EMPORIA GOLF ROUND w/ Calvin, Thomas, & Joey

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Okay so welcome to patreon i’ll just blur that if we don’t use it but yeah thank you guys for showing support and what the first video is going to be is us playing golf try to do fun things on there it’s going to be a lot of weird footage but

For it for this just going to have us we’re just gonna have some fun how many times have you played golf thomas i’ve played golf three times since i was 12. calvin i don’t know a handful eagle it’s his first time playing so we will keep score we’re playing

We’re out here in emporia at the municipal course we’re gonna be playing the gold t’s we gotta play the back nine twice because the front nine is closed for the dang disc golf tournament dang disc golfers always getting in the ball golf so pause the video right now make some bets

With your friends who’s gonna take it down calvin thomas eagle or myself just trying to get it over the ditch i just want to get it over what are you hitting um six iron yep oh my god he topped it it’s okay man that went about 100 feet by hitting it far

All right all right all right If i were you yeah well you could see the mistake both of them made they topped it so just swing under it Same result well here we go he’s in the he’s in the chili zone already he’s got wood ladies and gentlemen uncensored patreon content oh my gosh oh punker yeah he’s in the bunker oh my gosh as well he did not read the green that’s good here we are with eagle mcmahon

Lying down his putt eagle what’s this for this is for a six okay it’s a little bit left to right slightly downhill oh did you give it enough that’s purple oh wow tap it out eagle tap it out eagle with seven seven oh my well he got under it i got under it

Jerry tamale cheating up the fastball right here getting his hands dry yeah dude i can’t get a grip on this driver it’s so slippery nice on hole five par four thomas is leading by a couple strokes probably probably more than a couple probably like four or five he’s going driver off the tee

Look at the power look at the speed oh boy keep an eye on that one that’s way right okay it’s over by that dead tree calvin going what three woods oh boy all right hole this is whole actual hole 15 but we’re playing the back nine twice so this would be hole seven

Oh my god that was crushed but it went really far wow nice shot i saw it okay great now we got eagle eagle mcmahon looking to hit a nice solid straight shot it’s solid and it’s very straight yes skipped off the water oh my goodness right in the fairway

Um i need a pitching wedge and a putter okay all right thomas give us the update so we’re on we’re on hole eight right we’re on hole eight no not a scoring update just like a like a feel like a vibes update all right vibes in the card

Eagle started off like absolute diarrhea now he has elevated himself to a turd and that’s a direct quote yes that is a direct eagle quote calvin over there topping balls as we speak hitting it about 120 feet maybe about 40 40 yards so he’s doing pretty good in the middle of the fairway

Um shot’s been feeling good so far as long as i can correctly slice it accurately aim enough left draw it to the right that’s how it’s been going so far so thomas is winning i need to clean up my play on the greens and i could be closer but

Other than that i’m hitting the ball pretty good it’s lighting oh my gosh we are through nine holes i suck we all suck we all suck thomas just took a par on the last hole which is the best score that anyone’s gotten so far in any hole so he’s winning by

If i had to guess he’d be winning by like i think he’s winning by like 10 or something oh thomas probably all right so through 10 11. we’re through 11 holes i am at 80 strokes calvin is at 79 and our leader thomas is at 65 65. an

Eagle is having fun here’s the leader who has in the last like five holes really figured out how to drive very far and as if on cue that is crushed oh my god you hit a bird or you landed right next to it all right here’s eagle not even slicing him

Anymore all right like in three i’m just gonna rip it wow you’re gonna run into it are you going 360. 360. no just run into it oh gosh no that’s the blue ball it’s over i’m done i lost the blue ball that’s what’s been keeping me alive

How did i figure out how to get it through this little curly kid hopefully oh my gosh that is so far wow how do you feel eagle i feel like that’s what it should have been doing the whole time it’s amazing calvin give us a little scoring update

We have three holes left you have seemingly closed the gap no really no oh what are you how much are you doing probably double digits back to thomas is that true thomas yeah i might have him by a couple on the back line but when you’re when you’re down that much

On the front thomas is winning by 11. so you haven’t even gotten him any on the back nine he was winning by three on me oh three on you yeah you were beating me by 11 uh calvin was yeah you were beating me after the front nine i was yeah not anymore not

Anymore okay well good luck oh that’s uh i mean you played the slice Okay i see it i launched it in the sun it’s over by that i think it’s about right it’s by the leftmost tree of those grouping that grouping okay not too shabby tommy g our long drive champion and that is why tattooed way out there in the middle that was smashed wow

Solve the ripping shot destroyer oh it’s so much easier than hitting balls you know for the patrons both these are going to be large like unedited clips because i think the goal of this is to just you know give you guys the most behind-the-scenes feel possible accurate

Okay i’m over by that tree somewhere i’m hungry yeah what do you want for dinner vietnamese i’m like over here i don’t know if that’s it but we’ll play it i hate a yellow one so here hi hi hi everybody it’s still okay no don’t get it

Look at that this is something i think we’ll be doing at least i might want to do more on tour this year let’s see how i feel tomorrow yeah no kidding you might have to golf left oh and it’s not good i mean i made contact he made contact all right

That’s the end of this clip okay all right where are we eagle good round it’s the final hoe look at that beautiful sunset the golf course calvin heinberg our leader i mean not really but kind of thomas hurt his finger so he’s not playing anymore calvin on hole 18.

And that is right but it’s fine it’s probably where he was last time probably about the exact same spot fine 10 or better i shoot the hot nine you know i only need a 10. eagle mcmahon needs to just aim it a half he needs to

Come through like a half an inch lower than he has been to really get this one good and he look let me show you folks what’s happening here eagle is hitting right behind there and then bouncing up and topping the ball here thomas you can throw to the moon to the ground

Do you want a cracker kevin want a cracker nice fart dude i did this is what the people want all right happy gilmore time jones oh god you’re gonna step on your balls don’t step on your balls joey yeah um okay one more time one more time all right oh yeah don’t

Stop the dancing oh that was close here let me show you i really really want to try that but i know No i have to actually hit a real shot come on right into the oh through the tree okay now i have to oh those are for me no this is my ball here take this back it’s bank yes i did it guys okay and the final one for all the fans

We’ll do a little outro on the green but a final tee shot a little more into this one oh what a way to finish beautiful great shot he said that i have to video this shot because this is the only chance he has to get a par the best qual score i’ve

Gotten so far and i missed like a six foot pot for a pawn all right dude let’s do this you got this man i believe in you chip it underneath it even better if i can get up and down for par i will give you that green bar stamp this mania

But if you get worse than a bogey you still have to give it to me oh that looks good that looks good oh slowed down he’s on the green he’s got an outside chance if he bogeys though that’s still good he still keeps the dd3 so i have the two

Punches you have the two putts i don’t even know where calvin and thomas went they’re just they’re just doing that thing many special people change how many people living strange where were you while we were getting high Someday you will find me caught beneath the landslide in a champagne supernova a champagne supernova in the sky it’s beautiful oh no oh and a comeback uh he has joey to molly looking to get a paw to finish up this rough round he’ll be left with three to four foot tester putt

A lot on the line here one of his good dd threes could be in the hands of eagle mcmahon if you miss this spot landing him slowly a bit of a down slope oh and he keeps the frisbee in his possession with a bogey almost had the paw i’m the whole

The chap calvin will be chipping in but i would assume to be uh a five iron when you hear a golf ball coming in is way scarier than a disc i was hit like right here i was playing fort snelling disc golf course which is on a ball golf course right by the

Minneapolis-st paul airport and this guy he yelled at me on the hole before and then i was like down throwing my neck shot and i got hit from like 150 yards out drilled me right in the leg and might not have been in my finest moment but i picked up the ball and

Chucked it over the fence into the airport because i was upset with that man because he drove me in the lake was he screaming for no he didn’t say anything that’s why i did it yeah look at the beauty all right everybody that was that was that it was fun

What were the files i definitely know of something that i would like to improve at but that was my first time golfing ever and i couldn’t have picked a better three people to do it with thomas may have broken his pinky but he was killing it yeah he’s got potential and yeah

Guys thank you for watching and until next time keep on dreaming on peace


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