Golf Babe

Ladies’ Man | English Full Movie | Drama

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Embark on a comedic journey where a sincere and impoverished man finds himself in a world of opulence after a chance rescue. Navigating high society, his honesty leads to amusing and absurd situations, highlighting the essence of happiness beyond wealth. The film unfolds with comical predicaments, deceit, and intrigue, offering timeless humor of a bygone era.

Starring: William Powell, Kay Francis, Carole Lombard.

Directed By: Lothar Mendes.

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So nice of you to let me drop you at your hotel Mr darut of course it was wretched of that exhibit to be held so near the metropo or we could have had a longer T I’m told that mountains can be moved by faith but I am afraid nothing can

Done about moving to Metropol however I console myself we meet again within 2 hours and I’m so glad you were able to arrange your engagement so you could come We Dine early 7:30 after all we must hear something of the Opera oh yes might be rather interesting sometime to find out

Whether tuska really has a First Act huh good afternoon Mr D char until tonight until Tonight 714 Mr Mner good all right Mr D marous Mr D Mr you wouldn’t think a f could run up a bill of $28 on 3C newspapers would you why not you ran up 40 on me on 20 cent cigarette R you ain’t worried are you no there ain’t a chance in the world and

That fell not coming through you said it they don’t make him any nicer than him are real well what I mean thank you br it’s always a pleasure Mr dark how do I stand today sorry Mr D you just dropped 3 million 3 million eh 3 million

H I’m afraid I haven’t the cash on hand to reimburse you shall we call it square if I let you read the sporting page first anything you say Mr derot I took the other a dressed shirt for the laundry oh thanks Eugene nice of you to go to so much

Trouble for me well I’d rather do a little valid service for you for nothing nothing and for some of those guys who give me $20 tips it’s not everyone who can have an address like the hotel Metropole and ballot service for $10 a week ah will you know a gentleman when we see

One Mr dcot stop Eugene you’re turning my head will I lay out the evening clothes for you yourself ah yes meantime I’ll draw my bath that is unless someone else is using it at the moment was so nice of you to di with us Mr dagate I know how rushed you must be

Rushed I should think an attractive bachelor in New York would be stampeded how does one avoid being trampled in The Germ Mr dkat I’m afraid I can’t give expert testimony I’m just an innocent bystander innocent bystander isn’t that the fellow that always gets shot by accident why payy

Don’t you ever get shot by accident Mr DK Hut it’s so unromantic perhaps you could suggest the romantic way for Mr Derek to get shot well in a pinch I might shoot him myself it would be a pleasure to be a target for you I’d tremble so I’d

Probably miss you well if you’re not going to shoot Mr der at this very moment it might be fun to see if we can get to the Robinson on time just this once you’d better hurry too mother you’re more than fashionably late right now if we can ever get your father to

Stop giving his imitation to the cage Li we can leave har Yes Dear Mr H and Mr DS are here sir oh yes yes I’m sorry de I’d hope these Fells wouldn’t turn up well Tony it rather looks as if you and I must tear ourselves away from this

Pleasant Gathering one they hear about that aan loone har yes dear I suppose this means you’re not going to the Opera with me again is that it PR D oh that’s the second time this week you’ve disappointed me when I had my heart set on the Opera haris I’m sorry what does

It do me for you to be sorry night off tonight if I want to go any place I have to go without you it’s humiliating well look Here My Dear it isn’t as if I didn’t want to go I don’t believe you well uh if we could perhaps discuss this

At another time when it’s always some other time I’m sick of it I want to go to the Opera and I want to go with my husband you’ve no right and you why do you have to go to those stupid business meetings with your father well if Tony

Has to go into my bank I don’t quite see how he’s going to get along if he doesn’t know something of my work now good night run along sir good night good night there’s one thing you must admit about our family Mr derot never a dull

Moment well if you will excuse me Mr D you won’t disappoint me will you I’ve had my heart set on tonight’s performance you rich so you know I should be delighted if Payton and I didn’t have this engagement we simply must keep oh I wouldn’t think of making

You change your plans darling we’re going to get to the RO all right all right have a good time Mr Derk good night mother good night it seemed as if you weren’t going to have any ch Choice any choice well the way things have turned out I’m afraid you’re going

To have me on your hands for tonight at least I should be very happy I I’ll get my WP Lovely isn’t it ah yes one of my favorites subjects pokin Catherine and pokin oh a lucky chap but he found his cther almost too late it would have been

Rather tragic for her too wouldn’t it if she had not found him I wonder she made him a great man didn’t she he made her a happy woman and what better can any man ask for if he finds his Catherine but a woman woman can Catherine did find her poten

Kin but he had to die does pokin always have to die oh what a dreadful fate what a glorious Death Shall we go to the Opera to the Opera you’re not very complimentary Mr dagus I’m with you and and yet it seems as though you were alone I’m always

Alone if you could only know what an evening like this can mean to a man like me home Fireside Charming woman what good are all those things where there’s no love but where there is love I want so badly to talk to you Jamie it’s almost too late for the

Opera it is too late it all seems so unimportant the Opera talks are all those people if only we could sit and talk perhaps it you could go to your well perhaps at the Metropole well if I uh if I had only known but uh unfortunately my uh my rooms are not my

Own for this evening uh an old friend uh I know a place where we can be alone and that’s why I’m so unhappy J I’m so Sorry if I could believe you really meant that please believe it please mean it I mean it then I believe it oh how lucky I am lucky lucky to have met you I have a husband whose life is not my life I have children whose lives are their own they don’t need

Me I need someone I had nothing at all Until until until I met you and Now 5,000 Mr dut six that’s a lot of money it’s a lot of bracelets okay Mr D I’ll mail you the check as usual thank you good day good day sir oh thank you let’s take a look at those bracelets friend all right but you don’t have to

Worry about them he didn’t have to steal them that Dame’s only too glad to give them to him what Dame say I had this out with Headquarters 6 months ago the first time he brought anything in Mr Horus fendley might not know that these things are missing but Mrs fendley does you’ll

Never get a report on them a stolen property okay gadgets like these can be converted into cash with a lot less trouble than a check you have to sign your name on the back of a check you know I’m sorry Mr derot Mrs FY left her

Home an hour ago her maid said there was no message oh thanks yes sir and uh demitas well I think we’d better wait Victor hello Jamie what hello surprised to see me yes and no there’s a very simple explanation if you care to hear it Aunt Mabel decided about an hour ago to enjoy very very bad health so mother had a dash right out to Long Island to see her she asked me to phone you that she

Couldn’t keep her engagement with you but somehow I forgot but you remember to keep her engagement for her as a matter of fact mother thought be a good idea that is I’m sure she would have thought it a good idea if she had thought of it funny I was about

To suggest it myself liar what you really mean is you’re afraid you have a wasted evening on your hands oh an evening can never be called wasted until it’s over I went through a lot of pains to dress the PO Jamie you won’t have to be very ashamed of

Me Banker’s daughter breaks world’s altitude record reaching for compliment Banker’s daughter had just that intention ashamed of you my dear Rachel you’re positively beautiful oh beautiful of course but the word I mean should also convey uh Brilliance radiant I’m sure you know just the word

I mean you’re just too modest to use it when you call me modest smile to call you modest my dear takes more than a smile have it your way Well Do We Dine or do we dine we Di yes sir we’ll be two for dinner after all yes sir I have the table ready sir thank you forgive me if I seem too bold but dinner and the theater I take it will be just the Ave of the evening and if I might make one more of

Suggestion don’t you think it would be a good idea if we kept the rest of the menu to ourselves you mean uh not to tell uh Bright Child and now Mr Jamie danut suppose I tell you I’ve been looking forward to substituting for mother for months and suppose I tell you

What that you’re a funny kid you’ll change your mind about that Too Thank you Mr [Applause] darkot oh Mr D your cigarettes got in today from CYO sir oh uh send them up Charlie yes I will thank you good afternoon sir Miss Rachel’s been waiting for you sir she’s in the living room thank you hello where hello well aren’t you glad to see me

Always for the 20th time I take the liberty of reminding you that it’s very unwise of you to come here meaning for the 20th time that mother wouldn’t like it if she found out you have an uncanny ability to Divine just what I mean as a matter of fact Mr James dkart

I came here to deliver a message if you ask me particularly if Mother asks you my party is not until 10 but mother and I thought of be very sweet if you could come at 9: and help us with whatever pops up at the last minute I should be delighted thank you

But that is not what you came here to tell me I did have something else I wanted to talk to you about ah mother you and she are being talked about everyone knows but Dad you’ve become a town Scandal it’s an idle World Rachel hundreds of people with nothing to occupy their time

Except that still isn’t what you came here to tell me what is it it’s you Jamie it’s you and I it’s been to nearly 4 months since we began seeing a lot of each other I know I can’t keep on any longer go this way not easy for me Rachel we’ve got to

Stop being fed strange girl what way am I strange is it strange to fall in love to want what you love my dear I couldn’t let you in for this there’s no need for this we could get married you and I why not I have my own money I’ll Comm into

Almost 3 million on my next birthday or I didn’t mean to talk about that that’s all right you’re privileged to talk about money to me Jamie why shouldn’t we announce our engagement tonight it’s impossible why I see Jamie you’ve got got to break with this that’s not so simple if you loved

Me as I love you you’d find it very simple how do you suppose I feel when I see you with Mother how do you suppose I’ll feel tonight my own party what do you think it’s going to mean to me when I see you lead the grand march with her Friday

Night Catherine and her PO Rachel you must be patient please kiss me Jamie you must to go now I I suppose I’ve got to start learning to obey you sometime goodbye Goodbye Pardon me sir it’s 12:00 it’s what it’s 12:00 sir Miss fenley’s party oh yes I can’t imagine what’s happened to him but what could happen to Jamie der oh if you knew the number of women who tried to trap him into going to their parties if you had any idea such a

Lovely party what difference does he make whether he comes or not makes a lot of difference this is my party and he might have had the common courtesy to me to be here oh Rachel dear now what difference does it make whether he’s courtious to you or not time you left

Jamie D cut alone mother he to be interested in any of the family well it’s the truth you’ve been fooling yourself long enough you don’t really think Jamie dut’s coming here to see you H dear it was so lovely for to you’re not going you really must be friendly I

Hate to but I’m leaving for home tomorrow and well I was your age I never thought of going to bed until other people were thinking of getting up but I’ve got so much to do tomorrow morning her I now that you’ve met us you must

Come and see us often thank you will you say good night to Mr yes indeed I Will oh for Gaston you’d better wait I sh be Long oh how do you do Mrs Blon Tera who’s that man are you trying to be funny Norma no who are they that’s Jamie derot this year’s Ladies Man Ladies Man Ladies Man and at the moment the lady happens to be Mrs sley good night dear good night good night yes Anthony Mr James Derk has just

Come in Jamie why why one moment mother if he’s to join this party I’m leaving you’re being a silly boy Anthony I’m not silly but he’s cheap disgusting I won’t have you talk like that about one of my friends he’s not one of your friends do you know what they’re saying

Anthony I must forbid you to speak that way to me as you wish but if he stays I go you are always to do whatever seems you Anthony good night mother good night dear Jamie Jamie where have you been uh where have I not

Been I asked you to be here at 9: you did my dear you think I’m going to put up with your insults much longer how do you do how you do how do you do would I be insulting you if I asked youd be good enough to law your voice you’re doing it

Purposely you’re trying to humiliate me who is she thank you Know Well our David our child my felicitations thank you aren’t you just a bit late oh uh a bit I’ve been waiting for you since nine if you think I’m going to forgive you you’re vastly mistaken you’ll forgive me I’m afraid I shall that’s what makes me more Furious than anything else

Well now for our Charming host I no you can stay and talk to me for a moment Jamie my dear Helen if you must know I am sorry I was late and you know I didn’t mean anything I said I suppose you didn’t sometimes sometimes what Jamie Nothing nothing at all how you doing how are you thank you well how do you do oh we’ve met before have we oh yes last night as you were leaving the Friendlies with Mrs Blanton remember oh I see yes I suppose to a ladies man that does constitute an

Introduction and then you do know me you uh you don’t live here in New York huh what makes you think so no I think I should have known remaining here for some time I’m leaving tonight for my home why surely you don’t want to leave New York I got to got

To that’s slave talk you ought to be doing what you want to while you can want to I generally do I’m the little man who could show you this big city you know that’s one of the few things I could take your word for but I am taking the

Train you know they tell me that they have a train nearly every day now I could show you a lot of this town in 24 hours somehow I think your New York and my New York are different suppose we find out let’s make the grand tour see

The clock around see New York in all its different lights and shades High Life low life Uptown or downtown start in say with dinner at the St reges or the embassy maybe dance a little drop in at a musical piece catch an act to the Opera and then a midnight

Flight above the city we can turn the plane over and over the town would go round like a wheel with you sitting on the Hub you’ll never know New York till you see it as the moon sees it then a nightclub or two and out in time to catch the sunrise

Somewhere along the Hudson ah the sun does some of its very nicest Rising around here then we could separate long enough for a bath and a change of clothes think you could live without me that long after 12 hours of Jamie Dera I doubt if if i’ be able to breathe any other

Air and after breakfast we keep on going and going and at 7:30 I deposit you at your train I doubt if we would be able to stand more than the 24-hour stretch perhaps you could stand it for 24 hours you’re strong but I am just a weak defenseless little woman ah but you

Could trust me perhaps it’s me I’m afraid of you know there’s only one slight catch I’m meeting my aunt here and she’s staying with me I take the train at 7:30 ah then it’s a bargain you get rid of your aunt Telegraph your people you’ve been unavoidably detained for 24 hours

And at 7:30 I’ll call for you where at the Pennsylvania station I don’t know which track I’ll take you to the train myself tomorrow night when I get back to New York again we’ll be time enough for the daart round the Town tour you may

Never get back and I may be dead you oh you’ll live forever I doubt it dying is getting to be quite a habit around here and it’s a terrible thing to die without seeing New York and Jamie derot you’ll come then certainly not for one thing my trunks are packed

That’s easy unpack them can’t they’re shipped easier still buy a dress as a matter of fact you should have a new gown when you go out with me you’re impossible perhaps that’s what makes me uh possible your aunt is approaching but not tell her of our plans she’ll want to

Come along what’s the name of your hotel the hen Plaza and your name Norma Pig I’ll be there at 7:30 how do you do Mrs Bon how do you do Mr derot hello Ana I was waiting for you when Mr darat came along that’s the best thing Mr derat does women are always

Waiting for someone and Mr derot comes along uh unfortunately not always I’m horribly late Norma I suppose I dare not allow myself to believe that fate arranged your lateness for my special benefit I’m afraid not it was the hairdresser come nor Goodbye Mr Derica goodbye Mrs blon Miss Paige

Goodbye Mr James dut calling for Miss Norma page I’m sorry sir m page checked out of the hotel and left half an hour ago you’re quite sure oh yes sir she left this note for you sir thank you G on come on now you can do better than this Seeing someone off with the D don’t tell me you’re at lost for a word I’m glad you came can’t see me off you hadn’t there’s another train in an hour and I would have taken it now if you still want to show me you and New York now more than ever well

Well on your left we have a city hall is this an automobile or a bedroom it’s alone for my lady naturally I told the owner I had to call him a sick Aunt you’re the sick Aunt if you don’t mind I’ll dismiss it when we get

To the St reges thanks a lot a dirty old taxi that everybody rides in is so much nicer than some individual’s two private car don’t you think or do you I think hello Jamie well hello how do you do I’m glad your aunt is better oh yes much you’re you’re not

Alone I’m waiting for Hollis and Tony we’re dining here and then going all to the play oh yes yes that’s nice you’ll have a splendid evening I’m sure we shall remember me to your aunt thanks she wants to be remembered to you doesn’t it embarrass you meeting her

Here and dining with me no well It embarrasses me a we’ll go to the arist instead it’s nicer anyway there’s been a shooting every night there for the last month let’s go this way I suppose Mrs fley will hate you after this no she’ll merely hate

You tell me about her there’s nothing to tell to her discredit which is all that would interest another woman I imagine how many cocktails we had tonight I don’t know I gave up counting it six you want to know why you gave up counting it

Six all right why did I give up counting in sh because you can’t count over Hector number one for Mr der what’s that it’s Jamie Town seems to be tripping with friendlies Tonight sick huh you dirty liar you’re a lady two Tall Glasses of some ice water won’t you sit down it’s just as way you didn’t go with Mother cuz Dad decided to and he’s the only one in the whole town who doesn’t dream of Mother’s frenzy for

You Jamie if you and mother don’t look out there’ll be the loudest eruption since V did you hear what I said about mother everyone has except the drummer I I want to extend you my unanimous vote of thanks for King Jamie off this evening if you’ll keep him from mother

I’ll give you a pension for life then when I want him I’ll just take him away from you could anything be fair than that shall we dance we I may but we can’t did you ever dance with Jamie miss miss I hope you know your own name I

Know I’m Miss friendly if anybody should drive up and ask you but where was I mother doesn’t approve of me dancing with J she wants to hog him all herself Rachel will you do me a big favor do you any flavor honey well then go home you’re in no condition for public

Jamie you do me cruel and Justice great to see you now sit back there where you belong but I’d rather belong to you I’m mad about you if you want to Know shall we dance so bet you me you’re on don’t change my mind you’re trying to take advantage of Me Jamie Jamie Jamie Kati well in here bets me a million I’ll marry him I’ll bet him a million he don’t marry me come on Mr W put your million in Jamie’s hand very likely oh very light put up or shut up where’s your million where’s

Yours I don’t have to have mine cuz you lose you are to me already how do you make that out you bet me a million that I you’d marry me I’m the one to decide I decide you don’t marry me bet you another million I do I’ll take that bet too all right

Where’s your money you pay me the milon you owe me on the first bet and I’ll put it up for the second but I don’t owe you see you’re a welsher do you imagine I’d marry a welsher you marry me never never never speak to me again here miss

G did you marry a wsh oh who cares I’m going to make a riot Rachel what do you want now listen to me I want you to get pton out of here and take him home you don’t want to make a night of it with him he’ll bite

Himself and die a Hydrophobia I’m going home myself you want me to get old py home that’s it exactly Miss Paige and I are leaving I got it I got it I got old payy home never mind I’ll handle him p p oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy come on

Home I never knew it to get 5 in the morning a quick I never knew it to get 5 in the morning where to now to my hotel if you don’t mind oh what’s the matter am I being a kill sport going home in the middle of the evening why you haven’t

Even seen the skyline from my apartment yet Mr Dar you don’t mean you’re going to ask me to your apartment to see your ship model or is it your collection of rare Old English bindings I haven’t read a novel for a month so I’m not quite sure

What the ruse is when I invite you to my apartment to see the skyline I invite you to my apartment to see the skyline and that’s all maybe that’s why I’m disappointed it’s really the most beautiful site in the whole city particularly at this hour with Dawn just

Breaking over the town skyscrapers like so many Jagged Peaks the streets like so many Canyons all right I’ll come than you what I I’m sorry Mr derot I I tried I don’t understand I think I understand what is it Miss fendley sir Miss Rachel fendley oh all right Eugene

I should hate to interfere with any of your engagements please don’t go now I may need your help hello I got rid of py as you told me and here I am I told you to get rid of pity who are you trying to fool yourself or Miss Miss guesser name

There oh I’m awful tired yes I can understand that you’ve got to go home no I don’t want to go home she can’t go home in this condition why don’t you put her to bed here no I don’t want to go to bed don’t you want me to help you I don’t

Know what I want what you want most right now is sleep Jamie come on child put your arm around me there’s a bedroom just in there you’ll find everything you need we women must stick together oh I don’t want to stick together all be over the minute there you are right over here

Jamie listen darling open come on down no let me help you no I don’t want to go home no me do me do no jie jie I’ll have coffee ready in a few moments sir oh good and tell the operator downstairs that I am not in to anyone very good

Sir I couldn’t get her in the tub but she’s asleep now there was a picture in there of her mother seemed to bother her a little a nice little civilization a million young men and women all over the country at this very moment drunk like her not to mention their fathers and Mothers our plane it was going to make the town go round like a wheel with me sitting on the Hub you never know New York but you see it as the moon sees it it was a nice speech what we call a good approach in golf but I’m afraid you you dubbed your

PT we’ve played only the first hole Jamie Jamie Jamie you better go I don’t know why I don’t kill you Jamie dcut I wait here for you tonight no one asked you to wait for me Rachel who has a better R if you’re lying to me if

You’re not going to marry me I’ll I’ll kill myself P maybe you don’t think I know what I’m saying but I do are you going to marry me are you I don’t think so want to see Mr Derek I’m sorry sir but Mr DDOT is not at you can’t stop me

Well I’ve already told you sir that Mr DDOT is not at home but I know he’s here sorry excuse me sir I’ve already Mr derot is not me I’ve come for my sister hello brother mine you de Tony you keep out of this listen I got sick from liquor and miss

Miss who is here put me to bed that’s all and if you weren’t such a phony Saint you’d be on your knees to both of them I’m sorry may I take you home let you make an entrance with the ering sister and a couple of Hallelujah haha and

Ha say how did you know I was here py followed you and watched you come into this hotel then he phoned me but he must have known that Miss Paige and I everybody knows you have your women come up here you’ve laid Your Filthy Hands on

My family for the last time I’ve heard so many people say that somebody ought to kill you any woman that has anything to do with Jamie derat has no one to blame but herself any account I have to settle with him I settle alone get out Tony

I think I’ll go home now if you don’t mind shall I see you again before you leave I’m leaving tonight you may have tea with me if you like I like at my hotel then say at 4:30 at 4:30 I’ll be there good night I don’t know what to say about don’t say

It thanks you know I’m beginning to think what never mind they say you’re without a conscience the more I know of other people’s morals the more I realize that mine are as good as the next the only only difference I can see is that I don’t pretend they say you’re

Lazy lazier than most people I suppose too lazy to earn a living perhaps Norma since I can remember remember anything I remember being picked up by women they used to Maul me around in my Cradle by and by I learned that I could make money by it I hated to study I

Wouldn’t run errands or deliver newspapers keep a lemonade stand or do any of the things that kids do to earn a dime eventually I became a bond salesman the only opportunities that seemed to come my way were well when some skittish Dowager needed to be convinced that she wanted bonds but

Never a deal involving logic or common sense that’s no excuse of course not but the skittish doers usually seemed more interested in me than in my bonds it wasn’t that I squandered flattery on them if anything they they squandered it on me why perhaps it’s because I look at women

The way other women look at them the men make and the women spend how many wives let their husbands work themselves to death and then complain that they are neglected spend their husband’s money on other men on you on me oh that’s I know that’s everything that’s low and

Unspeakable then why did you do it I suppose because I thought I couldn’t help myself I was wrong I’m sorry Norma I’m going to ask you something I Shan mind what your reaction is except for one thing don’t laugh please don’t laugh I won’t laugh I used to be amused when I heard

Of it happening to other people but now it’s happened to me and it seems just simple and natural I love you you but that’s not a question do you think you could ever care for me that’s a question isn’t it well I I suppose I could fall for

You I have fallen into the clouds haven’t helped me when I start to drop you don’t have to drop if you don’t want to if I don’t want to is that your answer to my question what do you expect me to answer I don’t know if I thought you could care for

Me I could care for what you might be I can be what you want me to be that’s the whole job eh yes sir yes yes I’ll here in a moment thanks very much for your frankness my detectives traced the jewelry to your shop we have had a good

In of trouble in getting hold of the stuff if you hadn’t been willing to cooperate I always aim to do the right thing sir you’ve done the right thing this time I’ll see that you don’t lose by it thank you sir oh all right that’ll be all well Rachel my dear hello

Dad you’re looking very smart it seems to me am I H well what’s the matter you lost your nerd you spent your allowance you want another check just this once Daddy it’s not money it’s much more serious well if it isn’t money you take it from your

Poor old father that it’s not serious it’s very serious good gracious don’t tell me you’re in love I’m not in love with anybody well if you’re not in love then there’s something I must talk to you about all right you sit down there and talk to me about it

Well it’s mother and Jamie Derk mother Mr D what do you mean you’ve got to do something about them do something in what way they’re making a fool out of you my dear child don’t be silly dad you are to kill Jamie dcut oh you’ve been reading too much trash Jamie

Dut’s the lowest Scandal I know if I could I torture him for the way he the way he’s what nothing just that he isn’t fit to look live Rachel Rachel listen to me I trust your mother thoroughly I like Mr D and you must remember that I

Haven’t the time to give to your mother that she has the right to demand Mr dut’s been kind enough to take her to the Opera and two other places when I couldn’t and that’s all there is to Mother Mr n dad you’re blind if that’s your only grievance against Mr

Dut it is your only grievance against him isn’t it Rachel he hasn’t become involved with you has he oh my dear child I’ve never seen you like this before now look here if I were you I’d forget all about our little talk I know more about mother and Mr D you think I

Do more perhaps than you do dad and there’s absolutely nothing to worry about there now you run along like a nice girl the great Banker is going to settle down and make more money starve a couple of hundred of widows orphans before nightfall goodbye dnie I’m not going to dodge anything I’ll

Tell Mrs fley frankly what has happened as soon as I can I’m going to repay her as far as I’m able I’ll give her back everything that she’s given me Jamie when you tell her don’t be unkind will you I won’t I won’t and Norma what is it dear I don’t

See how I can get out of this Katherine and bkin thing it’s been around town for weeks that she’s going to give this ball I know you should go it won’t make any difference to me you know that I’ll be back in a week you’ll not be back in a week you’re

Going to stay right here and the day after tomorrow we’re going to be married what do you say of course you know it’s getting to be quite a habit with me wiring my family that are not taking the train after all when you take that train you’ll take

It as Mrs daret with me you mean you’ll meet me at the station again some night at 7:30 I won’t meet you at the station I have I’ll take you there that’s definite definite and essential because from now on when you’re leaving or arriving I’ll be leaving or arriving too h you frighten

Me did I I’m sorry still determined not to go to the ball like this it’s going to be Sensational F Milbank said all the way to Paris for her costume that’ll be all the we Catherine eh and pokin D I suppose well you you positively refused used yourself to go So a great lover wasn’t he a poten now I don’t need to tell you who pokin was and uh he died suddenly didn’t he P I think so these ladies men I suppose they all have a pretty definite idea that they might run at any time into uh f

Haris what are you driving at nothing well if you mean to suggest that that Jamie dakus and I why do you think I was referring to dakus that have been very nice of him to take me out as often as he has who’ been tied up in business

Or something I really don’t know what I should have done without him have an idea that I owe him something for what he’s done for you haris I don’t don’t know what this is all about but Charming jewelry you’re wearing tonight thank you you uh haven’t worn your Emerald bracelet in

A long time have you Emerald bracelet yes the one I gave you on your birthday oh that one I’m having it reset I imagine dut knows a good deal about jewry doesn’t he perhaps I haven’t asked him you ought to he might uh he might have some very interesting ideas about

Jewelry haris I insist upon knowing what you’ve got on your mind H I’m sry I’m keeping you from the ball good night hello Circle 1633 Hotel Metropole Mr James dut please yes Mr James dut Nama darling what’s happened I’m sorry I had to phone you to come here but I I

Couldn’t very well go to you in this I understand dear I came as soon as I could what is it Mrs fendley phoned me a few minutes ago she had just had a talk with her husband she thinks that he knows about everything well well can’t you see what that

Means it will be one of the nastiest scandals that New York has seen in years are you afraid yes I am for you you’ll be a target for every dirty mind in New York Nora I can’t let you in for that I can’t let your name be linked with mine

I can’t expect you to to marry me but we still love each other don’t we my darling if anything happens to you no one’s going to keep me out of it what happens to you happens to me there’s no one can hurt me Jamie except you there’s nothing I want except

You if you still love me more than anything in the world well that’s all that matters then I expected to find you alone how do you do I think I better go no please stay I have something to discuss with you but does not concern miss

Pige you must know that but I have something to tell you Ela I had hoped to be able to tell it to you under different circumstances but I feel it best to tell you now miss paig and I are going to be married I don’t believe you

Jamie you can’t do this to me you you can’t humiliate me with before the whole town I have no intention of humiliating you hel goodbye dear goodbye dear just this once and then it will never be goodbye again darling what else could I expect from a lady’s man Ladies Man is dead Mar

Poin and I was worried about you because I thought Horus knew well if he does know he’ll divorce me and you’ll marry me make no mistake about that you’re going to marry me you’re not going to marry that girl before you do I’ll kill you good evening good evening Mr der

Haris your guests are waiting for you hel the grand March is about to begin but I I can’t go that was the delicate you will please go now and to what do I owe the honor of this visit please don’t worry I know you didn’t steal them I’m fully aware that my

Wife gave them to you Mr darot please I believe I heard my wife say just now that she would kill you she didn’t what she was saying she knew perfectly well what she was saying she was mistaken I’m going to spare her that trouble don’t bother to answer

That I can conceive of nothing Mr dut that could come to you over the telephone that would be of importance to you now oh there you are my dear I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting oh such a lovely party M you think so my dear it’s almost

Time to start the grand marer but we’ll start it just as soon as Mr daret comes down he he’ll only be a moment he’s a he’s a chain you really mean to go through with this if I don’t kill you my wife will my wife all Rachel you see Mr

Dut I know a good deal more about you than you think I do yes please try him again Mr fley I’m not going to beg for my life you may be thoroughly justified in killing me I only want to say that not only for

Me but for you you may be making a great Mistake that is It there a fight up there where up there on the balcony the fighting up there Is Mr Dart here yet no that’s what they’re waiting for oh thank You the Mr fley I that is we I will lead the grand march with Mrs fendley Mr D has found it impossible to appear you you we’d better start [Applause] stand back now stand Back get back get back Get anything happened plenty now Jamie D on himself Look that guy in street Close wait let him have his fun he can’t get away what’s the matter with you sister were you in love with him too I’m sorry you don’t have to be sorry for Me you love me think I’d ever take that away from me

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