Golf Babe

The truth about Belle Collina in Montverde Florida | Community breakdown & Home Tour

Discover Belle Collina in Montverde, FL in our latest community breakdown. This luxurious gated community offers an array of amenities, including an 18-hole golf course, a fitness center, and a community pool. Join us for a tour of Dream Finders’ stunning Anna Maria model home, featuring an expansive living space with multiple bedrooms and baths. Gain insights into the annual HOA fee and the overall tax rate, providing a complete picture of this prestigious neighborhood.

It’s that time it is that time you know what time that is lamine live time live time man is live time tell everybody where we’re at right now we are in Mont ver bellina I don’t know you’re trying to one up you must have saw everybody’s

Videos this week and you’re like okay I I got something for them this I honestly we’re gonna have to probably do a two-parter okay okay down this just one side of the community yeah this is this is a massive community so we so the the

The city right or the area do you know is Mont ver I guess it’s considered a city right it’s it’s like a right outside of minola here let me show everybody like before we go through this incredible bridge over here it’s neighboring uh minola Claremont COI area yeah so if you take a

Look let me kind of here’s your Orlando right and just to the west of Orlando you have winter Garden everybody most people know about Winter Garden right and then you have Claremont over here and then here’s Mont ver just kind of tucked away on its own little island

Peninsula ordeal um and it’s it’s right on lake aapka so um and just for you know proximity reasons let me just uh see if we can give people an idea of how far you are from things so this is Orlando Airport um the cool thing about

It is you just you have the turnpike right here so you get to you get to beat a lot of the traffic of going through Orlando although you still see there’s parts that are kind of traffic heavy but 44 minutes for as far out as you are is

Not it it’s not bad at all um and so you’re also about 15 to 20 minutes downtown Claremont 15 to 20 minutes uh plant Street Winter Garden yeah yeah yeah and soon enough it’ll be uh an attractive I don’t know about the downtown but definitely shopping entertainment and uh

And minola as well so let me ask you this real quick before we go to this community yeah let’s let’s focus on this community cuz I’m going to get kind of off topic here I’m going to be talking about other cities let’s focus on this

One right here so this is uh the golf side of bell wait hold on you said golf you said golf I’m over here no I knew that I do that people so yeah there’s the golf side of the community um this specific Community or this this side has about 900 Plus

Homes okay and they’re they it I spoke to Matt who was the agent there they just started building or about to close out within the last nine months wow they had pretty much empty lots just sitting there sitting there sitting there until about middle of 2023 and then you just a boom

Just happened insane I knew Willis was going to be on this one boy he hey he he warned me about Bella Kina I’ve never golfed out there yet I don’t know if Willis has maybe he has once or twice but uh pretty soon it looks like we’re

Going to get our butts out there okay so there’s a part right here I’m going to need you to pause it and it’s coming very very soon and this is something this is the first I’m about to turn the left right here so pause right there pause no I’m joking go

Ahead you can’t see all of it okay where that little so right here pause the little uh driveway to your left okay looks like a parking lot no it’s a hel hold on let me get you out the way get out the way Lam get your head out

The way man let’s see what’s going y’all didn’t think I had that y’all this is the this is the helicopter pad right here helicopter that is the first one in Lake County for a community whoa that’s huge yeah which is insane imagine imagine your neighbor like you’re being

Neighbors like Bob’s just like pulling up on the helicopter and he like hey what’s up Bob what’s for dinner and he’s like I I don’t know I just flew in from Italy on my helicopter I don’t think a helicopter would make it to Italy and

Back people sorry yeah I’m not I I don’t know about I don’t know much about helicopters I’m not that fortunate enough so it’s okay to imagine that’s right no that’s pretty cool talk about the golf membership uh HOA here about 3:30 months they do have bad not bad a separate Sports

Membership you’ll have access to the golf course um you’ll get regular tea times and stuff like that uh that is an extra 4 $50 a month that’s not bad either because I mean a round of golf at a reasonable Golf Course is about a 100 bucks and I can imagine myself playing

Four times out here a month at the the and this is an expensive golf course so yeah so Advent golfer I mean so if you’re you live in a community you’re and you like golf or you know something you want to get into you’re talking about with the HOA about 800 a month

It’s not that’s really not terrible at all yeah yeah yeah but if you want to become a professional they have a full golf membership guess what you need for that a golf club4 contribution to the community that’s it that’s it really oh I need to buy one

Of these homes right here man well look at this view yeah every I mean in all honesty every home in that Community has a view every home in this community has a view I’m going to take your word for this is gorgeous beautiful you know how

Hilly it is on on this side of of course yeah it’s the ridge right like I mean there’s some of the highest points in Florida are like around this area so there’s the the one thing I can say about Mont ver minola Claremont is that

It doesn’t feel like Florida in a lot of parts of it and and especially out here because lake aapka is so big that at times it looks like an ocean like if you’re if you’re on an Hill and you’re looking at Lake AA especially if your

House is situated on it you can’t see the end of it speaking of that when we get to part two I’m G get on that side the other side of Bina is on Lake aaka oh yeah that’s gorgeous that is gorgeous this Lake that you can kind of see in

The in the the on the right here is a Springfed Lake that they may a man-made lake okay gotcha yeah um build time I believe uh it’s about 10 to 12 months they have seven different mods um but figuratively you know the bigger you get probably a little bit longer you get of

Course of course a year for um from dirt to to completion well let me give everybody because I’m I’m always completely honest with them right so uh we’re going to show you a model we’re going to walk through a home here so relax this is a good opportunity for you

To see the community and just kind of feel like you’re there it’s a gloomy day we apologize for that but you can still get a good visual of it um so dreamfinders is one of the Builders out here yeah yep so and and this this is is

More of like a what happened back in 2020 2021 where the supply chain was a lot more jacked up but I had a client in uh what’s the I had a client over there by the airport Lake Nona with uh dreamfinders and it was like Windows

That held us up two years two that’s the longest build I’ve ever ever seen and they didn’t you know we didn’t sign up for two years but it you know we couldn’t predict what was going on especially with the supply chain and it was windows that backed everything up

Did you did you say this was during like the co it was during it was like 2021 2022 kind of area yeah we almost got held up on our house for for Windows that was Windows and uh I believe trusses were like it was nuts it it was

Nuts but you know I learned from that experience so now going forward with all of the contracts with my clients right because that wasn’t something that really happened normally like it was it was uh I don’t know what they call it the black sheep or the Black Swan it’s

Like once in a lifetime ordeal but who would have thought Windows would hold a home up for two years right and so now I’m very I I make sure I bring it up to all my clients I’m like just in case this could happen they could do this and

They’re just like you think that will happen I’m like it has happened before that’s great but that’s a learning experience and you able to give knowledge to your future buyers for sure 100% so uh let me show everybody really quickly before we take a tour of this

Home well let’s do this let’s tour the home okay and then we’ll look at the golf course I have the um the website up so we can take a look at the golf course um and we’ll also look at the Bella Kina is also known for having very Grand

Weddings oh my God weddings and yeah yeah a good friend of mine has actually um planned a wedding for there really yeah yeah I bet you that’s that’s uh cost a pretty penny the views here are gorgeous and the weddings look awesome like I was looking at the photos I was

Just like man I I mean if I was okay spending that much money on a wedding like you don’t want to know how much my wedding cost it was uh I mean it was above a courthouse wedding but like it it didn’t it didn’t you know I tried to

Hold hold tight on the wallet on that one guilty guilty in the courthouse but the weddings look freaking phenomenal so it looks like uh we’ll we’ll pause this one right here and here we go let’s uh let’s Dive Right into this right here okay so what’s the name of this model

What are the specs this is an Maria with a bonus a bonus Yep this a two home beautiful home good looking home man yeah yeah and you you’re looking right here you see there’s there’s some space I mean even with these kind of this this would be your garage right

Here this is going to be the office space we’re not going to go in there and bother the people right now but um just just note that this will be your your garage here so so you got the columns up front there’s a lot of uh it it’s not like a I

Guess you do have that portion to to sit down and have a cup of coffee there obviously section for your packages if you’re in Amazon porch I wouldn’t say uh really nice foyer I think the finishing is is finishings are really really nice yeah one thing about

Dreamfinders I will say is that they do offer good finishes yeah and and they offer a big variety of them too so look at that they got the golf theme in there yeah good size rooms um the one thing I I will say I didn’t love is especially

When we’re talking about a home like this this kind of community at these price points is and it’s just me but those B bold doors kill me they kill me Willis said he did play here one time and he said uh the Masters champion Hideki uh mats sayama who has a very

Nice swing actually I’m getting better at this I’m I’m becoming a golf Enthusiast he says that uh he didn’t uh he didn’t get his course record taken from me when I played meaning that Willis is saying he didn’t take his course record he almost did though probably a stroke away I’m assuming

I believe I believe him so what they’re doing with the shower here is I’m not crazy about it but they’re showing you that you can do what the heck you want to do pretty much right like if you wanted to do this uh these types of

Finishes in there you can yeah yeah and I’m not mad what I do like about that though with their showers is uh you know some communities some other builders are putting like the one piece oh yeah yeah just just the insert now one thing about mon and one thing about Bella Kina this

Community right here this is probably the most luxurious community that we’ve shown on the channel so far and we’ve been you know we’ve been kind of scratching the surface of some but this one maybe not this particular model here and this particular Builder but in the Comm like when you’re in the community

Like it’s different it is different completely different I will say uh dreamfinders they have seven different models but they also have a different uh level up where you can can do c completely custom okay got you so you can sit down with the architect and come up with your that’s huge that’s

Huge I didn’t know dream finders I guess because I guess out here they allow you to do that right most dream finders they do like the semi custom so they can do a full custom that’s huge full custom yeah that is huge they have a specific designer that they’ve been working with

Uh you pick your lot and you go from there that’s pretty damn cool man I think I seen a three story home in in that Community insane well you know out here it’s it’s a different type of life it is a different type of life you are paying

For the Tranquility you’re paying for the Privacy obviously some of the most gorgeous views you can find in Florida like no doubt in my mind without being in the woods like I can take us right now an hour and a half away from everything civilization and we can find

Some beauty but you get that beauty out here along with the tranquility and being close to things still right no for sure for sure the the when we get to the almost at the end I don’t remember where I I hit it at but just getting to the

Back the pool area Immaculate Immaculate it’s such a thoughts on these lights right here uh we’re we’re putting new uh pin in lights inside of our house right now and we’re we’re kind of leaning on something more like this I don’t know yet I mean I think it’s okay but I’m a

Second guesser when it comes to that you like the cone shape or it’s not necessarily the cone shape it’s going to be more of a cylinder kind of like this light right here like kind of like a cylinder maybe a little bigger um okay you got three going across uh three

Three three did you know that there’s a science to how long how many lights supposed to be over your Island depending on the length and width I mean is the science based upon the island yes it is we’re gonna have to get that formula we’re gonna have to start

Like calling out these Builders like man they they you know they they didn’t they forgot to carry the one yeah all right let’s rank this what’s the specs of this home uh little over 3,000 okay uh this is a four three and a half so 3,000 foot

Home we’re going to take a look at this uh pantry and I’m going to give it a grade we’re no longer going to do B minus a minus I’m just going to give it a star one through five stars okay 3,000 square foot 3.5 Stars 3.5 that doesn’t make a break

That’s that doesn’t make the home a bad home like come on now I’m just a Cory said it the other day I’m a stickler I guess that’s just going to be my new thing especially you know if you’re are you an Entertainer I am an Entertainer

Bro you gotta have that you have to have that pantry you could just pull out anything out you could stuff the kids in the pantry like man get in there get on your iPads this is a nice Island I like this island yeah it’s not like it’s not

Gigantic it’s very wide though very wide so you can put a lot of things on it and still eat on the other side and be comfortable you know it yeah yeah the length of that is is super nice and and that dining area over there it’s uh

Obviously like a part of the open plan but it’s still kind of tucked away that little separation that wall right there yeah it it’s tucked away a little bit um we’re definitely going to be the the backyard is going to be where it’s at right yes the backyard is definitely where

At yeah so uh the living area it’s not huge but I think since it’s an open floor plan it gives it so where are the price points starting out here um for it depends there’s so much wiggle room but I will say uh 700 yeah seven yeah sev’s

Kind of starting right now it’s probably I’ll get high Sev let’s say high seven I think High sevens too it and I think uh that’s starting meaning you’re not going to walk out High seven no no and and mean you’re talking another minimum minimum yeah look at

This room though gorgeous you got like the pan Amic view you got three windows that are you know this one right here is kind of a double window here but talk about freaking they got people lining up probably on the first te box yeah that’s gorgeous okay dreamfinders I anything bad about you

Guys again any uh City bags in these closets oh no City bags yeah dream F they’re not sponsored by City look at this somebody was in here making a phone call or something that’s a that’s a that’s a decent closet it’s not huge huge maybe there’s another one in the

Bathroom here there is there is yeah I do like this room a lot I like this room a lot they got the pendant lights on the on the side too I like that is that’s a neat little touch here so you could pretty much do anything

Yeah it’s cool you got a little powder area down the middle dual sinks that shower looks pretty awesome that’s a perfect size shower for me I don’t need a massive shower although I like the look of a massive shower that one looks really really good that’s a think tank

Right there when the shower’s too big you get too cold it doesn’t hold that that heat I like that idea you’re exactly hey I I never thought of it like that yep L clet there it is there it is got the other closet over here okay cool so

That would be perfect for kind of a his and hers or her and hers or his and his or whatever you desire you know Perfect Two closets that’s a good size shower perfect for me it is it is I don’t yeah there’s no door in there so you’re

Probably gonna be cold anyway so you probably be cold anyway yeah but I like the transm window up top just kind of gives it natural light I’m a natural light kind of guy I like it to be kind of Airy and light and house it’s kind of my thing yeah I

Agree so when we get out here um I don’t know these I don’t think these guys are being too rowdy I get out here I try not to get in like make it look like I’m recording them but oh oh are they the golfers yeah they’re golfing ah they’re

They’re gon to try to show off out here outdoor cooking area for me a must have it must have personally yeah like I don’t have a pool at my house and I’m okay without a pool pool are really cool I mean you’re when you become a floran

You realize that you don’t like I don’t know pools are more for like show than anything after a while right like you you’re not very rarely do people dip in them every single day but outdoor cooking I love love yeah I don’t mind even it’s sitting out in that area is

Yeah yeah a pool is for for a Floridian a pool is a place that people just kind of sit around a few times a year you put your feet inside of it right but you’re main it’s like a dog right you’re maintaining it year around you can’t

Leave on Long vacations you got to like kind of put you know your your bleach in the pool and stuff like that yeah I don’t know but my kids will be in a the pool it doesn’t matter what the that’s a different thing the kids will get in it

All the time okay now we’re talking Loft we’re going to give this one here a nice oh my goodness that’s a big old loft huge Loft I just give you a quick tease real quick yeah I was gonna say man you turn around I I’ll I’ll grade that thing yeah so linen closets

Here pretty standard you know bath right here full bath but showing you the finishes on the wall here love what they’ve done with the tile it’s just it’s different it’s not really like a herring bone style it’s it’s kind of L-shaped but it’s cool yeah it’s almost

Uh the regular brick and yeah so this is second master right here okay okay this is what this would be the bonus oh oh oh this is the bonus okay so you can get it with or without yes okay or I’m assuming you can get it with or

Without because they throw bonus on there usually get the bonus guy without yeah cool yeah this is a big old room man this is a big bonus I want to see that damn uh that Loft again see what’s going on with it it’s coming it’s coming yeah that’s what I’m talking

About and and look how much lights just from that one window geez holy cow bro 4.9 let’s go the only reason doesn’t get five stars is because it’s not in its own room which I’m okay with but like 4.9 I mean you’re still passing I got

You 4.9 on Google on Coach Clay’s Google yeah it’s a that’s a good size loft I like it a lot I really really do but just looking at the finishes looking at the fans that they have looking at the doors all of like the uh the fixtures on

The doors just the little things that’s like okay which one would I want which one wouldn’t I want obviously they want to mix them up so you can see the variety that they do have if anybody has has ever dealt with an AC in Florida you

Would be blessed to have your AC you could just open your door and service it right there climbing through an attic is not fun which homes after built after like 2006 are like you know they stopped doing that but yeah yeah so that’s that is uh um the Anamaria that is also with

Something real quick go for it has kids that has uh basketball basketball hey socker I mean golf yeah the golf their golf team is really good Mont Academy is probably about eight minutes down the road that and that’s where you’ll be going so I read this article right here

Right so Sports Center next top 25 updated boys high school basketball ranking they’re always always always and number one Mont ver Academy always always at top and you hear that right they’re always on the top so for somebody that you know it obviously if you love a a luxurious lifestyle with

Tranquility beautiful views with the water and the hills and you like to golf and you like the Privacy and the cherry on top if you have an athlete in your household that is specifically in high school Mont ver Academy is like I mean they’re the basketball team’s obviously

Number one but other sports you were saying are like they’re always top they’re always good always good whatever if so much so I don’t know if they they they asked the uh football program because it wasn’t doing well so they could oh yeah football’s a little tougher to do than like basketball right

Like basketball you can get five good guys together right like tall kids together but football you got to get like 50 of them together and it’s tough yeah right and usually those local teams are are a little more scrappier then you get a Mont ver team together I mean we

Probably roll over them you know but but you know the basketball team being number one I mean and you I always hear that I always hear that so oh producing uh D1 athlete if you go to Mont ver even if you’re not the starter on that team you’re you’re going D1 a

High Lev D2 for sure and I heard that Mont ver Academy has a 100% College accepted acceptance rate I heard it’s just a really good Academic School yeah great school great and it’s a is it a college prep academy or is it a yeah yes which is great so they they have kids

Coming over internationally on a regular basis yeah yeah yeah that’s huge take a look at this everybody okay so here are obviously like here’s like one photo of the golf course I have to get out there I mean with the hills and the and the water and obviously like as

Upscale as it is I have to get my butt out here but I was looking at this huh I said at least once yeah at least once I was taking a look at this right so they have a three-day Golf Academy they have a two-day Golf Academy and a one- day

Golf Academy yeah I was reading through it and the 3-day one is pretty you know probably a lot to handle but you can go and can do this anybody can do this right like I can do this this is not just for kids or grown-ups or whatever

You go in at 8:00 a.m. and you get done you play golf at 3 p p.m. which means four five 6 7 you probably get done at 700 p.m right 8: a.m. to this is a light like this is like trying to go pro kind of deal you can pay for this I’m

Thinking of doing this but like this is kind of expensive so you got the the three-day one you have the two-day one you do everything breakfast clinics all pitching out of the bunker but the one day one is well you go in at 8 and you you start your round at

230 and the price points is 7.99 plus tax it is it expensive yes but you’re getting taught by professionals you’re going I mean I don’t know that would feel for my birthday could you guys do that for my birthday yeah I’m listen everybody to do

That for me we’ll get a a go GoFundMe for no this this would be huge so this is gorgeous right here but I thought that was pretty uh pretty cool um X that but no it’s definitely it’s that’s definitely experience especially I mean again like I like golf I think you

You’re into it a little bit I than I am so if I had the money I would do it I would do I just recently picked it up though man we got to get you in golf man uh we got to see you we got to see

Everybody let me know in the comments somehow some way it doesn’t have to be on live right here but like let me know if you want to see lamine swing a golf club we’ll go golfing somewhere and we’ll record leine cuz leine like he’s like a strong guy your strong gu

Swinging golf clubs it looks pretty awkward it’s no it’s butter it’s like butter oh like butter okay that’s what I like to hear right there then say less we’ll get that done we’ll make it happen um anything else that you have for the people at all

Um no no it’s uh a beautiful Community um really really gorgeous we’ll do a part two maybe like we’ll go check out some of the other builders that are out there we’ll put the Drone in the air and oh yeah yeah definitely get some more

Use um but it’s it’s a little bit tucked away but it’s close to everything it’s just I I feel like it’s it’s in a great spot I think that’s why the price points are where they’re at is because it it truly gives you the lifestyle that you

Want right like like you said tucked away luxury privacy everything kind of highend right it’s it’s for the family that’s not worried about spending the dollars they just want the perfect picturesque lifestyle and then like you said you’re not far from everything 15 15 minutes to Claremont downtown right

So you get that cute little downtown 15 minutes to plant Street Winter Garden and then you got the turnpike there so you know if you got to go to the airport is it across Orlando yeah but then you hop on the turnpike and you cut through everything it’s perfect get through the

City you don’t have to deal with any traffic because the way that you have to take is uh there’s a back road you go straight literally straight to the turnpike you don’t even have to go through Claremont to get to the the turnike so where are my basketball

Families at you know if you’re out there Mont ver that’s where you’re going to end up going for sure yeah we’re gonna we’re going to hop off if if uh anybody’s interested in other communities this one questions whatever a few things you can always comment down below or you can reach out

All the information is above I I should probably start saying that in the beginning of the video uh but the information is above and in the description down below so make sure you reach out to us let us know what other communities you’re considering where you’re watching from hit hit the thumbs

Up button that helps us out a ton and yeah we’ll be back again tomorrow we’ll let go guys

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