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Bills host Steelers Wild Card Weekend | Always Gameday in Buffalo

We get into the Steelers at Bills Super Wild Card Weekend game, including injury updates, and a check on the Steelers with Andrew Fillipponi of 93.7 The Fan in Pittsburgh, and look ahead to other games in the league, as well.

Bills Mafia we know there’s only one topic every day all bills all the time and now Matt B and Sal capio are going really deep talking bills all year long because it’s always game day in Buffalo well we’re so glad we’re coming at you with still more football to talk

About in another game coming up it could have been a lot different compared to last week when we were going into week number 18 and really the unknown if the bills were even going to make the playoffs let alone the two seed here they are bills Steelers we know the

Matchup now we’ve had a couple of days to sit on it think about it Sal capacho here Matt boet it’s always game day in Buffalo and I I think the last couple of days Matt since you and I last talk for me and you could tell me for you it’s

Kind of been about resetting a little bit exhaling a little bit kind of reali recalibrating everything because it was such a you know oh my gosh what’s going to happen what’s the future hold now at least we know that we can get back into football and talking about it yeah for

Sure but I think the page you know you talk about the 24-hour Rule and how for the team they enjoy this for 24 hours and then it’s off to the next thing I think the 24-hour rule gets thrown out the window when you’re in the playoffs I think the conversation shifts to your

Opponent almost immediately I think Sunday night was about celebrating I’m sure the plane ride back was very fun and then after that it’s like okay well now we’ve got a game to play and it goes back to what we said on the last episode about Josh telling Shawn Josh excuse me

Telling Stefan on the field after the game four more wins four more wins that starts with one and I’ve you know seen the behind the scenes clips from NFL films the team in the locker room and all this stuff like they realize the opportunity that they have and I think

They realize how important it is to make sure that they do not let this one slip away no doubt about it it is four more wins from here three to get to the Super Bowl One to win the Super Bowl after that of course and the bills will be

Home for two of those if they take care of business against the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday but to take care of business business they’re going to have some challenges we’ll get into the weather in a little while but let’s talk about on the field first Matt and that

Is of course injuries so several players went down with injuries last week you know I I guess a lot of people didn’t realize Taylor R got hurt on that last play but he was hurt and it took a long time on the field as you knew you were

At the game I was at the game but even when I brought it up um on wgr most people said Oh I thought he just kind of was he got the wind knocked out of him but no he actually had an injury had a calf injury so he’s on the injury report

So is Gabe Davis we have a report from Ian Rapaport out there that he’s got a sprain we’ll see what the case is there Russ Douglas has a knee injury Ty Johnson’s in a concussion protocol Tyrell Dodson left the game with a shoulder injury and Deon Dawkins left

The game with a hand laceration they stitched it up he came back what did sha mcder say about these injuries and where do you think everything kind of stands good and bad and encouraging or not encouraged about what you’ve heard so I think the overall blanket encouragement

Is that all of the injuries and all of the players that miss practice on Wednesday we’re recording this Wednesday night are considered dayto day so it does not appear that any of them will be substantially long-term injuries now that’s good news but it’s also a one-week season at this point so

Anything that’s more than potentially missing this game is I think a little bit too far down the road of the guys that are on that list that did not participate today so tyr Dodson R rasul Douglas Gabe Davis those are the three big ones to me Tai Johnson of course

He’s in concussion protocol good sign that he was limited but if you don’t have Tai Johnson I think you can adjust accordingly now let me St quick I want to make sure everybody is clear on this they had a walk through on Wednesday so it’s it’s an estimated report of if we

Had a full practice this is what everybody would be rasul Douglas of the guys that did not participate for the walkthrough on Wednesday would be absolutely to me the most notable absence and the one that would be the biggest blow for the bills because of

The level that he has played at now all of that said I think that Dane Jackson did a nice job when he came into the game and I think with Deontay Johnson and George Pickins you should should be able to get those two guys to hold their

Own against you know the Steelers top two wide receivers especially if at this game the weather is going to be a factor and there’s not much of a passing attack for the Steelers but you want your best players out there Douglas told me after the game that he thought he could have

Went back on the field that is a good sign to me that’s a sign that tells me he’s close because if he was considering going back into the game that makes think maybe it’s a pain tolerance level maybe it’s they’re trying to figure out what the level or the chances are that

He could reinjure himself is so if they could get Douglas back I think that would be a really really big piece for this team I think he would be the most notable absence and then for me even though Dodson has played an elevated game and there might be a lot of running

In this game the next one to me is still Gabe because even though Shakir had a nice game even though concade had a nice game even though sherfield did more in this game than he’s done all season you still still want the most options you have offensively especially for him he’s

Their best Blocker in the Run game as far as the wide receivers are concerned he’s almost on the field like every single snap I know that he makes mistakes that people get frustrated with but he’s still their second best wide receiver I’m gonna have a bit of a

Different take on this but I I don’t think you’re completely wrong at all everything you said makes complete sense I think Tyrell doson might be the biggest loss because of everything you said Tyrell dodson’s been very good against the Run Steelers GNA want to pound the ball they’re gonna want to

Shorten this game I I I’m not super comfortable going into a game with balen Spectre as the starting middle linebacker as much as ba I’m sorry starting week side linebacker as much as Bon Spectre played pretty darn well when he came in against the Miami Dolphins this is a different animal this isn’t

The Miami Dolphins this a Pittsburgh Steelers who are their identity is being physical and running the ball they’re gonna want to do that and I think because of exactly what you said about the passing game I think it mitigates maybe you know what you need out of

Rasul Douglas at corner of course he’s a very important part you’d love to have him I agree with that and Trent sherfield you’re not losing a ton in the blocking game with Gabe Davis and Trent sherfield is a good blocker for sure and I think he’s coming on and having a good

Connection with Josh which quite honestly Gabe hasn’t lately and again I’d rather have Gabe Davis available on the field but I don’t think at this point you’re losing all that much so I think the bigger the biggest loss could be in the middle of that defense with Tyrell Dodson but I’m also very

Encouraged the fact that he was limited now what’s funny is I believe I go back on Wednesday Matt didn’t McDermot say he wouldn’t practice and then he was listed as limited on the report yeah that’s why I think I actually just said on that when I was just talking because that’s

What sea told us this morning yeah that’s right yeah and I and I think that’s encouraging obviously now Tai Johnson being limited you said it right there that’s a great sign that he’s going through the protocol but you never know how all that ends up now I’d also

Say a sneaky loss would be I mean sneaky I mean if Taylor rap weren’t able to play look it’s it’s a safety I get it but what the bills have been able to do with Jordan puyer and dime situations and move him down bring Taylor R in I

Think it’s been really good for this team and I think Taylor rap has had a really good second half when he didn’t have a great first half because I don’t think they were necessarily using him in the best role they figured that out and Taylor R obviously had not only the

Interception right before that he had a great pass break up almost had the interception and Taylor r with a healthy Micah hide next to him is is a nice combo for how they want to play their dime defense so even in that situation the way Mason Rudolph’s getting it to

His receivers not right now I think you need Taylor R available it’s isn’t it interesting though so he has a calf injury did it happen on the last play because to me when I watch that play I’m down on the fields for the end of the game obviously you’re down there for the

Sideline I see him make the interception you know immediately you’re thinking oh my God they won the division then you’re like okay he got hurt what happened it looks like the wind got knocked out of him because he landed on the ball he gets up he walks into the locker room

He’s with all of his teammates they’re all super pumped up then it’s a calf injury so to me that says one of two things either either he hurt his calf on that play which it did not look like or he was playing through it so for me if

You’re able to play through something and then be on the fields for the last play of the game for the defense that makes me a little bit more optimistic that you’ll be available if you’re needed to be available well we talked the the last time after the game about the guys who

Filled in and they did a really fantastic job you know and but you know now that the Pittsburgh Steelers are GNA have a full week of knowing and looking at this they’re going to try to maybe see who these guys are take advantage of them so you want all hands on deck

There’s no doubt another guy that we didn’t really talk about I don’t think should have any danger because he finished the game is Dion Dawkins obviously but boy High marks High marks to Ryan vanderark for coming into the game and this week whether it’s Deon Dawkins which it should be or Ryan

Vanderark no TJ watad on the other side speak so for injuries Matt I I could say even if you took away the five guys we’re talking about for the bills I mean what three guys who didn’t practice I guess I think TJ watt’s loone absence is bigger than the collective absence of

All those guys for the bills TJ watt’s their best player TJ watt would be like if the bills were going into this game it’s not quite like Josh Allen because Josh Allen plays the most important position in the entire sport but it would be like if the bills were going

Into this game without Stefon digs or the bills were going into this game without like you said the collection of the players that they have but I still think the TJ watt loss is greater than anything we would realize from the bill stand I mean he led the NFL sacks he had

19 sacks this past season he is a freak and he has played against the bills incredibly well when they have played him so for them I think it’s Josh said it I really like the way Josh Allen said it on Wednesday it is not like a they

Don’t have anybody else now you just need to focus on cam Hayward and heith and those other guys who can certainly get after you but it’s one less person that you need to always be looking out for because he is somebody who can change a game on One Snap yeah what a

What a fantastic season 19 sacks three let’s see four Force fumbles three fumble recoveries he also has an interception on the season he’s com combined for 68 total tackles 36 quarterback hits which is amongst the the tops in the league I believe but yeah it’s it’s a significant significant

Loss and you’re right and I think that’s you know what you do now you kind of slid protection to Hayward who hasn’t had the best season he was he was hurt early in the year he came back he’s 34 years old he isn’t really what he was

Right now but you never know he’s a fantastic player of course and then in the back end they may get make Fitzpatrick back that would be a really good boost for their secondary if they don’t there’s some opportunity there but this is a Steelers team that I do think

The bills can throw the ball the problem is Matt the weather might really reduce those chances to be able to do it successfully I always say weather is the ultimate equalizer for an an underdog to pull the upset all it takes one bad throw one bad bounce one fumble that

Goes arai and all of a sudden you’re talking about a different ball game and that’s what the Steelers would love the Steelers would love to take advantage of a couple Mistakes by the bills a couple bad bounces drop whatever the ball and then they get up by 10 points and they

Grind the game down that’s what they would love to do yes now I agree with everything that you just said bad weather hurts the bills I do believe that but at the same time because of who the Bills quarterback is I also think it might make the Gap even

Bigger so I guess it depends on how bad the weather is and if this is something that the bills can still not play their normal type of game in but play Closer to their normal type of game the Steelers already are a run first team if

The weather is bad they are going to be even more of a run first team if they are that one dimensional that makes me think this is just my kind of philosophy on this you really can hone in on stopping the run and if you still get

Beat then you’ve got a very serious flaw in either your game plan or the roster that you’re putting out there for the bills you if they are if the if the weather is so bad that you can only run the ball at least the bills have the

Option of not just turning around and handing it to a running back but also having their quarterback run the ball because that’s a skill set he has Mason Rudolph is not going to run all over you in this game that would be shocking if he did and even with the I conditions if

It’s snowing and if the wind is manageable Josh can still throw the B I mean he still threw the ball in the wind game against the Patriots well what’s funny about that it’s a great example because remember like through three quarters they he wasn’t throwing the

Ball like and all of a sudden in the fourth quarter they let him throw the ball and you’re like dude we should have been doing this all along like he can do it like even though the other team doesn’t want to do it at all doesn’t trust their quarterback maybe the bill

Should have trusted their quarterback to do it because he’s showing he can obviously yeah so I actually have the game book from that game up he he completed I mean he attempted in that game 30 passes and they were almost all at the end and if you would have went

Back and how many pass how many passes would they actually try and you know attempt you would have said I don’t know 10 15 M Jones was two of three for 19 yards Josh enen was 15 of 30 for 145 in a touchdown and that was the exam of

Wind it does not dawon Knox dropped one right near the goal line it does not feel like the wind is going to be that crazy in this game I’m not a meteorologist but I work at a do station with meteorologists it’s still very early in

The week there is a lot that can change and that is always the first thing that they say of like listen this is what we’re saying on Wednesday let’s give it a couple more days but it feels like from what I’ve heard and read and had

Conversations about it could be 15 to 20 miles an hour with gusts that are a little bit higher than that that’s not insane it’s all about the snow if you have that with snow then it’s really tricky but if it doesn’t snow or it snows a little bit I don’t think it

Completely changes the way you’re going into this game for the bills I I just don’t I think it it impacts you but it doesn’t completely kill what you’re trying to do we will talk with Andrew philipon of 93.7 The Fan in Pittsburgh our Odyssey sister station

And um host on the first and what is it called bet bet and first and pod there you go first and pod it’s a betting podcast uh with Danny Parkins here on our Odyssey podcast Network we’ll do that in a little while but first let’s talk about some more interesting weather this

Weekend all right Matt Kansas City the Chiefs in the midwest taking on the Miami Dolphins you talk about bad weather it’s going to be like zero degrees possibly with blowing snow across the Plains and nothing that I really want to see here in Buffalo for a

Game I bet on the sidelines for those kinds of games nothing I want to see it’s going to be a really interesting situation for the Dolphins and the Chiefs and honestly the way the Chiefs offense has kind of struggled this year even though the Dolphins are the team

From South Florida and they’re going there and they rely on this big passing game I give him a chance because everything I just said earlier about the the weather and you know mitigating theame a little bit I should say evening out the game I don’t think the cold

Plays that much of a factor in these games I think it’s certainly not ideal it’s the Miami Dolphins they like playing in warm weather but in the playoff game last year against the bills it was cold and Skyler Thompson scored 31 points and I think back to the game

Against the Patriots in the playoffs in 2021 where the bills scored what 46 points 47 points and it was negative degrees I know that’s the bills not the Miami Dolphins but I think rain and snow and wind are a far bigger Factor than just really cold temper if it’s really

Cold and really windy then okay that’s a problem but if it’s just really cold I think most of those guys are still able to play in those conditions and I can tell you one guy who I know can play in them and it’s the best player on their

Team it’s Tyreek Hill because he has done it when he played for the Kansas City Chiefs for all of those years so he is used to it he can produce in those conditions it’s all about Kenta but if they get jayen waddle back if they get Raheem moard back if they’re a little

Bit more healthy in this game I give them a punchers chance I don’t think they’re gonna win but I certainly give them a chance because I don’t know what the Kansas City Chiefs are in the playoffs I think they’re terrifying because of the quarterback that they

Have but on the surface they look as vulnerable as they ever have with Patrick Mahomes as their quarterback they look as beatable as they ever have they could flip a switch and just go back to look like the Kansas City Chiefs it’s basically the same roster that won

The Super Bowl last year for a lot of the team but I think the Dolphins have a chance shocking I know by way shocking shocking that I’m the one who thinks the Dolphins have a chance um the forecast right now calling for between like negative six and positive 8 degrees

Fahrenheit not I mean a wind huge wind like 10 15 miles hour and the snow should be gone so you’re right it’s really more about the cold elements there let me ask you this though which team should Bill’s fans want to win because I’ll give you the case for both

Okay the case is if the Chiefs win you get Patrick Mahomes here in Buffalo for first ever road playoff and the Dolphins are knocked out obviously and then you think about do the Browns or Texans whoever wins that game have a chance to go to Baltimore and win where the

Cleveland Browns did already this year I think they were they beat him at least I don’t remember where the game was or the other side of the coin is do you root for the Dolphins who then would have to go to Balon imore the bills then would

Get the winner of the Browns and Texans game at home and how much of a chance do the Dolphins have a beating Baltimore I don’t know much of it all but maybe and if they did they would come to Buffalo for the AFC championship for a third time they’d face each other after

Beating them twice or obviously Baltimore would maybe do what they did do a few weeks ago what do you think is better okay I’m pretty adamant about this one too you I you want the Dolphins to win and it’s not even a question you want the

Dolphins to win because who are you more who are you more confident going against for a spot first off you need to beat the Steelers like I am not looking past the Steelers I want to make that incredibly clear we can do that though here on a podcast we’re not playing or

Coaching the game if you beat the Steelers who would you feel more comfortable going against Patrick Mahomes or CJ Stout as a rookie or Joe flacko who I don’t care about the rest of the the teams who would you feel the most comfortable against because if you

Say momes I’m gonna say you’re crazy there you go Joe Flo Joe Flo right now because st’s playing Amazing although I would say I might consider stoud only because I think a rookie quarterback coming to Buffalo for a dome team down south against a sha mcder coach defense

That’s a tough challenge if the season start the season started on September 11th if I told you on September 10th the Buffalo Bills had a chance to go to the AFC Championship and the quarterbacks that they needed to beat were Mason Rudolph and then any combination of CJ

Stout or Joe flacko you would have been doing handstands Bill’s fans would have lost their minds avoid pet if you knew they were going to win yeah the answer is momes because it’s a better story it’s his first real road playoff game it would be Josh beating momes in the

Playoffs it would be another chapter to the Rivalry that a lot of people have compared to some of the great quarterback rivalries but that’s if you knew they were going to win you don’t know if they’re going to win and if I’m a Bills fan I would much rather take my

Chances against either flacko or C even knowing how good the Browns defense is you should be able to beat Joe flacko at home and you don’t even think about what’s happening on the other side of the bracket until you get to that point because you’re gonna have to beat

Somebody anyway they can they there’s not a team in the AFC that they cannot beat just handle your business in the easiest way possible to ultimately keep playing games eventually you’re going to have to beat somebody hard but don’t make it harder on yourself just because the story is cooler of Patrick Mahomes

Coming here you make a compelling case I’m not goingon to disagree I I I don’t know what the answer is I think it’s probably what you just said but I I mean on my radio show I’ve had people call and say they’d rather face Mahomes because they don’t think that offense is that

Threatening and going down the road they think that that’s the better matchup for the bills and the bills would obviously have all that built up you know we need to beat this team and I don’t know that’s I agree with you though right I mean like you look at the quarterbacks

Andy Reid everything to me imagine I know imagine suggesting you would rather play Patrick Mahomes and Isaiah Pacho and Travis Kelce then Joe flacko Jerome Ford and David njoku and that’s not a shot on any of those guys and well one of the one of the top defenses in the

League there too by the way Kansas City’s also very Kansas City’s defense is good too that’s right the Kansas City’s defense shut the bills down in the second half a month ago they still won the game but the bill scored 20 points on that it’s not

Like because it just it it doesn’t make any sense like I I get it it’s a cool story and if that’s what ultimately happens it’s a really fun thing to talk about it’ll be the best game of the weekend it’ll be the game in the best time slot at six o’clock on Sunday

Because everybody’s gonna want to see Allen and momes for the third time in the playoffs and like the sixth time in the last three years but it is not the best possible matchup for the bill it’s just not so who wins the Texans Browns game anyway I actually think the Texans do

Even though I know the Browns defense is very good I just think CJ stra has it I think he’s a really good player and it’s also at home so for them not that I think Tex the Texans have you know some ridiculous HomeField advantage or anything like that but I think the tie

In a close game goes to the home team and I think it’s going to be a close game and I’ll give the edge to the guy the team with the better quarterback I’m going to go Browns I think um this is a tough spot it’s a big spot for you know

What they remind me of the Texans remind me a lot of the 2019 bills that went to Houston at the end of the season they’re they’re they’re they’re good they have a good quarterback he does so many great things but at the end of the day you

Know this is a Browns team that’s got veterans on it Jim Schwarz coaching it they did beat Texans the Texans pretty handily but that was without Stroud just a few weeks ago but I’m going to go the Browns but I would not be surprised whatsoever if the Texans win that is the

4:30 pm game Saturday go ahead was it handedly wasn’t it like really close no they beat him up pretty good I believe let me just look the Browns beat the Texans 3622 Yeah by two scores so yeah flacko in that was the game that Amari Cooper and John Scott’s fantasy

Team destroyed me and yeah yeah also had him I also had Mari Cooper that was the Christmas Eve game I don’t really remember much of the game just because it was the holiday I mean Joe Flaco 368 in that game yeah three touchdowns also two interceptions Joe Flaco has been

Somebody who has made inter made mistakes and Josh alen does it every game too so I’m not saying that like that makes him a super flawed player or not I just think that at some point like this is a magical run and I think at some point

Usually that magical run comes to an end and you can um you can move the ball sometimes against the um Texans defense so we’ll see what Joe Flaco has in store that is the 4:30 pm game on Saturday and then right after that the night game is

The one we just talked about that’s the eight o’clock game Dolphins Chiefs Bill Steelers get things kicked off on Sunday at 1 pm in Orchard Park and then it’s the Packers and the Cowboys you get the Packers much of a chance with Jordan love the way he’s playing right now yeah

Well I give him a a chance to hang around but I think because it’s in Dallas yeah it’s Dallas is a Dallas is a different team when they’re in their own building they’re a team that looks like offensively they can score 35 points as easy as you can snap your fingers so I’m

Anticipating that they’re going to be able to move the ball and score a bunch of points I like Dak and CD I think more than probably most people do I think they’re very legitimate combo at quarterback and at wide receiver and I think they’ve actually got a pretty good

Path into potentially the Super Bowl I think that right now besides the 49ers they would be if I was ranking the teams and both conferences from one to five of whose chances I like to the best to get to the Super Bowl I think it’s 49ers and

Ravens are one and two and whatever order you put him and then bills and Cowboys are three four and then I would put the Chiefs just right there because they still have Patrick Palms the Sunday night game is the the golford bowl I I just made that up

Literally on the spots golf against Stafford and the two guys got traded for each other you know several years ago it’s a good game looks like a good game you know match up wise Rams at Lions um you know I know the Lions have have really played well this year A lot of

Times I just there’s something about like a lot of times they just they fall short when you kind of need them the most it seems like and the Rams have been a little bit more consistent I think I do think the Lions have a lot of

Talent I just feel like the Rams are going to go in there and win because they’re a little more steady and the Lions seem like they’re just very much an emotional roller coaster do you think it’s going to be a close game you know Matt I guess I do but I honestly think

We could get a blowout either way in this game I don’t know what to think about this game not I don’t know all my thing that I do and this is incredibly flawed because whenever I bet I lose and a lot of times when I predict I’m wrong

But if the games are close I always just look at the quarterback and I go the tie goes to the quarterback if I think the game if the line is within three points or so I go okay where is the game and which quarterback do I like more and I

Think GF is fine but I also think that if you pressure Jared Goff he’s going to make mistakes and I trust Stafford more so that’s why I think the Rams are going to win that game even though they’re on the road even though it’s going to be a

Super emotional game for probably both sides and for jerck it’s just as much probably even more so a Revenge game for Jared Goff as it is for Matthew Stafford I mean they kicked Jared gof to the curb because they didn’t think he was good enough Matthew Stafford has already W

Won one so I I think it’s going to be a game that mat they’re just so talented with Matthew Stafford with kyen Williams with Cooper cup with puka neua with Aaron D there’s just so much star power there and I love Dan Campbell but Shawn

McVey is still the top tier or one of the top tier coaches in this league gos numbers are better than Stafford’s overall this year yeah but I don’t trust him more than I trust Matt Stafford I’d agree with that um all right the Monday night game is the four

Five matchup in the NC and the Eagles are in a freef fall here they go to Tampa and here we go again with the NFC South champ right I mean the Tampa Buccaneers that division man it’s just spit out just not great Champions over the last couple years but hey you can

Only play who’s in front of you they get to the uh first round here they get the Monday night game the Eagles and the Bucks I have a suspicion the Bucks might win this game because I just you can’t trust what the Eagles are right now and who they

Are I don’t have that same thought I think that the Eagles are freef falling but I still think that they will figure it out at least at least for a week I don’t think that they’re good enough to go to the Super Bowl because I think the

49ers are way better than them I think the Cowboys are better than them and even the Rams I would say are better than them but it’s I just I’m not in on the Bucks I think Baker can play well but I don’t think he has the ceiling

That Jaylen Herz has and once again give me the team with the quarterback I think they figure it out and I think they at least win this game until they probably eventually get eliminated next weekend sorry about that I had my mic muted by the way sorry about that

Baker’s played really well so if you just you got some dead air for a second there that’s why uh Baker’s played really well like the second half of the year he’s played really well and that shouldn’t be discounted but I understand what you’re saying and they are the more

Talented team how about a lot of talk out of Philly about maybe even moving on from I I just don’t think that’s I I mean that is a little bit of premature to me considering he took him to the Super Bowl last year yeah yeah no I mean

Did I tell the cousin Nick Story on this podcast did I tell you this yeah that you are related somehow well it’s like I don’t actually know that but it’s funny because you know we’re both it’s I I think we’re very distantly related and I

Did not know that until last year when I went and did a story with him and his family down at Southwestern but yeah so watch it because you’re talking about a family member one but two if they love Vel like Vel seems to be the guy that is

Going to kind of have his pick of where he wants to go if you love Mike Vel imagine Mike Vel going from the Titans no knock on them they had some years where they were good I mean they were the one seed not that long ago but

Imagine going from that to Jaylen Herz and AJ Brown and Devonte Smith and all of the talent that that team has they could be a real Force with him so I don’t think they should move on they were in the Super Bowl last year and they’re in the playoffs this year but if

You know that you’re going to get that guy and he’s the one you want then I you know I don’t think it’s impossible who’s Mike reable coaching next year he’s gonna coach somewhere right I mean if he wants to he’s a head coach are the odds on the Patriots right now the New

England Patriots I would say yeah I just think it makes a little bit too much sense right I think that it’s interest it’s interesting because now there’s another now that the Seahawks job is open I think that job is also pretty intriguing it’s it just for me the

Connections to New England just seem too strong and too obvious for it to but I’m also not convinced that they’re definitely moving on from bich because agreed and that’s out here feels like if it would have happened it would have happened already yeah and by the way we we just

Found out the Seahawk stuff a little while ago we also found out Nick Sabin is retiring so really interesting you know coaching I don’t know some Legends obviously in Sabin and maybe bich and obviously a guy who’s a staple in the NFL for a long time and at USC and won

Championships Pete Carroll so we’ll see where it all goes but um some interesting job openings it looks like speaking of that um what is the best job opening I’ll give you these ready let’s just say the Patriots become open I’m not going to give you the Eagles we’ll stay Patriots though we’ll count

Patriots as open we’ll go also Seahawks Titans Raiders Panthers Chargers Falcons commanders even though they’re in Capel Chargers because you have the quarterback and it’s a completely new slate because there’s no general manager so I think that as an organization it’s probably better to completely start fresh than to try and make something

Work with a GM who’s already been there and then you’re hiring a new coach I like the idea it’s almost like what the bills did where they had Shawn mcder and Doug wayy hired him well the pulas hired him and then he was gone a couple months

Later and then Brandon Bean came in and it’s kind of always been the bean and mcder show I think when you guys come in together it probably puts you a little bit more on lock step and your vision is maybe a little bit clearer so to me I

Think the Chargers job is the most intriguing because even though they’ve got a lot of things they need to figure out with their salary cap at least they have the quarterback and if they have if they’re trying to find somebody I feel like Vel would be of course the one that

Everybody immediately goes to but I also think bich bich che’s available I mean I know what you have said multiple times on the show about bich without Brady and I’m not comparing Herbert to Brady but I think if your bellich you were trying to go somewhere where your path to Winning

Is immediate and I think that is the most immediate path to winning because I just can’t see like that guy going to Washington or that guy going to Carolina or or somewhere where there’s not a Bonafide legit quarterback he needs to go somewhere where he can win 15 games

In the next two or three years try and win a Super Bowl and then go hang out with Nick Sav on a golf course one more name I’ll throw at you do you think Jim Harbaugh coaches in the NFL next year I do I definit I definitely do and I it’s Raiders

Chargers I think all these but the the one I I’ll give Colin coward credit for this I was listening to me in it made sense he threw out the commanders because his brother lives in Baltimore mom and dad would be able to watch both them they wouldn’t have to compete

Against each other in the same conference and there’s obviously a lot of money there they could pay him sure but if you get an offer if you’re Jim Harbaugh and you have the pick of the litter of where you want to go and you’ve got the Seahawks offering the

Raiders offering the Chargers offering and the commander offering are you really excited about the roster that they have in place in Washington no but I don’t think I I don’t know if you care as much for Jim Harbo I think he’s a culture changer and he would just say

I’m gonna go in there and you know they’re gonna they’ll they’ll figure it out they’ll turn it around I think he’s that kind of guy I agree with that I think the other things might matter to him more but under understand anybody who’s on the market would probably be as

You just stated earlier most attracted to the Chargers job I think that’s right because of Justin Herbert and look I mean you give a chance to go out and you know um be the head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders and that franchise and new stadium basically in Las Vegas Nevada I

Mean you know there’s very appealing there there’s no doubt but I do think those other things would matter to a guy like Jim Harbaugh what’s the worst job what do you think’s the least intriguing job because I think said Washington I’m glad you’re asking me this because um

I’m actually I’m people are listening to this we’re recording I should say on Wednesday night I’m hosting the morning show with Jeremy Whitey on Thursday and I’m actually gonna do this I’m gonna rank the jobs on where what are most at least and I think I have the Patriots

Last it’s either that or the Titans to me I don’t put the commanders there because commanders have a lot of money they’re gonna be committed to try and winning and they have a really high draft pick where the commanders picking hold on they’re second they’re picking second overall they’re going to get

Drake May they’re gonna get Caleb Williams they don’t get Drake may like I think that’s so you talk about Harbaugh Harbaugh might say yes give me Drake May and I’ll just mold him like that’s why I think that’s an attractive job you really think the Patriots is the

Worst I think it’s interesting they have nothing except salary cap they have they have room under the salary cap they have nothing as far as a roster they’ve no quarterback they have no Playmakers and also by the way you’re following bill bellich that’s the thing that because

You always want ever this is not an original map of I thought this is something that a lot of people have said you always want to be the guy following the other guy you don’t want to be the guy following bich you don’t want to be

The guy following Brady you want to be the guy following M Jones because the bar has clearly lowered so for bellich following that guy that’s why it feels like the only people who could do that are probably like gerro mayo or Mike Vel because if Mike Vel goes there and it

Doesn’t work out guess what Mike is still going to be beloved in New England because of his time as a player and all that they accomplished so that’s why I think he might be the one way of kind of skirting around that whole idea but if

They just bring back some other guy or they just hire somebody random and they fail then it’s going to be a super intriguing job for the next person because the expectations are going to be there and then the whole conversation is restoring the team back to the days we

Once were at and I think the Patriots is interesting the one thing about the Patriots is it does not feel like at least for my perspective that they’re immediately trying to get good again I think they realized that this needs to be a slow methodical build I don’t know

If I get that sense with really any of the other openings all of those other teams I feel like are trying to kind of turn things around and do it quickly like with the like the commanders for example like true that might be true but I think Robert Craft wants to win now

He’s not getting any younger but I agree with you like that that you almost have to you almost have to get into that spot especially in this division the AFC East the Patriots are destined for fourth place for the next several years if Aaron Rogers is healthy I know there’s

Some salary cap challenges with all these teams but I mean it’s there’s they they’re not GNA compete in this division anytime soon it seems like well I I don’t know if I agree with that though and my thought behind that is if you get a quarterback right and you get a couple

Pieces on offense they could they have the third pick by the way you they’ve got the third pick so let’s say they go out and get a quarterback and they get Marvin Harrison Jr okay like what if they go get Russell Wilson and Marvin Harrison Jr and then they get another

Free agent because they’ve got a bunch of money that they can spend their defense is good and their defense was banged up then it would just be all about the offensive line I don’t think they’re that far away from being you just named like four positions in one

Position group that they need they’d still be the fourth best team in the division but but the what is the Jets out the Jets Outlook is it maybe it’s great next year if you have Aaron Rogers healthy right but so what is that one more year right and then they’re just

Back to the same position and that’s why if you’re the Patriots you’ve got this opportunity of Josh Allen is still going to be in this Division and should dominate this division for the next several years but it’s the same thing we talked about in Buffalo for all those

Years you’re trying to get up while those other teams are starting to come back down and even though I think the bills are still the best team in the division I think it’s also realistic that they might start to dip a little bit and come back closer to the teams

That are chasing them just because they are getting older at almost every position one other coach that uh we don’t know his future there’s been a lot of talk about it is Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers the Bills play the Steelers 1 pm Sunday in Orchard Park

We’re gon to talk with Andrew philipon of 93.7 The Fan coming up here on its always game day in Buffalo all right let’s welcome into its always game day in Buffalo from our Odyssey sister station 93.7 The Fan in Pittsburgh and of course the first and pod podcast with

Danny Parkins where they talk all about gambling and gives you a lot of picks every week um Andrew Philip Pony hi how you doing on those picks this year Andrew I know you you talk a lot every week about you know where people should Place their money how’d it turn out for

You this year well I had the Steelers to make the playoffs and that bet looked terrible around uh Christmas time and then thanks to Mason Rudolph and him flying in to rescue the Steelers season that saved my as that was my biggest bet before the

Season started was them to get in uh I had multiple options on FanDuel to cash the BET out for little to no money and I uh didn’t cut my losses thankfully and so yeah that was my big one sale uh I have a buffalo bet to win the Super Bowl

That I got when they were six and six 35 to one is you got it y I have 35 to one uh so a little conflict of interest here with this game on Sunday because I’ve already won my Steelers bet and now part of me wants to root for Buffalo to come

In but if it happens it’s at the expense of the Steelers so kind of a devil on one shoulder and a angel on another for this game S I gotta I got you now I do know before the season you took a little grief from Bills fans you did not

Predict the bills to make the playoffs you did pick the Steelers he predicted the bills to miss the playoffs I mean a lot of people thought they would take a step back here they are maybe playing their best football of the year at least you know winning at least the last you

Know five weeks or so what do you make of the bills from the outside from watching this team from afar well I got tricked by the preseason and I fully admit that the preseason screwed me and I watched the Steelers dominate that game against the

Bills I ended up basing a lot of my Steelers predictions on silly stuff that happened in August and I’ll never make that mistake again I don’t give a damn anymore about what happens in preseason or training camp I’m not going to get Hoodwinked or Bamboozled by any of that

Garbage anymore I probably won’t watch the games anymore uh so that was a big mistake by Mia blunder that made me downgrade Buffalo before the season started and upgrade the Steelers to the point where I thought they could actually compete for a Super Bowl and be

One of the best teams in the NFL so that’s on me I don’t think I was totally wrong about Buffalo I mean they needed to to fire uh Ken dorsy and I was never a dorsy guy I said it before the season I was very cynical of that of his I

Thought with dble gone last year I thought their offensive play calling in certain moments and situations left a lot to be desired and I think it’s been considerably better with Brady so yeah I give the bills uh just like the Steelers did both teams had the courage to fire

Their offensive play callers in the middle of the season and I think both teams benefited from that decision you you just said you got Bamboozled into thinking the Steelers could be a Super Bowl team and here we are and they’re in the playoffs is there no expectation

Whatsoever that they could go on any sort of run not at all no there’s not I mean there’s a little bit of well you got to realize first of all Matt let me just say this you know the Steelers anytime they make the playoffs and they

Get in as one of the last seeds and they have a winning streak to close the season inevitably we get uh a deluge of Steelers fans Who start to bring up 2005 when they won four regular season games at the end of the year and then went on

To win the Super Bowl so that always happens we get hit over the head with that whenever there’s some kind of magical run to this to the playoffs for the Steelers fans like to hearken back because they have fun memories of when they won that Super Bowl with cow and

Jerome Bettis and everybody else in Ben’s second year so not a ton of that has happened this year but what has stunned me and shocked me is that from where fans were a month ago hating this team wanting the coach fired thinking that Kenny picket was a horrible draft

Pick wanting to blow the whole thing up many of them have now convinced themselves and I’ve data to back this up a Twitter poll of our listeners more than 50% have predicted the Steelers to beat the bills they’ve now convinced themselves that this massive upset is

Going to happen on Sunday and that the biggest reason why it’s going to happen is because Josh Allen is GNA shoot himself in the foot so many times times that the Steelers are going to capitalize on that it is shocking to me this is a guy that many Steelers fans

Including myself have seen a lot of Big Ben in a lot of early years uh Prime Big Ben and now fans are like he’s going to turn the ball over so many times and that’s how the Steelers are going to win it’s wild I don’t agree with it it’s

Been fun to watch the interaction and see people talk themselves into it after where they were a month ago but yeah uh I have I give them zero chance I give them next to no chance to win the game on Sunday but Steelers fans after thinking this team was going to lose out

And finish seven and 10 uh now think that they are going to beat Buffalo and pull off one of the more stunning upsets we’ve seen in the playoffs in the last few years Andrew Philip Hony here on it’s always game day in Buffalo I said to Matt earlier even if the four guys

Let’s say who are you know right now dealing with injuries for the bills very good players starters if they were all out ctively it would not be as significant as TJ watt being out for the Pittsburgh Steelers would you agree with that yes yeah name those four guys for

Me against Hil G Davis rasul Douglas Taylor rap and Ty Johnson or Tyrell Dodson sorry I mean starting starting I like Douglas a lot I mean Douglas has four interceptions in eight games he’s been a big difference maker for you guys so that’s an interesting one now the whole

Wind thing is a whole other conversation about how that’s going to affect the game there’s obviously been a lot said and written about that in the last few hours uh yeah that’s the other thing Steelers fans have somehow uh erased from their memories is what like the Men

In Black pen what happened in the in the in the 2022 season when watt was out they went one in six they only won one game and that was when Tom Brady decided to go to Robert Craft’s wedding two days before they played the Steelers and he

Came in here and played like complete garbage and they won that game without him then Chase clay played well which goes to show you what a miracle win that was for them um but yeah I mean watt is watt’s the best for my money the best

Defensive player in the NFL you can give me Pro Football Focus grades all you want uh he led the league in sacks quarterback hits and he had an interception on Matthew Stafford in a game around the midpoint of the Season where if he doesn’t drop back into

Coverage and make that play they lose the game and they’re not in the playoffs he can beat you any number of different ways stop the run bat down passes at the line of scrimmage Force fumbles pick the ball off if he needs to they don’t beat

The bills in week one two years ago in Ben’s last season if watt doesn’t come off the couch after missing all a training camp in the preseason and play like an absolute Menace so I don’t get where Steelers fans are coming from with this uh they’ve given up in their last

Three playoff games 45 48 and 42 points and now Steelers fans seem to think that defensively they’re going to be better off without their best defensive player the backups are better golden and herbig than they’ve been in years but there’s no replacing TJ Watt and I think the

Bills as long as the weather is not insane on Sunday will score a lot of points on the Steelers defense where is the weakness obviously TJ watt is him and you know everybody knows about high Smith and they know about Hayward and I Know M Fitzpatrick looks like he might

Be coming back where is the weakness where are the Bills able to attack them if the weather is not 50 60 M hour gusts like we saw in that Patriots game a couple years ago a lot of different places their inside linebacker stink and that’s not the Steelers fault they all

Got hurt so you guys have obviously had the Milano injury this team had the guys they picked up in the offseason all three guys have gotten injured Cole hulham lost for the year uh Quan Alexander done for the season Al Landon Roberts is gonna play but he has a bad

Peck injury and he’s a guy that they really just signed to be a run stopper and now they’ve been forced to use him as a three- down guy you remember him from Miami and New England so the bills are no stranger to him uh and now they’re playing like miles Jack who had

Purchased a minor league hockey team and started the transition to become a plumber in life he actually uh applied yes I give him Credit in a way that he makes millions of dollars and wants to like ply his trade doing that kind of blueco collar work but that is true he

Wears number 16 and he’s G he played off the practice squad something like 70% of the snaps in the game against Baltimore your tight end should kill them uh K Kate and Knox should have Field Days against the Steelers their second corner and third Corner are major

Weaknesses uh guys Levi Wallace has been terrible this year and I and I would and I had been a big Lei Levi Wallace fan I thought he got by some Bills fans probably not you boys but got murdered for what happened by su in that last 13

Seconds for the job he did I don’t think any of that was really his fault um but he was a steady player last year he has taken a major step back this season um and what they’re going to probably do is move Patrick Peterson back from safety

To Corner in this game he’s been hit or miss up and down this year their slot corner has just been uh horrendous so those are the places and honestly their defensive line too I would say Hayward great name all-time great stealer but has been injured for most of the season

And has been playing through it and he’s not the player that he was even when they played the bills last year in this game when they lost 38 to3 so a lot of different places to beat them their defens has lived off of those Edge rushers this year when high Smith and

Watt play well they typically have good defensive games that uh miles Jack story reminds me of you know the group Boys to Men the tall guy with the deep voice Michael McCary is his name and he like left the group to become an accountant because he really wanted to become an

Accountant someday and he was in my uncle’s an accountant in Buffalo he’s very worried about this game I don’t know why I’ve tried to convince him maybe he’ll watch this podcast now or listen to it and it’ll uh be persuaded by your rhetoric yeah let me uh let me

Ask you about the offensive side uh the change to Mason Rudolph tell me what’s basically truth and what’s fiction about Mason Rudolph like what is hey that this guy has this and what is you know what you know there’s some things there that you just can’t really read a lot into

That are going right definitely is processing things a lot better than he was when he started his last game a couple years ago uh I’ve been stunned by how much more uh comfortable and calm he looks playing the position I thought that was one of his worst

Attributes and traits as a player I thought he panicked way too often especially in the red area when they’d have drives and then they would stall out because they’d ask him to throw a pass and the you know the the part of the field where everything’s congested

And clogged up and I thought he would really kind of just completely freak out uh he’s done so much better at that he’s gone through his read so fast you know if first read isn’t open he’s off to the second and third read and it’s not just

Okay first guy’s not open I’m just going to dump it off to a running back or something he’ll go to the second or third receiver even the tight end like I just don’t remember him really since he played at Oklahoma stateus being a guy that could do that and things obviously

Were so much easier there because people were open all the time right um he’s always been a beautiful deep ball thrower it’s not a huge arm like Allen’s it’s not even as good good of arm as trabis uh but it’s an accurate deep ball downfield and I think that’s what

Happened against Cincinnati the Bengals were so scared to death that fouth was going to have another big game because he killed them in the first matchup they played the middle of the field and then Pickins went off and then I think Seattle started to make an adjustment

And you know Rudolph was able to uh step up to the challenge there and still get the ball distributed around the guys uh Pickins came to life in that game too so doesn’t take much for picking you give him an inch he’s going to take he’s one

Of those guys he led the league in yards per catch he is a knucklehead and a frustrating player but God is he talented and I would say the same thing about Johnson who’s less talented but can be an equal part headache but when he wants to be he’s a very good route

Runner and when his hands don’t betray him like they did in Buffalo a few years ago when he got benched he can be a pretty effective player so yeah he’s unta those guys um the team definitely seems to be rallying around it he believes in himself and we’ll see how

Far it takes him I mean it’s a huge upgrade over what they got from trabis uh and even picket this year he looks like a totally different quarterback he completes a ton of his passes he hasn’t turned the ball over he had a horrible throw at the beginning of

The Baltimore game on a third down that should have been an interception and he did not have another turnover worthy play the rest of the game in horrible weather so I’ve just been shocked by how well he’s played since taking over for trabis my uh my casual Observer from

Sitting here watching Steelers games whether they’re playing before the bills or after the bills or whatever it is I just sit and I know it’s more complicated than this but I just sit there and they say why don’t you throw it to Pickins like double the amount

That you do because he is so talented is it because they just did not have a quarterback that could get it to him and now they seem to have somebody who can or is it that he’s just streaky he’s hot and cold I think that’s part of it um I

Do think that there’s some you know I yeah I mean just to to answer your first to answer your opinion in first like it’s a it was a major uh outcry from fans and one of the big chief reasons why they wanted the clueless offensive coordinator uh sacked

Was because he could not consistently find ways to get George Pickins the ball so yeah that that’s that is a failure of the offense where a guy like that only catches the ball 40s something times in a season or 60 something times in a season just a total debacle by them 60

Something times uh just in excusable uh but there is more to it I mean the dude definitely uh takes plays off and has a lot of that like bad Randy Moss in him where he’s very uh temperamental he’s I think very Mercurial and those types of things happen playto playay quarter to quarter

Game to game with him and I think that those same things played him at Georgia I think more than the knee injury I think that’s why he he sunk to the second round because I think that the guy came with not off the- field baggage but just some maturity baggage and

Professional baggage that guys just didn’t Co teams just didn’t want to have to deal with um I do think that from a route running standpoint there’s still a lot of growth there I mean if Ste if Stefan Diggs is a 10 out of 10 in that

Regard I think Pickins is like maybe a three or four so I think there’s a lot of growth there for him um I do think the quarterbacks have a lot to do with it he could never get on the same page with picket uh trabis and I also think

The quarterbacks were under pretty strict maybe not orders but a trickle down effect from the way the coach viewed the team in the offense I think he wanted to win a lot of games with defense and there was a tendency to play not to lose and ask the quarterback to

Just not turn the ball over and win games ugly and I think when you do that you know it takes away maybe the risk reward of throwing the ball up to him and asking him to make a play they tried that in Indianapolis and there was

An interception by trabis and it was one of the bigger uh Turning Point plays of the game so yeah I mean Pickins I thought going into the year he was going to be one of the 10 best receivers in the NFL and he’s let me down big time in

That regard all right last one from me and we appreciate your time man um I W to ask you about Mike tomlin’s future and there’s been a lot here I’m I’m a Mike thin fan but I understand the sentiment we we have the same thing in here you have this guy that’s really

Successful he doesn’t have a Lombardi Sha mcdermit but you have this guy that’s really successful but at some point fans ask has have they hit their ceiling under him right and I think that’s what’s going on there in Pittsburg and probably some other things too about what fans feel um but he’s

Wildly successful and there’s a lot of Rumblings about maybe him not being in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh however that navigates itself whether it’s him or the team or trade or whatever what do you think think a lot about it s it’s probably something that I I mean I if I add it up

This year number of hours I’ve talked about this topic in my life it has to AC ACR to like more than two or three years now if you add up the time we’ve spent doing this because it it really is for me uh a lightning rod topic and I think

My opinion of Tomlin has more and more become one of has become a majority opinion I I think you know for a while Tomlin nationally has gotten credit for wow well look at the team on paper and to just get this team to 10 and seven like

This year or last year man to get them to nine wins or you know the year that uh hajes and Rudolph were were in at quarterback to get them to eight and eight like he gets credit for for getting them to be an average or slightly above average team because I

Think nationally people look at the team on paper and think well there’s deficiencies there’s weaknesses they holes that ignores the fact that the guy has a gigantic say in their roster construction and their overall team philosophy and everything else so this is not a situation where Kevin Colbert

Would draft the players and Mike Tomlin would have to make chicken salad out of chicken bleep it was not that he goes you see him on the senior uh Bowl uh thing you see him going to Pro days you see him personally interviewing players he doesn’t have the bill bellich Zara

Football title but he is as involved in their roster building Drafting and signing and trading of players of any coach in the NFL so if they have a bad team or a mediocre team that is on him and in a lot of ways like the way bich

The GM has betrayed belich the coach I think some of that has gone on with Mike now the other problem Mike has say is that he has surrounded himself with really obscure Anonymous assistant coaches his last two offensive coordinators are Matt Canada who wouldn’t get a college job uh with at

The top 25 college teams in America looked at him he was just a free agent in the college coaching Carousel and no one hired him after he was fired by the Steelers and that’s where he cut his teeth he’s a college coordinator who was given an opportunity in the pros and

Swung and missed badly and struck out the guy before that Randy fedner who Tomlin had worked for in college and rothberger had forged a friendship with that dude is in his 50s and he’s been out of football for three years and no one’s hired him not even as like a

Quarterback’s coach so he’s in control of his own staff that doesn’t come from the general manager the owner and I think that’s let him down a lot too so these are the types of things I think where if you’re not in the bubble if you’re not around the Steelers every day

And you’re just talking from ESPN or fox in LA or something or even like you guys looking in when the Steelers play the bills might not know that and I think that that’s partial that’s a big reason why I’ve got questions about Mike tomman it’s gonna

Be seven years without a playoff win if they lose on Sunday that’s the second longest drought in franchise history we have no idea if Kenny pickets a good quarterback that’s a guy that he wanted in the draft uh he wanted them to bring in Mitch trabis as a potential starting

Quarterback he was okay with alberger playing an extra year there’s a lot of things s um he coached his butt off the last three games but you could also argue he went to Rudolph too late and after the Arizona game he started trabis against New England and when that didn’t

Work he started him again against Indianapolis so it’s kind of like Josh Allen or the bills in one sense you have you give them credit for digging themselves out of a six and six hole but you also have to acknowledge the fact that they started six and six and why

Did that happen so I think it gets complicated here it’s more black and white with me I think if he were to leave after this season there’d be a good time for the Steelers to go out and get one of these great offensive Minds s and see if they can tap that deep

Reservoir of offensive coaches right now who can find a quarterback to get this franchise back and where where you guys are where you feel like with Josh alen you’re GNA have a chance to compete for championships for the next 10 years well that’s certainly foreign to us at least

For the last uh five years things have been different you’ve already said you don’t think there’s a chance that they you said it’s close to zero that the Steelers can come to Buffalo and win the game so I won’t ask you can they win I’ll ask you can they cover do you think

It’ll be close or do you think it’s gonna be blowout I don’t I think it’s gonna be a I think it’s gonna be a blood bath I really do uh I don’t even buy and people were trying to talk me into it today including my co-host a little

Actually he didn’t he talked me out of it as a matter of fact I’m not even sure the win thing is going to be a big help for them if anything it’s just going to turn the bills more into a running offense and with cook and with the way

Allen runs the ball I’m not particularly interested or excited about that Prospect uh as much as I’m uh pleasantly surprised and happy for Rudolph I do think the bubble can burst I mean if you look at the quarterbacks that have gone into Buffalo this year Russell Wilson

Played the best game and you you needed a 12 men on the field penalty at the end for Denver to even win that game so it’s G to take a special teams play it’s going to take multiple turnovers it’s going to take them hitting a Long play

Or something with pickings I mean five or six or seven or eight things would have to break right for them to win the game maybe half of that would have to break right for them to um cover but look at the bills average margin of

Victory at home this year it’s up in the double digits they’re a 10-point favorite for a reason I’m happy for you guys when the Steelers get knocked out I’ll be rooting for Buffalo I want them to finally get us to get a Super Bowl I think it would be great for the city

Their fans my uncle all my friends that I have back there in Buffalo and Western New York yeah I mean I would be living vicariously through you will be and rooting for you hard once the Steelers get knocked out and that’ll happen it won’t even be four o’clock on Sunday

We’ll know by about 2:30 on Sunday that the bills are moving on to the next round Andrew actually did get a chance to live in Buffalo he was on wgr for a little while he was uh you were here what 09 10 around that area right I was

There for the dick Jon era dick did not like me at all he hated my guts as a matter of fact wow um yep their PR director I think complained to my boss about me I don’t even really know what I did wrong S I was just me it’s not

Evening like I was going on the air killing the guy and pounding the guy he just had a problem with me I guess I don’t know but well listen fun times there’s been plenty of stories about that from back around that time period And before here in Buffalo with I didn’t

Get the I didn’t get the Christmas football I they used to give out like a chocolate football did you know about the story sale are you aware of this no no I did tell us please okay so they used to give out and other like media members from that like Paul Paul

Hamilton I think could uh could could uh or Mike schop or Chris Parker or any of those guys would back me up on this they would give out like a happy holidays big chocolate football to the media members that they liked and then if you didn’t get one you would

Know that you were in their Cross hores or on their naughty list and I’m serious man I’m dead serious about that he’s he’s 100% right even I know about this I I’ve definitely heard the story about the chocolate footballs before yes now I was in my early 20s at the time and

There was a lot going on bars are open till 4:00 a.m. so you know maybe I’m a little bit hazy on the exact facts of this but yeah I remember being a big deal that I didn’t get a chocolate football in uh December of 2008 apparently the bill starting 4-0 that

Year and finishing seven- n and the critical coverage they received uh they thought was out of bounds but whatever Good Times Edwards Stevie Johnson things of that nature well now you’re covering uh all thing Pittsburgh sports 93.7 The Fan first in pod with Danny Parkins um

You know we you and I have talked many times first time we get to see each other on videos so it’s good to see you buddy and I you too s you’re doing a great job man keep it up you two guys rock thank you all right thank you

Andrew philipon and we are always game day in Buffalo Matt Bo WKBW TV channel 7 s capacho WJ sports radio 550 enjoy the game we’ll be on after that of course to tell you all about it and thanks to our producer Mike robier here it’s always g

Buffalo Matt have a great rest of your week stay warm buddy thanks buddy


  1. Need to pressure Rudolph and don't miss tackels and let them have big run plays or get into space on screen plays thats were Baltimore missed on that slant that he took to the house and field goals are going to be hard with the wind gusts

  2. The chiefs are still the chiefs…. And they should’ve beat you in the game this year if not for an offiside….. soooo that claim is so stupid please do not let chiefs go against the bills.. do we ever learn???????

  3. It all depends on if they are with the wind or against the wind.. steelers win the game by 13 points.. they already beat the best team in the NFL 2 times.. Dont sleep on pittsburgh

  4. as a steeler fan andrew filipino coming on another team , our current opponent I might add , local podcast and disrespecting us is embarrassing . he's a clown and he doesn't speak for us. we are hopeful because we have a competent qb now. what team is hoping a team has a bad day is worth anything? filipino is a clown playoffs are about who catches momentum and chemistry at the right time which the steelers have. big ups to the 2 hosts of the show for your respect and decency towards our organization may the best team win. filipino go write columns for sesame street you muppet @$$ cartoon character.🤡

  5. As a realistic Steelers fan, I definitely think we have a chance against Buffalo. What cracked me up was, we have been a better team than you all season and you can't admit that! We needed three games at the end of the season in the toughest division in the NFL and you needed five! Who is trying to fool who here?! You lost to the same measly Patriots team that we did except you probably gave them more spark when we faced them! You have valid points about my team but you are very blind on your own!

  6. If the dolphins wouldve went somewhere to practice in colder weather, maybe they would have a chance. But nope, they practiced in Miami in 70° weather. They didnt even give themselves a chance and supposedly their head coach McDaniel is a genius? Nah…no way hes an idiot and the dolphins deserve to be eliminated from the post season.

  7. If the Bills win. Ill root for them to go to the superbowl. If they make the superbowl vs anybody except the lions, ill root for the Bills all the way!

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