Ai Smoke Irons: The Future of Game-Improvement Irons?

🏌️‍♂️ Callaway Ai Smoke Irons and Hybrids: The Future of Game-Improvement 🏌️‍♂️

Get ready for an all-access look at the revolutionary Callaway Ai Smoke irons and hybrids! Jake Morrow, from Made for the Range, takes us inside the Ely Callaway Performance Center to share his first impressions of these clubs that just might be changing the future of game-improvement offerings for 2024.

🔍 Discover the Three Models:
Standard: Perfect for golfers with average to high swing speeds.
HL (High Launch): Tailored for those needing higher launch for maximum distance and hitting more greens.
MAX Fast: Optimizing swing speed and increasing launch for unmatched distance.

🎥 In-Depth Testing at Ely Callaway Performance Center: Jake puts the Ai Smoke irons and hybrids to the test, giving you an insider’s perspective on their looks, performance, and feel. Explore the cutting-edge technology that Callaway has integrated into these clubs to redefine the game-improvement experience.

🤩 Spoiler Alert: Impressed Across the Board! Without giving too much away, Jake is thoroughly impressed with the Ai Smoke series. Callaway has successfully elevated the standards in game-improvement irons and hybrids, and Jake is here to spill the details on why these clubs are a game-changer.

🏌️‍♂️ Your Perfect Fit Awaits at GOLFTEC: To find the Ai Smoke irons and hybrids that will take your game to the next level, head to GOLFTEC for an unmatched club fitting experience. Our Master Fitters will guide you in selecting the ideal model based on your unique swing characteristics, ensuring you get the most out of every shot. Don’t miss out on the future of golf technology!

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That’s get straight so the first thing I’m noticing is this so This divot pattern does not look like a game improvement divot pattern I normally do not have this level of turf interaction with something this big usually so is there a new Leading Edge difference is there

Something in the soul what’s going on there so we took some inspiration from our Apex line and some of our kind of tour feedback that we had about Leading Edge um and making it a little more forgiving in a sense so we actually have a destructive Leading Edge uh that

You’ll see kind of in the light there um and what that does is it kind of lifts the Leading Edge off the ground and so a lot of players tend to find that they’re coming through more confidently and so they’re actually getting a little more ground interaction than they typically

Would but not in a way that they’re chunking it in a way that they’re kind of gliding through the turf and so it’s just another aspect of the club that kind of inspires confidence for players and allows them for to you know strike the ball with more quality yeah

Absolutely cuz with something like this like let’s you know we go back to standard Paradigm or we go back to like Rogue STS even it was typical game improvement stuff where if you got a little bit too deep it was meant to save you but not meant to really get through

It was just meant to not make it a super chunk this one feels like it’s just like let’s just go through the turf and complete that impact yep so that destructive leaning Edge that kind of leaning Edge champ where we put there it also has a variable impact on a player

So if you’re someone who comes down on the ball you’re going to get more of a kind of I guess a player feel you’re going to have that true Turf interaction that you want if you’re someone who kind of comes up and bounces into the ball you actually will kind of Bounce more

And you won’t have that Leading Edge grab you because it’s lifted off the turf uh at a certain amount and so those people who do bounce into the ball and hit up on the ball will catch even less than a regular game improvement Club giving them more forgiveness as they

Come through the turf so you’re saying so you’re calling this destructive weeding Ed that’s what I term it as see the marketing guys say I was say Define like to you though like why are you calling it destructive so you have your standard uh Soul bounce and that has

Like a usually kind of a continuous curvature a couple smooth curves combined and what we do is we put that curvature on there and then we basically chunk off the Leading Edge portion of it to raise the Leading Edge relative to your ground plane which allow you to

Then have that kind of variable feel depending on your Dynamic Loft as you hit the ball sure the the first thing I’m thinking right away is with with a divot pattern that looks like that which to me would be like my CB divot pattern is the better player that has gotten

Older and is now slower but doesn’t want to lose their ability to interact with the turf but like they can’t hit a CB or an MB anymore they need something that helps the ball get up which I think we’ll talk about in a second there seems

To be a big plug on the bottom here um but like just to get through the turf and feel normal like that to me other than you know like yeah other than the small click of a game imp P iron which is just inherent right other than that

Like if I were to close my eyes and do this again I would tell you that it it feels just like the other turfer interaction that I have with like the better players clubs so and that’s always you know like fighting that that ego in golfers of going to something

Like this versus their CBS or whatever the case may be can be super challenging so it’s nice to have something bag that looks really really good and also performs more similar to what they’re used to instead of the game improvement feel of like having to play it because

It saves you versus having to play it just because it’s what you need yeah right like that ego part is hard for a lot of people and I think what you touched on a good is that kind of the ego part and the look part of the club

You’ll see the offsets are not as extreme on this Set uh the top lines are a little thinner than what you might see in like our previous Rogue St sets um and so that was kind of a big Focus for us was forgiveness and you know it’s basically being forgiving but also being

Sexy at the same time and that’s something we tried to you know encapture right here okay so we have the breakout over there that we’ll talk about in a second but so this appears to be a massive amount of weight moved down there’s a massive tungsten slug that’s

Going to be sitting kind of more towards the toe trying to balance the CG so you have a more centered CG um which then aligns your CG closer to where most people are hitting with their impact shots um and so that’s big Focus for us it’s also yanking it really low giving

You that high launch uh and then in combination with the AI technology that we use we’re still allowed to control our micro deflections which are allowing us to capture a lot of those kind of flyers and kind of odd spin shots that you might get from a highspeed club or

Highco Club um so that’s kind of allowing us to keep our ball flight pretty true with high launch good Spin and kind of what we call a healthy ball flight okay and then also it felt like there was there’s a bunch of consistency across the face that’s a lot of the

Engineering of the AI smart face that we use um there’s a lot of offc Center hits we’re using Real Player data to generate our swings and our anticipated impact locations for each player category so um I think that’s a lot of controlling those micro deflections we’ll see on the

Polar part kind of just how much Topography is in the face and how big these thickness changes are um and that is really what’s allowing us to control how the ball’s coming off the face now to that being said being complemented by a great CG location and you know High

Moi and in an iron relative to other irons out there only complement that overall feel and overall ball FL yeah absolutely all right I’m going to hit a few more and we’ll jump into the hybrid that’s the tight dispersion I like to see right there yeah I mean

They’re all like I I can’t do that with a paradigm or Rogue St like it would it would get super you know yeah and the ball wouldn’t do I that’s a big thing of just the range of golfer we believe we’re going to capture and that’s kind of what gave us

The confidence with the HL model to make the clubs very different because the rain you know we feel like with two I mean three with the lightweight version of the max fast um even with a limited model offering we’re going to cover so many golfers just with the versatility

Of each club and then making the high launch the HL Club really be that more launch option a little bit longer option in terms of length and getting you a little more spin it gives you know the same player can look at two clubs and just decide what type of ball flight

They want and then pick their club they’re not picking it because oh that’s a high handicap and that’s a lower handicap it’s really what type of ball flight do I prefer to see to help my game regardless of my skill level in the yeah which which for us in fitting Bays

Is giant right like we don’t want people to be afraid of something because of the the look of it or the perception of it whatever the case may be so I also just this is the first time I looked at any of those numbers so something of this

Loft I’m spinning this at 72 yeah how that’s new that’s that’s a lot of the AI technology that we use focusing on really how the ball’s interacting with the face recapturing that spin that you would be lost with a you know a high speed high iron or distance iron yeah

That’s crazy because so the last I don’t know let’s call it 5 years or whatever the the Thousand spin per number has kind of been lost cuz every went down just cuz Lofts so nor I’m trying to get this kind of a 7 to like 58 6,000 but this being at 72

That’s crazy because now we have people that need to play this they need the speed but it’s also going to stop and that I don’t even have like at 72 I don’t have to stop it with gravity even like my descent angle can be a little

Bit off especially for a lot of people that don’t get the ball high enough but if I’m spinning the ball enough that’s going to help me on that especially the player that needs this that really really cool yeah so we call it getting more pitch marks we want people to be

Going up fix their pitch mark they want that steep descent angle and when you go to the HL you’re going to see even more spin um and that’s the big Focus we feel that there are players losing distance because they just can’t keep the ball elevated that slower swing speed player

That’s you know actually could be a pretty good ball Striker but they’re just they’re losing their speed as they kind of progress in their game and we want to get them that spin back we want them to be going up and fing fixing pitch marks cuz I don’t know as me as a

Golfer there’s nothing better than you hit a ball close and there’s a big pitch mark out there and you spend some time fixing it and everyone’s watching you yeah that’s my P every knows exact where it’s just a good feeling so where I was at on the screen we want to give

That player back get that feeling back to the player awesome no that’s beautiful Let’s uh let’s dive into the hybrid then I’m excited about that one off sounds good oh my goodness that ball got up so quick I think the big thing is the spin

Yeah so we we want to we’re bring spin back to hybrids yeah that was great cuz we’re at what 43 is yeah 43 is on a five hybrid 216 off of a five hybrid that was pretty awesome but walk us through the construction of the new hybrid and a

Little bit of a comparison I know we were just talking off camera a little bit about the HL and some gapping problems and some gapping benefits I guess is the better way to put that with a combo set of irons yeah so uh we’ll start quick on the tech a lot of the

Similar technology encapsulated in the iron is in the hybrid smartface technology micro deflections we’re getting that spin as you saw that speed as you saw and then similar Turf interaction a lot of work there making sure you’re hit swinging confidently on to the point of the gapping with the H

Shl we actually kind of change the length gapping between each Loft so then you’re closer aligned to making your combo set around a 56 hybrid rather than traditional 34 the standards more set up for that 34 setup um so we’re really looking at how players are building

Their sets and giving them kind of the best tools where they’re going to have smooth gapping and smooth transitions as they’re building their bag yeah which for a lot of the customers that come into Golf Tech having more help deeper into the bag is a really big benefit and

Obviously with you guys it’s easy to order it that way too like it’s not you don’t have to PE mail that together you can actually do the combo set order directly instead of having to buy hybrids and then now you have irons that are doing nothing you can just buy the

Set as you need it for your game which is really really cool I that’s kind of amazing so I I don’t hit a five I don’t know the last time I actually even tried to hit a five hybrid but that was just fun that ball went up quick and just

Kept going basically like 216 with a five hybrid for me is like that’s just plain fun so I think a lot of guys could also just have fun with this we see a big Trend right now of people doing more medals deeper even better players so you

Know it’s always just a fun thing for somebody to throw in the back 100% And I think another key thing is we keep adjustability through the whole set so I on the hls you’re going to be 3 through 8 3 3 through six on the standard and that’s just again gives you more

Customization more combinations that you can make with your irons awesome well thank you for the time letting us demo we’re going to get a little bit of talk in with somebody else inside about the hybrids and the iron so stay tuned for That

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