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Highbury Squad
An Arsenal Christmas Morning

with Soph & Super Kev

Let’s talk Liverpool v Arsenal and preview the upcoming London derby against West Ham United.

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Gala gisa gala no matter where in this world you might be this Christmas day thank you for making the hyb Squad part of your Christmas morning evening afternoon let’s rock and roll it’s sof and superare reunited oh and it feels so good mind the gap between the train and

The platform please stand clear of the discussion doors the next stop is hybri Squad surprise squaddies we’re back uh an impromptu Christmas morning show with myself and of course my podcast brother from another mother Mr super Kev super Kevin Campbell Squad e thanks for joining us and listen

Merry Christmas to you all hope you all have a absolutely wonderful day take care eat drink be merry love your loved ones and then it’s Boxing Day At Ease Kev I love boxing day I actually love boxing day more than Christmas Day I’m not surprised because that’s where

The foot is usually on but this this year it’s on Thursday no but you know what I mean football is usually on the boxing day because you know what I think sometimes Christmas Day can be a bit of an anticlimax especially the older you get the kids

Enjoy it but the olders don’t really no have that much of a good time what is the Campbell Clan doing this Christmas Day what’s the big plan I do my usual i i nut around all the bits of family um dropping presents off um eat eat too

Much um you could imagine everywhere I go you’ve got a stop for something to eat and I’ve got I’ve got about eight stops oh my God you know them wheelie shoes I’m trying to get some of them wheelie shoes to wheel myself around so but no seriously it’s mostly family I’m GNA be

I’m gonna be actually home later because I’m doing fi is it BBC final score tomorrow all right okay live so fix me and Dion Dublin nice Etc so I’ve got that to do so that’s what I prefer I I I had one Christmas off in 20 odd years

When I played so I’d much rather work s if I’m Hest so Kev that’s really um I wanted to ask you about that because um I I I’ve been used to working like a Christmas day shift or a New Year’s Eve shift on radio and I actually love doing

Radio on Christmas Day and New Year’s especially one of the reasons why I wanted to do the show today is I’ve had so many incredible messages from around the world from all of our squaddies and I wanted to give them a shout out and give them massive thanks of course I’ve

Missed talking to my podcast brother from another mother but I actually enjoyed working the holidays let today’s Christmas Day Arn training today um for the Thursday game against West Ham the London Derby we’re going to preview that at the very end um what do do you actually get to eat Christmas dinner or

Do you have to have like a blended protein drink no of course not you no listen the the great the funny thing about it was so it just depended because if you if the The Lads are playing on the 28th they’re going to get right tucked into some of that Christmas dinner let

Me tell you it’s different obviously if you you you’re playing boxing day you you have a bit of Christmas dinner but you don’t have the full it like you know you go you go for a little bit of Christmas dinner and stuff like that and before you know you’re you’re in bed

You’re just relaxing resting up um because I think a lot of the times our Boxing Day games used to be the early kickoff used to be like 12 o’clock 12:30 so so that used to and then George Graham changed it one year said stay at home and then we’ll train at

Hybri and then we’ll go to a hotel tonight and we’ done that and both times we won so it just and then we played again on the 28th so it was Boxing Day 28th New Year’s New Year’s Day or whatever or 30th then New Year’s Day so

It used to be backto back game Sophie for for players we know it’s tough but we love it because we’re all together you know if you’re winning game s is great so no alcohol though right may you could have a York sh P or some stuffing

But no alcohol right oh no no no no that’s not exactly true you can have one and I don’t mean one that size I mean you know what I mean listen you could have one glass of red wine or or something because most of the time St

You’re living like an after anyway yeah you know you’re drinking all the fluids and water and all that juice stuff anyway so you’re prepared so you could have one with your dinner but you know if if you so wish but majority of the lads didn’t to be honest because if they

Have one they have to have 21 so so didn’t which which the two Club let’s just didn’t B you know super Kev let’s just say many of the squaddies are looking for Kyle Campbell who has gone missing no no no oh no I don’t know if you’ve

Seen Kyle Campbell is a world club champion now so he doesn’t talk to us Min us minions anymore Champion so us minions I will see him in I will see him in a bit right don’t even speak to me now he said D I’m a world

Champion Kev be sure be sure to tell him we’re expecting him for a total football show very soon and the squaddies are looking for him they just can’t yeah you know they’re all looking for I’m looking to find him this afternoon but no I will definitely tell

Him Squad he I’ll definitely let him know brilliant okay let’s get stuck into some good stuff here um and then we got a bit of housekeeping at the end and then we’re going to let you all go off for your Christmas dinner um thanks for joining us on this spontaneous Christmas

Morning Kev um you know what I might do here I watched the Liverpool game I wasn’t able to watch it live for some reasons and I watched the um I watched it on replay I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed that match and a little while

Ago you and I talked about how we were desperate and we were watching ing Manchester City play Liverpool or Chelsea play Liverpool you know when Chelsea were good um and how we desperately wanted to be involved in those big boy games put our big boy boots on and strap them up and get

Involved and actually be relevant I don’t think I’ve enjoyed many games in this Resurgence of the Arsenal but that felt like we were big boy back yeah would what you reckon yeah do you know what s I think I think after last season a lot of people were writing us

Off saying we’re not going to be the same that was our best Chance the this performance these performances these young players and they’re still so young so um are are showing everybody that we’re we’re no joke we’re here we’re here to compete Arsenal are going to be there or thereabouts come the end of the season and and I’m not sure if we’ve got enough

Time to be talking about January s but January probably is going to be such an important month for us it was last January too and um Tom canton’s in the house good morning Tom after his stin on his Morning Show um Tom will be around in January for our

Spen stick uh sell show uh where we’ll be updating you on transfers the trossard deal last year K have made all the difference do you see us dipping our hands in our pockets before we just switch back to the Liverpool game seeing as you brought that up I think we’ve got

To so if you if we’re honest um I look at Arsenal I look at this Arsenal side and we’re strong but the squad ain’t full yet and and we’re losing some players to African Cup of Nations uh Tommy aru to um the Asia games or cup or whatever it is um

We’re just not quite there timber in injured we we need a bit more s because you know what you see Liverpool Liverpool could bring on look at the power they can bring on Off the Bench we don’t we don’t have that power and I know listen I I thought our substitutes

Came on and they worked hard but we need impactors we need guys to come on who’s going to make a difference impact in the game maybe Nicos ago will win it 2-1 um our Squad ain’t full yet so we need a full Squad and I’m sure Mikel anded will be cooking

Something up in the background I’m sure and it seems like the momentum you know every transfer window has so much relevance and importance in terms of this process going to you know its next phase and and it feels like we’ve although some Arsenal fans feel disgruntled and you know it’s just

Typical in the transfer market it does feel like with each transfer window we’ve added you know and it started with um Tommy yasu and and white and ramsdale and then you know you move and you shift gears and and you and you get Timber and

You get Kai havit and you you add all these layers and it feels like we’re building R Declan rice okay let’s just get there shall we by the way let go there look who showed up hey see see simul yeah but you see he won’t deal with us really because the world

Champion now you see well Champion well Champion does anyone really care about that competition he does let me tell you he does it might be his only bragging rights this season you never know you never know I’ve got something to show you you and I were talking and you said

To me S make sure you’ve got this picture ready to go I’m gonna start off with the actual shot from the game okay which this was in in I I couldn’t believe what I was watching when they I think so I think Sophie’s just bumped out there Sophie was going to say

She could couldn’t believe what she was watching when we it was our corner and and mosella obviously started picking up the pace and started shifting up the pitch I mean yeah that was Dean rice for me Salah coming they were all coming like the charg of Light Brigade I tell

You what I’ve got to give some props I’ve got to give some props sorry I just continued where you were s can you hear s can you hear me lost contact I’ve just continued where you where you were um I’m just saying I’ve got to give big big respect to CBA CBA

Getting back to cover nunez’s side he he he back before noones so that then allows look at Dean Rice’s body language that then allows rice to concentrate on the other three look he’s got three players to deal with but that just the delay tactics that he used and he gets across there so

Quick Rey across there as well you know should Tren score of course he should score but just thato just that little part of play CBA getting back rice getting across so quick Rea you know spreading himself and he hits the bar those little margins mean so much to

Us they really do and um I thought it was superb the way Dean rice just held his ground you know didn’t didn’t try and do anything too spectacular held his ground and get I can’t hear anything do you want to okay can you hear me now can you hear me

I can’t hear anything I’m going to go out and come back in okay okay um so Scotties just you know we talk about fine margins in professional football fine margins and boy was that some fine margins we got away we won as well didn’t we and I’m sure we we speak about

That with Sophie might know guard’s handle that was a penalty because if that was us at the other end we’d be kicking off um that was a penalty you don’t always get what you deserve in football that’s for sure you don’t always get what you deserve can well done Kev well done unfortunately

I’m I have to be on my mobile and when people call me I lose the sound bounc it off yeah bounc it out it totally bounced it out but well played Super C pulling a Declan rice your self right there and saving literally saving hey I’m not even

Finished yet on but so if I’m just saying it’s those fine margins we got away with the other guard thing which I’ve said we’ll probably deal with I said but it’s those fine margins come the end of the season just that little fine margin Trent hitting the

Crossbar where he could have slotted it in might just make the well we’re hoping it makes the massive difference for us because that’s against all the the big teams we’re unbeaten don’t we this season yeah yeah I mean that’s the way it should be the

Thing the thing with this guy um and by the way these three I love this exchange on social media I don’t know if you guys saw it between the three of them you know basically patting each other on the back which I absolutely love um and to

Me a lot of the times rice has been brilliant in every S I don’t know if he’s had a bad he may have had one or two bad games Kev he has he he hasn’t he he’s so ridiculously it’s unreal I can’t I mean it’s very Patrick Vieira esque now

Obviously we know Patrick is a legend already and and um Declan could be a legend in the making but his consistency I think that’s what builds towards World CL I think he’s world class already I don’t think he has to build to be World Class of course he’s got a win trophies

To kind of back it up to become a legend but I also just wanted to mention that Rice gets all the flowers and celba gets all the flowers too but Gabrielle Kev can we talk a little bit about him in in intertwining him into the rice the rice and CBA

Magic well we call it the goona triangle don’t we those three are the Goa triangle right and you know listen Dean rice Dean rice gets his flowers of course he does celba has been incredible gets his flowers but I’m telling well I’ve said this all along and I’ll say it

Again without demex got it without the enforcer we are nowhere near as good and and do you know where we used to get it as well so do you remember Tony Adams and Steve bold Steve bold never really got the plaud it but he was a you he was a unit man

That back four back five in you know superb in there you know just went about his business and got the job done Gabrielle is a Difference Maker back there s he really is a Difference Maker and listen I’m one you know me Sophie I’d call it like it is I called

Ben White and CBA earlier on in the season against Manchester United about communication and I’m going to say to Gabrielle because we want them to get better so zenko needs his help he needed his help well let’s let’s let’s talk about that a little bit Kev because I didn’t

See the game live and I went back and as as I said I watched it on replay and I saw a lot of you know um anger towards zinenko and for him being completely at fa on the goal but then when I watched the game I I was like okay yes he’s

Definitely positionally it’s like it’s almost impossible sometimes to get back to the Natural position of left back and defending uh your line when you’re being asked to play that inverted role and then now you’re putting additional pressure on the center backs and I just felt like Mo Salah made a ridiculously

Good move and and a worldclass finish I also had there was some fans that said Rea should have done better and I’m like I I don’t agree with that at all it was a worldclass finish Rea had absolutely no chance with that zenchenko my issue with him there Kev was that he didn’t

Seem he seemed to be pulling away from Salah versus going towards him and I know Mel you know kind of has created this this role for him and he wants him to play like that talk me through that a little bit how how is this rectified

Tommy Yu is a bit more disciplined in defense but as we saw before he got injured he was play he was playing into that role a little bit more too being a little bit more offensive how do we fix this problem is s when we give the ball

Away cheaply and then they spring attack Salah could do that to anybody we’ve seen it he’s done it Champions League he’s done it on the high stage Salah could do that to anybody the key is this when Salah gets the ball over the top he’s got that much room he can go

Outside he could go inside we’ve seen Salah go go to his right and back bang him bang him in the top corner so which way do you go Salah is going to he he went to his strongest foot because that’s where a lot of the space was and you

Know what Salah done Salah realized zenchenko was on an island all on his own there wasn’t that Gabrielle waiting for Salah to to shift it so Gabrielle’s going to go and go and do go and engage him and and that’s why I say zinchenko needed a little bit of help of Gabby

Listen if Gabby can fine if he can’t I understand but I thought he could have nudged across early so that would have put some doubt because sometimes that’s all you have to do is put a little bit of doubt in salah’s head I’m not going to push it in because I know Gabrielle’s

Waiting for me do do you think if Tommy Yu was fit Kev he would have played because we saw how he nullified Salah at the Emirates a season ago do you think that Mikel would have played Tommy ASU in in this match no I don’t I think I think senchenko would have played

Because we are going there to win it I think it’s the mindset because I I know what fans are like I know fans is not a good Defender and no and that is not his position he’s not a Defender I get that but you know what we are we ain’t doing

Too bad if he’s not a Defender so right so we have to we we’re going to live and die by some of this stuff this is just the way it is but what tomasu gives us defensively he doesn’t give us what zenchenko gives us offensively so if you go in there

With that with that mindset to to to take the game and we want to punch Liverpool in the mouth first like we did then obviously zinchenko has to play and uh people tend to forget I mean Tommy was definitely in fine form before he got injured but it wasn’t too long

Ago where Arsenal fans were you know going crazy for karate Zin um and in our new series opinionated there’s going to be an episode coming up actually with Tom Canton and super Kevin Campbell um why does there always have to be a scapegoat and it’s incredible isn’t it

It it happens every single season and sometimes it lasts for a long longer than a season seil under Granite Jaa um so I and this was a prime example Kev of suffering against the bigger teams maybe we can get away with it a little bit more against the Lesser teams um but

Do you feel I was watching um Harry’s show the other day and I thought he made a really great Point um which some fans might think is crazy but do you think we need a left back in the transfer window left back for what I mean kio’s unproven really Tommy asu’s injury prone

To cover zenchenko is prone to the odd mistake Timber is GNA be back but we don’t know how he’s going to be when he comes back for injury you think Harry was crazy to suggest that maybe we do need a back got left back on

Loan yeah but is he coming back I don’t know but you know you you’ve asked me the question no we don’t we’ve got more than enough cover but all this is this one proven is that one is Timber never had any injury problems until he came to Arsenal comes

To Arsenal gets injured this is just the life of a footballer unfortunately so I don’t think I don’t think if you buy a I think if we bought somebody who could who could play as a box Banner who could play multiple and do different things who could play left back as well hey

Fair enough you might get somebody who can sitting there from time to time but I think we’ve got more than enough we’re sitting top of the league and we’re they moaning about do we need a left back come on come on it worked fans Arsenal

Fans make me laugh you know to be fair to Harry he was not moaning he was just you know um suggesting that maybe and I have to think I have to agree I think he may have a point just because we’ve had some some issues there I just have to

See this again because I got kicked off um of the of my of our own show by the way uh so I wanted to have a look at that it’s just brilliant wow I love that shot um Kev anything else from the Liverpool game that you observed that

You wanted to bring up to the squad e um yeah yeah there is um I we just briefly discussed it before we came on a and um could you remember the way the game went last season and I know two games aren’t the same but Liverpool started to put

Put the players on and trying to put us under even more pressure but what happened this season where we changed system last year we done all kinds of things and we needed ramale to be outstanding in a couple of times after after the initial 25 minutes 30 minutes of the second half

We’re the ones who got a grip of the game again and you know I I I want Arsenal fans to just remember that we’re the ones who got a grip of that game Declan rice Gabrielle CBA that triangle that that Goa Goa triangle is is dangerous people go missing in there

But zenchenko started getting on the ball again you know we started to play we started to create and if we had somebody was willing to take a chance so if there was a a few balls sacka put a couple of balls that flashed across the

But get in there you know this is a great opportunity for us there was potentially a penalty on havs which I’ve seen I’ve seen Mel get a couple of them by the way but know after after um after ard’s incident in the first half we were

Never gonna get that I mean how lucky how lucky were we with that that was a clear how did they not get He Slipped before mental absolutely mental clear cut penalty Super K and we got to call them as we see them and be fair because

It was a penalty it was it was but like we said like I said to the squad you don’t always get what you deserve in football no you don’t you don’t um right a brilliant point at anfield uh excellent mature performance no doubt about that hey hey by the way did y Club

Wanted a penalty for Simas taking him out by the way that was on the news here Kev because Simas of course it’s big for a g a Greek player to be playing for Liverpool and they made a big big deal out of it on the news last night sure

They didn’t they didn’t they didn’t rib sacka though um sck done what he needed to do yeah exactly exactly klopp is such a moer when did he become such a Moy May Sophie I told you last year you said you thought it was Mikel winding him up it

Isn’t it’s him he gets everything going he’s the instigator of everything I’m telling you he is he really is so you think he’s just some some a nice guy he’s not he he’s the one who gets the crowd going he’s the one who if it’s a

Bit too too quiet he’ll start some crap with the opposition coach I’m telling you he knows how to get them Liverpool fans go in he does does and he tried he tried to play the Mind Games beforehand oh it’s you know they really need to be louder okay right before the Arsenal

Game you know go go right ahead and and say that a very special person in the chat here that’s my sister everyone Nikki Cal watching us she loves super Kev We’re not gonna hold it against her Kev she’s a man united fan okay okay definitely not gonna hold it against her

Now um and he you know what it’s not only Christmas day but it’s it’s a very special day in our family this is me my sister and my dad it’s my dad’s 85th birthday today 85 years young is this fellow um this is me my maradon and

Gabriela sabatini days with him he loves a little bit of lobster uh and this is him Kev young young Mr Nicola right here love it love he first started working in London um right there and this is us uh in Cyprus this is my mom and dad back in

The day having a blast and having fun the whole family I just wanted to share this with you guys yeah and my mom and dad here for her birthday last year so Nikki cow man united fan I Kev you will make her a goona will I yes only you you you and

You are my my pet my family love you so much because you’ve been so incredibly supportive you’ve been sending these amazing videos by the way um squaddies it’s he’s just the best human being on the planet and I feel like my dad might be turning I think he’s I don’t know but

I I just he’s watching Arsenal and then when my mom watches it she always wants me to be happy so she supports she supports me in the games although she’s a Stoke City fan and she when she found out um not wrong with Stoke at the moment high place for Stoke she’s stuck

With it she’s stuck with it so bless her bless her but Nikki listen if you want to come across to Arsenal just let me know and we’ll give you the initiation absolutely love it um happy Birthday Dad and thanks for watching sis she’s got covid so she’s stuck at home

Today she can’t have any turkey we’re gonna take her a takeaway later on oh bless her yeah um je West Ham United they’re playing quite well yeah they they’re a handful listen them free up front paketa cudas and boen they’re proving to be a handful for a lot of clubs

But I want them to see if they can fly through the Arsenal Goa triangle what what what scares you is that what scares you the most because they I’m not scared of them no I’m not scared of them I’m just I just know that cudas has hit the ground running boen

He’s on double figures in goals already so before Christmas and pette he spots things so early doesn’t he he’s such a good scheming talented Midfield player who can join the forwards that you know that’s something we’ve got to be wary of but I’m not afraid of them we’ll beat

Them I found I mean we always play quite well against West Ham uh I was at the game last season um away and we’re at home of course on Thursday where we won 2-1 um and it felt at that that point uh that we were you know kind of you know

Getting there and uh I I just I I do think that David Moyes who gets a lot of crap and has actually done a better job at West Ham than people think do you think what would do you think about David Moyes and you know similarly with Mel artetta there were disgruntled fans

Who wanted artetta out a little while ago and there were West Ham fans that wanted Moyes out but they wanted him out in a week Liverpool turfed them over 51 it was like Moyes out then they go and beat Manchester United convincingly it was a convincing win so I think David

Moyes listen he’s an experienced manager he knows what he’s doing he knows how to put squads together and he’s got some he’s got some very useful players s who can hurt opposition if you let so you know he’s he’s doing a good he is doing a good job because if I’m hon honest

With you so I don’t know who West Ham will get if he was to go who are they going to get to really take them on I don’t know it’s it’s true it’s the same thing like you hear some man united fans saying okay if tenha goes who’d you get

What what’s the what’s the poor like what’s the quality of of managers available out there but what I’m most impressed with Kev and now I’ve seen Declan Rice playing at Arsenal and just how incredible he is uh is how they’ve done how they’ve coped and how they’ve adjusted and how they’ve moved on

Without him I mean that was that’s a massive Gap now when you see how deam rice is playing for us is super impressive this is a London Derby London teams um have uh there’s so many London Derbies it’s not easy it’s very competitive you never quite know what’s

Going to happen it’s always going to be a challenge we got a Target on our back now everyone’s after us um and I think this is going to be a really good game could see a few goals in this one Kev what what what’s your prediction for

Listen I’m I know West Ham are dangerous but I’m predicting we’re going to win it we’re at home and um Dean rice with his new fan base against his old fan base um he goingon to run the show because Dean rice is becoming an even better player

Than he was at West Ham at Arsenal um excellent West Ham don’t get me wrong and a lot of gooners obviously didn’t watch all the West Ham games so they didn’t realize how good he was but with better players around him in this team that’s why we’re top of the league we’re

Top of the league for a reason and I I truly believe it’s our time now after that Liverpool game where we’re going to start turning it on and um I think we’re gonna give West Ham a real run for their money 3-1 3-1 to to the Arsenal uh I’m

Gonna go for a 2-1 to the Arsenal this and we’re top of the league it feels like having the Christmas number one Kev you know Wham style Band-Aid style you know top of the league but it was the same way last season and we all know um

What happened and I agree with you TBO cudas is an incredible signing for them what a player uh he’s turned out to to be for them it should be it should be absolutely brilliant um Kev anything The Joy can we just talk about because it is

Christmas okay and uh hi to my cousin pudding as well who’s listening live from London Kevy saw you have your day you for the Arsenal that’s how old that bugger is um is old puds what you mean how old that bug o what’s all that talking about my cousin not you no

But Hey listen just put some respect on this please super Kev um the joy that is Manchester United and Chelsea can we just because it is Christmas and we talk about Joy at Christmas and I need to find some Joy this holiday season the demise of Chelsea and Manchester United

Just how gloriously are you enjoying that currently um do you know what I’m not enjoying it as much as I thought I would if I’m honest with you s um because I’m I’m really just worried about Arsenal and you know I’ve got Everton and forest forest were robbed at

The weekend by the way absolutely robbed anyway I’m kind of more worried about them but what I will say is this there’s been a lot of big talk from United fans and Chelsea fans obviously because of their their history and with what’s been going on and especially after United

Beat us in preseason in America so we were starting to hear it starting to hear the mouth start to get the start all the chat started to get louder Sophie was it l over the last 18 months me and you have come on there and we’ve talked about you’ve got to get you’ve

Got to accept the pain because Pain’s coming and you’ve got to take it we’ve gone through our pain we might have a little bit more to come but we’ve we’ve gone through our pain these not haven’t gone through anything like we’ve gone through it’s their time to get the pain

Now and I suppose that little bit of of it I’m loving because seeing them get beaten up by West Ham easily for instance seeing walls do a number on Chelsea yesterday after investing a billion into the squad I mean come on I love it I absolutely love it right at those clubs

Do you know what Kev I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that I think that their meltdown breakdown Rock Bottom might be worse than than ours it might be worse than ours because they’ve had a lot more Glory than we have over the last few years um and

Manchester United especially with the Premier Premier League deeper yeah it falls a lot a lot deeper deeper yeah listen there’s over 230 of you in live chat it has been absolutely brilliant to hop on spontaneously with super Kev this morning good tonic all the way around it Christmas time um is a

Beautiful time of year but it can also be a very lonely and painful time for many and we wanted to hop on and share some love and feel your love and I wanted to show you Squad an immense amount of gratitude for your patient I also wanted to give a massive shout out

To Albert who hosted Monday madness flawlessly um last week I loved the show Kev I thought Albert did a brilliant job did you you enjoyed it too what what a lovely fellow as well yeah love Albert love Albert easy to get along with yeah he’s absolutely absolutely brilliant um

Before we go there is a picture now some people may think this is blasphemy but listen Arsenal fans you’re brilliant sometimes I found this if anyone knows who did [Laughter] this oh jeez okay I think there’s only one I think there’s only one winner there that’s J

Bab little baba look oh my God brilliant look at Mel artetta I tell you sometimes the in the internet the social media can be a Cess Port of absolute garbage but there’s just moments like that they’re just brilliant and uh I just had to share that with you guys right um we

Will be back um this is kind of a mini Monday madness I even forgot it was Monday Kev I’ve lost track of what the day is but that’s why we made sure we’ve done it because we got to try and keep on it do you know what I mean

We’ve got to try totally um listen it’s been absolutely brilliant Kevin and I are gonna go off and uh Hey the age thing I was talking about my cousin’s age he’s a lot older than superav all right just saying just saying um thank you so much for tuning

In we love you guys so much um Merry Christmas to you and yours no matter what you’re doing today be safe uh be happy and uh don’t drink and drive this holiday season please all right enjoy your Christmas and your holiday season and super Kev and I will be back in a

Few days for another live show um Good Luck to our Gunners this Thursday uh let’s hope everyone else towards the top loses and I’m going to hand it over as I always do to Mr super Kevin Campbell to close the show listen I know it’s not a

Trophy but gooners just make sure you go through the day with your chest out we’re top of the league right not as fluid as we were last season but we’re top of the league and everyone’s talking about we’re going to come unstuck here we’re going to come unstuck there we

Haven’t so do you know what wear that with pride tell your loved ones you love them tell the people who matter to you hug them embrace them break bread with them chat have a laugh have good fun the little ones have a laugh with the little ones as well and and never

Forget there’s good and bad in in in a lot of different people so if you see somebody who might be struggling or you think of somebody you might be struggling just give them a call or drop them a text see how they’re going just say listen we’re here as a family and

We’re thinking of you it’s all you need do you know if you fancy fancy giving us a call back give us a call back or you know knock on your neighbors door and see how they’re doing it’s it’s and for all our American and and and and Squad

Around the globe some don’t celebrate Christmas but you just make sure you have a fantastic Monday as you go anyway because you know what we are all a community so we make sure we look after community so on that note Sophie great to see you back listen sending you love

Positive ity and everything for your family your beautiful family have a wonderful day keep smiling and you squaddies you know what comes next lots of love from Sophia and I and it’s at ease squatties At Ease on Christmas Day mind the gap between the train and the platform please stand clear of the

Discussion doors the next stop is hyri Squad


  1. Merry Christmas you two!!! ❤❤❤ I miss you Soph ❤️✨. Keep holdin us down Super Kev 👊

  2. It is great to see Queen Nicolaou back at the helm. You were sorely missed. As you may have noticed, I had to wear my wooly hat in homage to you, when guest hosting. I still think the squaddies realised it wasn't you 🤣😂. Lots of love to you and Super Kev, and wishing you a merry christmas ❤🎄

  3. Zinni is a bad defender. Good going forward but total rubbish defending. His attacking play doesnt out weigh his defensive flaws

  4. Merry Christmas!! Sophie, Super KC and all the Squaddies. Loved the family pics. Take care all and all the best in the New Year.

  5. Thanks Soph and Kev. Not many people would go out there way and give up there Christmas morning. But very greatful you both have. Merry Christmas all you Gooners

  6. Merry Christmas to you Sophie, Kev and the Squadies. Ps let Kev know Pat O’Donnell says merry Christmas too

  7. Great surprise for Chrustmas morning. Was prepping in the kitchen, must say that's the first time I tuned into HS with my arm up a turkey 🙃🫡

  8. Christmas Day is a bit of an anti climax, the Mrs asks what you want, you give her a list of stuff, hoping she passes those details on to other interested parties. Doesn't look like that happened, judging by some of the tat.

  9. Kevin is wrong, our squad is full, we're allowed 25 players and we have that. To bring anyone in someone will have to go. Also we're definitely restricted financially as the Raya loan clearly illustrates. So to bring anyone in we need to generate funds before we can spend. We're short because we have injuries at the moment.

  10. Couldn't make the LIVE Broadcast, but want to send Many Blessings of Peace and Good Health to One and All.🙏

  11. Why does this top class podcast never get released for download on various platforms? Baffling🤔🤷

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