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00:00 Bearded Bros
00:20 The Sentry Changes is Qualifications
02:12 Kapalua Plantation Course Versus Waialae CC
03:14 Scottie Scheffler Continues to Struggle with Putter AGAIN
05:20 Kevin Kisner in the Booth!

Hey y’all bearder Bros Golf Show back for 2024 I am rod and I’m Marcus and golf is back um so the century man back um changed to the format this year I think I was a first round noticing some people I’m like oh you didn’t win last

Year you know this used to be the century T Tournament of Champions and we have departed yeah yeah it’s just a century now no Toc so we have changed the form format and I believe there were a total of seven non- tour winners uh that played this week so what do you think

About the changing the format um it’s a little bit of foreshadowing uh into the deeper part of some some of you know some of those elevated events for this year yeah I mean it’s refreshing I mean just to make sure you get a full field I mean always have some multiple some

Multi- winners so not every week is going to have a separate guy and then I mean you know there’s always going to be some champions that you know take the week off and they start later on in this season so to have the field be filled up

And be able to make threeome and you know have multiple times it’s good I like it and I mean we’re still getting to see Hawaii golf at a later time so we still get a good chance to uh see some mid time some like evening golf while as

We eat or you know whatever the case may be but yeah I like it yeah yeah course look beautiful um some high level play I think they were they were really threatening to to really go low I think had the wind not picked up we would have

Seen you know multiple people into the uh 30 under range uh very getable I think this is what a par 73 so one extra par five I don’t out on the course so you know plenty of scoring opportunities handful of bogey holes which is interesting because Sun JM set the

Record for the most birdies in a tournament round but had plenty of bogey on the card to uh you know not let him secure this Victory so um still scorable always a good lead you know whilei coming up next week I always love the kickoff right this these

Two courses play very differently um than each other but I’m super excited to have real golf back in play PGA Tour looking you know really a lot of depth out there right so we’re still seeing a lot of talent AE batia really was you know competing uh and threatening for

The win this week so good to see him and you know him taking on the Broom putter I think he picked it up last year also paying dividends for him what do you think about the contrast between a batia putting and Scotty Sheffer looked like he was struggling again with his

Putting uh I mean what whatever you got to do to get it going I mean no judgment here I mean it always just looks funny um but yeah what I mean Whatever Gets the the ball in the hole the quickest I am all for it you know when Matt coocher

Was doing it up the arm that was wild to me but you know it worked for him so you know teach thr own um Scotty shuffler I mean he said he was feeling better over the ball so can’t really say too much about that I mean hopefully he just win

The tournaments start mattering and not just the kickoff and stuff like that hopefully he’ll be able to hold putts and and lock in for that type of deal yeah I don’t see it as a technique issue I just don’t maybe I’m wrong and and I

Would love to see them call it out and kind of pinpoint the issue I don’t think he can read greens sometimes I just think he gets fooled by break and you see him missing and looking confused and I think that’s what leads me to the conclusion that maybe he struggles to

See the break in the line and really needs Teddy to call you know to call him in a little more often I saw him sit over a putt that turned the complete opposite way that he was expecting and again he just sat over the ball for

After it missed for a good 10 seconds so what do you think about that do you think he’s just a horrible green reader because I I don’t think his stroke looks particularly labored or off I I mean I can’t really say that I mean the guy’s a major winner he’s he’s

One he’s won the master so he’s doing something right so I don’t know maybe he’s just over reading and and thinking too hard about it I mean I always tell Michael that the every time you know don’t read too much into the green be more natural about it don’t think about

It too much and you know just yeah he has the same the same issue he just sits over the ball too long and I mean I just I can’t do it I don’t know I guess I simplify the I feel like I’m a decent putter for an amateur and I I don’t know

My technique is just finding a seeing looking back from the hole seeing where I think it’s going to break picking out a spot and hitting it at the spot and they let the rest take care of itself from a speed perspective and then just trying to visualize the you know the

Ball going in the hole but yeah again I’m not I’m no Pro but I hate seeing him struggle out on the greens having 34 putts on Saturday that was painful um but anyway on another note from the century we had Kevin kizner you know current you know tour pro will be

Commentating a couple of events this year uh this was his first go round I don’t know how much you got to hear of him but to my thought he kind of Blended in wasn’t very offensive um you know there was one particular moment where he called out Jordan Speed on missing a

Three-foot putt but other than that pretty unremarkable which I don’t think is a bad thing for the commentators just to blend into the background and be part of the part of the tournament without being offensive what do you think yeah I mean kid kids as a commentator is

Definitely going to be a good look just like Smiley cman I think they’re not saying that they’re boring to do this stuff but because they’re born to be golfers but definitely a good look on him I mean and for kizner I think the fact that it just he was so e laidback

And easy going about it I think that’s gonna be a leg up every time because it’s like what we talked about pretty much all summer long let the golf do more talking you know couple comments here and there I mean y’all are having full-blown conversation like I get

You’re trying to get the the sponsors in there you’re trying to get upcoming events and you know what’s going on from the dayto day type stuff but like bro there is some time to let the mic breathe whatever you need to do you know to calm that down that is perfect so

Kizner coming in being a breath of fresh air where he really just kind of like you said blended in the background you know spoke up when needed you know of course they’re going to ask him questions what he thought as a player and you know know that perspective and

Stuff like that but I think you know next time around I don’t even think they need to have guided questions like that he’ll be able to answer it from his perspective regardless because he’s still a player so things like that I think it’ll go better as far as

Production overall but kizner himself I think he did a very good job just you know handling them stuff yeah I think it was a good look I think you know there’s some Growing Pains there while you get used to your timing there were some spaces where he probably cut a com

Comment a little bit short when maybe uh azinger would have droned on a little bit longer but they’ll figure it out and I think he definitely has a pathway after his career to uh you know be in the booth and I don’t know if it’s going

To be prime time and be a lead um I’m sure that while they’re trying to figure that out we’ll see some different faces in the booth this year as they trying to figure out who’s going to be the primary person going forward but kizner seems

Like he still has a ton of years left on course so this is just a little bit a little bit of dip in the pool and and checking the temps and seeing if it’s something that is actually viable and I think truly it is for him I think he’s

Got he’s got the uh knowledge and he he’s articulate enough to get his thoughts across without you know being too douchy and you know I think people were probably worried about um you know his language and I know they were talking him being one of the good old

Boys yeah yeah they were talking about him he’s like I hadn’t cussed yet had so um you know I think they were all just making light of you know his reputation so good on him again just happy to see people making swings again again I don’t think uh

Capalo is your typical core so it’s hard to get a gauge when when you have this these big undulations and these huge drop offs and you know 400 yard drives this isn’t your your typical golf that you’ll see but it’s always fun to kick off the year with the beautiful scenery

1 Comment

  1. Nothing like the difference of shoveling 10 inches of snow to coming in and watching golf in Hawaii.

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