Golf Players

Episode #313 ~ Chris Low

On this episode, Pat Dooley is joined by Chris Low from ESPN, courtesy of Meldon Law!
We’ll have the Big Mill’s Cheesesteaks’ “Yes, No Way, or Maybe,”
Hesser & Kipke’s “Three Things,” Leonardo’s Millhopper Pizza “Quick Picks,”
Adam’s Rib Co. 2GO “Gator of the Week,” and as always
East Lake Pediatrics’ “Pat Dooley’s Storytime”
All that, and much more!

[Applause] [Applause] B Another duly noted podcast comes to you from the coaches podcast room at spurrier’s grid iron grill in celebration Point okay and welcome in another duly noted podcast presented by our good friends at Titan MRI and coming to you from the melden law dly Dome Gator

Studios here at my house um got a great show for you today Chris low is going to join us we set up Chris low to be on the show have no idea that he was going to break the story that Nick sabin’s leaving so we’ll have him on to talk

About that and then of course Monday coach spor will be here and he’ll be talking about Nick saen leaving and also about the other things that have happened the world of coaching uh and then the following Thursday Andrea adelon will join us U so good shows

Coming up for you as always here on another dly noted podcast let us get to our process service of Gainesville starting th brought to you by the good Folks at process Ser service of Gainesville Scott Hart does a great job over there and we appreciate him being the sponsor of the

Starting five um you know I it’s funny because last night I’m watching the Florida basketball game and I’m like if Florida wins this game do I make that the number one story or the number two story you know because saing and everything now it I will get to the W

The the men’s basketball game I didn’t have to worry about him winning by the way uh later it’ll be the last item just to tell you ahead of time with all the stuff that’s going on let’s start off with number one on the process service of Gainesville starting five and that is

Um the three coaches that that have all left within a 24-hour period that just seemed crazy Sabin belich and and of course um Pete Carroll now two of them got fired basically I mean like there’s no other way to put it you parted ways

Yeah I don’t want you to be here when I come in tomorrow that’s that’s how we’re gonna part ways pack your suitcase uh but anyway it doesn’t matter they go down as Legends and I’ll start with Sabin on number one and that is how I learned how to like Nick Sabin I

Didn’t at first I was like a lot of a lot of Gator fans did a lot of Gator fans he made TBO cry now he didn’t do it personally but his whole goal that year was to beat uh Florida and beat TBO have a playing for Tio um but I I just love

The way he was able to reinvent himself to change to do things um in the end though um college football pushed the greatest college football coach out me that’s the way I see it and we’ll talk to um Chris about this too later but you know there there’s just so much going on

That he just it it drove him crazy and I think it’s just you know it is kind of a young man’s game I hate to say it now it is kind of a young man’s game like like you got to be able to deal with all this

Nil and all this transfer portal and all this it’s not even a young man’s game it’s a many man’s game you got to have a million people like Florida does now they need to to win some games and get better at what they’re doing but that’s

Not for today’s show um I really got to where I like Nick sa especially too for our golf tournament every year we got a helmet from Alabama now that that was especially a big deal when they won the National Championship those years uh I’ll never know whether they were

Actually signed by Nick Sabin I later was told that Nick doesn’t sign those helmets that’s they’ve got somebody that knows his signature and and he does it then I was told by somebody that um he doesn’t know where they’re going so I’m not saying he sent them to me but we got

Them every year I think for 10 years probably at least got him and a lot of time will muschamp was in the middle of that getting that done um so that made a lot but look this guy is a um you know everybody always wants to

Talk about how he he W you know they should make him the commissioner of of football since football is rudderless right now and it’s a mess and it is a gigantic mess and it’s why he got out and I don’t blame him uh it’s trying to push me out

Let alone Nick Sabin Nick sabin’s got all the money in the world he doesn’t need to keep doing that he doesn’t need to keep being a coach and uh he and also he’s got his everything else going on you know his uh F what do he got three three Mercedes

Dealerships all his commercials it’s not like not going to stay busy he’s going to be like me retiring but not retiring and that’s that he except he’s gonna do it at a much higher level you know when he goes to give your U your the people over at

Uh you know I was trying to think of the oh I should think of a name of one of our sponsors the process service of Gainsville folks U or the Hesser and Kip kipy folks he he’s going to give you a speech he’s it’s going to be 30,000

Bucks okay so he and there’ll be plenty of calling for that to do corporate speaking engagements and everything he’s going to be fine nobody’s worried about him but I do worry about the game all right let’s get to number two on the process service of Gainesville starting

Five and that would be bellich um news coming out this morning as soon as I woke up I saw it I went man how many times am I going to say wow this week and I I don’t know if it’s over yet I mean there could be more coming on um

But that have been rumored because look it wasn’t working anymore in New England and and could it work somewhere else yeah there’s no doubt if he goes to the right place with a quarterback um but I will say this um you know his selection of players in the

Last few years has not been been great um there clearly when their special teams fall off it’s he loves special teams and maybe his heart maybe it just got old being their coach and maybe he wants to go do something somewhere else um or maybe he just wants to retire I

Don’t know how he retires because um but again I think he’ll be coaching somewhere uh I do get offended when people always say this well it wasn’t bellich it was Brady oh come on man in the first place belich put players around Tom Brady to make him great and and they weren’t

Always the guys that everybody else would have taken in case Randy Moss it was uh but you know it was the Edelman and guys like that amandola and so they he put guys around them and made them great and he picked him you know way down there in the draft

He saw something in him he made him better you know that and and you know Damon Woody was telling this story today about how he needed to lose weight and and belich got him into a weight loss clinic and kept down coming and visiting him and telling him how good he could be

If he could just get his weight off and doing things like that um and of course belich would be in Gainsville every once in a while because he and urban were good friends so I remember seeing him at a game and I’m like that is so weird to

See Bill bich at a Florida basketball game but I would I started to walk over to intro to I was G like I’m gonna walk over and I’m going to introduce myself to Bill bich that’s something you need to do Pat he’s a one of the biggest

Names of sports and as I’m walking every I go probably shouldn’t do that I should probably just say hi Urban how are you who’s your friend no I probably shouldn’t do that by the time I got over there I just nodded at Urban and walked right into this pressroom I was he

Intimidated me he intimidated a lot of people um the part I don’t like him is just you don’t have to be a jerk at press conferences he decided he’s going to be a jerk his whole life at press conferences I don’t particularly care for that um but the NFL is certainly a

Different world too and um you know he obviously had to wasn’t getting it done anymore and like anybody else when you can’t aren’t getting it done it’s time to move on um I think it was probably Mutual but he knew that it wasn’t working for him anymore and that

They knew it wasn’t he wasn’t working for them that that Robert Craft knew that uh so let’s move on to number three on the process service of Gainsville starting five and that would be Pete Carroll who started this whole thing off and never realized that by the end of the day

Yesterday or today I guess he would be on 3B you know nobody cares that Pete Carol is retiring or or parted ways again leaving uh Seattle um I was kind of a peak Carol I I hated him with the with the uh USC I rooted against USC I’ve got to learn I

Gotta get better at that I gotta forgive some of these things that I anyway that’s me I got to work on me a little bit but I didn’t like him there but then when he got to um when he got to the NFL I kind of

Liked him I I liked some of the things that he was doing I like that PR I liked Sean Alexander I liked the colors and so I rooted for the Seahawks and and kind of did for a long time till they got bad and then I qu Roo because I like I’ve

Told you I don’t have an NFL team there are 32 teams in the NFL 16 of them I like 16 of them I don’t like and so it’s it’s a matter of if you’re playing each other I probably gonna watch the game but anyway um won a Super Bowl should

Have won two obviously uh screwed that one up uh did always like him though I I he was a guy that I really cared about I’m looking around here because I guess the trash gu is coming finally um they’re a little late today uh but I want to make sure nobody was like

Ramming my car with a something because sometimes you never know all right so that’s the story with Pete Carrol but it was it was funny that yesterday when that happened so that happens and I’m going in to do the radio show and when it when the news broke I just remember saying

One are you kidding me Pete Carol I get in to do the radio we’re an hour into the show and and Jeff goes well you know you like wow moments you’re not gonna believe this one and tells me about Sabin and then I wake up this morning

Wow so it’s been a weird few days change the landscape of football uh really is um so the number four thing on process service of gains will start in five who takes their place where does sain go does um I mean you assume Sav is gonna take

It complete he’s done he’s not g to coach anymore um but what if an NFL team said hey we’ll give you a lot of money and you don’t you don’t even have to do the you can I I don’t think that is but where where does Bella Che go where does

Pete Caroll go do they continue to coach are they happy with it um a lot of people I think Vel uh Mike Vel will be the uh next coach in New England but I don’t know he’s kind of a jerky guy and I of course so is bellich one jerk for

Another um there’s just a lot of people there that I don’t know how how they’re going to look at it they’re gonna have to move pretty quickly on this and that’s why they made this move now because you know there are eight openings now in the NFL eight count them

Eight so and this is not atypical of the NFL I mean it it’s what they do so you you’ve got now I would think Dan Quinn’s gonna get a job out of this he’ll get back into being a head coach I it’s got to be the right one and I wouldn’t take

Certain jobs I wouldn’t take the Redskins job for example um yeah I would take it something like the Chargers is obviously the one you’re going to get a great quarterback and and you’re and that’s gives you a starting point I think there’s a lot of people

Interested in that one also who is so maybe Dan Quinn goes to Seattle I mean he’s got ties there obviously coach there um maybe he he goes to Seattle as their head coach um a lot of people believe Dan Lanning will be the next coach at Alabama I I I personally think

That is the best hire that they can make uh I do and I was thinking about this with the with the dbor the coach at Washington would be a great hire but I don’t think Alabama fans think that’s sexy enough Dan Lanning maybe they think it’s sexy enough but the bottom line

Is um I don’t I wouldn’t wish that on Dan Lanning he seems like a pretty good dude I like the guy um he’s a really good coach and he goes there and goes 10 and two and they’re going to run him out of town I mean they uh you’re well

You’re not like saving um so um and so we’ll see what happens but you know people have brought up every name in the book I mean Urban’s name is going to come up for that job Believe It Believe It or Not uh but he’s not coaching anymore but it is um it’s going

To be interesting you got eight openings there you’ve got a a major opening in the SEC there’s a lot going on the news never stops have you noticed that every day is there’s new news must be because you’re not yesterday’s news you’re today’s news all right and finally number five uh Florida

Basketball now I watched the game last night um it was not good uh they played absolutely no defense I thought that uh coach uh golden said the perfect put the perfect way um when he said we played atrocious defense I thought that was the best quote until I saw Walter Clayton Jr said

They just punked us and they did Florida hasn’t played defense all year though they’re not very good on defense even the games where they block a lot of shots they’re still not they’re giving up way too much e too many easy points too many points to the basket you know

You Lo this you give up 103 last night which is crazy and and they blocked 16 shots and you still got to 80 what was it 85 points and they blocked 16 shots but that triggers offense too so um it just wasn’t good and um the full

CT pressure got to him first row game for a lot of these guys playing in the SEC okay uh discouraging I would say it was very discouraging to see that result and to watch that game I thought Florida was better than that um but you know they’re

Pretty good uh they’ve only lost one game they did get destroyed in the one game they lost you knew they’d come that’s the thing and when Florida was playing Arkansas in football I was thinking the same thing man the last thing you want is for a

Team to come in that you think is a pretty decent team and they come in off of a bad loss where they just didn’t play well because you know the coach is going to get their attention and you just have to do better I guess that’s all you can do um so

Anyway they shot 75% in the second half now that’s hard to do against air when nobody guarding you which pretty much is what it was nobody guarding him boys you better get better on defense because if you don’t be a long season a really long season I will say this too teams have

Started 0 and two in the SEC before and gone on and had great years it’s happen I could look it up I just know it’s happened I will look it up for next week okay how about that all right we are GNA take a break right now come back with

Chris low from ESPN you know him well broke the story on Nick Sabin uh retiring and um we’ll play yes no where or maybe with him as well this is another duly know to podcast presented by Titan MRI from the meldin law dly Dome Gator Studios I was driving behind a lady and

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Go where your doctors send their families now offering CAT scans okay and welcome back to another daily noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law dly Dome Gator Studios we’ll be back in at Spur gr on grill on Monday with Coach spur we’ll get his take on

What what’s going on with all these coaches things but when I uh talked to Chris low about coming on the show Thursday we had no idea we were G to be talking about the story he broke yesterday which is the biggest story I think in I I know that Chris and

And ESPN people are playing are are bowing down to bellich right now but I mean in in the world of college football and the world that we live in in the South this is the biggest story that’s come along in a long time well Pat I mean not not just

Because I had it because of of the the Run savs had man I we both done this a long time and do you think we’ll ever see a run like that in college football in our lifetimes again well I mean Kirby be the only one that could you know I

Mean and he could Kirby’s got just a juggernaut going there at Georgia but you know it’s just like the the analogy I made yesterday you know all those Majors that Jack Nicholas won people forget about the second place finishes he had you know Nick right you know you

Think about the kick six in 2013 um he lost in the championship game to Clemson twice uh he was in the playoff a few other times I it could easily be 10 plus national titles that he has at this point so I just think that the way he changed the game and the

Way he changed I thought was most impressive with his career as he adapted even though he goes out at 72 I mean nobody over the last 10 years I thought adapted or evolved any better than he did and um agree just a run a run a coaching run that um when you start

Talking about great College coaching runs in any sport I mean I guess the the John Wood and UCLA ER and of course I’m showing my age here back when he won seven of 10 national titles and Hoops would be right there at the top at least

In the two main men’s sports but what uh what Nick did at Alabama is uh it’s going to be a while before that’s duplicated if ever so when you get this information how fast were your fingers dialing the phone at ESPN well in this day and age man of the

Immediacy of social media I mean you never know and I’m I guess I’m a gezer man I don’t this sounds crazy and people that are younger in our profession look at me like I’ve got three heads when I say this I don’t scour Twitter all day I

Guess it’s X now right right X I call it Twitter yeah I don’t you know if if pad dly tells me something and and he’s a good source and I trust him then then I go I call my office and I tweet it I don’t I don’t go

Online and look and see if two other people have had it a minute earlier or if I had it two minutes before somebody else I just if I get good information from people I trust then I go with it but I knew you know I knew enough about

That situation that he had just told players and all players are on social media so I knew it was getting ready to get out pretty fast so they were to answer your question they were going they were going pretty fast to make sure I got it out there yeah well I mean now

Were you surprised when you got the information I mean we all knew that this was a possibility but I think after the great job he did of coaching this team and getting the most out of this team that was possible I think we all figured well he’s energized ready to come back

For another year no I think he’s thought about this for the last couple years I think the process has been the same and his wife always Terry always go away for those few days after the last season they go to I guess they have a home now down in

Florida Jupiter I think is where they they bought a new place and all the cool people live down here okay that’s right then they’re hot all summer maybe I can get you to get me in touch with your real estate agent I think it’s sper to be honest with

You I can’t even get coach spur to buy me a meal it’s at his at his restaurant let alone put me in touch with his real estate agent but now Jerry would but Steve wouldn’t for the record no I think they go they go off Nick and Terry have for the last

Few years and they discuss where they are in their lives and his career and you know what just sort of what’s in front of them so this has been something they’ve been through the last couple years and I think this was a year that

He just felt like you I had a chance to talk to him this morning that is his age and you you know he just he’s not going to Pat he’s not going to scale back man and and do it bring in somebody else to help him or be

More of a CEO kind of guy he’s going to do it one way the only way he knows how and I think the more he thought about it the more he talked to people players staff he was doing interviews an hour with coaches an hour before he announced

It um I think he’d already finalized his decision by the end but he’s going to work right up to the very end in his mind he could not give 100% what he wanted to give to the players in the program and you know he he’s he’s still

Pretty healthy but he’s 72 and he said this was a harder year for him um you know 14 hour days he said are a lot heck of a lot harder at 72 than they are 62 and he just said it’s time for me to let somebody else come in and take a

Shot at it and I know he wants to have and wanted to have enough quality of life left when he finished his coaching football and again the these are things he told me I’m not just speculating to do things he wants to do he and his wife he’s got grandkids you

Know he loves to play golf he went over to Italy this past summer for 10 days which is the longest he’s ever been away from football for for that long he really he told me he really enjoyed that trip uh he’s he’s own he owns a couple golf courses he owns a couple

Dealerships Mercedes and Ferrari so he’s got a lot of interest and and I think more than anything though he’s his dad died very young I think at 45 or something like that and he wants to be able to do some things and experience some things in life that he simply

Hasn’t been able to to this point because he just was you know quote unquote such a football junkie that he just never could Prime away to do a lot of those things yeah I mean we know that he that he was and he he was crazy about the

Attention to detail and making making sure his players understood that you know like he like he said this was this is not a crystal ball it’s a coke bottle up here but I can’t predict the future but I can try to Define it I can try to

Make it the best it can be I mean I always admired the guy I I I I liked him a lot and I when I think the best year that that Nick Sabin ever had was during the co year because all the recruiting videos got leaked out on Twitter and you

Could see what he would how he would sell a kid and you would go I’ll go play for you I’ll go I’ll go right now coach I’ll go do whatever you need me to do I mean that just told me how Dynamic he is in a room with people well he is he’s

He’s a he’s a quintessential leader and and when he walks in there’s a presence about him that I don’t care if you’re 18 years old or or 68 years old you’re male female different parts of the country different cultures I mean he just he resonates the way he cares himself I

Mean there there’s a video out there I would encourage um any kid who thinks they’ve got a chance to go play college ball certainly pro ball to go look at and he talks about and players and but players and it’s it’s really simple but he says you know don’t give anybody a reason

Whether you’re going to be a football player you’re going to try to get a job in a law firm to be a butt person you know he’s he’s this he’s that but you know he’s late to meetings but you he had a positive drug test but he had an

Issue with his girlfriend being an and player you know he’s a great football player does this you know and he’s 10 minutes early for meetings and he’s well-liked by everybody in the locker room and he makes Straight A’s in the classroom and you know that really

Applies Pat to all walks of life to be honest with you and and I I told a kid recently a kid that I had sort of mentored and helped coach basketball when he was younger who’s in college I said go look at this video and call me

Back and tell me are you an an player or a butt player player and that’s that’s sort of the way you know you talked about his messaging the way he talked to people um but he would take things that seemingly are very simple and break them

Down in layman’s terms like that and and made a lot of sense for a lot of people absolutely he did U obviously there’s GNA be a lot of talk about who’s going to take his place U and the I think the top one in the um in terms of the

Betting is is Dan Lanning I don’t know that I’d wish that on Dan Lanning going into that that crowd of people because you can’t be uh I don’t know you it could be it could be hard it can be hard for whoever’s following whoever follows Steve spur remember they they went to

Stoops and Shanahan then settled on zook um it’s hard to follow great coaches like that impossible I mean how manyama how many guys have done it you mentioned um spurry you know Tom Osborne at Nebraska they uh promoted his assistant who didn’t do a bad job but

His biggest flaw was he was a Tom Osborne you know and he didn’t win 12 games every year um it’s just rare that that happens Pat that that a legendary coach a Hall of Fame coach steps down and the guy that comes in behind him has

You know a lot of success Barry Switzer at Oklahoma is another one I mean they went through you know really bad run there who was the coach Larry Blake was that the guy didn’t he go like Howard snellenberger I think part of that part

Of that run you know um I uh I don’t think it’s going to be landing I think l in fact I think Landing has told some people he’s not interested and he’s got a good gig they got tons of resources at Oregon he’s just getting started and I

Think Dan Dan’s is you know Dan’s not a dummy he’s been in the SEC he’s worked there he understands it going in behind Nick Sav is um you talk about swimming upstream and and listen Nick the thing that I want to emphasize here is the

Program is in good sh he lives it in good shape they got a lot of good young players coming back uh they recruited well I think in the transfer portal now some of this may change over the next 30 days because kids have a chance now to

To jump in the portal they want to I I don’t know what this does to the recruiting class but it’s in good shape and it’s you know this may have been yeah they should have won they should have won the National Championship they had they they they give up one drive on

Defense in the second half and it’s the drive that beats them you know they completely shut Michigan down but to Michigan Credit they got it done when they needed to but this was not Nick’s most talented team they had Talent don’t get me wrong it’s not like they were

Playing with a guys that were a bunch of three stars they had a bunch of good players who people wanted but he’s had as you know haven’t covered the league as long as you have he’s had a lot better teams a lot more complete teams

And a lot more dep it’s hard and this is not just Bama but the thing that’s going to be fascinating going forward everywhere is who does the best job of maintaining and creating depth in the portal ERA with guys coming and going because if I’m the six

Tackle or excuse me if I’m the six offensive lineman at Alabama or Florida or Ohio State or Texas and I think maybe there’s four or five guys are going to play in front of me the next year but I’m a really good player then I’m boled and offensive Line’s a good example

Because how many how many times Pat do you finish the season with the same five offensive line right and that’s where I think Championship is going to be won look at Michigan Michigan won the title this year with an offensive line that played great when it counted but guess

What they were missing their best guy Zack zener their guard got hurt against Ohio State and without him they still win over Washington and Alabama so that’s to me that’s that’s depth that’s the Difference Maker and will be the Difference Maker and it was harder for

Sabin to to maintain and create the kind of depth he had there over the years for obvious reasons and I think that called up to him a little bit but I don’t think I don’t see that that program is dip that there still is as formable what I

Think will be a top five team and with it going to 12 teams it as you know it’s going to sort of change the change the game a little bit because you know you can have a a hiccup maybe even two in the SEC uh you don’t lose to bad teams

And still have a chance to get into the playoff yeah so I mean does Lane kein have a shot that John no I don’t think so I think L would like to have it but I don’t think he’s gonna get it um I really think right now if if you if you

Talk about two names that I think would probably be at or near the top of the list would be Dort at Washington and Mike norell there at Florida State I think those are two guys yeah and I’m not saying that they’re the two front Runners but there’re certainly two guys that will be

Prominent in that conversation I don’t know if dor is sexy enough for Alabama fans you know what I mean I mean they they yeah they they’re aware of what he’s doing out there but a lot of it’s gone on and they they don’t even know you know they you know they’re watching

SEC football but um I I think he’d be a great J do a great job there and uh Norvell I mean we know what he you the thing about Norvell was they had to give him time to build that roster and he’s he did it but at Alabama he won’t really have to

Build it um and and they’re not going to give him time to do it no it’s a you’re you’re th% right Mike Mike would inherit a much much better situation at Alabama than he did at Florida State and um I think the fact that Florida State’s been

So outspoken about wanting to leave the SC or ACC and I don’t know frankly I don’t know where their landing spot is I guess we’re going to find out if there is one if you’re norvale and Bama comes after you they offer you 10 million plus that’s probably pretty tough to turn

Down and and I think that’s that’s that would be one and I don’t think Mike would leave for a lot of jobs he’s put a lot of Blood Sweat and Tears in the getting Florida State to where they are right now but Alabama even though you’re

Having to follow follow a guy like Savin would be a Hardin to to say no to and I think dor has done such a real a really good job in Washington in fact they play on the west coast people in the SEC are in bed most of the times when they play

Their games but if you watched them play and and how electric they have been on offense and really probably underrated on defense uh he’s not been a a guy that’s been around the SEC but I do think he checks a lot of boxes in this

Day and age so I think those are two guys and you know sarkeesian would certainly be a guy that you would think they would call but you know if you’re sarkeesian you’re already going to the SEC Texas is moving to the SEC you’re making tons of money and I’m sure that

You he could parlay if you wanted to a raise out of this I know Nick Savin really really respected sarkeesian as a coach felt like he was outstanding and that would carry a lot of weight but I just don’t know he’s already got all the to leave Texas he’s already got all the

Nil money he wants he’s you know uh he’s got they’re getting plenty plenty of uh salary he the expectations are great but they’re not Alabama great you know they’re not that crazy out of out of whack but uh um all right it is time for us to play yes nowhere maybe with Chris

Low it comes to on the big Mills chees steak Zoom line big Mills chees steak go in there say you were listening or watching another duly noted podcast and you get free fries with your order something about that so yes no way or maybe um number one bellich coach in the

NFL again imagine if you’re Pete Carolin you went I’m I’m going to get fired and it’ll be the biggest story in the history of football and you’re and you’re like I’m 3B now yeah I go yes I don’t think Bill wants to go out this way I I I just

Can’t see him leaving on this note so I go yes on belich coaching in the NFL again all right number two on yes no way or maybe uh the last shoe has not Fallen yet Harbaugh and will it fall um yes I think he will be coaching

In the NFL next year I think that’s I think that’s his next Horizon I think it’s been something that’s been on his radar for a while and you talk about a way to go out he gets back to his Alam Mater he gets him back to a national

Championship took him a while but he’s done it uh he’s had success in the NFL before Pat I think that’s that’s going to be his next challenge his dad himself said the guy loves challenges he loves taking on different challenges and and to me now going from leading R to a

National title and potentially winning a Super Bowl or getting a team to the playoffs would be that next challenge yeah it is it would be pretty amazing if Michigan and Alabama both opened up uh two teams that played in the semi-final that would be I don’t

Know if we could we could handle all that just be too much uh finally last question for you on yes nowhere maybe Chris low from ESPN does such a great job I call him the Bulldog um okay college football pushed Nick Sabin out of college football and by that I

Mean where it is now the nil with this craziness of the nil I know he’s been angry about it many times and people buying players and um so the college football push him out of college football I go maybe I don’t think it pushed him out I think it was a Factor

But not the factor I mean he he’s been frustrated when I talked to him this morning about it he said listen um I don’t know any coach that’s not frustrated with where we are right now and the lack of uniformity and the tampering that goes on in the portal and

You know bidding for players out of high school and just the lack of structure he said but that this is he said this is not me leaving now is not about that he said you got to be able to adapt he said and as you pointed out says listen it’s

Been three years of this now and we still winning so it’s not like I’m running away from anything or that’s the reason I’m leaving um so but I do think it was I guess the best way I could say it Pat I don’t think this version of college football was Nick sa’s favorite

No no exactly nor is it my favorite to be honest with you but who is it I I the players play I tell collectives and the players attorneys and agents are the one who like the best but you know what hey fans are going to keep watching this was

The most watched college football season ever and the people that say and you know the get off my lawn type people I’m not going to watch college football anymore this is not the way they’re going to keep watching I love the game you love the game do I love the way it’s

Sort of transformed the way it is right now no but I still love the game and I love watching games on Saturdays and I want to keep watching Chris Florida’s had nine sellouts in the last two years for two losing teams okay they were had losing records and and they still sold

It out so um no it’s it’s um the game is is the game is over may it may be idiot proof in the end that’s that may be the answer to it I know he’s uh not an idiot and but is idiot proof because he doesn’t listen to me very often and

That’s you Chris low uh and I appreciate your time is that a Bernard King jersey behind you there I’ve got actually Larry Bird and Bernard King I don’t if you can see bird one one both of them autographed actually is that right I don’t have a

Lot of memorabilia I’m I’m a Hoops guy from way back and I love the the the um again I know I’m showing my age but I love the 80s the NBA in the 80s was there was none better I mean it was so awesome and and love watching um King

Play that’s actually a Tennessee Jersey that somebody Tennessee got for me then birs is a Celtics Jersey but uh yeah I don’t have a lot but my son got me both of them and so those are the two and there’s a c i don’t if you SE there’s a

Catty Shack back there in the background um which little little on trivia Pat dully and I once played together the course there I guess it was what Rolling Hills Golf Club in Fort Lauderdale film CAD yeah and my memory of that round is you played a heck of a

Lot better than I did I won I I still have the trophy over here so I was playing a little different that was when I had all my limbs were were mine they hadn’t been replaced with ceramic but um uh yeah it was a fun that was fun day

And I’ve told this story before but on on every hole where they what they filmed there there would be a sign with the quote and that was awesome I think we laugh so hard that the clubhouse it looks you know pretty much the same as

It did when they filmed it but that was you know people say what’s what’s some of the best things you’ve done in your career well I don’t really start with championship games I start with playing around the go my buddy Pat dully at the course where they filmed the cult

Classic catty Shack and yes if if our buddy Steve spur is watching we putted every single putt out half a foot foot didn’t matter nobody moved the there were no foot wedges judge smell not there to to kick our ball back into the Fairway we played the ball as it lied

Coach so I just want you to know that these are stories we were telling before the uh before we started the podcast Chris it’s always great talking to you buddy uh thank you so much for coming on board I knew you’re really busy today and I knew everybody wanted to hear

Right from the source somebody who broke the story and talked to Coach Sav today big story we’ll be back with more of another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the meldin law dly Dome Gator Studios right after we take this break hello there everybody I’m pad dly

Of course from another Dy noted podcast this is a great Adam Brewer and he has just opened up a place here Adam grip Co to go uh what would give you the idea to do this to have it to go Place uh we really like the fast concept you know

Being able to get the barbecue uh now we have this new online ordering so we before it was a call ahead carry out quick service um we have like a curbside kind of a deal where um you know you’re everything’s ready to go for you um and then we thought wow we

Have a really great dinein concept but uh how can we make this you know streamlined for the customer and make it easy and accessible uh for all parts of town Adams rib code to go come on down and enjoy it great food great atmosphere a diverse menu everything made from

Scratch plenty of space and locally owned these are all the characteristics of a great restaurant and you can find each and every one of them right here in Gainesville at Balo Grill Balo Grill prepares all of their food fresh every every day from their salad dressing to their award-winning suits bring your

Family and enjoy dinner under the Tim Trio Tiki Hut while listening to live music or if you’re running low on time to eat out they also deliver through Uber Eats fight Squat and Postmates a Gainesville staple that’s been open for over 30 years check out Balo Grill on

Facebook or at Balo another duly noted podcast comes to you from the coach’s podcast room at Spur’s good iron grill and celebration point you can watch and listen to us on Facebook and YouTube for every podcast that we do on Mondays and Fridays at 2:00 listen to

The podcast whenever on Apple podcast Spotify Google podcast overcast any of the other 39 platforms where you can find this podcast or your favorite podcast remember to like follow And subscribe if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comment section below or call me if you want to

Do some advertising at 352 317 3444 all right welcome back to another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law dly doome Gator Studios uh meld and law of course the sponsor of Coach spur who will be in here on Monday so or we’ll be in the

Studio on Monday at Steve Spur’s grid on grill so look forward to that let us get to our Hesser and kipy three things and as you know Hesser and kipy is a gains of law from specializing in the areas of family law and workers compensation if you’re a

Loyal listener of this show you know who they are by now and if not Google The Firm check out the reviews and hear what the clients have to say Canon Jennifer can be reached 247 via cell call or text at 352 339 9920 that is Hesser and Kip all right so

The three things are these as I as I see them anyway number one if you wanted to see the irrelevant Bowl uh which was being put together at least they were going to make an effort to it they had to get it established by the

NCAA um no suit for you and they said we’re not going to do that now I wanted to look up and see who would have been playing in it like who would you consider the worst two teams to play in it and um I mean there’s some there’s

Some easy answers there but um it would have been interesting to see but why would I want to watch it and the NCAA sent him back a letter and said no we’re not g to condone mocking our teams our programs um I think kids would have

Liked to play you know that this might might have been their last chance to play football but I wouldn’t have watched it I love football but it’s I’m like with football it’s like I If Wyoming is playing New Mexico on August 25th I will watch that game if they’re playing new Meo

On the let’s say middle of November I probably won’t watch it but if it’s a good game I might flip it on for a little bit if they’re playing after The Season’s already over I’m not watching it for sure I will watch colossal again which I was just watching today haven’t

Seen that movie it’s different it’s good though I liked it an haway Jason sadas um anyway so there’s no irrelevant Bowl and we’ll never know the teams they were going to invite number two on Hesser and Kip Key’s three things what a night it was in college basketball last

Night I know the Gators lost but for a lot of teams lost including in the last two days numbers one two and three and five all lost games uh now you say well polls are Irrelevant this time of year well yeah they are but it’s still they’re still really good teams don’t

Think Purdue and and uh Houston and Tennessee aren’t good teams just because they lost um this happens in college basketball but it was the first time in the history that one two three and five all lost in a in a two-day period first time in the history of the sport and it’s the

First time in uh forever I think it’s uh fourth time all in history I think the first time in 16 years or something but the fourth time uh ever that one two and three loss that that is amazing it’s not surprising that it’s a first but it’s

Just amazing that all of them lost and uh why I watched the Tennessee Mississippi State game and Mississippi State played really good they got tolu Smith back who literally I swear to God Billy Donovan coached against toou Smith I may have to look it up I think he’s in

His like 19th year I I know he is um maybe it’s because when he came out of nowhere as a freshman you’re like whoa but he and he’s still there but I don’t know he’s it’s amazing anyway they won the game all right and then finally on the Hester

And kp3 things tonight uh Florida women are playing at Tennessee we’ll see how that goes um they usually lose to the good teams and beat the bad teams and that’s that’s an improvement and they just got a couple of young ladies that were on the uh McDonald’s allamerican

Team so that she’s slowly building this and it’s hard I I believe it’s harder in women’s basketball than any other sport I may be way off I think the pool is shallower in terms of the talent there aren’t a lot of you know we always say

There’s not a lot of 66 320 pound uh offensive lineman just walking around out there no yeah there aren’t but there really aren’t a lot of six six uh basketball players walking around there with some skill women’s basketball players there are a lot of men but there

Are not a lot of women’s basketball players and so the best get the best and then you got to find a way to work around it anyway they play tonight but I did want to mention also that tomorrow night Florida opens its gymnastics season now the teams are playing are

Just in fod being brought in here to fill out a quad meat um but uh I mean as you know they’re going to play really tough schedule but it’ll be interesting to watch uh this team because it is a totally new team um some of the young

Ladies are opting out of this year so that and this is a different opt out so that they can train for the Olympics you have to train differently for the Olympics you there different things you have to do lean Wong for example they’re training her for the Olympics but she’s gonna compete

But she’s gon to do things that may not help them it is weird that that you you would train somebody that is may not help you at all but that’s the way it’s work it works in in gymnastics and it’s cool they still got great talent they

They had the great this great signing class come in they’re going to be good really good are they going to be as good as last year I don’t know I mean they finished second in the country last year that was pretty good I’ve done that

Before as we know but anyway I did want to mention that they are starting tonight uh it’s a quad meet too so you can see a lot of gymnastics but most of all you want to see the new young ladies for Florida and how well they do and uh

And see how well Trinity Thomas coaches because she’s a coach on that team all right that is our Hesser and kipy three things let us move to our leonardos at mil Hopper Quick Picks the great folks over there at leonardos please order a duels when you go in there say you

Listen to another duly noted podcast that’s why you’re doing it it helps it helps I mean they know that people are listening to it but it helps always helps um all right I’m gonna give you an easy one and then I I think maybe Thursday what is today today’s Thursday I think maybe

Next Thursday we’ll pull pull a winter how about that next Thursday we’re pulling a winter $25 at Leonardo and a copy of book I wrote called game of my life signed by me if you want to sign not signed by me if you don’t want it signed and want to keep it

By where it is or resell it anyway that is going to be we’re going to do that Thursday and Andy well I’m gonna get to yours too yours is coming I’ve just been been swamped lot of doctor’s appointments and there’s going to be more we’ll talk about that down the road

But just trying to get things fixed you know how that is when you get to be this old these things happen all right so our leonardos and mil Hopper Quick Picks make it very simple for you Arkansas at Florida here in the swamp if we call it the swamp I I they

It does need a nickname It Sports Illustrated gave it that house of nickname and it kind of lasted through that spell when Florida was good but it’s almost like since Florida’s not been great again I I kind don’t even think the 14 team when they they really talked about

It being the house of four whes Billy Donovan Court it needs a better nickname I’m I’m trying to think of a good one but I call it you have to go to the Billy you don’t go down to the Billy and win down there at no that doesn’t work

You don’t go play at the Donovan you don’t go play at the donovans uh maybe there’s no good nickname but anyway just pick that game and get it in you’ll have one more chance on Monday to qualify for our contest to win $25 in the great Folks at leonardos and copy of my

Book let us move along to our Adams ribco too Gator of the week and uh because I did this last week I’m doing it again but Walter Clayton got to 1,000 points it was in a loss we know that but hey I I give him credit getting to 1,000

Points uh you anybody who gets to a thousand points has a chance to be our Adams ribco to go Gator of the weekend or Gator of the week um I I believe that strong and I do believe in Adams ripco to go too because we just had some

Wednesday night what what no Tuesday night Tuesday night takeout order I always get get the same thing and man I I don’t know if I need to change I always get the turkey I love turkey and I always always get green beans man I I’m a big believer

You can tell whether restaurant’s any good by the green beans because if the green beans have little chunks of brisket in them and they’re seasoned right you’re good to go they they know what they’re doing all right that is our Adams ribco to go Gator of the weekend

Let’s get to this that and the other uh presented by our great friends over at Ironwood Golf Course by our friends at B whoo Grill they do such a great job over there and by our friends at Dar shakow Insurance appreciate John Dar and dar shaal Insurance very much for being

Sponsors of this you know um so the this at the other uh we’ll start off with this now this was you guys remember when Sabin just a year and a half ago I guess it was came out and just blasted uh Jimbo Fisher they bought a

Team over there yeah blah blah blah blah blah he was mad and he’s been mad at nil for a long time but he was he it’s never been about players getting money it’s been about how it’s being handled and that’s me you and me you I think all of

Us are in that same boat there some people don’t think the players should get any money and I I like do understand that but I don’t agree with it but anyway he came out and boy that was a big story when Sabin blasted uh him for

Um for the nil for buying basically a team well the that is that Jimbo Fischer bought himself a mighty fine team he just didn’t do a good job coaching them and guys sometimes you can’t just you can’t go and pick the nicest fruit at every in every you know bin

Sometimes the nicest fruit’s not you you gotta blend those fruits together you know that’s probably not a good analogy at all is it stay away from that analogy P all right sometimes it doesn’t work out so anyway that’s that and then the other is that Nick Sabin leaves because of nil basically I

Mean nil helped drive him out of the game it’s it’s amazing this whole way this thing has gone down that is this that and the other brought to you by Ironwood by our friends at uh Balo and by Dar shakow Insurance all of them great friends let’s get to our swamp games of

The Weekend Boys Girls men women children buckle up got a lot coming this weekend now Florida does play basketball and you may want to watch that at 4:00 on ESPN um it is preceded by Tennessee at Georgia which ought to be a good game at noon on ESPN to but you’re watching

Football we all know that this weekend a wild card games Saturday Cleveland at Houston is at 4:30 on NBC going head-to-head with that Florida Arkansas game I don’t know that’s gonna do um and then Miami kanada city is at 8 o00 and for those of you don’t know it’s on the peacock

Um I’ve got peacock but I I guess I’ll have to watch it but I want to watch the game I I terribly that’s the game I want to watch but I you know me I don’t like it when you can’t change channels it’s you’re stuck on it for the whole day but

Maybe I’ll just mute it and that’ll workorder um so that’s the those are the games on Saturday again 8 o’clock on peacock and then on Sunday you got three games Pittsburgh at Buffalo maybe Mike Tomlin I I got a message from Chris Han you remember

Chris Han who’s been on this show and of course was a major sponsor as well um and we appreciate him and appreciate the friendships that’s one thing we have another sponsor I’ll tell you right now Mike Jordan uh is going to stay with us through February but then he’s going to

Do something else with their advertising money which I totally love the guy I mean look but the main thing is I love the friendships I’ve made some of these people are were already friends some of them are becoming friends or have become friends Mike Jordan’s a good example and

Certainly um you know the people of the swamp we were already friends um so anyway um so what was I I I was at Pittsburgh of Buffalo that’s where oh so Chris hand sent me he said what if they hire what if someone loses walks away they hire him

Him Alabama he’s talking about I said H that would be interesting it it’s let me tell you what not only is this going to be interesting with eight NFL coaching jobs to fill sabin’s job to fill not only is it gonna be interesting but dominoes could fall and it could get

Crazy crazy I mean really crazy out there uh let’s um so that game Pittsburgh at Buffalo is at one on CBS Green Bay at Dallas I want to watch that game in rud hard against Green Bay I mean against Dallas but uh I I’ll watch it but it’s at 4:30

On Fox I don’t think Green Bay is gonna win that game at Dallas especially and then the Rams are at Detroit at 8 o’clock on NBC so what a day of football that is and again these are all loser Le Town games and then finally on Monday you’ve got the mighty Philadelphia

Eagles against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at 8:00 on 8:15 I’m sorry on ESPN so pretty good way to wrap up a good weekend it’s G to be great it’s gonna be great I love playoff football I love playoff everything not hockey I can’t get into playoff hockey

Just because you can’t the puck the whole thing you can’t see the puck but it’s not my problem not your problem all right let’s wrap it up with another edition of Pat dly story time and again as always it is brought to you by our friends at East Lake Pediatrics Mike

Jordan does a great job there he’ll he’ll be with us through the end of uh February and we appreciate him very very much and like I said these friendships that I’ve made with guys like Chris Han with guys like Mike Jordan with guys like Scott Hart you know that we have

Become friends um uh that’s cool that’s a cool part of of doing this and then U we’ll keep it keep it going you know keep trying to make friends um all right so uh pad story time I got some bad news this week and that a friend of mine who’s the same age

As me uh passed away wasn’t we weren’t close but we certainly were close in high school and his name was Ronnie swier he was a quarterback for the St tin yellow jackets and uh good option quarterback in fact it got me thinking of the story that Robbie and Tim and I

Think the two Tims both of us have brothers named Tim it’s it’s weird we all drove over to Paca to watch that game it was a huge game FL and St Augustine never beat Paca they do now but they didn’t then so we went over and watched the

Game and party and had a great time and I’ll never forget Ronnie swier running around the field with the ball in his air and running backwards and balls in his hands I mean the play is not over but they’ve already clinched the game and everything and I’m like Ron run

Forward you don’t want to cut into your totally yard I’m already thinking like a newspaper guy I don’t you know but anyway um later that night uh we were in bed and somebody threw Tim Andrew on top of me I’m laying in bed and I just

Turned and threw them off me and it was into a play glass window and poor Tim Andrew we were in the hospital all night um had multiple stitches all over his back um and I had a couple in my arm too I was it it was just bad bad thing to

Happen and it just people my third graders would beer as we like to say um the thing is that makes Tim Andrew great Tim Andrew still went to the Gator game that day even with all these stitches in his back he had to wear a long sleeve

Shirt so people couldn’t see him and it was hot still went to the game gotta love him for that Ronnie swier rest in peace my man you’re a great quarterback at St augusty I think he went to Swan um University of the South somewhere to play college but um hadn’t

Seen him in a long time but um certainly um to his family we sent our prayers all right that is going to do it for another dly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law studios here in the dly dome and we’ll be back with another

Show on Monday and that will be Colt sper and we’ll see what he thinks about all these coaches fleeing fleeing the profession uh we’ll have a good time with him until then I am Pat dly for Zach who does a great job with us and putting this thing together

Every Monday and Thursday I am deep I am way back and I am out of here that seemed kind of long oh I’m fine fine plus


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