professional circuit Justin hood has missed darts to take the eighth leg against Fallen Sher she’s back at one 152 this will be to level up the

Match for a break of throw Justin Hood the lack of scoring and the lack of travels early part of this leg really cost Fallen hasn’t it she has had an opportunity to come and and and pinch this as a break of throw but those three trist visits starting off just left

Herself too much to do hasn’t she she and she’s had a couple and Justin Hood as we say just takes that leg there she’s had a couple of them visits as well just treess um to open up or in the first kind of nine D that she’s drawn in

A couple of the legs which has really forced her hand then to to try and hit something big but just as we say that she opens up at a 180 in leg nine Tom londsdale down to 32 with Peterson back on 221 so he’s going to get at least six

Starts from 32 he only needs one Tom londsdale so there’s another Noble leg five all between Devon Peterson and Tom londsdale H James Willie Balland the leader of the UK order of Merit who might not be for very long because he went out in today’s Opening match he got

Beat 62 by Ted Evers who has himself just been beaten by tsd’s own Colin Osborne who moves up now Colin Osborne to number seven he’s not just in the green he’s halfway up it cool and that just goes to show Saturday moving day there’s going to be

A lot movement in and out with that them automatic place or those Auto automatic places palen sherik has left 9 now or she’s just left double 18 after 12 DS she looking likely she’s going to pick up this legs kaian long is a leg away against Scott

Weights for a place in the next round as well just in Europe Jules vangan has just got a leg back against Titus keka Poland he Trails 54 in that one de Deon Peterson couple of big visits there gets himself down to 85 will ondale back on 150 Peterson can take this out he’ll

Move himself through it’s still only a first round game and he does Deon Peterson takes 85 out in three dos so Peterson wins but that was just a first round match a match in the one to8 Devon Peterson do not pick up a point for that

Win as Fallon Sherk still can’t get rid of the double 18 in she comes back for double nine she’s missed multiple DTS but if she can’t get rid of this one here Justin Hood he’ll come back she does Fallon takes 18 out in two DS but Justin Hood will now get the opportunity

With the darts in hand to throw for the match that is not how he would have wanted to start if Fallon can find a couple of trebles here I mean she’s only one break away kaian long is actually here 60 now for the match to knock Scott wait out to two time Lakeside

Champ left rough week hasn’t he yeah and I mean this is well below what we’d expect from Po from Scott weights here 78 average and the job is done for Kai fan long he beats Scott weights 62 and he progressed to the next round Scott W

Says it all to do tomorrow he will have to win outright to qualify and pick up his tour card and let’s be honest that’s exactly what we want to see tomorrow we want to see a w we want to see winners tomorrow from people that come outside ideally

We’ve got no points at all now because that makes it far far more fun and exciting tomorrow doesn’t it and and and in in a way I mean not that anyone wants to leave to the to the last day to actually have to win it outright but

There will be some players in their mind mindset going now and saying I just have to win I just have to win there’s no if I get this point if I reach this round and for some players that will suit them just thinking I have to win I think one

Of them might be on screen now Liam if we’re if we’re completely I think there might be a player on our screen right now that a looks very likely to be in that position and B couldn’t often thrives in those sort of circumstances um Justin Hood going to

Have to hold his nerve here still very very much in control of both this leg in this match too many troublous visits from Fallon that last leg that she really should have had the opportunity to break just in Hood messed around and three treess visits in her

Opening three visits to the oy just cost Fallon that opportunity to get the break that 1 31’s massive but too little too late I think the scoring’s coming at the back end of legs for Fallon rather than the beginning and Justin Hood gets the job done he only needs one D to find

Double tops and Fallon Sherk is going to have to win outright tomorrow I mean if you if you just take a look down at the players who are on zero in the order of Merit at the moment there is some big big names on that list

Who haven’t picked up a point yet so all of them will be thinking in their heads I have to go and win so we could see an absolutely dramatic day tomorrow well that actually mov mov Justin Hood up you know that Victory just that moves Justin H above Colin

Osborne Justin Hood well into the green as well um moved him above Conor Scot above Andy Bol and he’s on four points and a plus 10 leg difference so Justin Hood looking like a you know a solid bet he’s putting himself into a really good position and the other I tell you what

That board 16 is horrendous you know like Justin Hood against F then we then next game on board 16 Andy Bolton against John OA was brutal that board but but everyone on that board has the potential of getting themselves through into an established position in that green section by coming through that

Board Andy Barton’s 51 now bour van putut has got one leg on the board Andy Bartons was 5 nil up a moment ago that is let’s not forget in the round of 32 we’re flying ahead in Europe we’re managing somehow in Europe to have a 128 game in the first round between

Henry van burkel and Sergio cron is underway at the same time as Andy Barton is one leg away from the last 16 so we’ve got a real spread in how the day is progressing over in Europe yeah just as we say that sorry Phil go on I said it’s someone kick Andy

Bartons on the way to the venue this morning and say wake the [ __ ] up he’s had his we BS this morning that L just weer biix just as weer yeah not like me I’m surviving on Cor beef toties today I got the toasted sandwich maker out today proper toties like in the

Machine um Glon Bennett is 4-1 up at the moment against Brandon Jones one of them players who’s who’s in and around them automatic um qualification spots um Jim mccuan has s the first leg against darl Pilgrim Mike warber forer up against Justin Smith a tight game in that one Scott Mitchell Le Joshua

Richards and Sh who at the moment uh morning Bob how’s you doing um it’s been a bit of a morning on afternoon so far um John Henderson probably the stand out in terms of a huge result to beat Dom Taylor Ben cooking on gas at the minute 4-1 up on Brandon

Jones FL in ahead that’s an interesting one as well Jim mccuan averaging 101 just levels up with Daryl Pilgrim averaging 105 that game looks like it’s going to be a nice one Darren Webster taking an early break against Keith Rooney two nil up he is against the

Irishman as Nathan gin gets a leg back Scott Taylor was 2-1 up there gin just got a leg on the board Scott Mitchell and Joshua Richardson all level there three all James Wilson and Adrien gray all level as well at four all over in Europe go that’s complicated we got

Three legs going on at once Andy Barton is confirmed as a first man through to the last 16 in Europe K Danny L and 15 darts 51 up now Lon Bennett I know there’s a lot of people keeping an eye on his progress as well he’s looking

Very solid today he’s looking odds on now for a spot in the last 32 yeah and he’s just in that orange Zone there on the order Merit as it stands oh the picks up another couple of points today and he’s looking in a really really nice spot isn’t

He Mitchell has missed starts to take out 96 so josher Richardson is coming back for a break or throw here at a crucial time of the match he want 66 and he takes it so Mitchell is um has been broken so Joshua Richardson leads four 4 three here another player

Mitchell that will need a big run if he’s to get to win a tour card I think he is only on did he has he picked up a point so far one point so Mitchell will need a big run today and tomorrow if he doesn’t win it

Outright big start in this leg from The Joker he’s managed to find himself a Max and a ton he’s down to 40 after 12 Andy Bolton back on 208 we’ll see how much pressure he can put on the 40 of John O the rising looks on the wall

Here sorry Dan no no you’re right on the writing looks on the wall here for Justin Smith he’s 54 down against Mike wton this leg he’s G 85 6045 won’s on 176 after nine so just Smith is really going to have to find something big here

In this visit 96 is not going to be enough so warin stolen the DS and is in po position to move in the next round if he can win this leg even if he doesn’t he have the D in the next egg so he leaves 76 after

12 so Smith question in the chat room from Richard how’s Sebastian Beki getting on the answer to that Richard is not very well he went out 64 in the first round averaging just 76 he’s had another stinker and he’s essentially put himself in a position where he’s going to have

To win outright tomorrow he’s on one point with just a plus two leg difference so if he wants a tour card he’s going to have to win one outright in Europe tomorrow uh is this channel related to the mod of super um kind of um not massively but there are links

Yeah um maybe a stupid question but do the winners get paid no they don’t the first thing they do is get a bill to join the pdpa yeah not only that and they’re all paying to be there not for get as well yeah yeah yeah they’ve all put their

Hand in their pocket just to go and have a go at this Andy Bol levels up with joh that match stays on throw we going talk about Mike wton Liam yeah he’s just got the job done against Justin Smith 64 breaks at a a brilliant time for him 64

Winner over Justin Smith he beats his fellow Countryman to move into the next round one of them players who has the potential to go on a big run Mike wton and he will be looking to do so today big blow for J Smith who was on two

Points at the start of the day he won’t be adding to that Mike waron hasn’t picked up a point yet so he needs a bit of a run Joshua Richardson has gone five3 up against Scott Mitchell so Mitchell now is on the brink another player who’s only picked up a

Point we’ve still got a game in Europe in the in his first round still going is Henry van burkel is one leg away from beating Sergio CR and 54 in that one but we are pretty much you know we’ve got names confirmed into the last 16 in

Europe but and we’re still playing the first round at the same time a lots of people’s pick for a two card Ric sanski is 3 nil up in his match over in new we’ve just seen a result I caught it just as it was going off yet Danny Jansen three sorry 63

Winner over Christopher tunders Danny Jansen confirmed the mullet will be in the last 32 today who Joshua Richardson in this leg on the Mitchell th’s Gone one two one and five so Scott Mitchell’s gone ton ton so he needs to win the remaining three legs to win the

Match oh Jim kin just missed three dos at dble 11 or three dos from 22 can’t see what he’s actually done with him opportunity to hold his throw Daryl pilgrims come and nicked that leg off him a sneaky break there but Daryl Pilgrim now has taken control in this

Match with jiman the joker John OA another hold from him 2-1 up now on Andy Bolton and that was a 110 finish from John OA with Andy Bolton left on double A oh testy testy Kean K Tre went up against Danny lby at the moment he’s mortaring

Well Christ that going on forever like between cren and Van Burl in the first round in Europe has now gone to a noble leg they’re five all and we are still in the first round there Darren Webster just maintaining that break of throw James Wilson’s just taking out 76

To be Adrian gray 65 that’s a good win that’s a good win George Killington 53 he’s within one victory over Daniel ashrey now George Killington a man right up there in the mix sixth on the UK order of Merit he would Well yeah if he wins this on leg difference he’ll go

Above Dom Taylor he’ll go up into fourth spot on the UK order of Merit with five points and that we think he’s going to be right on the cusp come the business Ender tomorrow afternoon Joshua Richardson in a good position to take or to win the match against Scott Mitchell now he’s left

He’s only he’s left 189 or sorry 89 after 12 Mitchell back on 263 miles back he’s going to need something really big to pressure this and even then he’s going to hope that Joshua Richardson misses Mitchell like we said only left only has one point on the order of Merit

Yet and he’s left 164 so even if you get to pop it big ask Sergio cren takes out Shanghai one 20 in the noble leg to bring a clause to the first round in Europe the Italian Sergio cren takes the final spot in the last 64 in the EU and now every game

From here on in both in Britain and the EU we are playing for points there are Point points on offer for every game at the minute as Jim McKuen breaks darl Pilgrim back levels up that game three all and gets that match back on throw Joshua Richardson takes Richardson

Takes out tops um with the final Dart and or takes out 40 of the final Dart and he has beaten Scott Mitchell 6’4 that means the 2015 Lakeside champ Scott Mitchell has it all to do tomorrow he will more than likely have to win it a card outright by winning the day

Tomorrow boy boy what do points make two a cards Scott Taylor beats Nathan gin Nathan gin’s had a really rough rough week of it this week but Scott Taylor dispatches him Nathan G another man who if he wants a two card he’s going to have to have the day of his life

Tomorrow just don’t of Interest B by is that what’s the middlesborough is it sorry what’s the B middlesborough Peterborough scarb what’s the B which Bor are you Matty Den two n on Brett clayon Matty Denon is number two at the minute on the UK order of Merit

If he comes through this game against Brett Clayton he will move into number one SL lot and were you just about to mention about John OA getting broken there Liam yeah he had a chance to go three to up on the throw and Andy Borton

Has broken John OA 56 and two so Andy Borton is averaging 97 at the moment where is Andy bort Andy bolon was on Fallon board I was just looking for him on the a oh there he is he’s 11th so yeah Andy Bolton right cby as well he’s on four

Points plus three leg difference this a win here would stick him solidly into the green but in but he’ put him in that horrible spot where he’s he’d be in the green solidly into it but with not enough to get him over there he’s still going to need

More Andy Bolton just with a visit of 44 on throw holding the door open giving John oan an opportunity and John O comes and follows with a visit of 44 himself not able to take advantage of that slip there Sean Fen is not in the provisional

Spot she’s not in the GRE bloody massive visit from Andy Bolton 137 leaves himself tops good God I just I had a feeling it was what a setup that is from Andy Bolton oh man you got a feel there slipped massive with that 44 J say didn’t take advantage

44 of his own Andy bolon comes back what a visit and then seals that leg up John O 42 behind front of the show go on Jim follow that oh open with a 180 and not follow it on this when you’re on the featured game man Brett Clayton two on the spin level

Up with Matty denn Des in that game now 22 Ric sansy a lot of people’s picked to do very very well in this event 4 one up as we speak it’s currently just outside of that green and yellow section both a win in this one with a decent leg

Difference will take Ric sanski into the green as Danny lby coming mortaring from behind against Keen K has leveled that game up at four a piece now lby this is a massive leg from he’s gone 60 ton 80 ton 80 to leave 81 and he takes it out in three D so 12

D there from John OA to reduce the deficit to one it is but he’s going to need a break in this one he started on throw as well he won the ball John O but again that treess visit from Andy Bolton problem this has been in this game for the Joker

That when Andy Bolton slipped John oer slipped as well and he didn’t that time is this the opportunity there where he’s gonna capitalize two troublous Vis from Danny lby Kean K slips in 125 followed by a ton oh that’s slip from Andy Bolton again up 5941 nor to this week with so much

Promise and whilst we are seeing Jules vanan at the very top of the pile in Europe it’s been underwhelming from the rest of the North American contingent so far Co Andy balon’s having a stinker in this leg 59 41 36 so John OA on 265 only

A ton so he doesn’t quite leave himself a finish so he didn’t start downstairs in the 19s there which was interesting to leave the big fish and again yeah John O to be able to set something comfortable up from here he’s going to get six starts oh there nice left 70

With Andy Borton back on 305 that’ll do nicely this is a really good quality game between Jim MCU and Daryl Pilgrim on is Pilgrim going to be in absolute come Andy Andy Borton found a74 but John OA cleans up 70 so he has broken Andy Bolton so it’s back on throw

Here John OA just has to hold in the next couple of legs to knock out Andy Bolton so big moments here in this one Ross Montgomery has gone as James huway averages 102 to beat the Scotsman six two good result that for him as Keen K

Goes within one 54 Keen K is up on Danny loow but Danny loow 100 points ahead oh just wrestled the darts back interesting to see if we get another leg out of this one as Connor Scot takes the opener his game against Matthew Wood Jim McAn is within one of beating

Pilgrim Thomas lovelyy has beating Edward price 62 Andy Bon start to struggle here but he’s only found one treble in the first nine darts and John O’s left 147 after 12 Anton urland has broken when he needed to look John O has six starts of 147 to

Go 54 up he has to jump all over this opportunity being presented to him by Andy Bolton he’s struggling 59 score from J sh leaves 88 so can Andy Bolton pressure the 88 I tell what there’s one name that has kind of g under the radar a little bit

He was solid in stage one he’s in front here is Lee Cox if he can beat Kevin Thomas that would put him on three points and put him right in the mix oh there’s a slip here from JN a as Andy Bolton finds a fires in a 145 so

He’s left 41 so if Andy Bolton can clean this up he’s going to be a leg away and he does so Andy Bon now has the darts in this 10th leg to knock John OA out so that was a slip from OA there had the opportunity to go within a leg of the

Match but now all of a sudden out of nowhere Andy Bolton who was poor for big for a lot that that leg is a leg away messy messy messy another opening leg victory for the architect of the Reformation Thomas Cromwell one nil up on B 11 over Kevin

Bernett big moments here for darl Pilgrim and Jim mun mun’s missed match start and now he he’ll have a second crack of the whip match starts at double five for Jim m not simple and certainly he comes inside and messes around with it but

Jim it’s a bit of a long delay there you go three DS to get it done Jim mccuan 34 Victory and Phil you are correct Daryl Pilgrim has got it all to do this is brilliant from Andy Bolton he’s left one 121 after nine ton 140 140

So Jon OA can only hope for a miracle at this stage Andy bolon has scored 59 to leave 62 John OA needs to find something big to pressure the Andy Bolton throw here just looking can only find a 42 just looking on social media although he is but not mathematically Jules van

Dong’s gone early on Facebook guess who’s back with the smiley face with sunglasses on just do you say that Phil with a plus 25 Andy B has beaten John OA so he moves into the next round John O had his chances in that one but he has

It all to do tomorrow as well Andy Bolton now has moved in or back into the green spots in the automatic tour card winners warming up in the round of 32 now in the UK’s Jonathan kavet and Darren Webster warming up on board nine in those round of 32

Games k k got the job done against Danny lby oh that’s a pick of the round of 32 in Europe is it not board 12 TBO trol against radex sansky that’s a game yes it is Rusty Jake Rodriguez is out for the day it’s Timothy ver Timothy verer beats

Him 63 and Rusty Jake is going to have to come again tomorrow he is currently at number 12 in the order Merit in Europe he is in green but he will not be in Green in about half an hour’s time so Rusty Jake still with considerable work

To do as Peter Mitchell does everything to benefit his leg difference and beats Adam Paxon six nil serving Bagels late into the afternoon so I’m just looking at the names oh let me te up this next game first of all who we have who are we going to

Watch who do we want from Europe Let’s us have a look oh oh let’s have a look we could do a bit of yeah I was literally just about to say we could have a bit of Serio Crossing yeah let’s get a bit of it do we have some of the

Italian influence in that I think do do we think do we because he looked do we think that dein Peterson’s got a run in him today no no tell you who’s had a bit of a run today he’s took a small he’s took a a brief break from dissolving monasteries

And Thomas Cromwell is 3 nil up on Kevin beress on board 11 what was what I was GNA say was take the top two from The Challenge tour last year out of the equation because they’ve got cards but then I’m gonna go down hendo Bolton Crabtree kiss

Don Taylor James hell drotin hbak TBO trle Chris lamman Wesley Placer Daryl Pilgrim Robert Grandy Scott Mitchell Conan Whitehead as the top 16 now again I know we’ve spoken about this a lot but it’s kind of a travesty that those players have scrapped it out over a

Whole season and you’ve got a yearlong ranking and form yet we go down to a lottery of four days where it’s just a complete open Draw that they could draw each other in round one I just not a fan I I I fall in and out of love with

It like I think Q sko is brilliant because it’s brilliant to watch and see the drama and for it and obviously it’s a huge Money Maker so from from that side of it I completely agree in that we wouldn’t be doing this without it so I get that side

Of it but also from a dart’s point of view I want to see the best one two eight players on tour yeah and it doesn’t do that doesn’t get you no yeah Q School doesn’t give you the best 128 professional dark players in in the country it simply

Doesn’t it but it’s very difficult to the only real way you can do it for for me is I just think you’d have to keep Q School you just have to find a way to award more cards through the challenge tour that’s all that’s all You’ have to

Do and even if you took two cards from each you know to reduce the UK and the EU by two cards and say top six challenge to her um or you then look at where you’re seeding things into stage two where you look at expanding that you

Know in into the order of you know deeper into the challenge to order of Merit gets you seeded into stage two or bypass stage one a little bit and Le Cox a man that you mentioned a few times gets over the line Le Cox another Victory just going about his business

Quietly and professionally leck’s looking very strong at the moment as is another break to the good Connor Scott who is 42 up against Matthew Wood and Conor Scott we’ve talked about him an awful lot being he’s in some really good form the last 6 to eight months we had a

Chat with him on the live lounge and uh a lot of people lots of good things to say about Conor Scot and I think he’ll be a popular a popular one if he manages to pick up a t card there’ll be a lot of people pleased about

That Kyle Wilson 63 victory over Patrick Williams we’re talking about different names today quite a lot aren’t we than we have done in the last few days yeah we’re seeing different people takes the there’s a big game on the order of Merit here just getting underway in the

UK and it is James harell against Justin Hood James hell currently third Justin H Hood currently 10 that’s a biggie it certainly is because you wouldn’t you wouldn’t have either of them stamped as having enough certain James H he’s got Five Points Plus 27 if

He gets beat here that 27 could take a little hit and and then he’s probably not got enough even though he’s sat in third at the minute um I know there’s lots of factors going on but there’s an awful lot of people if you go all the

Way down to spot 17 who were still in today and with another point they level with him and they catch him in in in two rounds um so a really interesting game that one Phil G to Scot one away from Victory Now 52 up on Matthew

Wood Paul cron 43 up on Danny Jansen the mullet has had a good day so far Sergio crashing the Italian hope 42 behind on the feat game with Stefan trro how howai puha goes within one he’s five chew up maraco Cantell as on a really up

And down few days he’s a 65 winner against Matias elhers cantel moving through to the last 32 radic sanski picks up the opening leg in that really intriguing European game against TBO triole Deon Peterson has just gone three to up against Chris Quanto as well James

H Tak the first leg against Justin Hood so he’s hanging in there Devon Peterson he’s he’s the averages has improved a lot since the first round game that he played he’s got an awful lot to do though he sat on zero points with a minus two leg difference even after his

First game he’s still on a minus two so huge huge thing Devin Peterson could get to the final today and he still would not be guaranteed a two a card so lots of work to do for the man from South Africa this radex sansy T Co game is living up

To the hype so far both players averaging over 100 both players left on 161 after nine in this Le yeah it’s The Pick of that round I think isn’t it across both um across both venues really intriguing one that one both players tipped to do well and both of them to be

Fair have had a reasonable week I know that they are just slipping outside the green but that’s probably just because other games have got on quicker than they have they’re both within a point of being yeah right up James beaten has beaten Tommy M 63 in

The six top around a 64 match in the UK Conor Scot opens 177 follows it with a ton as he’s throwing for the match here 53 up and another Point picked up by Connor Scot would put him right into the mix I think that would probably stick him up as high as seventh

Depending on the score here he’d probably jump Lon Bennett Scott Taylor Danny lby Chris Quant back level with Devin Peterson Conor Scott wins yeah he’s having a good he’s had a good couple of days Conor Scots looked good oh week even when he hasn’t won his look

Good it just looks like he’s got that level that puts him up to ninth yeah that leg difference is tight and interesting Danny lby who’s in seventh is out for the day Daniel Alby making no more progress today as is Dom Taylor in fifth so there’s more shuffling I think to be going

On oh match darts incoming the man did a key role in the downfall of amberin needs double nine he takes it Thomas Cromwell 62 winner over Kevin beress he’s moring along quite nicely today he’s having a cracking day isn’t he yeah Jam James Harold Tun Up Now and Justin

Hood if Thomas Cromwell wins a tour card outright today can we use photographs of Thomas Cromwell Circa 1540 in the social media posts rad just um going back to that see sansy trol game sansy is absolutely flying his training up now at the moment

Has 96 left 96 after 12 teas it up to leave double 18 with tro not on a finish so he is absolutely flying ahead there avering 104 at the moment yeah he’s almost he’s almost made what we hoped would be a really exciting intriguing game and he’s sort of shut it

Down a bit as he does yeah one D straight in 4-0 and he what what we thought was going to be an incredibly exciting game is underwhelming because ransy is just getting FL trol is averaging 994 so he’s not even doing that bad but seansi has just

Said to himself I’m a going to win this match as he opens up at a 44 but he is he’s still doing very very well I tell you what Jules van dongan might not have been wrong because he has broken early in this round of 32 he’s looking for a top 16

Spot he is playing now for his eighth Point Jules van dongan and he’s taken an early break to go two nil up on Timothy van buer and the American I think once he gets to eight points we can pretty much agree he is Romeo Henderson has blown a great opportunity here

Oh Christ trle down to 32 with Ani back on 303 massive visit from the Frenchman is this the start of a comeback Devon Peterson looking good here to take a 54 leav Chris Quanto he’s at 176 after nine as James hard extends his lead over Justin Hood oh Cox Osborne that’s huge

It is and a game another game that can have real real impacts on the order Merit because that’s 12 plays 13 that’s that’s a man in White against a man in yellow and they are that is a really interesting game for more reasons than one Dev Peterson has a couple of darts

At 18 he takes it in one so he is one leg away from the next round fact this is better from Dev 89 still not the heights that we’ve seen from him but it’s better than what we’ve seen recently yeah I mean there was one last

Round that he was averaging 60 odd late 60s in the first round I know he pushed it up a little bit but he is finding as well he’s finding the treble and he’s finding the treble within those first couple of visits to the oy as well you know he’s he’s he’s

Regularly P you know ton Plus visits early in legs and as I say that he throws a 41 on his second visit well done Dan Simpson zansi has moved five sorry about that Devon spooked you there me Co you’ve really put him off here Dan really asked that on enough I am

Sorry Dev James hurl three nil up in that all important all green clash in the order of Merit in the UK three nil up James hes over Justin hood radex sanski is looking to get this closed out he’s 51 up on TBO to call he’s against the that but he starts with

A T backs it up with a 140 he’s looking to try and wrestle control his leg away from TBO TR but he only needs one more the poll so we are going we are going all the way in the Chris Quant de Peterson game Peterson has the darts in this last

Leg yeah also I asked Ryan so last week if he had some training sessions on the calendar with Gary Anders he said he’s got some booked in for next week for this week you think um find The Hunger I don’t think because he lost interesting that Gary’s enjoying playing again and

Sergio cren has completed a comeback win vivalia it’s happening Jules van Doan 4-0 up that guy is flying give the man his tour card here’s a question that I don’t know the answer to and it’s a ridiculous question Philip but you’ll know the answer when you get a tour card yeah do

You get a physical card is it like a test score Club Card you’re used to but not anymore oh that’s crap man I like the idea of them being held in wallets that can be flashed you know like American police flash there you know like T card should be a physical

Card match starts incoming for Deon Peterson five all Noble leg two big 140 visits back to back after a troublous 41 Deon takes it out 80 in two D 65 win for the big man Peterson just starting to get going and is he just playing that was a 91

Average and even that we’ve not seen great stuff from him this week but he could just be playing himself into a form at exactly the right moment possibly but I’ve always worried about the Devon Peterson action that it could break at any minute and making sure he’s wearing hising

Pointy flip flops or wherever that shambles we saw them don’t you dis flipflops how dare you I’m not I’m not dis I’ll I’ll have you not see I mean there you go there’s a there’s a I’m I’m currently in a a sliding shoe so I just hav’t just haven’t put I just haven’t

Put one side of them up on a Banda so I can straighten up the oy better and uh rad got the job done against TI recall we we all thought that that one had the potential to go all the way but it’s 62 from radic against you really good performance from him in

Europe I haven’t put one side of one a band straighten them up oh doar me team flipflop to there look at that gr men fpp flip flop Jules vong within one now I think we got uh potentially some match starts in coming he’s against the throw but

Looking like he’s going to Nick these starts as well he was Van dong looking to serve the bagel which would put him in an absolutely monstrous leg difference if he gets through this leg he’ll have a plus 31 leg difference and eight points and you’ve got to feel that that’s probably

Untouchable Sam Kaka in your feature game on screen just being pegged back there by Big John Henderson who levels the game up for all yeah we will do once this one’s done we’ll do Cox against Osborne’s feature game year heavy metal wins are major could do you know UK open I fancy him

For a run at the UK open I could see him winning the Masters because the fact it’s sandwich between two premier league nights I’m not sure the big hitters are going to give a [ __ ] yeah no I think some like that I fancy him early in the year I do f I I

Was at mine head and watched him when he got to the players championship finals against Peter Wright and fany him to do a bit again at mine head we know the venue is new equipment as well yeah we know the venue Works quite nice for him you know he still gets to

Do the school run it’s quite a comfortable environment for him home in his own bed every night and I just think the UK open could be a you know depend on because we also know as well let’s be honest you can you can get through that tournament with a potentially very

Generous draw or you can have a complete nightmare of a draw um yeah really but but I think if the if the draw Falls well for him he could do really really well UK I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw someone winning again like kind of a an outsider not

That anyone is a massive Outsider for the Masters anyway but I mean the last couple years I mean Doby won it last year calling the year before Clayton we’ve seen King get to a final chis um so not the big big hitters right at

The top of the order of Merit yeah so I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened again Henderson is going to have to win two legs on the spin it’s getting interesting Marco canel takes an early break against Anton osland from Sweden the Swede averaging 92 but still finds

Himself a breakdown in 2- nil behind Marco Cantell the Greek god John Michael up against it as well as Patrick Geet 51 ahead one leg away from sending a man from Greece home for the day um M the opening Lake against Adam hunt yeah rocket we think six and a good leg difference

At the moment that might go to Five in a very good leg difference but at the moment we think six in a good leg difference plus 17 18 something like that colen Osborne taking the opening leg and then Lee Cox can’t find a treble on his opening visit in this second one

This one could be interesting Co on born not a player fell who many we know he’s got a lot of talent but not a player who many were talking about has being in the mix at this stage of the week I think you know we we spoke

To colen a couple of weeks ago the live Lounge live I think even he wasn’t you know he would have been surprised I think probably to find himself in this position at this stage of the of the event wouldn’t he yeah if he wins out right today I’m going to

Order a Paro to celebrate you are get the paros in certainly would be rude not to not the start there heno needed wanted this has to be two travels boys minimum 140 is an absolute necessity well I got the 40 bit right oh wow not the time to not find your troubles John

So big John saw him play earlier this year in York on the seniors tour struggle for form that day as well if I remember rightly struggle for trouble 20s doing here oh I just need to keep saying things so the opposite happens immediately you just wait till later on when Man

City stuff Newcastle [Laughter] 3-0 couple players yeah good point 650 watching 70 likes that’s mildes off Sam kaker gets the job done he likes it you should like it too 65 winner over John Henderson yeah please do like and subscribe don’t forget if we hit 35,000 subscribers before the end of Q

School tomorrow miss Phil bar is got a rather impressive giveaway prize that is a matched one Demitri venberg shirt from the what was it Phil where did he wear that one 2018 grand slam of darts that is a money can’t buy prize so please like And subscribe then go around

The house grab the devices of other people in your house Mom Auntie sister kids subscribe for them as well you might be in with a chance of a fairly nice Shir there’s a couple of players just in these green spots today that could really consolid consolidate their place in that them automatic

Places I you look at the likes of James harer George Killington Andy Bolton Connor Scott Leon Bennett Colin osbor they’re all in and about there that could couple couple of more wins for them and they could really put themselves in a good position another one that’s col

Osborne is two n up down to 20 with Lee Cox back on 196 he’s going to have three darts at Double 10 here Colin Osborne to be 3 n up Darren beverage is going under the radar a little bit here as well yeah he really

Is uh yes it is pretty much all or nothing for hendo tomorrow how you doing Preston hope you are good welcome along everyone Mike wton doing well as well taking an early break 2-0 up on Adam hunt average 103 Michael warber and looking strong in the early stages of this

One Co osor I think has now missed nine darts for 3 nil messed around for too long and let Lex come back and break him so now throwing leox to try and level this up but yeah at least nine darts at Double Miss there for a 3-0 lead for Colin Osborne that could

Hurt yeah really could because he’s he’s created he scored really well and created opportunities for himself and then just couldn’t couldn’t get that stretched out and a man who can get the 3-0 lead is Mike wton who’s now 3 nil up against Adam hunt yeah he needs a good run today Mike

Waron just to put himself in into contention just have a little look back into Europe uh hey I haven’t seen any averages yet I’ve not really paid much attention because we’ve been on here I had a look earlier there was some there was some good performances in like

There was I mean it was it wasn’t you know Premier League level average it was it was good some good stuff played in there I think Mitchell averaged 101 in the first round didn’t he Asian two on about oh he didn’t get an invite yeah terrible really outrageous

Not to invite him Marco canella stretching that lead against Anton osland up to 41 now cantel quietly going about his business in Europe and giving himself a good chance as he moves through the order of Merit Keen K stretching as well uh no I didn’t no but very much isn’t he he’s

Very much in the mix of the minute I mean he’s behind against Kyle Wilson 3-2 behind at the minute but number 10 spot in the order of Merit he’s green as we speak um beverage two go sorry I was just gonna say in Europe Jerome Mi has a chance to beat Stephan

Hendrik in Belgian we’ve seen mi in the motor Super Series before tops here but he’s mismatched out to beat Stephan hendrik at Belgium 63 also sat on 16 Lee Cox just pinned 150 to go two all osbor is it’s just he he should be 4-0 up here really and he finds himself

Two all the game still on throw but just struggling with his scoring in this early stage of his leg George Clinton 3 nil up George Clinton’s looked good this week we’ve seen real real positives from his game Kyle Wilson stretches that lead over Lon Bennett 42 Kyle Wilson is leading that one

Now easy to forget about that top 64 game that’s La the last top 64 game in the UK James hurl and Justin hood on that horrible Bo 16 54 James hell one leg away in that one yeah hell was 4-1 up in cruising this one’s got a bit of a dog

Fight not giving up is he not giving up at all you know what I haven’t done anyone know what the early 4 score was one nil Chelsea Chelsea am a penalty perfect that’s all right then it keeps me I going broke the card I broke the Golden

Rule today as well broke the Golden Rule oh you didn’t did you back to the early game mate yeah I mean I got away with it I’ve got I’ve just had a check there and I’ve got away with it but I have broke my own Golden Rule

Today to tell you one thing Keen K is absolutely flying against K fan long he’s 51 up now oh Le cops how cop ahead in this match either there’s an issue in Europe or one of these players have gone walk about because I’ve been waiting for like

15 minutes to put Ben robs game up in the last day to and it’s just been sat warming up for ages odd very odd jimes hurl comes through that game which puts him solidly into that third position on the order of Merit on six points with a plus

29 leg difference James hurl is absolutely in a golden position there and the next match up for harell is against Andy Bolton as well Andy Bolton so you suspect that I mean Bolton could get to six points if harl gets a seven he’s done top three in the

UK third player sixth in the order of Merit next I think in the UK the top three are done regardless whoever they win cards now plus six and plus 29 plus um seven plus 19 good that’s done the risk is that they the risk is they’re still

In well HL still in if he takes a pace in if Andy Bolton beats him 61 and and he loses a chunk of his leg difference he should still be enough but see Andy Andy Bol needs a lot of legs the board as well so he might need

Two more wins because he’s only on plus five know he might that’s it and there’s a lot people can get to five and six points today a lot of people Kinton 40 up now and George Kinton he’s averaging 107 at 40 up and George Kinton he is in

Fourth spot but you know he comes through this if he can if he can spin win the next two legs he’s going to find himself on six points with a mid 20s leg difference as well we might have to start having a recalculate you

Know now lad I am going to have to to uh shoot off so I’m going to leave you all to it but best of luck and uh it was a pleasure being on as always thanks for coming on buddy cheers L see you mate take care

Um Lee Cox has won four legs in a row against Colin Osborne and it goes back to leg three when Osborne missed six for 30-0 D yeah he’s he it’s just slipped away from him after that hasn’t it and this is you got to think this is a really

Important leg it’s a Colin Osborne on throw but and he’s just managing to keep his nose ahead in this one he finds a couple of treble ear is in the driving seat for the leg but but if he lets this leg slip then he’s probably let his opportunity fall down today

This needs to be this would be this would be spectacular if this goes 170 Lex just wrestling the moment away now Kyle Wilson just hit a nine out does anybody have that on who James Wilson there’s two Wilsons playing at once did one of them H

One 15 James Wilson hit one I there’s two Wilson play at the same time James Wilson didn’t well darts connect hadn’t updated it couple of results in that top 32 in the UK three players now through the last 16 Keen 6 nil sorry 62 win over kaian long Kieran Bridgewater 62 win

Over Peter Mitchell and REE Griffin 61 winner over Thomas lovely Jam wils James Wilson did good on him marvelous St ree Griffin is now one spot outside of the colors number 13 spot and still in three points with a plus 21 leg difference ree Griffin giving himself a really good chances Joshua Richardson

Beats Connor Scott 62 that’s a big victory that for Josh Wilkinson Connor Scott had a really good day but finishes the day with more to do because he’s on Four Points with a plus 16 leg difference that won’t be enough for Connor Scott and he’s going to have

To come and probably make at least the round of 16 tomorrow to make sure he gets in yeah uh no Alex Spellman is out uh no in the UK there are pdpa markers and I think in Germany as well we are underway in the round of 16 in Europe Damien Maul and Patrick

Gats are playing for a spot in the top eight Darius labanos and Alexander maik go to a noble leg five all in that one who whoaa Sergio cren three all I need I need to go and watch YouTube and Rewind that that was like a scoring

Or Lee Cox is wa minute I need to not good call one plays his way back to four all and then opens with a 33 Lex responding with a 180 right so Dan Leck has 50 left and he scores 25 to leave 25 that’s unusual he read a couple of horrific Banks outs

Or he’s missed or he just missed a big number ridiculously but it’s a very strange one that yeah uh Leon is he 17 maybe 18 I’m not sure somewhere around there um James Beaton has bu beaten James Wilson the nine D hero um I tell you what is surprising that

William B has managed to go out first round today and he still sat on top of the order of Merit that’s impressive it also shows that the UK is an absolute carcraft in that its other results are all over the place across the week um yeah of course you can uh shout

Out on 65th birthday um hope you’re in hospital but I hope you’re doing well to Louise simkiss happy birthday from us happy birthday Lee Cox is back in front this should be there’s a couple of couple that are both 54 at the moment results could be huge for beverage and

Cox yeah Colin Osborne is just the first visit his last few legs he opened last leg with a 33 he’s opened this leg with a 43 that he he’s given himself so much to do because he’s just not able to find the treble early in these legs and

That’s been a story for quite a few players today can’t find that scoring early in the early in the visit Thomas Cromwell and Darren beavid go to a noble leg Cromwell levels it up to force one but he now on throw another Noble leg Darren Webster Jonathan

Kaver James huwi just edging ahead Devin Peterson 43 up here but Peterson on throw 100 points ahead after three visits out Ben Rob’s having a May here Oh Thomas Cromwell throwing for the match in a noble leg first two visits of 140 and 121 three games now 54 and all huge wton hunt beverage Cromwell Osborne Cox another massive visit from Cromwell gets him to 65 with beverage back on 260 mind you beverage hit to 11 180 perfect timing gets him to 80 so Thomas Cromwell will get the first go at it 65 players

80 Cromwell takes it out 65 goals and Thomas Cromwell moves through as a 65 winner Callin Osborne lost against Lee Cox that one really really strange game lots of opportunities there for Osborne that he couldn’t take advantage of James HL averaging 111 the man in number three spot on the

UK order of Merit 2-0 up on Andy Bolton breaks early as George Killington is successful in AR of in Booking his slot in the last 16 he’s a 6-2 winner over Jacob Gwyn and Lee Cox moves into the green with that Victory does and that top end that J

George Killington now six points 23 plus leg difference he’s just pulling himself little bit too far away to be caught isn’t he business end here now Devon Peterson 171 he’s going to have to be a big score to set something up hway on 96 so Peterson might not even get to go up

Wherever he sets up it’s a big score from Peterson leaves 66 so huwi comes for 96 to hold his Thro and go within one leg you can’t do it only only 20 we only 24 scored I’m not sure what he’s done that Peterson comes for 66 to break give

Himself the opportunity to throw for the match Mike wton has just beating Adam hunt 64 oh it goes Devon Peterson gets that done it goes in three DS but he takes the 66 out 54 ahead Deon Peterson now with the darts in hand could he could de Peterson winning to a card

Outright James hurl looking really solid here 3 nil up now on Andy bolon that leg difference is getting is now in the 30s six points Jim mcu’s been in some battles hasn’t he yeah on throw this game Sam kakit just managing to hold his throw Jim mcum was waiting on a one

That double if he got back to the oy but canker just held his nerve there to get to 32 ahead Sergio K and misses match darts and now is involved in a noble leg against the throw Sergio cren can only throw 40 on his opening visit while KES kesin arus so we having

That finds a 140 backed up by a ton Sergio cron with visits of 40 followed by 42 he’s an absolute country mile behind here Sergio cren having missed match starts and being dragged into a noble leg hopai puha has beaten marav van and bohada let that update on darts

Rankings Andy Barton he making a huge move today and he needed it as well it’s gonna say he doesn’t got much choice but to a he really he’s got to go for it yeah should we go for a bit of Van oh yes let’s do that that sounds fun that does sound

Fun right Noble leg Devon Peterson James huw Devin Peterson ton ton hway only the 60 in his second visit after a t himself so hway on throw but Peterson making strides into it another ton from Devon Peterson ton ton ton come on dev oh but howi finds a 180 gets himself

Down to 64 these tons from Devon Peterson might not be enough 60 Deon Peterson’s missed match starts in the in the leg before this and now that huge 180 from James huwi he survived match starts huwi he’s pinching the DTs he’s dragging the DTs off Deon Peterson he’s missed tops he’s come

Inside he’s left 20 Peterson back on 141 you expect huway to come back and get three match Starts Here Peterson gets 100 down to 41 so pressure on the 20 now of hway where he’s got three DS hope i ph how will be on tour next year I know he’s still in

Seven he’s there hway misses three more match starts Devon Peterson comes back for 41 he’s going to get more this is B both players have missed multiple match darts now how is your nerve Devon Peterson he needs I needs well he’s missed more match starts I think that’s six each they’ve missed

Now ouch no h missed four 10 match starts between them missed starting to motor he was 4N down he’s back to within one huwi crushes the dreams of the African warrior 65 James hway wins there were 11 missed match starts between the two of them before hwi

Finally got over the line in that one Jim mccuan making a move here on the Sam caner throw it’s three all in this one but visits of 135 a ton and a ton have got Jim McAn down to 136 with Han canut back on

219 also only 39 from K gets to 180 Jim mcu’s goingon to get six starts from 136 to break Ric sansy needed to make a move and he is making his move into the green is that got him up to eighth now four points on a plus 21 leg difference

And he is one leg away from Five Points and looking considerably more comfortable ch going behind for what I think is the first time today 32 behind I’m playing devil’s advocate here let’s say Jules van dongan and hopai how don’t win card one of them don’t win

Today they’re both on the order of Merit do you play tomorrow uh eight points plus 31 ah I wouldn’t be worried about the I don’t think I’d be worried about the leg difference at eight points I think if I was van dongan I wouldn’t

Care I’d play if I fancied it if I if it wasn’t going to cost me any more money if I’d already paid for my hotel and if I was like I wouldn’t I wouldn’t worry howai po hat I think he’d have to think really carefully because like if he if they finish where

He is now plus 19 is not a particularly strong leg difference and if you get that hurt it’s so it could become a we I don’t see nine players getting to Seven Points though and overtaking him um no there’s still yeah there’s still a lot see what happens in an hour see how

Many it’s hard to see in it where people are going to get to it Chang you’re right look at those sat on six one two three you got three players on six two of them are out you got two players on five they’re both out H 50% of the players on four are

Out you got you got seven players on four and they’re all and four of them are out sedlack is 42 up on Van dong oh a nice nice leg from Jim mccuan Jim McAn 53 up now he’s only one away and Jim McAn has quietly gone about a run to the

Upper end he’s still only on two points he would still need another couple of wins even just to get himself in in something with a bit of color on it today but Jim does have the game doesn’t he yeah all right Dan I’ll put it another way say at the end of today

Players are in dark green do you play no I wouldn’t I’d be home with the kids like I am now spending quality time if you’re in dark green do you play no I don’t think it’s pointless in it and I don’t know if if you should I

Don’t know if it’s a really it’s it’s a it’s a really interesting question because like if you’re in dark green you’ve won a t a card like y Clon is not playing today and why would he he’s got a t card hasn’t he soon as you’re in

Dark green you’ve won a t a card you’ve got it done but I I get that but you also do you not have a right or responsibility perhaps to try and win one outright I don’t know you’ve won it haven’t you I don’t I don’t know yeah

That’s why I’m I’m just asking the questions yeah I think you I just think once you’re in dark green you you’ve won it and you’re done I would have just move i’ just moved them into the list of people who have won a t card because they have the

Only reason I say that is because obviously it has consequences because of that yellow spot that yeah if somebody come yeah if you you then go and win so if Jes van dongan plays tomorrow and wins it outright but there are still only the same number of tour cards being awarded

Aren’t they oh yeah yeah no yeah it’s the same number yeah see I would have to be I’d have to be forced to play I think if I was in dark green someone would have to tell me that if someone would have to put rules in where I was going to be it

Was going to have a negative effect on me personally or professionally if I didn’t do it because I just think I wouldn’t bother yeah Sam K gets one on gets one back against Jim McAn but that was just a hold of throw so Jim mccuan now

Throwing for the match 54 opens with a 96 yeah that’s an interesting point point is that like the the PDC and I think he’s I think Tom’s probably right the PDC doesn’t recognize dart’s rankings as the official system for awarding a tour card does it so well as far as they’re

Concerned you haven’t won your two cards until even though they don’t it’s not physical anymore in media rooms the PDC use darts rankings quite a lot I’m sure they do I’m sure they do everybody does don’t they it’s a marvelous website it’s a marvelous system yeah the folks behind it gen they

Honestly I don’t I don’t I hope they realize what a positive positive impact they are as this there’s a game swinging in the balance as Jim mccuan Sam caner finds a Max 180 and Jim mchan responds to that 180 with a nine that’s not a nine data that is a score of

Nine um interested in the EU Ben Rob was 40 and 53 behind he’s now five all his big rig using up one of his Nine Lives who what a sign tter 180 not from from Angelo um I agree uh Damon I’ve never heard him either who’s that who have we not heard

Of um Patrick he on my comments have just moved Andy hammeron is there tomorrow yes uh Scott War said I think I would play if I was in dark green nice thank J hurl 63 victory over Andy Bolton that puts him on to Seven Points it puts him actually James hurl at the

Very very top of the UK order of Merit he is riding very high at the minute Ben Rob is out an outstanding last leg from Angelo bu yeah him just disappeared off my screen um so yeah Hamilton’s definitely playing Tomorrow Phil would I like to see Liam Manda Lawrence on S no and that’s not because he’s a bad player by the way because he can play he’s got ability I just don’t like slow players yeah it’s um it’s just start at watch in it it’s just it’s just not as

Fun not as box office Sam Kaka pegs Jimmy back Jim M an absolute nightmare leg which alowing with Sam kup finding himself a big score in the middle of it and he’s just managed to get himself into with a Chance a noble leg and they’re matching the floor for BL Jim m is

Out Sedlak has beaten him oh oh chimu that’s massive 180 180 from jimu gets himself down to 97 after nine Sam caner on throw it’s a 140 and he’s down to 104 after 12 humu will get the first goal here at 97 for the match

If he doesn’t take it Sam ker comes back for 104 for the match jiman leaves tops he scores 50 57 so Sam canit’s got 104 for the match or he lets Jim McKuen come back with three DS at 40 Jim McAn gets that chance he only

Needs one D to do it and Jim mccuan is a 65 winner over Sam canit Jim McAn confirms himself a spot in the top 16 aie we’re underway in the top 16 in the UK now as well as Keen K and Kieran Bridgewater get things going but we are

Making much quicker progress top 16 in in Europe in America I said there one day Phil one day I reckon it’s 15 years away are are you and pipe moral enemies look and I’ve said this before that there are plenty of slow players that are fabulous Jim mccuan is a prime

Example Jim is slow but he’s a fabulous player do I enjoy watching slow players play I just don’t it’s the same as football as a neutral at the moment would you as a fan Dan if there was a game on and it was Tottenham would you watch them because of the way they

Play uh yes yeah no I there are it’s like in most sports and I think you know darts is is one there are there are styles of play in in all sports you know there are styles of play that teams have in football there are styles of play

That players having in snooker and other you know all sorts of sports that make it more entertaining that make it worthwhile PE there are boxers who are more watchable than other boxers because of the style that they choose to fight and they sell more tickets and people

And you know and and darts is as much as people maybe don’t understand it until you’ve watched a lot of it there are darts players that can throw exactly the same scores but but they are more entertaining than other darts players throwing the same scores they’re easier

To watch they’re more fun to watch it creates more action and tension on the stage 100% And that’s not saying that they’re not good players but would you rather abely would you rather watch mvg and Gary Anderson average 104 against each other or would you rather watch Liam mandle

Lawrence against or sud which averaging 104 against each other exactly Keen K wins the first leg of the top 16 in the UK Andy Barton’s just edging himself ahead again 32 Ander mask have a quick look to see how things have changed around a little

Bit Kean K is having a really good Q School really he very much is let’s have a look but he’s still only on two points so he’s still still got an awful lot of work to do Darren Webster you know is level on points there’s a huge stretch of points

On people on four points that stretch from eighth to 16th that’s all just on leg difference but Darren Webster still in today with an opportunity of getting deep into the green let Bennett one up Andy Bartons gets a break of throw 42 ahead now that game and this could be

The day for Andy Barton couldn’t it very much could be the day Kean K two nil to the good I say someone kicked Annie Barton in The Shins on the way to the venue this morning he’s walking up isn’t he yeah this is the Beast that we’ve been waiting to

See he has definitely walking up Mario cell with it all Tod do he’s four legs behind he’s being beat 40 by Dominic grich right you see hopai puha is playing Angelo balamo that doesn’t sound very Dutch does it it sounds more Italian it does a little bit doesn’t it

Sounds like something i’ dress a salad with Thomas Cromwell one nil up your mate he certainly is I tell you what Thomas Cromwell is having an unbelievably good day today um he’s come from nowhere in the order of merits in terms of this morning he did not look like he

Would be running deep today but he’s playing his way into an outside chance isn’t he like he’s up on two points at the minute if he wins another game he’s a point off the green Now 52 you’re either on about Brian ran or Mario Van badaa Le Cox two n

Down that’s not a good start is it Rees Griffin again putting himself into a really solid position he’s one point you know if he comes through this game he’s going to be well into the green as well in fact loses here he drops out on

Yeah re Griffin ree I was going to say ree Griffin here if he wins he will take Le Cox’s space in that green he will move into the green and he will move Lee Cox out James huway picking up an early break over Darren Webster going two n up Dominic gruich absolutely mortaring

Ahead here 5 nil up on Marco Cantell can tell it who needed a big big run it’s looking like today will be coming yeah Kieran Bridgewater just leveling up against ke and K as well two all there The Desmond in that game Scott W two and up and let

Bennett the Beast has missed match darts will he get some more you would think so from 53 wouldn’t you you would like think the way he’s currently playing but it’s been a funny old Q school so who knows is James Beaton takes the first leg against James hell lots of

Jameses today Lords of James is at Q School it seems WBY to get a card Ricky well to be honest that’s something that we very much might see because he’s having a good day gonna have to go all the way though Mike wber he’s only on two points he’s not he’s

Not like some of the other players left in a Killington a and Bennett who are in solid positions in that order of Merit he’s going to have to go on a very deep run probably well at least to a final ball for a 135 oh milal beat in Middles that’s funny

M wton does though take the opening leg in his quest move from two points as Darren Webster levels up he was tw0 down to James hway and he’s leveled that game up at two a piece there is a Desmond and it looks like Andy Bartons is going to get more match starts

There he’s going to come back at least three darts from 80 he’s probably going to get he will get six darts from 80 even without T 40 so Andy Barton’s three darts to get yourself into to the last eight and he takes them out and arton continues on his

Quest for a two card takes him up to three points and his leg difference that does move him into the bottom yellow spot so he is now in the mix for a tour card he’s gone from being nowhere near and now he’s in the mix even if he doesn’t win outright

Today Andy Barton has put himself into that order of Merit Shuffle he had two didn’t he the two first two days would he had some stinkers of draws but a player of Barton’s calor the results weren’t good enough no but and what he’s going to be

Hoping for here because he’s going to be right on the cusp of that is he’s going to be hoping that if he doesn’t come through today that somebody like am Mario vanen boara or um a Patrick gearit is or a Howa is going to come through

And win get that automatic slot and move that green one place further down the order of Merit yeah just you have to just bear with me a minute I’m going to run for a quick Comfort break look at the draw bracket so Ric sansi underway in the

Quarterfinals so James beaten 2-1 up on James hell Brett clayon one then up on Jim mchu and Thomas Cromwell two a piece with George Killington Darren Webster 32 up on James hwe um Joshua Richardson Mike wton level one a piece Lee Cox TRS Rees Griffin 32 Ken k Kieran Bridgewater three a

Piece as is Leon Bennett and Scott Winder in the UK uh yeah we’ll go H there we go he’s back I’m back just needed to run to the L right what’s going on anything exciting well I’m just looking at oh under quarterfinals underway in Europe quite they’re not missing about

Are they we we’ve just got started in the top 16 games some of them howai pu is only a leg in and we we’re playing the quarterfinals as well tell not hang one bit let’s see if ree Griffin pins this 56 first he does big moments he’s 42 up but the last two

Last two legs on the Griffin throw Lee cops has had two dots in each of them to break back and he hasn’t taken them you stand up to watch the boxing tonight um I don’t think what time is it on it’s is it’s Canada is it yeah it’s

Going to be late I’ll end up watch I’ll have to watch it tomorrow um I normally I I normally would but it’s I can’t turn it around I’m getting too old now mate I can’t turn it around and then get back up and then and to be fair I’ve spent my

Day doing this today and left Anna with three kids so if I stay up silly late tomorrow tonight watch the boxing sleeping all morning it’s probably not going to make for a happy day watch you what I’ll do is I’ll keep off I’ll keep off the socials and watch

It when I wake up yeah Mrs Simpson will not be happy no she’s she won’t be no she won’t uh yeah scheduled for around 3:00 a.m. yeah too late for me that one to be fair I’ll be better off at my stage of Life I’ll be better off we’re getting up

For it go going to bed early I’ve gone past the point where I stay up for those so 3:00 in the morning is it 3:00 in the morning is now and early get up rather than a staying up late for me just seem to be lagging a bit some of these

Games not making Oh Thomas cromwells just took out 106 with George Kon on 20 for a break of throw and a 4-2 lead that’s a huge check out that in that situation he’s now back on throw 42 up over the last four or five legs Lee

Cox has been the better player he’ll be scratching his head how he’s still behind in this game got sansy takes an early break in his quarterfinal 2 N up he is now again playing for six points if he wins this and there’s just a few of them

That’ll start to feel the pressure lift a little bit at that top end isn’t there the top end of the order Merit the pressure is not lifting for some others though tomorrow’s going to be completely Bonkers isn’t it oh tomorrow is going to be absolute carage how exciting L Bennett big leg

53 that was a break of throw for Leon Bennett so he’s now got the darts in hand and throw in for the match 53 up he’s got legs to spare he man could playing his way into a t card position Lon Bennett is currently sixth on the order of Merit

Five Points with a plus 15 leg difference if he can get through this leg successfully he opens with a 140 on throw wer can only find a TW a score of 23 he’s gone to the Dan Simpson School of dling Excellence and again this is what I was

On about Lee Cox has done it again miss starts and I’m sure will punish as he has done 52 for sorry again Cox misses Griffin punishes Thomas Cromwell 52 up on George Killington George kingon is currently six points plus 23 that plus 23 is taking a bit of a

Clip and it’s been shaved down at the minute in this game against Thomas Cromwell George Killington might be exactly on the point that proves to be like a leg or two in the cut off and then every leg counts for him at the minute but

Throwing to try and stay in this game GE GE Killington opens with a 23 Thomas Cromwell comes to the YY second and starts off with a Max immediately takes the Darts Away from George Killington Killington still can’t find a visit after a treble after two visits Cromwell in the driving seat but

But a 180 from George Killington this is mad backwards and forwards this one is swinging but Thomas Cromwell 52 up and will get more multiple opportunities to throw for the match Leon Bennett is into the quarterfinals reys Griffin is 96 to book his place in the quarterfinals and

Does Road his luck but he won’t care about that and that bumps everyone Dam one certainly does and it puts the likes of Connor Scott Justin hoods Colin Osborne right out of the conversation for the time being they are now all going to have to have a big day

Tomorrow Killington gets a leg back yeah Mike won’s thr is under the C here Ric sansky now 3-0 up in his quarterfinal Warby has been broken 42 Richardson s ski is motoring so before this game sansy was Five Points Plus 28 he could go to six points and an absolutely huge leg difference

Hard to see him not getting a card from there isn’t it oh Phil Something’s Happened it is Jules van dongan has officially gone dark green he cannot be first no the first dark green player and the questions that were asked time and time again in the runup to Q school

About would we see a North am American win tour card this year have been answered and we do have a North American tour card holder from Q School in 2024 also that would mean a win for hopai puha would put him dark green as well certainly would

Andy Barton takes a break of throw against Paul cron two- nil up Andy Barton in the quarterfinal and we talked early in the day about Andy Barton in that could you know could this be the day that he does start tearing things up and goes on a run he finds himself

Currently in that yellow number 15 spot with an early break in this game if he wins it he’ll get himself up to I think number nine in the rankings I think he’s going to be a lot of people’s pick for a card from here won’t he yeah S Thomas

Cromwell Victorious Thomas Cromwell 63 win over George Killington very I tell you what you know if with that situation oh no see we might not see we might not see a dark green in the UK just yet because James beaton’s 52 ahead of James hurl will keep James hurl

On seven points and whilst his leg difference is monstrous it will shave a little bit off and the leg difference isn’t going to contribute to that um that dark green I think if we if he have got up to eight points he could have turned but I’m not sure he will now as

Brett Clayton is a 61 winner over Jim McAn and the scotsman’s going to have to come again tomorrow if he wants to get a tour car but 103 average there from Brett Clinton we’ve seen some really really nice stuff from him this week and he’s one who’s come from pretty much

Nowhere coming into the day he only had one point on the board at the start of the day and he’s played himself into a colored slot on the order of Merit Bret clayon now at number 12 on Four Points with a plus 17 leg difference does that mean we’re going to

See the USA in the World Cup this year it will it will cool playing with one other potentially Danny no Danny lby because he is still in a green spot at the moment and could be on tour as well and Danny lby will stay in that green slot today potentially potentially

If Thomas Cromwell and Kieran Bridgewater don’t go deeper into this tournament James Beaton has beaten James harl that’s a little bit of a surprise to be fair it is with well it is with where J James H is at the top of the order of Merit and that was probably a probably a

Game that could have turned him dark green and I don’t think we’ll see a dark green in Great Britain today unless if Leon Bennett makes the final he might go dark green today if he makes the final uh no mat tomorrow is the last day Paul CW just pegged back Andy Barton

Andy Barton came out very quickly two nil ahead but now we have a Desmond over in Europe on Board number one Paul cron wins two on the spin tie that up 22 and the Bartons raced into a lead but he’s been pinned back Joshua Richardson has beaten

Mike wton W’s day is done he’s had a good day but he’s going to have to have another one tomorrow only two points he started with zero with those results Danny lby is now down to 10th a win for Brett clayon would take him out of the

Green Rees Griff run toight has put him up got one board in Britain just lagging behind haven’t we have we not oh no we’re good we’re good it’s done finally it’s Europe that’s where we’ve got a board there’s still that top 16 game howai puuha with match darts in

Hand now three or if bore can’t get rid of 97 that is 997 for Baltimore can’t so three Downs at double 16 for halai bua for the match he’s had a really really good couple of days hasn’t he yeah really impressive stuff and he does 61 puha wins I think once that refreshes

Everyone’s hitting refresh now aren’t they no one from in the greens winning outright tomorrow are they it’s some it’s gonna be gonna be someone from outside is dark green he is yes so at the minute where things stand now in Europe eight is the magic number eight gets you

In eight guarantees you a spot in Europe that will come down that will reduce but right now if you want to be 100% certain of your pdc2 card eight is the magic number and there’s nobody left in today’s tournament who can get to eight roex sanski will get to seven if

He makes the final that that those that final eight in the UK is a really interesting mix isn’t it yeah and I’m not so sure that too many people would have picked that eight this morning there’ll be people who claim they did but I don’t believe them Andy Barton’s just having to work

Harder for this three all now at the minute with Paul croner how can that have happened how strange right Andy Barton’s two away now 43 up we are consolidating it seems in the UK just having that little break before we get into the final stages of today’s event eight players

Left in the quarterfinals we haven’t had that little break and rest in the EU they’ve hammered through already one quarterfinal done and dusted two are underwear and one still to get started yes oh correct John Darren Webster is hoping that Thomas Cromwell has a bigger disaster than when he identified an Anna

Cleaves as a potential wife for Henry VII that’s the sort of Thomas Crum well disaster Webster’s hoping for oh Barton’s another important break there to go within one yeah correct Chris lman he got to the final on day one and then he hasn’t picked up a point since then and that has left

Him whilst he is still in the green is not at all comfortable and if he goes out early tomorrow he will be a very nervous man through the course of the afternoon because making a final is not making a final we don’t think will be enough if you don’t pick up any more

Points well look at Chris lamman he’s stranded on Five Points in no man’s land that’s it that was the question in the in in the chat room as to Chris lamman winning and then not picking any point oh go sorry getting to the final and not picking any points up but yeah

He he could finish I mean the likelihood is he’s going to finish today still in the green but if he do he’s going to be right on the bottom end of it and if he doesn’t pick up any points tomorrow he’s properly up against it yeah Barton’s got sick of losing I think

He did he certainly had his we ofs this morning and he is up for it today doing bits and he is there we have it Andy Barton 63 winner in the quarterfinals he sets up a semifinal oh hang on to make sure did you know my this screen did this exact

Same thing the other day where it tries to power off because I haven’t used it or press and remot come on please right what does that do to the order of Merit hello how are you I’m all right i’ just like to point out it was not magic it was always

Planned that I was meant to be here at this time thanks hi hello Daniel you’re right all right how are you I’m very good mate very good indeed I’m prolonging what I know is an inevitable miserable back end to my afternoon when I have to watch Newcastle play against

Man City so I’m at the minute I’m feeling great and I’ve tried to focus everything on enjoying every moment of the afternoon so far because I think it’s going to be on a downhill slope from here I can’t lie mate by contrast we’re having a decent little January our key

Players are out injured or traveling out swear but we’re already up in the cup semi-final we’ve got Bournemouth in the league which is already already League game of the of the month and another two Cup games against Fulham and Bristol City on Norwich yeah thanks boys that

Bleeds have injuries and players away on International Duty do it now have you been following I’ve had Jordan in the background Andy Barton has been sent ational is that good any though by the way Dominic grich was one of my picks before q sco that kid can

Play well he’s up against it at the minute because he’s 4-1 down so he’s at the minute he’s looking like the quarterfinal could be the ceiling for him today and he remains outside of the colored spots on the order of Merit so if he does slip out here 4-1 behind it’s looking lightly

He’s going to need a run tomorrow he’s going he’s 51 behind now so he is going to need to pick up a few points tomorrow if he’s going to get any further that may be the case but you just ruin my moment sorry mate are you going to I’m I’m dropping

Off in a few minutes go you’re have to take over uh Thomas Cromwell facts I hope you’ve been researching okay wasn’t he actually called Oliver CR no that’s a completely different block he was the Lord protect just two people with theame just two people with the surname

Cromwell it’s similarly to that me and Homer are well I suppose there’s a lot of similarities like in bad example I suppose that I mean Homer Simpson what was Thomas was how puha 56 for a hold of throw to level up oh can’t do it there’s an opportunity

Stefan there is an opportunity you might not get too many of them I wonder if howai puuha knows that he’s in dark green I wonder if he was refreshing before the match started what a tell you what this oh we’re just underway in the UK now Darren Webster

And Thomas Cromwell have got started that’s the longest breaking player we’ve had I think in the whole week isn’t it that little quiet spell we’ve had in Britain there yeah right I know Q score is about the players and not us is it who said that it is technically

Yeah all right we’ll let them have it um do you not get a little bit uninspired at times during stage two when players that have had cards for a significant amount of time and not done anything with them are then close to returning again and they’re at that

Level where they’re too good to not have a card but not good enough to do anything with it so we the the likening I’ve made throughout the day today is the the Patrick banford analogy Patrick banford is too good for the championship and he’s not good enough for the premier

League and there are multiple Patrick bamfords in this pool of players today mitovich teimo puki Patrick Bamford yeah correct there’s a bunch of them as well in in there’s a buch inv verions yeah saganski deserves to be back on tour he’s very unlucky there was one point last year where he was the

Most informed polish player in the world he just left it too late I think he settled all right he had that issue for the first 12 months where players just don’t settle early enough and and now he’s settled and done all right but look lovely bloke been around a long long

Time but what does Darren Webster off of the pral these days no I agree yeah and we’ve seen it before where we’ve seen people come through and we’ve seen people actually win win two a cards outright they’ve had like one one amazing day and everyone’s

Had a bit of an eye roll at the end of it thinking like oh for God’s sake you know like that like that’s that’s going to be um what we’re watching for the next couple of years um but it’s but it’s difficult we as I say we talked ear

Do you do you just expand the do you expand the amount of cards that go to the challenge to it that potentially makes it a bit you know that you’re giving more of the inform players a a run at it but realistic you still need that element of bonker’s Lottery

Don’t you everyone loves it yeah how poha seems like once he’s got the news of his dark green status it’s gone to his that he’s 3-0 behind that’s a scrappy opening leg Darren Webster and Thomas Cromwell Webster picks the leg up one nil but both averaging 62 it’s not gone to plan has

It not so far opening legs on the board in all of the quarterfinals and they all go to the players on the left hand side ree Griffin Darren Webster Brett clayon Kieran bridgew I mean Brett Clayton’s another one yeah right folks I’m afraid that’s me for the

Day I’m going as well Go’s holding the for for the last hour or whatever it is oh well on mate I shall tune in if I get the opportunity and uh with a bit of luck cross my fingers I shall be on for a bit tomorrow you all I’ll catch up

With you tomorrow thanks for see you all later bye yeah harsh on Mitch he was decent but he also scored a bag full of penalties didn’t he so we’ll give him that yeah I’m not calling out any player like it’s their livelihood and their career and they’re going to go up and

And try and make an earning from it but I’m looking at players that have been there multiple times I don’t see having enough to break top 64s consistently and challenge or kick on to the next level game because i’ been doing it for so long look Dar Webster had that first but

Can he still do it at his age with the amount of setbacks he’s had I don’t think so would he be more suited to a cracker modor exhibitions he still works so he’s still earning and then go and play a bit of the seniors and have a bit

More fun and relax a bit possibly BR clayon I’ve seen him win of Riley’s Open qualifier I’ve seen him there’s approach a few times saw him at the Super Series a few weeks ago I don’t think Brett Clayton has the level of game in him to

Go and consistently push the be a top 16 or top 32 player and if I don’t think you’ve got that drive and you or that ability to to push on at some point me as a fan and as somebody who covers a sport would much rather see a a

Joshua Richardson chucked in there as a former World youth Champion or a Bennett or a James beat and you know players that we haven’t seen their best from that we go all right we’ll going and put you in that environment and see what you can do yeah

It will be interesting is solid right and most people at Q School are solid that’s that’s why they’re at Q School it’s just just I definitely Dro that then that I definitely dropped out mid sentence in yeah it’s just it’ll be interesting to see what happens Ronnie into another Master’s final by the

Way not bad considering he hates the place yeah someone asked me about that yesterday I don’t know if you heard what what did I think of his comments and I said I can’t comment on all of it because I don’t go to some of the places

In Ali P that they’re based and things like that but I can confirm it is freaking freezing at this time of year so the players area you know if you comeing through the VIP entrance yeah it’s the first door on the left or always used to be so if you’re

Coming through the VIP entr yeah yeah like the cafe on the right haven’t you the Players Lounge is on the left that’s where our media room is for the darts yeah that’s that’s the Players Lounge for snooker that’s cold then yeah he’s right or it was when I went a few years ago

Yeah Hope was 31 down back level at three of piece look I think some people are misinterpreting comments in the chat room a little bit if they’re good enough to win 3 Q score they do deserve their place yeah they do but I guess that’s an

Issue with the system and and what we’ve got going on a minute you’ve got players missing out that are arguably better the lik of Daryl Pilgrim they year has been one of the stand out players Andy Barton has turned it around a bit today to be fair but you’ve got

Players who for a year have been more consistent and better players but can’t do it in one event that means they then miss out on being a professional for the next 24 months at least 12 months yeah that that’s the thing it’s it’s look if you win a card from qore

Agreed you do deserve it but it’s the system that’s wrong you’ve got a year ranking of the challenge tour done over a year not four days effectively and I just can’t believe we don’t use that better it’s worth too much money they created a monster it’s

The same reason we sit here and stream it yeah 100% look I that bit I fully get but in terms of as a darts fan I want the best players on tour and the current way it is done the best players don’t end up on tour don’t get me wrong for us

At the Super Series it’s fantastic because the likelihood is we get all these good players for another year but they should be on the professional tour but they’re not correct and look we’re in a far better position than some other sports snooker have a CU school system right and the names that

Come through that are the same players that that drop off constantly there’s very little fresh talent coming into snooker right now you’ve got the likes of um Stan Moody and another youngster right but they’re 14 15 16 getting chucked into the pro rank because there is just not enough coming through that

They can go and challenge the EST lished top 32 Michael Holt’s been off the tour for the last couple years he’s finally got his tour card back recently can he kick con and be a top 16 player he’s been close a couple of times but the without Asia dominating that Q

School and creating the Stars I’m not sure the UK is doing that right now no also I’m a bit frustrated knowing that the Asian TS started today why is that not next weekend how many players have then made a decision to play any Asian tour because it’s closer to home rather than traveling

Never crack at this possibly possibly some how we doing Jamie not last dat is tomorrow uh Big Johnny I am off in a minute because I’ve got to direct the Super Series tonight I’m just waiting on Europe to go live in the semi-final so I can make sure the feature game’s right for

Gob I’ve got go and press some buttons so when he misses the winning double tonight it’s not the spotter to blame it’s Phil oh no spot didn’t tell me the right one to press I’ve got the line keyed up already the spot is the

Best in the world or one of them I don’t believe that no you to be fair we have got the second best spotter in the world on tonight I’ll still blame him though yeah I Jamie absolutely it’s five events is ridiculous uh do you have sleep uh I I

Survive on five hours six tops and then all of a sudden I’ll just crash for a couple of days recharge and go again probably not the best lifestyle I agree but do you remember when I shocked J When J first met me properly and he was like he never

Sleeps no Owen Binks is a spotter of the Super Series yeah B binksy Spot Charlie spot I was working with Charlie Charlie spotted last night but Owen’s incredible puuha is on a charge here but God I’m GNA change the UK game now so it’s on board one for you okay

Bennett takes lead on Brett clayon Trail in that one Cromwell and Webster back to four a piece Kieran Bridgewater is he actually from Bridgewater that would be incredible if that was true wouldn’t it an absolute nightmare growing up Bridgewater from Bridgewater just says England 27 years

Old now too too Fair J all the software is in my house is the issue and go doing it remote yes so there won’t even be a video at the end I’ve got to log into a different device and just kill the stream I’ll just be S like an idiot yeah

Pretty much but there’s nothing we can do is the only way we can end it St but don’t worry we’re all back tomorrow for what is going to be an unbelievable day what from wer [ __ ] just outside kid Minster it’s not a million miles from bridgew so down the

M5 lots of miles down the M5 brackets Bridgewater [Laughter] bridgew I’ve just I’ve just seen the comments from Ronnie’s interview after his win did you hear it I’ve seen Twitter where he just said I don’t want to play Ali because he’s always fired up to beat me or who’s the

Other guy oh Mark Mark’s all right yeah Sound Don’t Care About Records I hold them all anyway I know it’s this one I don’t feel that old I feel young in my mind these players look old their brains are quite slow they need to get their axe together

Because I’m going blind I’ve got a dodgy arm bad knees and they still can’t beat [Laughter] me oh that’s [ __ ] brilliant from Ronnie he’s got a point he’s sat there all week telling everyone how terrible he’s playing he’s in another Master’s final could you imagine if if he

Actually likes sluka a bit like garyan if he actually liked darts yeah and Wade yeah he’s got a point though like snooker is going to be in a rut right because as much as they’re relying on the class of 92 to still be around in Ronnie and Mark Williams and whatever

Else the next gen Jud Mark Allen Selby um the other one Kieran is it Kieran you get my point they’re not getting any young oh yeah yeah know I’m with you yeah I Am with You Kiren Wilson and that’s it Barton’s sedlack is warming up as his

Sansy hope I put that’s that’s an outstanding semi-final lineup isn’t it in Europe Neil Robertson’s 41 as Thomas Cromwell becomes the first UK semifinalist he beats Darren Webster 64 uh you’re right tomorrow is going to be Carnage hearts are going to be broken tomorrow Russell wasn’t a fluke world champion was he

Like he didn’t play his best to go and win that world championship he got very attacking at Key times and got away with it but it wasn’t a fluke he’s been he’s the Michael Smith of snooker isn’t he like born to be a world champion Ronnie’s been tipping him up since he was

12 I thought you were going um Sav man then you know that’s been proven false don’t you they went off one Twitter she’s actually 26 is she fair enough it just it was just funny they made the news everywhere yeah yeah look tomorrow is going to be absolute Carnage

Right right there you go go got board one on both you good with that yes cool right everyone I’m shooting off because I need to go to Portsmouth we will be back tomorrow to bring you all the Carnage as it happened God before I go you me to put you to the one

Placeholder yeah cool give me a sec light B is currently fifth overall so if he doesn’t win today yeah he’s already on Six Points so he’s going to stay in the top 10 clayon and Griffin or the others cayon would move up to Five Points he’ have to

Then get beat in the final to match Bennett points total Griffin 53 up but he hasn’t had a chance to win it again yet has he if you’ve won it for the first time just gone you can’t call it a fluke until he’s had a chance to at least defend it three times

Right go I’m going to switch you across now I will bid farewell and I will see you all tomorrow bye quick now we can talk about it the draw tomorrow can kill off some people before game even starts it’s brutal how Q School works we did have a

Win for Rees Griffin the Welshman Beach James beaten 63 Sedlak takes the opener against Barton with a 12 D leg in calar Kieran Bridgewater wraps up a 63 win over Josh rich just 75 average that one it’s getting tense in Milton Kings and then there’s just one quarterfinal remaining Leon Bennett just

A leg away against Bret clayon oh it will happen Dean two people on four or five points bridge on against it will happen it’s inevitable big 171 from Brett clayon to leave 16 but Bennett can wrap up the match with a 160 checkout oh my God and he’s done it late

Benett has just taken out 160 to beat Brett clayon and book his spot in the semi finals that moves him on to Seven Points uh plus 21 leg difference 57 legs one and he jumped straight up into the top three wow wow wow wow 171 to leave a single Dart finish

No we have it yes I do love the darts and I’ve been saying this very very early on this year as well that we were in contention for it nobody believe me anfield is an absolute Fortress right now we’re still in the Europa we’re leading in the League Cup we’re nice

Draw in the FA Cup all the players are missing at the right time Trent out for three weeks um endo and Salah gone away Etc yeah I think we’re very well equipped City a a decent way back still missing key players got to get them fit dragas in is either Center

Back let Bennett is as good as secur his T card nobody dark green in the UK as yet eight points with 100% secure everything else they’re relying on the draw but it’s very very likely that K later Bennett will earn a tour card watch K is he fit yet

Ten hog is a g is a win away from being your most successful manager of alltime win record win ratio mate H down puhar sagansky still warming up Sedlak leads Barton 2-1 despite the fact Barton is averaging 1003 right now we do have two semi-finals in the UK they will be

Between Kieran Bridgewater relating Bennett and Thomas Cromwell against reys Griffin don’t tell him that St I’m on to W up see a sh two a piece then Bon’s levels up 183 for a 15 D lag Jo you’re a very bitter man thank you for my alcohol but yeah you suck and you suck

For a while now and it’s beautiful to see my generation of people Millennials whatever you want to call us right if you’re in the UK hate Manchester United because all we ever did was grow up with Manchester United winning trophies winning games of football getting away

With [ __ ] that they did not deserve to Fergie time referees all sorts manate every single year something went in their faor and now you suck and it is beautiful beautiful to see afternoon Tom are you in readying next week I get the pleasure of your company

I’m going to have to phone you to get you out of bed yeah but now I’m going to ruin your child childhood J so it’s brilliant that’s still time Boys Don’t You Worry Jurgen clubs 2.0 Squad are here Al two Champions Leagues Co doesn’t count yeah you wait

You wait till Court finally s them cheating bastards out in the sky blue 14 dark leg for sagansky to open a semi-final not bad uh puhar already secured of his passage back or onto the pro tour shall I say you worry about yourself Ricky boy I’ve not seen the fact that a

Mongolian lad has just won his card at jdcq school but I am aware there is a number of senior players from Mongolia traveling to the world teor St Championship qualifiers over the next few weeks keep an eye out for those can’t wait to call them out to play each game

Uh Barton now leads 32 up on Sedlak I’ll be honest love the darts I know very little about women’s football unless it’s at International level and the fact that the first WSL Champions were Liverpool then you’ve come to the wrong place Anonymous also my friend from University

Was on the GB team as an Archer and then he started playing Poland darts and sacked it off so yeah you know Jessica says I fancy the Beast to win or you’re very attracted to the Belgian man potentially Tam there’s certainly a few building there I said unless it’s at International level

Down steady on don’t be calling me don’t be comparing me to him oh I’ll let you off and on I get it now still no sign of life in the UK no to win he’s not my type just check in you never know who’ll be the best player most

Likely to not get a card tomorrow well let’s scroll down to the bottom of the list shall we Richard North’s got to be in that conversation former tour card holder Joe muren former tour card holder 19 legs on minus eight leg difference Scott weight absolute No Man’s

Land Ted evz making a hard deal of it Andy Hamilton by not playing is only just below halfway that’s how flawed this system is by the way way Andy Hamilton in a field of 128 players in the UK 64 is halfway he’s 78 by not picking up a dart so

Far if he has a big win early and then loses he can finish in the top 16 Barton’s 43 up on sedac going full beast mode now the WF world champion uh this wi would put him on to Five Points Plus a fair whacker leg difference I don’t think that’s what he

Eying up right now he very unlikely bar doesn’t go on to win it from here puuha however leading sansy 2-1 both players well over the 100 Mark in that one p 103 toy 10023 Super Series has debuted enough Nation so far to be fair Anonymous I

Wouldn’t surprise me if if one of the Mongolian players catches an eye am I on tomorrow yeah I’ll be here all day tomorrow I was on the Super Series yesterday the day before and then Dan and leam both said they’re available this morning oh you boys have a go I’ve

Been playing Hogwarts Legacy because I’m cool at the age of 28 I think there’s a difference between Andy Hamilton and players withdrawing at later stage in the field so somebody who’s who’s played the first days and withdraw on the final day I understand your point about not getting a minor six

Hamilton is only there for Sunday like he’s aren’t the right to go to one of the four days that’s he’s aren’t the right to be in stage two if he so wishes that’s a difference he’s not doing it to affect anyone he had prior commitments elsewhere Philippines are smashing darts right now

I don’t know which famous former tour card holders daughter ree Griffin is engaged to uh R only played stage two day one say modus on Monday right I’m not sure um re Griffin Rees Griffin I did know that but I can’t remember one away then for Barton he wants just 52 Sedlak needs the baby fish to stay alive with underway in semi-final number two in the UK Cromwell against Griffin we’re just waiting on Bridgewater and Bennett to get

Going and then we have it Andy Barton is into today’s Final 103.2 average for for the beast that’s strange from knitting Kumar uh sansy now leads puuha by the way pua’s average just took an absolute tumble uh while sansky 32 h Reese engage to Daniel Ashton beast mode activated unfortunately I can’t update

The featured game so we are stuck with what we can see from here on out we will get both of the finals did Andy Barton get any points yesterday no he started today on zero stew beaten early in day one and two for I’ve never heard of P Patrick Gat G no

Idea done a fine job so far finds himself third on the order Merit he’s one that could go dark green depending on the draw tomorrow or depending on a couple of early losses he might he might not have to pick up his Dart again he will go dark

Green uh bottom end of the order of Merit Andrew I think we’re going to see one player qualify with five I think n maybe not there’s quite a few far back though seven seven definitely six very likely I think one player might sneak in with five

Yes if you are suspended or banned by the Dr you are not allowed to attend any event that Dr sanction that includes Q School uh quite possibly yeah that should be showing Bridgewater Bennett but Bennett’s just taking the opening leg which means you’re not going

To be a to see the final either he had one job I’m a bit worried that means EU won’t no from here either Alexis Taylor Wins Asian tour 2 with a 161 check out interesting toy was he the one that won stage one as well is he rocked up and done the double

Today it just keeps playing Carlo if he wins it outright then he comes off the order of Merit and the next player then goes green if not then he stays dark green he has the option of playing tomorrow knowing that he’s already safe Barton’s now up to seventh overall

By the way Toyo beater Malik D the braer back to back to back I saw that this morning that’s some run considering that’s pretty much everything we know about uh Asian tour and and the Philippine ranking players UHA Malik nraa all you’re missing is Perez at that point and that is the big

Four looks like Toyo might be joining that others on the order M we wanting a Bennett win then pretty much yeah I’m not yeah here against Bridgewater and they’ll be one a griffin win against Cromwell as well so that one of those two then is taken off the order of Merit

And another spot opens up below doesn’t really matter in the EU in Europe when all three players are within the 16 why’ you ask na you wonder why J M is C had a big winner oh Bennett now leads Bridgewater 3-0 sansy pu four of pce 101 average plays 91 10

Points difference between those two but they are locked in at four a piece a best of three effectively from there Cromwell uh it was an 83 average to beat Darren Webster in the last it’s averaging just 74 right now but he is 31 up on marce Griffin

Never Tam I’ll be honest he wasn’t one that I’d picked up on in the last couple years but must have been practicing while the worlds was on I don’t think the B Bahrain players going on the World Series average about 60 want yeah but PDC is like a bad hooker right now get

Anything if you pay for it sansy leads P 54 now one away for the pole and he’s left 181 n against SAS pu back on 260 needs at least a t to leave a finish only finds 42 and sansky has six from 181 to break the throw and

Break pu’s heart of winning out right he’s there though leaves 61 oh the game did load benett 3-1 up now at 3- nil up bridgew busts double 10 he must have hit double 15 B hard does leave himself a finish with 160 and radex sansky secures his spot in

Today’s Final haluha has already secured his tour card mathematically he cannot be caught on the order of Merit he sits at the top of that on nine points R sansy has just booked his spot into the final he moves on to seven points I will jump over Patrick gats into third place

On the order of Merit and will take on Andy Barton in today’s Final hi Daniel yeah tomorrow should is the fun one it’s where this all culminates Joel heisen yeah he made the final today didn’t he beat Sandra sing 41 when sing 106 big win that one all right Daniel how are you

I did see the ring game abandoned and it looks like they’re going to keep doing that for a considerable amount of time sounds good to me Cromwell leads Griffin 42 Griffin was s on a finisher to take a three a piece take a three a

Piece yeah what a week for hopes he will have to fly back to New Zealand right now to go and apply for his Sportsman’s Visa Ben Rob told us exactly the same details so it’s likely we might not see for the first couple of events but that

Card is now secure puuha would then make his way back to the UK hopefully to set himself up nicely and have a crack at it obviously misses the first few Pro Tour events but work to be done and he’s clearly got the ability interesting point I’ve Just Seen on

Twitter looking at WF ranking Liston it’s going to change as things stand on Monday uh ranked 1 168 n and 10 all in Q score qualifying places and two four and five have already got their tour cards that leaves number three and number seven to me

Griffin wants 32 to get back to V one and it goes that was just a hold of froo Cromwell with the darts to restore a two-leg cushion he currently needs 43 Bennett leads 4-2 over Kieran Bridgewater and we’re waiting on that final to start between Andy Bartons and radic

Sagansky so maximum from ree Griffin against the darts Cromwell opened just 60 Bennett opening just 57 as well there are openings appearing a 43 from Cromwell Griffin already has stolen the DTs 77 ahead plus these okay so halai P finishes nine points plus 25 legs 821 he is top of the

Order of Merit from Jules vanan sansky cannot go above with a win nether can Bartons but they would win their card outright who do you think wins euq school yeah good question chat room who wins the final from here Barton or sansky the WF world champion or the

Polish Ace who was arguably being one of the standout players on the pro tour in the back end of 2023 just left it a little too late I’m going Bartons I think the Beast is an ever but when he wants to get on a win chance then for Griffin to find that

All important break for him he wants 58 and it goes in two we’re back at four a piece and Griffin has the darts in an effective best of three Bennett wants 11 10 for a three- leg cushion it leaves 32 Bridgewater wants tops to get back to Wi one that’ll be for

Three and he goes inside three times Bennett back in the southwest corner yeah I just have to the compass in my head uh I can’t Pierce because I stole it from someone else’s tweet and I don’t know who is actually in that list let’s have a look wdf world

Rankings uh Andy Barton’s yellow class and Neil duff duff is number three well sticking around because he’s a motor Super Series halai Pua Luke ler James harl Ben Rob Wesley pcia Chris Lam and Danny lby Ben Rob is the only one other than that not currently in the old Amer

It could well soon be Neil Duff Kai fan Mark buril as a top three Darren Johnson is a Ben Rob surge into G every else staying the same away from being the WF world number four underway in the European final bars definitely has not set it up right unless it’s on a

Delay you expect six starts from here for late and Bennett he leads five two he’s left 210 Bridgewater on 1 194 he does leave a finish that six is less likely right now we have seen him do some spectacular things this week though uh Cromwell has broken straight

Back he now leads Griffin 54 he’s throwing for the match despite averaging just 77 right now Griffin 80 Bennett though not pressured on the 167 and now he’s still probably got six at it bangs in a 99 leaves 68 uh expected at least to darta Tops or double 16 from that

Combination whichever route he so chooses oh my God KN County have just Scored they now lead 54 against Grimsby what a game that is Barton wants tops for the opener in Europe and it goes in one a 13 D le open for the WF world champion sagansky to serve uh Bennett is into the final he beats Kieran BridgeWalk

62 and the star of the power at the tower exhibition is into today’s Final to win his card outright that does move him top of the order of Merit regardless and I suspect he will go dark green on eight points as well so he’s on a 5050

From here he’s on a bit of a free roll it does not matter if he doesn’t win this final ree Griffin however does matter he is currently sixth on the order of Merit Thomas Cromwell was 16th a win here would put him at least ninth in fact I make yeah I make it

Ninth one 121 from sagansky to leave 92 but Barton’s left 82 after 9 and it’s an 11 D leg for Randy Bartons to go with a 13 to open that’s an average of 12 legs 125 average for Bartons through two um Thomas Cromwell beats ree Griffin 64 so

We have today’s Final will be Thomas Cromwell against Leon Bennett I’ll talk you through the European finals are waiting for that uh I can’t get the European game on it should have been set up to just automatically load that board but the software is controlled by Phil

Who has left his house to go to Ports to stream the mod of Super Series so unfortunately we cannot show the watchong use darts um or tv. dark connect to follow along with the scores B leads 2-0 then sansky against the darts 18060 ton to leave

161 it back with a 137 to leave 160 so gansi doesn’t take out the 161 fing 137 of his own to leave double 12 Barton no good on the 160 and you suspect sanski will get a leg on the board right now three in hand at Double

12 to have the deficit it goes in three there we have it sansky to throw I’ve seen that a lot Jessica and I’m not sure like oh my God grimy have just scored Grimsby have just scored 105th minute a 95th minute equalizer to level up at 55 L’s already in the light

Green I know he’s yellow but he will go back back up yeah correct up the refresh Yanni kesak will also do the same in Europe Barton goes ton ton80 ton 80 to leave 41 after nine against the darts brutal scoring saganski finally got a foothold into the match where Andy Bar

Was going absolute bizer 125 average after two legs to then go 58 58 85 T he leaves 200 after 12 uh we’ll get a chance to at least have that and apply some pressure Barton missed two at double 16 finds a ton to leave a ton but

Barton with three more in hand in the southwest Corridor takes it in one a 13 D leg winning legs so far a 1313 and 11 for Andy Barton he’s averaging 110 and opens up 136 in leg number four tough ask here for sagansky who is as

Good as there by the way they both pretty nicely placed in the order of Merit reminder sansy leaves 132 after nine this time 140 96 133 for him 136 45 134 for Barton to leave 186 on on his darts what can he te up from here leaves 86 after

12 gansky just a steady 60 from 132 and Barton has a chance here to put real daylight between the pair 86 he requires should at least get a dart of the ball and it goes in two he’s gone 54 32 Andy Barton is 4-1 up averaging 10 in a QB

Sco final what a way to go and secure your tour card the WF world champion is not hanging around here RX G is AAG in 96 and he’s not laying a glove on Barton’s beast mode is well and truly here this could be over before we see

The start of the UK final late and Bennett against Thomas Cromwell coming up in just a couple of minutes time chat room let me know who you think will win the UK match between Leon Bennett and Thomas Cromwell we’ve already had plenty of predictions uh for the European match between Barton sansy lots

Of you back in the Beast and looking like you might well be right from here he leads 4-1 he leads 164 after nine again he’s left to finish after nine in virtually every leg so far sansky leaves one after 12 144 for him only 20 points better off than Bartons

It is a much nicer finish doesn’t require the use of the ball if he gets a look him but how much pressure will he be under if he does B just bangs in a 120 and it’s another ton for sansky to leave 44 they both want 44 but it is

Barton’s throwing at at first against the darts for a 51 lead and he’s missed the first sign of a little wobble from Bartons and he’s missed two darts for a 15 Dart like how can we call that a wobble ludicrous Barton takes 44 and

Two and he does now get back to with in two 4-2 Barton with the darts here is it the top 64 probably contract PDC anyone darts super series uh anybody with a tour card uh has a restriction of trade placed on them and that they cannot play in any streamed um D’s event

Barton leaves 104 after 12 no finish after nine this time but sansy back on 220 needs at least to 140 to apply some pressure here only finds 40 and it’s six from 104 for Bartons to put himself one away from the professional ranks of the professional darts Corporation PDC darts Barton 104

Then leaves 12 must have Miss a dart inside at Double 12 sansy fires in a ton to leave he’s rapid a he and Barton wants double six for a 5-2 lead taking its time has it gone inside left dou three no goes first start and Barton is a leg away from a tour

Card the win losing in his first matching day one and day two one of the overriding favorites to join the PDC this year Andy Barton is now a leg away sansy 137 to open Barton just 58 in response won’t Panic too much yet Bartons this is against the throw knows

He’ll be coming back for at least twice more in this match sagansky won 140 brilliant response from him with his back to the wall 137 14085 to leave 139 one of the worst finishes in the game uh just fact but he has got PL plenty of time to

Tee this up I wouldn’t wouldn’t be surprised to see 99 to leave tops 128 to leave 11 strange some from Barton so leave 224 but it is sansy plenty of time yeah I think he’s already there and on but it’s nice to do it outright isn’t

It sansi does take leg number eight and now Barton is throw for the match 40 to open for the Beast UK so slow between matches since quarterfinal I’m not sure if this is part of uh the PDC coverage obviously they’ve got Dan Dawson on site in the UK they don’t in Europe whether

Or not it’s the players just knowing what they can get away with a little bit Europe have taken a bit of stick over how slow they’ve been the last few days uh or if they are recording stuff for the behind the scenes documentary for the player interviews on social

Media and for the dark show live so we will find out in the next few weeks I guess 20 19 from 11s yeah oh slick from Barton he went on 401 then only 41 to leave 220 after nansy back on 341 140 edges him just ahead but Barton still

Does have the advantage of throw keep him straight and you’re on at least a finish at 160 bangs in a 180 instead to leave tops he’s coming back for a 13 D leg to secure his tour card what a performance this has been from Andy Barton still

Averaging 102 he switched off for a couple of legs sansy makes it to 101 but his tops four Bartons for a tour card and he’s missed three he’s left double 10 sansky with a 101 can get back to 54 he’d have the darts in the next

Leg and force a deider but Andy Barton’s been so comfortable so brilliant in this match so far sagansky takes out 101 for a 15 D break of throw and he is throwing to level us up remember saganski is as good as there right now he is on seven points and plus 36 leg

Difference there’s a good chance he goes dark green before he even picks up his darts tomorrow if not he’s one win away guaranteed Andy Barton is slightly further back five points plus 22 legs he’s been absolutely brilliant uh up until this moment today sansy 140 ton uh

Barton has only open up for 55 we’re heading to a decider who saw this one come in 140 in response from Barton leaves 306 will have to use the 19s if he’s to leave a finish or should leave the 19s should I say at 140 from radic once

Again to leave 121 after nine and Barton’s fires in 100 which means he hasn’t used a 19s at all which means he’s given up on this leg or he just can’t count 89 from Z to leave 32 and he’s coming back for a 13 Dart leg don’t remember Barton just had

Dart for a 13 or five visit leg to wrap up match he had three in hand at tops match starts to secure his tour card he’s falling apart a bit here tonning just 15 scored from B sansi wants double 16 and Bon will have to hold his throw to secure his tour

Card sagansky goes into five a piece and we do have a noble leg for a tour card elsewhere Leon Bennett and Thomas Cromwell is now underway Bennett with the advantage of throw and finds a two trouble visit to open 135 backed up with a ton Pro just a

60 butttons this is trouble just 54 to open sagansky responds of a 93 it’s just a turn a visit and there is the maximum why have we ever doubted Andy Bartons he bangs in a 180 at the perfect time still under pressure though 140 from sanski

And he still does lead this match just a 58 uh response little bit of breathing room now about a 100 ahead butons plus these and he finds a 140 to leave 127 in game after nine darts sansy only a maximum can leave a finish he’s on 350

140 to leave 210 so it’s at least six starts and 127 for Bartons to finally get the job done has already missed match starts for a tour card allowed the Polish number three back into the game at this point oh he’s missed eight for it 111 scored for Barton returning for

Double eight I can’t put the scores up because Phil disappeared and he is using the streaming software uh he was meant to set them up so they automatically loaded they have not but Barton wants double eight for a tour card and he’s no scored four I think he’s missed seven match

Starts Now sagansky wants 114 58 leaves 56 Last Chance Andy Barton you will not get another I assure you not the way sansky has responded in the last few legs Barton for a tour card goes in one D the Beast the WF world champion is heading to to the professional DS

Corporation Andy Bartons uh is your winner in the euq school today beach ransi in a last leg decider and there we have it he will join Martin dra and yela Classen as tour card holders from the euq school so far let’s not forget halai puhar and George vong who are

Mathematically assured of a tour card from calar as well um elsewhere Le Bennett has made absolute hash of the first leg in which he led pretty comfortably Thomas Cromwell has just taken the opener to lead one nil every time I’ve looked of the scores and averages so far Thomas Cromwell has done

Nothing special for the last couple of games but he has been battling away he finds himself in this final and once again he now leads one nil remember first to six once more good outcome for both yeah look sagansky pretty much secured uh that takes Bartons off the order mer Yanni kesak is

Now in that 13th Place on the order mer Christian kiss the player that sits outside if if everything stays the same tomorrow and the winner comes from those top players then kiss would be the player to sneak in leam M or Lawrence perilously close to that top 13 in

Europe as well Rusty Jake Rodriguez Paul Crona Dominic brud Stephan schroer Stefan hendrik Patrick tringa Gilbert Vander miden Tim Walters Thomas hudek an M tibo Treo John Michael are the next few players just outside radex sagansky if he does not play tomorrow has secured his tour card

If not then he runs a risk of a minor six leg difference and that would put him at risk I presume uh Bennett wants Shanghai to stay alive this will be for a 15 D break straight back chomo sat on 67 then it scores 80 so has he missed a

D at tops there perhaps or has he missed both of them and hit tops last start to leave tops anyway chomo 67 for a 2-0 lead there 51 inside inside to leave double two Bennett tops to respond taking a while goes in three Lon Bennett back on

The board one a piece 76 average play 79 the advantage of throw back with the man from Lincolnshire man 18y old boy 14060 from Bennett 6045 from chomo not quite as fast Pac this one as the final in Europe Barton both love to get on of

It Bennett seems to slowed down a little bit judging by how quickly the numbers are coming in maybe it is just cromwell’s day Jeff as he bangs in a 180 to get back to pretty much level in this leg Lon Lon Lon Lon Lon scores 40 to leave

168 only a 60 from Cromwell does leave a finish on6 not quite the punishment he would have hoped for when he saw Bennett leave a bogy though com from benett he’s misss leaves 12 Cromwell 92 to steal where’s Phil he’s currently driving to Portsmouth he is directing at the mot of Super Series

This evening and Bennett leads 21 sorry my throat’s g a bit we raced through that European game PR with the darts 56 ton opening scores for him backed up by a 59 to just one treble in three visits and he is in trouble a little 99 134 from Bennett on 268 expect

Him to use the 19s here players get a little more creative I think he did because he’s only scored 41 two singles and a three turn from Cromwell to leave 186 then it hits back 140 own to leave 87 should get thato not on a finish to a piece

40 to open against the DS this time Bennett 96 T he’s been drawn into a scrap here like the level we’ve seen from Bennett today and throughout this week 81 from Bennett to leave 224 sorry Jamie uh Cromwell 140 to leave 164 first to a finish against the darts sometimes you need on

Poad is Tom cromwell’s name on the third automatic tour card of the UK Q School in 2024 140 from Bennett to leave 84 will be should be coming back be for a 12 da for Cromwell 136 to leave 28 went the 19s route hit one single on

The other bangs in trouble 20 to leave double 14 and L Bennett has a chance to regain the lead which he fails to do 42 leaves 42 wonder if he’s missed a dart of the balls are there but 28 goes in two for Thomas Cromwell Han now leads 32 he’s

Halfway to a tour card Leon Bennett the outright leader I suspect a message similar to that of radex sagansky will appear uh at the top of darts rankings at the end of this match lat will have a tour card by the end of this week given that he’s

Currently on eight points the only player to do so uh and has a plus 25 leg difference at worst that could now drop to a plus 21 leg difference but we’re seeing a couple more legs from him here at least as well I expect Bennett to get a tour card

Regardless of the outcome of this final Thomas Cromwell now up to ninth in the order of Merit with his run today started on zero points much like Andy Bartons did what an outright run this would be Chromo leads 32 his darts here in leg number six he’s gone 3396 140 Bennett

18140 against the darts should tee up a nice little two D from here leaves 81 after nine and Bennett coming back to restore par at three a piece reminder L and Bennett did win the Bulls out this will be a break back it’s currently 32 to Thomas Cromwell who has

Left 52 after 12 darts I know nothing about Patrick’s Bennett 49 scored leaves 32 so Thomas Cromwell back for five2 doesn’t go just 58 scored from him 94 remaining Bennett wants double 16 to level up at three a piece and it goes into a 14 dark leg and

L Bennett is back level at 3 each with Thomas Cromwell does f now need to win a card out right let’s have a quick look uh 55th in the aut Merit one point and a minus two leg difference um only five points we get

And they were put on to six I think she has to at least make the final yet radic has his card if he doesn’t play tomorrow I swear Bennett leaves 86 after n he’s really kicked on with a scoring phase of his game now 951 8140 leaves 32 once again he’s missing

The dart at the end of these combinations unless he’s not had it unless that’s three single 18 scored Cromwell 140 to leave 80 after 12 as well but Bennett with three in hand in the 16s Corridor once again and it goes into 14 Dart leg for Leighton Bennett leads 43 Thomas

Cromwell 96 to open with the darts imagine how on Earth we would have done this years ago without darts rankings basic but brilliant tool it is at 9618 from Cromwell leaves 207 after nine on his darts he Trails 43 in the match L Bennett’s gone 54 9344 in response so a

Daylight between the two in this leg you expect a nice comfortable hold from chrome for all here a ton leaves 107 uh should at least get three at it depending on Bennett’s next visit finds a 140 to leave the big fish so only three darts guaranteed at this

107 for crom you’d expect six uh but we know the 170 is not beyond the capabilities of Bennett Cromwell uh leads leaves double five is that a mistake no one likes fives no one I refuse to believe you if you say you like fives and Bennett wants the big fish can he relive

In no not even close 48 scored leaves one two2 which I’ve apply named the Nick forwell this week uh six from Cromwell told you no one likes fives he leaves four and Bennett wants one two2 for Sir Nicholas and it goes in three that’s the bit of quality we’ve been waiting for

From Leon Bennett and surely surely now the young Superstar is on his way to pick up his tour card and join his jdc England teammate Luke ler as a PDC professional Leighton Bennett leads 53 over Thomas Cromwell and is now throwing for a tour card he is the outright

Leader on the order of Merit anyway chance off he’ lost this game he would have been going dark green similar to puhar and Van dongan in Europe and maybe even a note at the top similar to radex sagansky who has won his card should he not participate in euq school tomorrow

However Bennett with the darts to secure his tour card fires in a maximum to Star 83 in response from Cromwell backed up with a 95 from Bennett 226 after six 8396 response from Cromwell just 47 from Bennett does not leave a finish and there’s a 97 from Cromwell

He’s not found a two trouble visit all of this leg he would have been hoping for at least one if not two but that last visit from Bennett is a bit of an open dependent on what he does here 81 to leave 98 nobody likes double 19 as

Much as nobody likes double five actually named Simon Whitlock the crazy Australian man that he is 95 from Cromwell again no straight visit no two trouble visit from him leaves the baby fish if he gets a look at but Leon Bennett has match DS for a tour card

98 I’ve not frozen it’s just taking a while 98 for Bennett for a tour card is he settling himself it goes in three darts Leighton Bennett is a 2024 PDC tour card holder the youngster beats Thomas cromo 63 in a final which took a little bit of a time to get going

But Bennett is the third player from Milton Kings to secure his passage onto the protour next year he joined Steve Lennon and Robert Grundy as the outright winners from Milton keing let’s not forget Martin dra yell class and Andy Bartons who have picked up their cards

Outright in Cala uh shout out also to halai Pua and Jules van dongan they’ve secured their spots where order of Merit and R sansy will join them if he does not pick up his darts tomorrow what a strange perplexing system we seem to operate here in the sport of darts um a

Huge huge thank you to all of you for joining us throughout the day for Phil uh for Liam and for Dan uh for smashing it throughout all of today um we’ll be back tomorrow same time we might even jump on a little bit earlier knowing that the draw may change some of these

Players I will have a word with Mr bar we’ll be here all day for the final day of H the most hectic day on the entire darts calendar and one I cannot wait for I hope to see you all then if you’ve not done so already please do drop us a like

On this stream and make sure you have subscribed to the channel so you get notified when we go live tomorrow the motor Super Series gets underway this evening uh from 7:30 pm I should know that a referee there over on the motor Super Series YouTube channel and picks up live at 10

O’clock on sporty stuff TV if you fancy some more live darts make sure you head over there some fantastic World seniors darts players involved in that one Neil Duff uh Andy Hamilton um Martin Adams Colin mcari John Worley one other I can’t remember who I qualified my apologies to who ever

It is but big thank you to all of you in the chat for joining us throughout today we’ve been online D no fancy ending to The Stream unfortunately because Phil has all the software so it is just going to cut out but we do appreciate you

Joining us and we will speak to you all very very soon

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